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Sect io n I C a uses o f Ki c ks

Section 2 \ \' a rni ng Signs and Indicators

Sec tioo 3 S hut in Procedures

Section .j Data to Collect

Section 5 Fractures and MAASP

Sectio n 6 Kill M ethods

Sectio n 7 Kill Prob le ms a n d Bad practices


Causes of Kicks

What is the PRThtA.RY means o f preve ntin g kic ks?
::I. Closing in the well with the BOPs.
b. Monitoring pit levels and flow rate [0 recognise 3 kick.
c. Taking regu lar slow circulating rate pressur es.
~ 111c use of mud hydro static to balan ce flui d pressure in the forma tion .

2. What is the PRHvlA...RY means used to prevent fo_n!1~ ti o~. ._P uid enter ing the well bo re?
3. The BOP su ck.
b. The Annular Pr eventer.
c. Hydrostatic pressure of the mu d.
d. M onitoring trips.

3. Wha t is the corre ct d efinition of ' Primary Well Control' durin g l1 0nnal drill ing operatio ns?

:1 . Preventing the flow of formation fluid int o the well bore by using BOP equipment wh en the
hydrostatic pr essure in the well bo re do es Dot balan ce or exceed the formation pressure.
b. Preventing the flow of fo rma tio n fluid into the well bor e by keepin g the dynamic pressur e loss
in the annulus equal to or greater than formation pressure.
c. Preventing a kick b y ma intaining drilling mud hydrosta tic pressure equal to or greater than
formation pressur e.
d. Preventing the flow o f formation flu id into the well bore by ma intaining the sum of drilli ng
mud hydrostatic p ressure a nd d ynamic pressure loss in t he annulus e qual to 0 r g reate r than
formati on pressl.fre.

4. A well 9,850 feet (TVD~ filled w-ith 9.2 pp g brine. TIle_plan is to run in the hol e to 6,200 feet TVD
(6 ,600 feet measured de pth) and displace wi th drill water (804 pp g ). What ,,;11 the hydrostatic press u re
be at 9,850 feet when the dri ll water 11.."15 been circulated back to the surface?

:1. 4 ,815 ps i
l...6) 4,303 psi.
c. 4.454 psi.
d . 5, 164 psi.

5. In a well with gas cu t mud , when is the red uctio n in bottom hole p ressure grea test?
3. Whe n the gas is at the casing shoe .
b. When the gas is 3 ( bottom.
c When the g as reaches the surface.

6. Gas cut mud may reduce the bottom bole pressure enough to cause a well kick; when is bottom hole
pressure redu ced most?

3. When the gas is at the bottom.

h. When the gas is near the surface .
c. When the g as is halfway up the well bo re.
7. A well is shut in on a 30 bb l kick, with the: bit ou bo ttom.
H~le size 8- 1/2 inch
Hole depth 10,000 feet
_ Drill pipe 5 inch, 19.5 lbs/ft
Drill collars 6-112 inch x 3 inch, length = 360 feet
Open hole/drill collar capacity 0 .0291 bb ls/fl
Open hole/drill p ipe capacity 0.0447 bblslft

Calculate the len gth of the influ x assuming .

- -- - - -fee t
S. Calculate the reduction in bo ttom hole pressur e when ci rculating gas cut mud in the following we ll;
Vertical dep th = 7,000 feet
Surface to 800 feet mud weight = 11.2 pp g
800 - 2, 100 feet mud weight = 11.8 pp g
2, I00 feet to bottom mud weight = 12.5 pp g
Original mud weight = 12.5 ppg
a, 76 psi.
~, 101 psi.
c. 139 psi .

9. How will bottom hole pressure be affected by g JS cut mud whilst drilling'!
a~ Th ere will be a small drop.
b. Th ere will be a Ia; ge drop.
c. The re will be no cha nge.
10. Whic h of the following would be the immediate effec t of swabbing?
;? Reduction in bottom hole pressure. .
b. A kick.
c. Losses.
d. Increase in botto m ho le pressure.

II . Which of the follo wing are like ly to increase the chanc e of swabb ing ? (TIfREE ANSWERS )
a. Pulling thr ou gh tight hole with the p ump off.
b. Pu lling p ipe too qu ickly.
c. Pulling pipe too s low ly.
d. Pumping out of the hole.
e. Pulling through tight hole with the pump on.
f. High mud viscosity.

12, Which of the following increase the risk of swabbing? (TIfREE AN SWE RS)
:1. Low permeability formatio n.
b. Viscous mud.
c. Spira l drill collars in the B HA.
d. Tripping out too fast.
e: Bal led up stab ilize rs.

11. ,
~ 1 3 . (jverpull while: tripping out is a sruc k pipe warning sign.Wha t well co ntro l prob lem l11a y be JSSOCi:H("d

with overpull?
:I. Swabbing.
b. Losses
c. Hydrogen Sulphide gas .
d. Surging .

I". Which of the follovving increase surge pressures when running in the hole . (D VO A~ S\V E RS )
a, S mall annular clearance.
b. large bit nozz les.
c. Running-in slowly.
d:' High ge l strength mud.
c. Large annular clearance.
f. Low get stren gth mud.

15. When pulling our o f the hole from the top of the reservoir at 10,000 feet swab pressures are calculated to
be 15Opsi. Mud Weigh t = 10.2 ppg. , Formation Pre ssure = 5200 psi . Will the well aow?
:1. No .
h .' Yes.


Drill Pipe Capacity 0.01776 bbls/ft
Dri ll Pipe Meta l D isp laceme nt 0.00S3 bb ls/ft
Average Stand Leng th . 93 feet
Calculate the mud required to fill the hole pe r stand when pu lled 'dry ' .
.c-. ::-. - -- -- - -- ---bbls


Drill Pipe Capacity 0 .01776 bbls/ft
Drill Pipe Metal Di splacement 0 .0083 bblsfft
Average Stand Length 93 feet
Calcul a te the mud required to fill the hole per stand when pulled 'wet' .

18./ A vertica l well has been drilled to a depth of7,480 feet.

Cas ing shoe depth 3,800 feet
1\1 ud we ight 12 ppg
Pore pressure grad ient (7 .~ 80 fee t) 0.6 p~iJft

Open hole capacity • 0.14 2:8 bbl s/ ft

Casing capacity 0.1571 bblsift
Drill pipe metal displacement 0.008 bbls/ft
How many comp lete stands can be pulled dry before the well flows ? (Assume o ne stand equals 93 feet)
- - _=--C---stands.
-' '-

19. Two stands of drill co llars arc pulled from the well (~)
Drill co llar capacity 0.0073 bbls/ ft
Drill co llar metal displace ment 0 .0370 bb ls/ft
How man y barrels o f drilling mud should be pump ed into the well? (Ass ume one stand equa ls 2Qfeet)
a. 5.5 bb ls.
b~ 6.6 bb ls.

c. 1.3 bbls .
d. 7 .9 bb ls.

20. A vertic al well has bee n dri lled to a d epth of 9 ,~00 fee t
Ca sing shoe de pth 5,100 ft .~ C. r
Mud weight 12 ppg
Pore pressur e gradient (9 ,~00 feet) 0 .6 psi/ft
Ope n hole cap ac ity 0.1 46 bbls!ft
Cas ing capacity 0 .157 bbls/ft
Drill,p ipe metal d isplacement 0 .008 bbls/ft
How many complete stan ds can be pu lled dry befor e the well flows? (Assu me one stand equals 93 feet)
/7 r -
- - -- -"-- - - --stan ds

/ 21. Which of the following ~ of well kicks is totally 3. vo idable and due to a lack o f alertness by the
Drille r?
a. Lost circulatio n.
b. Gas cut mud.
(.9 Not keeping the hole full.
d. Abnorma l pressures. i

On pu lling out of the we ll from 10,000 feet. the first 930 feet of 5 inch dri ll pipe is pulled wet without
filling the hole (no mud re turning to the well).
Casing capacity 0 . 07~ bb ls/ft
Dri ll pipe cap acity 0 .0 178 bb ls/ft
Drill pipe steel displacement 0.0077 bblslft
Mu d Wei ght 11.4 ppg
What is the dr op in bottom hole pre ssur e
a. 84psi.
220 psi.
1~ 0 psi.

23. On a trip out of the hol e the bo le fill pump was stopped and the complete BHA was pulled dry.
Ho le siz e SlI2 inch
Length o f BHA 600 feet
Intern al capacity of BHA 0 .006 bb ls/ft
Steel displa cem ent o f BHA 0 .03 bb ls/ft
internal capacity of casing 0 .072 b b ls /ft

Capa city between BIL.. and cas ing 0.035 bbls/ft
Mud weight 11 ppg
Calculate the reduction in bott om hole pressure ?
a. 25 0 psi.
b. 208 psi .
£-:> 156 psi.
d. 127 psi .

2~. Whilst runnin g 9-5 /8 inch casing . 15 joints are run without fillin g the string .
Mud wei g ht 10.8 ppg
Casing capacity 0.07 19 bbls/ft
Annular capac ity 0.0558 bb ls/ft
Casing joint 40 feel

If the float valv e wa s to fail at this point. what wou ld be the reduc tio n in bott om ho le pressure?

/ 25. A 20 bbl heavy slug wi th a wei ght o f 13 ppg is pumped be fore pulling O UI of the hole . T VD ~ 9.750 feet.
The level in the pipe fall s by ISO feet. Wh at is the change in bo tto m hole press ure if [he original mud
weight was 10.7 ppg?
:1. 1,200 psi
b. 100 psi.
c. 0 psi.
d. ISO psi.

/ 26. Before pullin g out o f the hole a 20 bbl heavy slug i~ pumpe d and followed by 15 bbls of regu lar mud.
Depth of bole (RKB) 10 ,400 feet
Drilling mud w ei ght I 1.0 ppg
Heavy slug we igh t 13.0 ppg
Drill pipe capacity 0.0 1776 bbl/ ft
Surfa ce lin e vo lume 10 bbls
How far will the mud level in the string drop when the w ell has equa lised?
3. 62 feet.
b. 180 feet.
c. 205 feet.
d. 307 feet.

/ 27. Before a trip ou t of th e we ll. a slug was pumped and cha sed by mud with returns to the pit. The. pwnps
were stopped. The trip tank was lined up on the we ll. The top-drive was then disconnected and the slug
allowed to fall,
Well depth 8,000 feel
Drill pipe internal capacity 0.0176 bbls.'ft
.\ (uJ weight 9.S pp g

Slug weight 11.3 ppg
Slug volume in the str ing - 20 bbls
Calculate the mud vo lume increase in the trip tank.

3 bbis.
15 bbls.
20 bb ls.

I 28. Prior to starting a nip o ut of the well. :1 heavy slug was pumped.

Drill pip e capacity 0.01 77 bbls/ft
Annulus ca pacity DPiCasing 0.0514 bbl sift
Mud weight 10.8 ppg
Slug wei ght 13.3 ppg
S lug vol ume inside the drill pipe 15 bbls
We ll depth 10,200 feet

J _-
How far will the mud level dr op when the we ll has equalised?
o 197 feet,
b. 247 feet,
c. 597 feet.
tl. 847 feet.

A9. D uring normal drillin g operations 30 bbls o f ligh t/mud is pumped into the string followed by original
mud. The Driller shuts down with the lig ht mu d still insi de the drill pipe and observes the: well .
Well depth (TVD) 9,000 fee t
Drill pipe capacity 0.0176 bb ls/ft
Origina l mud weight 12 ppg
Light mud wei ght 10 ppg

Whic h o f the fo llowing is co rrect?

a. Bott om hole pr essure will remain the same, but a back p ressure of 177 psi will be seen on the
drill pipe pressure g auge .
b. Botto m ho le pressur e will increase 177 psi.
c. Bottom hole pressure will drop by 17 7 psi.

30. With the pumps ruoning continuous ly a heavy mud pill is circulated. When "ill bottom hole pressure
start to increa se (igno re dyn amic pressure lo sses in the well)?

a. Once all the pill is in the annul us .

b. Once the p ill starts to be displaced in to the annulus.
' j As sooo as the pill is pumped into the dri llstring .
d. Once all the pill is inside the drill string and is about to exi t thc bit.

3 1. With the pumps running continuously J ligh t mud pill is circula ted. When will bottom hole pressure start
to decrease (ignore dynamic pressure losses in the well)?
J. As soon JS the pill starts to be pumped down the driIlstring.
h. Once all the pill is pumped inside the drill string and is about to exit the bit.
c. Once the pill starts to be displaced into the annulus.
d. Once all the pill is in the annulus.

32. Does a kick always occur afte r a total loss of circ ulation?
3. No, it depends on the mud level in the annulus and the formation pressure.
b. Yes, losses will always occur above any potential kick zone.
c. No, it depends on the reductio in drill string weight.

33. While dri lling ahead through a faulted formation. the 110\.... meter drops from 60% to 35%. Wha t is the
most likely cause of this?
:1. There is a washout in the string.
b. Partial los t circulation has occurred.
c. A kick bas be en swabbed in.
d. Total lost circulation has occurred.

3 ~ . ~t dr illing ahead, partial losses are measure JI 10 bblsihour. A total power loss occurs.
.Annular capacity 0.1512 bbls/ft (with pipe).
Mud weight 10.2 ppg.
If the hole cannot be filled. what will be the redu ctio n in bottom hole p ressure after ~ hours?
3. 250 psi.
b. 560 psi.
c. 175 psi.

<Y I~O psi.

~' 35. When drilling with water based mud. a complete loss of returns occurs and no mud is visible when
looking down the hole. What is the first action to take?
:1. Pump lost circulation material imm ediately.
b. Pump a heavy slug into the annu lus.
c. Fill the annu lus with water and record the vo lume added .
d . Pump a cement plug into the annu lus using the kill line.

36. The flow sensor shows a t ota l loss of returns and the mud level c annot be seen in the annulus. What
immedi ate action should be taken'?
a. Shut the wel l in and pump lost circ ulation material.
b. Fill the annulus with water (or lightest mud availab le) and record vo lume.
c. Pump at reduced rate adding lost circulation material,
d. Continue drilling ahead cautiously.

37. Severe losses occ urred wh ile drilling. The pumps were sto pped and th e mud in the well co uld not be
seen. The we ll was then filled to the top with wate r.
Mud weight 12 ppg

Sea wat er wei ght 8.6 ppg
Equiva lent height o f water column 150 ft o f annu lus
Wha t is the reduc tion in b ott om ho le pressure with the 150 ft of wate r?
a. 94 psi.
b. 26 psi.
c. 67 psi.
d. 30 p si.

38. At 171/2 inch surface hole is being drilled ar 3750 feet The formatio n fluid pressure is 2000 psi at this depth .
Is the formation fluid pressur e?
3. Abo ve normal.
b. Below normal.
c. No rma l.

39. Wha t is meant by ab normal pr essure ?

a. , The excess pr essure due to circu lating mud at hi gh ra tes.
b. The excess pressure that Deeds to be applied to cause "leak-off".
c. Heavy weight mud used to give an overbalance.
1.1. The formaricn fluid pressur e that exceeds formation water h ydr ostat ic pressure.
r ~. _

40. A. forma tion is over-pres sure d by an arte sian e ffect. Wha t ha s created the ove r-p ressure?
a. Compac tion of the formation by the overburden pressur e.
~J A formation wate: so urce located at a highe r leve l than the rig floor.
c. The difference in density between oi l and formation fluid .
. / 41. What is the mo st COlI1Inon ca use o f abnorma lly hi gh formation pressures worldwide?
a: Under-compacted sha les.
b./ Carb onate layers.
c. Depleted s ands.

.t2. Wben drilling top-hole with a risk of shallow gas, wh ich of the follo wing statements are good practice?
a. Regularly pump fresh water pill to clan cuttings from ha lo.
/ h. Drill a pil ot hole a t a contro lled rate.
c. Drill at a high rate of penetration and kee p mud viscosity as high as pos sible.
d. Use heavy weight mud to crea te max imum overbalance.
e. Pump o ut of the hol e on trip s.

43 . Is it true that sha llow g as kicks are easie r to handl e than those tak en whe n drilling deeper?
3. ~s_
h. :-io.

~4 . Whi ch of the following statements are goo d opera ting practice s when dri lling TOP HO LE formations
where there is a risk of sha llo w gas? (TWO ANSWERS)
3. Maintain high rate of penetration and keep mud viscosity as hi gh as possib le.

b. Use a heavy weight mud to create max imum overbalance.
c. Pump out of the hole on trips.
d. Use oil-based mud.
e. Drill a pilot hol e at a controlled rate.

/ -1 5. FOn:I13oon streng ths are generally weak when drilling top hole and total losses ma y occ ur. Ho w can the
risk of total lo sse s be reduced when drilling top hole?
:I. By pumping s lowly to reduc e the driJlstring pressure loss .
b. Keeping a high overbalance.
c. ~Y controlling. penetration rate to prev en t loading the annulu s with cutting s .

