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International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology

(IJEDICT), 2007, Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp. 94-104.

Computer-based testing on physical chemistry topic: A case study

Sorana-Daniela Bolboacă
“Iuliu Haţieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Romania

Lorentz Jäntschi
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania


According with national trends in the objective evaluation of undergraduate students’ knowledge,
an auto-calibrated online evaluation system was developed. The aim of the research was to
assess the knowledge on physical chemistry topic of the undergraduate first year students’ at the
Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
by the use of the developed auto-calibrated system. The methodology of multiple-choice
questions construction and the evaluation methodology are presented. The students
performances in terms of number of correct answers and time needed to give a correct answer
were collected and analyzed. The future plans of system development are highlighted.

Keywords: Auto-calibrated online evaluation, multiple choice questions (MCQs), physical

chemistry, undergraduate students


In universities, the cardinal premise of the end-of-course examination is to assess as objective as

possible the students’ knowledge and skills acquired on the courses, practical activities and

Development of communication (Valcke & De Wever 2004) and information technologies

(Kidwell, Freeman, Smith & Zarcone 2004; Matusov, Hayes & Pluta 2005) provide today the
opportunity of creation interactive computer-assisted environments used in many domains,
including in chemistry training (Beasley 1999; Frecer, Burello & Miertus 2005; Chen, Chen & Cao
2002) and evaluation (Timmers, Baeyens, Remon & Nelis 2003; Stewart, Kirk, LaBrecque, Amar
& Bruce 2006).

In many academic domains, educational measurement has been moving towards the use of
computer-based testing, define as tests or assessments that are administered by computer in
either stand-alone or dedicated network, or by other technology devices linked to the Internet or
the World Wide Web most of them using multiple choice questions (MCQs). The computer-
assisted evaluation strategies are used in medicine (Oyebola, Adewoye, Iyaniwura, Alada,
Fasanmade & Raji 2000), chemistry (Ananda, Gunasingham, Hoe & Toh 1989), language testing
(Brown 1997), biology (Evans, Gibbons, Shah & Griffin 2004), computer science (Barker & Britton
2005), and economics (Judge 1999).

Currently in Romania, at the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, the Technical
University of Cluj-Napoca, the traditional method (a combination of essay examination, practical
examination and/or tutor assessment) is the most frequently used as evaluation of students’
knowledge. In the last years, the number of students increased and the conventional examination
method become time consuming in term of the examination time as well as in term of papers
assessment. Thus, the students received their final marks beyond the day of examination (the
Computer-based testing on physical chemistry topic 95

next day after examination in the best case and up to one week or more). A solution of
examination in large classes of students is an automated testing system which to allow testing the
students knowledge and displaying immediate on the screen the examination results.

According with national and international trends in objective undergraduate students’ knowledge
evaluation, and starting from the experiences obtained by creation of the multiple choice
examination system for general chemistry topic (Naşcu & Jäntschi 2004a; Naşcu & Jäntschi
2004b), an auto-calibrated online evaluation environment was developed (Jäntschi & Bolboacă
2006). The aim of the research was to study students’ knowledge on physical chemistry topic by
the use of the developed auto-calibrated online evaluation system.


Auto-calibrated online evaluation system

The auto-calibrated online evaluation system (Jäntschi & Bolboacă 2006) embodies:
• Multiple-choice banking. The characteristics of the MCQs and respectively of the multiple-
choice banking are as follows:
o The question anatomy: a statement or a situation, a problem (steam) and a list of five
suggested solutions (options). Each question had one or up to four correct options;
o The students enrol voluntarily in the team responsible by creation of the items banking (a
team of two students was responsible for creation of MCQs from the material presented
at one course or one practical activity);
o A number of four hundred and twenty-four MCQs were included into database: 49.3%
with one correct option, 26.9% with two correct options, 16.5% with three correct options,
and 7.31% with four correct options;
o Score methodology: all-or-none rule (one point if the correct answer is selected (for
questions with one correct option) or if all the correct options (respectively two for the
questions with two, three for the questions with three, and four for the question with four
correct options) and none of the distracter(s) - the incorrect option(s) presented as a
choice in a multiple-choice test - are selected, and zero points otherwise).
• Testing environment. The online testing environment embody:
o A description of the testing methodology, with following specifications: the location of the
examination (at the test centre); the type of the examination (computer- and teacher-
assisted); the period and the time of the examination (according with the structure of
academic year and with the students and teacher program);
o A description of the test methodology witch contains the following specifications: the
number of MCQs (thirty); the generation of the MCQs tests (double randomization from
MCQs banking - randomization of the steam and randomization of the options order), the
number of tests (as many times as the student wanted in the imposed period of time), the
penalties (applied each time when a student give up to a begun test);
o A description of the scores and of the final mark methodologies;
o The testing environment.
• Results:
o The results of individual tests. At the end of each test, the students’ identification data,
the time when the test begun and ended and the number of correct answers are
displayed. There was considered that a student give a correct answer, for a question with
option A and B correct, if he/she selected both options (A and B) and did not select any
other option(s).

