ShaykhNazimHaqqani MercyOceansBookOne PDF
ShaykhNazimHaqqani MercyOceansBookOne PDF
ShaykhNazimHaqqani MercyOceansBookOne PDF
The teachings of
Mawlana ‘Abdullah al-Faizi ad-Daghestani
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Our Grandshaykh says, “We must believe that there are two
nations of the sons of Adam living now, imprisoned behind a great wall
built by Dhul-Qarnain. In front of this wall, Allah Almighty has put great
mountains of ice . . . unapproachable. These imprisoned nations, the Gog
and Magog people, by Allah’s will, shall be released at the coming of a
new star of great heat. They will quickly run out, eating everything softer
than stones and drinking rivers and lakes. They will stay on the world
until the Last Day, when the trumpet blows. Then all will die and the
mountains will be levelled. Stones will be reduced to sand by terrible
earthquakes. Afterwards, for forty years, there will be no life on earth.
Resurrection Day: Allah Almighty sends his rain. This rain is the
sperm of man. For forty days it will rain and soak into the ground.
Seventy arm lengths of water will cover the earth. It is written in hadith
that all the bodies of people will be destroyed except for one piece of
bone – one cell.
This one cell will be like the egg cell of a woman, and it will be
fertilized by this rain. From it, all bodies will come back to life, growing as
in our mother’s womb, and soon becoming as they were on the day they
died. Only a few bodies, such as those of the Prophets, will not
experience this destruction and rebirth, but will, instead, be Divinely
Then the Prophet (peace be upon him) gives permission for all
people to come up. Seventy people will try to crowd onto one square
foot. There is darkness – no sun, no moon. The people are naked, hungry,
and thirsty. No one can see another, they have risen to they know not
what. It is a fearful day.
Immediately, the Prophet (peace be upon him) will give the light
of lman to each person, according to their faith. The minimum light will
be like the end of the thumb, flickering on and off.
Then, from all directions, the people will be gathered on one plain
for the judgment. That will be on the plain of Damas, and the balance will
be set on the mountain (Jabal Qasiyun). (At this, the shaykh points to a
spot directly in front of him in the Masjid of ‘Abdullah Daghestani and
says, “Right here!”) Al-Kursi (the throne of our Lord) will be on the site
where today are the graves of two of the Prophet’s wives in Damascus.
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Hadith says, “The way to Paradise is filled with many things that
our nafs will never like. The way to Hell, on the other hand, is full-up
with our desires and pleasures.”
Patience is fighting all that the nafs likes. There are three types of
The second type of patience is even more valuable, and that is the
patience to refrain from forbidden things. When you look at a
woman, for example, say, “O my nafs! This is my sister! How can I
look at her with bad eyes?” About this kind of patience there is a
hadith: “To live as a servant and to keep away from forbidden
things is more valuable than all the worship of all the angels, men,
and jinn throughout the ages!”
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The pole star is fixed with all other stars revolving around it. The
Qutb is fixed with all the other saints revolving around him also. The
Qutb is the Sultan of the Awliya, the real Caliph and representative of
Allah on earth. This is the highest rank among the saints. The orders of
the Qutb are the orders of Allah, and his will is the equivalent of Allah’s
will. Why? It is because he is no longer subject to his nafs’ desires. Only
Allah’s Will is with him. There are no hobbies with him, only Allah’s Work.
Only this kind of man can be a Wali (saint).
It is the reality of death. At the same moment we are living here, we are
reaching there. When your spirit leaves your body, immediately it will be
in its Heavenly station. Our soul is waiting, like a bird in a cage, to be
free. It waits with endless desire for the time when it can fly to its
Heavenly station.
When a man knows the truth of death he no longer fears it, but
waits for it. This knowledge gives us love to reach our Heavenly home,
and also a Way. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “The way to meet
your Lord is death. If you don’t like death, you don’t want to meet your
All real believers must, therefore, like death – for it is the way to
the Heavens. Thinking of death gives more power to our faith. The love
of God is the power of our faith, the spirit of our faith. If you haven’t any
love for Allah, then you cannot have any faith. It is impossible.
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Shaykh ‘Abdullah said, “If one louse gets on your foot and you say
to it, ‘It’s alright, it’s only my foot’ – soon you will find it, not on your foot,
but in the hair on your head!”
In the light of this saying, we must know that there are two kinds
of people. Good people will show mercy and tolerance to all. Those of
bad character, on the other hand, are pleased to see others miserable.
They give trouble to everyone. Bad people come to good people and say,
“Let us be your doorkeepers.” When good people accept them (saying,
“Alright, it doesn’t matter”), the bad ones usurp all that the good people
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Hadith says, “The best work is knowledge of Allah. That is the best
occupation for a man.” This Hadith is like an ocean, for Quran says, “O
my people, I am with you – all the time – everywhere.” He is always with
us. This is knowledge.
Our Grandshaykh says, “If a man is not aware that Allah’s eyes are
with him everywhere, all the time, that man is not a mu’min (believer).”
You must imagine, in your heart, that Allah’s eyes are with you. If you
forget this you will be absent from your Lord, and when you are absent
from your Lord you will be present with your nafs (ego). The best actions
come by holding this in your mind. “O my Lord, why am I writing this? I
am writing for you.”
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lman (faith) means purity, and faith never lives in a dirty place or
in a dirty heart. In the light of this hadith, we must move so that we will
be living with people who are always with their Lord. Otherwise we are
still living with snakes and scorpions.
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Our Grandshaykh said that all Prophets and saints came only to
call people to the buildings of their Heavenly stations, and to advise them
how to do so. They don’t care if a man lives in a cave or a palace in this
life, because everyone eventually ends in the grave.
as you will stay in the next life you also must work for it.” This life is
temporary. The next life is eternal. Therefore, working for eternal life
must be unlimited. When we are working toward our heavenly stations,
it gives us endless pleasure and satisfaction – endless pleasure for the
heart of man.
In this age people are contrary to this point, giving all their
energies to working for the things of this world. This is the source of all
trouble and unhappiness of our time. How can a man be happy in this life
when his desires and demands are endless? People want the whole ocean
when they can have only one drop. How can they be happy?
I watched the young people in London. They looked like little fish
with their mouths open wanting to swallow all the world – all the girls –
all the good things. They run here and there, and in the end the world
swallows them. That is the life of this world and it is empty. A man may
live in Paris for forty years visiting the cafes and theatres every night.
Then he comes here and sits with us. Would you believe that he
swallowed all of Paris? No. Paris is still there without him. There is
always a bigger fish to swallow the little ones.
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(peace be upon him) was the night journey from Mecca to Jerusalem to
the Heavens and back again – the Me’raj. We must believe it as Allah tells
us this in the Quran. We must believe it in our hearts. “Be right, as you
have been ordered!” says the Quran.
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The first reason was to receive good tidings for the sons of Adam
(peace be upon him), as is related in the Quran. Allah swore, on His
Divine Honour, to make the sons of Adam beings of high respect and
honour, and spoke of this each time He called Muhammad (peace be
upon him). This is an endless honour for men.
The second reason for which Rasulullah (peace be upon him) was
called to his Lord’s Presence was to receive authority and power to keep
the sons of Adam from all evils and devils (“… as much power as you need
to protect My servants!”).
You are a man – we are all men – and men are known by their
names. That one, for example, is named Tariq. We may further call him
an American, a Muslim, a farmer. More descriptions give honour to a
name, or, to put it another way, titles and names are the signs of his
honour. We say that there is a reality, a wisdom, in Arabic, that the more
names a man has the greater his honour.
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returns. Then, the order comes, and he is bound in chains of light. Again
he escapes, and says, “My Lord! I don’t want these things; I Want you!”
Then, down upon him comes Nur and he disappears – gone into the
Presence of Allah.
People like this know which thing is cheap and which thing is
valuable. If they are shown a piece of glass and a diamond, they choose
the diamond. How can anyone with a good mind choose to leave the
Lord of the Universe? He is the Creator, the owner of all things. Accept
the good He gives but in your heart always say, “O my Lord, we are
asking for You only.”
Every Friday, in Paradise, Allah removes the veil from His Face. All
the people there who chose Paradise instead of Him immediately quit
whatever they are doing and look upon It – At that time there is no more
sweetness or pleasure in anything else.
For those who wanted Him, however, they are before His Face
eternally in His veiled Paradise beautified by the lights of His Beautiful
Names, numerous as the smallest pieces of the universe, and bathed in
the light of His Greatest Name. Each Name is an ocean of beauty and
lightened pleasures, with countless private areas and secret mercies. The
Greatest Name covers all.
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It is not a fit way for people to behave, biting and kicking like wild
animals. A hadith relates: “Who is a Muslim? A Muslim is he who gives
harm to no one. Not with his hands nor with his tongue.” This is a wide
entrance to Islam, and it is for all people. The Prophet (peace be upon
him) bears witness to this: It matters not which country or religion you
come from, if you harm others you are not a real Muslim; you are with
the animals in the stable.
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Mawlana asks one of his murids, “Did you pay attention to what I
just said? Don’t tell me that you have heard all this before. Some things
are suitable for using in more than one place. The onion used in cooking
goes well in many dishes. You don’t say, ‘No, I already used it for soup.’
You may use it for salad also. You must always pay attention to all I am
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A person must know how and from whom he is asking. Man may
ask for things dangerous to himself. But, if you know that a thing is good
for you, you must ask strongly – not half-asleep! You must be like a little
boy, asking from his parents. He never ceases till they give him what he
asks. When you have been given a thing by Allah, you must keep it and
thank Him for it.
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“In Quran, Allah tells Moses (peace be upon him), ‘Look to the
mountain. When his Lord revealed Himself to the mountain, the
mountain came crashing down!’ (Quran, surah A’raaf, VII- 143)
“We are saying that the whole of the universe is less valuable than
even one of the sons of Adam (peace be upon him). Thus, for our sake,
Allah looks to us here, in this dunya, once a day. This world isn’t valuable
to Him, but the sons of Adam (peace be upon him) have endless value in
His sight.
“Nowadays people have forgotten this. They all hold this world,
this dunya, to be very valuable. For this dunya, they kill each other with a
quarter’s worth of lead! One of the pillars of Islam is to know the value of
people and things. A Muslim’s vision must be like his Lord’s vision. We
must treat each other with perfect love and respect. We must help each
other, not quarrel over the things of this worthless world. Allah Almighty
is ‘Rabbil-Alameen,’ the Lord of the Universe, and all people are equal in
His sight. They are all servants of their Lord whether they know it or not.
All of us are living in His Mercy Oceans.
“As we said, Allah Almighty looks to this world once a day. The
time He looks is from midnight until the adhan of fajr (the morning
prayer). What is the reason He looks? It is to see what lblis, the devil, is
up to. Allah sees what dirt Satan has thrown on his servants during the
day, and like a mother catching her dirty child after a day of playing, He
washes away their dirt. With His endless mercy He washes away their
bad deeds. Every night, for the honour of those awake and praying for
forgiveness, Allah Almighty gives His mercy generally to all the sleeping
ones. Every night Allah is destroying bad things and putting good things
in their place. This is secret knowledge. lblis never knows of it. If he knew
that every night his doings were being destroyed, he would cease trying
to deceive people.”
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Since the time of Adam (peace be upon him), and up until the Last
Day, Allah Almighty has given four great saints the task of governing and
looking after the whole world. When one goes, another comes to take his
place. Their decisions control kings and history.
These are secret titles, known only to the few who are holding
them. They are unknown persons; perhaps the man pushing a cart in the
market place is one of them! Allah Almighty leaves the sons of Adam
(peace be upon him) almost completely in their care; only once a day
does our Lord look to us to protect us from Satan.
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For example, Allah says to us, “Don’t look at that which is haram
(forbidden).” Our nafs (egos), on the other hand, say, “It is a pleasure to
look. I know more than You!” In addition to looking, there are, of course,
many ways in which we may use our bodies in rebellion to our Lord.
When we do this, we say, “I am free! No one orders me!” Bad kufr
(disbelief) begins with this.
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Nimrod, the king of Babylon, once built a great tower for fighting
against Allah. Our Grandshaykh says that, unlike King Nimrod who only
built his tower once, we are continually building towers for fighting our
Lord, until we finally surrender and become Muslim.
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“If they offered me all the treasures of this world, I would not give
even one inch of my intestines!” To give such a thing may mean death for
the giver. In that case, what value do this world’s treasures hold?
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Allah says, “Whoever fights their nafs for Us will reach to Our
Heavenly ways.” This means that you must be patient always, until you
reach a point where your Lord will take care of you. It can be compared
to what happens to a rocket when it reaches the edge of the earth’s
gravitational pull. That rocket must spend huge amounts of power to
reach that point, until suddenly it is free from gravity’s pull. Then it can
travel easily. Likewise, until we cut the ‘gravity’ of our egos, it will be very
difficult. We must be patient – spending so much energy – fighting until
we can be free of our nafs hold. Then we may go more easily also.
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How are we to use our organs? What is the balance, what are the
criteria against which we can observe and criticize our actions?
For every action, you may find three ways, or positions. These are
called wajib, sunnah, and haram. We will illustrate these terms with some
The top class of people are the Awliya, the Saints. They have, in
their eyes, a divine light, a divine power, that burns away badness in
those people upon whom they look. Because of this divine quality, they
may look everywhere, at men or at women. It has been ordered for them
to look. There is no prohibition for them. Therefore, their looking is
For the second class of people, their looking is ‘sunnah.’ When one
looks at a beautiful girl in this manner, he sees her as she would appear
two years after her death! In this way, he can know what is temporary
and what remains. He looks and learns, like a medical student looking at
a cadaver.
Some people, on the other hand, when they listen to music are
changing, looking at their incompleteness. This is a funny happening, and
with it comes a very strong desire to complete one’s self, to save one’s
self from incompleteness. This is Divine music, special music. We may
say it is ‘sunnah.’
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If a man is thinking this, how can he find time to find faults with
others? You must always be thinking, “What will be my situation in the
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The Grand Wali in these times, the keeper of this world, is Sahib
uz-Zamaan (peace be upon him). He said, in the assembly of the Awliya,
one word; one very important sentence – Our Grandshaykh repeated it
as he heard: “The summary of all Holy Books, what is it? It is fear of God!”
If you have fear of God in your heart, you have the summary of all
holy books. You will not leave any good action; you will do it! Also, if you
have fear of God, you will not be able to do any bad deed. It is the main
aim of all Holy Books to direct people in this way. What thing does man
need to escape badness, and go to goodness? It is the fear of Allah in the
heart. Without this he is like a wild animal.
Hadith tells us that in the last days few people will have the fear of
Allah Almighty in their hearts. Animal nature will surface among us, and
human nature will disappear.
Yet, from Allah come ‘radio waves’ to guide us to Him. He who has
fear of Allah Almighty in his heart, he who believes in the Judgment Day
and that Allah is Judge, he who believes that he will be asked to give
account for his life – for his actions, that man will fear his Lord, and keep
away from doing bad deeds; keep away from evils and devils!
In this way devils are now working against humanity and good
character. Bad people are defending disbelief, fighting against believers.
Show me one man who believes in akhira (the life hereafter) doing bad
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The Prophet (peace be upon him) says that for every person there
will be a life record consisting of seventy rolls. Each roll will be as long as
the eye can see. Nothing is hidden, and all can be seen at a glance. Allah
Almighty will say, “Look at this man’s actions! What is your judgment for
him?” The ‘film’ is your own and you will be your judge. It will be exact
justice! There can be no question of anything being left out as the two
angels are with us always, recording all we say and do.
In addition, Allah and His Prophet (peace be upon him) each have
a private book for us, one for every person. While the book written by
the two angels is always open, the book of Allah is closed. It is opened
only when a man is not occupied with this world, only when he is praying
and working sincerely for his Lord. The book of the Prophet (peace be
upon him) is opened for those servants who are keeping the sunnah,
those who respect the Prophet (peace be upon him) in their hearts and in
their actions.
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“What was the way of the Sahaba? When they were in assembly,
they were using such a power that all the devils of creation, numbering
to infinity, could not find a way to enter. The wall of power!
“The Sahaba were all awakened people, not asleep. They never
gave occasion to lblis; not with their eyes, ears, tongues, hands, legs,
noses, hearts, or thoughts. There wasn’t occasion for him.
“Satan has arrows. The Prophet (peace be upon him) says, ‘They
are poison arrows.’ If, for example, a man is looking at a forbidden thing,
he is pierced by an arrow of Satan. A man who can’t refrain from looking
to haram is not given the Divine Light for looking upon the Heavenly
Universe. The eyes must be kept for Allah Almighty or He will not permit
your heart to look upon the unseen worlds. If you can’t keep your eyes
from haram, you will stay blind in this world and the other. You cannot
attain the station of those who have learned the Heavenly looking.