46 . \\'11a1 is the PR.IJvlARY means used to control formation fluid pressure. (Cho ose ONE answer).
3. The Blow Out Preventer s.
h. Hard Shut-in.
c. Mud hydrostatic pressure .
d .. Soft Shut-in .

47. What is the SECO~1)ARY means used to control formatio n fluid pressure. (Choose Ol'.'"E answer) .
a. The Blow Out Preventcrs.
b. Mud Viscosity
c. Mud hydrostatic pressure.
d . Cement Plugs

3. Monitoring trips.
-' .
48. What is the PRIMARY means of preventing a kick? (Choose ONE answer ).

b. Closing a well with the Blow Out Preventers.

c. Monitoring Pit Volume and Flow Rate to quickly recognise a kick.
d . Using Mud hydrostatic to balance fluid pressures in the formation,

-4 9. What is meant by Abnormal Pressure. (Choose ONe answer).

3. High overbalance with heavy mud.
Formation fluid pressure that is greater than normal formar ion water hydro stati c pressure.
c. Pressure required to exceed MAASP .
d. The excess pressure due to Annu lar Pressure loss.
50. Which of the fo Uowing is good operating practice in TOP HOLE? (Choose TWO answers).
a. Maintain a high safety margin (overbalance).
b. Pump out of the hole on trips .
c. Drill a pilot hole .
d . Drill section as fast as possible .
e. Keep mud vis cosity high then pump fresh water pills to cl ea n hol e .

51. Wh ich of the following are likely to increase the chanc e o f swabbing? (Cho ose THREE answers).
a. Pulling through tight hole with pump off.
b. Pulling through tight hole with pump on.

c. Pumping out of Lhe ho le.
d. Pulling pipe too quickly.
, Maintaining high mud viscosity.
f. Pulling pipe s lo wly.

52 . Whi ch of the follo win g drilling practices shou ld be considered when c o nnectio n g~s is noticed? (Choose
nvo answers). '---" --...
3. Increas e mud visco sity.
b. ' Keep connectio n time to a minimum.
c." Reduce mud weight by a small amount.
~1 Co ntro l ROP so that o nly on e slu g of c onne ction gas is in the ho le at any o ne time.
e. Change the bit,

53. ROP remains steady, Cuttings vo lume at S haker is increasing, causing overloading. \Vhich of the
following wou ld be the safest course of action ? (Choose ONE answer) .
a. By-pass the Shakers.
b. Check for flo w , if negative, circulate bottoms up at a reduced rate so Shakers can handle cutting s
vo lume. Monitor pit levels clo sel y.
c. Increase pump fa te to impro ve hole cl eaning.
d. Reduce pump rate un til Shakers can handle volume o f cutting s.

5.... A co mplete lo ss o f returns occurs , there is no mud visib le when loo king down the hole. Whi ch o f [he
fo llowing is the first actio.t1 to take? (Choo se ONE answer) .
:1. Pump a ce me nt plug be lo w the loss zone.
b:l Fill the Annu Ius wi th base fl uid at the surface
-..../ . and record the volume.
c. Pump LG ( as soon as po ssible.
d. Purrrp a heavy slug o n top of the loss zone.

55. Using the following data:

Dril l pipe capac ity : 0 .0 ! 78 bb ls/fl
Drill pipe meta l d isp lacement 0.008 bbls/ft
Stand length 92ft
a. Mud req uired to fill the ho le per st~m! when pulled 'dry. -
_'-"------' bbls
b. Mud required to fill the bo le pe r stand when pulled ' wet' -
-=~,;- bb ls

56. If the mud is gas cut, when will the gas cause the greatest reducti on in bottom hate pressure. (Choose
ONE answer).
a. When the gas is at bo ttom of the bole.
b. Whe n gas reaches the surface.
c. When the gas is at the Casing Shoe.

57. Select the facto rs tha t can cause swabbing. (Choo se THREE answers).

3. Higb viscosity mud.
b. Keeping the hol e full.
c. Pumping out of the hole.
d. Balled up bit or stabilisers.
c. Pulling out of ho le too fast.

58. Do kicks always occur followin g total losses. (Ch oose ONE answer) .
3. Yes, kicks wi.ll always occur in this situ ation.
b. No . it depends 00 the mud viscosity .
c. No. it depends on how much the mud level drops in the Annu lus.

59. What is the most common cause of abn ormal formation pressures . ( Choose 0j\.1: answer).
3. Trapped water in under-compacted shales/ claysto nes .
h. Thick layers of Limestone .
c. Depleted reservoir sands .
d. Lost circulation z ones .

60. Which 0 fthe following st atements a re good practice whe n drill ing T OP H OLE f'orrnarions? (Choose
TWO ans wers).
a. Drill a pilot hole.
b. Use a high densi ty mud to maintain maximum o verbalance .
c. Drill top ho le sec tions with Oil -based muds.
d. Contro l the rate o~p~nctratjon .

c. Maintain a high rate of penetration.

61. If there are total losses and the mud cannot be seenin the Annulus, what action shoul d be taken? (Choose
ONE answer).
a. Increase pump rate by 30% and continue drilling.
b. Slow down the pump and start mixing LaI.
c. Try to fill the Annulus with water (or lighte st fluid available) and record volume pump ed .
d. Close the well in,

62. Swabbing is due to: (Choose ONt answer).

a. An increase in bottom hole pressure while tripp ing.
b. A reduction in bottom bole pressure while tripping.
c. A kick.
d. Lost c irculatio n.

63. When tripping:

Slug Vo lume ~ 20 bbls
Slug Weight ~ 12 ppg
Mud Weight = 10 ppg
If slu g causes mud level in the pip e to drop by 200 It, what will happca to bottom bole pressure? (Choose
ONE answer).
a. Decreases b y 2 I psi

b. Increases by J 000 psi
c. No change to bottom hole pressure
d. Incr eases b y 125 psi

6.L During J trip. the Driller decides that the we ll is swabbing. A now check is negative. Wbar should the
Driller do next? (Choose ONc answer).
a, Because the we ll is Dot flowing, continue pulling pipe from the hole.
h. Shut the we i! in and check for pressures.
c. Run to bottom and circulate bottoms up.
d. Pull 5 stands and carry ou t another flow c heck.

65. Whic h of the foUowing sta teme nts are true for driUing TOP HOLE'! (C hoose ONE answer)
:I. Red uce SPr..1 to preve nt breaking down formation.
b. Control ROP to prevent too many cuttings in the bole.
c. Ma inta in high overba lance to prevent sha llow" gas kick.

66. How will the drilling of a gas bearing formation affect Bottom Ho le Pressure? (Choose O~'"E answer).
::J.. Bo ttom Hol e Pressure will fall by 3 large amount.
b. Drilled gas i n the mud. a s a result 0 f drilling through a g3.S b earing formation, "-;11 normally
cause a small reduction in the bottom hole pressure.
c. There will be no ch ange in the bottom ho le pressure.

67. If total losses occurr ed wt:ile dri lling with Water based mud, what wo uld yo u do? (C hoose ONE answer) .
a. Drill blind.
b. Stop drilling, shu t the well in and see what.happens .
c. Stop drill ing and try to fill lhe bo le up '.vi~ wate r.

68 . If a light mud pill is circulated around the well, when will the bottom bol e pressure sun to decrease?
(C hoose ON E answ e r) .
3. Once all the pill is in the Annu lus.
b. When all the p ill has been pump ed into the drillstring.
c. When the pill starts to be pumped into the drillstring.
d . Whe n the pill starts to be pumped into the Annul us

69. When tripping in the hole, mud return s to the trip tank are less than calculated. Once bac k dril ling, the
return flow is less than expected . What is the most likely cause of this? (Choose ONE 3I1Swcr).
a. Svvabb ing.
b. A kick.
c. To tal lo sses.
d. Partial losses .

70 . In 3. trapped gas reservo ir, the highest po in t o f the reservoir usua lly bas the highest pressure. Why is this?
(Choose ONE answer).
:1. Reservoir Gas is less dense than formation water.
b. Artesian effect.

c. Highest point of the reservoir is more co mpacted.

71. In a dean well:

Vertical depth 8000 ft
Mud density 1l.50 pp g
Due to gas cutting the mud in the Annulus has the following densities :
Surfac e to 800 flo mud densi ty o f 10.20 pp g
800-Zooo ft : mud density of 11.0 pp g
2000 ft to bottom: mud densi ty of 11.50 ppg
Calculate the reduction in bottom hole pressure due to the gas cut mud
a. 20 psi
h. 70 psi
c: 85 psi
d. 108 psi

72. Measured Depth= 9 800 ft. Mud Wei ght = 9.4 ppg , The mud from 3800 ft to surface is to be d isplaced
with 8.5 pp g water. What will be the mud hydrostatic after displacem ent of the water . (Choose ONE
answer) .
3. 16 0 p si
b. 2933 psi
e. 461Zpsi
d . 4815psi

73. Five stands of drill collars are pulled from the well (dry).
Drill co llar capacity I 0 .007 3 bblslft
Drill collar metal di splacement 0.0 370 bbls/ft
How mu ch fluid would be pumped into the well to maintain fluid lcvel (one stand = 90 '). (Choose 01'E
answer) .
::0. 2 bbls
h. 8.20 bbls
c. 16 .65 bbls
d. 12.23 bbls

74. If the BHA is pulled (dry) without filling the hole, calculate the reduction in bott om hole pre ssure?
(Assume \ 2 1/4 inch h o le to surface). (Cho ose ONE answer).

BH.-\. length 580 ft

BHA capa city 0.006 1 bbls/fi
BHA Steel Displacement 0.032 bblslfi
Annu lar Capacity B HA to 12 Y. inch Bore 0.0322 bb ls/fi
Casing Capacity 0 .07 19 bbls /ft
Mud density 11 ppg
a. 148 psi
b. IS8 psi
c. 258 psi

d. 100 psi

is. What is the bottom hole hydrosta tic pressure reductio n w hen pulling 60 0 It o f 5" drill pipe we t witho ut
filling the ho le (no mu d re turnin g to the well). (Choose ONE answer).
Well Data:
Casing capacity 0. 1522 bbls/ft
Drill pipe capacity 0.0 178 bbls!ft
Drill pipe stee l disp lace ment 0.0076 bblslft
Mud dens ity 9 .8 ppg
3. 51 psi
b. 6 1 psi
c. 81 psi
d. 10 1 psi

76. 13 3/8" string of casing is run into the hole with co nventional float. The Driller did not fill the casing for
fourteen 4 0 ft join ts. [f the float we re to fail at this point, and mud U-rubes up ins ide the casing, calculate
the effec t o n bo tto m ho le pressure .
Casing ca pac ity 0 .152 bbl s/ft
Annular capaciry 0 . 1238 bbls!ft
Mud \\'eight 12.6 ppg
u, BHP dec reases by 298 psi.
b. BHP dec reases b y 102 psi
c. BHP decreases b;' 202 psi
d. BHP decreas es by 83 psi
77. Mud lnsses are 20 bb ls/bo ur. Ann ul ar Capac ity =; 0. 125 2 bbls/ft MuJ De nsity ~ 12 ppg Wha t would
be the effect on bo tto m hole press ure if the hole was not filled for a peri od o f 2 hou rs? (Choose ONE
answ er) .
a. decrease by 320 psi
b. decrease b y 200 p si
e. decrease b y 150 psi
d. decrease by 4 70 psi

78. A we ll has heen drilled to a dep th of 10100 ft: Cas ing Sho e depth : 72 10 It, Mud density: 12.0 ppg, Pe rc
press ure gradie nt: 0 .6 1 psilft, Casing capa city: 0.1 56 bb!slft, Ope n bol e capac ity: 0.146 bbls/ft, Dri ll
pipe metal displacement 0.008 bbls/ft, Ave rage Stan d Length: 93 ft. Calculate number of stands that can
he pulled (dry) before the well starts to flow .
Answer: stands

79. Pressu re recorders lo cated below the drill ste rn test to o ls show that swa b pressure when pulling J. stand
was 250 psi. Drilling flu id dens ity in the hole is 10 ppg . Top o f reserv oir is al9500 ft, If the well does
not flow whe n the pip e is static, w hat wou ld the reservoir pressure have to be to allow it to flow at this
swab pressur e. (Choose ONE answer).
a. 3800 psi .
b. 5800 ps i.

c. 4690 psi.
d. 4940 psi.

80. Gas/W ater Co ntact in a Reserv oir = 5400 ft. Top of Reservoir is at 4000 ft. Gas Gradient = 0.1 psilfL
Formation Water Gradient = 0.465 psi/ft Calculate pressure at top of the reservo ir? (Choose ONE
answe r).
a. 251 1 psi
b. 1-10 psi
c. 23 71 psi
d. 223 1 ps i


Warning Signs and Indicators


' -.

,~. ".-
: ,.,.
I. Which of the follo wing are indicators that a well might be go ing under-balan ced? (TWO ANSVlERS)
:1. Increase in the mud weight returning at surface.
b. Increasing background g3S levels .
c. A bi g incr ease in the pump pressure.
d. A c hange in the size and shape of the cuttings .
e. A red uctio n in the drilling rate .

2. If W OB, RPM. and SPM are held c onstant, which 0 f the following may b e a warn ing 0 f a bnormal
pressure? (THREE A,'lSWERS)
:I . Change o f cuttings shape and size on the shake rs.
b. Increase in pump pressure.
c. Incr ease in penetration rate .
d. Co nnectio n ga s ,
e, Incr ease in S ha le Density.
r. Inc rea sed trip tank le vel.

3. Drilling ahead at cons tan t rate of penetration (ROP). Shale Shakers c ann ot handle amoun t of c uttings
returning in the mud. What would be: the safest course of action?
3. Slo w down the mud pump until the shakers can handle the amount of cuttings in the returns.
b. C heck for flow - if II o ne, circulate bottoms up at a redu ced rate so that shakers can handle
cuttings volume, flow-check periodically during circulation .
c. Check for flow - if none continue drilling at same RO P.
d. Che ck for flow - if none, then continue at the same ROP . Allow half of the mud returns to
bypass the sha kers .

4. Wh ich o f the following is good practice wh en c~ nnec ti o n gas is observed? (1"\\'"O .'-\...NS\VERS)
:1. Control drilling ra te so that only one slug of connection gas is in the hole at any one time.
b. Pull out the b ole to cha nge the b it.
c. Raise the mud viscosity.
d. Reduc e mud viscosity to minimise swa bbin g during trips.
'3 Minimise the time during a connect ion when the pwnps ar e switched o ff.

5. If mud flo ws from the well with the pump off, but there is no gain when the pump is runnin g, what is
the prob lern?
3. Low m ud weight inside the dril l string.
b. Mud hydrostatic pressure is gr eater than formation pre ssure.
c. Pump p ressure is gr ea ter than mud hydrostat ic pressure.
d. Annular pressur e loss is giving an overbalance against formation pressure s,

6. Whi le pulling out of the hole the mud required to fill the hole is less than ca lculated. Whar a c rion
should be taken?
:1. Pump remaining stands out of the ho le.
b. Flow ch eck, if negari v c continue to puB out of the hole.
c. Shut the well in and circ u late hole clean .
d. Flow check, if negative run back to bottom and monitor returns.

;. While drilling. which of lhe fcllowiag situations make kick detection ....lth .1 P.V.T more difficult?
a. Aflowrng mud (0 overflow the shaker-s.
b. Reducing the pit level alarm sertmgs from 10 bbls 10 5 bb ls.
c. Keeping active mu d system transfers 10 :I minimum when drillmg ahead.
d . By-passing the so lids con tro l p its.

8. Afte r pulli ng 15 stands of p ipe. the well bas not tak en the COrTe..:;! amo unt of mud . The Driller takes J.

no w chec k. w hi ch is negativ e. wbat action should be taken?

:I . Run or strip back 10 bo tto m and circu late bottoms up.
b. Continue pulling pipe from the hole bec ause there was no 110u"
c. Shut the well in and check for press ures.
d. Pull another 15 stands and flow check.

9. wbilst pulhng out of the hole. the Driller observes tlul the hole is taking less than the calculated
vo lume. Which is the safest action 10 follow?
:I . Flo w check fo r at lea st 15 minutes. If the well is static, continue p ulling ou t of the hole slowly
and carry ou t a no w chec k aft er every 15 stands pulled.
b. Flow check for at 1I:J.st 15 min utes. If the we ll is static, co ntinue pul ling out ofthe holt: 510\\ 11' 10
prevent swabbing.
c. Flow c beck, If the well is static, circulate bottoms up J.nJ observe returns for any s-...-abbed
fluids If ncga tiv e. continue pulling out of the hole slowly [0 avcid any further swabbing.
d . Flow check. If the well is static, run back 10 bottom, whilst reorutoring the trip tank. Circulate
bottoms up and observe returns for any swabbed fluids.

to. What action should a Dri lle r take after a drilling break.
:I . Red uce we ight on bit.
b. Circ ulate bottoms up.
c. Flow chec k.
tI . Red uce pump speed.

