PH.D Notification - 1979 - 1983

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latiaiwli] AYahby, Wil Veal AUDLITCATON ~79/ ‘peas menety? motifiedighation the recomendation.of, tho eer, of og folLevdty, hese cyaminers, duly appointed to cvaluate the 2n.D Thesis of 4 ‘Scholar of the Chonistxy Departuent of this University, te ‘SITKA SAINT (acap3ece COMET)! vide 18 Resolution ti. 17 dated 2545-19 tas approved the amar of th: Degreo of *DOOTOR oP RAILOGOAIY’ to hins~ Jiene of Candidate Pathor's mame Deptt. Title of mio Sh, Fakoah Kapoor! $h.¥.P.Verma Chonistry Vs bneise films on Valve Tetelo". sy Cosh gate Se Rontals (yup sualion Lettia) seat ap | coum (eu) a hesTULiD ‘UNE 46.79 Spds'ba No «S-E11/S: 0/79/ sD/ motte ogy forwarded with compliments tos tg teams of a1 the Schools of the University 2. Hondo of the Rests Doptts. ‘ fof the University, wother that $e aides dndounte OSES} Ley EDs Jeans, M,D.University, Zohtak. 5, ALL the Assistant logistzare| University 4, marian, Ascociation of Tpises Universities, Tahadur theh “afar tx tee Delhi soorclaxy, Untyersity Grants Com te: Jemdur Ohach “afar Taxg, Hey Dothie 0. Revistrars of s11 the Indian Universities. 9s Suporvieor of the Candidate, ear Assistant slegastsar (Gcoxcey) tox Controller of -aansuations. 7s Wewarian, University Libram! 7 40.Candiidate conovmed (Under oortificate of voting) = ete mated 35 . MAHARSHT, DAYANAND UNIVERSITY NORTFICATIOH ~ 79/2 Tt ts hereby notified that on the recommendations of the Board of the Braminers, duly appointed 40 evaluate the Hi.D Theses of the following Reseach Scholars of the various Deyartnents of this University, the ACATEMIC COUNCTL, vide ite resolution Toe. 28 and 41 dated 14th Yovenber, 1979 has approved the Depts 4. T6-Rr.D-Ghemed6 A srourdase Ram Chenistzy "Statistical thernodynantos Sh,Krishan Chanter i of birary miatuces of K 16-h.DHlindi-38 Shelekshmi Narain Hindi cage oft Ud PTET a oe ara k morelectrolytes". Sh.Ran Nivas Gupta Gupta. oer Bontak (ecbscincam) (P.p,cuma) MOVIE 24¢h, 1979 (asSnt. MHCTBINAR (SHORE) CONMOLLER OF EzaINUsTORS, 28 TL snloteibe-S-111/s00/19/mI/Hotsgne/@ 6 112 - B79 copy fermanded witli conpline rks to: | 1, pears of all tip Schooleot the University @. Litarian, hesooiation of Tniien Univercities, Bhadur Shah Zafer tere, | 21 leads of ‘he Meachine Doparinents of the oy fein | Pr eenoeys otner tain Deady le? she University, sobtak. gs Seozetary, Univers Sty Grants je Chief aogounte Office: | Med. Geonisnion, (abadar Bush “fas We 1 tasvessstys : 4e ALL the AnottsRegistrazs 7" so,negistrare of all the Todian 5, Mtwartany Daiverssty Litmery | tialvereition. 6. Candidate concerned (Under Postal Certificate) Je Supervisor of the Candidates yea Aasistant Registrars (Secrecy) fox Controller of Braninationss com honk WHARSHE_DAYANAND UNIVERSITY ,ACHTAK Notification ~ 00/4 It te hereby notified that on the recommendations of the Board of the Gxaiinars, duly appointed to evaluata the Ph.O. thesis.of tho following research scholar of the Mcrob{ology Department, Macical College, Rontak, tha ACADEINIC COUNCIL vids. its resolution no, 19 dated ‘27th February, 1980 has approved the Auerd of Degroa of ‘DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY" to hime= Sr.No. Enrolaont No. and Father'e nama apt. Title of Ph,0.Thesis Name of Candida qe T6-Ph.D.