PH.D Notification - 1979 - 1983
PH.D Notification - 1979 - 1983
PH.D Notification - 1979 - 1983
for Cepaty Repiatsar(Soeracy) Now yey 2 8 BaDSe eae a oy et BP ee a 0 ak Se NEP RR Pattee ale a FeSO Os eae? oe i ie ols le le reel oe mem petit! ale ee . as pe eet ser - Serta eS ANU SE ty mee TH teteeNotification ~ 83/26 Facommondation of the It 1s hereby notified thet on thy aoanie ol ‘sprointad to oveluate the PheOs theses of the Following Resvssch Scholars of tho Theniatry and Hindi Oopartnents ACACEMIC COUNCIL view its rasolution no, S& 21 approved the avand of ‘DEGREE OF QOCTOR OF PHIL F othe Examinare duty of this University, the Gaved 19-11-83 has ‘OMY £0 thems = St. Enrolment noe and , : ros None of candidete Father's nane — Geparinent Title of thesia rronsose Sheari Krishan chenistry 'Nolecular Interactions She Vinod Kunae in Mixtures of Low Molecular Weight Spocies" ‘Té-Phe DeHingi~21 Wind Wohan Rakesh Ke Snemunt Fen SheRanvir Singh Dohmiivel rad ~ Rata (v.panenta) OLRNBET 3 1965. DEPUTY RETEST ANU REERELY) We he a Endsts ro. 38cy/83/S-111/Ph, D./ 4887-5006 Copy forardad with conplinents to: ‘te Deans of gil tha Faculties of the University Heads of tha Teaching Departnents of the University, other then Grane, M.D. University, Rohtak Thief Accounts Officer Controller of Exeninations/ Rogist rar Wl the Deputy Registrers/ Asott. Ragistrars QyeLibranion, University Library} Candidate corcerned(Under postal ‘certiP icate) OF the cendidate 2 3 < mo. Univers ity I t qt X Rohtak Supervisor Librarian, Association ef Indian Universities, Bahadur Shoh Zafar Marg, New Delhi. "4 UyaletStva Ke Aadhaoe Par Unka Sachitya Main Chitrit Ovandve Even Anterdvandva Kee Achyayan" hee (ks C-B anowAd) Pa CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS Dateds 3+12~1983 10. Secretary, Associatidn of Indien Universities Rouse Avenue, Nev Delhi 11s The Asstt Director, Statistics, Deptt. oF Education Govt, of Haryana, thendigarh 12: Secretary, UsGeC. Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, Nau Ooans fegistrars of all the Unlisn Universities 13, Ke ele Deputy Sun» (SodS66y for beauty Raosetrer(Soctecy} 1MAHARSH DAYANAND UNTUEASETY AOHTAK Notification = 83/27 It is hereby notified thgt on th> recommendation of the Goard af the Examiners duly appainted to ovaluate the Ph.O. thasis of the Fol lowing Research Sctolar of the Anatomy Oopartnant, Modivel c Lega, Fohtaky the ACADEMIC COUNCIL vide ita resolution no. 6 dotod IMI! Co haw appsoved tha ouard af OEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY to hin Engolmont ros and roe Nene of Candidate Father's nano Departnont Title of Ph. O.thosle Ye T3-Ph,De—anam1t She TeCeGopala Anatomy ""BiLatacal Asymmetry Shek, Gopinathan — Kuzup in the nunbor of Calls in the Doreel Root Ganglis Raletad to Nesvas Supplying the Fozelimbs of tho Rabbit” rata Wee (cb serra) («scamtaaouia) fT “EN 31983 DEPUTY REGISTAAR(SECRECY) CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS Mf Endots ro-$20)/8/S-111/PmD./ 47308? atest 5-12-1985 4. Deere of oll the Facultios of tha University 2 Hogs of tho Toaching Wpartments of tha University, othar ‘than Dane, MeO University, Fhtak 3. thicf Accounts officer t - 4s Gonesollor of Exanination/ fq 4, Or Seonetanys fesoctarion fapteteae [Univereity Rouse. qvenve lou Delhi MLA the Deputy fogtstrars/ YL Ratck 44, the psott, Divactosy euteipotatee t Statistics, Deptt, oF 6 DysLibrocian, University Licsonyt Eeusetiony cout of Ie Candidate concerned(Undar Postal Hesyanay Ghens sesh Cortif ice to) 12 Secretary ,U+G.Ce, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg,Nov Delhi 8. Supervigor of th candidate 9. Librerian, Hesociation of Indign as Universitios, Schacur Shah Zafar “ Marg, New Dalht Fagistrers of oll tho Indian Universitios. NGeiseleai Ooputy Supt. (som for Deovty Reqistrar(Secrecy)