I I. Which of the foUo....-ing is a pos itive indication that the well is Ilowing?
a. Increase in torque.
b. lncrcase in flow returns.
c. Decrease in pump pressure.
d. Gas cut mud.

12. wbicb of the following are positive indications of J. kick whilst dnlling? tTIllO .-\.~S\VERS)
:I . Increase in p it volume
b. Incre ase in flow rate ....-ith constant SP:-.1.
c. Decrease in Ilow rate w ith constant SPM.
d. Decreas e in pit ....olume.

13. Which of the- following IS NOT an indicator of J. kick whilst drilling"

:1. Pit gain.
b. Decree.s. e in pwr.p strokes.
c. Decrease in pump pressure.
d. Flow rate increase

I~ . Th e followmg describes one of the differences between drilling wuh water based mud and oil based
mud Hydrocarbon gas is more soluble m water based mud than in oil base-d mud,
3. False.
b. True.

I:;. The follo wing describes oue of the di ffere nces be rvveen drilling with water based mud and oil bused
mud. Hydroca rbon gas remains in solution longer in oil-based mud than in water-based mud when
circulating up 10 surface.
a. True.
h. False .

l b. The following describes one of me differences between drilling with water based mud and oil based
mud. G1S is less so luble in water based mud than in oil based mud.
a. True .
b. False.

17. .Th c followmg describes one of the differences between drilling \.l,m water based mud and oil based
mud. Gas entering the well bore whilst drilling wlm oil-based mud will red uce the bvdrostctic pressure
more than It would when drilling .....i th water-based mud.
3. True.
b. False.

JS. The follo wing desc r ibes one o f the differences betwe en drill ing with water based mud and oil based
mud. W hilst c irculati ng 0 ut a k ick. g as expansion 0 ccurs in the a nnu lus a t t he same rate i n a il a nd
wate r-based IIlIJd.
a. True.
b. False.

19. The following describes ODe of the differences between drillmg with water based mud and oil based
mud. Gas en tering the well bore whilst dri lling ....ith ......ite r-based mud wi ll reduce the hydrosranc
pressu re more than it would when drilling .....ith oil-based mud.
a. True.
b. False.

:W. The follo .....ing describes one of the differences between drilling w ith w ater based mud and oil based
mud Whilst circulating out a kick. gas expansion occurs in the annulus ar a. different rate ID 011 and
wa ter-based mud.
a. True.
b. False.

~ 1. Which of the following causes of well kicks is totally avoidable and due to bad practice by the Driller"

d. Flow rare merease

Z~. Which of the following is the fIrst indication that the well is flowing? (Choose OS E answ er).
3. Decr ease in pump pressure.
b. Increase in rotary torque
c. Gas cut mud seen at the Shakers.
d. Increase in mud. returns from the 1Io'C'1I

ZI). What should the Driller do al J dnlhng break? (Choose Or-.'E answer},
3. Stop drilling and flow check
b. Stop drilling and circulate bottoms up
c. Increase pump speed to keep hole dean.
d. Reduce weight on bit and control drill

30. Well flows when mud pwnp is shut off. No excess flow or pit gain when pumps are running. What IS

happening? (Choose Or-.""E answer).

3_ Mu d hydrostatic pressure exceeds formation fracture pr~ssure

h. The mud pump is leaking.

c. Mud hydrostatic pressure is greater than formation pressure
d, Annular friction losses arc keeping enough overbalance to prevent the formation from flowing.
31. What are the positiv e ind icato rs of a lick see n by the Driller? (Choose TWO answers).
a. Increase in flow r~te (constant SP:"oI).
b. Decrease in pit volume (constant SPYJ).
c. Decrease in flow rate (COnsI3Ut SP~[).
d. Increase in pit volume (constant SP\f) .

3Z. Which of the following actions will make it harder to detect a pit gain? (Choose 0;-."£ answer).
a. Setting high-low alarms (0 ±- 5 barrels.
h. By passing the Shakers
c. Allowing mud to overflow shakers.
d. Keeping mud transfers to :J mininmm while drilling ahead .

33. \'lill a gas kick entering the hole always cause J pit le'velmcrease? (please tick in space provided).
2. When using Water-based mud
True _False
b. Whee using Oil-based mud
True False

3-4. The following statements describe the difference in behaviour between drilling ..with Oil-base d and
Water-based mad. Indicate whether the statements are true or false (please tick in space prov-ided).
a. G:JS kicks in Water-based mud are normally easier to detect due to lower gas solubility.
True False
b. Gas kicks in Water-based mud are normally harder to detect due to higher gas solubility.
True False

c. Gas entering the Wellbo re while drilling with Oil-ba sed mud will reduce the hydrostatic pressur
more than when drilling with Water-based mud .
True False
d. When circulating ou t a gas kick. gas expansion occurs in the Annulus at the same rate w 011-
based and Wate r-based muds .
True False


Shut in Procedures
I. i\'lut is the choke manifold lme up for J soft shut-in procedure whilst drilling?
:I. BOP side outlet hydraulic valve (nCR) open. Remote choke open. Valve upstream of the mud-
gas separator closed.
b. BOP side outlet hydraulic ..-alve lHCR) dosed. Remote choke opec. Valve upstream of the mud-
gas separator open.
c. BOP side outlet hydraulic valve (HCR) open. Remote choke dosed. Valve upstream of the muJ-
gas separator closed.
d. BOP side outlet hydrauhc valve (HCR) closed. Remote choke closed. Valve upstream ot the
mud-gas separator open.

~ what is the choke manifold line up for a hard shut-in procedure whilst drilling?
:I . BOP side outlet hydraulic valve (HCR) closed. Choke line open to remote choke. Remote cbcke
b. BOP side outlet hydraulic valve (HCR) open. Choke line open to remote choke. Remote choke
c. BOP side outlet hydraulic valve (HeR) dosed Choke line open to remote choke. Remote choke
d. BOP side outlet hydr aulic valve (HCR) closed. Choke line open through manua l choke. Manual
choke open.

3. The well kicks while tripping. Which of the following act laos should be taken to shut the well tn usmg
the ha rd sh ut in?
a. Stab full opening safety valve. Open BOP SIde outlet hydraulic valve (HCR). Space out for tool
joint. Close BOP. Close choke. Record pressure.
b . Space out for tool joint. Close the BOP. Stah full opening safery valve. Close the safety valve.
Open choke. Reco rd pressure.
c. Sub full opening s afery valve. Close the safety valve, Space 0 ut for tool joint. C lose BOP
Open BOP side outlet hydraulic valve (HCR). Record pressure.
d . Open side outlet hydraulic val v e (HCR) and remote choke. Space out for tool joint. Close BOP
Stab full opening safety valve. Close safety valve. Record pressure.

4. Which of the follo ....-ing practices w ould lead 10 a bigger influx when sbumng rbe well in'? (THREE
a. Regular training for the Derrickman on his duties for monitoring Pit level.
b, Testing sub in val ves during BOP tests.
c. Flow Check drilling break after 20 feet drilled.
d. Running ~SUla:r pit drills fOT driU crew
c. Calling Toolpusher to floor prior to shutting tn the well.
r. S w'itching off the flow meter alarms .....bile drilling.

5. When tripping out of the bole ....-ith ~O stands still to pull the .....ell 110ws. How do we shut the well m
using the soft shut-in method?
a. Open BOP side outle t hydraulic valve (HCR). Close BOP. Stab full opewng safety valve. Close
safely valve. Close choke. Record pressure.
b. Sub full opening safety valve. Close the s afery VJ!\·C. Open BOP side outlet hydraulic valve
(HeR). Close BOP. Close choke. Record pressure.
e. Close BOP. Sub full opening safety valve. Close the safety valve. O\XD choke. Record
d. Sub full opening safety valve. Open BOP side outlet hydraulic valve (HeR). Close BOP. Close
choke. Record pressure.

6. When picking up to check for flow the pumps are usually kept running. why'!
:I. To take a slow circulating rate pressure.
b. To check the pressure losses in the Annulus.
c. To clean the borrom of the hole of cuttings.
d. To maximise the pressure on the bottom of the hole.

7. Whilst tripping out of the hole the well starts flowing. What is the first action that should be taken?
:1.- Stab a drillstring safety valve and shut the well in.

b. Pull back to shoe and shut in.

c. Run back to bottom as quickly as possible.
d. Close the Annular and nuke up the Top Drive or Kelly.

8. Why should the well be shut in quickly after a kick has been detected?
a. To minimise the Shut 10 Drill Pipe Pressure (SIDPP).
b. To reduce the migration speed of the influx.
c. To minimise the size of the influx.

9. Put the following five steps in the correct sequence 10 shut the well in using the soft shut-in procedure
(according to API RP59).
----Close the BOP.
-------Open the BOP side outlet hydraulic valve '(rKR).
- - -"-With choke already open, position the drill sting correctly.
--Closc the choke.
-~-~Stop the pumps-

to. What is the Choke Manifold line up for the soft shut-in procedure whilst drilling?
3. BOP side outlet hydraulic valve (HCR) open. Choke line open through remote choke. Remote
choke open.
b . BOP side outlet hydraulic valve (HCR) closed Choke line open through remote choke. Remote
choke closed.
c. BOP side out let hydraulic valve (HCR) closed. Choke line open through manually operated
choke. Manual choke closed
d. BOP side outlet hydraulic valve (HCR) closed. Choke line open through remote choke. Remote
choke open.

11. Which of the following describes the hard shut-in procedure for a surface stack according 10 API
3. With remote choke open, position the drill string correctly Stop the pumps. Open BOi' side
outlet hydraulic valve (HCR). Close BOP . Close the choke. Record pressures.

b. With remote choke closed, position the drill string correctly Stop the pumps. Open BOP side outlet
hydraulic valve (HeR). Close BOP. Record pressures
e, With remote choke closed. position the drill string correctly. Stop the pumps. Close [lOP . Open
BOP side outlet hydraulic valve \1-ICR). Record pressures

12. Which of the following describes the soft shut-in procedure when the well is observed to be flowing
while tripping?
3. Stab open drill pipe safety valve. 0 pen BOP side 0 utlet hydraulic valve (HCR). Space 0 ut to
clear tool joints from Ram. C lose BO P. Close choke. Record pressure.
b . Open BOP side outlet hydraulic valve (HCR) and Remote choke. Space out 10 clear 1001 joints
from R am. Close B or. S tab open drill pipe S afery \. alve. Close d rill pipe safety valve . Close
remote choke. Record pressure.
c. Space ou t to clear tool joints from the Ram. Close the BOP. Sub open drill pipe safely valve .
Close drill pipe safety valve. Open choke. Record pressure.
d . Stab open drill pipe safety valve. Close drill pipe safety valve. Open BOP side outlet hydrau lic
,valve (HCR). Space out to clear too l joint from Ram. Close BOP. Close choke.

13. Whe n drilling with a surface BOP how shou ld the stack and choke manifold be set up for a soft shut -in?
a. Remote choke open.
b. BOP side outlet hydraulic va lve open.
c. Remote choke closed.
d. Choke line open through remote choke.
e. BOP side outlet hydraulic va lve (HCR ) closed.
I, Choke line closed through remo te choke.

14. According to AP I R P59 which rype of BOP can be used for the ha rd shut-in?
a. Annular BOP.
b. Eithe r type ofBOr can be used.
c. Ram BOr.

15. Which o f Ute following correctly describes the so ft shut-in procedure acco rding to API RP 59?
~//\\'ith choke already open. pick up offbottom, shu t do wn pumps, open BOP side outlet hydraulic
valve (HeR). close the BOP, close the choke, record pressures.
b. With choke already closed., p ick up off the bottom, shut down p umps, open BOP side outlet
hydraulic ...alve (HCR), close the BOP, record pressures.

Hi. W1uch o f the following describes the API RP59 bard shu t-in pro cedure?
=s; With choke already closed, pic k up off bottom, shut down pumps, close the BO P, open BOP
- side outlet hydraulic valve (HeR), record pressures.
b. With choke alr ea dy open. pick up off the bottom, shut down pumps. open BOP side outlet
hydraulic valve (HeR), close the BOP, close the choke. rec ord press ures.

17. Listed below are two procedures to Shu t-in the well:
1. With choke open, pick up off bottom. sh ut down pumps. open side outlet valve on BOP. close nop. close the

Choke, record pressures.

2. With choke closed, pick up off bottom. shut down pumps., close BOP, open side outlet valve on BOP, record

Which procedure above is:.

Hard Shut-in Procedure Number: -'./_'_=-_
Soft Shut-in Procedure Number _

13. How should the Choke Manifold be lined up. when drilling, for a Soft Shut-in procedure?
3. Side outlet va lve on BOP closed. choke Line 0 pen through remo te adjustable choke. Remote
adjustable choke closed.
b. Side outlet valve on BOP open. Choke Line open through manual choke. Remote choke open
c. Side outlet valve on BOP open. Choke Line open through remote adjustable choke. Manual
choke closed.
d . ,S ide outlet valve on B OP closed Choke Line open through remote adjustable- choke. Remote
adjustable choke open.

19. Shallow G as Kicks are les s dangerous I ban deeper kicks b ecausc there is mor e time to react to I he
warning signs.
a, True
rb.' False

20. How should the Choke Manifold be lined up . when drilling, for a Hard Shut-in procedure?
3. Side outlet valve on BOP closed. Choke Line open through remote adju stabl e ch oke.Remote
adjustabfe choke closed.
b . Side outlet valve on BOP open. Choke Line open through IDanU31 choke. Remote choke open .
c. Side outlet valve on B.9P~open. Choke Line open through rem o te adjustable choke. Manual
choke closed.
: )S ide a utlet v alve 0 n B OP c losed. Choke L me 0 pen through r emcte adjustable c hoke . R emote
adju stable cho ke open.

21. From the lis t of practices shown below, select those which lead to an increase in the size of me influx?
(Choo se TIfREE answers).
:I.. Running regular pi t drills for Drill Crew.
h. Swi tching off the flow meter alarms.
c. Regular briefing for the Derrickman on his duties regarding tbe monitoring of pit leve l.
d. Drilling a further 15 n after a Drilling Break, before flow checking.
I Calling Toolpusher 10 floor prior 10 shutting in the well.
e. T estin g Slab in val ve s during BOP tests.

22. The well starts 10 flow when tripping out of the hole . Which of the following actions should be taken to
clos e the well in using the Soft Shut-in? (Choose O~""E answer].
:1. Close the BOP .srab full opening safety valve. open choke, close the safety valve.
b. Stab full opening safety valve. open BOP side outlet hydraulic valve, close BOP, close choke.

c. Open BO P side ou tle t hydraulic valve, close BO P, sub full opening safety valve. close choke,
close safety valve.
d. Stab a full opening safety valve, c lose me safety valve, open BO P side outlet hydraulic valve,
dose BOP, close choke.

13. When shuttmg in on a kick, which o f the fo llowing are affected by formatio n. permeability? (Choose
TH REE answ ers).
a. Time for pr ess ure 10 stabi lise.
b. The bottom hole pressure.
c. SICP .
e. Size of influx

H. What steps shou ld be tak en to dive rt a sha llo w g:lSflow ? (Choose Oh"E answer).
;J . Slow pumps, space ou t and use cho ke to mauitain a constant botto m bole pressure until the well
is dead,
b. M aintain or inc rease pump rare and activate Divertet.
i. P ick up and space out. S witch o ft pump s. Open do ....-nwind vent line. close valve to shakers,
cl ose Dive rter .

~. Why is it important to shur the welt in quickly if a kick is detected? (Choose O~l: answe r].
; : Keep kic k volume J.S mull as possible.
h. Prevent gas mi grati on .
c. Keep SID PP as small as possib le.

! 6. Wbat 3CIJOD should be taken iftbe well flo w s while Tripping out of the hole? (Choose O~E answer).
-;: Install a safety valve on drill string and shut the we ll in.
b. Run back to bottom immediately.
c. Co ntinue pulling OUI o f ho]e.
d. Close BOP then inst all kelly or Top Drive.


ata.L 0 C
1. A well has been shut ill on a kick. which pressure gauge readings can be used :0 determme forrrcncn
pressure? (I"WO A:"SWER..,»
a. Drill pipe pressure Bauge all the choke panel.
b. Casing pressure gauge on the choke panel.
c. Dnll pipe pressure gauge on the Driller's panel.
d. Choke manifold pressure gauge.

1. A well is shut in on ;1 kick and dri ll pipe pressure recorded. The casing gauge is not .....orking. Which
pressure cannot found?
3. lmtial Circulating Pressure.
b. Sbut In Casing Pressure.
c. Bottom bole pressure.
d. Formation pressure.

J. Which of the following affect the Shut In Dnll Pipe Pressure? (TWO ..\ ......SWERS)
3. Mud weight in drillstring.
b. Size of Influx.
1:. Annular volume from Bit 10Shoe.
d. Influx gradient.
e. Formation fluid pressure.