-Micro-té Sh. Anend Sarup Microbiology "Plasmid Studios Sh,Setish Kunar Walia aa oebe ea Prounonine" ftontak eit rasch | 91980 ae cami I/F? 2, (Ke LeCHACHRA) (Pp .D.GUPTA) ASSTTSREGISTHAR(SECRECY) COVTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS cada tio-500y/80/8-113/Ph./Motitna/ cated? Copy foruarded with compliments to#— 4. Dons of all the School of the University 8+ Librarians Aspociatin of Indien Universities » 2. Hoads of the Teaching Departments of the Taha decleha jatar torus University, ether than Deans 5.0. Now Dalhi Univers ity yfohtaie 9. Socratery University de Grants Commission, University Behadur Shah Zafer Margy 3, thier Accounts Officer 4, ALL the Asstt-Rapistrers 5. LibrariensUniversity Library} Tent weg Pern so.fagistcars of 911 the 6» Candidate concarnad (Under postal en thes Cortificate) 1. Supervisor of tho Condidate ae luego ASSTT.REGISTAAR (SECRECY) fom coMTROLLET OF EXAMINATIONS ire g Hi “a\\ $e SSS a ae Oe - r : z i ue ey 7 Fe. need, eee Notification ~ 80/5 tt an héroor of tho Gandrers, culy appointed Following x4sousch College, Rohtak, the ACABENIC COUNCIL vido 30th fos!1y)1980:h22 appsoved tho Avasd of PHILOSOPHY Lo tiime= heron’ to. and f_Candicate Sr.No. 1. Te0 Dy=Bia~shat aa Pants : a ey 18,1500 sort nesteranns | fora EXGSt Ho.300y/80/2-117/PratViotitne © Copy f iwandsd with ccaplimant: tozm hola zt tha Bach 45 Sieivan Deva Mahta Elochantstry CkeLecHncHi) 4)" ANuTAK Ping thet 96 the recomencstions af the Boerd tha PhO. thesis n? tha fan a] Civomizol ecpecte of Naletaozotsen in marcenses™ FS] cso.cuging. BS cuinbit Ue nana tous 2342-5 doves \2\ S\go 4, Deane of all tha School of tha University 6, Librarian,tenocistion 2, Heads of the Taeching Depertmunts of the BE eae Univareity, other than ear ,i,0s Bake Segal University ,Mohtok io : Secretary (Univer: of Accourte OFfioee i ge s it Dy Grants Commiseion 4. N11 the ésctt,Registracs {Unrverstty Sahodus Shan Zefa’ tary 5, Librarian, University Libvar,, Poirtak emenires 10, Asstt Oirector Stctierices 6, Candidate concsrnad (Under pratal receete ol cansttenlle Cortificate) oll ae Govt. oP Hasyane 7, Supervicor of the candidate, Chandigarh, Registrars of o11 the Indie Universities. ye aS ASST. RUGISTRARCS ECACC) FOR COITROLLER OF CARNTIATTENS mie? B= pl == peony oe on = em iy ee - ny Sales) ew nue SL A pe AS = LA RAN Tae pele ermeasia Per ee | rare! ea et mis a eee ee ee el a et =a of : ee oe lew 2 l - ee ee] oes ere * Set “at ; nae I j r TIA an: seem a in : = — GF esl aaa ae endian 5 el a be et mae a's fe a ee . ‘ot on anh IMHARSHI_OAVANAND UNIVERSITY RONTAK Notsrication 00/6 E Te 4s heroby notified that on the recomenceticns of the Beardi'of the Examiners, duly appointed to evelunte the Ph.D, theses of the folloving Research Scholers of the Chanistry Department of this University, the ACADEMIC COUNCIL vide its resolution Nes. 39 and 40 dated Sth July, 1990 hes approved the Auard of Degree of ‘DOCTOR oF PHILOSOPHY! to thems “aa ag aon 4. 