Studiu Elaborat Conceptul Afacerii de Familie 2018
Studiu Elaborat Conceptul Afacerii de Familie 2018
Studiu Elaborat Conceptul Afacerii de Familie 2018
Brașov, 2018
Coordinator: Absolvent:
Brașov, 2018
Family business is a vibrant area of growing interest today among researchers, theorists,
investors, policy makers, entrepreneurs, practitioners and many others. Recent research has
demonstrated that family firms are top performers. Whether measured by bottom line, value
creation for shareholders, or their capacity to create jobs, family companies often outperform
their nonfamily counter-parts. The turbulence brought about by global hypercompetition, too, has
created an increasing awareness that speed, sustainability, flexibility, quality of product and
service, brand, customer focus, employee care, social capital, and the long-term prospective
rooted in patient family capital are genuine sources of competitive advantage. These advantages
are often pursued via idiosyncratic business strategies deployed by firms that are family-owned
and family-controlled. Family businesses, to be sure, confront substantial challenges, but they
also possess unique advantage born out of a unique and dynamic owner-manager-family
Many of the assets that differentiate a family-owned or family-controlled business from other
forms of enterprise revolve around the relationship between the family and its business, especially
the guidance that family members exert as managers and as shareholders.
Nowadays, family-owned enterprises dominate global business, generating 70–90% of the
world's gross domestic product.
In this regard, the aim of this paper is to underline the importance of family business in the
dynamism and power of the world economy, on one hand, and the challenges facing family
business and the characteristics of small enterprise owner, on the other hand.
As far as this is concerned, the paper presents a qualitative research on the family businesses,
their uniqueness, advantages and disadvantages, social issues, and the difference between these
and other types of businesses. The paper hereinafter outlines and presents the characteristics of
a family business owner-manager.
Key words: business, family business, manager.
Family enterprise is the most common form of enterprise around the world.
The family businesses play an important role regarding the dynamism and strength of the
European economy, long-term stability and sustainability. Many of the challenges facing family
businesses also concern Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs), but due to the fact that
family businesses involve three overlapping elements (the family, the business, and the
ownership) they are different from other types of businesses. In Europe the family business
sector is dominated by particularly micro enterprises with less than 10 employees and SMEs.
Family businesses are an engine of a healthy economy and hold a significant position in world
trade. Across Europe, about 70 % - 80 % of enterprises are family businesses and they account
for about 40 % - 50 % of employment (Mandl, 2008). In North America, they are contributing 80
% - 90 % of all business and are employing 64 % of U.S. labor (CBIA, 2012). Globally, family-
owned businesses support some 50 % of the population, and four-fifths of all businesses are
family owned (Malhotra, 2010).
In this regard, this paper recognizes the importance of family businesses in world economy
and the need for in-depth research about the dynamics of family businesses, the difficulties
they face (strategy, succession, internal conflicts etc.) and factors influencing their survival
(endurance) and sustainability.
The founders of family firms are typical entrepreneurs. Actions like seeking the market gap,
deciding on the business branch, taking risks, and following innovations are roles all
entrepreneurs undertake actively in the start-up step. Family businesses are driven by
entrepreneurs who found them, set up the corporate culture, and transform visions into values.
Nevertheless, the founder decides what the subject of the business will be, who the customers
will be, and which products or services the business will provide.
Many entrepreneurs are really visionary game changers who believe both in their missions
and values. These types of entrepreneurs use their mindsets and essential entrepreneurial
thinking to build successful family businesses. Another aim of this paper is to describe this
special mindset, which manifests itself in entrepreneurial thinking, and offer a solution to help
successors in family businesses to refresh and improve the core businesses given to them.
Design thinking might be used as a method for helping successors to recognize new business
opportunities and refresh the core business, creating new visions and values. This paper is
divided into the following sections:
Family firms are those enterprises in which the family controls the business through involvement
in ownership and management positions. Family involvement in ownership (FIO) and family
involvement in management (FIM) is measured as the percentage of equity held by family
members and the percentage of a firm’s managers who are also family members (Sciascia and
Mazzola, Family Business Review, Vol. 21, Issue 4, 2008).
