Malunggay Leaves As An Alternative Pen Ink
Malunggay Leaves As An Alternative Pen Ink
Malunggay Leaves As An Alternative Pen Ink
Ink is a liquid or paste that contains pigments or dyes and is used to color a
surface to produce an image, text, or design. This simple thing has served a great purpose
of keeping tracks, records, and knowledge. Writing through ink has been the way of our
Throughout the world history, the discovery of pen and ink had been one of
human's useful inventions. Many ancient cultures around the world have discovered and
Along with the evolution of the world, the previously stationary pens and inks is
now portable and handy. However, the components for making these inks have also
developed into chemicals that can be harmful for the environment and human use.
Moringa Oleifera or Malunggay have been useful for humans in the fields of
health, medicine, and food consumption. This time it will be benefited as pen ink as an
Literature Review
According to Study Moose (2016), due to the toxics that can be found anywhere,
different harmful effect on the users may occur that could eventually lead to serious
conditions that society might face in the future; Natural inks could be the solution to
lessen these harmful effects. Natural inks could lessen the effects of Global warming and
depletion of the ozone layer, more on the condition that may make the world worse in the
future. Since natural inks are one of the people demand, natural ink can be more
plant is growing anywhere in the country. There are a lot of scientific evidence shows
well known as very good source of natural energy booster and nutrition. Universities
around the world have studied the malunggay abilities. A powder seed can be substitute
for water purification. Malunggay can help on balancing and keeping all important body
hormones that contributes for relaxation. The leaf is said to be the most nutritious part, it
may be taken cooked, raw and even powdered. Extraction of Malunggay leaves has also
Nature can provide for everyday needs such as writing ink. Traditional ink
sources include flower petals and tree bark, and though fruit sources are less traditional,
Ink is a combination of a coloring agent, pigment and liquid containing oil, resins
and chemical solvents. In the past, ink was fashioned from different colored juices, plant
and animal extracts. In addition, according to the article found in the Student’s
Encyclopedia, “The ink should make a clear permanent mark that when dry does not fade
from exposure to light or run from exposure to moisture. It should flow freely and dry
quickly when written in a surface and it must contain nothing that might damage either
Inks have always been an essential part of the lives of human. These are primary
use for communication and data recording. Offices, workstations and even academic
institutions have been using ink especially for their papers works and some other related
activities. However, with the advent of highly commercialized items and supplies, people
have difficulty in purchasing some basic things that are necessary to their works.
Commercial inks are made using different compounds such as resins and lubricants that
brings harmful effects to the health of the users. Inks are also made up of a mixture of
hydrogen peroxide and ammonia, thus, a great risk of ink poisoning if leakages and
breakages occur. Due to the pollution that is observable in the world now, being
environment-friendly through basic everyday things that are used is vital. An alternative
ingredient for making ink that has been found to possess such benefits that would help
lessen pollution were the Moringa Oleifera (known as Malunggay) and Rice stock.
Moringa Oleifera has many uses most especially its parts. (Study Moose, 2016)
The Strasbourg manuscript, of an earlier period, also describes the use of a whole
range of plants used in the manufacture of inks and water-colours. Later we see
developments in vegetable block-printing inks in 17th and 18th century Japan where it is
interesting to note that some colours were actually leached from previously dyed cloth.
(Quilala, 2012)
According to a similar study in Study Moose (2016), since Moringa Oleifera can
be found anywhere and can be bought in cheaper price, the researchers choose this as an
ingredient. This study will show how this natural source can be used to help people,
especially office workers, business people and students. This ink can be used for paper
works and also can be used as an alternative to the commercialized inks. Commercial
inks are made using different chemical compounds like resins and lubricants that may
cause harmful effects on the health of the users. This becomes even more perilous when
the inks are already disposed; adding to the pollution and contributing to Global warming
especially when burned. Moringa Oleifera and Rice stock are two of the many natural
According to Mangente, L. (2014), in relation to ink studies, ink was made from
natural products such as berries, bark and leaves. Leaf extracts have been used for
centuries to create numerous colors that, when mixed with different substances, could be
used as dye, paint or ink. Different plants produced different colors in the spectrum, and
"recipes" were handed down through the generations. Leaves have been used for
centuries to make ink because of its various shades that create yellow, green, brown or
black ink. This study was performed to discover more sources for ink making. If
leaves of malunggay are used in making ink, then its color will be natural, it is cheap, and
commonly grown species among moringaceae plants with thirteen different types.
