Republic o F The Philippines Department of Social Welfare and Developm Ent

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Republic o f the Philippines

Department of Social Welfare and Developm ent

IBP Road, Batasan Pambansa Complex, Constitution Hills, Quezon City 1126
Tefephone Nos. (632)931-8101 to 07; Telefax (632)931-«191
e-mail: o&ec@dswd,

Adm inistrative O rder No. 12

Series o f 2008


(for children below 6 years old)


Various approaches and strategies liave evolved to provide a learning environm ent
for children below 6 years old, one o f w'hich is Hom e-based Early Childhood Care and
Developm ent (ECCD) program. Past initiatives described home-based program as
activities or services that intend to develop the capabilities o f parents and surrogate
parents to assum e the role o f primary caregiver and first teacher. Home based programs
have evolved to com plem ent and/or supplem ent the existing gaps in ECCD service

Current efforts to ensure w ider access to services have transform ed home-based

ECCD program as another mode or form o f day care service where a facility for day care
center or child m inding center is not accessible or available. In this approach, children
attend sessions within the parents’/volunteers’ home or other appropriate venues.

The varying concepts and understanding on the nature, characteristics and helping
strategies/approaches on hom e-based ECCD have posed a dilemm a to practitioners as
there is no comm on param eter to measure quality o f program implementation. Given the
different m odalities in this approach, it is necessary to develop common param eters as
basis for setting standards and compliance monitoring.

Responding to this challenge, the Departm ent o f Social Welfare and Development
through the Standards Bureau and Social Technology Bureau conducted consultations
with selected local governm ent units (LGUs) and non-governm ent organizations
implem enting hom e-based ECCD to provide a venue for sharing o f practices and
m ethodologies o f im plem entation. The activity paved the way for various stakeholders to
agree on the nature and description o f hom e-based ECCD program taking into
consideration the different m odes o f service delivery.

Thus, the following set o f standards and indicators are hereby issued to promote
quality in the implem entation o f hom e-based ECCD program.

The Department draws its authority to set standards and accredit Home-based
ECCD program s from the following;

1. UN Convention on the Rights o f the Child, Article 18 provides that the States shall
use their best efforts to ensure recognition o f the principle that both parents have
comm on responsibilities for the upbringing and developm ent o f the child. Parents or,
as the case may be, legal guardians, have the primary responsibility for the upbringing
and developm ent o f the child. The best interest o f the child will be their basic

2. Republic Act No. 8980, otherwise known as the Early Childhood Care and
Developm ent (ECCD) Act, section 27, defines the specific roles and responsibilities
o f DSW D to “. . .set standards for family and child welfare ECCD program s” and
“register, license and accredit public and private ECCD centers, programs and service
providers catering to children below 5 years o f age” ,

3. Executive O rder No. 221, am ending Executive O rder No. 15 series o f 1998, entitled
Redirecting the Functions and Operations o f DSW D states that the Department shall
“set the standards, accredit and provide consultative services to public and private
institutions, organizations and persons engaged in social welfare activities, and
m onitor perform ance and com pliance to standards by institutions, organizations and
persons engaged in social activities both public and private” .

4. Republic Act 7160 or Local Governm ent Code o f 1991, Article 24 states that the
“LGU shall be responsible for a set o f services and facilities in accordance with
established national policies, guidelines and standards” ,

5. P.D. 603, Article 46 states that some o f the General Duties o f parents are to “provide
affection, com panionship and understanding, and to supervise his activities including
his recreation”.