The most majority of businesses in the world are owned or controlled by families. Family business
is by far the most prevalent form of business in the world. As many as 80%-95% of all businesses
in the United States are family owned or controlled. In Europe, the prevalence of family business
is approximately 70%-80%. It is estimated as much as 75%-90% of firms in the Middle East are
family owned. In Latin America 70% of all firms are owned or controlled by families. The
Australian economy is controlled by family firms, estimated at approximately 67% of all
businesses and Asia is dominated by family firms, many of them Chinese family firms that are
based in other countries.
Even though the biggest percentage of family firms are small businesses, yet numerous examples
of highly successful family-owned businesses have a sustainable competitive advantage and
dominate their markets. Regarding this, the table below lists some family-owned firms that have
managed to grow intro giant multinational corporations of world economy and the percentage
of control or ownership held by families in 2009.
Table 1: The world’s largest family firms and the percentage of family control/ownership.
Sales rank Company Percentage of family control
● Permanence
-Opposition towards change
● Predictability
Loyalty ● Sense of responsibility -Following generation
● Commitment continues the business
because of sense of duty
● Communality
-Emotional commitment
toward the business and its
Trust ● Safety -Work place safety
● Fairness -Choosing a continuator is
● Reliability difficult
The overlapping areas between these three circles depict the diverse interaction between family
and business. It is this diversity that makes the unambiguous definition of family businesses
challenging because inevitably there will be grey areas, in which some family business conditions
will be fulfilled and some won’t. This makes it hard to draw a clear line between family and non-
family businesses. (Heinonen et al, 2005, 12.) Every family business needs to have a clear control
over these three elements. Although controlled separately, the aim is to get these three elements
to complement and support each other. (EloPärssinen & Talvitie, 2010, 160) The unique features
of family businesses are generated by the interaction between family and business. This
interaction defines the basic nature and uniqueness of family businesses and studying this
interaction is central when trying to understand family businesses. (Heinonen et al, 2005, 12.)
There are different reasons and goals behind the existence of the family and the business causing
also tension between them. (Elo-Pärssinen & Talvitie, 2010, 14.) Family business is a tight and
cohesive community (Niemelä, 2006, 36). The business and the changes in it affect the life and
well-being of the family and the family members in their different roles affect the business.
However, the family has a bigger impact on the business than the business has on the family. For
example, a divorce or death of a family member can have a significant impact on the business.
(Elo-Pärssinen & Talvitie, 2010, 15) Also the double roles of family members (father / CEO) affect
the family, generational relationships and the business operations (Tourunen, 2009a, 31). People
can have different roles in a family business system (owner-manager, owner-family member,
owner-manager-family member), which creates special challenges when trying to combine these
different roles together (EloPärssinen, 2007, 58-59). Family businesses have to find the balance
between the different roles in order to succeed (Tagiuri, Elo-Pärssinen, 2007, 59).
Figure 2. Roles in the three-circle model (Retelling Tagiuri & Davis 1996, According to Elo-Pärssinen &
Talvitie 2010, 54)
Chapter 2:
2.1. Advantages and disadvantages of family enterprise
The origins of conflicts within family enterprises vary. Most of them are due to the change in
management. In some family enterprises, the old family pa triarch has come to the age of the
retirement, and the younger generation are ready to take over. But being infatuated with power
and position, the old patriarch refused to retire, holding the power tightly in his own hands.
Therefore, the younger generation would either rely too much on him or feel oppressed. When
they find that they cannot take over the management, the younger generation would be
extremely discontented and indignant and if not properly addresses, this may affect the stability
and development of the enterprise. Of course, the source of conflicts can be the other way round,
form the younger generation. If the younger generation lacks the capability and experience of
leadership, the older generation would not have trust and confidence in them, and would be
unwilling to delegate more power and responsibility. As a result, it would reduce the learning
opportunities for the younger generation. The younger generation may become more self-
contemptuous, or they would probably go to the other extreme of rushing and making quick
fixes; leading the enterprise to vulnerability and possible loss. The conflicts between the two
generations would be intensified in this case.
