13 Questionnaires

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Performance Analysis of Employees State Insurance Corporation in Odisha

(With special reference to Choudwar, Odisha)

(Interview schedule for Insured Persons under the ESI Scheme)

Personal Profile

1.1 Sex - Male [ ] Female [ ]

1.2 Age-

18-25 year [ ] Between 25-35 year [ ] Between 35-45 [ ]

Above 45 year [ ]

1.3 Education –

Illiterate [ ] Below 10th Class [ ] +2 education [ ]

Degree [ ] Post graduate [ ] Technical/ Diploma [ ]

1.4 Marital Status- Single [ ] Married [ ]

1.5 Number of dependents-

Less than 2 [ ] 2-4 [ ] 4-6 [ ]

above 6 [ ]

1.6 Place of residence-

Urban [ ] Semi- urban [ ] Rural [ ]

1.7 Nature of employment-

Casual [ ] Temporary [ ] Permanent [ ]

1.8 Period of Service-

Less than 1 year [ ] 1-10 years [ ] 10-20 years [ ] above

20 years [ ]

1.9 Nature of Pay- Daily wages [ ] Monthly salary [ ]

1.10 Monthly income from employment

Less than Rs5,000 [ ] Rs5,000- Rs10,000 [ ]

Rs10,000- 15,000 [ ] Above Rs15,000 [ ]


2.1.Awareness of ESI benefits provided by the ESI.

Fully aware [ ] Partially aware [ ] Not all aware [ ]

2.2.Source of the awareness of the ESI benefits

Brochures/ circulars of corporation [ ] Employers [ ] Trade Union

officials [ ] Co-workers/ friends [ ] News papers/ TV/Radio [ ]

others [ ]

2.3.Satisfaction with measures taken by the corporation for providing information on ESI


Extremely satisfied [ ] Satisfied [ ] Partially satisfied [ ]

Not satisfied [ ] Cannot say [ ]

2.4.Awareness about formalities for claiming various benefits provided by ESI


Fully aware [ ] Partially aware [ ] Not all aware [ ]

2.5.Preference to visit various ESI sponsored hospitals during sick.

ESI Dispensary [ ] Govt. Hospital [ ] Private Hospital [ ]

Others (please specify) [ ]

2.6.Continuation after retirement in the medical benefits scheme of the corporation.

Yes [ ] No [ ] Canot Say [ ]

2.7.Availing sickness benefit provided by the corporation under ESI scheme.

Yes [ ] No [ ] Canot Say [ ]

2.8.Availing maternity benefit provided by the ESI.

Yes [ ] No [ ] Canot Say [ ]

2.9.Availing disablement benefit.

Yes [ ] No [ ] Canot Say [ ]

2.10. Satisfaction with the services of the administrative staff for claiming the benefits.

Extremely satisfied [ ] Satisfied [ ] Partially satisfied

[ ]

Not satisfied [ ] Cannot say [ ]

2.11. Satisfaction with the services of the employer for claiming the benefits.

Extremely satisfied [ ] Satisfied [ ] Partially satisfied [ ]

Not satisfied [ ] Cannot say [ ]

2.12. Availing any other benefit.

Yes [ ] No [ ] Canot Say [ ]

2.13. Satisfaction with the amount of cash benefits

Extremely satisfied [ ] Satisfied [ ] Partially satisfied [ ]

Not satisfied [ ] Cannot say [ ]

2.14. Delay in getting benefits

Very high Delay [ ] High Delay [ ] Moderate Delay [ ]

No delay [ ] Canot Say [ ]

***Thanking You***


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