6. RA 6972- The Barangay Level Total Development and Protection Act provides that
the Departm ent shall form ulate the criteria for the selection, qualifications, training
and accreditation o f barangay day care workers and standards for the implementation
o f the total developm ent and protection o f children program;

7. Executive O rder No. 685, Expanding The Preschool Coverage To Include Children
Enrolled In Day Care Centers, Section 6 , provides that the roles and responsibilities
o f DSW D and other m em ber agencies o f the National Early Childhood Care and
Developm ent Coordinating Council (NECCDCC) - The Department o f Social
W elfare and Development and the other m em ber agencies o f the NECCDCC shall
continue to perform their functions as provided by sections 26 and 27 o f Rule IV o f
the Rules and Regulations Implementing RA 8980 subject to the mandate o f the
Departm ent o f Education expanding its Preschool Programs as contained in this
Executive Order,

The following terms are defined for the purposes o f these guidelines:

1. ECCD System - refers to the full range o f health, nutrition early education, psycho­
social and other services that provide for the basic
holistic needs o f children as defined and implemented at national and local levels
which include center-based and hom e-based programs. ( R.A. 8980 or ECCD Act)

2. Home-based ECCD Programs ~ refer to a full range o f services that promote holistic
developm ent o f children below six (6) years old delivered for, with and/or by the
parents/surrogate parents/caregivers in an informal setting in the home, neighborhood
and/or other improvised safe environm ent or places in the community. Mode o f
service delivery is classified as follows:

2.1 Parent/Surrogate Parent as primary caregiver to own children - refers to

capacitating the parents/surrogate parents/caregivers o f children below 6 years old
to provide ECCD learning experience and activities for their respective children in
their own home. In this approach, the parents them selves conduct ECCD activities
in their own home.

2.2 Parents as ECCD service provider to other parents- refer to parents serving as
volunteers in the delivery o f ECCD services to other parents in the comm unity.
The parent volunteers enable the parents/surrogate parents/caregivers o f children
below six (6) years old in the com m unity to acquire and enhance their knowledge,
skills and attitudes in advocating for the implem entation o f ECCD programs,
projects and activities in the comm unity.

2.3 Parents/Surrogate Parent as ECCD service provider to other children - refers to

ECCD sessions conducted by the parent/surrogate parent as ECCD service
provider to children below 6 years old in their homes or in an improvised and safe
facility/ies or space available in the community.

3. M obile Hom e-based-ECCD - refers to an approach or strategy in the delivery o f

ECCD under classification 2.3 (parents/surrogate parents as ECCD service provider to
other children) operating in a particular area or venue for at least 6 months to ensure
continuity o f services.

4. Center-based Program - refers to services at the com m unity level undertaken in a

center, school or in the workplace such as day care service established under R.A.
No. 6972 , public and private pre-schools, kindergarten or school-based programs
initiated by non-governm ent organizations or people’s organization, workplace-
related child care and education programs, child-m inding centers, and health centers
and stations. (R.A.. 8980 or ECCD Act)

5. ECCD Service Providers - refers to the various professionals, paraprofessionals,

volunteer caregivers and organizers who are directly responsible for the care and
education o f young children through the various center and home-based ECCD
program s. They include, but are not limited to, day care worlcers, teacher-aides, rural
health mid wives, com m unity organizers, com m unity health workers, barangay
nutrition scholars. Parent Effectiveness Service (PES) volunteers, child developm ent
workers and family day care providers. (R.A. 8980 or ECCD Act).

6, Surrogate - refers to any adult m em ber o f the family (or extended family) or caregiver
who chose to act as substitute parent to children not legally under his/her parental
authority or care.


These standards shall apply to all Local Governm ent Units (LGUs), Non-Govem m ent
O rganizations (NGOs), faith-based groups and private individuals implementing all or any o f
the three classifications o f hom e-based ECCD program such as; Surrogate and Parent as
prim ary caregiver to own children. Parent as ECCD service provider to other parents and
Parent as ECCD service provider to other children. This includes M obile Home-based ECCD
operating in a particular area or venue for at least 6 months to ensure continuity o f services.