“The Awliya have eyes in their hearts. Allah says, ‘It is important
for every Muslim, while in this life, to take Divine Light for looking to the
Heavens.’ This is impossible for a man with the love of this life in his
heart. It applies not only to men looking at women, but to any looking
after this life.
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We believe that Paradise and Hell are real. It is ‘Haqq,’ truth. Our
Grandshaykh says, “I’m always surprised to hear people say, when told
about Hell, ‘O my Lord! Protect us from Hell.’ They ask the wrong thing.
They should say, ‘O my Lord! Protect us from bad actions, and reasons
that would lead us to Hell!’ Don’t fear Hell, but your bad actions!”
There is not real pleasure for them. Real pleasure must come from
the heart. A man may sit in Hell on a throne, but he will still have no
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The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “You must ask your
conscience!” A mufti (judge) may give a verdict here on earth, but on the
Last Day, you must be the judge for yourself. Allah Almighty has given all
people a judge right here in their hearts. It is always saying, “Be on the
straight way, as you have been ordered!”
People think Islam is like a coat; something you carry around with
you and put on whenever you like. This is a mistake. Islam must be both
inside and outside of you. It is a way of living, the best way, for it
contains all things needed by the sons of Adam (peace be upon him).
Whoever is asking happiness, Islam gives him light. It is the solution to all
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“What kind of benefit would you expect to take from a man who
wouldn’t sacrifice to keep the sunnah alive? None!
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“In Paradise there are private sections for each person. When one
does a good action, it appears in one of these sections as a bounty, or
blessing. Paradise is filled with such bounties so much that there isn’t an
empty place to put a finger! Mu’min (the believer) will enjoy that
abundance every moment, endlessly.
“Angry looks cause her husband’s heart to feel hatred for her.
Even if she herself has troubles and is feeling miserable, she must receive
her husband with a smile. For this, Allah will reward her by removing all
her troubles. This is the secret that keeps the family strong.
“If the family is strong, the community is strong. Life can then
proceed happily, with no troubles. Therefore, in Islam it is sunnah for
wives to smile so that love can grow. A simple thing, but it carries great
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Only a few people can reach this point; among millions only one
or two will reach it. They are very rare, like rubies among stones. Our
Grandshaykh is teaching us little by little, directing us to that aim. It is
very hard. One doesn’t reach the summit of Everest on the first step!
They who succeed are kings in the next life with private stations in
paradise. No one can know what is in them. If one knew even a little, they
would smile at every event, for every ‘wrong’ in this world! They would
be pleased with everyone. If a man is pleased with everyone and
everything, he is in Paradise now! It is difficult, but we must try. We must
know that no pleasure or sorrow in this life can last, but will come to an
end and pass away. There is, therefore, no need to dwell upon a sorrow,
no need to hold it in the mind. When a sorrow comes have patience, and
a pleasure will come as a result. It is difficult, but important, to be
satisfied with Allah Almighty when there is sorrow and things are not to
our liking.
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Envy is a veil over the heart. It comes between a man and his
Lord. You may find jealousy among all peoples, everywhere. When a man
becomes pure from envy, this veil is removed. At that moment he may
look upon the Prophet (peace be upon him). It will be as if you were
dreaming, but you will be awake and able to speak with him. He will
appear in a spiritual body.
A sign of the end, of the last days, is envy. It is like psoriasis of the
skin, leprosy. If you sit with one so afflicted, you may be affected also.
That is why there are hospitals for them.
Now jealousy is spreading like fire among all people, all leaders, all
learned men, even women. It is like an ocean. In it live all the bad
characters. Even a single glassful of this ocean will support millions of
death-causing bacteria. Iblis fell from grace for this ‘hasad,’ this jealousy.
Cain and Abel knew all about envy. Everyone looking to another with
jealousy will be thrown from Allah’s mercy. As long as jealousy exists,
there will be unrest in the heart.
Jealous people burn in this life with the fire of Hell. If there is a
little jealousy, it will be a little fire. If there is a lot of jealousy, there is a
big fire. For both, there will be no rest day or night.
Shaykh Muqtadee says, “Jealousy is when you ask for good things
to go away from another person.” For example, when a man gets a new
car, the jealous person will wish for the car’s owner to wreck it or drive it
off a bridge. If the accident happens, the jealous man will gloat.
In the time of Moses (peace be upon him) there lived a very poor
man. One day he asked Moses (peace be upon him) to pray to Allah to
give him a cow. Moses (peace be upon him) agreed and asked his Lord to
send that poor fellow his cow. Allah Almighty answered, “O Moses! Tell
that man to pray for his neighbour, and I shall give two cows, one for
each of them!” So, Moses (peace be upon him) went back to the poor man
and told him what Allah had said. “If my neighbour gets a cow,” replied
the indignant man, “then what would I want one for!”
This story shows us the nature of jealousy. That man wanted good
things for himself alone. Not only did he not care for his neighbour’s
needs but he actually went out of his way to prevent the other man’s
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The first obligation is that she must be under her husband’s will.
She must be as his shadow, her likes and dislikes must be his likes and
dislikes. When she acts contrary to her husband’s will, she is not a wife in
the sight of the Awliya.
Thirdly, she must keep his honour when out of his presence. She
must not sit with another man in her husband’s absence, even his
brother. When a man and a woman sit together alone, Satan is always the
third party. In ancient times when a man knocked at the door, a woman
would answer with her thumb in her mouth so as not to sound lovely.
dared question him or raise their face to him, such was his majesty. And
yet, he said that he would have preferred to have been a woman rather
than a man! He said this because a woman has only these three
responsibilities, and if she honoured them, she would enter Paradise
without any questions. A man, on the other hand, would be asked so
many questions that he would wish he were dirt, let alone a woman! “I
say this because I am a weak servant,” said Abu Muhammad. “If the
husband is pleased with his wife, Allah is pleased.”
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His was the way of gentleness. His manner for asking for help
would be to initiate the action himself. For instance, he might say to his
wife, “May I put that jar over there?” Quickly she would understand, and
pick it up herself. This is good manners, you can’t find this anywhere. Or,
perhaps Rasulullah (peace be upon him) would place the jar himself, thus
showing respect for his wife and raising her to his level. If a wife was
listening closely enough to place the jar herself, it would be better for
her than forty years of nafl (voluntary, or supererogatory) prayers. His
giving her this chance increases domestic pleasure.
His was the way of consultation. When men consult each other,
love and respect grow. “You have the best character,” Allah Almighty says
of Muhammad (peace be upon him).
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For such a person there are not two Lords, only Allah. Quran says,
“If there are two Lords, one must be killed!” A man cannot serve two
masters. Our nafs are asking for high life in this world; slay them, and
you will be free for your Lord’s service and worship.
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Our Shaykh says that haste in all things is not good. There are
only three things for which haste was advised by our Prophet (peace be
upon him):
The third case for haste is in providing for guests. Anything which
is ready in the house should be placed upon the table. Do not delay to
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“What are these ways? They are the ways of pleasure for the nafs,
‘hasad al-amu’ (lusts). Nowadays, evils and devils are leading people. Even
if all learned people were to meet to try and stop this facade, they would
be helpless. Even if all Awliya gathered, they could do nothing. Rasulullah
(peace be upon him) said, ‘The attribute of people (in our times, today) is
tyranny. They deny the existence of the Creator, Allah Almighty.’ What
can be done?
“Allah will send, for this time, a great Wali, a representative of His
power. He will come with miracles of the Prophet (peace be upon him),
and will destroy evils and devils. He is Mahdi (peace be upon him), and
Allah Almighty will prepare him in one night to hold the entire universe
in his hands!”
* * * * * * *
Concerning the hadith, “Die before you die,” Mawlana was asked,
“How can one accomplish this quickly?”
He replied, “For that, I must lock you in the water closet! Then
you will see what this dunya is!”
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
Mankind and nations are on this way until they return to Allah’s
ways. Until there is Allah’s language, no love will live among people. It is
the honour of mankind to speak Divine languages. He who likes Allah
must speak Holy words. Therefore, we are waiting for a big teacher to
come and teach Allah’s language with Divine power!
* * * * * * *
Each one of these lessons solves one problem for mankind. Each
one is a help for a certain situation. They may be of use now and also
when Mahdi (peace be upon him) comes. They will not lose their value.
* * * * * * *
“He must have one character from each of three animals,” he said.
“From the donkey, he must be able to carry burdens with patience, and
without objections. Unless he can do this he will be unsuccessful, for
without patience one cannot carry the responsibilities of life.
“Finally, when a man looks at a pig he must know that his nafs is
dirtier and filthier than the pig. The dirt of pigs is external, while the nafs
is dirty inside. The nafs’ dirt comes from fighting with his Lord. Pigs’ dirt
comes from eating dirty things, not from fighting. Perfect man must have
such a character that he will accept whatever dirt is thrown on him,
whether by words or actions, knowing that his nafs is dirtier.
* * * * * * *
“If our actions of today are not better than our actions of
yesterday, it would be better for us to be in the earth than on it!”
He who thinks about the Divine Presence, all troubles of this life
will be as nothing for him! The best day for him will be the day when he
is free from all his bonds and goes to Allah! There is endless pleasure in
the Divine Presence, and he enters into oceans of satisfaction! The
ancient doctors of wisdom had a prescription for nervous people. They
told them to look at the sky instead of the ground. It is a simple example
for this point. When a man looks to the Heavens, even if it is only with his
eyes, he forgets his troubles. What will be the result if he looks with his
heart to his Lord!
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
The only correction for this is the edge of the sword of Mahdi
(peace be upon him). There is no other way. This is not an ordinary
sword, but a miracle sword, a terrible sword! Therefore, we are waiting,
all goodhearted people are waiting for this power to come. It will come
to cut off all the evils and devils now governing this world.
Bad people are not waiting, not looking for this huge event. They
wish to continue forever. But, there is a Divine law; for every period
there is a limit. No one can change the limits set by Allah Almighty. Now,
we are in the period of tyrants. They have their limit, and then, finished!
They are like a man stepping towards a buried mine; step by step, and
then. . . BOOM! They will have reached their limit. Every day, the world is
approaching this limit; it is the third world war!
* * * * * * *
The quantity isn’t important, but the quality is. In the army of
Mahdi (peace be upon him), each man will be worth an army. What will
be their qualities? “If you cut off their skins,” said our Shaykh, “they
would not change!”
The owner of Bilal (may Allah be pleased with him) placed him
under a rock in the desert. His only reply was, “Allah, Allah!” If a person
has real faith, like that, in difficult situations, Heavenly power will come
to him. If there is no faith, he will die.
Soon, a big ship came, and saved them all from the storm. In this
way, Allah Almighty was testing and trying his servants. When He sees
that their lman is all right, He takes them out of danger. For this, a
servant must develop ‘sakina’ (calm) in the face of difficulties.
* * * * * * *
The best of knowledge is the secret wisdom in it, not its outside
shell. Whoever has been given this secret meaning has been given that
which is most valuable. Anyone may find oysters on the shore, but to find
a pearl you must dive to the depths.
The shell is the keeper of the pearl. Everyone may read Quran and
hadith, but not everyone can understand the secret wisdom contained in
them. It is not given to every person. Allah Almighty only gives these
secrets to the hearts of His pure servants.
* * * * * * *
“We can observe the universe, and know that it is filled with many
creatures, all made by the Creator. What we must also see, however, is
that the Creator and His creatures stand together. All things exist by the
power of the Creator. If He Almighty did not support all things, they
would vanish instantly. They have no existence outside of their Lord’s
power. They are like shadows. If you hold your hand over a table, you can
see its shadow. If you remove your hand, the shadow goes away. One is
original, the other is not.
“When a man knows that all things, all people, are only an
appearance of the power of Allah Almighty, then he will, out of respect to
his Lord, keep respect for everyone. Allah Almighty will then change
what had been badness into goodness for that servant. When you reach
the reality of this point, no one can harm you or give you trouble. For
your good manners, and your respect of your Lord and His creatures,
Allah will change your harmer into your helper! You must say, ‘This
fellow coming to me exists by my Lord’s will. He is my Lord’s servant,
therefore I must keep his respect.’
“Fighting evils? You must know that the father of evils is within
ourselves. It is our nafs. To fight your own nafs is enough. This is a strong
* * * * * * *
“They were sent to show people how to put out their egotism.
Each person has a nafs which claims, ‘I must be obeyed. I must be the
sultan to which all people obey!’ There is no limit to the nafs’ demands.
Egos wish even Allah and his Prophet (peace be upon him) to bow to
their desires!”
“How can we fight our nafs?” asks our Grandshaykh. “The law
(Shariah) of the Prophet (peace be upon him) puts men’s actions into two
categories: those that we are ordered to do, and those that we are
prohibited from doing. We must follow this law, that is the way to leave
“The nafs will always fight the orders of Allah, and run toward
prohibited actions. We must refuse them. If we can defeat the nafs, then
all things will be all right for us. With our nafs dead, there are no more
objections to the orders of our Lord, no more claims to be sultan. We will
say only, ‘O my Lord! I am your servant!’
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
‘My nafs is no good. My nafs is worse than those of all people. It is worse
than Pharaoh, worse than Nimrod, worse even, than Satan!’ Unless you
are saying this, you cannot smell the good smells of reality within our
Tariqat. If a man doesn’t accept that his nafs is worse than everybody
else’s, he really is the worst! Proud people cannot enter paradise, or
smell the perfume.”
* * * * * * *
“It is also ordered for us to give, when our Lord asks. As we give,
He gives to us. It is like taking water from a well, the water level stays the
same, without becoming less and less! if you give one, Allah Almighty will
give ten, twenty! There would be no problems if everyone in the world
believed this, especially the wealthy. Abu Bakr (may Allah he pleased with
him) said to the Prophet (peace be upon him), ‘Before Islam, I kept my
hand in a tight fist, but now I open it without end.’
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
Today there are only three of us for Salat al-Dhur (the Noon
Prayer); Shaykh Mustafa, Shaykh Muhammad Salli, and this writer. As we
stand in the doorway of the mosque, waiting for Shaykh Nazim to enter
first, he stops and turns to us.
“Nothing,” he answered.
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
War against other men is the lesser of two wars for man. The war
that must concern us now is the greater war, the war against our nafs.
That is our real enemy, our own egos! In this war, the angry man loses
and the patient man gains.
* * * * * * *
“This keeps us from our Heavenly stations. Our egos tie us in this
way. Allah Almighty would pardon even Satan if he would leave his ego,
his self-importance! This is the main strategic point in the great war on
our nafs. We must not be proud. We must not think, ‘I am something.’ We
must lose our self-importance. This is the top point! If we reach this,
then we may take other points easily.”
* * * * * * *
“All believers from all Holy religions believe that Allah is Creator.
He created all bounty and all favours. For whom did He create all this?
For His obedient servants.
“It is Halal to remember your Lord when you take a favour. When
you say, ‘Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim’ before you take something, and
‘Alhamdulillah’ afterwards, it indicates that your heart is with your Lord,
even if you say it without thinking. It is, of course, better to say it from
the heart, knowingly.
* * * * * * *
“Do you know what is written for you?” replied Mawlana. “Can
you see what the future holds for you?”
“No,” replied the disciple, “but still, if something is written for me,
I will have no choice but to do it. I have no free will in my actions.”
Again the Shaykh replied, “We don’t know what is written for us.
Therefore, we have the responsibility to choose our actions. We must
choose our Lord’s pleasure. If we could see what is written for us, then
we would have no responsibility. But now we can’t see, we don’t know,
and so we must assume responsibility for our actions. We can choose
halal or haram. We must choose our Lord’s pleasure. If we will listen to
our conscience, we can know goodness from badness, halal from haram.
Our conscience is from the Heavens, it is always right.
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
The main point, the goal (riya) is to teach people that they are the
servants of Allah Almighty, and how they can be obedient servants.
Sayyidina ‘Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) said, “It is glory
enough for us to be Your slave, and it is honour enough for us that You
Almighty are our Lord.” When a man reaches this point, it means that he
has stopped being his ego’s servant.
“If a man is serving his Lord and asking rewards, he and Satan are
on the same level. Satan was asking big rewards – to be chief of all
creatures. When Allah made Adam (peace be upon him) chief. Satan
began rebelling. If he had not been asking rewards to begin with, he
would never have felt the need to rebel. He would have been, instead,
satisfied with his Lord’s will in all matters.
Shaykh Nazim said, “Shaykh Anwar here serves us tea. I do not
pay him any money to do this. No, he serves for the love of his Shaykh
and his Grandshaykh, and therefore for the love and pleasure of our
Prophet (peace be upon him) and our Lord, Allah Almighty. This is how
our serving should be.”
* * * * * * *
“Mawlana,” asked one of his murids, “You told us that there were
one hundred and twenty-four thousand Prophets before Muhammad
(peace be upon him). What happened to the revelations that they
brought? Did they become so changed over the years that their followers
were no longer people of the book?”
