LP-SP Engineering - APEGS New Members March 2
LP-SP Engineering - APEGS New Members March 2
LP-SP Engineering - APEGS New Members March 2
( A P E G S ) A N D T H E A S S O C I A T I O N O F C O N S U LT I N G E N G I N E E R I N G C O M P A N I E S – S A S K A T C H E W A N ( A C E C - S K )
Brought to you by the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan
Mosaic Stadium: Have you Saskatoon – the Bridge Engineers and geoscien-
ever wondered how the sta- City: Where do all those bridg- tists use their imagination and
dium stands? How does the es come from? Who builds the skills to bring the wonders of
concrete and steel, stacked and massive structures joining the modern life into reality.
angled, seemingly defy grav- river banks? How do they stay Engineers and geoscien-
ity? How does the giant screen so solid and reliable that thou- tists belong to self-governing
work? T he stadium lights sands of cars a day can pass professions. They are over-
shine? over them with no fear of fall- seen by their governing body,
Clean fresh tap water – ing in the water? the Association of Professional
straight to your home: Have Saskatchewan’s vast net- Engineers and Geoscientists
you ever wondered how that work of highways and roads (APEGS) and the engineer-
happens? Who dug the res- linking every city, town and ing business association, the
ervoir? Designed the pipes? village: Who plans them? Who A ssociation of Consulting
Cleaned the water? How does decides where new roads need Engineering Companies of
water pressure work? to go? How do they withstand Saskatche wan (ACEC-SK).
Saskatchewan’s natural all the extremes of our prov- These associations use their
resources – potash, uran- ince’s climate? How do all the foresight to develop and en-
ium, oil and gas: Who dis- potholes (or, at least, most of force one of the strictest codes
covered them? Who finds new them) get fixed? of ethics and professional con-
motherlodes of resource rich- T hese things and many duct of any profession in Can-
es? Who digs the mines and more in our day-to-day lives ada.
the wells and keeps them run- happen because engineers and Engineers and geoscien-
ning? geoscientists wondered. tists: Ever wondering.
Minister of Advanced Education
Minister Responsible for Innovation
Minister Responsible for the Status of Women
Minister Responsible for the Status of Women
Call us to discuss your project needs
REGINA: 306.525.4690
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S a t u r d a y, M a r c h 2 , 2 0 1 9 3
To celebrate
and Geoscience
has given the
movie and
resources to
Bah, Sulayman, P.Eng. Bahr, Evan, P.Eng., Beaudette, Colby, P.Eng., Berscheid, Brian, P.Eng. Best, Christopher, J., P.Eng. Bilton, Brenda, P.Geo. Buckler, Brandon, P.Eng. Chow, Ariele, C.,P.Eng.,
TransCanada Dynamo Electric Stantec
Clowater, James, D.J. P.Eng., Danoczi, Jane, E., Engineering Darmitzel, Sarah, L., P.Eng., Drager, Carla, P.Eng. Felix-Korte, Rhea, L, P.Eng. Gabriel, Mark, G., J., P.Eng, Gejdos, Dylan, P.Eng. Gerger, Stephanie, D., P.Eng.
McElhanney Licensee Saskatchewan Burns & McDonnell
Research Council
Glorioso, Gilbert, E., P.Eng. Jangda, Shakil, S., P.Eng. Kulshreshtha, Simone, E., P.Eng. Lopez, Jaytie, C., P.Eng. MacKay, Cameron, P.Geo. Maier, Jennifer, Lynn,P.Eng., Moazamigoodarzi, Nader, P.Eng. Ojierenem, Joshua, N., P.Eng.
RMIS Engineering
Rahman, Md Ziaur, P.Eng. Shrivastava, Prakhar, P. Eng. Slugoski, Darren, J., P.Geo. Toews, Kari, Lyn, P.Eng. Walker, Kelsey, C., P.Eng., Walls, James, R., P.Geo., Wlodarczyk,Vaughn,A., P.Eng. Zimmermann,Travis, R., P.Eng.
Altus Group Husky Energy R.J. Burnside &
Associates Ltd.
APEGS proudly introduces its new members to a diverse audience during Engineering & Geoscience Week and in the Professional Edge. You are invited to participate in the announcement by submitting your
photo when you become a new professional member.