1. Adm inistration and Organization

a. Vision, M ission, Goals (VM G) and Policies
The implem enting agency should have the following;
a. 1. W ritten statement o f vision, mission and goals for children below six (6)
years old and the parents in the target community,
a. 2. W ritten statem ent o f its purposes with specific type/s o f Home-based ECCD
program it intends to implement.
a. 3. Clear policy that will deal with People’s Organization (POs) or informal
groups that it has organized.
a, 4, W ritten policies contained in a manual o f operation indicating
implem enting guidelines on Hom e-based ECCD program,
b. There is a policy-m aking body to review/form ulate and enhance policies for
Hom e-based ECCD implementation that meets at least once a year.
e. The A gency’s Governing Board or its equivalent in governm ent agencies, e.g
M unicipal/City Council for the Protection o f Children, Local Legislative Board,
Provincial/City/M unicipal/Barangay/ECCD CC, and staff are knowledgeable and
able to articulate the purpose and outcom es o f the Home-based ECCD program.
2. Program M anagem ent
a. Planning
a. 1. There are available data on the profile o f children and families needing the
service based on the following:
• Children and families with and without access to ECCD services (age, sex)
• Identifying targets to Home-based vis-a-vis center-based
• Identify gaps in ECCD service delivery
a, 2, Utilizes the results o f survey in preparing the work and financial plan
a. 3. Has at least one-year work and financial plan that indicates objectives,
activities, tim e frame, responsible persons, corresponding budgets and
source o f funds.
a. 4, Utilizes result o f assessment on children’s and parents’ developm ent needs
in preparing a curriculum or session guide not limited to 3 ECCD aspects
such as health, nutrition and psychosocial.
b. Implementation and M onitoring
b. 1. Implements hom e-based activities based on the approved work and
Financial plan
b.2. Conducts m eetings/conferences with the parents/caregivers/
volunteers involved in implem enting the program
b.3. M aintains a record o f m eetings and conferences related to ECCD
activities conducted
b. 4.M aintains a record o f children and parents served
b. 5. M onitoring visit to children and their parents is conducted at least
once every quarter.
c. Evaluation
c .I . Evaluates the implem entation o f the work and financial plan annually
c.2. Uses the result o f the evaluation as basis for re-planning

3. Huinan Resource Development

Im plem enting agency has system and procedures on the following;
a. Recruitment and Hiring
For Agency ECCD Service Provider
1. Must be a college graduate in any discipline
2. Has a career professional eligibility (for public programs) or its equivalent (for
private programs)
3. Has a barangay and or police clearance and certification from respective
m em bers/elders in his/her com m unity certifying good moral character
4. Be in good health supported by a medical certificate issued by governm ent or
private physician as the case may be, certifying as fit for employment
For ECCD Service Provider
1. Must be 18 years old and above
2. M ust have a barangay, and police clearance and or certification from
respective m em ber/elders in the com m unity certifying good moral
3. Must be in good health supported by a medical certificate issued by
governm ent physician/Health Center during the current year
4. Must have basic literacy and completed training requirements
5. Must have a written com m itm ent/appointm ent/job order, jo b contract,
Barangay Resolution or M emorandum o f Agreement on the length and
type o f service to be provided by the service provider/parent
teacher/com m unity ECCD volunteers
b. Benefits
For Agency ECCD Service Provider
1. Salary and benefits shall be in accordance v^ith civil service rules and
regulation or with the existing wage prescribed by the Regional Wage Board,
labor laws and regulations.
2. M ust be given priority for continuing technical assistance to include
attendance to training, seminars/workshops, lecture series and other forms of
capability building activities.
For Volunteer ECCD Service Provider
1. M ust be provided with a m onthly allowance/honorarium that will be used to
subsidize his/her transportation and food expenses. The amount shall be
determ ined by the concerned agency based on their resources,
2. There is no em ployer - employee relationship considering that the volunteer
holds no perm anent position and will not be receiving a regular monthly
3. Must enter into a M emorandum o f Agreement with the concerned agency
indicating the length and type o f his/her service, honorarium /allowances and
other benefits,
4. M ust be given priority for continuing technical assistance to include
attendance to training, sem inars/workshops, lecture series and other forms o f
capability building activities.
4. Training and Development

