How To Teach Young Learners Like A Pro PDF
How To Teach Young Learners Like A Pro PDF
How To Teach Young Learners Like A Pro PDF
Movies for a Children’s Teach Numbers
3 MUST READ: Teaching ESL Video Lesson
English to Children
Under 5: Fallow Land or 25 BASIC TOPICS: How to
Fertile (Kinder)garden? 15 CLASSROOM Teach Shapes
Chaos to Order – How
4 MUST READ: How to to Deal with Large 26 BASIC TOPICS: Kids
Teach Preschoolers: Preschool Classes and Money: How to
Preschool Games and Teach Money Skills
5 MUST READ: Teens and Effective Ways to Calm Animals: A Super-
Tweens: 4 Most Effective Your Students Down Engaging Elementary
Ways to Reach Younger Lesson on Adjectives
6 MUST READ: How To Stickers for the Little Teach the Verb “To Be”
Teach Young Learners: Ones: Motivation to Beginners
One Step At A Time Booster or Evil?
How to Teach Preschoolers:
Preschool Games and Activities
CAN BE DIFFICULT TO TEACH A Students at this age do well with STORIES
SECOND LANGUAGE TO CHILDREN songs and gestures. You can have
STILL TRYING TO GRASP THEIR OWN songs for each part of the day to help While your students will not be
AND WHO CANNOT YET READ. them learn and remember certain vo- reading much in your class, they may
cabulary for instance, a morning song enjoy hearing some stories especially
IT CAN ALSO BE REALLY ENJOYABLE might include getting up, brushing if the lesson is during a quieter part
BECAUSE THESE STUDENTS HAVE teeth, and eating breakfast. You can of their day. The best stories for this
THE FLEXIBILITY TO LEARN LAN- also use songs in your lessons for age group, regardless of the activity
GUAGES MORE QUICKLY AND ARE speaking practice since it is less in- you have in mind, are repetitive. This
USUALLY VERY ENTHUSIASTIC. timidating to sing-a-long with the class ensures that students catch the main
than to speak individually. points. Stories such as Goldilocks and
the Three Bears and One Fish, Two
HOW TO TEACH You should create gestures for differ- Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish might be
PRESCHOOLERS ent words because this will make it appropriate for your students at this
easier for students to remember new level. If students have heard the story
Keep everything as simple and
Teens and Tweens: 4 Effective
Ways to Reach Young Learners
solving puzzles, competing, and trial topical lesson that you want. Focus
YOUNGER LEARNERS CAN BE BOTH and error. The graphics and topics are on what the teens and tweens are in-
FUN AND FRUSTRATING DEPENDING often what pulls them in, and the chal- terested in and engaged by. You can
ON THE TIME OF DAY, THE CYCLES OF lenge of completing levels can keep gain a lot of interest if you are discuss-
THE MOON, AND THE DISTRACTIONS them hooked. The best part is often ing things that are relevant to your
THAT ALMOST EVERY NEW DAY CAN the programs focus on developing two learners. If you are overseas you can
BRING. to three skills at a time. Be an inno- let them educate you. Find out who
Students have a lot on their plate vator for your students, and they will the popular singers are and do some
these days from pressures at school to not only be much more receptive, their translations with their songs. If you
extracurricular activities to hormones language skills will increase. You can have a class that is obsessed with the
and social awkwardness. Follow these find free sites focused on vocabulary, World Cup, incorporate it into your les-
tips and you will find yourself in the hip listening activities, critical thinking, sons. Have them make presentations
and cool category with your teen and pronunciation, just to name a few. on topics that interest them like their
tween learners. hobbies, favorite musicians or mov-
It’s inevitable. No matter what
country you are teaching in, teens’
have firm guidelines and meaningful ALTER YOUR ACTIVITIES
expectations with younger learners,
primary distraction is technology and but it is also really important to have Teens and tweens definitely
social networking. From Facebook to a good rapport with them. One way to need a lot of variety in lessons, and dif-
Angry Birds to texting to online gam- do this is to make learning fun, enter- fering their practice will help increase
ing, we teachers are up against a lot taining, and even at times, goofy and their language retention rate. Lessons
of outside factors. The best way to get silly. Asian students can be notoriously that are focused on hands-on and in-
your younger learners to turn off cell serious and focused, but that doesn’t teractive activities without being over-
phones and tune in to your lessons is mean that they don’t have a funny bearing or intimidating work best for
to provide what they want. Don’t fight bone. If you can incorporate activities this age group. It’s important to give
it. Students crave new and distinctive that stress fun and competition without them the opportunity to put into prac-
ways to study and practice language. too much forced language practice, tice what they are learning and to in-
If it can incorporate some cool graph- you will have found one key to suc- corporate different types of activities in
ics, provide some involved simulations cess. one lesson. Varying what the students
and allows for independently-paced are doing on any given day can lead
activities, your students will be mes- Also, if there are particularly dry top- to more fluid lesson. Integrate games,
merized. There are so many websites ics that you’ll be covering, find ways presentations, question rounds, and
out there dedicated to enhancing Eng- to have fun with it. Instead of going any other form of interactive activity on
lish proficiency, you really have your through dry drill for an upcoming test, a daily basis. Getting them out of their
choice of online games, quizzes, and create a Jeopardy game complete chairs, allowing an acceptable amount
collaborative activities! You can utilize with teams and scorecards. You could of noise (within reason) and providing
these by presenting them in front of even dress up if your students know structure within a fun atmosphere all
the class and incorporating them into who Alex Trebeck is. If you can be work wonders for younger learners!
a classroom activity. Depending on natural with teens and tweens, and
where you are, many students have show them your sense of humor and
computers at home and believe me, sarcasm, you will gain their trust. You TEACHING YOUNGER LEARNERS LIKE
if they are introduced to something may even get them to loosen up and TEENS AND TWEENS DOESN’T HAVE
on the internet that sparks their in- stop being so cool all the time! TO BE STRESSFUL OR FRUSTRATING.
terest, they will play with it at home. You can make a big difference in the
If you are lucky enough to have a amount students’ will learn and re-
computer lab at your disposal, by all tain if you apply these strategies.
means use it! There are suitable col- One mistake a lot of teachers Don’t forget to come to your young-
laborative activities that are specifi- make is forgetting about student rel- er learners with an open mind, pa-
cally designed to engage teens and evance. Language learning is flexible tience, and a supportive attitude!
tweens that might involve things like in that you can incorporate almost any
How To Teach Young Learners:
One Step At A Time
them to be quiet while you are talk- cises that are entertaining. Help stu-
YOUNG LEARNERS, THOSE ATTEND- ing and raise their hands if they have dents learn how to interact with one
ING PRESCHOOL AND KINDERGAR- questions or want to answer a ques- another as well as how to speak Eng-
TEN, WILL NOT HAVE ANY PER- tion. This may not be directly related lish. Students will also feel more com-
SONAL REASON FOR STUDYING to ESL but it is important that students fortable if you stick to a regular sched-
ENGLISH. learn good behavior early on - it will ule so if you decide to make changes,
It is simply another subject that they make their transition to primary school implement them over a period of time
have to study at school or that their easier. rather than all at once.
parents have told them they need to
learn. At this point in their lives, they Teach them to respond to basic Constantly review and avoid intro-
may not know or comprehend how classroom English phrases such as ducing too much new vocabulary at
important these classes can be. They “Please sit down.” because these are a time. Students may not remember
might view your classes as simply an- expressions that they will hear repeat- material from one day to the next so
other fun daily activity and that is just edly throughout their study of English. repetition is important. The more stu-
fine. Even at this early age, you can For students at this age, you are re- dents are exposed to certain mate-
encourage them to develop an inter- sponsible not only for starting to teach rial, the faster they will learn it. This is
est in learning English which will stay them English, but also for preparing how native speakers learn English, by
with them long after they have fin- them for their next level of education. listening to people around them and
ished your classes. Students will perform better in their expanding their range of vocabulary
classes if they behave well and have gradually.
HOW TO a good understanding of basic prin-
The primary focus of these les-
sons will be on communication and
laying a solid foundation for further
Students at this level are just start- English coursework. Students should EVERYTHING WITH YOUTHFUL
ing their academic careers. School practice the different sounds of the INNOCENCE.
may be intimidating for some of the English language and learn material
students in your class so, in order to such as the alphabet, numbers, col-
encourage everyone to participate, ors and shapes. You will introduce You play an important role in helping
it is important to make your lessons vocabulary words gradually and may them develop into lifelong learners.
relaxed and fun. YL Students will be choose to study some simple struc-
learning very basic material but you tures that relate to everyday life too. Foster a love of learning by cre-
can design creative lessons that get ating lesson plans that appeal to
students moving around and speak- It could be that reading and writing them, suit their maturity level, and
ing with one another. Young learners never enter into your classes but a fo- focus on what will help them excel
are generally very enthusiastic about cus on speaking and listening will help in future English courses.
songs, especially if they can sing students become more comfortable
along, and active games. Be sure to and confident with English.
provide lots of encouragement and
positive feedback. You want to create
a safe, stress-free environment that
everyone can enjoy learning in.