o The test results. A page that contains the test results for the whole class of students,
express as the number of correct answers and the time needed to give a correct answer
can be visualized. It was considered a correct answer if for example, for a question with
three correct options all the correct options were selected and none of the two distracters.
o The auto-calibration of the final mark. The system assigned to the lower score the mark
equal with 4 and to the highest score the mark equal with 10 and place each individual
score between these ranges. Each time when a student gave a test, the system auto-
calibrated the final marks for all students according with the distribution of individual
scores of whole students’.

Assessment of students’ knowledge

There were included into the study a number of forty-two students from the Faculty of Materials
Science and Engineering. The familiarization of the students with the evaluation environment was
possible before the examination; the students had the possibility to use the system and to
evaluate themselves as many time as he/she desired, per a period of one month.

The following variables were store into database for each evaluation: the students’ identification
data, the data and the time when the test begin and end (according with the yy.mm.dd hh.mm.ss
format), and the number of correct answer(s) (out of thirty). There were also calculated based on
stored data the individual time needed to give a correct answer (express in seconds) and the
average time needed to give a correct answer (this parameter took into consideration all

Data were analyzed with Statistica 6.0 at a significance level of 5%. The 95% confidence intervals
for proportions were calculated by the use of an original method, based on the binomial
distribution hypothesis (VLFS 2005).


The auto-calibrated online evaluation system on physical chemistry topic was created and it is
available via the address:
http://vl.academicdirect.org/general_chemistry/physical_chemistry/. The access to
the system is restricted (by checking the IP addresses), being available just at the imposed test

Each student performed at least one time the online test by the use of the auto-calibrated online
evaluation system. Seventeen students out of forty-two (40.5%, 95%CI [26.25, 57.09]) were
content with performances obtained at first test. The distributions of the number of tests express
as relative frequency and associated 95% confidence intervals are:
• Two tests: twenty-five students’ out of forty-two (59.52% [42.91, 73.75]);
• Three tests: ten students’ out of forty-two (23.81% [11.96, 40.42]);
• Tour tests: five students’ out of forty-two (11.90% [4.82, 26.13]);
• Five tests: two students’ out of forty-two (4.76% [0.06 16.61]);
• Six and seven tests: one student out of forty-two (2.38% [0.06, 11.85]);

The intervals between first and last examination (where were applicable) varied from 1 day
(minimum) to 17 days (maximum), with an average of 6 days (95%CI [3.86, 8.13]) and a median
of 4 days.

Statistical characteristics associated with the number of questions at which the students gave a
correct answer and the time needed to give a correct answer, according with the evaluation (1
Computer-based testing on physical chemistry topic 97

test, 7 test), express as average (Ave), standard deviation (StDev), mode (Mode), minimum
(Min) and maximum (max) are in table 1.