“Moringa” on English name, “Sajina” in Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia and is
known “Malunggay” in the Philippines. It has eighty other names used worldwide. It
grows widely in tropical climate areas. Malunggay is widely used as vegetable ingredient
in cooking, as herbal medicine for a number of illness and other practical uses. The
Malunggay plant can grow to as high 3 to 9 leaflets. It has a white fragrant flower that
produces long pods with 3-angled winged seeds. Malunggay may be propagated by
planting its seeds about an inch in the ground or matured malunggay stem cuttings of
about 3 feet in length may also be planted into the ground. Planted malunggay cuttings
grow faster compared to planted seeds. There are a lot of scientific evidence shows
malunggay benefits both on nutritional contents and medicinal properties. (Study Moose,
Many of the colourful inks that you can buy are made from fiber reactive dyes
rather than the traditional pigments historically used in inks. Fiber reactive dyes, while
permanent on cotton or paper, are highly toxic in the environment and are a carcinogen.
minerals (in particular iron), and the sulfur-containing amino acids methionine and
cysteine. Moringa Oleifera leaves was said to be the most nutritious part, where inks was
to be made with the use of its extract, doubtless using this ingredient is safe in conducting
an ink. In today’s modern world, almost every product has been commercialized and
people sought for products that are more natural and cheaper instead. The creation of ink
for the people. The researcher thought of natural ingredient that has great potentials in
having an alternative ballpen ink due to its safe contents. This experiment was decided to
develop that make use of natural ink bases to promote awareness and see the efficiency
compared to commercialized inks. This study aims to produce natural ink out of Moringa
Moose, 2016)
When a pen runs out of ink, people tend to simply throw the used pen away and
buy a new one. It is a cheap and convenient way to refurbish your stock of writing
utensils, so this is what most people do. However, an alternative to throwing away your
empty pens is to refill the ink cartridges, rather than creating plastic waste from unwanted
pens. You can make your own, environmentally friendly ink at home through the use of
Malunggay is well known as very good source of natural energy booster and
nutrition. Universities around the world have studied the malunggay abilities. A powder
seed can be substitute for water purification. Malunggay can help on balancing and
keeping all important body hormones that contributes for relaxation. The leaf is said to be
the most nutritious part, it may be taken cooked, raw and even powdered. Extraction of
Malunggay leaves has also the feasibility to make ink pens. In relation to ink studies, ink
was made from natural products such as berries, bark and leaves. (Study Moose, 2016)
Lehnhardt, P. (2015) cited that plants produce strong colors that can be used not
only for dying yarn and fabrics, but for painting on paper, canvas or walls; for printing; or
Tree’ because all of its parts -- leaves, fruits, and roots -- have something extraordinary to
offer. It is native to regions of Africa and Asia, but it can grow almost anywhere and it
has the ability to extract nutrients from the air and soil wherever it grows. (The Superfood
Grocer, 2013)
As far as costs are concerned, both colour and black soy inks are competitively
priced with petroleum-based inks, although black soy newsprint inks can be up to 25%
more expensive. However, the slight increase in cost in using soy-based inks is offset by
the reduced amount of resin needed to colour the soy ink. Furthermore, vegetable-based
inks are thinner making them more translucent and therefore less pigment is required to
That's why the researcher investigated a project that can help lessen the economic
crisis for the production of ink out of carbonated charcoal. With the help of innovators,
sufficient resources like the carbonated charcoal can be very useful for new item ideas.