There are many other things
you can do to ensure that students
succeed in class. There is no need
to assign homework at this stage but
be sure to track individual and class
Keep exercises fun and short because progress so that students can visually
these students have short attention see what they have learned and how
spans and are easily distracted. Over- they are doing. Encourage students to
acting and projection will help keep try their best and create a constructive
the focus on you. Teach students how learning environment where students
to behave in a classroom by asking do not need to worry about making
mistakes. Create activities and exer-
Teaching Kids English:
10 Things to Consider
to their learning styles or multiples in- ESL lessons combine the right mix of
TEACHING CHILDREN CAN BE telligences, namely Visual – Spatial, teaching strategies. You may begin
IMMENSELY REWARDING, ANYONE Logical – Mathematical, Bodily – Kin- class with a short song, then move on
WHO HAS TAUGHT CHILDREN CAN esthetic, Musical – Rhythmic, Intra- to a reading exercise. The best rule of
TELL YOU THAT. Personal, Inter-Personal, Naturalist, thumb is to switch between quiet, in-
But it’s not fun and games all the time, and Spiritual. How can we accomplish dependent tasks to those that require
and sometimes it’s just not that easy. this? action and movement.
English teachers who wish to teach
children must be aware of the chal- Let’s see some examples: BE PREPARED TO DEAL
lenges and difficulties they may en- • For musical – rhythmic intelli-
counter, and prepare accordingly. WITH PARENTS
gence learners, teach an ESL
element with a song, like Rock Unlike teaching adult students, when
Here are the top 10 things to consider Around the Clock for telling time. you teach the little ones you have to
if you’re serious about teaching kids interact with their parents as well.
• For bodily – kinesthetic intelli-
gence learners, teach body parts
These must be informed about:
with a game of Simon Says, or
ARE YOU REALLY sing Head, Shoulders, Knees, • Your goals, i.e., what you hope to
UP FOR IT? and Toes. accomplish throughout the year
• For visual – spatial intelligence • The children’s learning goals, i.e.,
If you want to teach kids English be-
learners, use maps, charts, and the syllabus for the school year
cause you think it’s easy, then this is
all types of visual aids. Teach • Their children’s progress, i.e., if
not the job for you. Teaching children
them the different types of stores they have achieved their learning
demands a great deal of creativity and
and locations they may find goals satisfactorily
energy. Kids will always keep you on
around town with a big map-like
your toes! They will amaze you and
board game, and have them “vis- It is also recommended to encourage
surprise you, but don’t think that just
it” the different locations by throw- parents’ active participation in their
because you’ll be teaching colors and
ing the dice. children’s English learning. Even if
animals, it’ll be a breeze. You’ll most
they don’t speak English themselves,
likely feel exhausted after every class,
but oh, so happy! DON’T LET THEM they should be encouraged to ask
GET BORED the kids what they’ve learned, share
songs, etc.
A LITTLE PREPARATION If children are bored they won’t pay
GOES A LONG WAY attention, and they won’t learn. You GATHER AN ARSENAL
don’t have to clown around all the OF MATERIALS
Never make the mistake of showing
time, either, - they’re in class to learn,
up for class with little or no ideas, and
not to be entertained by you. Your job When you teach children English it is
thinking that you’ll figure it out as you
is to make learning engaging and fun. essential to have a box of materials
go along. Preparation is essential,
mostly because you’ll need to gather that can be adaptable to any game or
Here are some ways to do this: activity. Must-have items are:
lots of teaching materials. Seasoned
• Once they’ve been sitting and fo- • a pair of dice
teachers may be able to improvise an
cused on a task for a while, get • flashcards
entire lesson with only a whiteboard
them out of their seats for a more • blank bingo sheets (that can be
and some markers, but why risk hav-
active game. They should never filled in by students with either
ing a class that turns out to be a hell-
remain seated for the duration of words or pictures)
ish nightmare? You can plan an entire
the class, unless they’re teens.
week of lessons or a full month, but • small toys – balls in several sizes,
make sure you have a lesson plan for • Use realia, or real life objects in toy vehicles, animals, etc...
every class. class. No matter how colorful or
• bean bags
big, students sometimes get tired
• puppets
of learning everything through
TRY TO CATER TO flashcards.
Young ESL students have strengths
and weaknesses and the best way to 5 MIX IT UP 8 REMEMBER IT’S NOT
ESL classes may include sing- Each game or activity you propose
take advantage of their strengths and should target a specific learning goal
ing, dancing, and jumping, as well as
help them learn effectively is to cater or ESL element. It’s not about coming
writing, reading, or listening. The best
to class to play. ESL games are highly
effective teaching strategies as long
as you know how to fully utilize their
Lessons should be planned in
accordance with learning goals. And
vocabulary, grammar, and language
should be taught in context. For ex-
ample, when teaching children foods
in English, it should be within a meal
context like breakfast, lunch or dinner,
and should never be a list of items
they must study or memorize.
As kids get older and reach their pre-
teen years, some ESL games and ac-
tivities may not interest them as much
as they did in the past. Find out what
does interest them. What kind of mu-
sic do they like? What do they enj oy
reading? What sports do they play?
Which sports stars do they admire?
Writing interview questions for their
favorite NBA player will be a lot more
interesting than just a list of questions
in simple present.
Adults And Children: The Differ-
ences Every Teacher Should Know
propriate materials in your classes. For
example, children are not going to be
interested in reading articles about the
state of the economy, or even the fash-
Keeping adults engaged is just as im-
Whether you are choosing to do it on a ion industry. In fact, most kids generally portant as doing so with children! You
gap year, or as a full time career, you are won’t like reading articles at all! Other might find that there are some students
likely to come across a wide range of techniques need to be employed. who are intent on learning, and will do
different people. Sometimes we may be their best to concentrate. This may not
required to teach children, even though GAMES: Both adults and children love always be the case, therefore it is im-
we do not have experience in the area. games. Therefore it is important to in- portant to keep the class as interesting
Some language schools will give a mix clude these as much as possible in the as possible.
of students. There will be those there class. In doing this, the teacher will be
who are looking to improve their Eng- able to let words sink in easier. Often ACTIVITIES: Games are possible option
lish for general use. There will be those they can include games such as Hang for adults as well. A lot of the time, they
who are looking specifically for business Man, Pictionary, Simon Says and much might have be tailored to suit adults.
English whilst others simply want to more. More “grown up” type games and ac-
progress. It is important to garner, in the tivities will be useful in this regard. De-
first class, what the actual intentions of STORY TELLING: This is another ef- bates are often a great way to get adults
the student are before going ahead with fective technique. All children love story talking. Often, the students will end up
the plan. This way, you will find it easier time. Find a simple fairy tale to tell the speaking more and arguments can
to tailor a class to the specific needs of children, or make one up yourself! Af- break out. As long as it does not get out
that student. terwards, ask questions by putting the of hand, this can be incredibly positive.
characters in different situations (“Sal- The less you have to do, the more of a
Before going ahead, however, you need ly’s grandmother is ill, what should Sally success the class is!
to remember that adults, children and do?”). This way, kids can come up with
indeed teenagers are all different. Chil- their own answers. Effectively, you will HUMOUR: It is also a good idea to have
dren learn in different ways to their older be able to get the children to write their a sense of humour. Just be aware how
counterparts. As a result, you need to be own stories. This can be incredibly ben- humour translates in different cultures.
able to make sure what to include in cer- eficial in terms of their production skills. In Germany, for example, the people
tain classes and what to leave out. are notorious for being humourless. This
ATTENTION SPANS: Children also isn’t necessarily the case, as it can differ
THE DIFFERENCES tend to have short attention spans, so from one region to the next.
BETWEEN ADULTS it is important for you to realize this.
& CHILDREN YOU Long, drawn-out exercises which in- TOPICS OF INTEREST: If you are
SHOULD KNOW volve a lot of silence will not work. The teaching business people, then topics
kids will become agitated, start fidgeting related to what they are doing (for exam-
larly true of those who live in Western
European countries.
Ants in the Pants? Enchant Your ESL
Students with These Great Chants
Where did Humpty Dumpty sit? Who pdf) – Practice simple past forms of I like to oot, oot, oot oo-ples and boo-noo-
helped put him back together after his verbs like laugh, run, and jump. noos
tragic fall? If you know the answers to • Humpty Dumpty (teachchildrenesl. I like to oot, oot, oot oo-ples and boo-noo-
these questions, it is because you’ve re- com/filez8932/songs/humpty_dump- noos
peated the famous nursery rhyme count- ty.pdf) – Also features verbs in simple
less times. And THAT is the power of past.
8 ing wins!
chant.html. You may even print it and GRAMMAR CHANTS
make it into a poster. It’s a great, easy way
to teach and review classroom rules with
your students. Repeat it several times,
and they won’t soon forget the rules.
This is the chant everyone learns
Now, here’s your chance to get cre-
ative and make your own chant! Remem-
ber that rhyming is not absolutely nec-
to remember how many days are in each essary, very often it’s the repetition that
month – and a great way to practice them works best. Here’s an example of a chant
This is a fun way to teach the rooms
in English:
Thirty days has September, April June
and November.
you can say to practise simple present in
both affirmative and negative forms:
Teacher: I
in a house and some of the things you All the rest have 31, excepting February
find in them. Class: I
Bedroom, bathroom, living room, kitchen. Teacher: I see you.
And it had 28 days time,
Bedroom, bathroom, living room, kitchen. Class: I see you.
But in leap years February has 29.
This is my family’s house. Teacher: He
Sink in the bathroom. Sink in the kitchen. Class: He
Sink in the bathroom. Sink in the kitchen. Teacher: He sees you.
APPLES AND BANANAS Class: He sees you.
This is my family’s house.