Shaykh Nazim answered him, “Before Holy Books were sent, there
came to man only pages. Each Prophet received his special orders. Some
of these are mentioned in Quran, some are not. It is not important to
know all the names and times of those Prophets. Before us, so many
nations passed away. Now it is our turn. Therefore, the most important
thing for us is to know that those Prophets came only to teach men how
it is to be an obedient servant to Allah Almighty.”
“Our egos never finish with asking questions. You must say ‘NO’
to your ego. Otherwise, your soul will remain imprisoned.”
“What exactly is the ego?” asked another murid. “What are its
weaknesses, and what is the best way to fight it?”
all things; there is no end to its cravings. You must stop it. You must say
to it, ‘Nothing for you, O nafs! But all things for my Lord!”‘
“No,” answered the Shaykh, “You must eat to stay healthy. The
nafs, however, demands not only what the body needs to sustain itself,
but also to eat all things. The ego desires its own share, and also
everybody else’s share! This is the character of the nafs, and it is growing
with us as we get older. A little boy wants all toys. A big man wants the
whole world!
“We are like little fish with their mouths open wanting to swallow
the ocean. All nafs’ are like this. We are little creatures, but our desires
are endless. Therefore, we are saying firstly that you must stop all your
desires. Take only as you need. We are all sitting at the Divine feast. Allah
Almighty says, ‘O my servants! Each of you may take from what is
provided as you need.’ Each of us has a share, but ego says, ‘No! Whole
feast for me! Nothing for another!’
“So, each ego tries to swallow the whole feast. But it cannot: we
can hold only a little. Therefore, all Prophets are saying, ‘Each of you
must take as he is given from his Lord’s table. You must not look to
other’s shares.’ You are not real believers if you are not accepting for
each person as you are accepting for yourselves.”
“Your share will come to you,” answered the Shaykh, “But, if you
are looking to take from him also, no. You must look to what is coming to
you, not what is coming to another. Never take from your neighbour’s
“Yes!” came the reply. “If it is more than you need, and more than
those dependent upon you need, you must give it to those who have
nothing. Allah will give you rewards for your giving! Don’t keep from
Allah’s favour more than you need. It is your Lord’s pleasure that you give
to those who don’t have!”
“Yes,” the Shaykh laughed, “that was all right. But this character of
the ego is very difficult to fight. It needs long treatment!”
* * * * * * *
“When a man is the servant of his Lord, he is not asking anything
from Him. Then he is a real servant. He says only, ‘May you be pleased
with me, O my Lord.’ All Prophets and saints are real servants of Allah
Almighty. They have been taken to freedom from the hands of their
* * * * * * *
“There are three actions,” says our Grandshaykh, “that will never
leave their actors. Even if a man becomes an unbeliever he will find these
actions at the end of his life. At that time, they will come to save him
from unbelief and carry him into lman! He will come to Islam at the end
of his life.
“The first of these good actions is Salawat for the Prophet (peace be
upon him). ‘Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa ala aali Muhammadin
wa sallim’: this gives our respect and love for our Prophet (peace be
"upon him). It means, ‘O my Lord! Give Muhammad your mercy and your
glory and your honour, here and hereafter.’ This respect, even if spoken
only once in a man’s life, will come back at the last moment of his life to
save him. It is a mercy from Allah.
“‘If anyone harms you, forgive him!’ This is the third action that
will come back to save a man at the last moment of his life. The act of
forgiveness cannot be lost to a man; it is the character of Prophets. If a
man has the character to forgive people, Allah Almighty will forgive him
huge sins. He will not give permission for the angels to write any sin
against him! People with the character of forgiveness are very, very few –
not even one in one million! it is the reality of faith, for a believer believes
that ‘If I am forgiving, my Lord is forgiving me.’ If anyone is forgiving,
believer or unbeliever, his Lord is forgiving him. This is the character of
Prophets, and will come to a man even at the last moment. He will not
die an unbeliever. Even among believers, this character is very rare!”
“Absolute forgiveness is for Allah only. To let incorrigible
murderers, repeat offenders who are dangerous to society, loose would
be a mistake. To forgive them would not bring peace. This is the essence
of the principle of forgiveness. Will it bring peace? Why are you leaving
snakes? You cannot forgive a snake!”
The Shaykh answered him like this: “Allahumma la takilni ila nafsin
tarfata ayn! ‘O my Lord! Keep me from my ego!’ This is what we must say
when we hear or see anyone undergoing any punishment. This is
because it was his ego’s badness that led him to that fate, and if we are
left to the hands of our egos, our fate may be the very same! We cannot
enjoy the punishment of another; when we hear of such a thing, we must
immediately escape to our Lord, and ask not to be left to the hands of
our egos. ‘Allahumma la takilni ila nafsin tarfata ayn.’ It means, ‘O my
Lord! Don’t leave me to my ego’s hands for even one moment!’ It is so
dangerous; in a single moment, the ego may make a mistake that will
carry a man to punishment along the rest of his life. Imprisonment!
Hanging! All for one moment’s mistake, khatam (finished)!
“Our Grandshaykh once told me, ‘The most acceptable, the most
valuable, the most lovely worshipping is sajdah (prostration). If a man
makes sajdah from the beginning of the world to the end, how big will be
his reward! But, if a man tries to make peace between two people, it is
more lovely and more acceptable to Allah than all the worshipping of all
men and all jinn since the beginning of time!”
* * * * * * *
Our Grandshaykh says, “FATIHA, the first surah of Quran, came
twice, once in Mecca, and once in Medina. What is the reason that Allah
sent this surah twice?
“He who reads FATIHA will take enough Rahmah from one reading
to last his whole life. Even if he is an unbeliever, one reading will bring
him to lman, perhaps at the last moment of his life. This is because faith
is original, inborn with people. Unbelief is a temporary condition added
later. FATIHA will bring faith even to a doer of bad things.
“The second time FATIHA came was in Medina. Again it came with
endless Rahmah, but this Rahmah was not like the first. The second
Rahmah for FATIHA was so big and so powerful that the angels who
brought the first Rahmah were unable to carry it. Allah said to
Muhammad (peace be upon him) the second time, ‘O my Prophet! I am
sending to you, from My mercy oceans of FATIHA, only one wave; one
wave only from the mercy oceans in My Divine Presence! If you knew the
whole mercy oceans belonging to FATIHA, you would not order your
nation to worship, pray, or anything else; for that mercy from FATIHA
would be enough! But no one knows the wideness of My mercy oceans!’
“This second wave of mercy from FATIHA was so strong that, by
comparison, the first wave, which came in Mecca (and from which one
reading in a man’s life is enough), was nothing. Allah Almighty said, ‘O My
beloved Muhammad! If My servants know what I am hiding from them in
My mercy oceans they would say, “No need for any worshipping. If a man
does sajdah all his life, he will take from that ocean only a drop. But Allah
is sending oceans, not drops. He gives out of His generosity, not because
of anyone’s worship and regardless of anyone’s lack of worship. This is
the interpretation of the verse, ‘Allah Almighty is giving endless honour
and glory to the sons of Adam (peace be upon him).
“If a man knows that his Lord, Allah Almighty, gives His mercy to
all regardless of their worshipping, he will gain adab, good manners. How
can he be proud of his worshipping, when a lifetime of prayer will bring
only one drop compared to what his Lord is sending out of His Divine
generosity? The worst thing for a man is to say, ‘I am a good worshipper.
I am a good servant, and others are bad.’ This is the way of Satan. This is
a good lesson for all religious people; don’t be proud with all your
prayers, fasting, Hajj, long beards, big turbans. It is as nothing. More
Rahmah than you could ever gain is already coming; coming also to those
you hold in contempt.
give all good tidings for all people, whether they accept our beliefs or
not. It is not important.”
* * * * * * *
“The first sunnah,” says our Grandshaykh, “is to ask only for life in
the Divine Presence. Don’t hold any love for this world in your heart. A
man who asks only the Divine Presence, and who directs all his actions
toward that goal, will receive strength in this life. The Sahaba followed
this way and, therefore, were glorious in everything that they did.
“Men have changed their ways to those different from the way of
the Prophets. Now, we are on the way of this life; the way of devils! More
and more, we are tasting this life; more things, more palaces, more
money, more pleasures. Therefore, we fight with each other. We fight
over this dirty life.
“You can’t see a man who asks for the Divine Presence, who is
asking for Allah, fighting for that dirty life. This is the sunnah! it is not
external things. It is not making wudhu, praying, wearing turbans. The
sunnah is making your heart pure. The sunnah is asking to be in the
Divine Presence, and leaving the love of this dirty life! This is a powerful
lesson for those who object to following Islam.
“The vulture is the biggest of birds, but its character is not to run
after its prey. It waits, and eats after the other animals have eaten. This is
a good way for us. When you see all people rushing on a thing, leave
them. Take only what you need. This is the way of Prophets. Anyone
taking more than he needs takes poison, not pleasure!
* * * * * * *
Our Grandshaykh says, “In your opinions, you must come to Allah
and His Prophet (peace by upon him). It means also, that you must come
to a representative of Allah and His Prophet (peace be upon him), so that
you can take the right answer from them. In every time there are, there
must be in this world, some persons who are representatives for Allah
and His Prophet (peace be upon him). You must ask them: they will
“Two men may turn to Quran and hadith, looking for the answer
to a particular problem or question. Each may read the same verses, yet
each will interpret a different answer from them. Therefore, Allah says,
‘Wattabi sabiila man anaaba ilayy’ (Quran, Luqman, 15). It means ‘Follow
in the path of him who has turned in repentance to Allah.’
“No one can say, ‘We are looking in books and we are going to
Allah.’ No! Here is a story:
“When he returned he told of how it was. One day he was in
Mecca walking along a certain way when a little boy came up to him and
grabbed him by the arm. ‘O shaykh!’ cried the little boy, ‘You must not go
that way.’ Imam Nawawi was perplexed. ‘What do you mean l can’t walk
here? How do you know this?’ he asked the boy.
“Therefore, we can see from that story that a man needs a guide
when he is going to a place where he has never been before. A man may
read Quran and hadiths, but still he cannot know the way to go unless he
will take a guide. If it was enough to merely read Quran, Allah would have
sent the Book alone. But Allah also sent the Prophet (peace be upon him)
as guidance in front of the ummah (nation). In every age, the ummah
must have a guide. If there is no guidance, a man’s work will be
unacceptable. Perhaps Satan will be leading him!
“Thus, Allah says, ‘You must follow a man who is on My way.’ But
so many people are too proud to follow another man. They say, ‘We
know! We are reading Quran, we know sunnah, we are not in need of
guidance!’ They are wrong, because they are proud. Whoever comes to
Allah with pride is refused, not accepted. Satan didn’t accept Adam
(peace be upon him) for his guide. He said, ‘I know more than he. I am a
better worshipper than he, and therefore I am not in need of his
“If your heart and your conscience are satisfied with a person,
there is no need to look for another. He is your guide. But you must
choose someone; to deny this is kufr (unbelief). It is denying Quran.”
“In every place,” answered the Shaykh, “we shall appoint one
person to be a director for our brothers. If a question arises, or if
something happens, he shall decide among you. If he cannot find an
answer, then he may write to us.
“Eastern people are like sheep; they agree easily and follow.
Western people are learned people. Each looks to himself and says, ‘I
know something.’ Therefore, they cannot agree; they are not coming
together. They are like goats scattered about on the mountainside, each
goat standing by himself.
“When people don’t have a leader, or won’t follow the one they
have, quarrelling and fighting result. This is how the Arabs were in the
days before Rasulullah (peace be upon him), filled with pride and fighting
amongst themselves. InshaAllah (if Allah wills), there will be one imam for
all Americans, one for all Germans, one for all French, and so forth.”
* * * * * * *
“‘How many years have I lived in this village?’ he thought, ‘yet until
now, I never saw a cat attacking a chicken before. I must leave this village
and these people. This is no mercy coming down here!’
“He made hijra to another village one-half hour’s walk away where
he lived for the rest of his life. He said, ‘lf there were no bad character in
people, all the blossoms on the trees would bear fruit and none would fall
to the ground.’
“What is the meaning of this story? Why did Abu Ahmad (may
Allah be pleased with him) leave his home because a cat ate a chicken? It
is because lie knew that the wildness of people’s bad characters has an
effect on their animals. The bad characters of the people in that village
were going through their animals. They could be seen affecting that cat
which, up until then, had never attacked any chickens. It is an important
sign; when people’s characters are good, it shows in their animals. When
their characters are bad, there is badness and wildness in their animals
“Solomon (peace be upon him) once came upon two dogs fighting.
As he was given the power to talk with all creatures, he asked them, ‘Why
are you fighting? You are dogs, not people! What can you take from this
world that you will quarrel about?’
“You may see this quality in children as well. Hard people will
have wild children, whereas soft, gentle people will have gentle children.
Therefore, our good and bad characters have a pronounced effect upon
all who are around us – our families, our neighbours, and our animals.
We must carry a good view of our surroundings, not darkness. When Abu
Ahmad (may Allah be pleased with him) saw that cat acting wildly, he
knew that the characters of the people in the village were no good and
that it was time for him to leave.
“When your faith grows up, your mercy grows up. All Awliya have
in their hearts oceans of mercy. Another one said, ‘O, my Lord! Make me
into a bridge over Hell, that Your people may pass over me into Paradise!’
It is like that. If any of them have been given permission for ‘shafa’a’
(intercession) on the Day of Judgment, they are not going to let even one
person go to Hell! This is the meaning of Iman. If a person says, ‘l am a
believer,’ and he has no mercy, he is a liar. No mercy, no Iman.
“Everyone will see his deeds on the Judgment Day, whether they
are going to Heaven or to Hell. Then Allah will decide. He may do as He
likes. The Almighty is not obliged to pardon or to punish. He may, if He
likes, pardon everybody.”
“What about that man in Quran, Ahu Lahab, and his wife?” asked
one of our brothers. “Doesn’t Allah promise a punishment for them?”
“That verse (surah Lahab) was sent only as a warning,” re- plied
Mawlana, “so that people will not do like Abu Lahab. Allah Almighty will
show each servant what he has done with his life on the Judgment Day.
But He Almighty is free to give mercy as He likes.
* * * * * * *
One day, after the Dhuhr (Noon) prayer, Shaykh Nazim told his
murids that they could ask whatever questions they wished. The group
consisted mainly of Europeans and Americans, and so they used this
opportunity to question the Shaykh about difficulties they had
encountered trying to practice his teachings in their own countries.
“Allah Almighty created this world,” replied the Shaykh. “You can
see here, all around you, the city of Damascus. Perhaps there are one
hundred thousand houses. Each house has some people. Those people
are not distributed without an arrangement but are appointed, each to a
private place. These people must live in this place next door to some
other people. They cannot be in this place too. Also, in each place, there
may be several rooms; in each one there must be different persons. The
Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ‘Allah created people, and made
for each a private station.’
“Therefore, you will be in your homeland, as your Creator has
appointed for you to be there. The important thing for every servant who
knows his Lord, who believes in his Lord, who loves his Lord, is to be
with Him everywhere and always! When a servant is with his Lord, with
love, with belief, and with obedience, his Lord will be with him always,
with His mercy, with His protection, and with His help! Enough?”
“They are like fish out of water oceans. To be happy, you must
always remember that you are in mercy oceans. This is a fine point, an
important matter (Dhaqiq). You must be careful."
"Yes! . . . InshaAllah.”
“They are for everyone, because no one will come to hear these
teachings, or to read these words unless he has a promise from Allah
Almighty in the spiritual world. This promise was made on the Day of
Promise, in the Divine Presence, before we came into this world. No one
can listen to these words, nor can he read them, unless he is from our
group. Don’t be worried about that!”
“When you are in your home, with your Lord only, you will dress
like this (he indicates his own clothing; loose pants, jacket, and a turban).
When you are with other people, dress like them. He who is working for
Allah alone is free to dress as he likes. He who must work in the world,
with other people, must be like them. For Jumma (Friday prayers), for
worship, and when you are alone with your Lord at home, you may put
on turbans and sunnah dress.”
“We are saying,” said the Shaykh, “that shelter will be for everyone
who is with his Lord. We are asking shelter with Allah Almighty. Any
other shelter will not be enough, not at all enough during that war. Our
‘Noah’s Ark’ is in our hearts! You cannot find any shelter without our
Lord’s shelter.”
“As we are beginners,” the Shaykh replied, “we must keep in our
hearts, fifteen-hundred times, ‘Allah, Allah, Allah….,’ every twenty-four
hours. Once daily, you must listen to your heart’s dhikr. When you listen,
you can hear your heart saying ‘Allah, Allah, Allah.’”
“Is this dhikr separate from the wird that we say ever day?”
