Regulatory Guide:, OP Office of Standards Development
Regulatory Guide:, OP Office of Standards Development
Regulatory Guide:, OP Office of Standards Development
USNRC REGULATORY GUIDES Comments should be sent to the Secretary of the Commission,
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555,
Regulatory Guides are issued to describe and make available to the Attention: Docketing and Service Branch.
public methods acceptable to the NRC staff of implementing
specific parts of the Commission's regulations, to delineate tech- The guides are issued In the following ten broad divisions:
niques used by the staff In evaluating specific problems or postu-
lated accidents or to provide guidance to applicants. Regulatory 1. Power Reactors 6. Products
Guides are noi substitutes for regulations, and compliance with 2. Research and Test Reactors 7. Transportation
them is not required. Methods and solutions different from those set 3. Fuels and Materials Facilities 8. Occupational Health
out in the guides will be acceptable if they provide a basis for the 4. Environmental and Siting. 9. Antitrust and Financial Review
findings requisite to the issuance or continuance of a permit or 5. Materials and Plant Protection 10. General
license by the Commission.
Copies of issued guides may be purchased at the current Government
Comments and suggestions for improvements in these guides are Printing Office price. A subscription service for future guides in spe-
encouraged at all times, and guides will be revised, as appropriate, cific divisions is available through the Government Printing Office.
to accommodate comments and to reflect new information or Information on the subscription service and current GPO prices may
experience. This guide was revised as a result of substantive com- be obtained by writing the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
ments received from the public and additional staff review. Washington, D.C. 20555, Attention: Publications Sales Manager.
2. ERROR LIMIT FOR MEASUREMENT OF AIR SAMPLE the determination of total volume, is less than 20 percent.
VOLUME This analysis assumes a linear change in the flow rate across
Air sampling instruments, including those personal Except in those cases in which an applicant or licensee
(lapel) samplers that have flow rate meters, should have proposes an acceptable alternative method for complying
flow rate or total volume metering devices calibrated so with § § 20.103 and 20.106 of the Commission's regula-
that the most probable value of the cumulative error Ev, in tions, the staff will use the method described herein in the
evaluation of ongoing and proposed air monitoring pro-
The calibration factor should be based on grams after November 15, 1980.
two kinds of deter-
minations. First, correction factors should be determined at several
flow rates distributed over the full-scale range. Each flow rate
correction factor should be determined while adjusting flow rates If an applicant or licensee wishes to use the method
upscale and again while adjusting flow rates downscale, and the two described in this regulatory guide on or before November 15,
sets of data should be compared; Second, subsequent calibrations
should compare the new correction factors to those determined 1980, the pertinent portions of the application or the
during the previous calibration. If observed differences are signif- licensee's performance will be evaluated on the basis of
icant compared to the overall volume error limit of 20 percent, an
additional error term should be included in the calculation above. this guide.
In order to accurately characterize the air quality of a For the workers, the values of improved air monitoring
working environment, the volume of air sampled as well as include more accurate assessments of the quality of the
the quantity of contaminant must be determined. Accurate working environment and a probable reduction in internal
assessment of the quantity of air sampled requires frequent radiation exposure. Recent staff discussion with union
calibration of air metering devices by standard, reproducible representatives indicates that there is an increasing concern
methods. To assess internal exposure resulting from airborne about exposure to airborne radioactive material on the part
radioactive material and to evaluate working conditions, of workers in the industry. Continued NRC efforts to
acceptable standard calibration and measurement methods increase our understanding of this aspect of radiation
must be developed. The Office of Nuclear Materials Safety hazard and to improve monitoring and control of airborne
and Safeguards requested the Office of Standards Develop- radioactivity is essential.
ment to accelerate the schedule for issuing guidance to
NRC licensees on acceptable methods for total volume 1.3.5 Public
calibration and measurement.
Environmental monitoring to assess the release of
1.3 Value/Impact of Proposed Action radioactive materials in the vicinity of NRC-licensed facil-
ities includes air sampling. Calibration procedures for
1.3.1 NRC Operations low-flow-rate, continuous air sampling instruments will be
included. The public will benefit from increased reliability
Acceptable methods for calibrating air sampling instru- of environmental measurements.
ments provide additional criteria for inspection and enforce-
ment of NRC radiation protection regulations. Increased 1.4 Decision
accuracy in assessing airborne radioactive material concen-
trations would provide a more reliable data base for develop- The NRC should develop and provide guidance on
ing additional regulatory action to control and reduce acceptable total air volume calibration methods for those
internal radiation exposure. Impacts of the development of types of radiological air sampling instruments used by
guidance as described include task completion manpower licensees.
cost, estimated to be 0.3 man-year, and printing costs of
approximately $300.