6 S a t u r d a y, M a r c h 2 , 2 0 1 9
Recognizing Remarkable Achievements in Professional Engineering and Geoscience
2018 APEGS AWARD WINNERS Scenic Roadway, the York Factory Slope The project not only improves CRC’s use peer-reviewed journal articles and Louis-Pierre Gagnon, P.Eng
Saskatchewan’s professional engi- Stability Analysis in Manitoba, the Elbow of water. It also improves the air. The facil- supervised 46 post-graduate students. Louis-Pierre Gagnon, P.Eng. was
neers and geoscientists are constantly River Flood Rehabilitation in downtown ity significantly reduces Volatile Organic He is a Fellow of the Engineering Institute born and raised in St-Bruno near Mon-
pushing the boundaries of science and Calgary, the Warman and Martensville Compounds which cause odours in the of Canada (EIC), Canadian Society treal. He earned his Bachelor of Min-
technology. Interchanges, rehabilitation of Hwy 263 in area around the refinery. for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) ing Engineering at McGill University
They strengthen our economy and Prince Albert National Park, as well as his On April 24, 2017, the Wastewater Im- and American Society of Mechanical and his Master’s in Applied Sciences
enhance our quality of life while meet- contributions to the Regina By-Pass, and provement Project was named Industrial Engineers (ASME). He is the recipient at Laurentian University.
ing the challenges of environmental the infrastructure improvements for the Water Project of the Year at the annual of several awards in recognition of his Since relocating to Saskatoon in
sustainability and public safety. Town of Unity. Global Water Awards held in Madrid, research excellence, including the 2016 2009, Louis-Pierre has made signifi-
The remarkable achievements of our Michael received the 2017 ACEC-SK Spain. Achievement Award from Saskatchewan cant contributions to our province’s
professional engineers and geoscien- Young Professional Award and was also Health Research Foundation. He is also mining industry. In 2012, he designed
tsists were recognized at the annual awarded the 2018 Allen D. Williams Schol- THE MCCANNEL AWARD the recipient of the Educator of the Year and taught University of Saskatch-
APEGS Awards Banquet on May 5, 2018. arship from ACEC Canada. 2007 from the Saskatoon Engineering ewan’s first mine ventilation course
Society. and has been chair and board member
FRIEND OF THE PROFESSIONS THE ENVIRONMENTAL EXCELLENCE Daniel’s most significant achievements is of the Saskatchewan Polytechnic
AWARD AWARD creating and leading an interdisciplinary Program Advisory Committee for
research program in tissue engineering, the Mining Engineering Technology
which aims to develop artificial tissue/or- Program.
gan substitutes for the repair of damaged Louis-Pierre’s 22-year career has
tissue/organs including nerves, cartilage included many of the biggest players
and hearts. in mining across Canada and around
the world. He has served in various
THE BRIAN ECKEL DISTINGUISHED engineering functions for INCO and
SERVICE AWARD Vale, and in Saskatchewan as Senior
Mine Engineer for Cameco, Manager
Cathy Lynn Borbely, P.Eng of Mining Engineering for Mosaic
and today as General Manager, Mine
Cathy Lynn Borbely, P.Eng. was born and Projects for Orano Canada (formerly
raised in Regina. knowns as AREVA.)
Wendy Paddock Shelise Berteig, P.Eng Cathy Lynn graduated from the University In his present position, Louis-Pierre
of Regina in 1986 with a bachelor’s degree plays an instrumental role in the
Wendy Paddock was born in Wiseton, Shelise Berteig, P.Eng. was born in Win- in regional systems engineering. development and implementation of
Saskatchewan. She attended the nipeg, Manitoba and moved at an early After college, Cathy Lynn went to work for SABRE – Surface Access Borehole
University of Saskatchewan, graduating age to the family farm southeast of Swift the Ministry of Highways and Infrastruc- Resource Extraction, an innovative
with a Bachelor of Education degree. Current. ture. She is currently the Director of Land surface jet boring technique for
She taught school in North Battleford She attended the University of Saskatch- Acquisition and Management for the extracting uranium.
and Prince Albert until her retirement. ewan and obtained a bachelor’s degree Ministry.
Wendy was a classroom teacher who in biochemistry. Several years later, she Cathy Lynn has had many achievements
contributed to her profession by present- earned her Bachelors in Applied Science within the Ministry, including managing
ing curriculum in-services, serving on in Engineering from the University of Saskatchewan`s first recycled asphalt
Saskatchewan Teachers Federation
committees and as a member of the Sas-
Regina. Shelise graduated from Industrial
Systems Engineering Program with Great
paving contract, developing construction
practices for using geotextile fabric in
katchewan Department of Education’s
advisory committee that created the
After graduation Shelise was hired with
road subgrade construction and imple-
menting improved project management,
first Arts Education Curriculum for the Husky Oil in Rocky Mountain House, leadership and team building principles.
province. She actively mentored students Alberta. In 2009 she moved back to Swift Cathy Lynn has a long list of awards
of all ages about Professional Engineer- Current area to take on the role of Man- and honours, including the Ministry’s Mechanical
ing and Professional Geoscience.