-I. Why is Shut 10 DrillpiPe. Pressure usually lo.....er than Shut In Casing Pressure?
3. The influx fluid is usually less dense than the mud.
b. The cuttings in the annulus are lighter, therefore creating 3 lighter hydrostatic.
c. The only difference is in the type of gauges used.
d. The casing pressure is not al w-ays higher; it depends on whether it is a land or offshore rig.

5. A vertical we ll with a surface BOP suck is shut in on a kick. 111e pressure readings JIC as follo\\'5:
Shut In Pipe Pressure 350 psi
Shut In Casing Pressure 450 psi
wbat is thc reason for the difference in the two readings?

3. The influx is inside the driHstring.

b. The influx has 3 lo ..... er density than the mud.

c. Tbe BOP was closed too fast causing trapped pressure.

d. The influx has a higber density than the mud.

6. Which pressures are needed to calculate Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure? mVO .-\...l..;SWERS)
a. Fracture pressure.
h. Shoe p ressure.
c. Hydrostatic pressure.
d. Formation pressure.

Whilst pumping why can the standpipe pressure be slightly lower than the pressure sbown on the g3tll1

at the: mud pump'!
:1. Hydrostatic pressure of the mud in the standpipe causes the difference.
b. Dynamic pressure losses from the pump to the standpipe affect the readings.
c. The stand pipe pressure gauge is situated at a lower elevation than the gauge at the pump .

8. Whilst drilling ahead. the well kicks and is shut in. Drill pipe pressure and casing pressure both stan
to build up, but before stabilising both start to drop quite rapidly. Which of the following might have
3. G3S is to migrating up the well.
b . The drill string has washed out.
c. The bottom bolt: assembly bas packed off.
d. Both gauges have malfunctioned.
e. A weak formation has broken down.

9. A well has been shut in on a kick. The drill pipe pressure is zero because there is a 00.11 (non-return)
valve in the string. How can you find the Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure?
:1. Bring the pump up to kilt rate holding the casing pressure constant by opening the choke. The
pressure shown when the pwnp is at kill rate is the Shut In Drill Pipe pressure.
b. Shear the pipe and read the drill pipe pressure directly 01Tthe casing gauge.
c. Pwnp very slowly into the drill string with the well sbut in. When casing pressure starts to rise,
stop the pump 3.Dd read thepressure. This is the Shut In Drill Pipe prcssure.
d. Pump at 2 barrels per minute into the annulus with the well shut in. When the pressure equalises
the float will open. This pump pressure is the Shut In Drill Pipe pressure.

10. A well has kicked, and is shut in. There is a flo?1 valve in the drill string. What would be the correct
course of action to determine the: kill mud weighr?
u, Pwnp very slowly into the drill string with the well shut in. When the cas ing pressure rises the
floa t valve bas opened. This pressure on the drill pipe gauge is the Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure.
b. Start raising the mud weight by 0.5 ppg increments un til the well is dead Remove Kelly and
drop float-opening tool.
c. Use the annulus pressure to calculate the kill mud weight.

11. A well bas kicked with a float in the drill string and the Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure gauge reads zero.
Which of the following methods should he used to find the kil l mud weight?
a. Calculate hydrostatic pressure of the influx and subtract from the Shut In Casing Pressure.
b . Start circulating at the slow circulating rate, determine the Initial Circulating Pressure and
calculate the Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure.
c. Pwnp very slowly into the drill pipe with the well shut in. When the casing pressure rises the
float has opened The pressure 00. the drill pipe is the Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure.

12. Shut In Casing Pressure is usually higher than Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure. If there was a large volume
of cuttings in the annulus how would this effect pressure readings?
a. Shut In Casing Pressure would be higher than expected.
b. It would not affect pressure readings.
c. Shut In Casing Pressure would be lower than expected.

13. Which of the following parameters affect the value of Shut In Casing Pressure after a well is shut in
during a kick? (THREE ANSWERS)
a, The formation fluid pressure (pore pressure)
b . 13..n tom ho le temperature.
c. Annulus capacity.
d. The kick volume.
e, Choke line length.
f. Drill string capacity.

14. Once the well is shut in. which factors determine the time taken for Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure and
Shut Tn Casing Pressure to stabilise?
a, Porosity.
b . Permeab ility.
c. Gas migration.
d. Friction losses.

15. Which of the following are affected by formation perm eability. (THREE ANSWERS)
h. Time for pressures to stabilise
c. Ie p
d. Kill Mud We igh t
e. Influx volume
16. Whe n drilling a horizonta l section ofa we ll a g~s kic k is take n and the well shut in. If the influx is in
the horizontal section what would you expect the Sl OP? and SICP to be?
a. Both are about the same.
b. SICP is much greate r than the SIDP P.
c. SIDP? is much greater than the SICP.
d. SIDPP will be zero.

17. A well is shut in with a gas kick. The bit is 90 feet off bottom and the influx is on bottom and 30 feet
long (a ll the influx is below the bit). Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure is 300 psi. What is the Shut In casing
Pressure likely to be?
a. Lower than the Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure because of the effec t of the annular friction loss.
b. Higher uan the Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure.
c. The same as the Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure.
d. Will depend on gradient of the influx .

13. The well is shut in on 3. kick after an extended period of fast drilling. Wh at would you expect the Shut
In Casing Pressur e to be?
a. Lower than if the drilling had been slow.
h. Higher than if drilling had been slow.
c. The same. whether the annulus is clean or loaded with cuttings.

1'1. WELL DATA Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure"" 300 psi \ Iud weight:: 10.0 ppg A salt-water kick bas
been taken. filhng :!50 feet of the annulus. Salt Water .... eighl =z 8.6 ppg From the data above eatcutate
me Shut In Casing Pressure?
,. IS psi.
h. 3l S psi .
c. -uopsi .
d. 41 2 psi .

~O. A we ll is shut in afte r a kic k.

1>1) 9,500 feet
Mud weight 10 ppg
Shut 10 Drill Pipe Pressure JOO psi
Height of influx 700 feet
Influx gradient 0. 1 psi'ft
Calculate the Shut In Casing Pressure?
;1. 70 psi.
b. 765 psi.
c. 6q5 psi.
d. 700 psi.

:!l. A well is shut in on a kick and the pressures have stabilised. Due to equipment problems the kill
opcrauon is de layed. Sh ut in Dril l Pipe Pressure and Shut In Casing Pressure are gradually rising after
stabilisation. Wbas is the most Iikely cause of this?
a. The re is a non-rerum valve in the Bfl-\..
b. The mud in the hole is beating up and it is causing the volume 10 decrease.
c. The infhrx is gas and is migra ting.
d. The forma tion that kicked has high permeabili ty.

22. What co uld happen if gas migrates after a well is shu t in and pressures have stabilised?
3. Only the dril l pi pe pressure will incre ase.
b. Shut in pressures will remain cons tant.
c. Both drill pipe and annulus pressures will increase.
d . Only the annulus pressure w ill increase.

23. A well is shut in following a kid, whilst drilling. Afte r pressures be v·c been stabilised. both drill pipe
and casing pr ess ur es are observed to be gradually increasing by the same amount. What is the lIXJSt

like ly reason for this?

a. The influx is gas and is migrating up the annulus and drill smag.
b. The influx is gas and is mi grating up the annul us .
c. Th e influx is gas and is migrating up the drill string.
d. The inJ1ux is g as and is expanding rapidly.

2-1. A ...-ertical w ell is shut in with a gas kick. Surface Pressur es ar c:

SlDPP =z 500 psi

SICP = 600 psi
Mud Weight = 11.5 ppg
If the gas migrates 500 feel up the well what would the pressures be ifno action is taken?
a. Drillpipe = 800 psi. Casing = 900 psi
b. Drillpipe = 500 psi. Castng > 900 psi
c. Drillpipe = 800 psi. Casing = 600 psi
d. Drillpipe = 600 psi . Casing ... 900 psi

25. A well is sbut in on a kick.

SIDPP = ~oo psi.
SICP = 600 psi.
Mud Weight = iJ ppg
Influx gradient = 0.1 psi/ft
After 30 minutes both pressures have risen by 150 psi due to gas migration. Calculate the speed of gas
migration in feet per hour.
a. 325 fum
b. 4~~ fiIhr

c. 590 ft/br
d. :WO filhr

26. A vertical well has been shut in after a gas kick. The surface pressures are as follows:
Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure (SIDPP) = 500 psi
Shut In Casing Pressure (SICP) = 700 psi
Mud weight in the well:: 12.0 ppg
The well is left shut in for some time, during which time the gas migrates 500 feet up the well. What
will be the expected pressures at surface?
::J. Drill pipe pressure 312 psi, Casing pressure 1,012 psi.
h. Drill pipe p ressure 500 psi, Casing pressure 700 psi.
c. Drill pipe pressure 812 psi, Casing pressure 700 psi,
d. Drill pipe pressure 500 psi, Casing pressure 1,012 psi.

17. Which of the following affect the choice of slow circulation rate" (Choose THREE answers).
::I. Casing burst pressurt':.
h. Annular fric tion losses.
c. Ability to mix kill rrard.
d. Volume of trip tank.
e. Size of choke and Choke Lines.

23. which of the following statements about sto-.... circulating rates (SCR) are correct? (Choose THREE
a. SCR's should be taken through the choke mauifcld..
b. SCR' s are needed to calculate formation pressure
c. SCR' s should be taken when mud properties are changed
d. SCR's should be read on the drill pipe pressure gauge at the remote choke panel.
c. SCR's should be taken with the bit near the bottom

~'1. Which of the following can determine the SP M chosen to kill the well'! (Choose TWO answer s).
a, Volume of mud in the drill pipe.
b. Maximum pressure the pump can handle.
c. Volume of mud in the Annu lus.
d. Viscosity of the mud.

30. When should the Driller consider taking a slow circulation rate pressure? (Choose T\Ir'O answers].
3. At beginning of each shift.
b. After the well has been shut in on an influx.
c. Before running casing.
d . Afte r mud weight change.

31. Select the reason for circulating out a kick at a slow pump rate . (Choose Ot--'"E answer).
3. Preven t gas expansion as it is circulated up the well.
b. Allow Annular Pressure loss to maintain a high overbalance.
c. Minimise excess pressure exerted on formations during the kill.

Chose five situations, from the following list, un der which you would consider taking a new SCR .
a. Every shift.
b. Before and iller a leak-off rest.
c. Mud property changes.
d. Mud weigh! changes.
c. Afte r each connection when dri lling with top drives.
f. After recharging mud pump pulsation dall"lP,£ner.
g. When lo ng sections of hole are drilled rapi,dly.
h, When returning to drilling after a kick. '

33. An influx is 10 be displaced from the hole at a pump rate slower than used when drilling . Why ?
(Choose FOUR answers).
a. Allow Choke Operator time to make the nec.:ssary choke adjustments.
b. To reduce damage to the pump.
c. Minimise Pre ssur es in the wellbore.
d. To allow kick fluids to be handled at surface.
e, To reduce gas migration.
f. T o reduce the chance of overloading the mud gas separator.

34. Which of me Iollowing would cause pump pressure to increase if pumping ar a constan t SP\!?
(Choose 1"\\'0 answers).
3. Using larger nozzles.
b. Drilling deep er.
c. wbea the m ud weight is reduced.
d. Increasing the mud viscosity.

35. Mud densiry = 12 ppg

Pump pressure == 750 psi at 60 SPM
Calcu late approximate p ump pressure if mud weight is:
:1. Increas ed to 13 ppg
Answer psi
b. DCL""Te3.Sed to 11 p pg
Answer ps i

36. whic h o f the following det ermines me S ID PP. (Choose 1WO answers).
a. Influx density.
b. Influx size.
c. Mu d density ins id e the drillstring.
d. Fo rmation fluid pr essure.
e. Cuttings vo lume in the Annulus.

37. Whic h pressure gauge readings could be used to calcu la te formation fluid pressure? (Choose TWO
a. Accumula tor Gauge.
b. Cas ing Pressur e Gauge on Cho ke panel.
c. D rill Pipe Pressure Gauge al Dri ller' s console.
d. D rill Pipe Pressure Gauge on Choke pane l.

33. Ario n should be take n if a we ll is shut-in and a float is in the string? (Choose 0:--rE answer).
3. Calculate kill mud de nsity using Shut -in Cas ing Pr essur e.
b. Raise the mud density by 0.5 ppg increments un til the wel l is dead.
c. Pump very slowly into the drill stri ng with ,the we ll shut in. When the pwnp pressure stabilises,
the floa t valve should have opened T his pressure is the Shut-in Drrlf Pipe Pressure .
d. Remove Top D rive or kelly and install a float opening tool.

39. Why is casing pressure usually higher tha n the shut-in drill pipe pressure : (Choose ONE answer ).
3. Choke Line is larger in diameter than Kill Line.
b. Th e influx flu id is us ua lly ligh ter than the mud weight in the hole.
c. The Choke Line is lo nger than the Kill Line.
d . Cuttings in the Annulus help reduce the hydros tatic p ressure.

~O . ln a well kick siruatiou, SICP is normally greater than SID PP. If the Annulus was loaded with cuttings
at the time of Shut-in, how would this affec t SICP compared to a clean Annulus ? (Goose ONE
answer) .
3. SlCP would.be higher.
b. SICP would be to wer .
c. S ICP would be the same.

-tl , After a kick is taken and the well shut- in. it can take 5- 10 minutes or mo re for the pressure s to bui ld up.
What affec ts the nme for this build up? {Choose O]\I"E answer).
a. Friction losses
b. Gas migration

c. Formation Poro sity
d. Formation Permeability

4Z. Why would the pUITIp pressure gJugc 00 the rig floor read a lower pressure than the gauge on the

pump? (Choose Ol'-"E answer).

a, The pressure loss from the pump to the rig floo r affects the readings.
b. The pump pressure gauge on the rig floo r is lower than the gauge on the pump.
c. T he mud is less dense at the pump.

43. How can we establish SID PP if there is a float in the string"? (Choose ONE answer).
a. Bring the pump up to kill rare holding Casing Press ure constant. Once up to speed. the pump
pressure is SID PP.
b. Pump slowly into the dril l pipe . . . -ith the well shut-in. When the pump pressure stabilises, the
float has opened. Tbis pwnp pressure is the SIDPP.
c. Pump Jot kill ra te into the drill string with the well shut in. When Casing pressure starts to me,
read the pump p ress ure. This is SIDP?
d. Reduce SICP by 20%.

44 . After SID P? and S ICP have stabilised, it is noticed that th ey both start slowly rising by the same
amount. What is the probable cause of this? (Choose ONE answe r}.
3. Remote choke is leaking.
b. In flux migration up the bo re.
c. Pump s are being operated at slow circulating rate.
d. Second influx.

45. The Shut-in Casing Pressure (S ICP) is used to: (Choose ONE answer).
a. Establish the true Initial Circulating Pressure at start up .
b. Calculate kill m ud weigh t
c. Calcu late Initia l Circulating Pressure.

46. A well that kicked was Shut-in. While wa iting, it is no ted tha t the SIDPP and SIC ? are still rising after
several hours. Wh at is the most likely cause of this? (Choose ONE answer).
a. The infl ux is migrating.
b. The formation bas a high permeability.
c. The non-return valve in the string is lea king.
d . The mud in the ho le is hearing up, causing the vo lume to decrease.

47. SIDPP = 700 psi

SICP = 900 psi
Mud Wei ght = 13.5 ppg
luflux Gradien t = 0.15 psil ft
..Afte r 30 minutes, b o th SIDPP and STCP have risen by 150 psi. Calculate speed in fi/bour that influx is
migrating. (Choose ONE answer).
a. 2l4ft/h
h . 427 t't.lt

c. 14 ft/h
d. 2S fell

4S. Well has been shut-in on a kick.. Shut-in drill pipe pressure is ; 400 psi Shut-in casing pressure is
; 600 psi Both pressures start rising due to gas migration. If Casing pressure is held constant at 600
psi. what wilt happen 10 the bottom bole pressure?
a. Increase.
b. Decrease.
c. Stay constant
49. rvn 8000 FT Mud
density 10 ppg
SIDPP 600 psi
Height ofmtlux : 700 ft
Influx density ; 0 .1 psilft
Calculate Shut-in Casing Pressure (SIep). (Choose 0!'.1: answer).
a, 700 psi
b. 600 psi
c. 294 psi
d. 894 psi

50. Salt Wate r kick weight"" 320 ft

Influx Gradient = OA5 psi/It
M ud Wetghr in ho le =11.2ppg
SIDPP = 350 psi
Calculate Slep: (Choose ONE answer).
a. 42 psi
b. 128 psi
c. 392 psi
d. 478 psi

51. When pumping at 80 S P~\'( the pump pressure = 400Q psi. What would be approximate pump ptessure
if pumps were slowed to 40 SPM? (Choose Ot-."E answer).
a. 500 p si.
b. SOOpsi.
c. 1000 ps i.
d. 2000 psi.

