Composite Structures: Rajesh Kumar, S.C. Dutta, S.K. Panda
Composite Structures: Rajesh Kumar, S.C. Dutta, S.K. Panda
Composite Structures: Rajesh Kumar, S.C. Dutta, S.K. Panda
Composite Structures
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The present paper deals with the linear and non-linear dynamic instability of functionally graded mate-
Received 8 February 2016 rials (FGMs) plate subjected to non-uniform loading. Due to this loading, the in-plane stress distributions
Revised 24 June 2016 within the FG plate in pre-buckling state are evaluated using plate membrane analysis. The FG plate is
Accepted 20 July 2016
modeled using higher order shear deformation theory (HSDT) considering von-Kármán geometric nonlin-
Available online 22 July 2016
earity. The Galerkin’s method is used to reduce the non-linear governing partial differential equations
into a set of ordinary differential equations describing the plate non-linear dynamic instability.
Bolotin’s method is used to obtain the boundaries of dynamic instability regions. These boundaries are
FG plate
traced by the periodic solution of linear ordinary differential equation (Mathieu-Hill equation) with per-
Non-uniform loading iod T and 2T. Effects of power index, span-to-thickness ratio, aspect ratio, static load factor, boundary
Galerkin’s method conditions and various types of linearly varying loadings and parabolically distributed loadings on the
Non-linear dynamic instability linear and nonlinear dynamic instability are studied. The study of linear and non-linear response in stable
and unstable regions are carried out to identify the dynamic instability behaviour such as dependence of
forcing frequency, existence of beats, effect of nonlinearity on the response and influence of the initial
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction Shen [9] presented free vibration and dynamic instability charac-
teristic of functionally graded cylindrical panels subjected to com-
The problems like debonding and sudden change in thermo- bined static and periodic axial forces and in thermal environment.
mechanical properties in conventionally used laminated compos- One dimensional differential quadrature approximation in con-
ites can be avoided by using functionally graded materials (FGMs) junction with Galerkin technique and Bolotin’s method is used to
where, the material properties are varied along the thickness direc- analyse the shell panel. Yang et al. [10] conducted dynamic stabil-
tion. FGMs are widely used in aerospace structures, defense related ity analysis of symmetrically laminated FGM rectangular plates
structures, nuclear reactors and other structures with high func- subjected to a uniaxial periodic in plane load and undergoing uni-
tional performance [1]. During their operational life, these struc- form temperature change. In this study authors concluded that the
tures are subjected to different types of non-uniform mechanical plate may even be unstable beyond a small range of dynamic loads
in-plane static and dynamic loadings. For proper design and perfor- when high level static compression was applied. Natarajan et al.
mances of structural systems, studies of dynamic instability due to [11] studied dynamic buckling of functionally graded spherical
non-uniform in-plane loadings are important. caps under suddenly applied loads by using a three-noded axisym-
Extensive research works [1–6] have been done on static and metric curved shell elements based on field consistency approach.
dynamic behaviour of FG plates and shell structures. Ng et al. Lanhe et al. [12] used moving least-square differential quadrature
[7,8] investigated on dynamic instability of FGM plates and cylin- method to study the dynamic instability behaviours of FG plates
drical shells subjected to harmonic in-plane loading. Authors subjected to in-plane periodic loads and thermal field. Pradyumna
graded the material properties in the direction of thickness accord- and Bandyopadhyay [13] reported dynamic instability behaviour
ing to a material volume fraction power law distribution. Yang and of FG shells subjected to in-plane periodic load and temperature
field using higher-order shear deformation theory in conjunction
⇑ Corresponding author. with finite element approach. In this paper authors assumed that
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (R. Kumar), scdind2000@gmail. the FG materials are temperature dependent and graded in thick-
com (S.C. Dutta), [email protected] (S.K. Panda).