Conflicts within the same generation would also affect family enterprise. In traditional families,
the elder brothers are usually superiors to the younger ones. The distribution of wealth would
impact on the relationships among siblings and cousins. Over time, the brothers would become
presumes enemies, and the discontent and indignation among members of the same generation
would emerge. As the children grew up, get married and settle down, more complicated across
families and generations, which could directly threaten the management, operation and survival
of family enterprises. Furthermore, this conflict would become apparent with the passing away
of the patriarch. With the number of family branches, increasing and the educational levels
widening, the divergences and conflicts within the family would also be intensified. If the conflicts
cannot be resolved at any early stage with or without intervention form some objective outsiders,
the severity and complexity of internal conflicts would be aggravated. Sometimes, there is even
the possibility of ending up in court. The final and worst ending would be the dissolution of both
the family and the enterprise.
The main reason why minor and benign divergences can lead to severe conflicts lies in the fact
that the intimacy and interdependence among the family members no longer exist. Instead, they
become suspicious and jealous. As a result, even some minor differences would turn into ugly
conflicts, which would ultimately hurt the solidarity of the family and the operation on the
The emergence of these conflicts can be traced back to the family members themselves, to the
interior regime of family enterprises and to enterprise culture. If the older generation could
accept, with an open attitude, the different ideas and reform measures by the younger
generation, and at the same time entrust them with important tasks, then many potential
divergences would disappear. If family members have the courage to face the divergences, and
could carry out discussions with an open attitude and objective view, then many conflicts and
disputes could be resolved in constructive ways. With respect to the regime, if work division
within family enterprises is not clear, and if there exists overlapping conflicts between rights and
obligations, this can easily lead to dissension, estrangement and tension. In addition, the
unprofessional, unfair, and non-transparent management system and measures would give way
to a sense of distrust among family members and non-family employees. As a result, different
power factions would come into being, hence running the relationships and morale within the
enterprise. If there is no effective channel or regime to alleviate or resolve existing divergences,
these minor differences would probably degenerate into ugly conflicts. Therefore, an effective
communication channel is crucial.
Distrust and conflict within family enterprises are sometimes caused by informal asymmetry and
lack of communication among family members. To push forward the development of
interdependent relations, it is necessary to build up an effective communication system to
eliminate misunderstandings and informational obstacles. This communication, formal or
informal, face-to-face or conducted by a third party, may help improve the quality of the
communication in family enterprise.
In fact, not all divergences and conflicts within family enterprises are negative. Some conflicts
can lead to an in-depth understanding. Therefore, some win-win solutions can be found to
promote better interaction and competition. And the development of the enterprise will also
become more healthy and mature. Sometimes, disputes can boost communication among family
members, and subsequently eliminate accumulated misunderstanding and prevent the
destruction brought on by conflicts. Moreover, some insignificant conflicts can be easily resolved
within the family, which would definitely eliminate or suppress potentially overwhelming
Are family businesses different from nonfamily businesses? (Daily & Dollinger, 1992). According
to Poza (2010), there are several assets that differentiate a family owned or family-controlled
business from other forms of enterprise, manly resolving around the relationship between the
family and business, especially the guidance and orientation that family members exert as
managers and as shareholders. Parallel to this, several significant differences are apparent
between family and nonfamily firms.