76-Ph.0-Chon=26 Sh.tadlu Ram Chenistry "Studias on Sulphur Sh.Ram Phul Singh and Witrogen containing Hetero~ cyslics” 76-Ph.D-Cho-25, 2. ShsRaJinder Parchad Shean Chand Chemistry "Synthesis of Condansed Polycyelics end Photochomistry of Carbonyl Compounda” Achtak i Suly /).1980 /\ een Ce Lachactna) (e.0.aieTa) ASSTTLREGISTRAR(SECRECY) — CONTANLLER OF EXAMINATIONS SS. EnvitsMoeSeey/80/S-111/Ph.0./natin. |) GG L—)T] dated |] 80 Copy Forarded uith compliment tot 44 Doane of 11 the School of tha Unt versity 2, Heads of the Toachirh Departments of the Librarian, Association of Indian Universities, Behadur Shah Zafar Margy University, other than Osens, P.O. Uni varsity Rohtak ieee Chief Acccunts Officer ‘ J» Secretary, University De Grants Commission, Sshadr A, ALL the Asstt.Rogistrars | University Shah Zafer Marg,Now Oolhi 5, Librarian,Univorsity}itrary] Rohtak tee ersten etn 6«:Condidate concorned(Under Postel Indian Universiti ss Cortiricate) 7. Supervisor of the candidete oA — es S ay ASST .REGISTRAR (SECRECY ) Fon CONTROLLER OF cen RS a wee tenet i ial SRE AGT Sale TS Regenerate (Aine eee pat ona AMS HI ORYANIANID UNIVERSITY RONTAK otitiention = 60/7 It is haroby notified that an tha racommandatiens of the Goard of the Exoniners, duly anpninted to cyaluate the Ph.D. thesis of the following Gesoarch Scher of tho Chemistry Dapartment of his Univarsity, the ACADEMIC CUNGIL vide its rosolution no. 41 dated 11th Auiust,, 1980 hao the quand of Dagen of MOACTOR OF PHILTECPHY", to him soproved Stilion Eneol. nent Noy gia Fother's nae oot. ‘Tite, of Ph.D. ne oF Candidak page, te JoePR.Ds=Chame2s ——Si.Fruje Singh Chomistey "oxrcaiae Sheehan Singh : Interactions in Binary Mixtures of Non-Elnctralytos™ Rohtak . = kes ne ea August 93,7980 pam C PEAT) (9.0.c0eT) AGSTT.REGISNAAR{SEENELY) COVTROLLEM OF” BAMTIATINS Endot Nn, Sacy/8C/S-111/0h.D,fNotifns |Rebes lace rated 23] g [ee Cony Forwarded with compliment ti 1, Doane of all the School of tho University 8, Librarian, Asaociation of 2. Honds of tho Tonching Oopartnents af tho Indien Univarastios, liniveraity, other than O8ans , M0 Gohrous Shah Zafar Moray Universit, , Rohtale Neyiosiny 3, Chief Accounts orricar 9. Sncrstary jUnivarsity BPs ey Grants Commission, 4. ALL tho fssttsRogistrers Utena sty Bahadur shah Zefa Maroy S. Uibrerian, Univorsity Library) “%' fou Daihi 6, Candidate conoorne (Undor Posty 10, Mogistrars of alt the Cortirscata) Ineien Universities, 74 Supervisor of tho candidate ASSTT.REGISTRAR(SECRECY) FOR CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATINS i Faqs myisagiy ayanianD UIvERS TTY ACUTE K Not tiestinn = 80/8 It do nershy antifind thot on tha recorwanetions of tha Rownds of tho Exentners, duly anotintar to avilurty tha Phd, theses of the folloding chol’rs ef tha Holitins] Sefsnay ant! Shaniatry Danartsnte of AGUJE"ME SHIGE) vida ity evenlutien Yoe.2 end 3 dated this University, tha 6th January, 1987 hes sprewen tha AusEd oF Haare of HOUCTOL OF peTLO chy! to thom s Srlo.Eneolanent Yosand Higa oF Cond anes Fothar's nino 70n,0-Pol.5c.