Table 1. Statistical characteristics of the number of correct answers and of time needed to give a correct

Test Average [95%CI] StDev Mode Median Min Max

1 6.40 [5.44, 7.37] 3.09 7 6 1 17
Num nd
2 6.60 [5.02, 8.18] 3.83 7 7 1 14
ber of rd
3 5.80 [2.86, 8.74] 4.10 5 5 2 15
corre th
4 3.60 [1.03, 6.17] 2.07 N.A. 4 1 6
ct th
answ 5 5.00 [-7.71, 17.71] 1.41 N.A. 5 4 6
ers 6 1.00 [N.A., N.A.] N.A. N.A. 1 N.A. N.A.
7 2.00 [N.A., N.A.] N.A. N.A. 2 N.A. N.A.
Time 1 214.53 [174.46, 254.60] 128.59 N.A. 173.65 50.1 682
need 2 182.90 [121.82, 243.98] 147.96 N.A. 125.80 44 713
ed to 3 93.46 [51.89, 135.03] 58.12 N.A. 71.65 31 204.8
give th
4 85.98 [-11.49, 183.45] 78.50 N.A. 52.50 28.8 216
a th
5 30.35 [-104.97, 165.67] 15.06 N.A. 30.35 19.7 41
corre 6
65.00 [N.A., N.A.] N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
answ 7 52.50 [N.A., N.A.] N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
er N.A.
N.A. = not applicable

Seventeen students were content with the performances obtained at the first test. On this sample
the statistical characteristics of the number of questions at which they give correct answers and of
the time needed to give a correct answer are:
• The number of correct answers: Ave = 8.76 (95% CI [7.11, 10.42]); StDev = 3.21; Mode = 7,
Min = 5; Max = 17;
• The time needed to give a correct answer: Ave = 137.96 (95% CI [102.20, 173.72]); StDev =
69.55; Median = 112.4; Min = 50.1; Max = 310.4.

The performances obtained by the students which performed the test more than one time,
express as number of correct answers out of thirty (nca), and time needed to give a correct
answer (tca(s), express in seconds) are in table 2 and 3.

Table 2. Performances of the students which performed two tests

Test Test
Student id Param st nd Student id Param st nd
1 2 1 2
nca 6 4 nca 4 2
id_01 id_22
tca(s) 171.5 125.8 tca(s) 365.8 449
nca 2 7 nca 5 8
id_03 id_24
tca(s) 682 152.7 tca(s) 195.4 112.4
nca 7 14 nca 5 12
id_06 id_26
tca(s) 128.7 72.2 tca(s) 268 83.2
nca 4 9 nca 6 11
id_07 id_27
tca(s) 387.8 119.4 tca(s) 134.5 70.2
nca 1 2 nca 7 14
id_13 id_31
tca(s) 542 44 tca(s) 312.1 87
nca 3 12 nca 5 9
id_17 id_33
tca(s) 321 100.8 tca(s) 342 100.2
nca 6 7 nca 6 7
id_20 id_42
tca(s) 175.8 92.7 tca(s) 247.8 189.6
nca 7 8
tca(s) 150.7 86.4
Param = parameters;
nca = number of correct answers
tca(s) = time needed to give a correct answer

Table 3. Performances of the students which performed more than two tests

Student id Param st nd rd th th th th
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
nca 4 2 3 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
tca(s) 159.30 245.00 31.00 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
nca 7 7 15 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
tca(s) 170.60 205.70 40.00 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
nca 4 3 9 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
tca(s) 212.80 281.00 85.30 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
nca 4 5 9 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
tca(s) 414.80 396.40 127.90 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
nca 4 4 5 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
tca(s) 168.00 198.80 52.20 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
nca 4 4 2 4 N.A. N.A. N.A.
tca(s) 285.50 125.30 58.00 28.80 N.A. N.A. N.A.
nca 7 5 5 5 N.A. N.A. N.A.
tca(s) 225.30 212.60 204.80 30.40 N.A. N.A. N.A.
nca 3 5 5 6 N.A. N.A. N.A.
tca(s) 223.00 167.80 167.20 102.20 N.A. N.A. N.A.
nca 6 3 3 2 6 N.A. N.A.
tca(s) 244.70 141.30 110.70 52.50 19.70 N.A. N.A.
nca 3 1 2 1 4 1 2
tca(s) 136.00 713.00 57.50 216.00 41.00 65.00 52.50
Param = parameters;
nca = number of correct answers;
tca(s) = time needed to give a correct answer;
N.A. = not applicable
Computer-based testing on physical chemistry topic 99