0263-8223/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
220 R. Kumar et al. / Composite Structures 154 (2016) 219–230
reduced the governing differential equation to Mathieu type equa- EðzÞðz CÞdz ¼ 0 ð1Þ
tion using Galerkin’s method. Further, Mathieu equation is solved
by using Bolotin’s method. Asnafi and Abedi [20,21] studied ortho- where, z is the distance from neutral plane. The position of refer-
tropic sigmoid, power law and exponential functionally graded ence plane (neutral plane) from middle plane may be defined as,
plates under lateral stochastic loads. R h=2
It is observed from the above literature survey that, there is no h=2
EðzÞz dz
C ¼ R h=2 ð2Þ
work available in the published literature on the dynamic instabil- EðzÞ dz
ity of FG plates subjected to dynamic non-uniform in-plane loads.
The linear and non-linear dynamic instability analysis of a plate Therefore, distance ðzÞ of the top surface and bottom surface from
subjected to dynamic non-uniform (linearly varying and paraboli- the reference plane are zt ¼ 2h C and zb ¼ 2h C , respectively.
cally varying) in-plane loads is studied considering higher order The effective material properties (modulus of elasticity and
shear deformation theory. Since the applied in-plane edge load is density) according to the Voigt rule of mixture (VRM) are given by
non-uniform, in the first step, the plane elasticity problem is solved
by minimizing the membrane strain energy to evaluate the stress EðzÞ ¼ Ec V c ðzÞ þ Em V m ðzÞ
distribution (rx ; ry and sxy ) within the plate [22,23] and [24]. The qðzÞ ¼ qc V c ðzÞ þ qm V m ðzÞ
membrane strain energy of the plate is minimized using Ritz
where, subscripts c and m represents the ceramic and metal con-
method. Using the above stress distribution and using Hamilton’s
stituents, respectively. Here, the volume fraction of the ceramic
principle, the governing partial differential equations of plate
and metal phase is described by the following power-law
motion are derived. Adopting multiterm Galerkin’s approximation,
the governing partial differential equations are converted into a set
of ordinary differential equations (Mathieu type of equations) for zþC
studying and describing the dynamic instability of plate. Following Vc ¼ þ 0:5 ; Vm ¼ 1 Vc ð4Þ
Bolotin [25], the instability regions are determined from the
boundaries of instability, which represents the periodic solutions The volume fraction varies through the thickness based on the
of differential equation with period T and 2T. The study of linear power index n. In the present investigation, the Poisson’s ratio (m)
and non-linear time history response in stable and unstable is assumed to be constant across the thickness.
regions is carried out to identify the dynamic instability behaviour
such as existence of beats, effect of nonlinearity on the response, 2.1. Displacement field
dependence of forcing frequency and influence of the initial condi-
tions. The Newmark’s numerical integration method conjunction Based on higher order shear deformation theory [28], the dis-
with Newton-Raphson method is used to solve the set of non- placement fields may be written as,
linear ordinary differential equation to obtain the linear and non- 2