a. Basic orientation on the agency’s Vision, M ission, Goals (VM G) and purposes
provided to the target agency staff and hom e-based ECCD volunteer

b. Orientation for hom e-based ECCD Service Provider which shall include the
following topics;
b .l. Rights o f the Child
b.2. ECCD Law (basic)
b.3. Developmental stages o f 0-6 year old children

b.4. Responsibilities o f Parents
b.5. Stim ulating activities for children through the use o f toys, songs, poems,
story telling and games
b. 6. Early detection and intervention o f childhood disabilities
b.7. Child abuse prevention
b. 8. Orientation on ECCD checklist and other assessment tool
b.9. Use o f toys, songs, poems, story telling and games
b.lO, W orking with Fam ilies and Com m unities
b.l I. Health and Nutrition
b. 12. First Aid

c. Continuing capacity building program o f at least 24 hours per calendar year for all
ECCD service providers appropriate to specific category o f home-based program
being implem ented which include but are not limited to the following;

c .l. Rights o f the child (review' for existing volunteers)

C.2. Developmental Stages o f 0-6 year old children
C.3. Stim ulating activities for children
0,4 . Early detection, intervention and m anagem ent o f childhood disabilities
C.5. Assessm ent o f children
0.6 . Curriculum planning/ conduct o f developm ental appropriate learning
materials and activities that will include those intended to develop beginning
literacy skill for pre-school age children.
C.7. Developm ent o f Learning M aterials
C.8 . W orking with Fam ilies and Com m unhies
C.9 . Health and Nutrition (updates)
c.lO. Basic Life Support
c. 11. Violence against women
c. 12. Gender and Development
C.13. Disaster Preparedness
c, 14, Personal safety and protective behavior to avoid/prevent sexual
advances/abuse to children.
c. 15. Other related law on children

d. Performance Appraisal and Recognition

d .l. Conduct o f performance evaluation o f the ECCD service provider once a year
in term s o f quantity, quality and tim eliness o f service implementation;
d.2. Evaluation o f perform ance based on the standards set for specific category o f
hom e-based program implemented;
d.3. Generate feedback wilh the ECCD service provider after each evaluation
period; and
d.4. Conduct o f annual recognition for best performers



I. Parents/Surrogate Parents as Primary Caregiver to Own Child/Children- In this

classification the one accountable in meeting the necessary standards is the
implem enting agency. Therefore, the accreditation is focused on the agency.
a. Curriculum /Contents
Basic curriculum to educate and enhance the knowledge and skills o f parents as
primary caregivers and first teachers o f children below six years old should
com prise o f the following topics:
a . l . Understanding o f O ne’s S elf as individual and as a Parent
a,2. Rights and Duties o f Parents and Children
a,3. Strengthening Husband and Wife, Child and Parent Relationships
a.4. Child Developmental topics/m odule
a.5. Effective Parenting M odule
a.6. Behavioral Skills and Development o f Children 0 - 6 years old
a.7. Techniques in M anaging the Behavior o f Children
a.8. Learning Activities and materials to Stimulate Growth and Development o f
a.9. Health Care and Nutrition o f Children 0 - 6 years old
a. 10. Use o f Health Records e.g. ECCD Checklist, Growth M onitoring Chart and
a. 11. Anger m anagem ent and Values inculcation

