Welcome to PhishMe’s 2016 Enterprise Phishing Susceptibility and Resiliency report. The report we
published in 2015 focused solely on susceptibility, telling only half of the story. Now, with over 5 million
active installations of PhishMe Reporter™ across the globe, we can publish statistically significant
metrics about the rate and accuracy of humans reporting phishing emails. We are excited to share
this data, as it has been missing from phishing studies in the past. Armed with this new data, we hope
that security organisations focus their attention on the ratio of Report-To-Click instead of dwelling on
susceptibility metrics.
PhishMe has been collecting and aggregating phishing threat, simulation and reporting data since
2008. This report evaluates user susceptibility, analysing why employees click on suspicious links and
attachments, including, for the first time, an additional area of analysis on the reporting of suspicious
emails to measure the resiliency of conditioned employees.
To that purpose, this study examines data samples from more than 1,000 PhishMe customers who sent
more than 40 million simulation emails from January 2015 to July 2016. Throughout this report, we will
identify and highlight those phishing themes and emotional motivators that users find the most difficult
to recognise and report, and highlight how increased reporting impacts susceptibility.
Summary of Findings
After sending more than 40 million phishing simulation emails across 23 industries around the world,
PhishMe gathered the following insights:
• Business-context phishing emails remain the most difficult for users to recognise.
• Top Themes: Office Communications, Finances and Contracts.
• Top Emotional Motivators: Curiosity, Fear, Urgency.
• Susceptibility to phishing email drops almost 20% after just one failed simulation.
• Reporting rates significantly outweigh susceptibility rates when simple reporting is
deployed to more than 80% of a company’s population, even in the first year.
• Active reporting of phishing email threats can reduce the standard time for detection of
a breach to 1.2 hours on average—a significant improvement over the current industry
average of 146 days.
These results validate the importance of understanding how the components of complexity and
context impact the phishing susceptibility of employees in your organisation, and how a continuous
security training programme has proven to significantly change employee security behaviour.
Improvement is driven by reducing susceptibility, reinforcing key principles, and increasing
employee engagement to enhance threat detection rates and avoid costly incidents.
An organisation’s many employees in diverse roles offer a target-rich means to the attackers’ end
of gaining access to company systems. Employees are easier targets due to their susceptibility to
various emotional and contextual triggers; and they may not be as focused on email security as they
need to be.
Attack Methods
Click-only: An email that urges the recipient to click on the embedded link.
Data entry: An email with a link to a customised landing page that entices employees to enter
sensitive information.
Attachment-based: Themes of this type train employees to recognise malicious attachments by
sending emails with seemingly legitimate attachments in a variety of formats.
Double Barrel: A conversational phishing technique that utilises two emails – one benign and
one containing the malicious element.
Highly Personalised: Simulates advanced social engineering tactics by using specific known
details about email recipients gathered from internal and public sources.
Our data has shown that the Office Communications and the Finance/Contracts themes garnered
the highest susceptibility rates with 19.9% and 18.6%, respectively, which makes perfect sense if
you are receiving a business-related email in your office inbox. Other themes that have increased in
the last year include Retail/Shopping and External Communications.
Retail/Shopping 16.5%
IT Communications 11.2%
Figure 1: Training themes employees found most difficult to recognise as a phishing email
This correlation with last year’s study results validates that Business Context/Communication
scenarios make more effective phishing emails than other themes. This points to the need to fully
understand and baseline your own internal communication standards to provide guidance to your
users in the detection of malicious phishing attempts. This is particularly true considering the
increase in BEC-style phishing in the real world today.
The good news is that we see some significant improvements, as compared to the last report, in
average response rates for the benchmark templates in Figure 2. Unauthorised Access, Secure
Email (Attachment-based), and the RSA Phish (Click Only) dropped 7%, to 10%. The largest
improvements in recognition appeared in a 12% drop in susceptibility for the Password Survey
(Data Entry) scenario.