The researchers pounded some charcoal and combined it with alcohol. Added a small
amount of vinegar to add stability to the ink. The Vinegar also makes it more permanent,
once it has dried on the paper. Strained and transferred it to a container. After the study,
the researchers found out that it is possible to utilize charcoal and make it into an
alternative ink , though it is not good as the commercialized one. (TermPaper Warehouse,
This history of Chinese inks can be traced back to the 18th century BC, with the
utilization of natural plant dyes, animal, and mineral inks based on such materials as
graphite that were ground with water and applied with ink brushes. The India ink used in
ancient India since at least the 4ath century BC was called masi, and was made of burnt
bones, tar, pitch, and other substances applied with sharp pointed needle. (Studytiger,
compounds like resins and lubricants which becomes more perilous when the inks are
disposed, recycling common materials/ local could lessen the expenses in experimenting
new product. The main ingredients were consumed wisely and have the feasible that can
It is evident that adopting green printing practices is a very responsible move for
any business, which brings with it a host of additional benefits that organizations can use
to their advantage. Making the simple yet important step of asking your company printer
if they use sustainable soy and vegetable-based inks will not only benefit the recycling
process, but emit fewer emissions during the production process, reduce costs, as well as
allowing your company to tap into the ‘green consumerism’ market. (Moore, 2015)
well-rounded superfood player that you definitely want on your team. (The Superfood
Grocer, 2013)
The process of printing forms an integral part of our lives in this day and age.
Running a business across any industry habitually requires the process of printing in
some shape or form and it is for this reason that the printing industry ranks as one of the
(Moore, 2015)
Nature can provide for everyday needs such as writing ink. Traditional ink
sources include flower petals and tree bark, and though fruit sources are less traditional,
they also make for useful ink. Berries and cherries, with their high juice content, are ideal
for ink making. Unlike other juicy fruits such as watermelons, citrus fruits or peaches,
berry and cherry juice are dark enough to show on writing paper. On this study, the
researchers chose a banana sap as an alternative natural ink so that they will be able to
know and discover other natural alternative inks aside from berries, which is commonly
Subsequently the onus is on business owners across the globe to change their
printing habits by adopting greener practices. Green Printing has gained considerable
and threat the printing industry poses on the wider environment as a whole. One simple
change could be the choice we make in the ink we use. The switch from conventional
petroleum-based inks to vegetable or soy eco solvent inks can have valuable impacts not
only on the environment but also upon human health. (Moore, 2015)
and people sought for products that are more natural and cheaper instead. The creation of
calligraphers as well as for the people. The researcher thinks that Narra has great
potentials in having an alternative permanent marker ink due to its strong tanning color.
The researcher decided to test its effectiveness as an ingredient for permanent marker ink.
(Ceron, 2013)
and people sought for products that are more natural and cheaper instead. The creation of
calligraphers as well as for the people. The researcher thinks that Narra has great
potentials in having an alternative permanent marker ink due to its strong tanning color.
The researcher decided to test its effectiveness as an ingredient for permanent marker ink.
(Ceron, 2013)
Many of the conventional inks on the market are petroleum-based and also use
alcohol solvents, along with some pigments used in the inks containing heavy metallic
substances such as cadium, lead and mercury which are not only harmful to the
environment but also to human health. These inks are typically refined from crude oil
which is not only a valuable finite resource but whose energy requirements for extraction,
refining and treatment are incredibly high. As the alcohol and petroleum in these inks
evaporate during the drying process, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are emitted,
which react with nitrogen oxides in the presence of sunlight to create ozone pollution or
asthma, emphysema and bronchitis and for workers in printing presses, the health hazards
Theoretical Framework
In Ink Theory, Merkin et. al stated that during the early development of DPN, the
first type of “ink” used patterned self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) onto a gold surface.
Understanding the process by which the ink is transferred from the tip of the AFM to the
surface allows for further development and improvement of DPN. Technically named
“tip-substrate molecular transport,” this process has many parameters that influence it.