In order to compare the number of correct answers gave by the students which performed the
test more than one time, the Student test at a significance level of 5% was applied and the results
are in table 4. The number of correct answers gave by the students at the evaluation tests was
abbreviate as nca-i (where i = 1 for first test, …, i = 4 for the fourth test). There were analyzed four
null hypotheses as follows:
1. There was not significant difference between the average of the number of correct answers
give at the first test comparing with the second test in the sample of students which
performed the test by two times (nca-1st & nca-2nd);
2. There was not significant difference between the average of the number of correct answers
give at the second test comparing with the third test in the sample of students which
performed the test by three times (nca-2nd & nca-3rd);
3. There was not significant difference between the average of the number of correct answers
give at the third test comparing with the fourth test in the sample of students which performed
the test by four times (nca-2nd & nca-3rd);
4. There was not significant difference between the average of the number of correct answers
give at the first test comparing with the last test in the sample of students which performed
the test more than one time (nca-1st & nca-last).

Table 4. Results of comparison regarding the number of average correct answers gave by
students which performed more than one test

nvalid T p-value
nca-1st & nca-2nd 25 64.5 0.0441
nca-2nd & nca-3rd 10 4 0.0910
nca-3rd & nca-4th 5 4 0.7150
nca-1st & nca-last 25 35 0.0017

nca-i = the number of correct answers;

nvalid = the number of valid cases;
T = the parameter of Student test;
p significant

The results of comparison regarding the time needed to give a correct answer applied to students
which performed more than one test are in table 5 (where tca-i is the time needed to give a correct
st th
answer for evaluation i, where i = 1 (for 1 evaluation), …, 4 (for 4 evaluation)). There were
analyzed three null hypotheses as follows:
1. There was not significant difference between the average time needed to give a correct
answer at the first test comparing with the second test in the sample of students which
performed the test by two times (tca-1st & tca-2nd);
2. There was not significant difference between the average time needed to give a correct
answer at the second test comparing with the third test in the sample of students which
performed the test by three times (tca-2nd & tca-3rd);
3. There was not significant difference between the average time needed to give a correct
answer at the third test comparing with the fourth test in the sample of students which
performed the test by four times (tca-3rd & tca-4th);

Table 5. Results of comparison regarding the time needed to give a correct answer on sample of
students which performed more than one test

tca Mean StdDev nvalid t

tca-1st & tca-2nd tca-1st 266.60 134.330
tca-2nd 182.90 147.964 25 2.01
tca-2nd & tca-3rd tca-2nd 268.69 174.292
tca-3rd 93.46 58.115 10 2.88
tca-3rd & tca-4th tca-3rd 119.64 65.679
tca-4th 85.98 78.498 5 0.62

tca = the time needed to give a correct answer; StdDev = standard deviation;
nvalid = number of valid cases; t = parameter of Student t test; p < 0.05

The average time needed to give a correct answer obtained by students at the last examination
(average = 98.22 seconds, Min = 50.1 seconds, Max = 682 seconds) was significantly lower (p =
0.000002, nvalid = 25, see figure 1) comparing with the average time needed to give a correct
answer obtained at the first evaluation (average = 266.60 seconds, Min = 19.7 seconds, Max =
449 seconds).






Time needed to give a coorect answer (s)


0 ±0.95 Conf. Interval
first last
Figure 1: Distribution of time needed to give a correct answer at the first and respectively at the
last test

Computer-based testing on physical chemistry topic 101

The assessment of the students’ knowledge is a common task at the end of the semester and/or
academic year. Testing methods which imply multiple-choice questions are usually used in
evaluation of students’ knowledge for speed, accuracy, and fairness in grading (Toby &

The proposed system offer to the students involve directly in MCQs baking the opportunity to
deep understand of the information regarding physical chemistry topic using an active learning
method. Thus, the students were motivated to formulate questions, to create options for each
question, and to define the correct answer.

Being a new evaluation method the students’ had the possibility to use the system before
evaluation, as pre-test evaluations. There were two aims of the pre-test evaluations. The first aim
was allows familiarization of the students with proposed computer assisted evaluation
environment. The second aim was to give the students possibility to test their physical chemistry
knowledge, to identify their knowledge gaps, the difficult subjects and the information which need
a special attention in preparation for the examination.