b. Learning M aterials
• Provides the ECCD service provider learning m aterials that deal on the above
topics such as Parent Effectiveness Service (PBS), Empowerment and
Reaffirm ation o f Parental Abilities (ERPAT), Supervised Neighborhood Play
(SNP), Day Care Mom manual etc.
c. Caseload
• 1 service provider for a maximum o f 15-20 parents/surrogate parents
d. Frequency o f sessions
d .l. Sessions should be conducted at least once a week, 2 to 3 hours per session
within a period o f six m onths (sessions on PES topics completed within 6
months period)
d.2. Follow-up activity is conducted one week after each session to m onitor
application o f learning gained by parents
e. Records
e .l. Profile o f parents provided with parent education sessions
e.2. Report on topics discussed per session with num ber o f parent participants
including learning insights, issues and concerns for follow up
e,3. Report on the result o f m onitoring conducted
e.4. Attendance o f parents
2, Parents as ECCD Service Provider to other Parents - under this classification, the
one accountable in m eeting the necessary standards is the implementing agency.
Therefore, the focus o f the accreditation is the agency.
a. Curriculum /contents
These shall include topics that would develop the parents as advocates for
ECCD activities in the com m unity, such as but are not limited to the
Phase 1
a .i. Parenting; A Right and a Duty
a.2. Parents as Partners
a.3. Filipino Values on Children
a.4. Overview o f Parent Effectiveness Service (PES)
a.5. Roles and Tasks o f Volunteers for hom e-based ECCD program
a.6. Parents M obilization and Involvement
a.7. Deepening sessions/hands-on exercises on songs, toys, poems ,storytelling
and gam es/play for 0-6 year old children
a.8. Behavior m anagem ent
a.9. Facilitating Skills
a. 10. Reproductive health and family planning
a. 11. O ther topics/related law and issuances on children as maybe deemed
relevant by the implem enting agency
Phase 2
Practicum /O JT for the actual conduct o f parent education sessions (6
Phase 3
Processing o f experience/insights gained during practicum phase
Developing Self-esteem
• Com m unity participation and developm ent to include working with
families and com m unities
• Concept and importance o f volunteerism
• Basic skills in helping parents as partners
b. Parents as ECCD Service Provider’s involvement in the following activities:
b .l. Conduct o f survey on the number and situation o f children below six (6)
years old and their families
b.2. Records keeping o f children/fam ilies needing ECCD interventions and
home-based program implementation
b.3. Organization o f Parents Com m ittee to advocate for ECCD in the
com m unity
b.4. Conduct o f orientation on parent’s role in the advocacy o f ECCD
b.5. Conduct o f regular ECCD advocacy activities
b.6. Updating o f parents’ activities on ECCD programs
b.7. Act as resource person in training/orientation on ECCD related
activities/parent education session

c. Frequency o f sessions
c.l Training sessions for ECCD Service Providers are conducted in three
phases. The first phase will be conducted on a staggered basis for a
period o f one month, second phase is actual conduct o f parent education
sessions by the ECCD service provider within a period o f six (6) months,
while the third phase has a total o f 16 hours (2 days).
C.2 ECCD Service Provider conducts sessions once a week

d. Caseload
1 ECCD Service Provider for a minimum o f 8 and maximum o f 20
parents/surrogate parents/caregivers
e. Learning M aterials/Resources
• Utilizes a variety o f learning m aterials that satisfy the requirem ents o f the
above curriculum /contents such as PES, ERPAT etc.
f. Records
f . l . Profile o f parent com m unity ECCD volunteers
f.2. Profile o f parents provided parent education sessions
f 3. Record on topics discussed per session with number o f parent participants
including actions to take for follow up in the next meeting
f. 4. Quarterly reports on ECCD advocacy activities conducted

g. Physical Structure

Uses a structLire/faciiity/venue that;

g .l. Is accessible to parents/surrogate parents/caregivers where home-based
ECCD program is delivered
g,2. Has an adequate space appropriate to the number o f parents attending
ECCD sessions/activities
g,3. Is an area away from dumpsites, rivers, gam bling dens, bus
term inals/parking
places or areas that produce unnecessary noise
g.4. Has a well ventilated and lighted room/place