Just a few include the chemical makeup and purity of the ink and surface, the shape of the
tip, the distribution of ink on the tip, and the temperature at which the experiment is
performed. Two other important factors that greatly affect the quality with which the
DPN is able to transfer ink to a surface are the humidity of the surroundings and the
water solubility of the ink. Moisture will gather on the tip of the AFM (called the “water
meniscus"), which is essential to the DPN process. In order to keep a constant layer of
water, which is especially important for scientific experiments, the experiment must be
water will not affect the results. However, it is also important to note that the effect that
temperature and humidity has on DPN molecular transfer depends on the specific
used to depict good the grounds for growing and acceptance of dietetic Malunggay or
Moringa oleifera and it highlights the demand for a scientific consensus on the
through drape channels over clip among the members of a societal system. Harmonizing
to Thurber and Fahey ( 2009 ) . the rate of acceptance and possibilities of over acceptance
can be predicted utilizing five features of a new invention. In order for Moringa oleifera
to be adopted and for its broad spread usage to be promoted. grounds must be provided
for the undermentioned properties: The first property is called Relative Advantage which
is the extent to which an invention is perceived as being better or more utile than the
thought it supersedes.
Then. it is followed by the Compatibility which means the step of how good an
invention is consistent with bing societal and cultural patterns. if it is sympathetic. and
whether it meets the demand of possible adoptive parents. On the other manus
utilize. Another property is Observability which is used to depict how good the
consequences of the invention can be seen and communicated to others. And eventually.
Diffusion of Innovations Theory is used to find the rate of version of the Malunggay or
Moringa oleifera. Using this theory. it will give accurate cognition on the effectiveness
and wellness benefits of Malunggay or Moringa oleifera shall be known. Another theory
to backup this study is the Natural Ink Theory by Patricia Lehnhardt. She States that
plants can produce natural inks. Creamy colored avocado pits can produce a red or pink
dye. The magenta colored leaves of the red shiso make a magenta liquid, but oxidize on
paper into blue ink. Even the black raspberry ink, which starts out as a blue, changes over
the course of a couple weeks to a purple. Some plants strike more quickly—the color
comes out within a couple minutes of simmering—while others strike more slowing,
taking lower heat and long simmering to reach it’s full potential. Making ink is just one
more way to enjoy the beauty and excitement of the natural world.
Conceptual Framework
Figure 1.0
Conceptual Framework
The table has shown the method that served as the researchers guide in
conducting their study. It showed the steps on how to make an alternative pen ink from
Malunggay leaves. The analysis presented that the researchers tested the effectiveness of
using Malunggay as an alternative pen ink. Many factors benefited in this study such as
the cheaper production of ink and the environment for its eco-friendliness.
The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of alternative ink using the
alternative ink through Malunggay leaves and relate it in the current production of ink.
2.1 Mixture;
2.3 Odor;
3.3 Textures;
The experiment will have a better result and having Malunggay as an ink will be
accomplished. This study will provide additional information and new knowledge
The study was conducted in Libradilla Residence, Blk.6 Lot.17 VSM Heights
Subdivision Phase 2, San Isidro, General Santos City, Philippines. The ingredients were
salt, binder, water, measuring cup, strainer, injection, empty ballpoint pens jars and
Malunggay leaves.
many fields. Upon using it, the people should be aware of the benefits they will get by
using Malunggay ink. In this study, the researchers aim to produce the alternative
Malunggay ink. In conducting this study, the researchers believe this study will provide
new knowledge on making products with cheaper and eco-friendly ingredient that is
Malunggay. Students are the primary beneficiary of this study to achieve knowledge in
the production of alternative ink. The producers and the economy of ink-production will
also benefit in having a cheaper but of the same quality as the current ballpens. This
study will also help further improvement of cheaper and eco-friendly with high quality
alternative products.
Definition of Terms
pen ink.
Solution. A liquid mixture in which the minor component (the solute) is uniformly
Extraction. The action of taking out something, especially using effort or force.
magnetic field.
thickness or viscosity.
Viscosity. The state of being thick, sticky, and semifluid in consistency, due to
internal friction.
Research Design
This study utilized the use of descriptive experimental research design since this
was the most appropriate research design for measuring the effectiveness of alternative
pen ink. The survey was to gather new knowledge in having Malunggay Leaves Extract
Sources of Data
malunggay leaves extract was produced as an alternative pen ink. With the use of salt,
vinegar, food coloring and other chosen materials in this study, the researchers
In order to produce the alternative ink, the researchers will use the
2.) Salt
3.) Vinegar
7.) Dextrose
Upon the production of alternative ink using Malunggay extract, the researchers went to
3.) Pour the ground Malunggay into the clean cloth and then squeeze the juice out.