Family business often have a long-term view, a lasting mission, vision and purpose, showing a
desire to create a nurturing, caring community, and an ability to build strong and unique
relationships, bonds, and connections with customers, suppliers and other outsiders. As
addressed before, the greatest difference between a family firm and a nonfamily firm is the
addition of the family unit. The participation, influence and involvement of family members is
both an advantage and a disadvantage, since it not only can lead to an exceptional competitive
advantage but also can be the cause for serious dysfunction and complications. In this regard,
nonfamily firms do not have to deal with many of the complex issues that family firms face, such
as familiar and interpersonal conflicts, succession, inheritance, and the non-employed family
members with decisional power and authority. Employed family business members have to cope
with the fact that their life’s work, employment, and wealth are all intermingled with their
extended family. According to Alderson (2011), the characteristics of families include an inward
focus, unconditional acceptance, sharing, and the offer of lifetime membership. Families are
based on love and are, in most circumstances, very emotional. Conversely, businesses are
outward oriented, based on tasks, and are unemotional. They embrace and encourage change
and they reward performance, adopting “perform or leave” philosophy. In this sense, these two
types or systems of organizations are diametrically opposed to each other. In this context, the
family plays a dual role. First and foremost they are a family, with the same concerns as everyone
else, with all the pros and cons that regular families have. Management becomes complicated
when the family is involved in the business, since family issues and stresses may be brought to
the business and vice-versa. Now the usual concerns of business, such as investments, finances,
employment, and reputation, intertwine with the family (Alderson, 2011). A family-owned
business has complex family dynamics at work. Within family business, conflicts can grow,
escalade and become exaggerated, in the same way, communication within families is less formal
that it is in professional settings. Some families communicate with respect, understanding and
compromise, while others communicate by arguing, slinging accusations, and displaying feelings
of distrust, dislike and jealousy (Alderson, 2011). Moreover, family firms have different priorities
than nonfamily firms have (e.g., stability and continued ownership of the business, employing
family member, preserve social emotional wealth maintain the identity of the firm, etc). It is
commonly accepted by most scholars that family firms are different from nonfamily firms for
three reasons. First, the family’s influence over the strategic orientation and direction and
sustainability over generations of the family firm contribute to the essence of family businesses,
which differentiates them from nonfamily firms (Chrisman, Chua, & Sharma, 2005). Second, the
social emotional wealth represents a major frame of reference that families use in making
decisions (Berrone, Cruz, & Gomez-Mejia, 2012; Cennamo, Berrone, Cruz, & Gomez-Mejia, 2012).
Social emotional wealth is defined as the nonfinancial aspects of the firm that meet the family’s
affective needs, such as identity, the ability to exercise family influence, and the perpetuation of
the family dynasty (Gómez-Mejía, Haynes, Núñez-Nickel, Jacobson, & Moyano-Fuentes, 2007).
Therefore, the management of family firms is related to feelings and emotions (Morgan &
Gómez-Mejía, 2014). This influence has to do with family owners willing to preserve family ties
over time (Litz, 1995; Zellweger, Kellermanns, Chrisman, & Chua, 2012). Third, the resource-
based view highlights the concept of “familiness” as a distinctive set of human, organizational,
processes, resources, and capabilities arising from family influence and involvement and
interactions (Habbershon & Williams, 1999). Habbershon and Williams (1999) define familiness
as the “unique bundle of resources a particular firm has because of the systems interaction
between the family, its individual members, and the business” (p. 11). Although, family
companies have particular aspects and particularities, evidence suggests that over time family
firms are often more successful than nonfamily firms (Anderson & Reeb, 2003b; Miller & Le-
Breton-Miller, 2006).
A number of studies citing “the founder effect” suggest that the family founder’s influence on
the firm often translates into a competitive advantage (Dyer, 2006) perhaps due to the founder’s
long-term orientation and emphasis on growing and preserving the firm for future generations.
Early positive emotional experiences of the family founders may be one causal mechanism by
which family firms achieve higher levels of performance. A stock of positive experiences may
serve as a competitive advantage for family firms and increase survival, sustainability, and,
ultimately, performance. Individuals experiencing positive affect are: better able to acquire
valuable human resources, more creative, and better able to tolerate stress (Baron, 2008).
Furthermore, family ownership can confer a strong competitive advantage through the creation
of value-driven organizational cultures that inspire identity, trust, and a sense of belonging
among employees. In a sense, they speak to people’s hearts in a way that other businesses do
not. Several different studies on family business report a wide range of differences between
family and nonfamily firms. Table 1.7 presents a comparison between family and nonfamily
Table 2. 4. Comparison between family and nonfamily business.
Family business Nonfamily business Reference
Networks and Emebebbed in kinship External ties based on Ingram and Lifschitz,
Source: adapted from Steward A., & Hitt, M. A. (2012). Why can’t a family business be more like a nonfamily business?
Modes of professionalization in family firms. Family Business Review, 25 (1), 58-86.