TV and sofa are in the living room. Here’s a fun, but also challenging Teacher: I
TV and sofa are in the living room. chant. Students review vowel sounds. Class: I
This is my family’s house. Teacher: I don’t see.
I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas Class: I don’t see.
And you can easily expand the chant to
other rooms in the house. As you can see, I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas Teacher: He
it doesn’t matter if the words don’t rhyme: I like to ate, ate, ate ay-ples and ba-nay- Class: He
the essential element in the chant is rep- nays Teacher: He doesn’t see.
etition. I like to ate, ate, ate ay-ples and ba-nay- Class: He doesn’t see.
Teacher: We
Nursery rhymes are timeless clas-
I like to eat, eat, eat ee-ples and bee-nee-
I like to eat, eat, eat ee-ples and bee-nee-
Class: We
Teacher/Leader: We speak English.
Class/Group: We speak English.
sics that most people remember because nees
they are repeated so often. TeachChil- I like to ite, ite, ite i-ples and by-ny-nys NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER
drenESL has nursery rhymes in PDF files I like to ite, ite, ite i-ples and by-ny-nys OF SIMPLE REPETITION!Students learn
that you can download and print for your words, structures, and pronunciation. And
I like to ote, ote, ote oh-ples and bo-no-
class. Of particular use in the ESL class- don’t be surprised if you hear them chant-
room are: ing as they walk down the hall. They may
I like to ote, ote, ote oh-ples and bo-no-
• Hey Diddle Diddle (teachchildrenesl. not be able to get your chants out their
com/filez8932/songs/diddle_diddle. heads!
Phonology in the Classroom:
It’s Time to Teach Rhyme
Then white out one word of each Then, continue your day by calling
FOR THE ESL STUDENT, RHYME rhyming pair. Challenge your students students by rhyming names, and en-
HAS GREAT VALUE. LEARNING to see if they can fill in words that will courage your students to do the same.
ABOUT RHYME WILL INCREASE complete the rhyme. Following Dr.
THE AWARENESS YOUR STUDENTS Seuss’ example, allow students to Another easy rhyme game you
HAVE OF ENGLISH PHONOLOGY, make up their own words to complete can play is a rhythm-based circle.
WHICH IS ESSENTIAL FOR PRONUN- a rhyme even if it becomes nonsensi- Have your class sit on the floor with
CIATION AND PHONICS. cal. You can then read the actual text legs crossed and start a percussive
out loud to your class and have your rhythm. With a four beat pattern, slap
Speakers of languages with different students see how many words they the legs twice, clap once and then do
phonetic make up than English will chose the same as the doctor. nothing on the fourth beat. This fourth
find it especially important to learn beat is when you will say a word that
the appropriate and complete set of This is also a good time to mention your students will have to rhyme. For
sounds in English. rhythm and rhyme when it comes to example, (slap, slap, clap) “Boy!” The
English sentences. group would continue (slap, slap,
Not only that, understanding rhyme clap) and the next person would say,
and the sounds that make it possible In a similar vein, nursery rhymes can “Toy!” You can continue with the same
are necessary before a student can be employed in the same manner. rhyme pattern until no one else can
become a fluent reader. These childhood classics use rhythm think of another rhyme. Then change
and rhyme to tell short stories that the word and play again. Either work
HOW TO TEACH kids love. Try reading one aloud and your way around the circle, point to
RHYME IN YOUR pausing whenever a rhyming word the people who should answer, or just
CLASSROOM is needed, and see if your students let your students call out their ideas.
can supply the missing word. For ex-
Have your class take their seats speakers. Ultimately, have fun with
again and listen for the next rhyming
your class. Speakers and writers use
pair. This activity can be a fun game Rhyming just might give you the rhyme for fun and creative expres-
for your students as they listen and excuse to bring some silliness into the sion, and you should encourage that
physically respond at the appropriate classroom. You can declare a rhyme in your students as well.
times. day in your classroom when you start
the rhyming fun off by calling your stu- When your students are having fun
dents by rhyming names rather than
their actual names. As you call atten-
dance, call out a name that rhymes
in the classroom, they will be moti-
vated to learn and remember more
of what you teach.
Dr. Seuss is one of the most beloved with each of your students’ names,
authors of our time as well as a mas- and challenge them to respond. If
ter of rhyme. You can do several activ- you cannot think of a rhyming name
ities with his work that challenge your for your students, simply make one
students understanding of rhyme. up. Your students will still understand
One simple option is to photocopy a the concept even if you have to make
few pages from his books, pages that things up to meet the rule.
have several rhymes on them.
How to Drill: Drilling Activities
for Your English Classroom
show them the image. This will help fifteen to twenty vocabulary words. It
AFTER INTRODUCING NEW VOCAB- check their comprehension of the ma- may still be necessary to practice
ULARY WORDS, GRAMMAR POINTS, terial. With flashcards, you can also using choral repetition before per-
OR SENTENCE STRUCTURES, YOU challenge your students when they forming pair activities so that students
HAVE TO DRILL THEM WITH YOUR become more familiar with certain vo- are reminded of the proper pronuncia-
CLASS. cabulary by flipping through the cards tion of the vocabulary.
There are many ways to drill new ma- at a faster rate.
terial. Using a variety of drilling meth-
ods in your classes will help make this
portion of the lesson more interesting Breaking your classroom up into
and keep students focused. Asking for volunteers or calling sections where each section says
on students to give you a synonym, one portion of a new structure is an-
HOW TO PROCEED antonym, or translation of a new vo- other way of drilling material. In small
cabulary word will check individual classes you can conduct some drilling
Choral repetition is a commonly
comprehension. It is always nice
to ask for volunteers as opposed
to calling on students individually
activities in a circle.
the speed or volume you use and
have students change their respons- LEARNING ENGLISH BUT IT IS AN
es accordingly. Using this method, As material becomes more fa- ESSENTIAL STEP WHEN LEARNING
students are not called on individually miliar, you may want to conduct short NEW MATERIAL. VARYING YOUR
to pronounce words therefore you will pair activities where a student’s com- APPROACH CAN MAKE IT MORE
need to check individual pronuncia- prehension is tested by his partner. ENJOYABLE AND ENCOURAGE
tion and comprehension separately. To do this with a vocabulary list for in- STUDENTS TO PARTICIPATE MORE
Integrating these checks into your drill stance, have student A read the trans- FULLY.
activities will keep students alert be- lation of each word in random order
cause they will never know when you while the student B says the word in
may call on them. English. Student A can then place a
checkmark next to all the words stu-
dent B got correct and then the stu-
dents can switch roles.
Drilling using flashcards can be useful With this method students can check
as well. In the introduction, show stu- each other and have visual proof of
dents both the image and word sides how well they performed afterwards
of each flashcard. When you start which they can refer to when practic-
drilling words for the first time, show ing material on their own or preparing
students the word side of the flash- for exams.
card so they can practice reading and
pronouncing it. Conducting an activity such as this on
a regular basis will help students re-
Later on, rather than show students view vocabulary often and should not
the word you want them to pronounce, take more than five minutes even with
How To Teach English Using
Games: The Original Hangman
This is a group game for every-
Initially the game may be played
one. Begin with a demonstration on as a group activity and dictionaries
FOR SPELLING, DICTIONARY WORK, the board so that students can clearly are permitted as this encourages fu-
STUDENT INTERACTION AND visualize how to play. ture usage, when relevant. The stu-
EMPOWERMENT, FAMILIARIZA- dents can guess the full word at any
TION WITH PREFIXES AND SUF- Then a simple description. The stu- time, but you should impose a penalty
FIXES, TEACHING NUMBERS AND dents have to guess your mystery if wrong. This is to prevent random
LETTERS TOGETHER AND SIMPLE word. “This word has a certain num- and careless guesses and keep con-
EDUCATIONAL FUN. IT IS DESIGNED ber of letters” and they have to elicit trol of the students and the game.
SIMPLY TO REMIND US OF THE them one by one. Ensure the rules are
TEACHING APPLICATIONS OF THIS understood by concept checking. To encourage student empowerment
WORD GAME IN ITS BASIC FORM the person who correctly guesses the
WITHOUT THE FRILLS. As they call out a letter of the alphabet word can then come to the board and
the teacher will cross it out from A-Z chose a secret word himself/herself
This game has a very simple format, written on the board for reference and for the next game.
but can be built upon to practice not put that letter in the mystery word, or
only simple vocabulary, but also the draw a body feature on the Hangman Do not distribute any handouts with
use of vowels and consonants in word as appropriate. It is important to show instructions. The game and its rules
creation. Common letters can be elu- visually that for each letter missed, can be explained verbally and visu-
cidated as well as many language one body part is drawn on the Hang- ally.
structures such as prefixes and typi- man.
cal word endings. The students can sit in a horseshoe
The object of the game is to guess configuration using seats only as this
the word before being hanged. The activity does not require pens, papers
students normally have 9 attempts or desks. This will also enable moving
HOW TO PROCEED (Head, neck, body, arms, legs and people around easily if smaller groups
feet), but optional features can be are utilized later in the game.
sonalizing the word adds reality and
therefore it is a good idea to choose PRACTICE
the name of one of the students. They Practice vocabulary already in-
will probably be surprised to find their troduced, if appropriate e.g. popular
name contains some of the ‘English hobbies. As the game focuses largely
vowels’ i.e. A,E,I,O,U. Make a line for on letters and spelling practice, also
each letter of the word and count out incorporate pronunciation of the tar-
the number of letters and write the ap- geted words and by numbering the
propriate number underneath. letters teach the practical usage of
cardinal and ordinal counting.
