300.91f Fire Alarm Report of Inspection 032919
300.91f Fire Alarm Report of Inspection 032919
300.91f Fire Alarm Report of Inspection 032919
All parts of the Owner Section MUST be completed. It is the owner’s responsibility to provide all required information to
the service provider prior to the service/testing. The owner’s representative is also required to review all deficiencies found
by the service provider upon completion of the service or testing.
If additional space is needed for business names or suite
BUILDING/PROPERTY INFORMATION numbers, please submit a separate list with this form.
Name of Complex/Facility/Property:
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1. Were all deficiencies reported at the last inspection corrected?
2. Was the owner(s) representative on site during the entirety of the alarm test?
3. Are the tenants, occupancy types and hazards the same as reported on the last inspection?
4. Were any walls or partitions added or removed since the last inspection?
If any of the above questions were answered “no”, please provide details of the conditions found and resulting actions
The alarm system owner (building/business owner) is responsible to maintain the alarms in working order. If the
alarm system is out of service, an impairment coordinator must be named, and fire watch initiated. For
impairments lasting longer than four hours, the Fire Marshal’s Office must be notified.
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(If any answers are “No”, please provide details of conditions found and resulting actions taken in the comments field) Y N N/A
Were the “Certificate of Completion” and “Record Drawings” identifying floor plan, device
locations, etc. available prior to inspection?
Have all modifications made to the system since the last inspection been reviewed and
documented in the Certificate of Completion on file?
Does this report include the testing of ALL interconnected devices located on this property? (i.e.
duct detectors, elevator recall functions, door interlocks, smoke control systems, etc.)
Are spare keys to pull stations available? If yes, where:
Is the door to the room identified with a “FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL” sign?
Are proper dedicated circuit(s) provided with circuit breaker lock(s) at the electrical panel?
Was the smoke entry into the sensing chamber of all smoke detectors verified?
Are smoke detector sensitivity testing records available and maintained using a proper
testing schedule?
If sensitivity testing is required based on incomplete records or testing schedule, was it
completed during this service?
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Date Batteries Manufactured & Expire: & Load Voltage Test: Yes No
C. Emergency or standby system used as a backup to primary power supply, instead of using a secondary power supply:
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Number of Circuits in Use: Style/Class: Are All Circuits Monitored for Integrity: Yes No
Electric Bells
Electric Horns
Combination Horn/Strobe
Speakers (incl. voice evac.)
Other (Specify)
(a) Do all devices produce a sound exceeding the prevailing equivalent sound level by 15 decibels, or exceed any
maximum sound level with a duration of 30 seconds by 5 decibels minimum; whichever is louder? Yes No
(b) Do any sound levels exceed the 110 decibel maximum? Yes No
If Yes, where?
(c) What type of device was used to measure sound level?
(d) Were walls/partitions modified since prior test to affect notification distribution? Yes No
If Yes, where?
(e) Are voice notification devices used? Yes No
If Yes, describe procedure used for audible clarity?
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Waterflow Switches
Smoke Detectors
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Heat AND/OR Duct Detectors
Additional Remarks:
Yes No Deficiencies Noted
Building Temperature
Site Water Temperature
Site Water Level
Fire Pump Power
Fire Pump Running
Fire Pump Auto Position
Fire Pump or Pump Controller Trouble
Generator in Auto Position
Switch Transfer
Generator Engine Running
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Other Interconnected Systems (Clean Agent, Fire Pump, Commercial Cooking Hood, Preaction, Deluge, etc.)
Type(s) Installed:
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DEFICIENCIES FOUND DURING INSPECTION (Please provide any further details relating to deficiencies found)
DEFICIENCIES REPAIRED (Please provide details on all repairs made on-site during this inspection)
COMMENTS (Please provide any further comments or issues of concern that may need follow up)
Completed Date and Time of Test:
Fire alarm system restored to service without troubles or faults? Yes No
If No, document conditions.
I , certify that I tested the fire alarm system at the address identified in this test
report, documented the conditions found during the inspection and have listed all deficiencies that were either corrected
prior to leaving or require additional follow up. Any deviation or items identified by NFPA 72 to be tested that were not by
nature of the site conditions or service contract have been identified on this report.
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