“After midnight, tahajjud. First make two rak’ats, then sit and
listen to your heart’s dhikr fifteen hundred times. For tahajjud prayer, the
minimum is two rak’ats, and the maximum is eight. For witr prayer, we
are praying after isha (the late night prayer). Perhaps it may be that we
cannot awaken before the time for witr goes away. Therefore, it is a
precaution to pray witr immediately after isha; it is better. You may pray
tahajjud after witr. It is permissible. When you listen to your heart’s dhikr
as I have told you, your concentration will grow from this point to where
that dhikr, the remembrance of your Lord, will be with you twenty-four
hours a day! Yes, this is the beginning! I am giving you permission as my
Grandshaykh gave me permission for that.”
“Thank you.”
“This may be too big a question for a beginner, but I’ll ask it
“What is that?”
“When I first met you, in London, they told me that you could
appear to me wherever I am, and to experiment with this. I have tried
various things, but so far, with no success. Can you tell me how to do it?”
“Ah, yes! You may do that. You may do it with your heart. When
you are in need of something, your heart may be in connection with me.
“What are our wives’ responsibilities?”
“Three times shahada, every day, and to be clean always. And, for
beginners, one sajdah, five times a day, at the time of the regular prayers.
At each prayer, only one sajdah. It is enough.”
“I meant to say for other people. Your parents, you must respect
them forever!”
“It is too much. You must use your strength for useful things.
When you are free, you must set apart a time for a useful thing, like
gardening and planting, for instance. This is very good. In Islam there is
no waste of time. Every action must bring a benefit. It is a bad thing to sit
down. All or at least most illnesses come from sitting too long without
moving. Therefore, games and useful work will be beneficial for you. Also,
every weekend you must gather in a good place with friends for talking
and doing halal. Not preaching! Not tabliq! It must be a simple gathering,
a meeting of friends. It is enough simply to make friends. If people like
you and respect you, they will come. If we are preaching, the load will be
too heavy for their egos to bear! We are not Jamaat al-Tabliq! People
cannot carry heavy loads.”
“Allah knows well. But it will happen, maybe within two years. Our
Prophet (peace be upon him) gave to us knowledge of the Last Days’
signs, and as he said, those signs indicate that huge event is nearly upon
us now. Afterwards, there are some other big signs for Qiyama, the
Resurrection Day. This is what we are saying.”
“And Dajjal?”
“Same time.”
“For Mahdi (peace be upon him) coming, there are two signs. The
first is that Turkey will become communist. Then, the great war will
break out. That is the second sign. Then, Mahdi (peace be upon him) will
come. I just now heard this from my Grandshaykh. And Turkey is going
to be communist very quickly now. I first heard this from my
Grandshaykh over forty years ago, when you couldn’t find even one
communist in Turkey. And now, . . .”
* * * * * * *
“Yes,” replied the Shaykh. “The ways to Hell are going to Him,
also, after Hell. Hell is cleaning people, cleaning them from sins and bad
characters and then guiding them to Allah!
“But what about those who have their backs to the Ka’aba? “
“Some may return to Him by their own good will, but most need
urging with power. If they don’t accept power (take a guide), then Divine
power will make them ready to return.”
“Then what does it mean when Quran says that, ‘Everything will
vanish, except His face?’”
Mawlana spoke to him, “You are asking what is Creator, and what
is creature?”
One of the disciples shook his head. “Who can write that!”
“I have read things like this,” said another murid, “but don’t know
how to really understand it.”
“We know that we are creatures,” the Shaykh continued, “and that
we are created by the Creator. How He created, where we were, and
where we are going, we cannot know till those realities will open for us.
All the time we are stepping forward, stepping forward, coming... It is
impossible to speak about colours for a blind man. You cannot describe
even a fine face from an ugly face, or night from day, green from red,
white from black. What is green? What is blue? What is red? What is
beautiful? What is ugly? Can you describe this for a blind man? It is
impossible. Now our heart’s eye is closed. It has yet to open, to look at
the reality. Now, we are believing, only. We must believe, then it will
grow up; it will open.”
“Mawlana? Please, what are the people doing in Paradise. What is
their occupation?”
“But does Allah say in Quran what the inhabitants of Paradise are
The disciple continued, “But the saints – they work on earth, no?
Is Grandshaykh not in connection with you, even though he is in
“Yes,” the Shaykh was laughing now, “nice time … gazing at you;
too much laughing, now!”
“What working!”
“The saints work on earth from Barzakh, too; no?” At this point,
another brother introduced a different line of thought: “I remember the
first time I was in London,” he began, “you described the grave. You told
two stories that night. One was about the Me’raj; where Rasulullah
(peace be upon him) saw the endless oceans of mercy and compassion.
The doors opened for him, and he saw a tree.”
The brother continued, “And, in the tree was a bird, with a ball of
dirt in his mouth. Muhammad (peace be upon him) said to that bird,
‘What is that thing you are holding?’ and the bird replied, ‘O Prophet,
these are the sins of mankind; this tiny ball of dirt! What will it be when it
falls into this vast ocean that you see before you? Nothing!’”
The disciple went on, “Then you told a story about what it would
be like in the grave. You said, ‘When you die, an angel shows you a Divine
Name. Then, your spirit comes out, and then, finished.’”
“Then,” said our brother, “you told us that the dead person would
see a horrible thing coming toward him. The dead person would try to
escape from it, but it would come after him and say, ‘O, but how happy
you were with me when you were alive! Why are you running from me
now? Don’t you recognize me? I am your bad deeds!’ What I am asking is:
are you limited after death to the grave? Are you actually in the ground?”
“Yes,” replied the Shaykh. “It is enough. You cannot go too deep
without sinking!”
* * * * * * *
What is the meaning of that story? Our Grandshaykh says that the
majdhub was teaching us about our egos. When he said “Go to your
home, go to your home!”, what he meant by that was: “O my ego! If you
were all right, then these children wouldn’t be throwing stones at you.
You must return to your home, to the promise that you made to your
Lord. On the Day of Promise, before you came into this world, your Lord
asked, ‘Am I your Lord?’ and you answered, ‘Yes, you are my Lord!’ When
you return to that promise, nothing gives you trouble. When that boy hit
you with that stone, O my ego, it was to call attention to the fact that you
must be careful with your promise to your Lord. You must, therefore, go
to you homeland, return to your Lord!”
This story means that you have no right to be angry with another
person. You must turn your anger to your own egos! You must think, “If I
am all right, then all things will be all right with me. If I am not all right,
then people will not be all right with me.” So, we will be angry and
fighting our egos only.
“You may say, ‘How? If a man sees a wrong thing, mustn’t he get
angry?’ Yes, I agree with you. But first, I would say to you, why are you
not angry with yourself, your nafs? If you are seeing wrong things and
getting angry, you should look first to yourself, to your ego! Be angry
with it! Punish it for your wrongdoings! For bad speaking, for looking to
haram; why are you not punishing yourself? It is easy to punish another,
too easy. It is easy to kill others; kill, instead, your ego! When you are
angry make a new wudhu, and say three times ‘Shahada,’ and seventy
times ‘Astaghfirullah.’ This is your punishment!”
“No need,” replied the Shaykh. “You may fast from haram looking.
You may fast from anger. You may fast from bad words! Not eating or
drinking – that fast I don’t want. It is too easy to go without eating. I
don’t want that. No bad speaking, no bad looking, no anger; that is
difficult. So many people fasting, yet they are angry seventy times until
maghrib (sunset)! They say, ‘We are fasting!’ How can you be fasting if
you are angry!”
“I don’t think that we have to worry about that, yet,” said one of
the ikhwan.
“Yes,” replied the Shaykh, “we are too far from that!”
Another question: “If you are in Jihad, if you are at war, is it also
better to fight without anger?”
“Therefore,” said Shaykh Nazim, “if your anger is like this, if you
are like Sayyidina ‘Ali (may Allah be pleased with him), then you too, may
be angry. If your character is not like that, you must keep it to yourself!”
* * * * * * *
Therefore, you must diminish your complaints until you haven’t
any left. Then, you will be restful. Nothing can give you trouble. You will
be like a rocket, going up till it reaches the point where it escapes the
earth’s pull; then, no troubles for it. When we can escape the pull of our
bad character, and reach the level of good character, there will be no
troubles for us also. Finished, in this life and in the life hereafter.
“You may correct whoever will listen to you, but you must be very
careful,” Mawlana replied, “because all people, each of us, each man is
looking to himself and seeing that he alone fills the whole world. So big is
this looking to himself! Therefore, if you say to him, ‘Don’t do this!’ he will
never accept. But you may say instead, ‘O my Lord! If I were to do like
this one (the person you wish to correct) is doing, how would you look
upon it! Is it good, O my Lord, to do like this?’ When he hears this (or
words to that effect), he may realize that he is wrong, and come down
from his position. But, if you are saying to him, ‘Don’t do this!’ he will
never accept. He will have too much ego.” Mawlana went on: “In the case
of something going on in your home that is in direct violation of Allah’s
orders, for example, a family member wanting to eat pork, you may
forbid it. This is not complaining.”
“When that happens,” said Mawlana, “you are free. You may
continue to live with them or not. You are free. Or,” he added, “you may
let them do those things, but you must not sit with them while they are
doing them. You must make it clear that you will not participate. She
(they) may sit alone, eating or drinking. As long as she (they) is not
Muslim, we cannot ask her (them) to obey the Islamic laws. She may even
go to church; she is free. Shariah gives us permission to marry someone
of another religion.”
“So, we must make it clear that we are not free to take part in
forbidden things’?” said a murid.
The Shaykh then said, “She may eat, she may drink! You must not
sit with her. She may go to church; you are not going with her!”
“Your rights?” said Mawlana. “To keep your honour. Your honour
is with your wife. If she is honourable (faithful), that is enough for you.
When you find her faithful with you, and she likes to be with you, it is
“But,” said a murid, “if you find a Muslim wife eating pork, or
drinking wine. . .”
Mawlana answered him, “If your wife likes you and said ‘I am
satisfied with you as my husband. You are free in your religion, and I am
free in mine’, then there are no more conditions. The only conditions are
to be faithful with you, with your children, and with your property.”
“Is there anything else I have to submit to?” the first murid asked.
“If you like!” returned Shaykh Nazim. “If you don’t like, leave her!
But we prefer for believers to marry with unbelievers; so that from their
love for their husbands, they may approach belief themselves. Therefore,
we are saying, ‘Keep her,’ so that day by day she may agree with you
because of her love for you. We have a saying: ‘Shartul mu’arfiqa
mu’arfiqa.’ It means ‘From the condition of friendship, we may me meet
on the same way.’ Therefore, she will take him on her way, or he will take
her on his way.”
“You must be patient with her for some time,” said the Shaykh,
“and you must pray to Allah to make her with you on the same way. ‘Keep
me, O my Lord, on Your way, and keep her with me also on Your way.’ If
there is no result, then you may say to her, ‘You are in your way and I am
in my way!’”
“You must leave her!” said the Shaykh. “Not coming to discussion!”
“But not until you’ve done the other things first?” said a murid.
“Not until you’ve been patient first?”
* * * * * * *
“This is because Satan’s head was the first hard-head,” said
Shaykh Nazim, “and, whoever is walking on Satan’s way will be Satan
“Our Grandshaykh also says that the sign of a man who is not
hard-headed is that he listens with respect to everyone. Clear? When a
man respects everyone, and listens to them, regardless of whether they
are young, old, or whatever, Allah Almighty promises to give to that
servant a knowledge, a wisdom, from the speech of people. This is
humbleness – to be soft-headed. Understand? You may find, from the
words of those you listen to with respect, something useful to you. This
is the reward for being soft-headed. This is a good manner, and a high
character also. We must listen, for as the hadith tells us: ‘You can take
wisdom, even from little boys, and those you think are mad!’ Divine
knowledge: Respect all and listen to all. You are ‘ribhan’ – profiting.
Good? Who can object to that? No one can object!”
The Shaykh spoke, “Listening means that you may hear his words
only. I don’t mean to say that by listening, you must follow! I mean to say
that by listening you can take a benefit from his words. Even if a man is
speaking bad words, you may take something. You can look at how ugly it
is to speak bad words. You can learn not to speak bad words by listening
to those who speak them!”
The first murid continued, “They’re very seductive with their
speech, and, as you listen, you find yourself starting to follow them. You
don’t want to, but you’re not paying attention, I guess…”
“Yes,” replied the Shaykh, “you are learning from their bad words
how people are making themselves dishonourable and dirty. You must
see that, and then escape. You will profit.
“On the other hand,” Shaykh Nazim went on, “when a group of
people are sitting for the sake of Allah and His Prophet (peace be upon
him), the hand of our Lord is over them, protecting them. This was
taught to us by the Prophet (peace be upon him). We are, for instance,
sitting here in such a meeting. Here, over us is the hand of Allah Almighty
protecting us. We are sitting under his protection. Therefore, our
Grandshaykh says, ‘If any danger, or dangerous event happens, then
quickly sit somewhere in a group and make dua, dhikr, pray, or read
Quran. That group will be under divine protection.’
“During the war there will be huge events, terrible events, and
very difficult situations. There must be two or three (or more), as a group
praying. Then, no more fear for you; no more danger for you.”
“It is promised for a group,” said the Shaykh. “For two, or more; if
they are sitting (for the sake of Allah), there will be a private protection.
This is very important. If the meeting is for the sake of Allah and His
Prophet (peace be upon him), there will be protection.
“Our Grandshaykh also said that, ‘When a group is sitting for the
sake of Allah and Muhammad (peace be upon him), then Allah Almighty
will give them something – a Divine knowledge will appear in that
meeting, one from which the whole group can take benefit. There will be
“inayah” – Divine help and care for them.’
“This meeting will be a holy meeting, and Allah will send to them
His Divine help, and mercy, and protection, and also a Divine knowledge.
It will appear in that meeting to guide them from all dangerous places
and lead them to the Divine Presence. it will be protection from life’s
dangers, and those of the Resurrection Day as well. So many groups will
be sitting for the sake of Allah and His Prophet (peace be upon him); they
may be under Divine protection, here and hereafter. Only hard-headed
people cannot take that benefit. Therefore, you must try to have
meetings often, for any occasion.”
Shaykh Nazim smiled, “Yes! You may sit anywhere. If you are in a
public place, and anyone is interested in coming, don’t keep them away!
‘Welcome, Welcome!’ Understand? This is important, because, in
meeting, our egos are coming into friendship. Originally, our egos are
wild; they never like to be with others. But meeting tames the wild
animals; wildness goes and becomes tame. There is mercy coming. It will
be an attraction; they will come; even one may come. Three then
becomes more powerful than two, yes!”
* * * * * * *
“Our Prophet (peace be upon him) ordered his nation always to
be between hope and fear; to hope for His mercy, and to fear His
“Hope means that, if it is said that only one person will enter
Paradise, you must hope that ‘Perhaps I will be that one.’ Understand?
“And, if it is said that only one person will enter Hell, you must be
afraid to be that person. Clear? This is to be between fear and hope!
“Allah says that millions and billions will enter Paradise – we must
hope to be among them. And, He also says that millions and billions will
enter Hell – we must be afraid to be one of them. He Almighty says,
‘Don’t despair of My mercy,’ because He may forgive all sins. This
character makes people come into the right way. It is for every believer,
not just for Muslims.
Someone asked, “But wasn’t Allah angry with the people of Israel,
for instance, when they worshipped the golden calf? Wasn’t Moses
(peace be upon him) angry?”
Then, Mawlana said, “Allah’s anger is not like our anger. If we are
angry with a person, we are cutting all things from him. But, Allah
Almighty is sending mercy. How can He be angry? If He were angry, He
would withhold His Rahmah, His mercy; but He is giving so much! Allah
Almighty is angry toward those people who are judging His servants, yet
He still sends His mercy.”
“But, Shaykh Nazim, won’t they still have their bodies on the
Judgement Day?”
“These will be new bodies,” answered the Shaykh, “not bodies that
made sins in this world.”
“He Almighty knows well which are going to Hell!” Mawlana said.
“Yes,” replied the Shaykh, “it is like a man who falls from a second
story window and breaks his head, his legs, and his neck; he may stay in
the hospital one year, or six months, till he has recovered; then he comes
out. He who makes himself wounded in this life with the spear of Satan
will stay, for recovery, in graves and in Hell. When he is all right, he will
go on to Paradise. What do you think about all those people in hospitals?
Are they in mercy, or in punishment?”
Mawlana answered him, “Yes, these are all like grains, like seeds.
With faith in your heart, they will grow up. Then, you will see their
flowers, and, after that, you will see their fruits, and then, at last, you will
eat! Now, those are all seeds. Don’t be afraid.”
* * * * * * *
Which kind of knowledge must we ask for? For this world? This
life? No, we must ask instead for Divine knowledge. This is knowledge
that makes us approach the Divine Presence. Don’t ask for the
knowledge of this world, because if you are learning from Divine
knowledge, the knowledge from this life is only one drop in an ocean. He
who knows Divine knowledge may control natural powers; they will be
under his will. He who doesn’t know Divine knowledge, on the other
hand, will be controlled by natural powers! If you have Divine knowledge,
it gives you power to control all natural powers; they will be under your
command. Otherwise, natural powers will control you. You will be under
the command of the forces of nature.