Draw their attention to the name e.g..
“It is a five letter word. It has 2 vowels. Once the unknown word has been
The first letter of the word is ...” ascertained, speaking should be en-
couraged to use the vocabulary in
Get your students to check the spell- context and thus add to the language
ing of their own names and their part- content.
ners to their left and right and delight
in their discovery of this striking simi-
larity with the English Language.
The Best Shows/Movies for a
Children’s ESL Video Lesson
IF YOU WANT TO HELP YOUR STU- you can discuss with you class. You it. There is a large variety to choose
DENTS IMPROVE THEIR LISTEN- can also watch The Lorax with your from, but for the purposes of your ESL
ING COMPREHENSION, NOTHING class and discuss the effects of pollu- class, please remember the following.
WORKS BETTER THAN VIDEOS. tion and the importance of preserving It’s essential that you choose a movie,
But this begs the question: which our trees. Or watch a short excerpt not only for the entertainment value,
movies/TV shows should we show about the Sneetches: it presents a but one that is a good fit for your stu-
them in class? Clearly this is not a very relevant discussion point regard- dent’s ages and levels. As these mov-
case of “anything goes”, particularly ing prejudice and discrimination. ies are longer, you may opt to show
with young learners who often lack just one scene or a few, and not the
enough vocabulary to understand a
full-length feature film in English. So,
to eliminate the guesswork on your
Charlie Brown is a boy that most
entire film. If you choose any of the
classics you may have the added ad-
vantage that your students will prob-
part, here is a list of the best videos children can easily relate to. He has ably have already seen them in their
to show your young learners - movies a group of friends he likes to play native language, thus giving them
and shows that will not only entertain baseball with, and has a dog – a very better chances of following the plot
them, they will also help them hone special one. Snoopy is not your typi- and dialogue.
those listening skills! cal canine buddy, but we would love
to have a dog like him. This is why Some of the classics we recom-
TRY THESE SHOWS & the Peanuts cartoons have fascinat- mend are:
MOVIES FOR YOUR ed children of all ages for decades. • Charlie and the Chocolate Fac-
NEXT CHILDREN’S ESL Several movies and TV specials have tory – has this
VIDEO LESSON been made based on the Peanuts great worksheet for you to use.
gang, the most popular and the best • Toy Story 1, 2 or 3
ones to watch with your ESL class
SESAME STREET • Puss in Boots
being the holiday specials like It’s the
• Finding Nemo
The American children’s TV se- Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown, It’s the
ries has produced solid, educational Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, or A
content for over 40 years. The series Charlie Brown Christmas. TIPS FOR SHOWING
features short segments, videos, and VIDEOS TO YOUR
songs targeted to very young chil-
dren, content that is highly appropri-
ate for young English learners of ages
YouTube has come a long way
Always have a lesson plan for a video
3-5. The best part about the Sesame from being simply the video sharing lesson, or make sure the video fits
Street videos is that teachers can site where we could watch people’s into one. Never show a video “just
access them in multiple ways. Sesa- home videos, jokes and silly gags. because” - even if it is a 2-minute has a Video page where Thousands of videos with educational filler, it should still serve a purpose
you can access very short video seg- content are uploaded on a daily ba- within your lesson goal, like review
ments that help children polish their sis by ESL teachers and schools. A something they’ve been practicing,
counting skills, for example, or say the quick search should give you dozens like the alphabet, for example. If you
alphabet in English, among many oth- of options to watch with your class. want to take an entire class hour for
ers. Most of the videos are less than One noteworthy YouTube channel is a video lesson, that’s fine, just makes
a minute long and are great fillers or DJCKidsMedia. The children’s book sure you allow plenty of time for your
ways to complete an activity. and DVD publisher has a YouTube students to complete a warm up (pre-
channel filled with short, engaging vid- viewing activities), as well as viewing
You can also watch the videos on eos that can teach your young learn- and post viewing activities.
Sesame Street’s YouTube Channel, ers to tell time, count to 10, or phonics
or order the videos from Amazon. for the letters of the alphabet. Be sure ALWAYS REMEMBER: THIS IS NOT
to check out this YouTube channel ABOUT YOU SIMPLY SHOWING A
and others, but before you show your VIDEO TO YOUR CLASS.
class any video on YouTube, make
Dr. Seuss’ books and silly sure you see it first to check for any This is about maximizing their learn-
rhymes have entertained children for inappropriate content. ing opportunities and helping them
decades. His work is also available on hone their listening skills. If you man-
video, and though most of it is fantas-
tical and features characters that are
out of this world, the rhymes are great
age to give them a special treat with a
fun movie at the same time – so much
the better!
for pronunciation practice. Also, most As far as animated or feature-length
stories have an important message children’s films go, the sky’s the lim-
From Chaos to Order – How to
Deal with Large Preschool Classes
If there is one word that defines pre- from the front of the classroom to see and teachers, and recycle them – make
schoolers, it’s energy. A far cry from the what you’re showing them. This leads to new ones! There are lots of activities you
shy teens that try to hide in a corner of complaining (“I can’t seeeee!”), wailing or can do with your class by recycling ma-
the class, or the adult learners that are at- even students standing and walking up to terials they can bring from home – just
tentive and intent on learning, preschool- get a better look. ask each student to contribute, and soon
ers just want to have fun! Most don’t have Solution: enough, you’ll have more than enough!
goals for learning – they learn English The best solution involves having large-
because they’re told to. But they soon
discover (and with our help) that learning
English is fun, and they meet our sugges-
sized flashcards, the bigger the better!
It’s not hard to find big posters and illus-
trations that everyone can see. You may
5 PROBLEM # 5:
tions for activities with great enthusiasm. also want to consider blowing up copies
of some illustrations or pages in your And this is one of the biggest hurdles to
The problem arises when you have a book. Finally, if all else fails, simply walk overcome if you want your students to
large group of young learners. The usual around the classroom and let everyone learn. The more students you have in
complications of teaching a large class have a good look up close, particularly if your class, the fewer opportunities they
are compounded by the fact that pre- you’re reading a story. will have to speak individually, and the
schoolers can’t read or write, least of all fewer chances you’ll have of interacting
in English. Most activities will be games,
PROBLEM # 3: with each one.
TPR or crafts. They often get a little too
enthusiastic, noise levels rise, smaller CLASS IS TOO LOUD Solution:
children get pushed, objects get thrown, This will take a lot of attention on your
Of course, you’ll want everyone to partici- part, but you have to make sure you hear
and general mayhem ensues. pate, but the more children you have, the from each of your students at least once
louder it gets. They may be singing quite in each class. Try to spread out your in-
HOW TO DEAL WITH nicely, but the teacher next door will find teractions with the children so you’re not
LARGE PRESCHOOL it disturbing to her class. left only speaking to those who are the
CLASSES Solution: most enthusiastic. If you have a couple
Establish clear rules regarding when to of eager beavers competing to answer all
GOTTEN ALL RILED UP, IT IS TIME TO Some simple TPR games like Head
BRING THEM BACK DOWN SO THAT and Shoulders or Simon Says would A topic that interests your stu-
YOU CAN SEND THEM TO THEIR be perfect for reviewing body parts, dents will also make them more atten-
PARENTS OR OTHER TEACHERS writing relays would be good for tive. Keep your learners in mind when
WITHOUT UPSETTING ANYONE. slightly older students and even just deciding what to talk about in class.
Additionally if students are very loud simple exercises like jumping jacks or Students who are focused will not
and energetic at the very beginning of running in place should help learners have the inclination to move around a
class, you will have to curb their ex- settle down. lot nor will they be easily distracted.
citement a little in order to complete These are both likely to happen if stu-
the rest of the activities for your les- For some students these types of dents are overly excited or energized.
son. exercises will actually energize them
more so experiment to see what If you are not sure what your students
Here are some strategies for dealing works best with your classes. Differ- are interested in, simply ask them or
with students who are bouncing off ent groups of students may require take a poll of various topics to see
the walls of your classroom. different tactics. what they are most eager to learn
Active exercises can be a lot of
Students who are seated are
fun, especially with young learners,
but after students have gotten out
of their seats and moved around a
more restrained and subdued. If stu- bit, bring their heart rates down with ENT BUT THEY CAN ALL BE EFFEC-
dents are running around the class- a quiet activity such as reading or TIVE WHEN USED PROPERLY. THE
room or having a heated discussion, writing. Students can take their time METHOD YOU CHOOSE DEPENDS ON
ask everyone to go back to their silently reading through an article or YOUR STUDENTS AND HOW THEY
desks and sit down. The physical begin writing their individual answers REACT TO ACTIVITIES.
state of sitting in their chairs will help to short answer or essay questions
them relax. Standing is a great stance before you turn these activities into
for action while sitting is more a state class activities to check pronuncia- Be sure to use the one that will be
of rest. Some students may fidget at tion, comprehension, and grammar most efficient for the type of students
their desks but sitting is already a big points. you have in your classroom. Luckily
improvement and this is less likely to this becomes less of a problem as
distract other students. These types of activities are good for students get older and in adult class-
calming a class down but should be es you will rarely have similar issues.