linear time history response of the FG plate. The industrial applica- u ¼ uo þ zu1 þ z3 ð4=3h Þ½u1 wo;x
tion of such study may be quite significant as mentioned in the v ¼ v o þ zu2 þ z3 ð4=3h2 Þ½u2 wo;y ð5Þ
abstract. w¼w o
u ¼ uo zwo;x þ f ðzÞ/o1
The functionally graded (FG) plate of length a, width b and
thickness h is made by mixing two different materials ceramic v ¼ v o zwo;y þ f ðzÞ/o2 ð6Þ
and metal in which top surface is ceramic and the bottom surface w ¼ wo
is metal. The coordinates x, y are along the in-plane directions and
z is along the thickness direction (Fig. 1a). Due to unsymmetrical
material distribution (according power-law) along the thickness /01 ¼ u1 þ w0;x ; /02 ¼ u2 þ w0;y and f ðzÞ ¼ z½1 ð4=3Þðz=hÞ
direction, the middle plane does not coincide with the neutral
plane resulting coupling between stretching and bending deforma- Here u, v and w are displacement components along x, y, z direc-
tions. In the present case, the reference plane is taken as neutral tions respectively at a distance z away from reference plane and
plane for the analysis of FG plate using elementary theory to avoid u0, v0 and w0 are displacement component of a generic point on
the coupling between the stretching and bending deformation. The the reference surface. u1 and u2 are rotations of the cross sections
shift of neutral plane (C) from the middle plane within the FGMs initially perpendicular to the x and y axes respectively. h is the
R. Kumar et al. / Composite Structures 154 (2016) 219–230 221
thickness of the plate and suffix x represents the differentiation In the above formulation, FG plate stiffnesses Aij ; Bij ; C ij ; Dij ; Eij ; F ij and
with respect to x. Hij are defined as,
Z h=2C
2.2. Strain-displacement relations ðAij ; Bij ; Dij Þ ¼ Q ij ð1; z; z2 Þdz ði; j ¼ 1; 2; 6Þ
Z h=2C
The non-linear strain-displacement relations at a distance ‘z’
away from the reference plane of a plate including von-Kármán ðC ij ; Eij ; F ij Þ ¼ Q ij ð1; z; f ðzÞÞf ðzÞdz ði; j ¼ 1; 2; 6Þ ð14Þ
type of nonlinearities are, Z h=2C
0 0
ex ¼ eox zwo;xx þ f ðzÞ/o1;x Hij ¼ Q ij f ðzÞf ðzÞdz ði; j ¼ 4; 5Þ
ey ¼ eoy zwo;yy þ f ðzÞ/o2;y
cxy ¼ coxy 2zwo;xy þ f ðzÞ/o1;y þ f ðzÞ/o2;x ð8a-eÞ 2 3
1 m 0
EðzÞ 6
cxz ¼ u;z þ w;x ¼ f 0 ðzÞ/o1 Q ij ¼ 1 m2 4
m 1 0 7
5 ði; j ¼ 1; 2; 6Þ
cyz ¼ v ;z þ w;y ¼ f 0 ðzÞ/o2 0 0 1m
2 ð15a-bÞ
" #
and o o o
e e and c are reference surface strains and are defined as:
x, EðzÞ 0
y xy
Q ij ¼ 1m2
ði; j ¼ 4; 5Þ
1 2 1 2 0 2
e ¼ þ wo;x ; eoy ¼ v o;y þ wo;y ;
x uo;x
2 2
coxy ¼ uo;y þ v o;x þ wo;x wo;y ð9a-cÞ 2.4. Governing equations of motion
where, f ðzÞ ¼ dz
f ðzÞ The equations of motion of the functionally graded plate are
obtained in terms of force, moment and shear resultants using
2.3. Constitutive relations Hamilton’s principle as
Z t1
A plane stress constitutive law is used in the present study. The dð1Þ ðU W TÞ ¼ 0 ð16Þ
stress and strain are related as,
U, W and T respectively are the strain energy, work done by the
frg ¼ ½Q feg ð10Þ external loads and the kinetic energy of the functionally graded plate
where, frgT ¼ frxx ryy sxz syz sxy g and fegT ¼ fexx eyy cxz cyz cxy g in the time interval t0 and t1 , respectively. dð1Þ stands for first variation.