Wendy is married to Dennis Paddock,
agement of Change and Pipeline Integrity.
She continued in the Pipeline Integrity
Celebrating Excellence One Team Award,
the Canadian Society for Civil Engineer- Design
P.Eng., former executive director and role when Whitecap Resources bought ing (CSCE) Sanford Fleming Award, Group
registrar of APEGS. For the past 30 the southwest Saskatchewan assets from Saskatchewan Centennial Medal in 2006
100 - 2330 15TH AVENUE
years, she has promoted the professions Husky Oil Operations. and the Deputy Minister’s Award in 1996.
in a more formal way. She has worked The focus of her work has been reducing She has also been named a Fellow of the
with volunteers from APEGS and its risks associated on pipelines. Shelise Engineering Institute of Canada and the www.rmdg.ca
predecessor APES and has promoted oversees the pipeline integrity work in the CSCE.
the professions in Saskatchewan, across area. The result is a positive and proac- Cathy Lynn has been an active volunteer
Canada and in the United States. tive focus on pipeline integrity from the in the community and in her profession.
operational to the corporate level. This One of her most notable contributions
THE PROMISING MEMBER AWARD has a positive effect on environmental was in 2004-05, serving as the first
impact, landowner relations and pipeline woman president of the CSCE in the
integrity awareness. organization’s 117-year history.
Every year, the Association of Professional research under Dr. Jack Gray in the Department of of Canada; Michael Welch Award from U of S in sistant while studying for his engineering degree.
Engineers and Geoscientists ofSaskatchewan Biology has focused on designing flight simulators 2016; the Walter Kupsch Award from Saskatch- He is currently providing contract engineering
(APEGS) recognizes engineering and geoscience to interface with insect nervous systems. Erik has ewan Geological Survey in 2018; the Second Prize services within the Pipeline Engineering depart-
graduates at the University of Regina and Uni- been involved with the U of S Aero Design Team. His for Undergraduate Poster from Saskatchewan ment of Adecco.
versity of Saskatchewan for outstanding aca- hobbies include cooking, boatbuilding, 3D printing Geological Survey Open House in 2017; Dr. Rui Feng
demic achievements and leadership. Meet the and design, hiking, amateur freshwater invertebrate Geological Science Award in 2015; Guaranteed En-
next generation of innovation. collecting and Swedish folk music. Erik intends to trance Scholarship from the U of S in 2014 and the
continue his research combining engineering with International Excellence Scholarship from College
biology. His long-term goal is to pursue a PhD in of the Rockies, Cranbrook, BC in 2012.
Mechanical Engineering with a focus on biomimetics
GOLD MEDAL AWARD and become an engineering professor.
8 S A T U R D A Y, M A R C H 2 , 2 0 1 9
Companies of Saskatchewan (ACEC-SK) Awards WSP Canada
Project: SaskTel Tier III Data Centre
Stantec Consulting Ltd.
Project: Highway 17 over Battle River Bridge
Client/Owner: SaskTel Rehabilitation
THE LT.-GOV.’S MERITORIOUS ACHIEVEMENT MENTOR AWARD Client/Owner: Saskatchewan Ministry of High-
AWARD The 2018 ACEC-SK Mentor Award was pre- ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY AWARD OF ways & Infrastructure
The Association of Consulting Engineering sented to Lawrence Pinter, P.Eng. of Pinter & MERIT
Companies – Saskatchewan (ACEC-SK) honoured Associates Ltd. PINTER & Associates Ltd. COMMUNITY INITIATIVE AWARD
Kenneth George Linnen, P. Eng., FEC as the 2018 Project: Enhanced Anaerobic Bioremediation Stantec received ACEC-SK’s 2018 Community
recipient of the prestigious Lieutenant Governor Achieves Cost Effective Closure Initiative Award for their Stantec + Soul’s Har-
Meritorious Achievement Award at their annual Client/Owner: Kevin Leung, Country North Shell bour Rescue Mission
Awards of Distinction on November 20, 2018 in
Associated Engineering 2018 Brian Eckel Memorial Scholarship Award
Project: Livestock and Forage Center of was presented to Michael Luciuk, a third-year
Excellence engineering physics and computer science
Client/Owner: University of Saskatchewan student at the University of Saskatchewan.
Corporate Members
Associate Members