“Is that for the whole universe?” came the question.
A murid points to the tape recorder and asks, “Are things like this
manifestations of this power?”
“They must know that man is higher than any technology. Even
the most wonderful electronic mechanism now being made cannot work
without man. The excellent electronic mind, is it? If a man does not
operate it, it cannot go on. Man is highest. Every new invention is man-
made. How can they be afraid, making idols?”
“Well, that was the next point I was going to make,” said the first
“They may even be proud,” replied the Shaykh, “but, man is still
higher than all technology.”
“And, for twenty years, he fought the British. They finally defeated
the dervishes after World War I, when they brought in airplanes and
bombed them. So, the story I was reading made the point that the
technological power of the British was superior to the ‘primitive beliefs’
and spiritual powers of the dervishes. They called it superstition, because
that man was said to…”
The murid went on, “That their spiritual power didn’t mean
anything, because the British had these guns and bombs.”
“He said that he had those powers. People followed him. When he
was defeated, people said, ‘See? There’s no such thing as spiritual power.’
Do you see what I’m saying?”
“They may say,” replied the Shaykh, “but how can they prove that
technology is higher than a man? To create a man is greater, or to make
a computer? They must answer. People are free to believe or not, but
they must bring authority for what they say. Whether they believe or not,
who can say that a computer is more complete than mankind?”
“They are liars,” said the Shaykh. “They have no minds, these
people! Who can accept that a computer is more complete than man?
This is foolish. Man is the most excellent creature; no one may be more
so. And, we are asking, from where does man come? We must ask that
person who says technology is superior. He would say, ‘From my father
and mother.’ Yes, then we must stop this ‘From my father, from my
mother, from my grandmother, etc.,’ and we must ask him, ‘This world,
from what was it?’ ‘From the sun,’ they say, ‘and moon is a part of the
earth,’ they say also. Then we must ask, ‘lf earth and moon are the same,
if they come from the same source, why is there nothing on the moon,
and so many creatures on the earth?”
“Why?” said the Shaykh, “Why is atmosphere here and not there?”
“Then they say that when earth was thrown from the sun, it was
fiery, burning. We know that even one-hundred degrees centigrade will
kill everything. When this cooled off, who planted the seed of life? From
sun? Or, from Heavens?”
The Shaykh laughed, “A most powerful force made this, they must
say. Because, even if you wait one-thousand years, if there is no seed
planted, nothing will come. It is impossible. They must accept that an
extraordinary power planted so many things on earth, as He liked. Do
they accept this or not?”
“No. Very few. Very few people who control themselves. Very few.
And the way of controlling ourselves was made clear by the Prophets. We
have that clear method with us also. If anyone is asking for that method,
we have it.”
“Yes, you are asking,” Mawlana smiled. “You are like little boys.
Step by step, you will reach to be…‘doctors,’ to be ‘engineers,’ to be
‘professors’; you are on the way.”
“Do we have the time?” someone asked. “Is there still time for us?”
“Yes,” replied Shaykh Nazim, “Sometimes it may be given in a
short time. It may be given to some people in a few minutes, it may be
given in a few hours, it may be given in a few days, months, years; it may
not be given in his life. Yes, some plants give in a few days, others take so
many years to bear fruit.”
* * * * * * *
“With a big man, like a big man. With little boys, like little boys.
With a learned man, like a learned man. With a common man, like
himself. With each man on his level.”
“You must put yourself in their position. You must think, ‘If I were
that man, how would I act?’ Even a judge, when he is going to judge a
case, must put himself in the position of the defendant before he makes
his decision, or he will be wrong. Understand?
“Yes. The thing that I get anxious about is whether I’m being too
hard, or not hard enough.”
Shaykh Nazim said, “The best thing for them is to be between fear
and hope. Sometimes you must make them fear you, and sometimes they
must have hope from you. Not always hard, and not always soft. You
must use this side and that side, understand? Prophets, and our Prophet
(peace be upon him), have been ordered by their Lord to sometimes give
good tidings, and to sometimes give warnings.”
To this, the murid said, “I don’t know, yet, how I would do such a
Shaykh Nazim said, “When you are back home, your inspirations
will guide you. Don’t be worried about that point.”
“When you are buying meat and you think that it has come in
contact with pork, or utensils that have been used to handle and prepare
pork, you may wash it, and repeat the formula we just said. If you can
obtain Halal meat, of course it is best. But, when you are somebody’s
guest, don’t ask! Even if it is known to you that they usually cook with
lard, you must assume that, this time, for you, they cleaned their pots
and pans and didn’t use it. Only if you are certain that pork or pork
products were used may you refrain from eating.”
“Among the shaykhs and teachers, there are so many levels. They
are like helicopters, jets, and rockets. Each flies at his level. It is not
important for us to worry about so many levels. It is most important for
us to conquer our nafs. That is the critical thing.”
The Shaykh continued, “We must respect all men in their religion,
for no one can know what is the relationship between a man and his
“Once, a great Wali was traveling on his way when he came across
a shepherd who was bowed down in prayer. The Wali looked at the man’s
clothing, in which he had been working all day, and became annoyed.
“’How can you pray like that?’ he said to the shepherd. ‘Your
clothes are dirty, and you smell like your sheep! Don’t you know that you
must pray in clean clothes?’
“The shepherd remained quiet for a minute, and then looked up,
startled. ‘O, Shaykh, forgive me!’ he said. ‘I did not hear what you said. I
was tending my sheep when my Lord ordered me into sajdah, and just
now He was speaking to me. Is there something I may help you with?’
* * * * * * *
Shaykh Nazim continued, “All Prophets’ and saints’ ranks are given
from our Prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon him). All knowledge,
Divine knowledge, also comes from Muhammad (peace be upon him).
“He has been given the knowledge of past times and future times.
You asked about the Prophets before Muhammad (peace be upon him),
do they know him? Yes, because Quran says that before Prophets were
sent to mankind from the spiritual world, they knew the last of Prophets,
Muhammad (peace be upon him). Allah Almighty said to them, ‘He is the
last, and the greatest Prophet. If he comes during your time, then you
are not Prophets, you will be his followers! Do you accept this?’ And they
said, ‘Yes!’
“And they got their knowledge from him also?” asked a murid.
“Yes,” answered the Shaykh. “He is the first Prophet. He is the first
creature that Allah Almighty created, the first one that He spoke to, and
Divine knowledge is, therefore, coming to all Prophets from the way of
Muhammad (peace be upon him).”
Another said, “There are many places in the Bible that speak of
Muhammad (peace be upon him).”
“When he was born,” replied the Shaykh, “he signed, with his
hand, ‘La ilaha illAllah Muhammad ur-Rasulullah.’ At that moment, he was
in sajdah! How could he not know?!”
“He knew it, consciously, throughout his life,” asked another, “As
opposed to subconsciously? The stories we’ve read say that he didn’t
know until Quran started coming.”
Someone repeated, “He knew he would be a Prophet, but he
didn’t know what it would be like?”
much as our Prophet (peace be upon him) is improving, all Prophets are
also taking more and more.”
“In Barzakh.”
“No, Muhammad (peace be upon him) also takes more, and gives
“Yes, always.”
“Yes, also!”
“In Barzakh?”
“All of them!”
“No,” said Mawlana, “Allah’s giving has no end. Allah is not like
man, finished. If He is finished with His treasures, it means that He is like
us. How could He be Allah, if He were like us? Everything with Him is
endless. Knowledge is endless. He is giving, more and more. And we,
here, do not know anything. When we go from this life, when we leave
this body and enter in a new life, our spirits go into a knowledge ocean,
following the Prophet (peace be upon him), to take more and more. No
one leaves this life without taking knowledge. All of them are taking
Divine knowledge after their death.”
“Some people know,” he went on, “and some people have been
veiled; they cannot know to where they are approaching; where they are
going. When veils are lifted, at the last moment when you are leaving this
life, at that time you can know where you are!”
“Yes,” replied the Shaykh. “Those who die before they die.”
Shaykh Nazim answered, “Yes, but so many people are sleeping.
Their rockets are still on their bases; until the end of their life comes.
Then they will be thrown by Divine force!”
“Yes,” the murid went on, “but did he get more knowledge every
day and every night?”
“More and more,” said the Shaykh, “but that knowledge, what is
its benefit? It makes man approach the Divine Presence, and you cannot
know which person is approaching.
“Our Prophet (peace be upon him) was in the Divine Presence day
and night,” continued the Shaykh, “but, he was sitting with his Sahaba.
Who could know that he was in the Divine Presence? Only a few Sahaba;
even one of his wives who was sleeping with him but where was the
Prophet (peace be Upon him)? Was he with her, or was he with his Lord?”
Shaykh Nazim paused for a moment, and then went on, “Yes, it is
an unknown thing. Perhaps you are in the Divine Presence, but there are
no signs. He Almighty knows, and if He is giving some signs, you may
know. This knowledge is yet for our bodies.”
“Who said that?” the Shaykh asked. A certain fellow was named.
“Yes, yes!” the Shaykh smiled, and then continued, “It is only a
description! It will be more different from this life, from this world. It will
be very beautiful, very enjoyable for your spirit: not like this dirty world.
It is very clean, beautiful, joyful – exact happiness, no harm, no bad
things, no death, no ugly things!”
* * * * * * *
“This makes our heads turn! What was there before Adam (peace
be upon him)? Thinking of these things makes man humble, not able to
say ‘l know all!’ What do we know? Only a little drop from oceans, no
A brother asked, “Was Adam (peace be upon him) the first man,
or, was he the first man of this batch of men, of which we are a part?”
“Like them,” answered Mawlana. “Each Adam, and his sons, were
generally like us, in that they may be recognized as sons of Adam. All are
servants of our Lord. Also, He Almighty, alone knows how many Adams
will come after us, how many periods there will be. Not on this world,
because Allah Almighty has so many universes beyond counting.
* * * * * * *
Mawlana answered, “In the Divine Presence, it is completely
different writing.”
“We need Allah for ourselves. But Allah has no need for Himself to
be Allah. Allah is the Creator, isn’t He? He became Creator after a time, or
was He Creator? He was Creator! All His attributes are eternal. All things
belonging to Allah, His attributes exist with Him eternally. If a thing came
later, it would not be fitting to be a Divine attribute. He is not like us. We
have beginning; from weakness we grow, becoming stronger. We are
illiterate and then we learn. But Allah? He is not like His creatures. The
Creator has completeness forever – Perfection. He was Creator at the
beginning. Was He Creator without creatures? You think so? You are
wrong. How can you say that Allah is Creator and had no creatures? Is it
only a title, without meaning? No, He is the owner- ‘Rabbil alameen.’ He
is Lord, ‘Rabb,’ He was Lord for ‘alameen,’ for all. When was He the Lord?
He was Lord at the first, and at the last. He is Lord, arranging His
creatures, and giving them directions to their destinations. Without any
servants how can He be Lord of creatures?
Before the Shaykh could answer, another asked, “Before this was
made manifest, when we were hidden in the mercy ocean, was there any
awareness of existence?”
“Shaykh Nazim,” asked a murid, “when you said that there were
countless Adams before us, were there also countless Muhammads?”
* * * * * * *
Our Grandshaykh says that in our time no one from among the
Awliya has been given permission to speak about secret knowledge
except him. He may speak Quranic secrets. He says also that Allah
Almighty opened to Muhammad (peace be upon him) the ocean of
secrets of the Holy Quran, and He is also opening it to Mahdi (peace be
upon him), and giving to him from that secret knowledge of Quran.
Mahdi (peace be upon him) is given seven hundred kinds of knowledge
over the knowledge of all saints! No one has yet been given such as
Mahdi (peace be upon him) has been given. Because he is coming to
address all people, it will be enough to correct and direct all people on to
their destinations.
* * * * * * *
“We are saying,” continued Shaykh Nazim, “to whom was Allah in
eternal existence? Who was in the Divine Presence that Allah was
speaking to, who was He addressing? He was Muhammad (peace be upon
him). Muhammad (peace be upon him) was His servant and His Prophet
in eternal existence. Other Prophets were under the flag of Muhammad
(peace be upon him), worshipping their Lord, also.”
“Shaykh Nazim,” said a murid, “in America, a man may say, ‘I can
do whatever I like as long as I’m not harming anyone else, and I am still a
good man.”
“But that’s the kind of questions they ask!” the brother said.
“He may ask question,” said Mawlana, “we shall give answer, ‘O
guy! You may be in jungle, free! Not here, O guy! You may go to jungle,
where animals are free like you!’ (Everyone is laughing.)
“We have a method from our Grandshaykh. You must not argue
with a man, if you know that you are on the right way, if you know that
rightness is with you. If that person doesn’t accept, don’t tire yourself in
arguing with him or trying to teach them. Don’t argue with hard-headed
people. Leave them! You must be like rivers; when a hard rock is in the
way, you must go around it. You must not stop with hard-headed people.
Change your way to a soft one. In the time of our Prophet (peace be
upon him), he left hard-headed people, and so many Sahaba came and
accepted him. ‘Argument,’ says our Grandshaykh, ‘extinguishes the light
of faith.’ Therefore, it is prohibited.
* * * * * * *
“Our bodies have no life without spirit. Also for our spirit there is
again a spirit. And then for that spirit there is also a spirit. No one knows
what is the reality of spirit. What is spirit? No one can explain it. There is
no description for the spirits of men. And no one can know the spirit of
our spirit except Allah Almighty.
“We were already with our spirit’s spirit in the Divine Presence,
when Allah Almighty said, ’La Ilaha illAllah, Muhammadun Rasulullah.’ We
were in the Divine Presence; our spirit was there.”
“So, when you say, ‘We have been serving him ever since,’ you
don’t mean ‘ever since,’ as in time?”
“But it doesn’t mean the same thing if Allah said it yesterday, does
it?” the murid wanted to know.
“The mercy oceans are out of time and space?” asked a brother.
“Do you think that we came from that Divine Presence with our
whole originality, our whole personality? Never! We are like one ray
coming from the sun. We are, in our originality, in reality, still in the
Divine Presence. Not moving, out of time and space there is no moving.
We are worshipping, continuously. Here, in this life, there is only one ray,
from that timeless ‘sun,’ for us. We are here for a little time, only.
“There are so many things you have yet to hear. Now, nothing.
When you break your prisons, you will be free and you will catch your
personality. At that time you will know your Lord; not now. Our
worshipping is going on, without stopping, out of time and space. We are
always in the Divine Presence for service. Prophets have come to us to
open that door through which we can look at our realities. We have
realities in the Divine Presence (Haqiqat). Step by step, if you are going, it
will open for you to look at yourself, to know yourself. As of yet, you
don’t know yourself!
“Our Prophet (peace be upon him) says, ‘When you know yourself,
you will know your Lord.’ We don’t know ourselves; we need a Divine
mirror to look in to see ourselves. You are asking why we are coming to
this life. It is to be witnesses of ourselves! We were in Divine oceans; no
time to look at ourselves. When we come to this world, there is no time
to look to that position; now, we are all looking to ourselves. We have
been sent to attain perfection, to look at ourselves and say, ‘We are
something, also!’ We recognize ourselves now.
“And this is the way for tasting; there is no other. You can’t find it.
So many devils, making such wrong ways; making people most foolish
also! No one is coming for dunya to this masjid. No, you are asking
valuable things. You are asking to know yourself, and my Grandshaykh is
ordering me to tell about all ways, directing you to your stations in the
Divine Presence. You are asking me if I know your positions in the Divine
Presence. I know who is sitting on my right side, on my left side, in front
of me, behind me, around me; I know!”
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
Our Grandshaykh says, “Allah says that He has all power, and that
His servants are powerless. Only Allah has absolute power. Now, people
are saying, ‘We have power!’ They don’t accept their powerlessness.
Therefore, they cannot reach any target in their lives.
“Allah, nothing else, is giving this power to all the universe. All
things, from the smallest to the biggest, are receiving from the endless
power oceans of Allah Almighty. Only the Creator can say. If He withheld
that power for even an instant, everything would vanish!
“All Divine help, all Divine power, comes to weak people more
than to powerful people. As much as you are in need, as much as you are
opening to Allah, help is coming. If you don’t feel in need of your Lord,
you will be left to yourself, and you will perish.
* * * * * * *
be upon him) is from mankind like ourselves, and so his words are easier
for us to understand. Therefore, he is explaining the intricacies of Quran
to us.”
“If you find any learned man in whom your heart believes and
trusts, you must believe any hadiths he tells you. This is the way of
students and also of common people, for hadiths. But Awliya, to whom
Allah Almighty has given light, are different. They may listen to a man and
see if light is coming from his speech. Then, they may know if his words
are correct. Also, when Awliya are reading, they may see those hadiths
which are exact, shining from the page. They are the words of the
Prophet (peace be upon him), coming with light, filled with light. When a
man can see this, he is not in need for the opinions of another as to
which hadith is strong and which is weak.