Once learners have taken their seats, avoided if students lack energy as you If you struggle with this, change your
shift their focus immediately to an risk them falling asleep. approach to classes in order to re-
activity so that they do not become solve it and look on the bright side, at
bored or lose interest in the lesson. It least no one is sleeping.
is important for students to focus their
energy on learning English so help Get students to really focus by
them put it to good use by effectively conducting an activity such as a circle
managing your classroom. exercise or something similar that is
fast paced. This will take advantage of
An activity requiring lots of en-
their energy but because they never
know whose turn it will be next, they
have to be quiet and pay attention in
ergy that will tire students out could order to perform their part well.
make them a little more calm during
the rest of your lesson. Another game that is exciting but re-
quires that students remain calm and
Stickers for the Little Ones:
Motivation Booster or Evil?
NOTHING MAKES A CHILD PROUDER provide some encouragement, the course. You can make them yourself,
THAN SHOWING OFF A NEWLY others may question the decision or and they can be as simple or as elabo-
ACQUIRED STICKER. even say it’s undeserved. So, you’re rate as you wish. As you reward each
It gives them a sense of pride and ac- leaving the field wide open for disap- child with a sticker, they stick it in their
complishment. It’s proof and evidence of pointment, resentment, mistrust and albums, and for every 5 they collect, they
a job well done. Children connect to real a host of other negative feelings. get a special, larger one or a “limited edi-
objects more than abstracts, and reward • Students who typically do well in tion” sticker. The best thing about this re-
stickers are the one tangible item they class will move jump through hoops ward system is that the kids get to keep
need to feel encouraged to keep work- to get more stickers, and the more their albums, plus it’s a lot more private
ing in class. Words like, “Good job!” are they get the more they want. This than the wall chart in plain sight. Stu-
simply not enough if they don’t come with sometimes makes it difficult for dents choose whether they wish to show
the visible “seal of approval”. It’s good to teachers to encourage shy students. the amount of stickers they’ve collected,
teach children about things like responsi- or keep it to themselves.
bility and the importance of learning, but PUBLIC REWARD VS.
it just doesn’t sink in if they don’t have PRIVATE REWARD: STICKER EXCHANGE
something tangible to hold on to. Still,
the use of reward stickers in the ESL The reward chart hanging on the wall will This can work with either the public
classroom should not be taken lightly. show exactly how many stars each stu- wall chart or private sticker album. Have
Teachers must be aware of the fact that dent has, and is visible to all students, a number of prizes of varying value on
a highly visible sticker chart will be very which encourages healthy competition. display somewhere in the classroom.
well received by some students, but not After all, we live in a highly competitive The system works like this: once a child
all of the children will be happy with the world, right? However, there are times has collected a certain number of stick-
arrangement. when the reward chart makes students ers, say 5, he or she has the opportunity
feel less than good about themselves, to trade them in for a prize of lower value,
PROS AND CONS OF particularly those who have very few say a candy bar. Or they may choose to
SCHOOL STICKERS: stickers in comparison to others who wait till get collect some more for a big-
have many. Privately rewarded stickers ger, more expensive prize, say 20 stick-
ers for a book. The teacher circles or
PROS: will still boost their confidence and mo-
tivate them to keep working. Moreover, checks the stickers they have traded in:
• Of all of the things you may use to a teacher may choose to reward a shy there’s no need to actually remove them
reward your students for their ef- student with a sticker, and if this is done from the chart or album. This is a great
forts, school stickers are the least privately, there is a little more leeway. So, way to teach children to save, plus a
questioned by parents. Unlike candy we must all be aware of the risks posed thing or two about patience and planning.
or small toys, stickers are the most by public rewards if we choose to employ
harmless: all other “gifts” may be them, whereas with private rewards there CUSTOM STICKERS
construed as a form of bribery. are none. Here are some great ways to
• Teacher stickers (those that are reward children with kids stickers: For more targeted rewards use stick-
designed for school use) are much ers that have been designed with specif-
ic messages, like stickers for playground
more affordable, in fact, as they can CLASSIC STAR CHART
easily be bought in bulk. You can behavior, collaboration, spelling, etc...
even find printable stickers online Make a chart with the children’s This way, you have the chance to reward
and print them on some full size la- names listed on the left side. Give each students for particular skills or behaviors,
bel paper. a star sticker for good behavior, complet- and they’ll have more chances to earn
ing a task first, picking up the most toys, stickers.
• They are highly effective in class-
room management, whether you etc. You can reward countless types of
wish to deal with behavior problems, behavior, but if you use this type of public THE REAL KEY TO EFFECTIVELY MOTI-
or simply get a little more coopera- reward make sure you reward different VATING YOUNG LEARNERS THROUGH
tion from your young students. types of things, not only class perfor- REWARD STICKERS IS FINDING WAYS
• It gives children something to look
mance. For example, a child who seems TO MOTIVATE THEM ALL, ESPECIALLY
forward to: it gives them an achiev-
to have a hard time learning won’t get THOSE WHO HAVE DIFFICULTIES
able goal (young children simply do
any stars for winning games, but he or LEARNING ENGLISH. In these cases, you
she may get plenty for helping you tidy may choose to reward them for the best
not relate to learning goals).
up. Give them a prize from a grab bag drawing or the neatest handwriting. But
after they collect 10 stars. They will cer- remember that all students deserve praise
CONS: tainly work hard to earn that prize! for one thing or another. If you keep this
• Students who don’t do as well will one thing in mind, all of your young learn-
not get as many stickers - they may STICKER ALBUMS ers will receive the boost of confidence
in fact get none. If the teacher wish- they need. The possibilities are almost
Give each student a sticker album limitless!
es to reward a student with one to
they will keep for the duration of the
5 Non-Verbal Ways
to Do Error Correction
Give them an open-mouthed, wide-
eyed stare. Or arch an eyebrow.
The more “theatrical” the facial ex-
pression is, the funnier it’ll be. You’ll
How can you correct mistakes in
word order in a non-verbal way? Fin-
If you correct them too much, you be effectively signalling that a mistake ger counting is simply perfect for this!
might make them feel discouraged has been made, but students won’t Say a student used the wrong word
and compromise their fluency for the take it so seriously. order to ask a question: “You are a
sake of accuracy. If you correct them teacher?” Ask the student to repeat
too little, they’ll continue making the the question and then show him or
same mistakes. Achieving the right her how you count the words on your
balance is a daunting task, although
not an impossible one. And when do-
ing on the spot correcting, do you sim- Another very effective way to Show the student how the first two fin-
ply supply the right answer? Although show students they’ve made a mis- gers are in the wrong order, so that
it is certainly an option, you should take is through gestures, some of the student understands the question
sometimes give your students the which may be specific to the kind of should start with “Are you...”
chance to correct themselves. mistake. Teachers typically gesture
backwards with their hands or point
There are several verbal strategies to the back to show students they
you may use, like asking them to re- haven’t used the verb in the past. Stu-
peat what they’ve just said, or re- dents often use the wrong pronouns: YOU CAN GET AS CREATIVE AS
peating the sentence yourself but it’s quite common to hear a student YOU LIKE WITH YOUR FACIAL
pausing to let the student fill in the say, “She went to the movies with EXPRESSIONS, GESTURES, AND
“blank” correctly. your boyfriend.” To which you sim- VISUAL REMINDERS. REMEMBER
ply reply by pointing to yourself with a HERE THAT THE ULTIMATE GOAL
However, here are the 5 best non- look of shock or surprise. IS TO HELP STUDENTS LEARN
verbal ways to do error correction. FROM THEIR MISTAKES, AND IF
You may also implement a gesture to YOU SIMPLY SUPPLY THE RIGHT
HOW TO PROCEED indicate that students should repeat ANSWER, THEY MAY NOT FULLY
something, or say it again, and if they INTERNALIZE IT.
and say it again. You may also use
the flag in others types of activities,
or whenever you wish to work on ac- Very often students forget the
curacy. final “-s” in the simple present, third
person singular. You may have a big S
stuck on a wall that you can point to on
such occasions, or point to something
conscious enough without having to Visual reminders are also great for
endure constant corrections. So, how vocabulary-related mistakes. A stu-
can you effectively correct them and dent may say “childs” instead of
not stomp on their confidence in the “children”. You point to a picture of
process? When a student makes a a group of children to indicate that
mistake, like saying a verb in the past something is wrong, while the student
tense incorrectly, use an exagger- has to figure out he or she used the
ated facial expression to signal the wrong plural.
How to Add Language Points
to Your ESL Crafts
strip, thus combining their draw-
ing with writing. You may also
have them illustrate a story, or
create a book as a group.
• Vocabulary – Introduce a set of
DREN, PROVIDE STUDENTS WITH You can introduce language points in
new words they will learn and
SOME TIME TO WORK QUIETLY, three distinct moments: before , dur-
practice through this exercise.
AND GIVE THEM THE POSSIBILITY ing or after the art or craft project.