These changes point towards the value of a broad base of users being continually exposed to phishing
themes over time. The best example in the real world of this same phenomenon is the well-known “Nigerian
Prince” scam. Because it is so widely and repeatedly used, it has become easily recognisable in multiple
forms. The same can be said for the results below.
Figure 2: The different templates used in Benchmark simulations across more than 10 industries
To identify further trends and gain a closer look at correlations between our benchmark scenarios and
customisable templates, we have included average susceptibility for many of our most used templates in
this study.
While these templates are less controlled (i.e., the phishing email can be customised by clients), we were
able to tease out several findings in this year’s study.
Figure 3: The different templates used in benchmark simulations across more than 10 industries
Notice that File from Scanner, Package Delivery, Unauthorised Access and others remain as the
most difficult scenarios for users to recognise even though the templates in this sample can be
edited. Further, we can see that the customisable templates average lower than their benchmarking
counterparts. For example:
• The File from Scanner benchmark averages 31% while the customisable version averages 24%.
• The Unauthorised Access benchmark averages 25% compared to 20% for the editable version.
There are a few contributing factors to the lower rates on the customisable templates:
1. The volume of usage for the customisable version of these templates is higher, leading to
broader recognition.
2. Many programmes begin by customising scenarios to include more visible errors, making
them easier to recognise.
3. Differences between comparable benchmark and customised scenarios include differences
in type. We will outline this further by taking a closer look at the File from Scanner
A document has been scanned and sent to you using a Laser Pro i780.
Please open the attached document. It has been scanned and sent to you using a Laser Pro
Figures 4 and 5 show the difference in the action needed in the benchmark scenario and
customisable version: open versus a click. This suggests that, because the attachment-based
benchmark more closely mimics how an actual scan would work, it is more difficult for users to
identify as suspicious.
PhishMe Tip
The results from the File from Scanner validates that business-context phishes, in general, are the
hardest for employees to recognise and report. It further emphasises the need for organisations to
baseline their operational procedures, particularly those involving internal and external business
Variance by Industry
PhishMe further analysed data from the “File from Scanner” benchmark simulation to understand
variances across industries.
Transport 49%
Insurance 30%
Retail 16%
Consulting 14%
Utilities 14%
Technology 10%
Non-profit 5%
As we see above, there is a wide variance in average response rates per industry, with an almost
50% response rate in Transport, down to 5% for Non-profits.
This further stresses the need to fully baseline your organisation and processes so that your
biggest phishing threats can be identified and mitigated through focused repetition of high
response scenarios and additional awareness activities.
Consequently, we are at risk of increased susceptibility to phishes with a strong emotional pull,
even at a subconscious level. To mitigate this natural reaction in users, it is important for us to
understand those emotions that are most effective in bypassing critical analysis. With this level
of understanding, we can condition our employees to be on the lookout for their natural reactions
to malicious emails, and to use those reactions as a trigger to look more closely for technical and
process errors in what they are seeing.
Curiosity 13.7%
Fear 13.4%
Emotional Motivator
Urgency 13.2%
Reward/Recognition 12.9%
Social 11.8%
Entertainment 9.6%
Opportunity 9.2%
0 5% 10% 15%
Average Response Rate
In Figure 8, we analysed our data set to determine the average response by emotional motivator.
As you can see, Curiosity, Fear and Urgency topped our list, with all coming in at averages higher
than 13%.
It should be noted that Fear and Urgency are a normal part of everyday work for many users.
Consider that most employees are conscientious about not losing their jobs due to poor
performance (fear) and are often driven by deadlines (urgency), leading them to be more susceptible
to phishes with these emotional components. Further, Curiosity replaced Social [interactions] at
the top of our list of emotional motivators in this year’s study. This is primarily due to maturing our
model to assign multiple emotional motivator tags to our phishing templates.
This can best be seen by reviewing the average response rates for our customisable templates and
noting that eCards remain difficult for users to avoid and that they are averaging 20% response
rates. Our Greetings eCard template, shown above in Figure 9, includes multiple factors that make it
difficult to avoid, such as personal context, curiosity and social connection.
