Istoria Medicinei Engleză

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1. Program data
1.2 Faculty MEDICINE
1.3 Department III Functional sciences
1.4 Study domain..................1) Health
1.5 Study cycle 2) License
1.6 Study Program/Qualification Medicine

2. Discipline data
2.1. Discipline name History of Medicine
2.2 Course holder Prof. Dr. Sorin Ursoniu
2.3 Holder of laboratory activities -
2.4 Year of study I 2.5 Semester I 2.6 Type of Colloquy 2.7 Content3) DC
evaluation Discipline
Compulsoriness DO
regime 4)

3. Total estimated time (hours per semester of teaching activities)

3.1 Number of hours per week 1 3.2 of which: 1 3.3 practical work -
3.4 Total hours of the curriculum 14 (1 3.5 of which: 14 3.6 practical work -
x 14 course
for 1
Distribution of time hours
Study after manual, course materials, bibliography and notes 15
Additional documentation in the library, on the specialized electronic platforms and on the field 15
Training seminars / labs / projects, homework, essays, portfolios and essays 15
Examinations (1 final exam) 1
Other activities
3.7 Total hours of individual 45
3.8 Total hours per semester 60
(2 credits
x 30
3.9 Number of credits5) 2

4. Prerequisites (where applicable)

4.1 of curriculum Not applicable
4.2 of competencies Not applicable

5. Conditions (where applicable)

5.1 during courses  Mobile phones will be closed during classes; telephone conversations are not
tolerated during the course, nor is it allowed to students to leave the classroom to
retrieve personal phone calls;
 The delay of students in the course will not be tolerated as it proves to be disruptive
to the educational process;
 The attendance at the course is mandatory, with a maximum of 30% of the total
absences being accepted.

6. Specific skills accumulated

Transversal skills skillsProfessional

1. The concepts of health, illness, treatment, healing in their historical evolution
2. The status of the medical profession throughout history,
3. The emergence and development of medical institutions
4. The philosophical concepts and historical events that shaped the concept and medical practice from the beginning
to the present
5. The challenges faced by medicine in the present age.
The student will develop the ability to search, find, evaluate, and use domain-specific information to write an essay.

7. Objectives of the discipline (based on the specific competences accumulated)

7.1 The general objective of the Knowing and understanding of the origins and evolution of medical science and
discipline practice from a historical perspective.
7.2 Specific objectives Knowing the notions of health, illness, treatment, healing in their historical
Familiarizing with the origins and historical evolutions of the profession and
medical act;
Knowing the most prominent medical personalities who have made an important
contribution to the progress of medicine;
Identifying philosophical concepts and historical events that have shaped the
concept and medical practice from the beginning to the present;
Identifying the main challenges faced by current medicine and their possible
influences on medical practice.

8. Contents
8.1 Courses Teaching methods Number of Observations
1. History of INTERACTIVE LECTURE 1  Oral lecture with structured,
medicine: definition, interactive Powerpoint presentations
content, importance along with rich and suggestive
for medical pratice iconography available on the
2. Early types of 1 Moodle e-learning platform of the
medicine: prehistoric university.
medicine, primitive  Teaching material is reviewed and
medicine, supplemented with state-of-the-art
paleopathology, folk information relevant to history of
medicine. Medicine in medicine.
the Pre-columbian
 Each course presents the educational
objectives at the beginning and ends
3. Ancient 1 with summarizing the notions
civilizations: presented.
Mesopotamia, Egypt,
Hebrew medicine
4. Ancient 1
civilizations: Indian
medicine, Chinese
5. Greek medicine: 1
Mycenaean and
Cretan medicine,
Greek mythology and
the Healing Temples
of Asclepios, pre-
Hippocratic Medicine,
the philosopher-

6. Greek medicine in 1
Hippocratic times,
medical sects and the
Centre at Alexandria.
7. Roman medicine; 1
Galen’s contribution
to the development of
8. Medieval medicine: 1
the Dark Ages, the rise
of the universities
9. Byzantine and 1
Arabic medicine
10. The Renaissance: 1
the development of
anatomy, physiology,
surgery, internal
medicine etc.
11. The Seventeenth 1
Century: philosophies
of the century, new
directions of medical
thought, the discovery
of the circulation of
the blood, anatomical
and physiological
advances, medical
practice and treatment
12. The Eighteenth 1
Century: methods of
treatment, the
discovery of
13. The Nineteenth 1
Century: the
beginning of modern
medicine, the
establishment of the
Red Cross
14. The Twentieth 1

Required references:
1. Ursoniu S. History of Medicine – for English Section students, Lito UMFT 1999
Optional references:
1. Ursoniu S. Istoria medicinei universale, Editura de Vest Timişoara, 2000
2. Ancuşa M., Ciobanu V. Pagini de istorie a medicinei din Banatul timişan, Ed. Solness Timişoara, 2004
8.2 Seminars/ Teaching-learning methods Numb Observations
laboratory/inter er of
nship/ project hours
- - - -

9. Corroborating the contents of the discipline with the expectations of representatives of the epistemic communities,
professional associations and representative employers in the field of the program
- History of medicine, as an element of general and professional culture, contributes to the formation of the physician's
personality and social status.
- Understanding the historical path of medical practice and research provides a key to current integration and proactive
positioning for future challenges.
- Knowing the great personalities in the history of medicine and their achievements is an important factor in motivating
students to the professional level and dedicating them to the highest deontological values.

10. Evaluation
Activity type 10.1 Evaluation criteria 10.2 Evaluation methods 10.3 Percentage
of final grade
10.4 Courses - Knowledge for grade 5: Written examination - essay 90%
Knowing main evolution Active participation in lectures 10%
periods of history of
medicine over time
- Knowledge for grade 10:
Knowing the development
of medicine during
Antiquity, Dark Ages,
Renaissance, XVII-XXth

10.5 Laboratory/seminar -
10.6 Minimum performance standard
Correct preparation of a documented essay.

Date of completion Signature of course holder Signature of lab holder

01.11.2018 Prof. Dr. Sorin Ursoniu -

Signature of the head of discipline

Prof. Dr. Cristian Vlădescu

Date of approval in the department Signature of Department Director

01.11.2018 Prof. Dr. Virgil Păunescu.............

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