4.) Add ½ tsp. of vinegar and ½ tsp. salt into the Malunggay extract and add food
5.) Extract small amount of ink from the bowl using pipette or syringe.
6.) Release the ink into an empty ballpen cartridge. Repeat until the cartridge is full
Schematic Diagram
Data Analysis
The researchers will using scientific observation when it comes to collecting data.
The researcher will be giving observation after conducting the experiment. This will
The researchers undergone experimentation and observation analysis and are able
● Advantages
The malunggay pen ink has no harmful chemicals since it is natural. It is also
economically friendly since you will not spend money because it is readily
available in the backyard and even in our neighborhood. It is natural and has no
side effects. The production is cheap and have easy to find ingredients.
● Disadvantages
The disadvantage of using alternative pen ink is it has a lighter color intensity
In the production of Malunggay ink, the materials and equipment were put into
use. The malunggay leaves produced green pigment from the extraction. The green
pigment became the based color of the alternative ink. The juice of the malunggay leaves
are watery: and so, green coloring were added for additional pigmentation.
Upon the extraction of malunggay, 14 tbsp extract was obtained from 7 grams of
malunggay. The 14 tbsp of malunggay extracts with specific amounts were properly
mixed and stirred. The treatments were done to best know on how the quality of
malunggay extract affect the mix in terms of mixture, hue, viscosity and rate of drying.
As shown on table 1, the hue, viscosity and rate of drying were measured. This
was one of the basis of which extract has the best qualities as an alternative ink. Mixture
A in table 1 represents the percentage of Malunggay extract used which is 100%. Mixture
A was not given any amount of food coloring for it serves as the original contrast among
the other sets. Mixture A is composed of 6 tbsp of malunggay extract. The fact that
mixture A was concentrated, it yielded a color of deep green which is viscous. In open
1:1 ratio of
The color, viscosity and rate of drying were also measured in Mixture B as shown
primarily malunggay extract and food coloring and salt and vinegar. Mixture B has a
ratio of 1:1 of Malunggay extract which has a percentage of 50%. This 50% is equivalent
to 3 tbsp of malunggay extract. This was combined with 50% of food coloring which in
volume is 3 tbsp and mixed with specific amounts of salt and vinegar. Salt and vinegar
were also mixed for the preservation of the mixture. Because of the amount of food
coloring and malunggay extract that was mixed, Mixture B yielded a light green hue. The
researchers tested the viscosity of the mixture and found out that it was less viscous than
Mixture A. the rate of drying in Mixture B was longer which is 3:41 minutes.
2:3 ratio of
The same as Mixtures A and B, the hue, viscosity and rate of drying of Mixture C
were also measured by the researchers. As shown in table 3, there is a 2:3 ratio of the
comprised of 40% or 2 tbsp of malunggay extract and 60% or 3 tbsp of food coloring.
Salt and vinegar were also mixed to preserve the mixture. Because of the amount of the
ingredients mixed, a dark green hue of the mixture was observed. The viscosity was also
measured and the mixture was very viscous completely different from the other two
3:2 ratio of
Extract with 40% or 2 tbsp of food coloring yielding a ratio of 2:3. The researchers also
observed that the amount of the ingredients mixed resulted to the mixture’s dark green
hue. However, compared to mixture C which is very viscous, mixture D was viscous only
2.1 Mixture
The amount of ingredients mixed affected the quality of the mix. Mixture A has
100% of malunggay extract that served as the original contrast among the other sets.
Having a ratio of 1:1, Mixture B contains 50% or 3 tbsp of malunggay extract and 50% or
and 3 tbsp or 60% of food coloring in a ratio of 2:3. Lastly, Mixture D comprises 60% or
3 tbsp of malunggay extract and 40% or 2 tbsp of food coloring yielding a ratio of 3:2.