“So many ‘Alims are denying this or that hadith While Awliya say
that those hadiths are all right. Thus, we take hadiths from those people
who have the light of lman in their hearts showing them the truth. Also, if
any book has hadiths from the Prophet (peace be upon him), we accept it
out of respect for the Prophet (peace be upon him). If it is an incorrect
hadith, there is no responsibility for us if we accept it. This is a high adab,
or good manners. If someone says, ‘This is a hadith,’ we believe it out of
respect to our Prophet (peace be upon him)”
Someone asked, “So, until we receive that higher vision that the
Awliya have, we must accept all hadiths as true?”
“Yes,” said Mawlana, “if you are not doing this, you cannot go
forward, no! If we read it in a book, hear it from an ‘Alim or from a man,
out of respect for our Prophet (peace be upon him) we must believe it.”
“So many,” said Mawlana. “All of them. Any book that is written as
hadiths of Prophet (peace be upon him), we must believe. This is my way
“But now have you reached the point where you can see the light
coming from the true hadiths?” asked a disciple.
The Shaykh replied, “Ahh, yes. But you cannot reach that point
until you believe every word and saying that is hadith. This way will take
you to that point; to look . . . Lights! It is very difficult to accept this.”
* * * * * * *
you are thinking, when you are eating, when you are sleeping, He is with
you. He is not going to leave you. This is dhikr!’”
* * * * * * *
“It is like a man who had a ruby in his hand and threw it away,”
answered Mawlana. “He didn’t know the value of what he had. If he knew,
he wouldn’t leave it.”
“So,” the brother said, “that man never really knew what he had?”
“Yes,” the Shaykh answered. “If he knew, how could he leave it? If
a man has a diamond in his hand and knows it, he will not give it up even
if they cut his hand.”
to let them have the gun, saying, ‘O my brother! We are not the enemy!
We are your comrades, and we need that gun to defend ourselves!’
“Your service to your Lord should be like that. You must not leave
it. No one must take it from you. This is the biggest miracle for Muslims,
for believers. When you know that an order, a faith, an action, or a
religion is true, you must keep it forever, until the end. Don’t leave it!”
“This belief that we are holding in our hands,” said a murid, “can
you pass it along to others, also?”
“Yes,” said Mawlana. “You may look in your hand and say, ‘So
many diamonds! Look! Each of you may take one and keep it!’ You must
advise them.”
“If someone asks you,” replied the Shaykh, “you may give to him, if
you know. If you are with your Lord, you will be able to answer him. You
will not be alone if you are making dhikr. Allah says in Quran, ‘You must
ask from those who are in remembrance with Me.’ If you are with your
Lord, anyone can ask you any question; your Lord will put answers on
your tongue.”
* * * * * * *
“For example, Allah Almighty gave the order for the Laylatul Qadr,
the Night of Power. It is only once in a year, and during that night there
is only a second in which the Divine Presence occurs. At that time, the
Heavens open and you will see all things in sajdah to their Lord. If a man
is ready at that time, he may reach everything he may ask. People who
know the value of that moment may wait every night throughout the
year; not just during Ramadan.
“Only Allah knows,” was the Shaykh’s reply. “You cannot know
with which worship, or with which goodness He may be pleased with us.
Laylatul Qadr is only one of five hundred kinds; four-hundred and
ninety-nine other mercies come for other goodness’s! No one knows
when a Divine mercy is coming, or for which practice there may be a
reward. It may come anytime, day or night, winter or summer, before,
during, or after Ramadan. He who asks for the Night of Power uses every
night. Maybe the night he sleeps is that Night!
A brother wanted to know: “Why not make the intention at the
beginning of each month?”
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
was used up and he could go no further. And yet his intent remained
alive. Do you think your Lord would leave his servant in the desert like
that? That man remained patient, though with no hope for himself and
no power to help himself. At that time, Allah looked out for him; a private
mercy opened for that servant. A camel appeared coming along that way.
His Lord sent that servant to Hijaz.
* * * * * * *
“Some, however, are not interested in palaces. They are
interested in the King! It is required for us, therefore, to be our Lord’s
sincere servants; without asking any reward. This is the highest degree
of worshipping. Nafs’ demands are too limited. If a man can save himself
from his ego, he will not be satisfied with the few drops that his nafs
crave. All beauties of Paradise are but a few drops from the endless
beauty oceans of Allah Almighty! If a man is dying of thirst, will a few
drops of water be sufficient for him? Therefore, we are asking only to
enter into the Divine Presence, to disappear forever into His endless
beauty oceans, endless power oceans, endless mercy oceans. Never
returning – finished!”
A murid asked, “Isn’t this, also, our egos asking for rewards?”
“No,” Mawlana told him. “This desire is not of the nafs. Nafs are
satisfied with the beauties of Paradise. They cannot understand more
than that level. Don’t say that your nafs demands the oceans of Allah’s
beauty! In those oceans there are no ladies, no gardens, no palaces. What
is there for your nafs? Nothing! If you say that your nafs wants those
endless oceans, you are a liar!”
The Shaykh answered, “We may follow the example of Abu Yazid
al-Bistami (may Allah grant him more honours), who said, ‘O my Lord!
How can I approach you?’ His Lord replied, ‘Leave your nafs and come!
That is the way!’
the Love of Allah will be taken to the Divine Presence.’ Which do you
* * * * * * *
“Our Prophet (peace be upon him) has about two hundred and
fifty names. The most lovely is ‘Abdullah, because it shows that he was a
servant of his Lord, and the highest honour for a man is to be the
obedient slave of his Lord.
“One of the great Awliya was Rifa’i (may Allah be pleased with
him). He said, ‘I tried all doors going to the Divine Presence, and I found
all of them full-up. I then tried the door of humbleness, and I found it
empty. I entered the Divine Presence through that door!’
“Everything we have is from our Lord. All is from His favour.
Therefore, we must try our nafs in every situation so that we may be
more humble. Everything we are proud of in ourselves is from and
belongs to our Lord, Allah Almighty. Yet, so many people think that some
quality they possess, such as fame, or knowledge, or beauty, or even old
age, belongs to them, and they are asking others to respect them for it.
This is wrong. This is our nafs’ pride. All favours are from our Lord. He
gives and withholds as He likes. How can we claim the respect that is due
only to Him? We cannot ask others to respect us. Leave it for Allah to
make others respect you. Real respect is to respect all others. They are
your Lord’s servants, just as you are. Only when you give this respect to
others will you properly respect yourself. Only then may others respect
“The Sultan ul Arifin, the King of the Knowers, is Abu Yazid al-
Bistami (may Allah Almighty give him more glory and honour). He said, ‘I
took it as an obligation to respect all people and all creatures. I didn’t
wait for anyone to respect me. This was my way throughout my life.’ As a
consequence, Abu Yazid (may Allah Almighty grant him more glory and
honour) has been respected by Muslims for one-thousand years. When
we hear his name we may say, ‘Qaddas Allahu Sirrahu-l ‘Aliyy,’ may Allah
Almighty grant him more glory and honour.”
* * * * * * *
Our Grandshaykh says, about the hadith, ‘Quwwa til himma min
quwwa til Iman’ (strength of himmah is from strength of faith):
“This life is a test for us. We must choose to work toward ‘akhira,’
the life hereafter, rather than the temporary, physical pleasures of this
life. The power necessary to sustain our working toward the permanent,
the spiritual, the power by which the Saints can move mountains, is
called ‘himmah.’ Our Prophet (peace be upon him) says that himmah
comes from the power of our belief, our Iman. As much as you have faith,
you will have himmah. This is the meaning of the hadith.
“In the light of this, we may see that the pursuit of physical
pleasures will weaken both Iman (faith) and himmah (power). Thus, a
person given over to his worldly appetites will not only deny, but actually
lose sight of the existence of a higher life. He will become increasingly
powerless (that is, without sufficient himmah to extricate himself from
his position). It is a vicious circle; no Iman (belief), no power (himmah –
no himmah, no belief, and as a consequence no akhira, no permanent,
spiritual pleasure for that servant. So, we must be careful. We must be
patient and forego our desires for this world (dunya). This patience
builds Iman, which gives us the power (himmah) to reach our spiritual
goal: akhira.
“This working for the eternal life is not just prayers and
worshipping. It is anything that you do for the sake of Allah Almighty, to
make Him pleased with you. Reading Quran, hadith, religious books;
doing dhikr, helping people – all goodness’s. Also, sitting and listening to
Allah’s words in a meeting, writing, sitting with your wife for Allah’s sake,
teaching, learning, everyone knows his actions. Everyone knows whether
an action is for Allah’s sake, or for his ego’s sake.
“If you are asking for your nafs’ pleasure, that pleasure will be only
for a few moments. Then, a thick cloud of sorrow will cover your heart.
But, if you are doing for your Lord, He will send pleasure oceans to you.
There will be unlimited pleasure for you. He says, ‘O son of Adam! You
must keep your Lord’s pleasure!’”
* * * * * * *
himself, the world appears all right to him. The world is created
completely. Everything is created perfectly by our Creator.”
Shaykh Nazim answered him this way: “Jalaluddin Rumi (may Allah
be pleased with him) told the story of the carpenter’s apprentice, who
was very clumsy, though no one could figure out why. One day, his
master hit upon an idea: He pointed to a shelf in his workshop and told
the apprentice, ‘O my son! Bring me the bottle that you see on that shelf
over there.’
“‘But, there are two bottles, master,’ the boy protested. Which one
shall I bring?’
“The master handed the boy a hammer and told him, ‘Here, take
this hammer and break one of them. Then, bring the other one to me.’
“Our nafs are like this,” explained Shaykh Nazim. “He who is yet
the slave of his ego sees things incorrectly. That which he imagines to be
imperfect or wrong is, in reality, complete and perfect. Where we may
see two there is only one. Thus Jalaluddin Rumi (may Allah be pleased
with him) was warning people to search themselves when they see
something that appears wrong to them. We must ask ourselves, ‘What is
wrong in me that I see this wrong thing?’ This is the highest degree of
faith, and the highest degree of believing in the goodness of the Creator.
When you see something wrong you must say, ‘O my nafs! You are
are asking me, ‘O, Shaykh! Pray for my little son to be silent!’ I tell them,
‘His perfection is in those actions about which you are complaining. He is
not a big man, to sit quietly! If l pray for him to be silent, you will then
come back to me and say, ‘O Shaykh! Our baby is too quiet. You must do
“The sage answered him, ‘Allah Almighty has made this tiny
creature for one purpose. It is to render great kings powerless! They are
vanquished by this little fly!’
“‘How are you a king?’ returned the master, ‘if your subjects will
not obey you?’ Then, turning to the flies, the Shaykh commanded, ‘Out!’
The flies quickly left through a small hole in the wall.
“‘O my shaykh!’ lamented the emperor. ‘You are the real king!’
“This is the meaning of ‘Manna tAllah ata ahu kulli shay.’ If a man
will obey Allah exactly all things will obey him. When you see all things as
correct, you will have reached perfection. You cannot expect hens to
crow like roosters, or lions to be like cows.
“Once, King Solomon (peace be upon him) was sitting upon his
magnificent flying throne. As he passed over his army standing in review,
he felt, in his heart, a surge of pride. At once the throne descended.
Angrily, Solomon (peace be upon him) took his staff and began to beat
the throne. ‘Be correct!’ he ordered.
“‘Not until you are correct,’ replied the throne. Solomon (peace be
upon him) immediately understood and threw himself into sajdah,
saying, ‘O my Lord! Pardon me!’
“It is, therefore, impossible for our actions to be correct; for our
families, our neighbours, and others to be correct with us until we are
correct with our Lord. SubhanAllah!
“As a final note on this point,” continued Shaykh Nazim, “we may
take a lesson from Imam Ghazali (may Allah be pleased with him), who
said: ‘It is impossible to find a better situation than that which exists
today, for those who are ready. You cannot yearn for things to be as they
used to be, nor for the way that they might be. The conditions that we
are in now are perfect, most suitable for us. Allah Almighty is giving His
mercy as much as we need; as much as we are able to carry.’”
* * * * * * *
“In this life, we are carrying responsibility and we are all living
together. As many as there are people on this earth, such is the number
of different characters and abilities, and you must carry them all – in
your home, your neighbourhood, and in your community. This is the
base of faith. You must carry them. You can’t say, ‘I can’t carry them!’
However, whenever you are carrying, you get more power for your faith.
It is like the foundations of a building which are the strongest part and
carry all of the other parts. So too when you are carrying everything that
gives your nafs no satisfaction, then your faith will increase and become
stronger. Allah is carrying all. Prophets are carrying all. Are you better
than Allah? Better than Prophets?”
* * * * * * *
Our evident and public acts may be easily corrected, but our
secret acts are another matter! We have, therefore, been ordered to
clean ourselves of both evident and secret kufr (unbelief). Our
Grandshaykh is advising us that everyone must keep a balance with him
with which to weigh his actions. We must look at each action that we do,
or are about to do, and make sure that it will be pleasing to Allah, His
Prophet (peace be upon him), or Awliya. When you know that that action
will bring pleasure to your Lord, to our Prophet (peace be upon him), and
to Awliya, you may do it. If not, you must leave it! This is a measure for
acting in religion.
* * * * * * *
Now we are coming to an important point. Our Grandshaykh asks,
“What is the spirit of all acts of worship? If you cannot keep that spirit, all
your worshipping will be for nothing.
“There are three points: The first is to keep your tongue from all
prohibited speaking – speak only good words, not bad. Nothing else. Our
Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ‘To keep one’s tongue, that is the way
of safety for men.’
“Third, you must keep all your organs from prohibited actions;
listening, going, catching, thinking bad things. You must not sit down
and think with bad intentions.”
“These three points that our Grandshaykh has taught us, keep and
sustain our good actions. Without keeping our eyes, our tongues, and
our organs from prohibited things, we cannot take any benefit from our
good actions. It is as if a man planted a tree, tended it carefully for years
and then, just as it was about to bear fruit, took an axe and chopped it
down! All his efforts have vanished, gone for nothing! When you are
planting, you must keep it and protect it from harm by keeping these
three points.
therefore, more important for a believer to keep himself far from
prohibited actions than it is for him to do good things.
“Keep far away from prohibited things. They are destroying both
your physical and your spiritual bodies. Kufr (unbelief) is the most
terrible of prohibited things, and if we are not keeping our tongues, for
instance, we may speak a word denying Allah and His Prophet (peace be
upon him); thus all our goodness will be destroyed. Keep to your Lord’s
boundaries. This is a description of a true servant of Allah.”
* * * * * * *
“When these men speak, their words have an effect upon those
who listen. Yet, there are people who, when they hear those Prophets
and Awliya speaking, are putting their fingers in their ears trying to
escape those words. They know that speaking will have an effect!
“Allah says, ‘O My Prophet! How can you make a person hear your
invitation? He is deaf, and he is turning his face and escaping. If he is
only deaf, and he is sitting and looking at you, he may understand
something; but he is deaf and he is turning and running away from you! It
is impossible to make him listen!’
“Now, all this is training for the greatest war. We are sitting,
training. Then will come an order for the greatest war; and you will leave
all things, like a dead person, and enter into a little hole for fighting.
There, for forty days, you will sit down with your greatest enemy,
fighting. This will come!”
* * * * * * *
“In front of Allah, His servant has nothing. All of our prayers and
worship are His favours to us. He is giving, not us. So that if a servant
comes to his Lord’s Presence and says, ‘O my Lord! I brought to you so
many prayers, so many fasts, so much dhikr, so much goodness’; Allah
says, ‘O My servant! From whom are you bringing those things?’
“A real servant to his Lord knows that all the goodness that he has
is a mercy from his Lord, guiding him to his Lord’s way. He knows that
but for his Lord’s mercy, he wouldn’t be a praying servant, fasting
servant, making-dhikr servant, and so forth. So, when he comes to his
Lord’s presence, he says, ‘My hands are empty, O my Lord. I am in need
of Your mercy, always. Give me more mercy, O my Lord!’
“After the death of Abu Yazid (may Allah give him more glory and
honour), some people saw him in a dream. ‘How is it for you in that
world?’ they asked him.
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
Our Grandshaykh was saying, about all Awliya, “Some Awliya are
too ashamed to ask anything from their Lord, because they see that they
are in endless need of their Lord. They say, ‘O my Lord! You know best
what I need from your mercy. My needs are endless. Fulfil my needs, O
my Lord, as you know.’
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
But Sayiddina Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) delayed witr
until the end of the night, and he said, “As our Prophet (peace be upon
him) said, ‘Actions are rewarded according to intentions.’ Therefore, I
intend to pray witr at the end of the night. If I die before praying witr,
but I intend to pray, it is all right.”