The von-Kármán strain displacement relations are used to account for
Here, frgT and fegT are the cartesian components of stress ten-
the geometric nonlinearity. The partial differential equations govern-
sor and corresponding strain at a point respectively. The force and
ing the stability of functionally graded plate, can be written as,
moment resultants of the FG plate can be defined as
00 1 0 1 0 11 0 1 ^ xx;x þ N
N ^ xy;y ¼ q u;tt
Nxx M xx Maxx
rxx Z
h=2C ^
Nxy;x þ N^ yy;y ¼ q v ;tt
@@ Nyy A; @ M yy A; @ Myy AA ¼ @ ryy Að1; z; f ðzÞÞdz 1
h=2C ^ xx w; þ N
Mxx;xx þ 2Mxy;xy þ Myy;yy þ ðN ^ xy w; Þ;
Nxy Mxy M axy sxy x y x
^ ^
þðNxy w; þ Nyy w; Þ; ¼ q w;tt
ð11Þ x y y 1
8 9 2 38 o 9 2 38 9 2 38 9
/o1;y >
< w;xx >
< Nxx > = A11 A12 A16 > < exx >= B11 B12 B16 > = C 11 C 12 C 16 > < =
6 7 6 7 6 7
Nyy ¼ 4 A12 A22 A26 5 eoyy þ 4 B12 B22 B26 5 wo;yy þ 4 C 12 C 22 C 26 5 /o2;y
: >
; >
: co > ; >
: 2wo > ; >
: o >
Nxy A16 A26 A66 xy B16 B26 B66 xy C 16 C 26 C 66 /1;y þ /o2;x
8 9 2 38 o 9 2 38 9 2 38 9
/o1;x >
< w;xx >
< Mxx > = B11 B12 B16 > < exx > = D11 D12 D16 > = E11 E12 E16 > < =
6 7 eo 6 7 wo 6 7 o
Myy ¼ 4 B12 B22 B26 5 yy þ 4 D12 D22 D26 5 ;yy þ 4 E12 E22 E26 5 /2;y
: >
; >
: co > ; >
: 2wo > ; >
: o >
Mxy B16 B26 B66 xy D16 D26 D66 xy E16 E26 E66 /1;y þ /o2;x ð13a-dÞ
8 a 9 2 38 o 9 2 38 9 2 38 9
/o1;x >
< w;xx >
< Mxx >
> = C 11 C 12 C 16 > < exx >= E11 E12 E16 > = F 11 F 12 F 16 >< =
Myy ¼ 6
a 7 6 7
4 C 12 C 22 C 26 5 eyy þ 4 E12 E22 E26 5 w;yy
o o 6 7
þ 4 F 12 F 22 F 26 5 /o2;y
: a > ; >
: co > ; >
: 2wo > ; >
: o >
Mxy C 16 C 26 C 66 xy E16 E26 E66 xy F 16 F 26 F 66 /1;y þ /o2;x
( a )
Q yy H44 H45 /2
Q axx H45 H55 /o1
222 R. Kumar et al. / Composite Structures 154 (2016) 219–230
where, nxx ; nyy and nxy are the plate internal force resultants due to For x ¼ 0; a N xy ¼ 0 N xx ¼ 4N
0 y ð1 yÞ
applied parabolically distributed in-plane loading and Nxx ; Nyy ; Nxy
b b
xy ¼ 0 N
y ¼ 0; b N yy ¼ 0
are the in-plane force resultants defined in Eq. 13(a). Thus,
N ^ yy ; N
^ xx ; N ^ xy are the resultant plate internal force resultants. For Following Timoshenko and Goodier [32,30], the stress function
biaxial loading along both principal direction, the biaxial loading is assumed in the form of a series as,
ratio is denoted as N b N b ¼ N yy
. Here, prebuckling internal force U ¼ U0 þ a1 U1 þ a2 U2 þ a3 U3 þ a4 U4 þ . . . ð21Þ
resultants are the addition of force resultants developed due to both
the in plane edge loading i.e., N xx and N
yy . Here, assumed stress functions U0 ; U1 ; U2 ; . . . to be such that the
boundary conditions are satisfied. The constant a1 ; a2 ; a3 ; . . . an are
2.5. In-plane stress distribution obtained with the help of Ritz method. Substituting the Eq. (21) in
(18) and carrying out integration, an expression in second degree
In the present investigation, parabolically varying and linearly in a1 ; a2 ; a3 ; . . . an are obtained, minimizing which
varying in-plane compressive dynamic loads as shown in Fig. 1b ai ði ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; nÞ are obtained. The stress function for the parabolic
are considered. The in-plane load distribution can be expressed in-plane edge loading is assumed as follows.