-7 Ran Politica? "Panchay:ti Ral ShyHetoian Sirah Shafi Uchunee | Adniniatention in Hrryana!™ 25 16PR.M—Tent~28 She Satiq Aaa Chanistry MAnelde Heide Filme Sh.Ran Chander fand Related Pronertias on mat Te™ a a! Rohtak : me ‘ (a.nssnenoev) (p.0,3i6Ta) Sanur ry 29 +188 ABBTTAREDISTAAA(SECALLY ) COVTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS te Endst so.Sncy/81/S-111/ 4o09-4353 Fs orstin Cooy forunrded with comLimant toi 14 Deans of ail the Senonl.of the Univerolty 8, Lihzeriany ssscotation of 2, Hanile ef the To:ching Booartnent: of te Dane Paeee teeta Univoraity, other than limroy "Le Amheauy, Shanizatgeitneop Unkvarasty, Rohtak 4, Secretary, University 3. Shia? Accounts Prticar vr fronts S7tmission, Tetedur 4. A121 the Aoatt Monietries University, Shah Zefer Mara, Hw eine 5. Librarian, Univacaity Livmaryf Whee 1. Registrars of PL) tha Inet an 64 Cindidat- emncerned (Undor Postal sso Gortificats ) 7. Supervisor of the candidate t f, Senrie ASSTT.RE31S TaAR(SecREcY) FOR CANT INLLET OF CKAMIVAT Ons ett ment i TT ttt = oes Seat ate = tone mna aP dal ee Se = otha els ae ee ees i eed TF nl a he cre a PRWARSHT_DAYANANO UNIVERSITY RENTAK Not afication - 91/9 It is hereby notified that on tho reconmendations of tha Soords of the Exaniners, duly eppointed to evaluate tha Ph.D.thsss9 of the following Research Scholars of the Hindi, Phyeice ard Chomistry Departaents of this University, the ACADEMIC COUNCIL vide its resolution Nos.38 and 59 dated 44th Maren, 1981 has approved the Avard of Degree of 'DILTOR OF PHILESOPHY? to thom SesNosEnrolenent Ni 4, 76-Ph.0.Hindi~41 Sh.Udmi Ren Hinds Nardyena Ka Lokiton SheGunpal Singh Ka Sanekritik Adhyayan” Sanguan 2, 26-Ph,D.-Phy—19 y Physics "Study of PLS-based Sh.Subhash Chander Sh.Sundor Lal Tematy Anarphous Katyel Kotyal Sami-Conductors” 3. 76-Ph.9,-Chom31 Chenistrmcycass Thernodynansc Funetion of Ainary Plixture of ilon~Electrolytes" Mes Ruchi Mishre —$h,G,P, Mishra yt eee ae Rohtak (ia SkCHDEY) (®.0,a06Ta) m0, 7 Caen ee aia CONTROLLER OF ExAmWAT IONS Hote ly Seystiyiee te a eae aM BR Arey a E) Cony foruarded with compliment to 1.0ems of ell the Schools of the University BgLibrasian Association of Zulloais of tha Terchioa Depts. ofthe Inston Univareitees University, othoe than Deane Mo. (Bahadur Shan Zafar Fara, University Rohtak oo Dea 3, Chior Aecounts Officer 9.Sacretary, University 5, ‘Librarian University Libra: mn if Be 40,Registrars of all the 6.Candidate concernad(Under Postal Indien Universities. 2 Certificate) chia ASS TT.AEGISTAAR (SECRECY FO CONTAOLLER OF EXAMI-AT IONS \w/ A ot Sewn le seem tna © om msn Seen wet Aae PARI Sy ean e Reng lt Garage 58 Dee ee at Fem 7 SESE BP li Ketel, inten, ell ema oe anther eee el aber aa oe se er ee SP a ee ae i a ae 7 a -— SRMANSHT Gavanak UMtuds.ITy_AdiTAK NotiPication = 81/10 Te da hereby notificd that on tho recomondations of the Poards of the Examinora duly gonointed to uvaluate tha Ph.D. tho: oF the Follouing iscerch Scholars of the Hinli ord Political Sof Cnnartmante of this