This is a particularly useful strate-
TO PRODUCE SOMETHING THEY CAN Let’s look at some examples.
gy when you’re teaching students
about a particular holiday like
Crafts are great ways for them to show
Cinco de Mayo, Valentine’s Day, BEFORE THE ART PROJECT
off what they’ve learned! However, as
Thanksgiving, etc. and you want
language learning is our primary con- Language points that are ideally
to do it through a craft project.
cern, we need to make sure we take introduced before the project typically
advantage of crafts time to teach a involve new vocabulary. Introduce the
• Reading – Have students read a
relevant language point. new words in groups of four to five,
short story and ask them a ques-
check for comprehension by asking
WHEN CHOOSING tion at the end. Have them sup-
questions or asking students for ex-
THE CRAFT ACTIVITY: ply their answers in a picture, clay
model, or collage of magazine amples, and finally they will be ready
cutouts. to start their art project. This works
1. Choose a craft for its potential for great for vocabulary related to holi-
language teaching (how much days or special celebrations. For ex-
language you will be able to teach • Listening/Viewing – same as
above, except this time you read ample, introduce Christmas vocabu-
with this particular activity) rather lary and then have students make
than its artistic appeal. In other the story or play an audio track. Or
show your students a video. Ask tree decorations based on the items
words, it is important to consider they learned.
first what you want to teach, and students to watch to the video for
the London 2012 Olympics song,
only then find a craft that will help
Survival by Muse. Students pay DURING THE ART PROJECT
you meet your language goals.
close attention and write down
the sports they see. See who can If you make your students chant
2. Consider that your best choice or sing while they complete their proj-
may be something less “artistic” name the most! Students then
draw/paint a picture of their favor- ect, they can very easily practice a
or which involves less sophisti- specific grammar or language point.
cated tools, like a simple paint- ite Olympic sport. Make it class
project! Students work together Also, try teaching them a step by step
ing with watercolors or a drawing process as they work on their project.
activity like a cartoon. Sometimes on a large poster board, each one
drawing one sport. Say you want to teach them verbs like
we are fascinated by the wide cut, glue, put, stick, etc. you can teach
range of materials we can use, these new verbs as you instruct them
and we forget what it is we want • Speaking – Speaking tasks typi-
cally involve role plays. Why not step by step.
to teach. Remember that we are
ask students to make their props?
ESL teachers, not art teachers.
For a shopping role play, they AFTER THE ART PROJECT
Don’t let yourself be swayed by a
“cool” art project. can model the items that will be
This is very simple and easy to
on sale out of clay, or draw them
do if you ask them to draw or paint a
3. Don’t be afraid to adapt a craft or cut them out from magazines.
scene, and then give them instruc-
project to suit your language Or say you want to have your stu-
tions to write a story based on their
teaching needs. A Springtime Mo- dents practice making polite re-
picture. You can specifically instruct
bile Project may be easily turned quests. Ask them to draw different
them to set the story in the past, pres-
into a fall, summer or winter mo- fruits, vegetables or food items on
ent or future.
bile project with the proper adjust- cardboard and have them paint
ments in the vocabulary list. their foods. When they’re dry, stu-
dents set a table with their items
HOW TO MAKE YOUR and ask each other to “Pass the
ART PROJECT MORE salt, please” or “Could you please
But they are also wonderful language
LANGUAGE-ORIENTED pass me an apple?”
teaching tools. Don’t let these oppor-
tunities go to waste and give your stu-
• Writing – Students create a comic
dents a valuable lesson instead.
10 Creative Spelling Teaching Ideas
Spelling can often come across as a the word. If it is correct, then the letter will I found difficult to be incredibly helpful.
challenge to many people, both adults be put in one of the gaps. If not, then the Now as a teacher, I find it to be just as
and children. With the English language, man slowed gets “hanged”, first with the useful for students.
it is can be doubly excruciating to learn. drawing of the noose, the head and all
tivity for afterwards, play a game involv-
ing these. Get the students to spell out a
word with their cubes and go around and
As a quick test of the student’s
check them. Write up the words as they spelling ability, have everyone stand up.
SPELLING originally appear on the board, and with Throw various words at random students
those that are spelled incorrectly, ask the and see if they are able to spell them.
rhyme. This is particularly effective with SPELLING BEE
children. When it comes to languages
where the Roman alphabet is used, they In certain countries, Spell-
will have their own versions of this song. English is notoriously difficult when ing Bees are quite popular with younger
Sometimes they are similar, sometimes it comes to spelling. Therefore, there is people. Often they can be a great incen-
the letters are pronounced completely a variety of different rules which are as- tive for people to learn. Hosting a mini
differently. It is important for you as the sociated with it. Here in an example:“I” spelling bee in the class is often a great
teacher to give the English pronunciation before “e” except after “c”. An example way of motivating younger learners, es-
and make sure that the students apply can be seen in the words “receive” and pecially if there is a reward involved. It
it correctly. This activity is generally for “conceive”. However, due to the nature can be a lot of fun. Get your students to
beginners, and afterwards it will serve of English, there are exceptions , such try and organize the competition them-
as a practical basis for learning to spell as in “science”. To help students get selves, organizing who will be the judg-
words, both simple and complex. their heads around this, write down all es, the participants etc.
the rules and get them to write it down in
HER TO WRITE CAN BE INTIMIDAT- of a story, your students should label STAR POWER
ING, AND THE CLEAN WHITE PAGE the sections what I know, what I want
CAN ACTUALLY HINDER THE WORDS to know, and what I learned. They can Your students can generate
FROM COMING. then spend a few minutes filling out ideas for a nonfiction paragraph with a
No one is more susceptible to this fear the first column with facts and infor- simple star organizer. Have your stu-
of the blank page than kids. That is mation they already know about the dents draw a large, five pointed star
why stressing writing as a process is subject they are researching. Then on one side of a piece of paper. If you
so important with young students. A have your students ask themselves have already talked about topic sen-
big part of the writing process is get- some questions about the topic they tences, ask each person to write the
ting kids thinking about what they will are going to research. What do they topic sentence for their paragraph in
write, or prewriting, before we ask want to know? Have them make some the center of the star. If you have not
them to put words on the blank page. notes in the second column. Now it is talked about topic sentences, this is
Following are some ideas you can time to do the research. As your kids the time to do it. You could also have
use to get your kids’ heads in the right read, have them take notes in the your students simply write the topic of
place before they set their pencils to third column, writing down information the paragraph in the middle of the star.
that empty page. as they discover it. When it is time to Each of the arms of the star is for the
write the report, have your students details that will support the main idea.
GETTING KIDS READY use the information on the paper as Challenge your students to write one
TO WRITE: TRY THESE an outline for what they will say about sentence in each of the arms. Once
4 EASY STRATEGIES their research. those sentences are written, the para-
graphs are practically finished. Show
3 Great Ways to Inspire
Young Learners to Write
Children in ESL classes are notoriously limit, and collect all of the pictures when
- Tell about your day today...
shy about writing in general. It is really - describe your last birthday... they are done. Then redistribute the pic-
critical for their language development - what will you bring to class for show tures making sure that no one gets their
that they receive early and constant ex- and tell. own. You can then have students write
posure to writing opportunities. The topics can be as low level or as ad- on any number of topics. They could de-
vanced as the students’ abilities and you scribe the picture that they see or create
TRY THESE 3 GREAT can connect them to the lesson’s theme a story around it. The purpose is again
WAYS TO INSPIRE for relevance or use them to review past to be creative and to make writing a
YOUNG LEARNERS TO topics or lessons. Obviously you want to pleasurable activity that students want
WRITE choose topics that the students would to engage in.
enjoy writing about (see our Creative
Writing Prompts Parts 1-5!), have some
knowledge base, and have some lan-
guage to express themselves. Follow-
Perhaps one of the reasons children can up activities to free flow writing could Often in higher levels, an inventive writ-
be reluctant to write creatively is they be numerous. You could have students ing activity is organizing a collaborative
are insecure about their spelling, gram- read each other’s compositions and use effort among students to write a story.
matical or structural skills. It is a good it as an opportunity for peer correction. You can adapt this for younger audienc-
idea to remove these anxieties by sup- You could also have the students read es by also including drawings. This could
plying ample opportunities for creative what they wrote and have their class- be an entire week long lesson where
processing that doesn’t pick apart struc- mates ask them questions about what each day students engage in a different
ture and syntax. The focus should be on they wrote. A third option would be to part of the writing or drawing piece. It is
the expression. For some children, de- collect the writing and go over it indi- also a wonderful way to remind them of
vising a complete sentence may be re- vidually with the students. You want to all that they have been learning regard-
ally intimidating. There are several ways make sure that free flow writing is just ing writing, structure, and syntax. Start
you can navigate around their fears, and that, and that students don’t feel inhib- by introducing the concept of writing and
provide creative options. First off just ited by what their writing may be lacking. illustrating a story together. Review the
try thinking about writing in a different The focus is on creativity. There are lots elements of a story and brainstorm with
way. Give them an opportunity to string of other options to focus on grammar, the class all the things the story will need
words together in poetic ways that don’t punctuation, and syntax. to be complete (characters, setting, plot,
necessarily rely on punctuation or tradi- conflict, etc.). Then it will come time to
tional meanings. Supply them with some
jumping off points, like some familiar
vocabulary that they need to include in
determine what the story topic is going
to be. Decide ahead of time how you will
present this—by dictating it, brainstorm-
their writing. Choose different types of Combining drawing with writing is a ing about it, or choosing randomly out
words, and provide an explanation or wonderful way to engage students, es- of a hat. Then put students into groups.
discussion of those words after the writ- pecially really young learners. There are This is up to the teacher’s preference.