by f ðyÞ ¼ 4 by 1 by and f ðyÞ ¼ 1 k by for parabolic and linearly y2 y y2
U ¼ 2N
2 2
2 þ ðx2 axÞ ðy2 ybÞ ða1 þ a2 x þ a3 y
varying loadings, respectively. Different types of in-plane load dis- 3 b 2b
tributions such as uniform, trapezoidal, triangular and partial ten-
þ a4 x2 þ a5 xy þ a6 y2 þ . . .Þ ð22Þ
sion are obtained by choosing various values of k = 0, 0.5, 1, and
1.5, respectively. It may be noted that both the static part (N s )
and the dynamic part (N t ) of the in-plane loading varies as the 2.6. Plate buckling analyses
above two non-uniform loading functions. In the case of linearly
varying in-plane load, the stress distribution within the plate coin- The critical buckling load of functionally graded rectangular
cides with the applied edge loading [30]. But, in the case of plates loaded by non-uniform in-plane loading (parabolically vary-
parabolically varying in-plane load the correct stress distribution ing and linearly varying) are obtained by using Galerkin’s method.
within the plate is the one which minimizes the membrane strain In the present investigation following four sets of boundary condi-
energy of the plate and satisfies the boundary condition. The mem- tions are used: SSSS, CSCS, SCSC and CCCC. Where S stands for sim-
brane strain energy of a plate of thickness h of FG plate is given by ply supported edge and C for clamped edge. The letters indicate the
8 9T 2 31 8 9 boundary conditions on the edge of the plate in the anti-clockwise
Z Z >< nxx >
= A11 A12 A16 >
< nxx >
= fashion starting from the left hand edge. The out-of-plane displace-
h 6 7 ð18Þ
V¼ nyy 4 A12 A22 A26 5 nyy dxdy ment field wðx; yÞ satisfying the boundary conditions of the plate is
2 A >
: >
; >
: >
nxy A16 A26 A66 nxy expressed as the product of beam function.
where, X
1 X
y y
N xx 4N 0 (1 ) b
b b
Parabolic Loading
Fig. 1b. Parabolic and linearly varying (k ¼ 0; 0:5; 1:0 and 1.5) in-plane edge loading.
R. Kumar et al. / Composite Structures 154 (2016) 219–230 223
i X
tanðnm =2Þ þ tanhðnm =2Þ ¼ 0 ð25bÞ ~o ¼
/ K mn sin mapx sin npb y
m¼1 n¼1
x 1 sinðnm =2Þ X
i X
X cc
m ðxÞ ¼ sin nm ~o ¼
/ Lmn sin mapx sin npb y
a 2 sinhðnm =2Þ 2
m¼1 n¼1
x 1
cosh nm ðm ¼ 3; 5; 7 . . .Þ ð26aÞ Using Eqs. (27a-c) and (28a-c), and employing Galerkin’s method
a 2
the governing differential equation in displacement terms are con-
where, nn are obtained as roots of the equation, verted into a set of homogeneous algebraic equations for simply
tanðnm =2Þ tanhðnm =2Þ ¼ 0 ð26bÞ supported and clamped boundary conditions, respectively. Solving
the associated eigenvalue problem, critical buckling loads are eval-
The function of Y n ðyÞ are similarly chosen based on the condition uated numerically.2.7. Dynamic instability analysis The applied
at y = 0 and y = b by replacing x by y and a by b and m by n in the non-uniform in-plane load (N x ¼ N s þ N t cos pt) has a static and a
above equations. m and n are, respectively, the number of nodal dynamic component. The static component (N s ) and the dynamic
lines along x and y directions. In the case of simple support only component (N t ) are assumed to vary accordingly either parabolic
normal in-plane displacements are allowed and in-plane tangential or linear distributions. The force, moment and shear resultants in
