NAME OF STUDENT: - ID No: - Final Examination Spring 2018
NAME OF STUDENT: - ID No: - Final Examination Spring 2018
NAME OF STUDENT: - ID No: - Final Examination Spring 2018
University, Karachi
Spring 2018
1. This paper contains 4 Questions. Attempt all questions.
2. Marks of each question are mentioned at the end of each question.
3. Use of Calculator is Allowed.
4. Mobile Phones must be powered off and kept away during the exam.
5. Cheating of any type will disqualify the candidate.
6. Admit card is compulsory to appear in exam.
7. Student shall not be allowed leave exam hall before the specified time.
8. Student shall not be allowed to enter in exam hall after the specified time.
9. Student must comply with given instructions by the invigilator or examiner.
10. Any arguments/misbehavior with invigilator shall be resulted to disciplinary action.
11. Do not detach the sheets. (Paper will be cancelled, if the sheets are detached).
12. Write your answers in ink. Pencil may be used for underlining of diagrams only.
13. The work must be neat & clean. Over-writing, cutting will be considered as mistake.
14. Student must bring his/her own stationary. Borrowing in exam hall is not allowed.
15. Answer Script & Question Paper must be returned back to invigilator before leaving exam
Dated: 27-06-2018
Attainment Accord
Questions Marks (C/P/An) (WK/SK-n)
(CO-n) (WA/SA-n)
(PO-n) (WP/SP-n)
Q#1. a) Explain the difference between standing wave and travelling (C1) (SK-4)
wave? 15 (CO-1) (SA-1)
b) Discuss wide band antennas and narrow band antennas (PO-1) (SP-1)
Q#2. The ballistic submarine, USS Alaska, has gone alert. They must
stream a floating wire monopole antenna to get their alert signal. If the (C4) (SK-2)
alert signal is transmitted at 30 kHz, how far should they stream their 15 (CO-1) (SA-2)
antenna? (PO-1) (SP-1)
(note: the antenna being streamed is a straight wire)
(C4) (SK-2)
Q#3. What is the advantage of using a helical antenna over a normal
15 (CO-3) (SA-2)
straight antenna?
(PO-1) (SP-1)
**********THE END***********