3.1. Introduction
Family firms have a major impact on any economy, being responsible for the largest portion of
wealth generation, along with the creation of the majority of jobs in most countries, therefore,
playing a central role not only in nations’ economy but also in social growth. Family has a strong
impact on the ownership and the management of the business and that is the characteristic that
makes family businesses different from other businesses (Kontinen, 2011, 30). Family businesses
are a very heterogeneous group (Heinonen et al, 2005, 13). The concept ”family business”
encompasses many different types of businesses varying from big companies to smaller SMEs
(Elo-Pärssinen & Talvitie, 2010, 11).
This chapter describes the scope, objectives and hypotheses of the research and the
methodology that was used in this paper. The adopted methodology to accomplish this study
uses the following techniques: the information about the research design, research population,
template design.
This paper represents an empirical study on the Romanian family and nonfamily businesses,
4.1. Analysis and interpretation of the data obtained by interviewing family business
We made a synthesis grid in order to analyse the data vertically (we approached within the same
interview the way every participant approached the topics and subtopics) and horizontally (the
way every topic or sub-topic was approached by all the subjects), in this paper we presenting
every subject conclusions with regard to the research topic.
Thus, the vertical analysis of the individual in-depth semi-directive interviews made with the 5
family business owners reflects their opinions with regard to their business activity and their
relationships with their customers, in a family enterprise. Furthermore, the results of this vertical
analysis of the interviews made within the family business owners by the synthetic approach of
every topic and sub-topic are presented as follows:
The first respondent is the owner of a small factory which is producing cheese. He is explaining
that the business was started by his parents in law, in the communist period. In those days, they
were growing lots of animals and they were doing the cheese products in their farm, selling them
on the local markets. Latter, he got married with one of their daughter and took over the
business. Year by year, the new family worked to improve the processes, to include technology
and to grow the whole business. Currently, the business last for more than 50 years and it is
producing traditional Romanian cheese products sold all over the country.
Regarding the third topic of the discussion, which refers to the challenges met in time, the first
respondent says that in the first years of business, the transportation of the products was the
biggest problem. At the beginning, the farm was established in the countryside, and in ’70-’80
there were neither car, nor accessible roads for these. Another problem the family is currently
facing is the lack of personnel. ‘’ At the beginning, there were a lot of people asking for a job in a
farm. Now, nobody wants to work in this domain. The most majority stay for a short period of
time, then leave simple as that. The wage in not motivating them anymore, they are ashamed of
working with cows.’’- M.D., cheese factory owner. Other challenges met are the legislation
regarding the cheese production, the regulations and conditions needed to produce and sell
cheese products.
As far as the fourth topic, combining family and business and business together, is concerned,
the respondent states that family members help each other and the best part is that there is
always someone to supervise the whole activity. There are not specific roles for the family
members, everybody is doing whatever necessary. When it comes to the decision process, both
family members and the other employees are implied. According to the respondent, the family
had a bigger impact on the business.
Through the topic number five, we tried to outline the conflicts in family businesses. At this part,
the respondent says that sometimes there appear conflicts either with the children, or with the
parents in law since the generational differences cannot be always ignored. The most important
conflict seems to be the with the children, because no one of the two daughters show a great
interest in the domain, but the future husband of one of them is willing to go farther with the
fabric, even to improve it with more technology and equipments. But, all in all, these conflicts do
not affect the business for the moment.
Regarding the six subject which stands for the family entrepreneurship and business values, the
respondent proudly affirms that the business is the mirror of their character. Through their
business, the family wants to preserve the Romanian old cheese tastes. They always try to put
their mark on their products and to preserve their most important value, the quality. The most
important thing for them is the quality of their products, because of which they managed to
obtain respect and customer loyalty.
Advantages and disadvantages of family firms is entitled our seven topic. Regarding it, the
respondent says that the great advantage this business is offering them is the opportunity to stay
always in the family atmosphere. For disadvantages, he mentioned the fact that they tend to put
more than the best for the business and the fact that they cannot fire their children or parents.
Regarding the financial part, which constitute theme number eight, the business is on profit, with
incomes around 150000 lei monthly.