University, the ACADEMIC COUNCIL vido sta resolution nes. 23 & 25 dated 9th July 1981 hae approved tho auard of of DEGREE, of DOCTOR OF FHTLOSOTHY to them’ Srende Enrolomnnt now and Fathur's name Doptts Title of PheD. None of candidate thoste 1 WP. Mineh-33 Shtlunna tal Mindi "Sansemayik Miridt SheJat Phabwan Gupta ee RediceNntak ke Aehyay: 1950-1978" Qe F6-PhaOy Hindi se SeYosh Pel trora SPHMeCeArora — Héndd —"Ranchnrt Stngh Otriiar Ko Waktitva Ayan San—Dezshon" TE-PreOs—PolsSe-—14 < S,. Ran. inal Arora "Fasluro of Constitutt ons: SheSubhesh Chandor Arora Political Mgchinery in the Stotea Sciones (etic ase) Uith Roforanen. te Punjab ) (1950-1978) " aovTak [> oe QULY 27 41961 (AeNeSACHO “V), (P.0.GUPTA) ASSTT -REGISTRA R(SECRECY) (CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIGNS, ee EndetsnceSoey/81/Ph.D./S-TT/Notit me/ 16855-16689 36°? 277-4901 Copy foruerdad with compliment tot~ 4. Doone of all the Schcolier tha Untveraity 9, Librarian, Aesccintiion of Tndtan Univarsitine, 1» Hoads of the Taaching Department of the 2e opda eee ene e Behadur Shah Zafar Morey University, cthor than Daans, M.D. feo ocak University, Rohtels, & onan et ete SU SN Se Shier Accounts OFFier grt Gemadualy ahacin 1.0,,"Shah tatar Matos 44 ALL tho FosttePagtetrase/Snputy Registrars f" ae Osim, 5. Ubrarien, University Library Relay 6. Candidat: corcerned (Undor’ Prete, Rohtak cortiricete) 18 Footetcors of ol the 7. Sumevivor of thn candidate Taten Undvored those bie te ae ASST «AEG!STRAN (35 MECY) Sale = earn eee ee Se enemas Baty ner a ae eee a ras AL ey peat Lares ialeic.cmsiee Me Spe AE ag emis Ef etm pra ee Se ee ae 7 Seat Per coe PP ee el Sidecar Gene i eee ee edna aia = Sem Rae ops a pd ean et ge [rast HEE nl bel = =a Stee arr sa = feet! yee cena. a a 7 tere al een sissy : eet ee ee eet a (aH ARSHT DavANAND UNTUEASTTY aOiTAK Notification = 91/11 Tk 4s hereby notified that on the reconmontations of the Board of Examiners, duly appointed to eveluate the PhO. thesis of the Folloing fasearch Scholar of the English Aopartment of this University, the ACWEMIC COUNCIL vide {ts resolution no. 24 dated 9th July 1961 has ze tod the said thesia resubmitted by his Father's nane Deptt. Titla of Ph.D-thosie SheRan harder English "T.S-E1iot!e beathetics of Impersonal ity" wate | ' Duly 28, 1991 (asnegaceoev) (P.0.cuPrA) ASSTEAAECISTRAR(SECHECY) CONTROLLER OF ExnntnaTiONS wy Endat.No. Secy/B1/S-I11/M.D./Notifne/ 16410-16534 Dated: 2-7-1961, Copy forwarded with conplinent tor 4+ Deane of all the Schools of 8. Librarian, fosceiution the University, Of Indian Univereitiaa, i Sohedur Shah Zafar Marg, | 2« Heads of the Teaching Dectts. or Noy Oethi the University, other than Dees, MsD-Univereity, Aehtek 9. Socrotery, University Grants Commission, Sehedur I ab aysiva awe hos map, Shh Zofar Hargy eu, Oedhi * Unity 4s Aasttsegistrar/Deputy Heoistrarsy erally is achtak \ 5» Libihstany Untworeity Library} "*"to.mogistrare of ell tha a Trelien Universities { + Cand Sdate concerned (Under Postal Cartsricats) Supervtaor of the candidate ROaTAK (Kale aia) (Sons Ani APRIL 19, 1962 OCPUTY AEAISTRAR (EXMNS.) REGISTAAA/ VICE CHANCELLOR oe Endate Noe Sacy/S-II1/PraD./ 8020-0168 14h ogtadt__20=te1982_ Copy ferusrded vith oplingnt to t 44 Ovane of oli tho Schools of tha University. 