Nutrition 3
Nutrition 3
Nutrition 3
II nd Year B.V.Sc. and A.H.
Course No : ANN-221 Credits : 2+1=3
Title : Livestock feeding ( Applied Nutrition -I )
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fill
in the blanks.
1. In his feeding standards------------ for first time considered the composition of milk in
deciding the nutrient requirement for milk production. (Haecker )
2. Proximate principle viz. ---------- is not considered in estimating TDN value of feed.
( Total ash )
3. True digestibility of protein is always -------- than the apparent digestibility . (More )
4. Colostrum is lower in ----------- content than milk. (Lactose )
5. Colostrum is valuable for newborn for its -------- content. ( Antibody / Immunoglobulin )
6. CP content of broiler starter feed is ------ than the broiler finisher feed. ( More )
7. Cotton seed cake contains anti-nutritional factor known as ---------. ( Gossypol )
8. Fish meal is a good source of ----------- amino acids. (Essential )
9. ---------- is commonly used NPN source used in livestock feeding. ( Urea )
10. ---- is an example of laboratory animal used in nutritional experiments. ( Rat/ Mice /
Guinea pig )
11. -------- and --- are the sulfur containing amino acids in the ration of mono-gastric
animals. ( Methionine and cystine )
12. Finisher broilers are supplied with ----------- energy in feed than broiler starter. (More
13. Nutritive value of tree leaves is affected generally by its anti-nutritional viz.-------------.
(Tannin )
14. Proximate principle viz. ----------is not considered in the estimation of TDN value of
feed. ( NFE )
15. Raw soybean contains anti-nutritional factor known as ----------.( Trypsin inhibitor )
16. Nutritive value of cereal grains is-------- than leguminous seeds.(Wider )
17. Cellulose cannot be digested normally by ---- species. ( Non-ruminant / Monogastric
animals )
18. ---------- is an example of internal indicator used in digestibility studies. ( Silica /
Lignin )
19. Grower chick requires --------- protein in the ration than starter. (Less )
20. ------------- is a purified source of fat. (Oil )
21. ------------- is a purified source of carbohydrates. ( Starch )
22. ------------- is a purified source of protein. (Casein )
23. Fat produces ----------- times more energy when compared with that of carbohydrates.
(2.25 )
24. Daily DM intake of lactating cross bred cow is in range of -------------- kg. ( 2-2.5 ) 25.
Heat increment value of roughage is ---------- than that of concentrate in ruminants.
( More )
26. Nutritional disorder observed in piglets due to iron deficiency is known as ------------.
( Piglet anemia )
27. Crazy chick disease is caused due to deficiency of -----. ( Pyridoxin / Vitamin -B6 )
28. ------ is an example of good binding agent used commonly in livestock feeds.
( Molasses )
29. ----- feeding standards are better for Indian Livestock. ( Indian / ICAR / Sen and Ray,
Ranjhan )
30. ---- experiment is preferred for meat type of studies. ( Slaughter )
31. -------- is a biological protein source. ( Casein / Albumin)
32. Calcium requirement of chick mash is ------- than layer mash. (Lower )
33. ------ is anti-nutritional factor present in salseed meal. ( Tannin )
34. Subabul seeds contain anti-nutritional factor known as --------. ( Mimosine )
35. Physiological fuel values are otherwise known as ------ . ( Atwaters physiological fuel
values )
36. The percent DM consumption in a young growing calf is--------- than that of adult cows.
( More )
37. Total nutrient requirement for growth is --------- than the maintenance requirement of
same species. ( more )
38. Energy concentration of solvent extracted oil seed cake is relatively ---- as compared to
expeller processed oil seed cakes. ( Lower )
39. Toxicity of dietary lysine is overcome by increasing the level of ------. ( Arginin )
40. The duration of collection period mandatory in conducting digestion and metabolism
trials is ---------. ( 7 to 10 days )
41. Mahua seedcake contains anti-nutritional factor ------.( Mowrin )
42. Babul seed powder contains anti-nutritional factor ------. (Mimosin )
43. Guar seed meal contains anti-nutritional factor ------. (Saponin )
44. Mango seed kernel contains anti-nutritional factor -------------. ( Tannin )
45. Water hyacinth contains anti-nutritional factor -------------. (Oxalates )
46. Pregnancy allowance is recommended during --------- of pregnancy. ( Last one third )
47. Fungal toxin, viz. ----- is likely to be present in poorely stored groundnut cake.
( Aflatoxins )
Give reasons
1. Colostrum is superior than milk in its nutritive value.
Ans : Colostrum provides immuno-globulin to new born.