“An important point,” says our Grandshaykh, “is that, in the sight
of our Prophet (peace be upon him), Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with
him), and all Grandshaykhs in Naqshbandiyya; their opinion is not to
delay any worship out of its time.
“Everything must be in its time. You cannot put it out of its time,
because every time is occupied, full-up. You cannot find empty time.
Therefore, it is a foolishness to say, ‘I shall do this tomorrow.’ It is
craziness and stupidness because tomorrow is not empty. It is occupied,
full-up with actions that you have, responsibilities for fulfilling. If you
cannot carry today’s load, how can you carry tomorrow’s load also – two
“Asking to delay our actions comes from our nafs. Our nafs is very
lazy. It does not like to move. Therefore, it wishes to delay all things. To
our nafs, it seems easy to say, ‘I shall do it tomorrow.’ It is always
escaping from serious actions. The nafs only likes to play.
* * * * * * *
“And,” our Grandshaykh was saying, “if a man looks upon one of
the ladies of Paradise (houris), he will be useless with the most beautiful
girl in this world. So radiant are their beauties!
* * * * * * *
everyone. They attribute all things to their ego – their mind, their
success, all things and, in so doing, they are losing their Creator and
their Creator’s favours for them as well. Every person’s ego thinks
himself to be his majesty, the king, and this is the reason for all the
troubles in this world.
All Prophets have come to fight this false idea. Even a believer
may fall prey to his egotism. Every time he thinks that his good deeds or
his prayers are the result of his own doing, he fails to observe that those
actions are his Lord’s favours to him. He is thus at fault, having left good
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
“If she is not going to respect her husband as much as that, she
cannot take any good results from her serving and worship. The most
important thing for wives is to keep their husbands’ respect.”
* * * * * * *
Our Grandshaykh was saying that what Allah Almighty asks of His
servants is that they worship with ‘Ikhlas’ (sincerity, purity). Allah
Almighty asks only pure worshipping, and pure worshipping means to
have a pure heart.
What is a pure heart? It is a heart that has nothing but his Lord in
it – only Allah Almighty. This is a pure heart. If there is something except
his Lord in one’s heart, he hasn’t a pure heart.
Everything that occupies your heart and keeps you from your
Lord is making your heart impure. You must try to keep everything away
from your heart but Allah. There is no room in your heart for romantic
love! We say that the heart is for Allah alone. For children, we say our
love for them is in the liver! For our wives…!
You are asking why men and women have such love for each
other, why they may love the opposite sex to the point of idol worship? It
is because they don’t know where to put their love! Man is created for
the love of Allah Almighty. Allah Almighty loved Muhammad (peace be
upon him), and created all the sons of Adam (peace be upon him) for His
love. Therefore, love is original. Each one of us has love, but most people
have forgotten what its object is. When they put their love in women, in
children, or in anything except Allah, it means that love will be lost. If you
put your love with your wife, she will die and your love will be wasted
(souda). For children – the same. Any time you put your love in this
dunya, it will be wasted! But, if you are putting your love with Allah
Almighty it is never going to be wasted – not here, not hereafter. It is not
going to be wasted. If you are putting your love with your Prophet (peace
be upon him), or with your Shaykh, or with your fellow mu’mins, you may
find that love here, and hereafter.
* * * * * * *
Our Grandshaykh was saying that our egos have eighty- thousand
bad characters. That means that there are eighty-thou sand veils
between us and our Prophet (peace be upon him)! If you can’t break all
those veils, if you can’t cut them, then you cannot see your Prophet
(peace be upon him) unless you are dreaming.
Some people can see the Prophet (peace be upon him) in their
dreams, but the Prophet (peace be upon him) may be seen when you are
awake also. Who can see the Prophet (peace be upon him) without
sleeping? Those people who cut out all those veils from their hearts may
see our Prophet (peace be upon him).
And the worst one of those veils, the worst of those bad
characters – what is it? “Egoism!” says our Grandshaykh. From egoism
come thousands of bad characters! And, out of all those thousands of bad
characters coming from egoism, what is the worst one? “It is anger!” says
our Grandshaykh again.
Whoever can judge his anger, it means that he has power to judge
his ego. When you can judge to keep yourself far away from anger, it
means that you can control your nafs. Otherwise, it is impossible. You
must know that all actions, all events, are not going to happen as we like.
Nothing happens, no one can be as we like; it is impossible. When you
know this you may keep yourself far away from anger, because anger is
the result of thinking that you can do everything as you like. No one can
do this; so for what will you be angry?
* * * * * * *
When you forget a person’s goodness toward you, then you will
be like cats. One hundred times you may give it meat; so many things you
may give it. But, if you leave it just once, that cat will make objections
and complaints to Allah, saying, “He left me hungry!” This is bad
character, and if anyone is doing that, it means he has no good character.
If a man does goodness for you one hundred times, and then he does one
wrong thing to you, you must not become his enemy. You must not
forget his goodness to you from before. If you do that, you will have no
good characters; you will be like cats.
* * * * * * *
They are satisfied with small things;
They are truthful;
They are trustworthy, good friends;
They are loyal, they will remain with their owners and
never turn traitor;
They are ‘zahid,’ not looking to anything from this dunya. It
means that they have nothing from this world, no place for
themselves. They may sleep anywhere, and if someone throws
stones at them, they quickly get up and go somewhere else;
They are very light sleepers, they don’t sleep too much, and
quickly awaken;
They are very patient;
They are always grateful for everything that they are given.
* * * * * * *
Our Prophet (peace be upon him) never said one hadith without
knowing what its reality was in the Divine Presence. ‘Azali Haqiqat,’ or
eternal truth, was known by our Prophet (peace be upon him), and said
in his hadiths. Rasulullah (peace be upon him) said, “If all the trees were
pens, and all the oceans were ink, they would not be sufficient to write
all the meanings of hadiths!”
And yet, that tiny drop is like an endless ocean itself when
compared with all creatures’ knowledge! “This,” our Grandshaykh says,
“is the minimum respect for Allah’s knowledge. If anyone does not speak
like this, then they have responsibility for that point that they are not
giving complete respect to their Lord.”
Once upon a time, there was a big ‘Alim – an ‘Alim that was too
big. He was so proud of his knowledge. One day, a dervish came to him, a
simple man who said to him, “Please, O my master! I am coming to ask
one question.”
So, the dervish said to that grand ‘Alim, “What about all
knowledge in relation to our Prophet’s knowledge? Give me an example
that I can understand.”
The scholar took a big sheet of paper and taking his pencil he put
a tiny dot in the middle of the paper. Then he said, “O my brother, O my
fellow, O, my guy! We are saying that if this sheet of paper is all of our
Prophet’s knowledge, then this tiny dot is all other people’s knowledge!”
Then that simple dervish said, “Can you find, in that tiny dot, how
much knowledge is coming to you? What is your share from that point
that you have drawn? What is your knowledge in relation to all
* * * * * * *
Shaykh Nazim told us, “This situation is the most suitable thing
for me because my Lord put me in this situation. If it were no good for
me, He wouldn’t have put me in it. He says who is the most satisfied
person, and the happiest person in this life. We must believe that Allah
Almighty desires for us goodness – always.”
* * * * * * *
“It is not enough to merely say this. You must practice, exercise
for this purpose, until you reach the point where you cannot see
anything from goodness or from badness coming to you without His will!
This leads us to real faith.
“If a man harms you, and you become his enemy, it means that
you are not a believer. It means you do not believe that his action was
from your Lord’s will, that all things are from Allah. If we believe, we
must be patient with each other’s actions. Allah is trying our faith, each
of us with others. We must see, therefore, that all actions are from our
Lord’s will.”
Our Prophet (peace be upon him) says, “People will deal with you
according to your actions.” If you are good and someone intends you
harm, Allah will defend you. You must not be afraid of people’s harm. You
must be honourable to all, good to all, respectful, merciful to all,
generous, and good-thinking to all. We must be patient with all people
because we believe that no one comes to us without our Lord’s will.
“Don’t be teacher to Allah!” says our Grandshaykh. “Allah knows
best, and you don’t know anything! Don’t make any objection for
anything; you are servants, you are slaves to Him and He is Governor,
Absolute King of the Universe!”
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
What does Holy Knowledge (Ma’rifat) mean? “Knowledge,” says
our Grandshaykh, “is a Divine power, given to servants so that with that
power they can look at the greatness of Allah Almighty.”
In every knowledge, if you look deeply enough, you will see the
greatness of the Creator. In Botany, in Chemistry, in Physics, in
Astronomy, in every branch of knowledge you will find this to be true. He
who looks deeply enough must acknowledge the greatness of the
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
Our Grandshaykh asks, “What is the first fard (order) from Allah to
His servants? The first order, ordered to Adam (peace be upon him), is
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
Love is best. This is the way of all Prophets and Awliya. They love
Allah Almighty, and for His sake they love all His creatures. Real love is to
love all things belonging to the beloved.
Therefore, every Prophet was ready to sacrifice his soul for the
servants of his Creator. All Awliya are also following that way. They are
looking to servants of Allah with mercy. Not one of the Saints bears any
hatred for his fellow servants even though they may be sinners. This way
will win victory.
Now we are living in a time when enmity and hatred are reaching
their highest degree. People are in need of love. Not the sexual kind; this
may be found in animals even more than in people. Love is a grant from
Allah Almighty. Some keep it in a precious place, and some put it in a
dirty place. Some keep that love for Allah Almighty and some for this
dirty life. Some people are keeping their honour; they have families, and
honourable wives. They are giving their love to their honourable wives.
But some people put that precious love in dirty places.
Now, all people are in need of love for their Lord alone, and we
must ask our Lord to give us love – more love. When love comes, so does
mercy. The attribute of souls is love. Souls are living in love-oceans.
* * * * * * *
One, the expanded person has an open face, smiling, not solemn
or angry.
The second condition is contrary to this. He who is in this
condition is angry, sorrowful, and solemn.
Which is lovely for Allah Almighty? The first. Allah likes His
servants to be open, expanded, always pleased. If a man is not
complaining, if he is smiling under all conditions and carrying only
goodness in his heart for others, Allah is pleased with him.
* * * * * * *
Our Grandshaykh was saying, “If a man has troubles from illness,
from courts, from poverty, from government – so many troubles – these
are punishment for his actions.
“The other kind of trouble comes to people for their bad actions,
and for the purpose of making them clean. When they have been
punished in this world, there is no punishment in the next world for
* * * * * * *
In these times, for keeping one sunnah, Allah gives the reward of
one hundred martyrs. Nowadays, people may stay awake in theatres, in
discotheques, in cinemas, and in bars and other such places – very
enthusiastic, with such power to stay awake all night! But, if anyone will
awaken after midnight to pray two rak’ats, he will feel the weight of the
world on his shoulders. So difficult will it be for him to awaken! We can
feel this heavy load over our bodies. It is the result of living in a time of
darkness among people.
* * * * * * *
Prophet (peace be upon him). If they are going to do something
according to our Lord’s order, they will be under the guard of Allah
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
When you are looking to a prohibited thing, you are leaving faith.
You must quickly ask pardon from your Lord, so that you may return to
Islam once again. Rasulullah (peace be upon him) says, “Our eyes make
zina (adultery).” We have been ordered to carry our organs into the way
of Islam. If a man uses his organs in the way of Allah Almighty, he will
have real faith, real Islam.
* * * * * * *
‘Ma la yani’ means, ‘that which does not concern you.’ You must
not speak of or act on that which does not concern you. This is the order
of the Prophet (peace be upon him), and it is very important in Islam. You
must be careful with this point.
“Once, there was a Wali who had been given the power to listen
to the angels’ speaking. One day, that Wali was traveling on his horse
when he came to a fountain. He stopped there for a rest, and to renew
his wudhu and make prayers.
“‘No!’ said the angel on the left (responsible For recording our bad
deeds and speech), ‘You can’t write this! I must do it.’
“’Why?’ said the angel on the right, ‘Is it a sin, what he said? He
spoke only good words to his horse!’
“The angel on the left replied, ‘That is true, but you must know
that he spoke about a thing that did not concern him. Is there any horse
that needs to be told to enjoy grass? Why did he speak? Allah gave him
that tongue. He may use it for useless things (ma la yani) or not. But he
has been ordered to speak good, or hold his tongue. Is that horse waiting
for his words to eat? I must write this deed as a sin!’
“All the while the Wali had been listening to their conversation.
When he heard the words of the angel on the left, he immediately threw
himself into sajdah, crying, ‘O my Lord! Forgive me!’
“When Allah Almighty heard his servant asking like that He said to
the left-hand angel, ‘Don’t write! Leave it for the other angel because My
servant is asking forgiveness, and I accept!’”
Now, for what are these conditions placed upon us? If a man takes
care with his speech, Allah Almighty gives Divine Wisdoms to his tongue.
That person, who keeps his tongue, will speak only truth and right. He
cannot say wrong things at that point.
This may seem a simple thing, to take care with one’s speaking,
but it has such strong wisdom. It is so powerful! To him who intends to
keep his tongue only for goodness, and not to speak on that which does
not concern him, Allah Almighty promises to give Divine Wisdoms to
speak. Then you are not in need to read books to learn. Allah gives you,
on your tongue, so many Divine Wisdoms. To speak of that which doesn’t
concern you makes your Iman weak. When you leave this bad habit, your
faith takes more power. You cannot know what concerns you or not,
save through your inspirations. Then you may know well what is yours or
“Often, maybe, you have the right inspiration. But then you say,
‘Ah, but if l do it, then such and such may happen; so I’d better not do it,’”
the murid continued.
“Not inspiration,” repeated Mawlana, . ..That is, the first is
inspiration, ordering you to do something. The second one, coming to
destroy it, is from your nafs, from Satan; just from Satan.”
* * * * * * *
He is also answering for us: “If a man gives you one thousand
dollars, and then another one comes and takes it away; if you act
differently in front of each then you haven’t good character!
“If you are glad from the first one, and sorry with the second one,
it is a sign that you haven’t yet reached good character. If a man has
good character, it means he has a strong faith in Allah. He believes that
everything that comes to him is coming from Allah.
“Also, our Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “In the sight of Allah
Almighty, the whole world and its treasure is worth only as much as the
wing of a mosquito!” So, what about one thousand dollars! If someone
gives you the wing of a mosquito is it pleasure for you? And, if someone
should take it away are you sorry?
“If a man goes to court against another, it means that the love of
this life is yet in his heart, and our Prophet (peace be upon him) says,
‘The worst thing for a person is to like this world and its life.’
death. Nothing from this world’s treasures can save him from death. You
can be like Alexander the Great, but in the end even he surrendered to
* * * * * * *
“All problems, all cases in courts, are for this dunya. Good
character people are not fighting, or making cases for the treasures of
this life. This is because they know that all things in this life are
temporary; nothing is permanent. In real faith, this dunya is not a goal, or
“Real Islam shows believers the real target – love for Allah. And
real Islam is never fought for dunya, never for the treasures of this world,
never for this life’s dragon. Because this life is a real dragon, eating all
people and never becoming full.
him) called people to their Lord and not after that dragon. But people
don’t like to hear this, and run instead after that dragon. They are tired.
No rest for them.
“Therefore, none of the Prophets are fighting for this life. They
are fighting to save people from this life’s dragon.”
* * * * * * *
“Second, you must know, when you are speaking, if it is for your
ego’s pleasure or for your Lord’s pleasure. You must know what you are
going to speak. If you don’t know, don’t speak! You must know that when
you speak it will be written by either the angel on the right or the angel
on the left. Lf you know that what you say will be written by the angel on
the right (good), you may speak or not. If a man is in court, he will be
very careful with his words. One word may cause judgment against him,
or one word may save him. We must be careful like this.
* * * * * * *
“What is the biggest dragon, swallowing all our good actions?”
asks our Grandshaykh. “What is the biggest dragon, eating all our
“And so, from childhood up to fifteen years he may take many bad
habits. Unfortunately, if he cannot stop them when he reaches the age of
maturity, those bad habits will destroy all the goodness he may do. This
is the worst terrible dragon for everyone.
* * * * * * *
First, he must not walk without wudhu, nor must he touch any
book without wudhu.
Second, he must use a miswak (tooth stick); and,
third, he must keep the midnight salat (Tahajjud).
* * * * * * *
Our Grandshaykh was saying, “What is the biggest sin in the sight
of Allah? Allah Almighty created mankind so honourable, and respectful,
and lovely to Him Almighty. And then He gave all mankind to Muhammad
(peace be upon him) as a trust. All nations have been given to
Muhammad (peace be upon him) on the Day of Promise. Therefore, the
greatest sin in the sight of Allah is to search out everyone’s faults.
“Our Prophet (peace be Upon him) says, ‘Happiness is for him who
is occupied with correcting his own faults, for it keeps him from looking
to another’s faults.’ Clear? It is a very big sin to look to others’ faults, and
to try to harm people. All troubles, all unsolvable problems, come after
looking to another’s faults. A bad habit, indeed!