2.2 Hue
The ingredients’ amounts that were mixed affected the hues of the different
mixtures. Mixture A has a deep green hue. Mixture B has a light green hue. Mixture C
2.3 Viscosity
The mixtures had different amounts of ingredients mixed. This affected the
viscosity of mixtures. Mixture A and Mixture D were both viscous. Mixture B was less
The rate of drying was also affected because of the amounts of ingredients mixed
in each mixture. Mixture A’s rate of drying had the lowest rate and was 2:39 minutes
only. Mixture B’s rate of drying had the highest and was 3:41 minutes. Mixture C’s rate
From the results above, the researchers found out that mixture C contains the best
quality as it has got the highest viscosity among the four which is a significant factor of a
quality of any ink. Its dark green hue is also more preferable as it is more visible.
To furthermore know the quality of this ink, Mixture C was subjected to different
types of surfaces. Mixture C ink has been placed on a plastic syringe and transferred in an
ink tube. This was tested and applied to different surfaces. Certain qualities of the ink
current production in terms of types of surfaces, rate of drying, consistency and intensity
of color.
Ordinary Bond
Table 5
The researchers first tested the chosen ink to an ordinary bond paper and observed
that the rate of drying was 3:40 minutes. Its consistency was very low resulting a great
dissipation of the ink in the bond paper. Its intensity of color is green resulting to its low
Table 6
The second attempt was done in an illustration board. The rate of drying of the ink
was longer compared to the first attempt which is 7:40 minutes. The long rate of drying
was caused by the quality of the surface used which is the rough illustration board. It
consistency is low and the ink dissipates still. The intensity of color was light green
Table 7
Lastly, the attempt was done in an intermediate paper. 2:31 minutes was covered
by the ink in terms of its rate of drying in the paper. The ink has a medium consistency
and the intensity of color is dark green making it more visible than the other first two
The types of surfaces used were an ordinary bond paper, illustration board
and intermediate paper and these affected the extent of utilization of the alternative
ink. The alternative ink was most utilized and applicable to the intermediate paper as
The rate of drying depended on the type of surface used. The rate of drying was
longer in rough surfaces such as the illustration board which has a rate of drying of
7:04 minutes. It was shorter in smooth surfaces such as in the ordinary bond paper
which has a rate of 3:40 minutes and in the intermediate paper which has a rate of
2:31 minutes.
3.3 Consistency
The consistency of the ink also depended on the type of surface used. The ink in
the ordinary bond paper had the lowest consistency while in the intermediate paper, it
The type of surface used affected the intensity of color of the alternative ink. The
intensity of color in the ordinary bond paper was green. In the illustration board, the
intensity of color was light green. Lastly, in the intermediate paper, the intensity of
The qualities are measured. Based on the on the above results, the researchers thus
conclude that the most applicable surface for this ink is intermediate sheet paper.
Summary of findings
harmful chemicals, is economically friendly, it is natural and has no side effects and
lastly, the production is cheap and the ingredients are highly accessible. The disadvantage
of using alternative pen ink is it has a lighter color intensity compared to chemical inks
The researchers found out that mixture C contains the best quality as it has got the
highest viscosity among the four which is a significant factor of a quality of any ink. Its
The qualities are also measured. Based on the on the data gathered, the
researchers thus conclude that the most applicable surface for this ink is intermediate
sheet paper.
The researchers have concluded the following from its results and findings:
3. The malunggay ink dissipates more than the current ballpen ink.
4. The malunggay ink needs more food coloring in order to make it more visible.
5. The malunggay ink has a slower rate of drying than current ballpens.
7. The more viscous, the higher the consistency of the malunggay ink.
8. The malunggay ink needs to have thick consistency to make it more effective.
The researchers would like to recommend the future researchers who are
interested in developing studies about inks to try another alternative ingredient that has a
darker color extract in nature to improve the color of the ingredients for better results, and
has thick consistency, for the ink when used for writing will not be dissipated. The
researchers’ also advocates re-associating the difference between the two inks by using
other tests in order to justify the result if this study. Furthermore, having a good quality
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