displacements and out of plane displacements are prevented. Eq. (17a-e) are expressed in terms of displacements and rotation
components. The von-Kármán strain displacement relations are
2.6.1. Boundary conditions at the simply supported edges are used to account for the geometric nonlinearity. The nonlinear dif-
Generalized force boundary conditions are, ferential equations for the case of functionally graded plate sub-
xx ; Pxx ¼ M xx ¼ 0 at x ¼ 0; a
nxx Nxx ¼ N jected to non-uniform dynamic loads in terms of displacements
yy ; Pyy ¼ Myy ¼ 0 at y ¼ 0; b
nyy Nyy ¼ N and rotations component are given in Appendix A. Adopting multi-
term Galerkin’s approximation, the governing partial differential
Generalized displacement boundary conditions are, equations are converted into a set of non-linear ordinary differ-
ential equations describing plate dynamic instability behaviour as,
v o
¼ wo ¼ /oy ¼ 0 at x ¼ 0; a
uo ¼ wo ¼ /ox ¼ 0 at y ¼ 0; b
Following sets of displacement fields satisfy the simply sup- ½Mf€dg þ ½½K L þ K NL ðNs þ Nt cos ptÞ½K G fdg ¼ f0g ð29aÞ
ported boundary conditions are,
where, ½M, ½K L , ½K NL and ½K G are respectively the mass, linear stiff-
i X
~o ¼
u U mn cos mapx sin npb y ness, nonlinear stiffness and geometric stiffness matrices and ‘p’ is
m¼1 n¼1 the excitation frequency. For the study of dynamic instability
i X regions using Bolotin [25] method, the nonlinear stiffness (K NL ) is
v~ o ¼ V mn sin mapx cos npb y neglected from Eq. (29a). After neglecting the non-linear stiffness,
m¼1 n¼1 the differential equation (Mathieu type of equation) is reduced to
i X
j the form as follows.
~o ¼
w W mn X ss ss
m ðxÞX n ðyÞ
½Mf€dg þ ½K L ðNs þ Nt cos ptÞ½K G fdg ¼ f0g
m¼1 n¼1
i X
~o ¼
/ K mn cosðmapxÞ sin npb y
m¼1 n¼1 Here, Ns and Nt are varied as N s ¼ aN cr and N t ¼ bN cr ; where a
i X and b are static and dynamic load factors respectively and N cr is
~o ¼
/ Lmn sin cos npb y the static buckling load. It may be noted that, the effect of non-
2 a
m¼1 n¼1 uniform in-plane load is reflected in the computation of ½K G
matrix. The Eq. (29a) is a second order differential equation with
2.6.2. The boundary conditions for CCCC plate are periodic coefficients. The critical buckling load is evaluated from
Generalized force boundary conditions are, the solution of linear eigenvalue problem by neglecting the mass,
nonlinear stiffness and time dependant load terms. Similarly the
xx ;
nxx Nxx ¼ N at x ¼ 0; a solutions of the eigenvalue problem associated with the Eq. (29a)
yy ; ð28aÞ
nyy Nyy ¼ N at y ¼ 0; b neglecting terms containing N s and N t gives the natural frequen-
cies. The regions of instability are located by boundaries of instabil-
Generalized displacement boundary conditions are, ity and on the boundaries, the linear differential equation system
v o
¼ wo ¼ /ox ¼ /oy ¼ 0 at x ¼ 0; a (Eq. (29b)) has periodic solution with period T or 2T. Two solutions
ð28bÞ with same period confine the region of instability and two solu-
uo ¼ wo ¼ /ox ¼ /oy ¼ 0 at y ¼ 0; b
224 R. Kumar et al. / Composite Structures 154 (2016) 219–230
tions with different periods confine the region of stability. The Table 1
solution of the Eq. (29b) with period T and 2T, respectively, are The critical buckling loads a simply supported FG plate (a/b = 1) under uniform in-
plane loading for different span-to-thickness ratios (a/h).