Photos 9.3%
In Figure 10, the current average response rates for our templated scenarios that model today’s
active threats show an average 17% response rate across all Ransomware templates.
What is Ransomware?
Ransomware is a type of malware that prevents or limits users from accessing their system. This
type of malware forces users to pay the ransom through certain online payment methods to grant
access to their systems, or to get their data back.
According to PhishMe’s Q3 Malware Review, 97.25% of the samples analysed contained a form of
ransomware—making it the most utilised form of malware in phishing emails.
100 Cerber
Number of Analysed Samples
75 CBT-Locker
In analysing the susceptibility to the PhishMe Locky template, we can see the characteristics that
lead to its effectiveness in both our anti-phishing programmes and in the real world:
Please see the attached invoice (.doc) and remit payment according to the terms listed at the
bottom of the invoice.
Insurance 34.7%
Retail 31.7%
Energy 27.8%
Utilities 23.6%
Transport 20.4%
Media 18.1%
Defence/Industrial 16.1%
Government 11.6%
Non-profit 7.2%
Consulting 2.7%
As Figure 13 shows, there is once again a wide variance in response to this real-world threat.
From our data set, we find those organisations in the Insurance, Retail and Energy sectors most
vulnerable, with ranges in average response rates from 28% to 35%.
This underlines the need to ensure you understand how your company responds to any given
phishing type and its components' complexity. This understanding will allow you to address your
specific threats in your anti-phishing programme. See the Appendix for more information on High
Impact Scenarios and Scenario Response Rates by Industry.
Financial Services
Health Care
Wire Fraud 3.9% 3.9%
Wire Transfer Request 1.6% 2.0% 4.6% 2.2% 3.9% 2.6%
Wiring Money Process 15.5% 10.6% 10.2% 12.6% 19.6% 28.7% 4.4% 16.9%
Average 15.5% 6.1% 6.1% 10.0% 19.6% 28.7% 4.4% 2.2% 3.9% 14.2%
To help address the BEC threat, PhishMe added specific templates to mimic successful BEC attacks.
Across our BEC templates, we found an average response rate of 14%. The Wiring Money Process was
clearly the scenario with the highest susceptibility rate. It was particularly effective in the Defence,
Insurance and Media industries.
PhishMe Tip
Incorporate feedback from your IR and Network teams into your anti-phishing programme.
Specifically, identify those real-world phishing scenarios that your organisation receives on a
regular basis, and incorporate them into your rotation.
The design of any anti-phishing programme can be modelled on the Phishing Kill Chain in Figure 16.
This model mimics the well-known Kill Chain process utilised in security organisations today.
The difference is that the Phishing Kill Chain inserts Reporting by Users at the point at which the
standard model indicates an exploitation of a breach. Incorporating the model above into any anti-
phishing programme can be accomplished via the steps outlined below:
In the charts below, we analyse different-sized organisations for trends in Repeat Offences (falling
for a phish) and for Reporting Rates. This sample included results from more than 300,000 users
in organisations that have had PhishMe Reporter, a simple reporting tool, deployed for more than
one (1) year.
Company Size
20% 21%
Figure 17 above shows an overall improvement in recognition of phishing attempts with an average
drop of 19% in response rates after a single failure. This pattern holds true regardless of company
size. In other words, users will improve performance with repetition and increased exposure to
phishing templates.
In the Reporters Breakdown chart shown below, we see that users will adopt a new habit as a result
of stressing the importance of reporting in anti-phishing programmes. For users in this sample with
the PhishMe Reporter installed:
1. 12% to 20% have reported at least once.
2. 17% to 29% have reported multiple times.