52. Killing the well at 4 0 SP M with 750 psi pwnp pressure. IfSP!l.l was increased to 50 and pump pressure
held constant at 750 psi. what would happen IO bottom hole p ressure? (Ch oose O~"E answer).
:1. It will increase.
b. It will stay ccnsrant,
e. II wi ll decrease.

53. From the statements below select the correct reason for circulating a kick at a slow rate.

a. Minim ise pressure exerted on formations during the kill operation.
b. Minimise expansion of gJS influx to reduce casing pressure during the kill operation.
Co Give sufficient p ressure loss in the annulus to give greater overbalance during the kill operation.

5-t. Which of the following determine the setecnoc of the slow circulation rare? tF0UR A,~SWERS)
a. Trip tank volume.
b. The mud/gas separato r hand ling capacity.
c. The vo lum e of m ud the choke em handle.
d. Capac ity of mud mixing equipment
1'. Annu lar friction loss during the kill.
r. The burst pressure of the casing.

55. With a constant flow GUe, which factors will increase the circulating pressure? (TWO A;.'lSWERS)
3. When bit nozzle size is inc reased,
b. "'....ben hole is drilled d eeper.
c. When more drill collars are added.
d. When mud weig ht is reduced .

56. Slow circulation rate tests are made at different pump rates (spm) Which of the following help you
decide which pump rate is used'? (TWO Al'OS\VERS) ]
3. Mud pump pressure limi ta tion.
b. Mud/ gas separator capacity.
c. Depth of Casing Shoe.

57 . Prior to drilling ou t the surface casing shoe the stew circulating rates J.fC taken. Which of the Icllowrng
determines the c hoice of pump ra te?
a. The size of the sur face casing.
h. Gas hand ling equipment limitation and kill mud -mixing capability.
c. The expected Shut In Casing Pressure.
d . The volume of the trip tank.

58. When should 3. Driller co nsider taking 3. slow circulation rate: pressure? (1"\\'0 ANSWERS)
3. E v'ery time m ud weight is changed.
b. At the beginning of each shift.
c. Only a fter dri lling out the casing shoe.
d . Immediately before running casing.

59. Which o f the following statement about slo ..... circulating rate pressure are correc t? (TIlREE
3. Should be reco rded when mud properties have changed significantly.
b. Recorded on the drill pipe pressure gauge on the choke panel.
c. The recorded pressures arc used to calculate formation pressure.
d. Recorded with the b it near bottom.

60. The equ ivalent circulating density (ECD) determines the actual bottom bole pressure while circularing.

Which pan o f the sys tem p ressur~ losses used to calculate ECD?
:I. The pressure loss in the annulus.
b. 11k- pr essure lo ss in the ope n ho le section only.
c.. The pressure loss across th e nozzles.
d. The pressure loss in the drill string.
e. The press ur e lo ss in the surface system.

61. A vertical well is 5500 f ee l de ep and filled with 11.2 ppg mud. W hil t' circu lating a t 100 spm the
friction losses in the: we ll are :LS follows:
150 psi thro u gh surface equipment
900 psi in drill string.
l .i OO psi through bit nozzl es .
100 psi in annulus.
Wha t is the bottom hol e pr essure when the pumps arc: running at 100 sp m?

62. A verti cal well is 5,520 feet deep and filled ....-ith 1 1.2 pp g mud. Whil e circ ula ting at 100 sprn the
fric tion loss es in the well sys te m ar e 3 5 follow'S :
150 psi pressu re loss through surface equipment.
900 psi pres sure loss in drill string.
l ,i OO psi pressure loss thro ug h bit nozzl es.
100 psi pressure loss in annulus.
\\0.:11 is the pump pr essur e w hen circulating at 100 spm?
ps i
63. At 60 strokes/minute, with a mud weight of 12 ppg, the circulating pressure is 600 psi. wbn would be
the app roximate c irc ulating pressure (at the same spm) if the mud weight we re raised [0 13 ppg?
ps i

6-*. wben circulating the drilling m ud at 80 SpID. the pressure on the standpipe gauge reads 3,000 psi. What
would the calculated standpipe pressure be if the pump speed were reduced to 40 spm?

J. . Approximately 500 psi.

b. Approximately 600 ps i.
c. App roxima tely i50 psi.
d. App ro ximate ly 1500 psi.

65. At 60 sprn, with 10 FPg mud., the pump pressure is 1,500 psi. What ......ould the pump pressure be if the
roue were decreased to 20 spm and the mud weight increased to 11.0 ppg?
3. 167 psi.
b. 133 psi.
c. 204 psi.
d. 26Z psi.


cures a

L Aft er se tting casing. which of me following actions Me normally tak en pn or 10 mak in g J leak -off test?
([\\'0 ASSWERS)
3. Run bit dose to bouom,
b. Cir culate the mud 10 get a uniform column of mud in the hole.
c, Drill ou t the casing shoe approximately IS feet mto new formation.
d. Line up the mud pump 10 do the leak-offre st at the slow ci rculating rate.

2. Whe n should a lea k-o ff test be carried ou t?

3. Before dri lling out casing shoe.
b. Before running casing.
c. lmmcdiate1y after running and cementing casmg.
d. After drilling out the casing shoe and 5 to 15 feet of new formation.

J. wbrcb of the following Me needed for the calculation of an accurate formation strength .11 the shoe'?
(ll-iREE Al'SWERS)
a, Accura te pressu re gauge.
b . Accurate stroke counter.
c. Accurate ha te capacity
d. Exact vertical depth o f casing shoe .
... Iusta llatio u of retrievable packer approximately 1000 feet below the rig l100L
f. Constant mud weight around the wel l.

4. Whi ch of the following need 10 be known for a leak-off test 10 be corr ect? (1'.\"0 ANSWERS)
3. The mud weight in the well.
b. The volume of mud in the annulus from casing shoe 10 surface.
c. Stow circulating rate.
d. The pressure limit for the mud pump.
c. Mud hydrostatic pressure in the cas ing annu lus.

5. Which of the follo w ing co u ld infl ue nce the leak-off test result ? (TWO A.'J"S\\"ERS)
3. The pressure limi t for the mu d pump.
b. The planned pump rate for drilling.
c. Casing burst pressure.
d. The mud volume in thc casing annulus.
1'. The mud hydrostatic pressure at the casing shoe.

6. To ensure tha t an accurate leak-off test result a number of parameters must be accurately recorded.
Select those parameters from the following . (TIiREE ANSWERS)
3. Measured depth of the casing shoe.
b. Mud volume in the casi ng.
c. Pumping time till leak-o ff starts.
d. True vertic al d epth o f th~ casing shoe.
e. Mud volume pumped till leak-off starts.
f. Mud Weight in bo le.
7. The casing shoe has been drilled and 10 feet of new hole made. A leak-off test is 10 be taken, The mud
IS being conditioned to make the we ighl the same around the well. Which of the foUo ....U1g ould help

give an accurate leak -o ff lest resu lt?

:I . Condition the mud unnl the mud weight in the well is constant before conducting the leak-off
b. Stop the pump after 5 barrels and record the drill ptpe pressure as leak-off
c. Choose the lightest mud we ight in the ho le .1Dd usc it in tbe leak-o ff test resu lt.
d. Slo.....ly p ump water do ....n the annu lus with the ceroenr pump and record the pressure.

S. Whi ch oftbe follo.....-ing is a definition of ~lUS P'!

:I. The pressure in excess of mud hydrostatic that. if exceeded, is lik ely to cause lo sses at the shoe.
b. Th e maximum pressure allowed ill the hole durin g a kill ope ratio n.
c. The ma xim um pr essure allo wed on the drill pipe ga uge d uring a kill operation.
d. The total pressure applie d at the shoe thai is likel y to cause losses.

Q. Shoe 1VD ., 6000 fe et .

Mud Weigbt « II ppg
Leak -o ff pressure = 900 psi
Ca lculate th e maximum allowabl e mud we igh t.
pp g

10. WEL L DATA.:

t 3-3/8 inch cas ing is set' at 5,210 fe et TVD. Formati on strength a t th e shoe is 3,800 psi. Current ~ Iud
Weight ., 10 .6 ppg.
Wh at is the M aximum Allowable Annulus Surface Press u re (?'-lo\ASP)
3. 2.050 psi .
b. 555 psi.
c. 928 psi
d. 1,800 psi.

II. 'Whi ch of !be following conditions in the well increase tbe ris k of e xceeding ~l AASP during J btl
operation? (TI-iREE A.,,"S\\'"ERS)
a. Small d ifference berweea formation breakdc.....n pressure and mud hydrostatic p ressure.
b. Small influx.
e. Lar ge difference between formation breakdc....'n pressure and mud h ydrostatic pressure.
d. Long opec ho le section.
e, Large influx.
r. Short open hole sectio n.

12, wbar will happen 10 ~L\.:\ S P in ..l ud Weigh t is increased?

:I . ~t\.ASP wi ll Slay the same.
b. :-'L\.:\SP -ill increase.
c. ;\L\.!\ SP i ll decrease.

tJ. which of I he following affect Maximum Allc....a ble A unular Surface Pressure (~l-\ASP): (THREE
3. The T w'D of the: last casing shoe.
b. The max im um pwnp pressure.
c. The mud weight in the hole.
d. Viscosity and wat er loss o f the mud.
c. The fracture press ure of the formation at the shoe.
r. The ID of the last eas ing string.

l~ . Whee should r-.IAASP be recalculated?

a. AI the beginning of each shift.
b . Immediately before entering a reservoir.
c. After each bit change.
d. After changing the mud w ei gh t.

15. Which of the fo llo..vin g would give the highest ~tA..ASP'!

3. wb en formation breakdown pressure is roucb higher than mud hydrostatic pressure.

b. The casing shoe is set deep ,
c. Whe n fo rmario u pressure is dose to mud hydrostatic pressur e.
d. The casing shoe is se t close to surface.

16. Which of the follo ....ing have to be performed before taking a leak-cff tes t? (Choose THREE answers).
2. Circulate the ~ to get same weigh t all the W3.y around.
b. Line up through kill line and pump at the slow circulatmg rate
c. To preven t damage to the formation, raise the bit up inside the shoe.
d . Drill out the Casing Shoe and .1pproximat~ly IS ft into ne w fonnation..
e. To minimise Ch.1DCe of stuc k pipe, raise the bit up inside the shoe.

17. Which of the follow ing could influence the leak-off test resu lt'! (Choose TW O answers).
:I . Volume of mud in the well.
b. The slow circu lating rate (SeR).
c. Having mud of different dens ities around the well.
d. Maximum pressure mud pump caa handle.
e. Stud hydrostatic in the Annulus.

18. When should a leak-o ff test be carried cut? (Choose O!'-"E answer) .
.3.. While waitin g on cement to harden.
b. After drilling out Casing Shoe 510 15 ft in Dew formation.
c. Before running casing.
d . Before drilling out the Casing Shoe.

19. Which of the fo llowing conditions help to obtain an accura te fo rmation strength at the shoe? (Choose
THREE answers).
2. Good pressure test of surface equipment,
b. Working SP \ t gauge.
c. 3832 psi.
d. 68 5 psi.

26. When sho uld ~IA..\ SP be recalculated? (Choose ONE answer).

:1. At lOp of the reservoir.
b. After changing mud weight.
c. Every 12 hours.
d. At casing setting point.
c. Calib rated pressure g;mges.
iI. Clean mud in well
e. ACC\1f3le measured depth of Casing Shoe.
r. Accurate calculation of Annular Vo lume.

:!o. The Casing Shoe has been drilled OUI and 15 ft of Dew hole made. A leak-off lest is to be carried out.
but the mud in the we llbore is no r the same density all ro und. which of the following actions WQulJ.
gi.... e the most accurate leak off test resul ts? (Choose O NE answer].
a . Stop the pump after 10 barrels has been pump ed then read the dri ll pipe p ress ure.
b . Condition the mud until mud de nsit y in the well is constan t. Then c:LIT)' out the leak -off rest.
c. Pu mp at Slow Circ ulating Rate until fracture pressure is reached.
d . Pump down drill string at Slow Circulating Rate and read drilIpipe pressure.

21. Which or the following is a definition of~I.AASP? (Choose Ol"o'£ ans~l. . er).

a. The maximum pressure rating of the choke.

b. The pressure ab..w e mud hyd ros tatic thai is likely 10 cause losses at the shoe formation
c. The pressure at the shoe which causes losses.
d . The maximum bottom hole pressure allowed during a kill operation.

21. wbat happe ns 10 MA AS P if the mud we ight is increased? (Choose 01\'"£ answer).
3. ~ l-\.A S P will increase.
b. ~lo\..:\SP ....ill decrease,
c. ~L-\.ASP \,l,1.11 stay the same.

:!.3 . Which of the follo wmg increase the risk of exc"fding r-.l.1,..~S P during a well kill? [Choose TIfREE
answe rs).
a. Short section of ope n hole.
b . Large influx.
c. Small influx.
d. l arge o verbalance .
e. Small o....erbalance.
f. Long section of op<'n bole,

Z-l. Which of the following can affect MAASP . (Choose THRE E answe rs).
a . A nnul a r v o lume .
b. pH of the mud.
e. Shoe Depth.
d. Mud Weight.
c. The ITla.UmUID pressure the pump can handle
f. The fracture pressure of the formation at the Casing Shoe .

25. 95,8 inch casing set at 8900 ft TVO . Formatio n strength at the shoe is f> 350 psi. vt ud Weight is II
ppg. Calculate \ lAAS P'? (Choose O~E answer).
:1. 5091 psi.
h. 1260 pSI-


1. wb.cb o fthe follo·...l llg statements are true? (1\\;0 .-\SS\\"ERS)
:I . The surface line volume Ipump to Rig Floor) docs nOI need to be considered "hen starting the
b. Bring pumps must be-broug bt up to speed ho lding the casing pressure constant
c. T he surface lin e volu me wi ll affec t the time at which the kill mud will i ncreasc bottom bole
d . Maintain the drill pipe pressure cons tan t when bnnging the-pumps up to kill speed.

2. When is Shut In Casing Pressure used in well control.

To calculate the slow circulating rate.

b. To calculate kill mud weight.

c. To maintain bouom hole pressure constant during pump start up.

J. With a surface BOP what will happen if. when bringing the pwnps up to kill speed, me casing pressure
is allowed to increase above Sh ul In Casing Pressure?
a. No c hange 10 downhole p ressure.
b. Downhole pressure would decrease and possib ly ca use more influx to enter the wellbcre.
c. Downhole pressure would increase and may exceed formation fracture.

Slow circulation rare press ure -100 psi at -10 spm
Tbe well has been shu! in after a kick:
Shu! In Drill Pipe Press~e 300 psi
Shut In Casing Pressure 700 psi
Circulanon is started with the original mud. While the pump is being brought up to -10 srm which
pressure must be held constant 10 maintain the ccncct bottom hole pressure?
a. 1,000 psi at the casing gauge.
h. 700 psi at the casing gauge.
c. 700 psi at the dri ll pipe gauge.
d. 1100 psi at the drill pipe g auge.

5. During a kill operation the choke is adjusted to increase drill pipe pressure by 100 psi. SP~ I is held
constant. What w-ill happen to the bonom hole pressure?
;11. It will remain constant
b. It ....i11 decrease.
c. It will increase.

6. During a kill operation the choke IS adjusted to increase drill pipe pressure by 100 psi. SP:'v1 is held
constant. What will happen to the casing shoe pressu re?
a. It will dec rease.
b. It will remain constant.
c. It 9.;11 increase.

i. During a kill operation the choke is adjusted to mcrease drill pipe pressure by 100 psi. Sp:-.t is held

constant, What will happen to the cooke pressure?
It .....i ll increase.
;I .

h. It will decrease.
c. It wi ll remain constant.

8. Whils t drilling a horizontal well a fault is crossed and a kick is taken. The well is shut in. Calculate the
mud weight required to kil l the well using the data be low:
\\"ELLDATA J\.ffi 1''0
Depth at start of horizontal 7,690 feet 6, 100 feet
Depth at time: of kick t 1,000 feet 6, 140 feel
Length of horizonta! sectio n 3.3 10 feet
Mud ....eight II pp£
Shu t ln Dri ll Pipe Pressure 150psi
Shut In Cas ing Pressur e 170 psi


9. In a well with a Lo ng open hole section. which o f the follow ing kill methods will minimise the risk of
Bullheading Method.
:I .

b. Driller's Method.
e, Wail and w eigbt Meth od.
d. volum etric M eth~d.

10. When killing J. well what will happen to the nwd pit volume as the gas is circulated up the hole?
:I . It will increase.
b. It will stay the same.
c. It will decr ease.

11. Wbat IS surface Pit volume most likely 10 do as a gas kick is being circulated up the bole"
3. Increase.
b. Stay the same.
e. Decreas e.

11. A gas kick is being circulated out using the Drillers Method. What wdl happen to the bottom hole
pressure if the gas bubble is not allowed 10 expand as it is circulated up the hole'!
3. It w ill increa se .
b. 5 1,])' the S.JrIk:
c. It will decrease.