3. Parents/Surrogate Parents as ECCD Service Provider to other Children - Under this

classification the implem enting agency and the ECCD Service provider are both
accountable for meeting the standards based on the required standards as indicated,
a. Curriculum /Contents
Uses a content/curriculum that:
a .i. [s based on children’s interest and socio-cultural background
a.2. Promotes small and large muscle developm ent
a.3. Promotes social skills
a.4. Uses or adapts indigenous resources, ex. folk literature, music,
traditional games, cuhural events, etc.
a.5. Integrates health, nutrition, sanitation, environm ent, gender fairness and
good moral values
a,6. W henever necessary and depending on the needs and interest o f children,
utilizes the assessm ent results o f children on the developm ent domain
a. 7. Uses first aid/safety o f children

b. Activities
Provides creative activities that:
b. 1. Are based on the assessm ent results o f needs and interest o f
b.2. Are based on the curriculum , content and them es o f activities undertaken
b.3. Use indigenous activities, e.g. folk literature, music, traditional games,
cultural events
b.4. Provides various activities that promotes values on love o f God. country,
one-self, respect for elders, parents and environm ent
b. 5. Prom otes personal hygiene i.e. washing o f the hands, proper toileting,
visit to health center

c. Learning M aterials
Utilizes learning m aterials that include:
c .l. Indigenous or locally available resources or com m ercially produced
(workbooks and coloring books are not recom mended)
0.2. Storybooks, picture books and toys that are preferably made by the service
provider, parents or children
C.3. Art materials, musical instruments, puzzles, play boards and drawing tools
that are made o f indigenous or locally available or reusable items
C.4. Safe, durable and made o f non-toxic/hazardous m aterials

d. Frequency o f Sessions
• At least 3 sessions a week at 2-3 hours/session
e. Caseload
• In no case shall exceed 12 children for every ECCD service provider for 3-
6 years old.
f. Records
f. 1. Uses individual intake form/ family data form
f, 2, Updated profile o f children registered in home-based program
f. 3. Uses ECCD checklist/ growth m onitoring chart for each child
f. 4. M aintains a copy o f health records for each child e.g. history, allergies,
log o f m edications administered, injury reports and other health
f, 5. W eekly session plans/guide
f, 6, O bservations o f children’s developm ental m ilestone and work samples
f. 7. M aintains report on individual/group parent conferences/feedback on
children’s progress
f. 8. Quarterly report on the conduct o f hom e-based ECCD activities

g. Physical Structure and Safety

Uses a structure/facility/venue that:
g .l. Is accessible to parents/surrogate parents/caregivers and/or children where
home-based ECCD program is delivered
g.2. Is far from gam bling dens, com puter games, video-oke, rivers, canals and
dumpsites, and/or there are safety m easures to protect the children e.g
g,3. Is free from smoke, hazards and away from vehicular traffic
g.4. Has access to potable water

g.5. H as app ro p riate and adequate space that a llo w s in teractio n b etw een and
am o n g p arents an d /o r children
g.6. H as a w ell lighted room /place
g,7. Has a well ventilated room/place
g.8 H as floors/ground that are free from splinters, cracks and protruding
g.9. H as access to c lean to ilet w ith sufficient w ater supply

g.lO . U ses tables and chairs ( if necessary) app ro p riate to the n um ber o f parents
an d /o r children

1. C o m p lian ce w ith the above standards shall be assessed u sin g the assessm en t tool in the
accreditation o f H o m e-b ased E C C D . A ssessm ent shall be done based on the
classificatio n o f h o m e-b ased E C C D program b e in g im p lem en ted by the agency after
having m et the m an d ato ry general standards herein required.
2. R enew al o f a ccred itatio n o f any o f the h o m e-b ased E C C D program classificatio n s shall
be m ade ev e ry th ree years.

T his A d m in istrativ e O rder shall take effect im m ed iately and supersedes other
orders in co n sisten t w ith the p rovisions herein.
Issued in Q u ezo n C ity on th is day o f Ju n e, 2008.






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