Topic of the Subject 1 Subject 2 Subject 3 Subject 4
1.General business -production -services -transports -agriculture
data -4 family members -5 family members -8 family members -third generation
-second generation -first generation -first generation -4 family members
2. How the -grandparents had a little -on EU funds -3 brothers started the -from the grandpare
business started? cow farm -the only child of the family business from 0 -their niece
-Who was the -parents -the same -the founders
founder? -parents
-Who is now?
3. Challenges met -transporting the products -not knowing the procedures -no notoriety on the -lack of technology a
in time to a market, since there implied by the project market equipment
were no cars in the ’70-‘80 -not enough money -not easy to find drivers -economic changes
and the farm was at the -it it difficult for a new small -not enough money -the development of
countryside business to enter the market -hard work for the family technology
-lots of conditions for now -at the beginning, the members at the -misunderstandings
for selling cheese products business was not producing beginning with the family mem
-children do not like the enough -problems met outside -industrialization
domain of activity -difficulties in convincing the the country with some
-hard to find personnel family that the business will trucks
work -not having the same
-the firm is established in the opinion with the brothers
house yard, so there were
some conflict with the family
regarding this aspect
-the fear of the founder that
the business will not work
4.Combining family -the family members work -the family is working -the relationships are -not enough time fo
and business together and they help whenever necessary more intimate -a more stressed atm
together each other -there is always somebody at -there is a friendship in the family
4.1. Which are the -there is always somebody the firm to supervise the between all the -are favoured family
effect of combining who is aware of the activity employees members, and the p
family and business production and business -to preserve a boundary -always having someone with abilities and kn
together? itself between fussiness and how helps you in agriculture field
4.2. Family -there is not a business family -different way of thinking -the men use to do t
business structure structure, everybody is -business has more impact of family members work
doing what is necessary on the family
4.3. How does -employees are treated like -the family member were -business has a bigger -family members are
family family members and we not selected, they were part impact on the family managerial positions
entrepreneurship always take into account of the business from the -the family members are -there is a pleasant
show in your their opinion beginning on management positions atmosphere among
employee -business had more impact -there is no training for the since the beginning enterprise
relationships? on the family family business. They all -the family members are -the employees are i
learnt from the start favoured the decision making
-the hole family is involved in -there is no criteria for -employees are seen
the decision making process hiring family members of the family
-the founder is young, so the -new family member -no criteria for hiring
hole business has a dynamic hired are trained by their members
rhythm parents or relatives
-relationship with the -roles are distributed
employees is intimate, they according to the family
use to make each other gifts members wishes
-business interferes with
-it is difficult for a parent
to not be subjective when
it comes to his child
-the family members are
more responsible of the
business than other
-the employees are
always taken into
consideration when a
decision it taken
5.Conflicts and -the current conflict is with -there exist conflicts and -the conflicts between -there were some co
family business our children since no one is they have an impact on the family members have because of the gene
willing to continue this family, since the founder is sometimes effects on the differences
business, maybe their young and they tend to treat business -they learnt to comm
husbands will be interested him like a child -there could be conflicts more effectively
in improving the firm -we communicate, but there regarding the work of -the conflicts did not
-the conflict do not have a are still some conflicts on each family member impact on the family
big impact on the family or some aspects, but the owner -they speak open about
the business tends to be more the conflicts or issues met
comprehensive when it
comes to family
6. Family -our business is the mirror -family had impact in the -the trust and fairness are -the most important
entrepreneurship of our character business’s value their family values commitment and thi
and business value -the most important vale -the fairness to our -they implemented them competitive advanta
for us is the quality of our customers in their business -the family’s values h
products -the values of the company -they consider the trust impact on the busine
-we want to preserve the are a competitive advantage an important advantage
Romanian old cheese taste when it comes
To their customers
7. Advantages and -we tend to put the best of -the family became more -the relationship with the -the long term-vision
disadvantages of us for our business united family is closer -the business is usua
owning a family -we cannot fire our -there appeared some -the use of their money in conflict reason
business children conflicts with the parents the business -the effects of the bu
-the comfortable -it is difficult to maintain a -there is a more relaxant the family
atmosphere in our business boundary between family interaction with the -the closer relationsh
and business employees the employees
-the atmosphere in the firm -undefined boundaries
is comfortable so the between the roles of each
employees are more family member
8. Financial -income around 90000 -the business is on profit -the business is on profit -the business is on p
situation lei/month -income of 265683 lei at the
last balance shit
Family business owners
Topic of the Subject 1 Subject 2 Subject 3 Subjec
1.General -retail -services -tourism -service
business data -first generation -second -first generation
-first generation
2.How the -the actual owner -mother -parents -the owner
business started? -the owner -daughter -the owner
-Who was the
-Who is now?