13. wtaca method removes the influx from the hole before pump ing kill mud".'
3. Wait and Weight Method.
b. Driller's Method.
l4 . Which method maintains drill pipe pressure constant for the first circulation?
:I . Wait and Weight Method.
b. Drille r 's M eth od

15. Wben operating the choke there is normally a time delay be fore the drillpipe pressure changes. \Vbat is
the 'rule of r.humb' for this time delay in p ressure transmi ss io n from choke to drillpipe gauge?
a. 3 - :5 seconds
b. 750 feet/ minu te
c. I minute pe r 1000 feer of tra...el
d. I second pe r 1000 fee t of tra vel

16. When using the Driller's .\lethod. what must happen to the casing pressure when pumping kill rncd to
the bi t?
:I . Must be held co us tam,
b. M ust be allo wed 10 increase.
c. Mus t be allo wed to decrease.
d. It is impossible to SJ;y.

17. The Drille rs Metho d is use d (0 kill a sa lt-water kick. Wbat will happen to the casing press ure .....'hen the
influx moves up the annulus?
:I . Casing pressure will slowly decrease as influx is circulated up the annulus.
b. Salt wa ter will behave in the same W:lY as a gas influx.
c. As influx expands Casing Pressure ....ill increase .
d. Casing pressure will only change due to changes in annular size.

18. A well is being killed using Ihe Driller's method-

Original Sh ut In D ri ll Pi pe Pressure '" 600 psi
O rigin al Shu t In Casing Pressure - 900 psi
After the rust circulation, the well is shu t in and the pressures read:
Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure - 600 psi
Shut In Casing Pressure - 700 psi
It is decided nO I to spend an y more nme cleaning the hole. Which of the following actions should be
:I. Continue with second c irculation 0 f Driller's method. ho lding casing pressure c onstaat U nul
kill mud reaches the bit
b. Bullhead annu lu s unril Shut In Casing Pressure is reduced to 600 psi.
c. Use Volumetric technique 10 remove: remaining mflux.
d. Co ntinue w ith the second circ u latio n of Driller's me tho d, fo llowing a calculated drill pipe
pressure schedule as kill mud is pumped to the Bil

19. Wh en circulating a gas kick from a well using the Driller's \kthod. what happens [0 me: casing shoe
pressure as the influx is circ ulated past tho: shoe?
a. The casing shoe pr essur e wi ll dec rease.
b. The casing shoe pressure ....ill re ma in stay the SJ.IDC.
c. The casing sho e pressure will increase.

10. On a land rig a salt-wa ter kick is circulated out using the Driller 's Method. When ",,;U the surface
casing pressure be at it max imum value? (TWO AJ.'\lSWERS)
:.1._ When the kill mud is pwnpcd in to the drill pi pe.
b. When the kick reaches the casing shoe.
c. When the kick has been c ircula ted to the surface.
d. When the kill m ud reaches the bit.
e. Immediately a fter the we ll has been shut in.
f. When the kick is in the narro west annu lus

11. When killing a vertical well when is Final C ircu lating Pressur e reached?
a. When kill mud reaches the casing shoe.
b. wb en the influx is out of the hole.
c. When kill mud reaches the bit.
d. When starting to pump kill mud down the drill string.

12. Whi ch kill method pu mp s kill mu d at the same time as circul ating the influx up the an nulus?
:1. Wait and W eight Metho d
h, Driller' s M ethod

13. Which kill method minimises the pressure in the annulus caused by gas expansion?
:1 . Wait and Weight Method.
b. Drillcr's Method,

1-1 . A kill operation is ready to stan. The Wai l and ~.veight Method is to be used. The kill mud is ready to
be pumped. It takes 100 strokes to displace sur f?cc hn es. what is the correct procedure?
a. Ignore the 100 strokes. 11 will not affect the drill pipe pressure schedule, and may give an added
safely facto r.
h. Subtract the 100 strokes from the su rface 10 bi t strokes and re-c alculate the drill pipe pressure
c. Re-Zero stroke counter after 100 strokes are pwnped.

25. A kick is shut in and is to be ki lled using the Wait an d We ight Method. Pre- recorded data..
Ve rtical depth o f we ll 11,000 feet
TotJI string volume 1,900 strokes
Total annulus vo lume 13.300 strokes

Slow pump rate data..

At 25 SP~l 300 psi
Kick da ta.,
Shut In Dri ll Pipe Pressure 550 psi
Sh ut In Casing Pressure 650 psi
M ud weight in the well 11.0 ppg
Calculate the kin mud weight?
- - -- ---'ppg

1b. A kick is shut in and is to be killed using the Wait and W~ lghl Me thod. Pre-recorded data.,
Vertical depth of well 11,000 feet
To1.31 string "'01= 1,900 strokes
Total ann ulus volume 13,300 strokes

Slow pwnp rate data..

AIlS SP~t 300 ps i

Kick data.-
Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure 550 psi
Shut In Casing Pressure 650 psi
Mud " eight in the well \1 .0 ppg
What is the Initial Circu lating Pressur e (ICP) at lS SP\ l?
_ _ __ _ _-'psi

27. A kick is shut in and is to be kill ed usin g the Wail and We ight M ethod.
Pre-recorded data.-
Vertical depth of well 11,000 feet
TOI:11 stri ng volume 1,900 stro kes
Tota l annul us volume: 13,300 strokes
Slow pwnp rate data..
At25 SPM 300 psi

Kick data..
Shut In Dri ll Pipe Pressure 550 psi
Shut In Casing Pressure 650 psi
\ tud w eight in the well 11.0 ppg
wbar is the Fina l Circulating Pressur e (FCP) at 25 SP M?
_ __ _ _ _ _ psi.

!S. If a kic k is shut in on a surface BOP suck and the slow circu lating rate pressures is not known. \\"b.:lt
procedure should be used to ob tain the correct lniri al Circulating Pressure'?
:I . Only USC' the Driller's Method . As the dnI! pipe pressure does nOI change dunng the entire
circulation it is only required 10 absente that the drill pipe pressure remains constant a.cdequal I>}

the Shut In Drill Ptpe Pressure .

b. Whcn starting to kill the well, keep the choke pressure .1S close as possible 10 the Shut In Cuing
Pressure. wb ea the selected kill pump Die bas been reached. reed the drill pipe pressure and US(:

that as the Ini tia l Circulating Pressure.

c. (beck the re cords and choose the kill rate circulating p ress we taken wi th the last BIt-\ in the
hole nearest 10 the depth where the kick too k. place . Add 100 ps i to this valu e as J precauncnary
measur e.
d . Con tact the mud lo gger and request the best possible calculation o f the Initi al Circulanng
Pressure int ended for use during the well k.ill..

~9. A kill operation is re ady to start. The Wait and Weight Method is to be used. Kill mud is ready to be
pumped. but it takes 10 bbls to fill the surface lines. v"..h at is the correct procedure?
a . Subtract the 10 bbls (co nverted to pump strokes) from the total strokes to be pumped,
b. Igno re it. Start the kill o peration, It will not affec t your drill p ipe pressure schedule.
e. Re-zcro stroke counter when kill wud reaches the drill pipe.

30. Kil l mu d. is being circulated do .....n the drill string in a horizontal well. The pumps are stopped and the
well is shut in as the kill mud reaches the start ofthe horizontal section (2000 It long]. what would you
expect the Shut In Drill Pipe Press ure to be?
:1. Zero.
b . The same as the slow circ ulation rate.
c. Th e same as the original Sh ut In Drill Pipe Pressure.
d. The same as the Shut In Cas ing Pressur e.
c. Original smrp less the hyd rosta tic of 2000 ft of mud.

31. A ps kick is being circulated ou t using the Wai t and Weight Method . What will happen to the bottom
bole pressure if dri ll pipe pressure is held constant when kill mud is being pum ped to the bit?
3. Stay the same.
h. Decrease .
c. Increase.

3 ~. A g:lS kick is being circulated out using the Wait and Weight Method. What will happen to the bottom
hole pressure if sp m is increased whilst ho lding casing pressure co nstant'? (Ignore pressure losses in the
annulus). .
:I . Stay the same .
b. Increase.
c. Decrease.

33. Whar will happen if we ignore a large surface line volume (from the mud pumps to the drill t1oor)when
pre paring a kill sheet for a Wai t and Weight Method kill? (TWO ANSWERS)
a , The drill pipe pressure schedule will result in a bottom hole pn:s:mre that is t00 low.
b. The total time to kill the well will he shorter than calculated.
c. The total time to kill the well will be longer than calculated.
d. The drill pipe pressure schedule will result in a bottom ho le pressure that is too high.
c. There will be not effect on the bottom hole pressure.

3-1. \....thich of tbc following statements is true'?

a. The Wait and Weight Method should always be used because the pressure against the open hole
will alvvays be lower than when using the Driller's Method.
b. If the kill mud enters the annulus befor e the kick reaches t he shoe then the Wait and Weight
Method wi ll reduce the risk of Iormariou breakdo..vn compared to the Drille r's Method.
c. There is no difference between using the Duller's Method o r the Wait and We ight Method.

35. While circulating 0 ut a gas kick. v... hen is i t p ossible for the pressure J t the casing s bee 10 be a tits
maximum? (TWO A."JSWERS)

:I. \ \nco kill mud reaches me casing shoe.
b. At initial shut in
c. wbcn kill mud reaches the bit.
d. When top of gas reaches the casing shoe.

_~h. wben circulating out a kid: In a deep well the casing pressure approaches the ~V•.A.sP wbrle the mtlux
is still in the open hole. Which is the MOST IMPORT:\;,Nf action to rake?
3. Stinumse any extra p~e III the annulus without allowing bottom bole pressure 10 (.3U below
pore pressure.
b. Keep the casing pressure at ~tAASP by opening the choke.
c, Start pumping mud do ....-n the drillstring at I ppg higher than needed to kill.

37. At what stage during a kill ope-ration can choke pressure reading exceed ~l A.A.SP wuhour breaking
down the formation at the shoe?
2. When the influx is in the open hole section.
b. Wben the influx is on bottom.
c. When the kill mud is at the bit
d. When the influx is above the casing shoe.

38. In a well ....-ith a long open hole section, which of the fo llowing kill methods will minimise the risk of
a. Bullheading Method.
b. Driller's Method.
e, Wait and Weight ~tethod.
d. Volumetric Method.

39. Which of the following statements are true for the Casing Shoe?
3. The Wait and Weight Method will always give a lower pressure on the casing shoe than the
Driller's Method
b. The Driller's Method will give the lowest casing shoe pressure when the open bole annulus
volume is larger than the drill string volume
c. The Wait and Weight Method will give the Io.....est casing shoe pressure when the open hole
volume is greater than the drill string volume.
d. The Wait and Weight Method ....i11 give the lowest casing shoe pressure when the open hole
annulus volume is smaller than the drill string v'olume.
e. The casing shoe pressure .....ilI always be the same, regardless of the method used.

40. Which of the follo w-ing is correct wben comp;mng the Drijlers Method with the Wait and Weight
2. The Wait and Weight Method should always be used because the pressure against the open hole
will always be lower.
b. It the kill mud is being circulated up the annulus before the kick has reached the shoe. men the
Wait and Weight Method ",,11 reduce the risk. of los I circulation.
c. There is no diffe rence between using the Driller's Me thod or the Wa it and Weight Method,

.U . A kick was detec ted whilst drilling ahead and the well sbut in.. The long open hole section has a number
of fOml.Jtions that are po tential lost circulation zones. Which of the follo wing method s should be used
to minimise me we ll bo re pressure in the ope n hole?
3. Vol umetric M eth od.
b. Driller' s Metho d .
c. Wait and Weigh t Method
d. Bullheading .

42. In which of the follo win g situatio ns will the Wait and We igh t Method give lower casing shoe pressures
than the Driller's M e thod?
:I.. Casing shoe pressure is always lower wbeu using the Wait and We ight method.
b. Drill string volume less than annu lus open hole volume.
c. Drill string vo lume gre ater than ann ulus open ho le volume..

43. A kick is being c irculated out at 50 spm . Drill pipe presswe reads 850 psi and casing pressure 1,150
psi. .It is dec ided to slow the pumps to 30 ap m while ma intaining 1,150 psi on the casing gauge.. How
will this affect bo ttom hole pressure (exclude any annular frictio n losses )?
a. Increase.
b. Stay the same.
c. Decrease..

44. Kill mud is pumped to the bit holding drillpipe pressure constant. What is the effect on bottom hole
pressu re?
,. Stay the same.
b. Decr ease . I
c, Increase.
45.. During a kill pump speed is increased from 20 to 40 spm whilst holding dri ll pipe pressure constant.
What will happen to bottom hole press ure?
a. ti will stay the same.
b. It will increase..
C. It will decre ase .

46. If pump speed is increase d. whilst killing a well, what should happen to the casing pressure to maintain
constant botto m ho le press ure?
a. Casing pressure sho u ld be held steady durin g sp m increase.
b. Casing pressure should be al lowed to rise during spm increase.
c. Casing pressme should be allowed to fall during spm increase

47. A well is being killed usin g the: Driller's method . The drill pipe pr es s ure is 950 psi JI 35 SpTIL Due to
increasing pressure i nsidc t he mud/gas se parator it i s decided to red uce the pump s peed t o 2 5 spm,
What is the effect on bottom ho le pressure if 950 psi is held on the drill pipe gauge while the pump rate
is reduced'?
:I. Bottom ho le pressure m il decrease..
b. Bottom ho le pressure will increase.

c. Bottom hole pressure ....ill stay the SJ.I11C.

~S. During a kill the pump rare IS reduced whilst bolding casing pressure constant. Ho ...... ""ill this affect
bottom hole pressure?
a . There is no way of knowing the effect on bottom bole pressure.
h. There ",,11 be a large drop in bottom hole pressure.
c. Bottom bo le pressure will increase and m:1Y cause formation breakdown.
d. Bottom bole pressure wil! stay constan t.

~9 . A kick is being circulated out at 30 spm J..Dd the Final Circulating Pressure is 650 psi.¥....b at ....ill happen
to the bottom bo le: pressure if the pump speed is increased 10 35 spm wh ilst holding drill pipe pressure
at 650 psi?
:I . h will dec rease.
b. It will st ay the same.
C. It ....,-U increase .

50. When starting a kill opera nc e on a Jack Up, the cho ke pressure is kept constant wh ilst bringing the
pump up to spe ed. The drill pip e gauge reads 150 ps i higher than the ca lculate d I nirial Circulating
Pressure (lCP). V....hat is the correct ac tion to take?
a. Th er e will now be ISOpsi o ver balance on the bo rto rn Nothing needs to be done.
h. Co ntin ue to c irc ula te ....i th the new IC;P and adj ust the drill pipe pressure graph.
c. Ope n the cho ke and let the standpipe pressur e drop to the calculated value tIO').

51. The pump is brought up to kill rate holding the casing pressure constant- The drill pipe gauge reading
was 150 psi a bove ca lculated Initial C irculating Pressure. Wha t ac tion should be taken?
a. Open choke to red uce dril l p ipe pressure b,ack.1o the calculated Ini tial Circulating Pressure
h. Shut do wn and clean ou t cho ke mani fold o r change to another choke.
c. CuI)' 00., everything is OK.
d. Recalculate circulating pressure schedule based on actual drill pipe gauge reading.

5:!. Due 10 a power fa ilure, it is not possible 10 start the kill operation and both drill pipe and casing
pressure readings are increasing at the same rate due to gas migration. The bit is on bottom. Which
pressure rr.us t be k ep t constant 10 maintain constant bottom hole pressure?
a. Casing shoe p ressure .
b. Influx pressure.
c. Shut In Casing Pressure.
d. Shut In Dri ll P ipe- Pressure.

53 . A verti cal well is shut in following a gas kick. The kill operation is delayed and the influx has started
to migrate wi th both drill pipe pressure and casing pressure increasing by 100 psi.
Well depth 9.000 feet
CJsing shoe depth 5,000 feet
Mud weight I I ppg (.512 psi/ft.)
Open hole/drill pipe ca pacity 0.060 bblslft.

Casing/drill pipe capacity 0.065 bbls!ft

~OTE: Assume only drill pipe to be present in the well.

Kick Dab:
Shut in stabilised drill pipe pressure 600 psi
Shut in stabilised casing pressure 800 psi
Kick volume 25 bbls
How may barrels of mud should be bled from the well in order to maintain original bonom bole pressure
(before gas started migrating)?
_ _ _ _ bbls

54. When stripping into the hole which of the following w ill maintain a constant bottom bole pressure'!
(Assume there is no infhix migration).
3. Bleed off the drill pipe closed end displacement while stripping each sued.
b. Pump a volume of mud into the well equal to the drill pipe closed end displacement wbrle
stripping each stand.
c. Illeed QIT the drill pipe steel displacement while stripping each stand.
d. Pump a volume of mud into the well equal to the drill pipe steel displacement whilc
e. stripping each stand.