assumed in the form of Fourier series as,
X Span-to-thickness a/h = 100 a/h = 10
kpt kpt ratio
dðtÞ ¼ b0 þ ak sin þ bk cos ð30Þ
2 2 Power index Present Thai and Choi Present Thai and Choi
[33] [33]
jK 0:5bNcr K G 0:25Mp21 j ¼ 0
K 0:5bNcr K G 0:5bNcr K G 0 ð32a-bÞ
p2 0:25M ¼0
bN K
K 2:25 Mp 2 2
0 0
cr G 1
Fig. 4. Principal instability zones of the simply supported FG plates (a/b = 1, n = 1, Fig. 7. Principal instability zones of simply supported FG plates (a/h = 100, n = 1,
a ¼ 0) subjected to parabolic in-plane loading for different span to thickness (a/h) a ¼ 0) subjected to parabolic in-plane loading for different aspect (a/b) ratio.
Fig. 8. Principal and secondary instability zones of simply supported FG plates (a/
Fig. 5. Principal instability zones of simply supported FG plates (a/b = 1, a/h = 100, b = 1, a/h = 100, n = 1) subjected to parabolic in-plane loading for different static
n = 1, a ¼ 0:25) for different types of linearly varying in-plane loadings. load factor (a).
226 R. Kumar et al. / Composite Structures 154 (2016) 219–230
Fig. 10. (a) Linear response and corresponding phase plot, and (b) Non-linear response and corresponding phase plot of simply supported FG plate (a/b = 1, a/h = 100, n = 1,
a ¼ 0 and b ¼ 0:4) under parabolic in-plane loading with excitation frequency parameter (X ¼ 9:10 i.e. Xl < X < Xu) from unstable regions.
R. Kumar et al. / Composite Structures 154 (2016) 219–230 227
are considered. It is concluded that the width of principal insta- observed from figure that the principal instability zones increases
bility region is the highest for uniform loading and the minimum as the slenderness of the FG plate increases.
for partial tension.
3.5. Effect of static load factor and bi-axial loading
3.4. Effect of edge restraint and aspect ratio
Influence of static load factor on the principal instability zone of
The effect of boundary conditions on the principal instability FG plate (a/b = 1, a/h = 100, n = 1) under parabolic in-plane loading
zones of FG plate (a/b = 1, a/h = 100, n = 1, a = 0) subjected to para- is shown in the Fig. 8. It is clear from the figure that the width of
bolic in-plane loading is presented in Fig. 6. In the present analysis, the primary instability zone increases with increase of static load
four different boundary conditions considered as follows: all edges factor (a). Fig. 9, shows the effect of biaxial parabolic in-plane load-
simply supported (SSSS), loaded edges simply supported and other ing on the principal zone of a simply supported FG plate (a/b = 1,
two edges clamped (SCSC), loaded edges clamped and other two a/h = 100, n = 1, a = 0). The biaxial edge loading is denoted by the
edges simply supported (CSCS) and all edges clamped (CCCC). It load ratio N b ð¼
xx Þ
which is the ratio of compressive (positive) or
shows that the frequency of FG plate decreases under the parabolic
tensile (negative) edge load in the y-direction ðN yy Þ. to compres-
in-plane load in the order: CCCC > CSCS > SCSC > SSSS at the same
sive edge load in x-direction (Nxx). It is clear from the figure that
dynamic load factor ðbÞ ¼ N t =N cr of SSSS FG plate. The width of the width of the principal zone increases with the increase of bi-
instability zone of CCCC plate is the lowest among all boundary axial load factor (N b ).
conditions due to its higher value of natural frequency. The effect
of aspect ratio on the principal instability zone of FG plate 3.6. Response and corresponding phase plot
(a/h = 100, n = 1, a = 0) subjected to parabolic in-plane loading is
presented in Fig. 7. Here, length ‘a’ is kept constant and width ‘b’ Fig. 10 shows (a) the linear response and corresponding phase
is varied to obtain different aspect ratio of the FG plate. It is plot and (b) the non-linear response and corresponding phase plot
Fig. 11. (a) Linear response and corresponding phase plot, and (b) Non-linear response and corresponding phase plot of simply supported four layered FG plate (a/b = 1,
a/h = 100, n = 1, a ¼ 0 and b ¼ 0:4) under parabolic in-plane loading with dimensionless excitation frequency parameter (X ¼ 8:00 i.e. X < Xl) from lower stability region.