ing. An example could be: write six lines numerous ways to do this to facilitate a Assign the students their daily task per
and include these three words in your feeling of freedom and to allow students group and be sure to give them dead-
poem: Mother, happy, blue. They could to express themselves in two modali- lines. The students among different
then share their writing with a partner or ties. One possibility would be to have groups will have to work together so that
simply turn it into you. the students do something like a scaled the story has some flow. Sometimes do-
down graphic novel. Depending on ing the illustrating or storyboarding first
Free flow writing is another way to ac- the country you are teaching in, these will provide the students with a guide to
complish a similar writing exercise and may be hugely popular. Tell students to follow when they write. Think it through
could be a bit longer. This is almost like choose a hero and a villain (great vo- and determine what will work best for
journal writing, and can be done to vary- cab lesson), and then write one scene your particular group. The end product
ing degrees with many different levels or frame of a story. Once they have a could be copied and bound so that all
and ages. You can devise it however few frames written, they can accompany students have a book that they wrote.
you would like as long as the end prod- that with as simple or as involved draw-
uct of writing is not judged on grammar, ings as you would like them to get into.
punctuation or spelling. You can give They can then share their creations with WRITING IS NOT JUST ABOUT STRUC-
students a topic and tell them to write one another, and you can easily make TURE AND PRACTICAL ELEMENTS.
for five or ten minutes. Be sure to tell this an ongoing project making sure that It is also about self-expression and cre-
the students not to get hung up on the the language objectives are clearly de- ativity. Opening students up to the world
writing itself, but just to write whatever fined. Another way to incorporate illus- of the written word doesn’t have to be
comes to mind. trations is to have each student draw painful or frustrating. With a little creativ-
a picture. You could give them a topic ity and spirit, even your youngest learn-
Example topics could be things like: or leave it wide open. Give them a time ers will pick up the pen and surprise you!
What Do You See? 8 Steps
to Teaching Basic Vocabulary
Picture books are a useful tool for their masks, read the book again speaking.
the ESL teacher, especially when and have each person stand when
she is teaching younger students.
Start by reading the book to
should answer with the name of the
animal next to him. He can say either
the animal’s name (e.g. red bird) or
appropriate picture, have her come
to the front of the room and point out
the poster where her picture belongs.
your class. It is best if you can intro- the entire phrase (I see a red bird She should also tell you the color of her
duce the book before you plan to do looking at me). object. Then have her glue her picture
the rest of the activities so your stu- to the correct poster.
dents have some familiarity with it. To make sure everyone has prac-
tice with more than one animal, have Give your class enough time so every-
On the day you plan to start
your students exchange masks and
repeat the activity. Continue until every
student has had the opportunity to be
one can find one picture for each of the
animals. When you finish, you should
have a collage of magazine pictures for
the activities, read the book to your each of the animals in the book. each color in the book. You should also
class again. After you read, give each have a good read on how well your stu-
student a picture of one of the animals
in the book, and ask them to color the
animal like the one in the book.
On the third day, prepare for
dents have learned their colors.
With your students holding
at it by now.
Like the previous two days, have
each person stand when his animal is
How to Teach Numbers
This means that students generally
With beginners, it is important
is the student with the most cards at
the end of the game. If your students
are struggling with certain numbers,
feel free to also write the numeral on
to check comprehension frequently.
have very limited English abilities so it Students may be confused or hesitant the board but be sure to say it first.
is best to proceed slowly, taking sev- due to lack of understanding but will You can use this same deck later on
eral classes if necessary to cover the often be unwilling or unable to ask for to practice reading and the difference
material. The first time numbers are help. A group activity will get your stu- between -teens and multiples of ten.
introduced, limit them to numbers one dents on their feet. One activity is to
through ten and then build up to one make groups with the same number PRODUCE
hundred. Larger numbers can be in- of people as you call out. For exam-
troduced at another time. ple if you say “Four” students should Since you recently used bingo
make groups of four and when you in your warm up, students should be
HOW TO PROCEED call out the next number they should familiar with the game. Ask them to
run around trying to get into appro- fill out new grids with numbers zero
Your students are, at this stage,
priately sized groups. Another activ-
ity is to split the class into two to four
teams. Each group should determine
through one hundred and play mul-
tiple times. You can also play another
group activity where students stand
probably beginners so try to review in what order students take turns and in a circle and take turns saying num-
material that was covered in the pre- be given a portion of the board to write bers in order from zero to one hun-
vious lesson and keep lessons enjoy- on. When you say a word aloud, the dred. Perhaps students say a number
able so that students will not develop student whose turn it is should run to and then the name of the classmate
an aversion to your classes. Lessons the board and write the numeral. If who will say the next one or some oth-
prior to this may include letters so you your students do very well, tell them er variation to keep things interesting.
can play letter bingo. Each student they have to spell out the word and When they have mastered that, you
should have a five by five grid. Have maybe later on, as a review activity, can ask them to skip numbers with
them fill in the grid with letters and students have to spell out the word of threes and sevens, including thirteen
then say letters at random until one or the number that comes after the one and seventy for example, to make it
more students have gotten bingo. you say aloud. At the end of the game, more challenging.
the group with the most points wins.
Use flashcards to introduce
Worksheets may be an appropri-
numbers one through ten. Flashcards ate review activity but any activity you
should have both the numeral and the played during your numbers classes,
word for each number. This will proba- When your students are confident us-
ing numbers one through ten, intro- could be conducted again as a review.
bly also include introducing some new
vocabulary so choose words that will duce numbers zero to one hundred.
be used often in your classroom and Focus primarily on the numerals and
words where the plural form is made pronunciation. It is a lot of new ma-
terial to take in but there is a pattern
by simply adding -s. Words like teach-
so stressing one through ten as well
er, student, book, pencil, and desk
as multiples of ten will be really im-
would all be appropriate. Use choral
portant. The difficult part for most stu-
repetition for pronunciation practice
dents will be eleven to nineteen and
and then drill using the flashcards.
confusing numbers like thirteen with
thirty. Keeping this in mind, practice
PRACTICE NUMBERS difficult areas more often than others.
If your students are not famil- SPECIAL SHORT CHALLENGE ACTIV-
iar with the Latin alphabet, they have
probably been using worksheets to
practice forming letters of the alpha-
Make decks of cards for num-
bet. You can use a similar worksheet bers zero to one hundred with nu-
to help them practice writing out num- merals on one side and words on the
bers like one, two, three, etc. This is other. For the purposes of this activity
a good opportunity for them to prac- have students spread out the cards
tice letter and word spacing. If your numeral side up. Students should
students are familiar with the Latin play in groups of three to six. When
alphabet, matching or fill in the blank you call out a number, the first stu-
exercises may be more appropriate. dent to say and smack the appropri-
ate card gets to keep it. The winner
How to Teach Shapes
tion practice and drill by pointing to students were listening carefully.
STUDENTS MAY NOT OFTEN USE the drawings on the board or using
SHAPES IN THEIR EVERYDAY CON- flashcards. If you are only using ba- REVIEW
VERSATION OR ENGLISH LESSONS sic shapes and working with young
BUT IT IS STILL WORTH TEACHING learners, have them make the shapes If possible, it may be fun to get
YOUR STUDENTS CERTAIN BASIC using specific hand gestures as they the class moving and working togeth-
SHAPES ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE practice the words. This will help rein- er. In the last minutes of class have
GOING TO TELL THEM TO “CIRCLE force what the new words mean. students position themselves to cre-
THE CORRECT ANSWER.” ON THEIR ate the shape you call out. For ex-
WORKSHEETS OR EXAMS. PRACTICE SHAPES ample, if you say “Triangle.” students
should try to organize themselves into
After practicing the vocabulary a triangle.
Knowing basic shapes can also be as a class, have students practice
useful when students try to explain writing the words by labeling images It may be a bit of a challenge but de-
objects that they do not know the on a worksheet or making sentences pending on the class, may be quite
word for because if they can describe for each image. For example, if there enjoyable as well. It is good to con-
something accurately enough, you is a picture of a circular clock, stu- duct activities, such as this one, which
will be able to give them the correct dents can write “It’s a circle.” while require cooperation among your stu-
vocabulary word. This article provides if there is an image of a photograph, dents.
some ideas and activities on teaching students can write “It’s a rectangle.”
shapes to preschool and kindergarten
kids and teenagers. You can also continue practicing as
a class by naming familiar objects or
HOW TO PROCEED objects in the classroom and having SHAPES MAY NOT BE THE MOST
students tell you what shape they are. IMPORTANT SECTION OF MATERIAL
Shapes are another topic for
Students should be encouraged to
use full sentences when responding
to these questions.
very beginners so it is worth spending BUT TEACHING BASIC SHAPES IS
time reviewing the previous lesson. If
you choose to do the production activ-
ity suggested in this lesson, you may At this stage in the lesson stu- LATER ON WHEN STUDENTS ARE
want to devote some time to review- dents should be able to produce their TAUGHT THE ADJECTIVE FORM OF
ing numbers, description words and own material. You could have them THESE WORDS, SUCH AS CIRCULAR
body parts as well. You can simply write as many objects as they can AND TRIANGULAR, AT LEAST THEY
ask students to name the body part think of for each shape, for instance. WILL BE BUILDING UPON PREVI-
or number you are pointing to as a You could also conduct an activity OUSLY LEARNED MATERIAL.
class or by volunteering. You can also which combines students’ knowledge
review all this vocabulary using flash- of shapes, numbers, descriptions and
cards or by eliciting vocabulary from body parts.
your students to see what they can
remember. Assuming you have covered all of
these topics, you can do this activity
Warm up activities for beginning stu- called Monsters. Have students work
dents may take up to ten minutes of in pairs sitting back to back. First give
your class time depending on how students time to draw a monster on
much material you feel the need to in- the top half of their worksheets. Stu-
clude. When it comes to vocabulary, dent A will then describe his monster
repetition is the key. to his partner while Student B listens
to the description and draws a mon-
Drawings on the board or flash-
ster based on the description he is
given. Students will say sentences
such as “He/She/It has one small
cards will be the easiest way to intro- nose. It’s a circle.” When Student A is
duce shapes. You may choose to only finished describing his monster, stu-
teach square, rectangle, circle, and dents should switch roles.
triangle but feel free to include other
vocabulary such as star and diamond When both partners have described
if appropriate. and drawn a monster, have students
compare their drawings. It is amusing
Use choral repetition for pronuncia- to see how different they are even if
Kids and Money:
How to Teach Money Skills
or “a dollar twenty-five.” Be sure to location or scenario to build their role
HOW OLD WERE YOU WHEN YOU settle on one structure to use so that play around. Each student should
LEARNED TO DEAL WITH MONEY? your students will not be confused. have a minimum of two or three lines.