Reported Once Reported 2-5 Times
In addition to these statistics, the organisations involved in this sample collected more than just
simulated phishing reports. Over a twelve (12) to eighteen (18) month period, these organisations
took in the following counts of “real” suspicious email reports from their users:
1. Large Company Size – More than 1 Million
2. Medium Company Size – More than 40,000
3. Small Company Size – More than 16,000
Our final chart from this sample in Figure 18 shows us the percentage of users—with PhishMe
Reporter installed—who have reported at least one (1) simulated scenario or real phish. Again,
regardless of company size, we see high percentages of users reporting, with a range of 37% to 40%
of the population taking part. This is significant when compared to overall susceptibility rates that
generally average 15% to 20% across all types and templates.
Having a higher rate of reporters than those susceptible provides an organisation its best
opportunity to “Get Left of Breach” as we previously discussed.
Level Description
Yellow Users are alert ----> inspecting emails ----> reporting threats
The model moves from a complete lack of awareness to proactive response and mitigation of threats.
The key to identifying your current state is to compare your organisation’s trends in susceptibility
and reporting over time. The client sample in Figure 21, shows us an ideal pattern with divergence in
susceptibility and reporting numbers. In other words, as the susceptibility rates continue to decline,
we see more users reporting suspicious emails.
MAY 2015 JUL 2015 OCT 2015 DEC 2015 MAR 2016 MAY 2016 JUL 2016 JUL 2016
As suggested by the Phishing Kill Chain model, this company stressed reporting from the very
beginning of their programme. Their programme has been active for eighteen (18) months and is
averaging between 11 and 12 anti-phishing scenarios per year.
For example, in 2015, for clients who deployed Reporter to 10-20% of their population, the average
susceptibility was ~15%, while the average reporting rate was ~7%. In 2016, those numbers
changed to 13% and 16%, respectively.
The client sample and trending charts in Figure 22 show the effectiveness of implementing a
programme with the Phishing Kill Chain model in mind. By stressing reporting, we see a consistent
reduction in susceptibility and a correlating increase in reporting.
10% - 19%
20% - 29%
30% - 39%
40% - 49%
50% - 59%
60% - 69%
70% - 79%
80% - 89%
10% - 19%
20% - 29%
30% - 39%
40% - 49%
50% - 59%
60% - 69%
70% - 79%
80% - 89%
2015 2016
Per Cent Susceptible Per Cent Reported
Linear Linear
Figure 22 reveals a few important trends regarding the deployment of PhishMe Reporter:
1. Y ear over year, we see positive trends in reduction of susceptibility with Reporter deployed.
2. In the second year of Reporter deployment, we consistently see average reporting rates
that are higher than average susceptibility rates.
3. R eporting significantly outweighs susceptibility when Reporter is deployed to more than
80% of a company’s population, even in the first year.
Average Hours to Report
Average Time to Report
<500 500-20K 20K-50K 50K-100K >100K
Company Size
Looking across our data at those organisations with PhishMe Reporter deployed, we could determine
an average reporting time of 1.2 hours, with a range of 2.1 hours on the high end and 0.4 hours on the
low end. In cases such as this, we effectively reduce the standard time for detection of a breach to
approximately 1.2 hours—a significant improvement over the current industry average of 146 days.
While the current average reporting time is 1.2 hours, we can see several instances in our data
where the phishing scenario was reported prior to any users falling susceptible. For example, in
Figure 24, we find an instance where the phishing scenario was reported a full 11 minutes prior to
anyone falling for the phish and exposing company assets. In essence, this client was able to get
“Left of Breach” in the Kill Chain for this scenario.
PhishMe Triage
PhishMe Triage is the first phishing-specific incident response platform that allows security
operation (SOC) and incident responders to automate the prioritisation, analysis and
response to phishing threats that bypass your email security technologies. It gives teams
the visibility and analytics needed to speed processing and response to employee-reported
phishing threats and decrease the risk of breach.
Through baselining known weaknesses, identifying existing threats, and developing an understanding
of an organisation’s difficulty in recognising specifics types and components of a phish, companies
can institute an anti-phishing programme that significantly reduces the threat of a breach.
Phishing - Phishing is defined as any type of email-based social engineering attack, and is the
favoured method used by cyber criminals and nation-state actors to deliver malware and carry out
drive-by attacks.