“He who forgets his own faults,” continues our Grandshaykh, “and
looks after other people’s faults, is like a man who says, ‘I am God!’ To be
without fault is only for God, not man. All people must have some faults,
some more than others.”
* * * * * * *
You like your children, for example, even if they do wrong things.
Allah Almighty created all people originally clean from all badness and
evils, and from all kufr. Their essence is clean always. Like a ring that
falls into the toilet. You may take it out and wash it, and it will be clean
again. The essence of mankind is endlessly precious – the most precious
thing in the sight of Allah. Therefore, we like all people because they are
the servants of our Lord, and they are our Lord’s creation. That is our
first obligation to other people.
Our second obligation, or duty, to people is to help them as much
as we can. We must help everyone, according to our Prophet’s Hadith,
‘Help all people, both oppressor and oppressed!’
When our Prophet (peace be upon him) said that, his Sahaba
asked, “How can we help Oppressors!”
Replied the Prophet (peace be upon him), “By catching his hand to
prevent him from oppressing!
* * * * * * *
You must look to take a secret wisdom from all things. You can
find, in each thing, such knowledge as you won’t find in another thing.
Islam says, “Look deeply for all things.” It is an order from Allah.
We are not animals. Sheep look – but, if we see the way sheep do,
then we are sheep also! Therefore, Allah orders us to look deeply into
each thing, into each event, to find a secret wisdom that gives it value.
And, our Grandshaykh says, “If you look deeply, you will taste!”
* * * * * * *
What is the benefit to know this point? If we know that all events
will come in their appointed time, we will be at rest, patient; and
patience shows the perfection of man. As much as you are patient, you
are perfect; you have strong Iman.
* * * * * * *
You must bring the whole cloth to the master saying, “Please cut
as you like.” This is consultation. Then he cuts. You must not bring cut
cloth. So many people say, “We consulted!” but, in the end, finally coming
no good. “How can this be? I consulted with my Shaykh, and I went.
What happened to me?”
* * * * * * *
If a man does not recognize a favour, then Allah takes it from him.
If this happens to you, then you will understand! Then you will know it
was a favour!
Once upon a time, some people were on board a ship. The servant
of that ship was new to the job. It was the first time he was on a ship, and
the first time, also, that he had seen the ocean. As soon as the ship set
sail that servant became seized with fear and began to cry out in a very
loud voice. He kept screaming at the top of his lungs and no one could
make him stop.
There was also on board a certain wise man. When he heard that
servant crying, he said to some of the other passengers, “Take that man
and throw him overboard!” So, they pushed him into the sea.
Our Grandshaykh says that among the biggest favours from Allah
is that when two brothers (ikhwan), friends, are sitting together, in
association for the sake of Allah. All the worship they could make
individually for two thousand years would not equal the reward that
Allah Almighty gives for that association! Because, through that
association Divine Care will come. Also, one of the greatest favours from
Allah Almighty to His servants is for them to be witnesses to His Unity.
To say, “La ilaha illAllah Muhammadun Rasulullah!” is one of the greatest
favours from Allah to His servants. If a man speaks this, Allah cleans him
of all his sins up to that time!
* * * * * * *
“Yes,” answered the Shaykh. “He has that power. But, He doesn’t
force people. He asks them to do good with their own wills, as they grow
in understanding. It does not mean that you force a man if he has rabies,
for example, when you catch him and restrain him for an injection. We
use that force for his own good. If we leave him free, he will die or he
may be dangerous to others. Therefore, when we use that force on him,
it does not mean that we are using that force on him to make his will
useless. No, we are using that force for his own good.
force to prevent badness. Not all people have the same level of
willpower. Some people can control themselves to prevent their falling
into bad ways, while others are weak. They need help. They cannot, by
themselves, protect themselves against falling into bad ways. We must
help them, and help needs force sometimes. We are using force to help
* * * * * * *
Our Grandshaykh was saying about keeping our lman, “We must
keep, very carefully, the light of faith because enemies are trying to take
away that light. Faith is the light of Allah given to His servants. Therefore,
everyone must be very careful to guard against those enemies who are
trying to extinguish the light of Iman.
training, wirds (daily litanies), khalwa (seclusion); to make their murids
keep those three doors carefully.
“The second door is our mouth, our tongue. Quickly, devils catch
us by our tongues, enter and extinguish our lman. You must be very
careful with your speech. You must be like a man on trial. In a court
everything may turn on a single word. In reality, we will be in court on
the Judgment Day before the Judge of Judges, Allah Almighty.
“The third door is the ears, and other organs. You must not let
them be used by devils, for their purposes. You must keep your organs,
so that devils and Satan cannot use them as they like. Concerning the
ears, there are two ways to use them: hearing and listening. You may
hear anything, but, only if you want, if you will it, must you listen. Allah
Almighty says that when Quran is being read, you must listen to it. On
the other hand, you may hear a donkey’s braying but you are not
listening. You may hear some bad speech but you are not listening. When
you are listening, you have responsibility. But, if you are only hearing,
there is no responsibility for you.
“It is the same for the eyes. You may see everything. But, when
you look, you have responsibility for that looking. That means every
believer, every Muslim must consider the reasons for his actions and
know the consequences. He must know his purposes; heedlessness is
prohibited in lslam. If you are looking at a lady; What is your purpose?
Why are you looking? For your ego!
protect these three doors, then, sometimes, enemies will come and
extinguish the light of your lman.”
* * * * * * *
“Arguing extinguishes lman. If you are right, and you are arguing
with someone who is wrong, perhaps he will say some wrong thing that
may be harmful to you. For example, if a man calls you a kafir, you must
not argue. ‘No! I am not kafir!’ Instead, you must agree with him, in this
manner: ‘Yes! You are right! My nafs’ bad habits are kafir!’
“All people are making arguments now. Each one imagines himself
to be the most clever of people. He likes his word to be listened to and
respected in every place. All enmity grows from this, from arguing.
Therefore, you must say in response to any argument, ‘Yes, it is as you
say. My ego is responsible for what you disapprove of in me. It is very
bad. But, I am not in agreement with my ego. I am trying to keep its bad
habits away from me, to improve my character. O my brother! If you are
right in your argument, may Allah correct me. And, if you are wrong, O
my brother, may Allah forgive you and make you right!’”
* * * * * * *
“If a man tells you a lie,” asks our Grandshaykh, “what will be your
position? You must not say, ‘No! That isn’t true.’ You must not refuse his
words. This is a high character and good manners.
“You may tell him, ‘Oh? Is it so?’ Maybe, in your sight his
statement has no reality, but you must be gentle. We have not been
ordered to refuse people, but to make them more pleased. We are living
in a time when people may say anything and everything; you must be
patient with them, and excuse them, always without fighting. You must
know that people are ill in their egos. If you are claiming to be doctors,
you must excuse them. If you are on the way of Prophets, you must help
them and be tolerant of them. This is the highest degree of good
* * * * * * *
“In our time, people find their bodies very cheap. Therefore, lslam
is making health first in all things. Everyone, especially those on top
stations, must keep people very carefully so that they may not harm each
other. If they are saying, ‘I am free to do as I like!’; they may go to the
tops of mountains, and to the jungle! When you live with other people,
you must keep yourself healthy, keep your self-value and self-respect.
Keep this respect, and others may respect you.
“Real religions all fight badness. They never agree with any bad
characters. Muhammad (peace be upon him), the last Prophet, clearly
said, ‘I came just to complete good characters.’”
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
Before, there were ten drugs and ten illnesses. Now, perhaps
there are one hundred thousand drugs, and a like number of afflictions
as well! We must simplify; move back into harmony with Nature. Mother
Nature embraces us. Therefore, our Prophet (peace be upon him)
foretold a miracle in his hadiths. Saying, “O my people! There will come a
time on you!...” he went on to describe all the troubles that will appear on
the world as the last day approaches. Then he advised his nation about
who would be saved from all troubles; he who took his sheep and went to
the tops of mountains. This hadith is a sign for us to return to nature and
the simple life.
Our Prophet (peace be upon him) says, “The contented man is the
richest man.” If you are running after things, you are poor. Allah likes his
servants to live with pleasure, not solemn and sad, because solemn and
sad are signs of dissatisfaction with your Lord. If a man is pleased and
satisfied, it is a sign that he is pleased and satisfied with his Lord.
Satisfaction makes even a short life happy, but dissatisfaction makes a
short life very, very long – a destroying burden. Be pleased with your
Lord, and everything in this life will be enjoyable for you.
* * * * * * *
“If you don’t have advisors, you will have endless trouble. As we
are in need of advisors for this life’s problems, we are more in need of
advisors for our spiritual, or Heavenly progress so that we may know the
shortest, safest way to our Heavenly stations. If you don’t take advisors
for your Heavenly life, you cannot reach your Heavenly, spiritual station.
Our Heavenly advisors are, first of all, Prophets (peace be upon them all).
Next come their spiritual heirs, the Awliya, or Saints (may Allah be
pleased with them all).”
* * * * * * *
Allah Almighty orders His servants, when they come for prayer, to
put on their ornaments. What does this mean? We must look to the
Prophet’s sunnah, for he knows, more than any other man, how one
should be for praying. He stood for prayer in the Divine Presence exactly
as his Lord ordered him, and the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “O
my nation! Pray as you see me pray!”
The Prophet (peace be upon him) never prayed without a turban.
Only if he didn’t have one (because it was being washed, for example, or
sometimes when he prayed alone) did he pray without a turban. But he
says, “Always pray with turban.”
So, if you have no excuse, you must use turbans. We must not
discount its importance. I never saw our Grandshaykh praying without a
turban. Our Prophet (peace be upon him) says, “If a man prays with
amama (turban), Allah will reward him with ten-thousand goodness’s.”
And, in our time, as it is a famous sunnah, he who uses turban is given
the reward of one hundred martyrs! This is because now, even Muslims
are fighting against the turban. They wish to lose it, like the Saudis, so
that no one will wear it. But, our Prophet (peace be upon him) says, “He
who keeps my sunnah, in the last days, will be given the reward of one
hundred martyrs.”
But people are killing the sunnah. Devils are fighting turbans now
because it is a sign of Islam. No fighting for beards, because everyone can
grow his beard. No problem for beards. In every religion, in every way of
life, people can grow beards. But most important is the turban! Devils are
fighting to make men lose it. Allah is giving to my heart to make all, from
east to west, wear turbans.
* * * * * * *
“We are power stations. To any person who is asking for that
power to reach his destination, we shall give. We are ready; waiting for
those who come, asking to travel to Heaven. We know what he needs,
though he himself may not, and according to his desire, according to his
capability, we give. He may feel it or not; it doesn’t matter!
“There is a mill for making flour. Wheat is put between the stones
for grinding. When the grinding is finished – flour! Don’t be worried for
yourself. The mill will not cease functioning. Divine help will come to
your heart, like drops or like a torrent.
“You do not need to ask with your tongue. We are not looking to
your speech, but we are looking to your heart’s action. It is all right; that
Divine help is falling on your heart, more and more. You must not ask
with your tongue, ‘I am in need!’ There is no value in that. We are looking
at your nature’s need. If you are in need, we will know.
“Therefore, according to your love for Awliya, they will give you
more power. This is the way. When you are showing love, respect, and
charity toward Awliya, they also return to you more than your love, more
than your respect, and more than your charity.
* * * * * * *
Our Grandshaykh was telling us about Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (may
Allah be pleased with him), who said, “Before I became Muslim, I kept my
money in my hands very firmly. I feared it would be finished if I spent it.
But, after my Islam, I opened my hand with giving, and, as much as I am
giving, my money is not going to run out!”
“O believer! Do you think a well will run dry from your drawing?
When Allah tried Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him), and saw that
he didn’t change his belief when hardship came, it meant that he passed
the examination. When that happens, Allah Almighty opens His oceans of
mercy to that servant.”
* * * * * * *
“If you are a traveller and someone asks you if you are in need you
must reply, ‘As you like’ or ‘As you know.’ Then, as they offer, you must
accept. This is a good manner – to place consideration for your plight on
his conscience. He may give, or not; but in Islam, the best manner is
‘Don’t ask!’ This manner is true for the giver as well as the receiver. Don’t
wait to find out if he is in need. Your inspiration and your conscience will
cause you to give freely, but Satan will come to you and say, “You must
ask, and then give. Perhaps he is not in need.’ Then, you will not be so
generous. Give!”
* * * * * * *
“The fear of death prevents mu’min from many good actions,
especially from fighting for the sake of Allah, and for the sake of
goodness, justice, and rightness. When believers show fear of death, it
encourages bad people and devils to more cruelty. Dogs have a
character; if they feel you are afraid of them, they will attack you. But, if
they feel that you are not afraid of them, they will run to escape from
you. Devils are this way. If believers and good people don’t fear devils,
then those devils will be afraid. Otherwise, it will be the reverse; if we are
afraid, then they will be brave toward us. Therefore, in Islam, it has been
ordered not to be afraid of death.”
* * * * * * *
We know that Satan is the first, and most dangerous enemy for
us. He is always trying to destroy our lman, always renewing his attacks
on believers. Our Grandshaykh said, “The first step of Satan to destroy
our lman is to make us in doubt about our sustenance. The devil says to
us, ‘What are you doing? How are you going to live? Where is your job?
Where is your money?’
“People are of two kinds: One kind works for this life and this
world; the other kind is working for his Lord. The first kind becomes
tired with his working. The second kind, who are working for their Lord,
are not tiring themselves working for this world; Allah makes other work
for them.
“After the last person had made his choice, there remained one
group of people who had waited without choosing. Allah asked them,
‘Why haven’t you chosen?’ They replied, ‘O our Lord! We choose only
your service! No occupation for us but that!’
“Satan attacks believers, making doubt come into their hearts
about their sustenance so that they will leave their Lord’s service and
pursue the things of this world. Satan makes all people, especially
Muslims, think deeply about their future, about their welfare, about their
children’s future. Why? Allah doesn’t ask us for tomorrow’s worship, only
today’s, only what is due now. Why are we asking Allah for tomorrow’s
“We must have faith in Allah to provide for our needs. ‘Am I not
your Provider?’ says our Lord. ‘Do you not trust in Me, O My servant?’
“We must take a lesson from the pets of men. Look how much
they trust their owners for food. In European countries, cats and dogs
are kings. Did you ever see a cat or a dog working? They trust their
owners, who feed them without expecting work in return. Have we
reached this level of trust to our Lord? Allah says, ‘You must not trust
your own powers, your minds, businesses, money, etc. You must trust
Mel’ It is Satan who tells us the opposite.”
* * * * * * *
“That belief is the first step toward Wilayat. It is our will to begin,
but to reach that goal we need Divine Help. For this reason, the Prophet
(peace be upon him) always asked for Divine Help, and therefore, we too
must not trust our own powers, but must ask and trust our Lord’s Help.
That is most important for everyone, especially those who are traveling
for the sake of Allah Almighty.
an iron cover and all the earth with rock, and that Wali is ordered to
provide sustenance for all people, he will not worry. His belief is so
strong in Allah the Provider (ar-Razzaq). If any doubt comes to his heart,
he is thrown out of Sainthood!
* * * * * * *
Then you must ask your Lord for help!’ Gabriel said again.
must not melt; you must be solid! Our life’s problems and troubles are so
many. According to the power of our Iman, our faith, we can stand up to
them. You may see some people killing themselves in the face of their
troubles. When people are faced with great events, strong faith keeps
them from panic.”
* * * * * * *
Our Grandshaykh said that rebellion against our Lord is the main
reason for the prevention of His favours to us. If you understand this,
you will always be in good condition, enjoyment, and happiness.
Sayyidina ‘Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) said, “If a man fears
Allah Almighty, he will live a happy life, and travel over the whole world
safely.” No problem for that person, and no difficulties.
* * * * * * *
For what reason are we learning? For what reason are we taking
knowledge? What are Holy Books for? Do you not know that Satan knows
all Holy Books? So many religious people are reading Holy Books and
trying to take more and more knowledge.
The meaning of tariqat is ‘way,’ and when you enter this ‘way’ and
go on, you will reach your Divine Positions in the Divine Presence. They
are the realities of mankind, of human nature. It is the recognition of
ourselves and our realities. Everything has a reality and when a man
recognizes himself, he may know his Lord.
“Follow in the path of him who has turned to Me with love.” Thus,
Allah Almighty describes the personality of those who are connected
with their Divine Stations: “. . . who turned to Us with love…”
* * * * * * *
“These are the words of our Grandshaykh. Awliya are
addressing both our spirits and our bodies, at the same time. Their
words may be written on our hearts, and in books. If a man hasn’t the
power to address your heart, you will not be able to take enough benefit
from his words. When words are written on your heart, anytime you may
need them you will remember. But if they are not written on your
heart, you cannot remember. You cannot benefit from them.”