2 Woade of tho Teaching Departments of tha 84 Librarisy, Assboiat Ulsuorsity, ethex than Dsang, M.D of Snddan Unasarait University, ch eske Bohetlur Sach say a fang, Nev Daini. f, Uhief Aecour i 9. Sacroteny, Of Indian Unives 4 BA tho factte fapistrane/ 9 0.0- fanaa puty Registrars University, ~ New Goins Rohtak ree 5, Librarian, University Library 0s, tne eater espa Statistics, Doptt. of sa iaeno pete rig (Urior Pesta! dertiriccte) et Hgeylenas Haryena, Mhodligan. 1. Supervisor of the candidate 1+ Secretary, Uebel, Bahadur Sieh Zaha Maro, Now Ooihi. 412 fegistrars of all the Indian Universit ed peta, hoot ugiasio® Caciee/) ‘etBgtatian\. eS? Boop, ir we Fie wee it PPE Boone ee os eS See eae i Semmes) RAR AGNES AT at “ea hem Gree rs ee ee ee op ers cee eee ide 7 a ee - a enn eT NE: me me tne are Se ee eo ee 5 eg = a =| = i ee PUMARSI DAY ANAK UNIVERSUTY ROW Notif ication-8 2/17 Tt te hereby notified that onthe recennanation of the Soard of tho Exaninese duly appointed'to ayolucto tha MeO. thesis of the followin posdarch Scholar of tho Commerce Dbpartnant of this University, the vibe GIANCELLOR vide hie ordere dated 72.4-1982 hos approved the lard of PEGRSE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY to hor £n anticipstion of the aparovel of the Aoctemie Counot i= Deptt. TEtLe of PheD. hoot Enrolment Now & Fathar'a nono "INOTA'e TRADE AND te Maas Shasda Neruent She Tahar Org" Ganneroo '16-Pha0/ Comins /10 Medan ECONOMIC COLOPERAT ow atts EAST : EUROPEAN COUITRIES ‘SINCE 1951." ee Pr Resin ep nauTak (Kat .cHA0IRA) (eatiaracy 79/ Fen eRUTY REGISTRAR(EXMS.) _ AECISTRA/ VICE-CHANCELLOR 4302 erieteNoaSacy/ex/S-1i1/Pn.0./7e7ogn2 ated _2aete BOR i Copy forvorded with oanphémont tot Librarian, Association of ts Doane of ot the sehoats of tho a triventty. Hare a rattton, 2a Hands of to Twathing tops of shor Soh Zafar Hero ‘the University, othor than Osansy $ fe thiteeet Sy, Renee a Soocoteny Revociation Solin Unluoraitise, Rouse pe Blur nccamalaticns |, , ney Non Bhs te A te fattaiainteard Z, Ulartty, 18 Bos faetsttcis ety Seen x Pohtake 4 Statistics, Ooptt. of Edu. 5 Librovtany thiveroity Wtzery % see ayaner Geneignth Ge Contidate concomed(Undar Postel 41. Seoratary, U-GsCe, Ochacur ‘ Seta Rosny how DrInh Cortificato) 7. Suporviser of the candidate 42. Rogistrars of gil the Indian Universit ie sonemlle Cee ann or REGISTRAR \ NAMARSHT DAYANAND UNIVERSITY ROHT AK Notification-82/16 It 49 hereby notified that on the recommendation of the foard of the Exaninars duly appointéd to evaluate the Fhe O thasts of the following Reseerch Scholars of the Hindi Dspartnant of this University, the ACADENTC, COUNCIL vice ite resolu! award of DEGREE OF OOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY to themt vive! jacies welled aur ero” topes SPY hse gt caldate te To-PhaOMirdins Sand Ron Hina Wraitatel stingy eee Bajaj de 1ePraDUltndt=t —hathin Singh Hine Sroded Prakooh reruns, Shear Skngh Hirt Eesercdee ein PM eatgen aA wera hapa. auoust 1502 (vp seta ASSTT «REGIST AAR (SECRECY) Noy) A Endsts nae Seoy/SHI1T/PraDo/14139—14.200 Copy Forwarded ith compliments tor te Deane of ali the Schools of the University 6. 