1.3.2 Other Government Agencies
The action proposed here is to provide guidance on
Coordination with several governmental agencies (e.g., acceptable methods of calibrating airflow and air volume
NBS, OSHA, EPA) has been necessary to ensure consistency metering devices on radiological air samplers. Survey
in cases where respective regulatory and monitoring func- programs and, where appropriate, air monitoring programs
tions interface. Agreement States whose licensing regulations are required of many NRC licensees. It is our intent that
include air sampling requirements may benefit by the acceptable methods of air volume calibration be a required
component of licensee monitoring procedures. There are no regulatory guide could reference existing and acceptable
technical alternatives- to providing this guidance. standard calibration methods or adequately describe calibra-
tion procedures acceptable to the NRC staff. The staff does
3. PROCEDURAL APPROACH not consider that revision of any existing regulatory guides
could provide the objectives proposed here.
3.1 Procedural Alternatives
3.3 Decision on Procedural Approach
The proposed action, to publish guidance on calibration
procedures for radiological air sampling instruments, could The staff concludes that a regulatory guide adopting
be accomplished by several methods: publishing an NRC acceptable methods for total air volume calibration for
regulation requiring that specific calibration procedures be radiological air sampling instruments should be published.
used by all licensees; preparing or revising a regulatory
guide (based on the existing paragraph 20.201(b) of 10 CFR 4. STATUTORY CONSIDERATIONS
Part 20) that would provide an acceptable method for
calibration; developing an ANSI standard on calibration 4.1 NRC Regulatory Authority
procedures that could be endorsed by a new regulatory
guide; or publishing a NUREG report or a branch position Paragraph 20.201 (b) of 10 CFR Part 20 establishes a legal
paper. requirement that each licensee make or cause to be made
such surveys as may be necessary for him to comply with the
3.2 Value/Impact of Procedural Alternatives regulations. The NRC is thus authorized to provide criteria
for acceptable survey methodology, including calibration of
An NRCregulation establishes general legal requirements, instrumentation.
is more costly and time consuming to prepare, and is not an
appropriate vehicle for the specific and narrow objective pro- 4.2 Need for NEPA Statement
posed here. One advantage is that a regulation legally requires
compliance. In general, this approach is not considered cost The action proposed here is not considered to constitute
effective in view of the objective of the proposed action. a major addition or change and would entail no effect on
the environment. The staff does not believe that an environ-
ANSI standards are generally intended as technical mental impact statement is necessary.
treatments of broad areas of concern to industry. An ANSI
standard concerning all aspects of an acceptable monitoring 5. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER EXISTING OR PROPOSED
program would be appropriate but beyond the narrower REGULATIONS OR POLICIES
objective proposed here. Developing an ANSI standard and
an endorsing regulatory guide might require several years Several regulatory guides concerning health physics
and would be costly. This approach is not considered cost surveys at various types of NRC-licensed facilities such as
effective in view of the proposed objective. Regulatory Guide 8.21, "Health Physics Surveys for Bypro-
duct Material at NRC-Licensed Processing and Manufactur-
A NUREG report would be an appropriate vehicle for ing Plants," are in preparation. These guides would appro-
reporting on technical studies of various methods of calibrat- priately reference the guide proposed here. In addition,
ing air samplers. Regulatory guidance, however, is not guides such as Regulatory Guide 1.70, "Standard Format
established through publication of a NUREG report. and Content of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power
Since this proposal includes establishing an acceptable Plants," will include a commitment to acceptable air
method for compliance with required surveying programs, a sampler calibration procedures. When next revised, these
NUREG report is not considered suitable. guides should include cross-references to this guide as an
acceptable element of a licensee's monitoring program.
Branch position statements are intended as interim
measures to be used when an immediate response is required. The proposed guide is consistent with Regulatory
They are usually superseded when a more permanent mode Guide 8.8, "Information Relevant to Ensuring That Occupa-
of guidance is developed. tional Exposures at Nuclear Power Stations Will Be As Low
As Is Reasonably Achievable." When next revised, Regula-
A regulatory guide can be prepared at reasonable cost tory Guide 8.8 should include a cross-reference to this guide.
within a reasonable time period. A regulatory guide can
establish acceptable criteria for compliance with a regulatory 6. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
requirement and, if incorporation into a license is requested,
is subject to inspection and enforcement. In summary, it is proposed that a regulatory guide be
published for the purpose of providing guidance on accept-
Development of a regulatory guide allows extensive input able methods of calibrating radiological air sampling instru-
from all segments of the nuclear industry and the public. A ments for total volume of air sampled.
119406002001 1 DAD8QAQ8