As it was described in Material and Method chapter, for obtaining the final mark for physical
chemistry topic, each student had the possibility to test his/her knowledge as many times as
desired. More than one third of students were content with performances obtained at first test.
Analyzing their performances and comparing them with the whole sample, it can be observed that
the average of the number of corrected answers is higher than the average reported to the whole
sample, the minimum value is higher and the obtained values are not more disperse comparing
with the whole sample. Comparing the average of time needed to give a correct answer, the
student that decide to performed the test just one time obtained better results (137.96 seconds
comparing with the whole sample, where the average was equal with 214.53 seconds). The
minimum value for the variable time needed to give a correct answer was the same for the
students that were content with results obtained at the first test, comparing with the rest of the
sample. A significant difference was observed at the maximum value for the time needed to give
a correct answer, where the value obtained by the sample of students which were content with
the results obtained at the first test was half from the value obtained by the students which
performed the exam more than once. This sample of students was more interested by the
physical chemistry topic comparing with the colleagues who performed more than one test.

Looking at the period of time between first and last test, it can be observed the majority of
students performed the test after one day, respectively three days. The students which test their
knowledge after one day could by those students which learn the materials but did not try to see
how the evaluation system works. Those students that performed the test again after more than
one day look to be the ones which learn the materials but they were not content with obtained

The results obtained at the second test, show that fifteen students out of twenty-five obtained
better results in terms of number of correct answers (see table 2 and 3), and the differences vary
from 1 point (id_13, id_20, id_21, id_42, id_35) to 9 points (id_17). In seventeen cases out of
twenty-five, the time needed to give a correct answer decreased at the second test comparing
with the first test (see table 2 and 3). The greatest decreasing was of almost 530 seconds (for the
student with id_03, from 682 seconds to 152.7 seconds, table 2). These decreasing of the time
needed to give the correct answer (see table 2) demonstrate that the students which presented at
the second test were self-confident on their knowledge and were able to make better connections
between their acquired knowledge and the correct option(s) in less time comparing with first test.

Five out of ten students which presented to the third evaluation were able to exceed personal
previous performances in terms of number of correct answers (id_09, id_18, id_35, id_39, and
id_41) and of average time needed to give a correct answer (see table 3). A decrease of the
average time needed to give a correct answer from 713 seconds at second test to 57.5 seconds
at third test was observed at the student with id_19.

Five out of forty-two students performed the evaluation by four times. From this sample of
students, three students obtained lower performances regarding the number of correct answers
comparing with first evaluation, into a range from 2 points (id_34, and id_19) to 4 points (id_30).
One student out of five has improved his/her performance (id_39) with two points at second
evaluation comparing with first evaluation, obtaining the same performances at third evaluation as
at the second evaluation, and with one point at forth evaluation comparing with third evaluation.
Regarding the time needed to give a correct answer at this sample of students, except one
student, the time decreased from first to forth evaluation with 121.10 seconds (id_39), 192.2
seconds (id_30), 194.9 seconds (id_34), and respectively 256.7 seconds (id_16).

Analyzing the results obtained in terms of number of correct answers and time needed to give a
correct answer it can be concluded that students had improve their performances, obtaining
results significantly better at the last evaluation comparing with the results obtained at the first

Even if some students try to cheat and to obtain performances without learning the material, the
auto-calibrated online system proved to be valid and did not allow or encourages these kinds of

It can be conclude that the presented system is a reliable solution in students’ knowledge
evaluation on physical chemistry. In order to improve the auto-calibrated online evaluation
system, the future direction of development has two directions: the creation of a homogenous
distribution of the questions with one, two, three and respectively four correct options and the
analysis of the answers gave by students to each question. The analysis of the students’ answers
can reveal information about the level of knowledge and will allow identification of the materials
which were difficult for students to understand. With the obtain information, the practical activities,
seminaries and courses on physical chemistry topic could be improving.


The proposed auto-calibrated online evaluation system proved to offer a stable and valid
evaluation environment on physical chemistry topic.

Students’ performances in terms of number of correct answers and time needed to give a correct
answer reveal to be improved at final evaluation comparing with first evaluation, showing an
improvement of acquired physical chemistry knowledge.


The research was partly supported by UEFISCSU Romania through the project ET46/2006.
Computer-based testing on physical chemistry topic 103


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attribution, in educational and other non-commercial settings.

Original article at: http://ijedict.dec.uwi.edu//viewarticle.php?id=242&layout=html

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