Depending on the age of your stu-
dents, they may or may not have
AMOUNTS As a class you can come up with
learned how to do this in their own some extra phases before handing
language and with their own currency Ask students to think of items out the scenarios. This way, students
so it is important when talking about that cost certain amounts of money have material on the board to draw
money in English classes not to focus for example $1.50, $5, $10, $20.75, from when creating their dialogues.
on math. Luckily money is an easy $50 and $100. The cent amount is ob- Perhaps this first class period can be
prop to make and is involved in lots viously not that important but it gives for writing and practice.
of real life situations so talking about students more practice saying these
money is an excellent chance to do a amounts correctly. Y You can encourage students to bring
role play activity. in props for the presentation lesson. It
ou can list the items in columns on the is up to you whether or not students
HOW TO TEACH board for students to use later on in have to memorize their lines. If not,
MONEY SKILLS class. This is usually very interesting you could provide props and students
because young students sometimes could complete the whole activity in
As if numbers were not hard
enough, talking about money just
complicates things. Use the warm up
PRACTICE If you are teaching in another
to practice numbers by playing Bingo country, conclude the section on mon-
or another number game. Then you Have students write down an ey by showing students the currency
can generate interest in the topic by item and its cost. It can be any item from your country. You can compare
asking how much things cost. and any cost they choose. Once ev- the appearance of your currency with
eryone has written something down, the currency students are most famil-
Having props on the desk that you have students walk around the class iar with. Students usually find this type
know the cost of and students should asking “How much does it cost?” and of activity quite interesting.
know the cost of will have them in- writing the answers down on a work-
trigued from the moment they walk sheet. Students should respond like
through the door. Waiting to talk about this “The *insert item name* costs
the items on the desk until after the *insert cost.*” based on what they ini-
warm up will engage them further. tially wrote on their worksheets. MONEY CAN BE A CONFUSING TOPIC
Now that you have already intro-
Students should get ten answers and
ten signatures to complete the activ-
A common error is saying “dollar” for
instance, at the wrong point in the
duced the question “How much does sentence and dealing with cents or
this cost?” or “How much is this?” large numbers can also be frustrating.
you can model the response when
students tell you their answers. If a Now you can introduce a model After some practice, your students will
student says “500 yen!” you can say dialogue or a role play activity. Stu- get the hang of it.
“It costs 500 yen. Very good!” or, to dents already have lots of practice
elicit another response, “It costs 500 asking and answering the target struc-
yen! Really?” Use whatever the local ture so expand this to include more
currency is in these lessons. For ad- phrases and create something similar
vanced or business students, it is im- to a real life conversation. For a short
portant to learn about different curren- activity simply write the model dia-
cies but for primary school students, logue on the board with some blanks
dealing with just one is sufficient. where students can fill in an item and
cost using the lists you made on the
Certain currencies will be more chal- board. For a longer activity have stu-
lenging to teach because for instance dents work in groups of 3-4.
with $1.25 you could teach students to
say “one dollar and twenty-five cents” You can give each group a different
A Super-Engaging Elementary
Lesson on Adjectives
out that words which describe things mals. Each student should make a list
YOU HAVE COVERED NOUNS AND or people are adjectives. of these adjectives that describe the
VERBS, AND THE GRAMMAR CUR- animal he chose.
STUDENTS. Close the book and ask your
Still, you want them to have fun and students which animals crowded Now that your students have
make a personal connection with the into the mitten. Write each animal on thought about their animals and
material you teach even when you are the board as they say it. Then, taking made a list of the adjectives to de-
teaching grammar. Here is an activity one animal at a time, ask what words scribe it, have your students write
you can do with your elementary level they can use to describe that animal. a paragraph describing the animal
ESL students that will get them think- You should allow your students to use they chose. In their paragraph, they
ing creatively and using adjectives their dictionaries as they offer adjec- should use several adjectives to de-
appropriately, and they will have fun, tives that can be used to describe scribe their animal.
too! each animal. Make a list of adjectives
under each animal on the board. You
will want to include words like fuzzy,
soft, prickly, sharp, warm, little,
big, lumpy and others on your list.
Once each student is finished
with their paragraph, give them
ON ADJECTIVES time with your classroom comput-
Start by asking your class
er or take them to the computer lab
to type out their paragraphs. Using
the paint program on the computer,
You can review some of these ad- they can draw a picture of their ani-
to describe the weather in winter. jectives by playing a game with mal. Have students spell check their
What clothes do people typically wear your students. On her website, Jan paragraphs and print them out.
in the winter? Why do they wear these Brett has pictures of the animals in
clothes? If your students are willing, her book, which are designed to be You can then compile the paragraphs
allow some of them to share a person- used as masks. Print enough of these and pictures into a classroom book.
al story of when they were outside in so each student has a mask to use Make this book available to your stu-
winter weather and how it felt. during the game. Allow students to dents during independent reading
cut out their masks and then attach a time.
If they do not have a story to share, tongue depressor to the bottom.
you might want to share a story of
your own, perhaps the first time you Now ask your students questions us-
saw snow or an experience sledding ing the adjectives you listed on the
or skiing. board. “Who is fuzzy?” If their ani- WHETHER YOUR STUDENTS ARE
mal is fuzzy, the student should stand. STUDYING ESL OVERSEAS AND
how a mitten left behind became a
cozy place for several animals to hide TOGETHER!
from the winter cold. After playing the game, ask
your students to think about their Not only that, they will learn how to
How to Teach the Verb “To Be”
to Beginners
Without introducing the question form from America?” The really great
THE VERB “TO BE” IS THE FIRST “Is she happy?” you can use such thing about this activity is that stu-
VERB STUDENTS LEARN IN THEIR questions to test comprehension and dents essentially have to speak in or-
ENGLISH STUDIES. students should understand what you der to play whereas with board games
It is used extensively in the English are asking. Have them answer by students may be tempted to simply
language and will allow students to saying “Yes, she is happy.” so that roll the dice and move their pieces
create simple sentences with the vo- they continue to practice saying the around the board without really prac-
cabulary they have learned to date. target structure. ticing English.
For this first lesson, it is best to
You can use worksheets for
practice. Have students complete a fill
in the blank exercise where they must
As a general review activity you
can divide students into groups and
play Hangman with sentences or
focus on only the I, You, He/She/It choose am, is, or are to complete sen- words from their textbook. It is per-
structures which you can build upon tences to ensure that they understand haps not appropriate to play the origi-
in later classes. If students have not which form of the verb agrees with nal game in your classroom so you
really done a lot of activities with the certain subjects. You can also have can just adapt it so that no one actu-
words he, she, and it, you may want students match sentences with im- ally hangs. One adaptation is to sim-
to consider simply using names in the ages or with translations for practice ply have a very large fish where when
practice activities. Once you have de- and to test comprehension. As a class students guess incorrectly, a little fish
termined what you would like to cover check the answers before continuing gets closer and closer to being eaten.
in the first lesson, use the warm up on. This is not very accurate as you can
activity to review the vocabulary stu- either draw the game out or end it
dents will need later on in the lesson.
PRACTICE COMPLEX whenever you choose.
A short simple drill activity would be
ideal. Students can then complete Another method of playing is to as-
an activity such as Battleship for sign a point value to certain things.
During the introduction section
further practice. You can adapt this
classic game for use in the class-
room. While it can be time consum-
For example, if a group guesses the
letter a and there are three in the
sentence, the group would get three
of your lesson, introduce any new vo- ing to explain, especially to beginners, points. A correct guess of the entire
cabulary you plan to use in this lesson. your students will enjoy playing and it sentence would be five points while
Some emotions and adjectives would can be used to practice a wide vari- there should be a penalty for guess-
be good because students will then ety of topics. To play Battleship stu- ing the entire phrase incorrectly but
be able to form complete meaningful dents should work in pairs using a no penalty for guessing a letter that
sentences. Introduce words such as worksheet. For this class, the grids on is not used. You can alter the scor-
happy and sad if students have not the worksheet might have I, You, He, ing anyway you would like to make it
yet learned them. Use flashcards to She, Jenny, Ms. Smith in the first more appropriate for your class.
drill vocabulary and have students column and happy, fun, from Korea,
complete some simple worksheet ac- sad, silly, from America in the first
tivities for further practice. row. Students then practice sentenc- ONCE YOUR STUDENTS ARE QUITE
es such as “I am silly.” to try to locate CONFIDENT WITH MAKING THE