2, Hoade of tha Teaching Dipartmentjo? the Untwereity, other than Oognoy, fads University, Rohtak ‘3. Chief Accounts OF ficer aa % 4s M1 the fest Rogistrere/ pay ley Seputy Rogiatrars ara sDyLtbrarten, Universtty Library 6. Candidate conosrned (Under Postal Cartificate) Supervisor of the candidete Me) 412. Osprey Sumter Ostedt THo10: on noedS dated 21~7-82 has aporoved the Title of Prd. thesis NAOHULTK MANOULGY AN AUR MANOVISHLESHAN KI DARISHTE SE HINDI EKANKI KR ADHYAYANA(1935 to 1960) " UKABIA KE KAUYA KA SAMADSH ASTAIYA ADAYAY AN" MOINKAR KAUYA KA OUINTANPaKSH” hee (K.CeBHAROWAD) DEPUTY REGISTRAR (EXAMINATIONS) 2 Librarian, Assoctation of Indian Univoraitios, Bchadur Sah Zafar Marg, Now Delhi Socrotery, Rasooi ation of Indian Universities Fouse Avanua, New Dalhi Tha AastitsDirector, Statistics, Deptt. of Education, Govte of Haryone, Chandigazh Secretary, UGC Bohedus Shah Zafer Marq, Now Delhi fiegtetrars of oll tho Indian Universi ties AU Kt AA ar ns mesh : a av ee ee SUS Bae eerie AS NA al oll ls hee ll dF” Sema Vs A A ed a ils gins ee ee le ee eget ee ci ie er peermedia He a a sR a oe i aS nT -— a Se: ee sm ei - 7 . froler Pear AQ SUE 29 , 4985 (vp snuta (KecaHAROUAD) ASSTTARECISTRAR(SECRECY) DEPUTY REGIS TAAR(EXAMINATICIS) Endsteno.Sacy/83/S-111/en.0./ 1600-16424 Dateds 20-<-1903 Oy forvarded with compliments tos ‘4s Deans of all the Schools of the University 2s Heads of the Teaching Ospertrants of the University, other than Bosnoy MaDe 10, The Rectt.0irector, Untuszedty Rental Statistica, Deptt, of Ealcationy Govt. of 3. Ohtor Accounts OFFt cer res eae 4, ALL the Deputy Ragtstrers/ University Aoctt.Reoistran 5. Dy. Librarian, University Library ‘1y Socretary, U.C.C. Bahadur Shah Zafar arg, New Delhi, 64 Candidate concemed (Under Postal Certificate) 124 Registrars of all the Indien Universities, 7, Supervisor of tho condidate 8, Librarian, Assoctation of Indian Universities, Bahadur Shoh Zafar Marg, Nou Oedht Secretary, Association of Indian Universities, Souse Avenue, Naw Delhi NeaGrnts — Supaftintendarré(S aorecy) for Asstt Rayietrer(S ecrecy) Q St ee A a ‘coat at _ a pe See be ee ig ak ts diet oy peau

for Cepaty Repiatsar(Soeracy) Now yey 2 8 BaD Se eae a oy et BP ee a 0 ak Se NEP RR Pattee ale a FeSO Os eae? oe i ie ols le le reel oe mem petit! ale ee . as pe eet ser - Serta eS ANU SE ty mee TH tetee Notification ~ 83/26 Facommondation of the It 1s hereby notified thet on thy aoanie ol ‘sprointad to oveluate the PheOs theses of the Following Resvssch Scholars of tho Theniatry and Hindi Oopartnents ACACEMIC COUNCIL view its rasolution no, S& 21 approved the avand of ‘DEGREE OF QOCTOR OF PHIL F othe Examinare duty of this University, the Gaved 19-11-83 has ‘OMY £0 thems = St. Enrolment noe and , : ros None of candidete Father's nane — Geparinent Title of thesia rronsose Sheari Krishan