55. 5-inch drill pipe is stripped into the hole through the Annular Prevearer.
Average length of;). stand 93 feet
Drill pipe inside capac ity 0.0177 bbls/ft
Closed end displacement 0.0253 bblslft I
Metal displacement 0.0076 bblvft

For each sued of pipe stripped. how many barrels of mud must be pumped to keep the
driUstring full?
_ __ _ _ bbls.

56. Well kicks after 25 stands bave been pulled out of the hole.
Shut In Casing Pressure "" I00 psi
Shut In Drillpipe Pressure = 100 psi
Which of the following would be the best action to take to return to primary control?
3. Circulate the kick out using the Wail & Weight Method whilst keeping drill pipe pressure
constant at the Shut In Drillpipe Pressure.
b. Strip back 10 bottom using the combined Stripping and Volumetric ~Icthod. then circulate the
influx out using Driller's \-lcthod.
c. Increase mud weight by 100 psi and circulate this heavy mud with the bll15 stands off bottom

57. y-inch drill pipe is stripped into the ho le through the Annular Pre venter.
Avenge length ofa stand 93 feet
Drill pipe inside capacity 0.0178 bbls.'ft
Closed end displacement 0.0252 bblsift
~let.:l l displac e ment 0.007 6 bblslft
For each sum! of pipe stripped, how many barrels of mud must be bled o ff from the
annul us?
_ _ __ bb ls.

58. After pulhng ·W stands the well starts to flow and is shut in.
WeU Data :
We ll depth = 11,000 feet
9~ 5 /8
inch cas ing shoe = 7,000 feet
8-1/2 mch hole capac ity :> 0.702 bbls/ft
Mud weight = II pp g
Drill Collar length - 450 feet
-Capaciry - 0.0077 bb ls/ ft
-Me tal disp lace me nt = 0.033 bb ls/ft
5" Drill pipe -Capaciry w 0.0 178 bblsft
-Metal disp lac em ent = 0.007 5 bbls/ft
Capacity drill cellar/op en bole - 0.0292 bblslft
Capacity drill pipe/open bole - 0.0459 bblslft
Capa city drill pipe/casing - 0 .05 15 bbls/ft
The bit depth at time of kick - 7,280 feet
Shut In Casing Pressure - 150 psi
Infl ux volume = 15 bbls

The infl ux is on bo tto m and is NOT migrating.

a. Ca lcula te the volume to bleed off per 93 feet of drill pipe stripped back into the hole? bbls.
h. What \1,1.11 happen to the bo no m bole pr essure if too mucb mud is bled off whilst stripping back
to bottom?
i . Increase.
u. Decrease .
iii. Stay the same.
c. What is likely to happen 10 casing pre ssure as the drill string is stripped into the influx?
1. Inc rease.
u, Decrease.
iii. Stay the same.

59. Which of the following statements best describes the Volumetric .\tethod?
:I . Ma intain c onstan t casing shoe pressure as the influx migra tes to surfa ce.
b. Maintain Shut In Casing Pressure 3 1 its initial value as the influx migrates to surface.
c. Maintain constant bottom bole pressure as the influx is migrates to surfa ce.
d. ~laintain constant pre ssure insid e the influx as it is allowed to migrate to surface.

60. A well is shut in on a kick. Circulation cannot start due to mechanical prob lems. GJS is migratin g anti
bottom bole pressure has to be kep t cons tant. In which of the following situations can the volumetric
method o f ....'e ll control be used? (THREE A~SWERS)

a. W ith the bit on bottom, and a non-return valve in the string.

h. When the bit is a long \\<lY off the bottom, and no non-return valve in the string .
c. With b it on bottom, no non-return valve in the string.
d. With the bn on bottom, and the drill strmg fUlly plugged ofT

61. A gas kick has been take n in a we ll with a long open bole section. The d rill pipe Is plugged (Drill pipe
pressure cannot be read, and pumping do w -n the dri ll pipe is nol possible). There is evidence of gas
migration taking place. Which one of the following \...ell control procedures can be applied?
:I . Volumetric M ethod.
h, Wait and Weight Method.
c. Driller's Me thod.
d. Concurrent Method.

62. Whe n stripping into the hole which of the following will rn aintain .1 constant bouom hole pressure?
(Assume there is no influx migration).
:I . Bleed off the drill pipe closed end displacement while stripping each stand.
b. Pump a volume of mu d into the well equal to the drill pipe closed end displacement while
stripping each sta nd
c. B leed off the drill pipe steel disp lacement while stripping eac h stand.
d. Pump a vo lume of mud into the we ll equal to the dri ll p ipe steel displacement while stripping
each stand.

tiJ. During top ho le drilling from a jack-up rig, the well starts to flow due to shallow gus. What ....ill be the
safest action to take to s7'cure the safety of the rig and personnel? (T\....O ANSWERS)
:I . Line up to the mud/ gas separator, close the diverter and send perso nnel to the lifeboats .
b. Start pumping mu d in to the we ll at the highest possible rat e.
c. Shut in the well and prepare to bullhead immedia tely.
d, Shut in the well using the blind/shear rams .
e. Activate the d iverter system and remove non-essential personnel from the rig floor.

6..1. If a sha llow gas flow is detected, which of the following should be men at the same time as activating
the diverter?
a. Maintain pump rate ..
b. Increase pump rate.
c. Decrease pum p rate .

65. For each of the following sta tements, note if it relates t o either the Wait and Weight method or the
Driller's Method . T ick the appropri ate space.
:I . Maintain Drill P ip e pressure constan t for l st circulation.
Dri ller's _ Wa il and Weight _
b. Minimis~ pressures in the Annu lus due to gas expansion.
Dril le r's __ Wait and "Veight_
c. Pump k ill mud whilst circulating in flux up the Annulus.
Driller 's _ Wail and Weight _
d. Remove influx from ho le before pumping kill mud
Dri ller' s _ Wait and Weigh!_

c. Hold Casing Pressure constant as kill mud is pumped to the b it.
Driller's __ Wan and Weighl_

btl. Which of the foUowing statements are true when starring up to kill a. well? (Choose T\\o"O answers}.
a. Mainta in the Drill Pipe Pressure constant when bringing the pumps up to kill speed.
b. The Surface line volume (p wnp to rig floo r) will affect the time at whic h kill mud starts to
increase mud hydr ostatic .
c. Bring pumps up 10 speed bolding casing pressure constant.
d . Tbe Surface line volume (pump 10 rig floo r) will not need to be considered during Start up.

6; . When circulating u p a gas influ x, wha t will happen to the pit volume while the g JS is still in the hole?
(Choose ONE answer).
3. It will stay the: same.
b. It will dec rease.
c. It will increase.

68 . Ready to kill we ll using Wait and Weight meth od . It takes 100 strokes to pump kill mud to the rig
floor. What action ba s to be tak en? (Choose ONE answer).
3. Re-zerc stroke counter after 100 strokes are pumped.
b. Add the 100 strokes to the bit 10 surface strokes.
c. Ignore the loo strokes. It ....ill not affect the drill pipe pressure graph.

69. Which of the following kill techniques will minimise risk of loss es. (Choose ONE answe r).
3. Bullbcad ing M ethod.
b. Driller's \ lc lhod .
c. Wan 3J1d Weight Method .
d. Volumetric Method.

; 0. :\ well is being killed using the Drillers Method .

Original SlDrr = 750 psi Origina l SICP = 1000 psi
After the firs t ctrcularion, the well is shut in and pressure allowed 10 stabilise. They read..

SIDPP '"" 750 psi step"" 850 psi

It IS decided oot to spend anymore rime circulating. Which one of the follov..jag actions should be
taken? ( Choose ONE a ns wer)
J. USC the Wait and Weight Method
b. Bullhead to reduce SIep to 0 psi
c. Ccnnnue with second circulation of Drillers Method (balding Casing Pressure constant until kill
mud reaches the bit)
d. Reverse circulate' to reduce pressures to 0 psi

71. Which of the follo w ing action s would minimise pressure on the open hole? (Choose TIfREE answers]
:1. Slower pump rate to kill .....ell.
b. Use the Wait and Weigbt Method
c. Use the Driller's Method.
d. Shut-in early to minimise kick size .

7:. When usmg the Drtttet's :-'Iethod • what should happen to the Casing Pressure as kill mud is pumped 10
the BII? (Choose ONE ans w er].
:I. Stay the same.
b. Decrease.
e. Increase.

73. During a kill operation, there is a time delay between operating the choke and observing a change in the
Drill Pipe Pressure. This delay is approximately: (Choose ONE answer).
.:I. I second per 1000 ft ofbote length.
b. 5 to 10 seconds.
c. 5 to 10 minutes.
d. i'50 feet per minute.

,.t. Final Cjrculaung Pressure (FCP) is maintained constant: (Choose Ol'o"E answer)
:I. Once influx is out of the well.
h. \....bile pumping boucms up after kill mud bas passed the bit.
c. Once kill mud reaches the Casing Shoe.
d. \\000::0 pumping kill mud do.....n to the bit.

i5. Well ius kicked when 30 Stands off bortcrn, Sbut-in pressures both equal ISO psi. Which of the
following is the best action to take to restore primary control? (Choose O~'E answer},
:I, Strip to bottom and circulate well using Driller's Method.
h. Circulate kick out while 30 stands offboltom using the Driller's Method.
c. Raise mud weight by 150 psi and circulate out using Wait and Weight Method

76. Wh.a is the correct action to lake when stripping in the bole? Assume that there is no mtlux migration?
(Choose ONE answer).
:I. Strip in until Casing Pressure equals ~Uv\SP then bled off each stand 10 keep Casing Pressure
b. Bleed off the Drill Pipe capacity each stand
c. Bleed off the Drill Pipe closed end displacement each stand.
d. Bleed off the Drill Pipe steel displacement eacb stand.

77. Dunng a trip out, tbe well kicks due [0 swabbing. The pipe: is stripped back to bottom, W ill the
original mud weight be sufficient to control the well?
a. Yes
b. ;.io

78. In which of the following situations will the Wait and Weight method give lower Casing Shoe pressure,
compared to Driller's Method? (Choose ONE answer).
3. Annulus open hole capacity is less than drillstting capacity.
b. Annulus open hole capacity is greater than drillstring capacity.
c. Watt and Weight will always give lower Casing Shoe pressures.
:"Q. Well Dab:
Hole Size: 8 'l: inch
Drill Prpe; 5 inch
Dnll collars: 6 ~x 2~ inch. length ... 380 ft
Hole depth : 9,720 ft
Open hole ; Drill collar capacity: 0.0322 bblslf\
Open hole - Drill p ipe capacity: 0.0459 bblsJft
Ca lcula te the length of a 30 bbl influx
Answer : It

80. A gas kick is being circulated out. What will happen to the bottom bole pressure in the three smraticus
below? [Assume no pressure loss in the Annulus). If drill pipe pressure is he ld constant when kill
mud is being p umped to the b it?
3_ Stay the same.
b. Increase.
c. Decreas e .
If the gas influx is nat allo wed 10 exp and as it migrates up th e hole ?
d. Stay the same .
e. Increase.
1. Decr ea se.
If SPM is increase d holding casing pressure constant?
g. Sta y the same,
h. Increas e.
i. Decrease.

8 1. A kick is taken w hile drilling a horizontal well. Using the data below, calculate the lull mud weight.
Well Data:
Measured depth at start of'borizomal sec tion 6,500 ft
Measur ed depth at time of kick 10,500 ft
True vertical depth at s tart of horizontal " ,050 ft
True vertical depth 31 rim: of kick 3.970 ft
Length horizontal section 4,000 ft
Drilling fluid density : 112 PP&

Kick D3u :
Shut-in drill pipe p ressure : ISO psi
Shut-in casing p ressure 150 psi
Answer - pp g

8:!. If a kick occurs while drilling a honzontal well, why is there little or no difference between SIDPP oln~

SlCP; (Choose O~ answer).

a. In horizontal wells, the influx is Do t able 10 migrate .
b. :>.tud density and forma tio n fluid density are the same when drilling horizontal wells.
e. Volume inside the string is the same as volume in the Annulus.
d. Tbe vertical height of the influx has little effect on the hydrostatic head in the Annulus

83. When pumping kill mud to the bit in high angle wells. the stand pipe pressure is always" (Choose Or-.""E
::I. Lower than in a vertica l well with the same measured depth.
b . Highe r than in :I. ve rtical we ll with uie S3Ine measured depth.
c. The same 35 in a vertic a l well with the same measured depth.

84. Drill pipe is to be stripped in the bole. There is a float valve in the siring.
A verage Stand len gth = 93 ft
Drill pipe capacity = 0.0346 bbls.ft
Clos ed end displacement - 0.()..l.38 hhls/ft
:\leul d1Splacement - 0.0092 bh ls/ft
For each stand stripped, calculate:

01. Volume of mud to bleed from Annulus. Answer = bbls

h. Volume of mud to keep the pipe full. Answer = bbls

85. When C3n maximum Cas ing Sho e pressur e occur when us ing the Volumetric Method .? (Ch oose n ...o
a. When the influx reaches the BOP slack.
b. When the influx reaches the Casing Shoe .
c. When the well is firs t Shu t-in.

86. If g3S is migrating and you are unable to start the kill operation. which pressure should be held constant
to maintain a constant bottom bole pressure? (Choose O~C answer)
:I . Shut-In Casing P ressure.
b. Casing Shoe Pressur e.
c. Infl ux Pres s ur e.
d. Shut- In Drill P ipe Pressure .

87. When stripping to bottom. which o f the fo llowing actions should be taken? (Choose O!'iE answer].
a. Bleed off a volume of mud equal to 100 psi o fbydrostaric head.
b. Bleed off 3 volume of mud equal to the closed end displacement of the pIpe stripped uno the
c. Bleed off J. volume of mud equal to the metal displacement of the pipe stripped into the well.

8:J. . Shoe at = 6.000 ft

T'v'D:lt = 9.000 ft
MudWc:ight - llAppg
Collar Capac ity - 0.0077 bbls/ft
Collar Displacement e 0 .033 bblslft
Collar Length ... 1000
Pipe Capacity - 0.0178 bblszft
PI['C DIsplacement = 0.0082 bblsrft
Pipe to Casmg Annulus - 0.052 bbls-ft

Ptpe 10 Open Hole = O.O·~6 bblslft
Collars to Open Hole = 0.029 bbls/ft

Well starts to flow after 50 sunds pulled.

Shut-in Dati. ist-
Bit Depth '"'" ..0 50 ft
Influx 38 bbls
SICPP 400 psi
Influx Gradient '"" 0. 12 psiift
Answer the following question (assume no gas migration).
3. Calculate the volume to bleed off to stri p back 10 bottom? Answer bbls
b. Wb.11 ....;11 happen to bottom bole pressure if too much mud is bled off? (Tick appropriate space
provided). _ _ Increase _ _ Decrease _ _ Stay the same
c. what w in happen to bottom bole pressure if 100 little mud is bled otT? (Tick appropriate: space
provided). _ _ Increase _ _ Decrease _ _ Stay the same
d. WhJ.1 should happen to Casing Pressure as string is stripped into influx? (Tick appropriate space
provided). _ _ Increase _ _ Decrease _ _ Stay the same

Ii? A well is being killed at 30 spm using the Driller's Method. Halfway through this first circulation the
choke operator obse rves a sudden increase in drill pipe pressure. The choke pressure and pump speed
have Dol changed. wbat could bave happened? (nvo A,,".jSWERS)
3. There is a blockage in the standpipe manifold.
b. The bit nozzles bave partly plugged.
c. The kick is about to enter the cboke.
d. The choke bas partly p lugged.
e. The mud/gas separator.is plugged with cuttings.

·}O. Using me Drillers Method 10 circulate: out the influx the- circulating pressure - 1,000 psi The- circulating
pressure increases rapidly to 1,400 psi (pump speed remains constant). It is decided that a bit nozzle bas
plugged. Which of the follo....-ing ....ill maintain constant bottom hole pressure?
3. ~1Jiotain the circulating pressure at 1,400 psi and the pump speed. ccnstam,
b. Adjust the circulating pressure: to 1.000 psi by changing the pump speed.
1:. Stop the pump and shut the well in. Re-calculate Initial Circulating Pressure and Final
Circulating Pressure adding 400 psi to the original SID PP.
d. Adjust the circulating p ressure to 1,00 0 psi by adjusting the choke and maintaining cons tant spm..

91. During a kill. a washout in the string develops. what happens to the mill pipe pressure?
:I. It should increase.
b. It should decrease.
c. It should remain COrLStJ.nt.

92. Which of the: follo .... ing could be affected by a suing washout during a kill operation" rTWO
A..r.... S\VERS)
a. M AASP .
b. Bottom hole pressure.

c. Slow circulating rare pressure.
d. Kick Tolerance and Fracture Pressure.

