Background of Study
Background of Study
Background of Study
The nursing profession is one of the jobs that is deeply involved service sector. In
providing services to clients, a nurse certainly can not be separated from the name nursing care .
(Law No. 38 of 2014). Nursing Care itself is a series of interactions between nurses and clients
and their environment to achieve the goals of meeting the needs and independence of clients in
caring for themselves. (Law No. 38 of 2014).
In providing Nursing Care, nurses must prepare a Nursing Care Plan, namely how nurses
plan a nursing action in order to treat patients effectively and efficiently and are written
instructions that describe precisely the plan of action taken against the client in accordance with
their needs based on nursing diagnoses (Nursalam, 2015).
In Indonesia, a study conducted by the Mataram Health Service in West Nusa Tenggara
Province in 2013 showed that 71.60% of nursing documentation was incomplete (West Nusa
Tenggara Health Service, 2013). Based on data from Wahadi (2008) at Dr. Soetomo Surabaya
nursing care which is documented correctly and completely on average 56.93% of what should
be 100%. Evaluation results of documentation of nursing care in July to November 2015 as in
the table below :
No. Description June July August September October Nopember
1. Assessment 72,5% 75% 90% 93,7% 67,5% 72,5%
2. Diagnosis 86,7% 84,3% 87,8% 89,9% 71,7% 73,3%
3. Intervention 86% 92% 86% 97,5% 75% 73%
4. Implementation 86,7% 86,7% 73,3% 100% 70% 70%
5. Evaluation 93,3% 100% 93,3% 96,7% 70% 73%
6. Nursing Care record 95% 100% 100% 87% 80% 80%
Based on the data above shows that the documentation of nursing care is still not optimal,
where the results of the evaluation of nursing care documentation about nursing interventions in
October 75% and November 73% while the standard of the Ministry of Health of Indonesia is
80% to 100%.
It is hoped that the assignment of this paper can help facilitate nurses in making and
compiling Nursing Care Plans to the correct patients so that effective and efficient energy,
thought, time and infrastructure are achieved.
1. Nursing Intervention And Activities
1.1. Definition
Nursing planning is an internal process problem solving which is the initial
decision about what something will be done, how it will be done, when done, who does
all the actionsnursing (Generous, 2012).
Nursing planning is part of the phase organizing in the nursing process as a guide
to direct nursing actions in business help, alleviate, solve problems or to meet the needs
of patients (Setiadi, 2012)
Nursing planning is a series of activities determining the steps of solving
problems and their priorities, formulation of goals, action plans and assessment of
nursing care to the patient or client based on data analysis and nursing diagnoses
(Kemenkes RI, 2017).
1.2. Purpose
The objectives of nursing planning nursing documentation are (Kemenkes RI,
2017) :
1) To identify the focus of nursing to the client or group
2) To distinguish nurses' responsibilities from other health professions
3) To provide a criterion for repetition and evaluation of Nursing
4) To provide client classification criteria
5) Provides a guideline in writing
1.3. Stage of Composing Nursing Intervention
In making a nursing plan, there are several things that need to be considered as
follows (Kemenkes RI, 2017) :
1) Determine Priority of Problems
2) Determine Goals and Results Criteria
3) Determine the Action Plan
4) Documentation
1.4. Activities on Nursing Intervention
Nursing planning steps according to Kemenkes RI (2017) is as follows:
1) Stage 1: Determine Priority of Problems.
The priority of the problem is the nurse's attempt to identify the patient's
response to health problems, both actual and potential. To set priorities the problem is
often used in a hierarchy of basic human needs. In fact nurses are unable to solve the
patient's problems simultaneously, therefore it required efforts to prioritize the
problem. Diagnosis priority is distinguished by Important diagnoses are as follows:
Priority diagnosis is a nursing diagnosis, if not addressed at this time it will
adversely affects the condition of the patient's health function status. Emergency
health problems in the form of health threats and threats life; level of problems
based on actual, risk, potential and prosperity up to syndrome; patient's wishes.
Determining priority nursing diagnoses are used Maslow's priority priority
requirements, as follows:
Priority 1 : problems related to needs physiological like respiration,
circulation, nutrition, hydration, elimination, temperature and physical gaps.
Priority 2 : issues that affect safety and security.
Priority 3 : problems that affect love and a sense of belonging.
Priority 4 : problems that affect self-esteem.
Priority 5 : problems that affect ability achieve personal goals or
2) Stage 2 : Determine Goals and Results Criteria
The goal of treatment is the desired result of the expected nursing care can be
achieved with patients and plan to reduce the problem that has been identified in the
diagnosis nursing.
Treatment objectives based on the SMART concept are:
S: Specific (not giving a double meaning)
M: Measurable (can be measured, seen, heard, touched, felt or helped)
A: Achievable (realistically achievable)
R: Reasonable (scientifically responsible)
T: Time (has a time limit in accordance with the conditions of the client).
Example: After doing nursing care for 1 x 24 hours, the problem of taste
disturbance comfortable: pain can be overcome.
Characteristics of the results criteria that need attention are:
Related to the stated treatment goals
Can be achieved
Specific, real and measurable
Write positive words
Determine the time
Using verbs
Avoid using the words 'normal, good', but the size limit is written down specified
or appropriate.
3) Stage 3 : Determine the Action Plan
The action plan that will be given to patients is written specifically, clearly and
can be measured. The treatment plan is aligned with the medical plan, so that they
complement each other in improving the patient's health status.
In formulating an action plan that needs to be considered are:
a) The nursing action plan is a specific intervention design that helps the client
achieve the expected outcomes
b) Documentation of the action plan that has been implemented must be written in a
format so that it can help nurses to process the information obtained during the
nursing and diagnostic stages of nursing
c) Planning is indivisual according to the conditions and needs of the patient
d) Collaborate with patients in planning interventions
4) Stage 4 : Documentation
Documentation Format for Nursing Action Plans
Priority Diagnosis Purpose and Results Plan Action Name and
Criteria initial
a) Acute Pain
1) Characteristic limits
Nursalam. 2015. Nursing Management : application in professional nursing practice (Issue 5).
Jakarta : Salemba Medika.
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. 2017. Nursing documentation. health human
resource education center: body for the development and empowerment of health human
Setiadi. 2012. Concepts & Writing of Nursing Theory and Nursing Documentation Practice.
Yogyakarta: Graha Science.
Sue Moorhead. 2013. Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) Ed. 6. England : Elsevier.
T. Heather Herdman. 2015. Diagnosis Keperawatan (Definisi & Klasifikasi) Ed. 5. Jakarta :