3. Challenges met -financial issues -financial -difficult to obtain -the business plan
in time -very little knowledge -managerial problems notoriety on the market -finding a locatio
about the domain -hard to find trained -taxes -financial problem
-seasonal business stuff -the business is -bureaucracy
-some periods with low -keeping the customer influenced by the -the need for ind
profit trust and interest weather conditions
-trust issues -requires a lot of
-family problems manager’s time
4.Combining -no favoured persons in --no favoured persons -no qualification -no favoured emp
management and recruitment -employees have to -qualification onl
ownership -knowledge in the have qualification for jobs
together domain the job -no favoured employees -fairness and loy
4.1.. Business -employees are trains by -not difficult to control -the new workers are -workers are train
structure the manager and by ownership and trained by the manager manager
4.2. When it practicing the job business, it comes with or other employees -it was difficult re
comes to take -it was not hard to more responsibilities -only the manager employees; she m
decisions, there is combine the ownership -only the manager makes decisions balance between
only the manager and business, since you makes decisions -if the matter is friend in order to
who decides or work for yourself -showing to employees concerned with relationships
all the employees -only the manager takes the manager’s vision employees, then they -the manager ma
are involved in decisions -showing her are consulted regarding the bus
the decision -the manager always satisfaction to -they work as a team, so she is consulting
process? knows how to motivate employees this keeps them employees in iss
his employees -employees are seen as motivated concerned to the
4.3. How does -the manager has a close workers, but there is a -the employees are -the close relation
entrepreneurship relationship with the relaxed atmosphere considered friends employees helps
show in your employees them motivated
employee -employees are seen as a -the employees a
relationships? part of family, they are all individuals, not li
5.Conflicts and -there were not -no conflicts to impact -no conflicts which can -there were some
business important conflicts within the business affect the business conflicts regardin
the business -communication is -the small issues are manager
-all problems are solved solving everything solved through -these conflicts h
by communication communication impact on the bu
he wants to perfo
important in the
everybody see it
solving different
6.Ownership and -the manager guides the -the manager’s values -seriousness -the image of the
business value business by his own are seen in the business -punctuality mirrors the mana
values as human being - the fairness The values of the character
-negotiation power , -the values of the manager are a -the values of the
empathy and open mind company ensure the competitive advantage transposed into t
are the strong values future of it -she is not looking only -loyalty, fairness
-even if the values are a for the profit, the professionalism
competitive advantage, customers satisfaction is -these represent
sometimes it is hard to more important competitive adva
deal with the competition
7.Advantages and - you are your own boss -lifestyle flexibility -having her own -the absolute con
disadvantages of -you can make your own -total control an business and the
owning a schedule business regarding it
business -you control your -risk of losing money -being her own boss -the opportunity
business -sacrifice -lack o f free time yourself
-financial risk -work for yoursel
-income is not steady -lots of -very hard work
-always have to learn responsibilities -lack of free time
8. Financial -business on profit -business on profit -business on profit -no profit for now
1. General business data
-What is the activity domain......................................................................................................
-How many family members are involved.............................................................................
-What generation...........................................................................................................................
4.2.1. Family business combines family, business and ownership. Is it difficult to control and
coordinate the different roles (for example owner-father or owner-son-CEO) created by these
three elements and the expectations behind them? Rolul in luarea deciziilor, sunt implicate toti
sau nu, exista un director si partea executive sau se conlucreaza...?
8. Is currently your business on profit (What is the current financial situation of your business)?