228 R. Kumar et al. / Composite Structures 154 (2016) 219–230
Fig. 12. (a) Linear response and corresponding phase plot, and (b) Non-linear response and corresponding phase plot of simply supported FG plate (a/b = 1, a/h = 100, n = 1,
a ¼ 0 and b ¼ 0:4) under parabolic in-plane loading with dimensionless excitation frequency parameter (X ¼ 10:15 i.e. X > Xu) from upper stability region.
approximately three times the initial amplitude of w(0)/h = 0.3. [10] Yang J, Liew KM, Kitipornchai S. Dynamic stability of laminated FGM plates
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A11 uo;xx þ A66 uo;yy þ ðA12 þ A66 Þv o;xy fB11 wo;xxx þ ðB12 þ 2B66 Þwo;xyy g þ ðC 11 /o1;xx þ C 66 /o1;yy Þ
þðC 12 þ C 66 Þ/o2;xy þ ðA11 wo;xx þ A66 wo;yy Þwo;x þ ðA12 þ A66 Þwo;y wo;xy ðnxx;x þ nxy;y Þ ¼ q1 uott
ðA12 þ A66 Þuo;xy þ A66 v o;xx þ A22 v o;yy fB22 wo;yyy þ ðB12 þ 2B66 Þwo;xxy g þ ðC 12 þ C 66 Þ/o1;xy
þðC 22 /o2;yy þ C 66 /o2;xx Þ þ ðA66 wo;xx þ A22 wo;yy Þwo;y þ ðA12 þ A66 Þðwo;x wo;xy Þ ðnyy;y þ nxy;x Þ ¼ q1 v ott
B11 fuo;xxx þ wo;x wo;xxy þ ðwo;xx Þ2 g þ B12 fv o;xxy þ uo;xyy þ wo;x wo;xyy þ wo;y wo;xxy þ 2ðwo;xy Þ2 g
þB22 fv o;yyy þ wo;y wo;yyy þ ðwo;yy Þ2 g þ 2B66 fuo;xyy þ v o;xxy þ wo;x wo;xyy þ wo;yy wo;xx þ wo;y wo;xxy þ ðwo;xy Þ2 g
D11 wo;xxxx 2D12 wo;xxyy D22 wo;yyyy 4D66 wo;xxyy þ E11 /o1;xxx þ E12 ð/o1;xyy þ /o2;xxy Þ þ E22 /o2;yyy
þ2E66 ð/o1;xyy þ /o2;xxy Þ þ wo;xx ðA11 p1 þ A12 q1 þ B11 p2 þ B12 q2 þ C 11 p3 þ C 12 q3 Þ ðA-3Þ
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þ2wo;xy ðA66 r 1 þ B66 r 3 þ C 66 r 3 Þ þ wo;x ðA66 r1;y þ B66 r 3;y þ C 66 r 3;y Þ þ wo;y ðA66 r 1;x þ B66 r3;x þ C 66 r 3;x Þ
2nxy wo;xy nxy;y wo;x nxy;x wo;y þ wo;yy ðA12 p1 þ A22 q1 þ B12 p2 þ B22 q2 þ C 12 p3 þ C 22 q3 Þ
þwo;y ðA12 p1;y þ A22 q1;y þ B12 p2;y þ B22 q2;y þ C 12 p3;y þ C 22 q3;y Þ nyy wo;yy nyy;y wo;y ¼ q1 wott
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