93. The choke is gradually closed to compensate for a string washout. What effect does the gradual dosing
of the choke have on the bottom hole pressure?
:1. Increase.
b. Stay the same.
c. Decrease.

94. If the drill string w ashes o ur during a kill operatio n which of the following pressures would remain
:1. Slow circu lating ra te pressure.
b. Casing pressure.
c. Drill pipe pressure.
d. Irurial Circulating Pressure

95. During a kill a washout develops in the dri ll string above the influx. What is the safes t way to handle
this situa tion?
:1. Stop pumping. Use the volumetric method unril the influx is above the washout. Then resume
b. Stop pwnping. Strip out of the hole to locate the washout in the dril1 string. then replace washed
out joint and strip back to bonom.
c. Keep pumping until the influx is above the washout. then usc the Vo lumetric technique to
remove the influx.

96. A well is shut in with the following readings:

Shut In Casing Pressur e 0 psi
Shut In Drill Pipe P ressure 200 psi
There is no now from the annulus when the choke is opened. What is the most likely cause of zero Shut
In Casing Pressure?
a. Swabbing.
b. The choke gauge has failed,
c. The forma tion at the shoe has been fractured.
d. The drill string is plugged.
e. The hole is packed off ar ound the BHA..

97. Which of the fbltowuig would give lo wer annulus pressures in a lo ng open hole section? (THREE
A.. 'iS\VERS)
a. lise the Driller's Method,
b. Use the wait and Weight Method.
c. Use a slower pump rate to kill the well.
d. Minimise the amount of mflux.

98. What are the correct actions that can be taken to minimise pressure in the annulus during the kill
ope ration? (TWO .;\.'1SWERSj

;J . Use the Wai t and Weight Method.
b. (boose a lower pump rare.
c. Choose a higher pump rate .
d. Maintain extra back-pressure 0 0 the choke for safety.

9<). During a kill operation. minor losses are experienced. What could you do to reduce the pressure at the
loss zone?
::I. Reduce mud viscosity.
b. Stop circulancn and shut in the we ft. Allo w the influx to migrate 10 surface using the votcmec-c
e. Reduce pump speed and keep bottom hole pressure as close to formation pressure as possible .

100. How is lost circulation usually detected during a well control operation?
;I. By a decre ase in the mud vo lume in the PIts.
h. By a decreasein the we ight indicator.
c. By monitoring the return flow with the flow-show.
d . By an increase in pump spee d

101. Wh y is it impo rta nt to monitor the pit vo lume during a well co ntro l operation? (1V/O A:--iSWERSj
;I. To chec k for mud lo sses.
b. Tells yo u whe n to adj ust dri ll pipe press ure.
c. To monitor the gas expansion.
d. To maintain bo ttom bole pressure cons tant.
c. Tells yo u w hen to adjust pump speed.

102. The cbcke line parted while killing a well, what is the first action to take?
3. Stop pump and close the choke.
b. Stop pump and close the BOP side outlet hydraulic valve (HCR).
c. Slap pump and close the mop at the Top Drive or Kelly.
d. Stop pwnp and close the shea r rams .

103. Whilst circu lating oU I 3 kick, the mud pwnp fails . WhJ. I is the FIRST action to take?
a. Ch311ge over to ~o.2 pump.
b. Shu t the well in.
c. Divert the well.
d. Fix pump s as soon as possible.

1O-f. Whilst circulating out a kick. the Rotary (Kelly) bose in the Derrick bursts, what is the first action to
::I . Hang tool joint on pipe ram acd close the shear rams . (Shear urn above the pipe rarn being us
b. Stop the pump, close the full opening safety valve on the drill string then close the choke .
C. Drop the dril l string and close the blind/shear rams.
d . Stop the pump, close the choke and record press ures.

105. When killing a well what is the correct actio n to take ira sudden loss in dril l pi pe pressure is observed"
:1. Incre ase the pump ra te to return drill p ipe to correct value.
b. Co ntinue at the sa me pwnp rate holding the Dew drilJpip e pressure.
c. Sh ut the well in an d in vest igate pressure loss.
d. Close the choke to compensate for the pressur e loss .

106. Whilst drilling. a 20 bbl gas kick. is taken and the well shut in. The pressures at surface stabilise after a
15 minu tes. Due to a delay in mixing JrilI mud the kill operation canner start, The pressures at surface
begin 10 increase due to gas migration. \\"h:lt .lCDOn should be taken to keep bottom hole pressure
constant (assu me there is no float in me string)?
a. Start bleeding off mad and let the casing pressure decrease according 10 •.. olumettic calculancus.
b. Bl eed mud from the c ho ke, keeping the dril l pipe pressure constant,
c. Bleed off mud keep ing the casing pressure constant,
d. Leave it as it is. Gas migration wrll not affect the bottom bole pressure.

107. WELL DATA :

S low rate circ ulatio n pr essur e 300 psi at 30 spm
The well has been shut in after a ki ck:
Shu! In Drill Pipe Pressur e 600 p si
Shut ln Casing Pressure 750 psi

Before starting to kill the .....ell . there is a complete power failu re at the pumps. Which pressure should be kept
constant in order to main tain the co rrec t bo ttom hole pressure if the influx migra tes?
a. 600 psi drill pipe pressur e.
b. 750 psi casing pressure.
c. 1050 ps i casing pressure.
d. 900 psi drill pipe press w-e.

I DS. A well is shut in on a 15 bbl kick. The infl ux is known to be a gas condensate [with both gas and liquid
Shut In Dri ll Pipe Pressure -tOO ps i
Shut In Cas ing Pressur e 500 psi

Th ere is a pow er failure on t he rig and the influx starts to mig rate. Drill pipe and casing p ressures are
increasing. If the choke W::J.S used to kee p casing pre ssur e constant at 500 psi. what woul d happen to bo ttom hole
3. Increas e.
b. Decreas e
c. Re main coasram,

109. Whilst killing a well a sudden loss in standpipe: pressure is observed. If the choke was closed to
compensate for the reduction in pressun::. w ha t would happen
10 the bottom hole pressure?

3. h would increase.
b. It would decrease.
c. It would remain constant.

110. Dunng a kill operation the pump suru to leak, The choke operator knc....s nodung ;abwt the lcl mJ IS

manuainiag correct doll pipe: pressure. \\'11.11 wrll happen [0 the bottom bole pressure?
:I. It ....ill increase.
b. It will decrease.
c. It will remain coustam,

II 1. wby is pressure budd up in the mud/gas separator (poor boy degcsser) dangerous whilst circulating out
a kick?
a. Pressure build up ....-ill increase the risk of lost circulation.
b. Pressur e build up may allow gas to be blown up the derrick vent line.
c. Pressure b uild up may allow gas to en ter the shale shake r are a.
d. Pressure build up will make choke adjustment difficult.

II Z. Whe n killing a we ll using the Driller', Me thod the choke pressure suddenly increases by 200 psi .
Shortly a fter, the choke operator sees the same pressure increase on the drill pipe pressure gauge. Wh.ir
is the most lik ely cause of this pr ess ure increase?
a. A restriction in the Rotary (Ke lly) hose.
b. A plugged nozzle in the bit.
c. TIle choke is partly plugged.
d. A wash out in the dri ll string.
c. A second influx h:L.'J en tered the well.

113. when killing a well using the Driller's Method the choke pressure suddenly increases by 100 psi .
Shortly a fter, the choke cperarcr observes the same pressure increase on me drill pipe pressure gauge,
What would be me correct response to this prob,lem?
:I . Reduce the pUIrlp rate 10 reduce bam p ressures by 200 psi.
b. No action required.
c. Shut the well in and change 10 another pwnp.
d. Shut the well in and change to another choke.

11'-. During a kill operation .....hich of the Icllo....ing problems require the pwnp to be shut down quickly to
prevent over-pressuring the formation .
:I . A washout in the choke.
b. A plugged choke.
c. A wesbccr in the drill pipe.
d. A plugged standpipe.
e. A washed out bit nozzle.
r. A plusged bit nozzle.

115. How would a choke washout be recognised?

:I.. Drill pipe and casing pressures both falling despite dosing me choke.
b. Increase in casing pressure with no change in drillpipe pressure.
c. Rapid rise in drillpipe p ressure with no change in casing pressure.
d. Orin pipe and casing pressures both rising despite closing the choke,

116. How would a choke washo ut be recognised?
:I . Rapid rise in casing pressure and no change in drill pipe pressure.
b. Continually closing the choke to maintain COrT~ t circulating pressure.
c. Increase in drill pipe pressure and no change to casing pressure.
d. Continually opening the choke to maintain correct circu lating pressure.

117. Selec t the products commonly used to preven t the formation crbydrates: (TWO A.v SWERS)
:I . Fres h W ater.
b• .Methano l
c. Carboxy Methyl Cellulose {O[q.
d . G lycol.
c. Diesel oil.

-I r blems & a p actices

I. Whilst c ircularing o ut a klck tbe mud pump fails. Whatis r he first a cticn to take? (Choose-ONE
;1,. Shut the well in.
b. Fix pwnp as soon as possible.
c. Change over to No 2 pump.
d. Divert the well.

2. If t he kelly hose split d uring a kill a peration, what would bet he first a ction to take. {Choose 0 NE
answer) .
3. Close the Shear Runs.
b. Prepare to reverse circ ulate.
e. Stop pump and close the full opening safety va lve on the drill string . Close the choke.

3. What action should be taken if the choke line parted during a kick? (Choose ONE answer)
a. Continue 10 kill the well only if influx is past the shoe.
b. Stop the pumps and shear the pipe .
c. Slap pumps and close choke.
d. Stop pumps and close the hydraulic valve on BOP side outlet,

4. Wh y can a pressure build up in the Mud Gas Separator be dangerous? (Choose ONE answer).
a. May allow gas 10 enter shale shaker area.
b. Will affect Drill Pipe pressure.
c. Will increase risk of lost circulation. I
d. Will allow gas to be blown along the Yenr'Line.

5. Losses during a well control operation are usually detected by: (Choose Ol'-'E ansv..er).
3. Monitoring SPM.
h. Monitoring pit le v el.
c. Monitoring the return flow at the flow line.
d. Monitoring hook load.

6. During the first circulation of the Driller's Method, the mud pump develops a leak. If the choke
operator maintains constant drill pipe pressure, what will happen to bottom hole pressure'? (Choo se
ONE answer).
a. It will increase.
b. It will stay constant.
c. It will decrease

7. If the drill pipe is plugged and SIDPP cannot be read, which of the following pressures cannot be
calculated'? (Choose lWO nnsv....ers).
a. Shoe pressure.
b. Formation fluid pressure.
c. Hydrostatic pressure.
d. Fracture pressure .
c. Kill Mud Weight.

3. A..f ter a kick the Drill pipe pressure and Casing pressure start to build up, but before stabilising they
suddenly drop . Which of the following situations ma y have occurred'? (Choose 01"l'"E answer).
:I. A weak formation has broken down.
b. Wash out in rho: dri ll string.
c. Problem with the gauges.
d. Annulus has packed off
c. Salt water influ x is migrating up the hole.
f. Size of influx.

9. Choke is adjusted to increase Dri ll Pipe pressure by l 50 psi (SPM held constant). Wbar will happen to
the following pressures? (Tick app ropria te space provide d).
a. Casing Shoe Pressure:
Increase Decrease Remain Constant
b. Bottom Ho le Pressure:
Increase Decrease Remain Constant
c. Choke Pressure:
Increase D ecr eas e Remain Constant

t o. The choke bas to be gradually closed due to a string washo ut. \V11.:11 effect does this have on the bottom
hole pressure? (C hoose, ONE answer).
:I.. Increase
b. Decrease
c. Stay the same.

11 . How is a choke washo ut recognised? (Choose ONE answer).

:I.. Increase in dril l pipe pressur e but casing pressure does not change.
b. Increase in casing pressure but drill p ipe pressure does no t change.
c. Hav-icg 10 close cho ke to maintain drill pipe and cas ing pressures.
d. Having to open cboke to maintain dril l pipe and casing pressur es .

l2 . When SP M is increased during a kill, what should happen to casing pressure to keep bottom hole
pressure steady? (Choose OJ\,,,£ answer).
:1 . Casing pressure should be allowed to increase .
b. Casing pressure should be allowed 10 decrease.
c. Casin g pressure shou ld be held steady.

13. How would choke plugging be recognised during a kill operation? (Choose ONE answer}
u. Decrease in pump pressure with no change to casing pressure.
b. Continually o pening the choke to maintain correct circulating pressure,
c. Decrease in cas ing pressure with no change 10pump pressure.
d. Continually closing the choke to maintain corr ect circulating pressure .

I~ . The drill string is slowly washing out and cboke is closed to maintain correct dnll pipe pressure. what
IS happening to the bottom bole pressure? (Choose: O!'-"E answer)
2. It V>;11 decrease.
b. It will remain constant.
1:. It will increase.

15. Which of the following will be affected by 3. string washout? (Cheese nvo answers).
2. ~l-\ASP .
b. Pump Pressur e for kill
c. Formation fracture pressure.
d. Bouom Hole pressu re

16. The well is shut- in wi th the following pressure readings:

Sh ut-in casing pressure ; 0 psi
Shut-in drill pipe pr essur e : 435 psi
The ~U IU5is observed through the c hoke, and there is no flow. Wha t will be the diagnosis"!
3. The welt w as swabbed in.
b. The bole is packed o ff ar ound Bl IA .
c. The forma tion at the shoe has been fractured.
d. The dri ll string h3.S twisted off.
c. The choke gauge failed.

17. During a kill operance, it is r ecognise d that there is a sma ll loss of drilling tl uid to the formation .
Which of the following actions has to be performed in order to redu ce the p ressure at the weak zone?
:1. Reduce the viscosity in the kill fluid circulated.
b. Reduce the drilling fluid pump speed or change to the cement pump tor a reduction in the flow
rate and keep the bo ttom bole pres sure as close as possible to po re pressure.
c. Stop circulation and shut -in the ho le. let the influx come to the surface by migration while the
bottom hole pressure is controlled by USC' of the Volumetric Method.

18. Which of the following parameters wi ll ~OT be affected by a string wash-out dunng a well kill
operation. when using the Driller's ~I e thod?

a. Bottom bole pressure.

b. Formation fracture pressure.
c. Slow cir culating rate pressure.

19. How can a washout at the choke be recognis ed? (Cboose O!'l""E answer) .
3. Drill pipe and casing pressures both f3UiIlg .
b. Increase in casing pressure but drill pipe pressure does not cbange.
c. Drill pipe and casing pressures both nsm g
d. Increase in drill pipe pressure bUI I:3.Sing pressure does no t change.

::0. KIll rare is 35 SP~L Pump Pressure - 700 and Casing Pressure ~ 1000. Pump speed IS decreased to ':: 5
SP;\-I holding 1000 ps i on Casing. How will this affect boncm hole pressure (ignor e m y ECD
effcct j.I'Cboose ONE answer).

:I. Decrease .
b. Stay the same.
c. Increase.

11. \....' ben circ ulating ou t a kick, the Cas ing pressure ap p roaches i\L-'\.o\SP while influx is still in the open
hole . What should be done? (Choose ONE answer},
3. Operate choke to prevent pressure exceeding ~tAASP.

b. Minimise any extra pressure in the annulus without going underbalance.

c. SI3rt pumping extra heavy mud down the drill string.

11. What is the effec t on bottom ho le pressure if the foll owing actions are tak en during a we ll kill?
:1. I f S P~t is increased from 20 t0 3 0 whilst bolding drill pi pe pressure constant: (ChoOSl."O:-''E
Increase Decrease Stay the same
b. Kill Mud is pumped 10 the bit while bolding drill pipe pressure CODSt3Ilt: (Choose Or-.'E answer).
Increase Decrease Sby the same

23. Kick is taken in a horizontal well. SIDPP - Slep. Influx is circ ula ted out using Drill er' s Method .
When influx is circulated ou t of the horizontal sec tio n and into the mo re vertical section, me Cas ing
pressure increase quite rapidly, why?
a. ECD is much greater in the horizontal section.
b. This is b«::J.uSC' kill mud was not pumped from the start of the kill.
c. TIlls is nor-mal for.any well when Driller's Meth od is used.
d . There is no loss o f hydr osta tic head until gas arrives at the incli ned or vertic al section of the well.

1~. Pump speed is inc reased during a kill and bottom. hole pressure is kepi constant What should happen
to plL.T.J' pressure? (Choose ONE answer]
:I . Pump pressure should rise.
b. Pwnp pressure should stay the same.
c. Pump pressure should fall.

~ 5. During a well kill operation, the choke operator noti ces that both dnll pipe and casing pressures are
slowly decreasing. He reacts by adjusting lhe choke to maintain the o riginal pwnp pressure. What
effect does this choke adjustment have on the bottom hole pressure?
:I.. Bottom hole pressure decreases.
b. Bottom bole pressure is returned to correct value.
c. Bottom hole pressure is Dol affected by choke adjustment

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