chenistry 'Nolecular Interactions She Vinod Kunae in Mixtures of Low Molecular Weight Spocies" ‘Té-Phe DeHingi~21 Wind Wohan Rakesh Ke Snemunt Fen SheRanvir Singh Dohmiivel rad ~ Rata (v.panenta) OLRNBET 3 1965. DEPUTY RETEST ANU REERELY) We he a Endsts ro. 38cy/83/S-111/Ph, D./ 4887-5006 Copy forardad with conplinents to: ‘te Deans of gil tha Faculties of the University Heads of tha Teaching Departnents of the University, other then Grane, M.D. University, Rohtak Thief Accounts Officer Controller of Exeninations/ Rogist rar Wl the Deputy Registrers/ Asott. Ragistrars QyeLibranion, University Library} Candidate corcerned(Under postal ‘certiP icate) OF the cendidate 2 3 < mo. Univers ity I t qt X Rohtak Supervisor Librarian, Association ef Indian Universities, Bahadur Shoh Zafar Marg, New Delhi. "4 UyaletStva Ke Aadhaoe Par Unka Sachitya Main Chitrit Ovandve Even Anterdvandva Kee Achyayan" hee (ks C-B anowAd) Pa CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS Dateds 3+12~1983 10. Secretary, Associatidn of Indien Universities Rouse Avenue, Nev Delhi 11s The Asstt Director, Statistics, Deptt. oF Education Govt, of Haryana, thendigarh 12: Secretary, UsGeC. Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, Nau Ooans fegistrars of all the Unlisn Universities 13, Ke ele Deputy Sun» (SodS66y for beauty Raosetrer(Soctecy} 1 MAHARSH DAYANAND UNTUEASETY AOHTAK Notification = 83/27 It is hereby notified thgt on th> recommendation of the Goard af the Examiners duly appainted to ovaluate the Ph.O. thasis of the Fol lowing Research Sctolar of the Anatomy Oopartnant, Modivel c Lega, Fohtaky the ACADEMIC COUNCIL vide ita resolution no. 6 dotod IMI! Co haw appsoved tha ouard af OEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY to hin Engolmont ros and roe Nene of Candidate Father's nano Departnont Title of Ph. O.thosle Ye T3-Ph,De—anam1t She TeCeGopala Anatomy ""BiLatacal Asymmetry Shek, Gopinathan — Kuzup in the nunbor of Calls in the Doreel Root Ganglis Raletad to Nesvas Supplying the Fozelimbs of tho Rabbit” rata Wee (cb serra) («scamtaaouia) fT “EN 31983 DEPUTY REGISTAAR(SECRECY) CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS Mf Endots ro-$20)/8/S-111/PmD./ 47308? atest 5-12-1985 4. Deere of oll the Facultios of tha University 2 Hogs of tho Toaching Wpartments of tha University, othar ‘than Dane, MeO University, Fhtak 3. thicf Accounts officer t - 4s Gonesollor of Exanination/ fq 4, Or Seonetanys fesoctarion fapteteae [Univereity Rouse. qvenve lou Delhi MLA the Deputy fogtstrars/ YL Ratck 44, the psott, Divactosy euteipotatee t Statistics, Deptt, oF 6 DysLibrocian, University Licsonyt Eeusetiony cout of Ie Candidate concerned(Undar Postal Hesyanay Ghens sesh Cortif ice to) 12 Secretary ,U+G.Ce, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg,Nov Delhi 8. Supervigor of th candidate 9. Librerian, Hesociation of Indign as Universitios, Schacur Shah Zafar “ Marg, New Dalht Fagistrers of oll tho Indian Universitios. NGeiseleai Ooputy Supt. (som for Deovty Reqistrar(Secrecy)

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