Phishing emails disguise themselves as legitimate communication, attempting to trick the recipient
into responding by clicking on a link, opening an attachment, or directly providing sensitive
information. These responses give attackers a foothold in corporate networks, and access to vital
information such as employee credentials, communications and intellectual property. Phishing emails
are often carefully crafted and targeted to specific recipients, making them appear genuine to many
Email-based attacks are an effective, low-cost tool that can bypass many detection methods. The
criminal organisation benefits from this “tool” because there is little chance of capture or retribution.
It is little wonder then that several prominent security firms have confirmed phishing to be the top
attack method threatening the enterprise today:
• In their white paper, Spear Phishing Email - Most Favoured Attack, security firm TrendMicro noted
that spear phishing accounts for 91% of targeted attacks. 1
• The Mandiant APT1 Report cites spear phishing as the Chinese hacking group APT1’s most
common attack method. 2
• In their 2013 report, Verizon traced 95% of state-affiliated espionage attacks to phishing.3
Phishing theme refers to a collection of email scenario templates that use the same context,
motivation or topic to elicit user action.
Repeat offender refers to a person who has shown repeated susceptibility to spear phishing scenario
(has fallen for the simulations repeatedly).
High-response Scenarios
File from Scanner Locky Phish Unauthorised Access eCard Alerts Package Delivery
Transport 49.2% Insurance 34.7% Defence 46.1% Education 44.1% Technology 28.0%
Health Care 30.9% Retail 31.7% Consulting 29.9% Health Care 30.9% Pharma/Biotech 26.1%
Insurance 30.5% Energy 27.8% Insurance 25.3% Insurance 27.1% Legal Services 25.5%
Pharma/Biotech 30.4% Health Care 24.9% Telecoms 24.7% Financial 22.5% Manufacturing 21.3%
Energy 23.7% Utilities 23.6% Technology 24.4% Energy 22.0% Health Care 21.3%
Retail 15.8% Media 18.1% Utilities 17.6% Technology 18.9% Transport 13.9%
Consulting 14.4% Defence 16.1% Travel 15.5% Retail 16.5% Defence 13.5%
Utilities 13.6% Government 11.6% Energy 14.6% Consulting 12.2% Energy 13.5%
Technology 9.9% Non-profit 7.2% Manufacturing 14.6% Manufacturing 9.7% Non-profit 13.3%
Non-profit 5.0% Consulting 2.7% Legal Services 5.9% Government 7.0% Media 7.1%
Grand Total 26.8% Grand Total 20.7% Grand Total 18.1% Grand Total 19.7% Grand Total 19.9%
Financial Info Review Financial Information Digital Fax Order Confirmation Inbox Over the Limit
Health Care 31.5% Technology 36.1% Legal Services 42.0% Education 34.8% Consulting 24.4%
Insurance 27.3% Legal Services 27.6% Telecomm. 32.9% Transport 26.1% Manufacturing 22.8%
Consulting 26.6% Retail 25.3% Defence 28.0% Technology 24.8% Insurance 22.0%
Manufacturing 24.4% Manufacturing 24.9% Consulting 22.1% Insurance 19.6% Defence 20.5%
Technology 19.7% Health Care 24.1% Health Care 21.5% Media 19.0% Health Care 19.5%
Energy 19.2% Non-profit 15.8% Manufacturing 13.2% Manufacturing 13.8% Energy 11.4%
Government 17.3% Energy 15.1% Technology 10.2% Consulting 13.5% Technology 11.3%
Media 15.4% Financial 14.5% Retail 9.1% Pharma/BioTech 12.8% Education 10.6%
Financial 14.6% Media 11.6% Government 8.4% Defence 8.9% Legal Services 8.6%
Retail 13.2% Consulting 2.0% Media 7.3% Retail 6.4% Utilities 1.2%
Grand Total 18.3% Grand Total 19.0% Grand Total 15.1% Grand Total 17.8% Grand Total 18.6%