2.Vitamin D supplements are not dietary essential for growing animals in tropical countries.
Ans : By irradiation , the 7- dehydrocholesterol present in the skin is converted into Vitamin
– D3 .
3. In poultry ME requirements are approximately 18 % higher than the NE requirements .
Why ?
Ans : Specific Dynamic Action of feed ( carbohydrates, fat, protein is 18% )
4.Simple chemical analysis is incomplete measure to evaluate nutritive value of feed.
Ans : Simple chemical analysis of feed does not gives any idea regarding digestibility of
feed .
5. Vitamins of B-complex group are added to poultry feeds but not cattle feeds. Ans : Cattle
can synthesize all the B-complex group of vitamins with the help of rumen micro-
organisms present in the rumen .
6. Antibiotics are not added to cattle feeds.
Ans : Antibiotics suppress the rumen micro-flora.
7. The maintenance requirement of milch cow is 10-15 % higher than that of dry cows , Why
Ans : Basal Metabolic Rate of milch cow is higher.
8. Chicken require glycine also as essential amino acids . Why ?
Ans : Glycine is required for bio-synthesis of uric acid., fat, protein ) is 18%.
Answer key:
1.DCP—0.254 kg, TDN- 3.03 kg
2. Magnesium, Calcium
3. DCP—0.045 kg, TDN- 0.32 kg
4. Methionine, Lysine , Threonine
5. Molasses, Bagasse
7. Methionine and Cystein
8. Methionine and Cysteine, Copper and Cobalt
9. Niger seed cake, Kokam seed cake
10. Mango seed kernel, Salseed meal, Tapioca thippi
11. Feather meal, Hatchery waste, Blood meal, Frog meal
12. Iron
13. Casein and Albumin
14. Rat , Mice, Rabbit, Guinea pig
15. Dicalcium phosphate, Lime stone powder, Shell grit, Bone meal, Deflourinated rock
State whether true or false
1. Straws are less digestibility than hays. (True )
2. The collection period in ruminant is of longer duration than in pigs and poultry. ( True )
3. Heat increment is more on high roughages feeding. (True )
4. Addition of molasses or grains to a ration containing urea , helps in better utilization of
urea by animal. (True )
5. Cobalt mineral is involved in the synthesis of vitamin B12. ( True )
6. Cooking of grains does not increase its digestibility in ruminants. ( True) 7. Maintenance
ration is given for rapid weight gains. ( False ) Corrected : Maintenance ration is given
for maintenance of body.
7. Colostrum is more valuable in newborn calves for its sugar content. (False) Corrected :
Colostrum is more valuable in newborn calves for its antibody content.
8. CP content is more than DCP content of same feed. ( True )
9. Efficiency of conversion of feed to animal origin products is more in broiler birds than
the layers. ( True )
10. Rate of excretion of MFN is controlled by DM intake by the animals. (True )
11. Antibiotic type feed additives are objected for its side effects. ( True )
12. Green berseem should be fed ad libitum to high yielding cows without supplementing
any dry roughages. (False )
Ans : Green berseem should be fed ad libitum to high yielding cows by supplementing any
dry roughages
13. Crude fibre is one of the chief constitute of wool.(False) Ans : Protein is one of the chief
constitute of wool.
14. Young animals make more efficient gains than do older animals. (True)
15. A cow on a ration low in calcium will produce milk, which is lower in this mineral.
( False )
Ans : A cow on a ration low in calcium will produce milk, which is not lower in this
16. Energy is the principle requirement for fattening. ( True )
17. A cow on a ration low in quality of protein will produce milk, which is low in protein
quality.(False )
Corrected : A cow on a ration low in quality of protein will produce milk which is not low in
protein quality.
18. Almost all the farm produced feeds should be supplemented with salt for livestock .
( True )
19. Extra feeding of pregnant cows should be done after nine months of pregnancy. ( False )
Corrected : Extra feeding of pregnant cows should be done after six months of pregnancy.
20. Crude fibre in adult pigs diet must not be more than 15%. ( True )
21. Casein is used as purified protein source in nutritional experiments. ( True )
22. Methionine is essential amino acid for poultry. (True )
23. Mode of action of antibiotics and probiotics is same when used as feed additives. (False
Corrected : Mode of action of antibiotics and probiotics is not same when used as feed
24. Fish meal is used in poultry mainly for its good quality protein. ( True ) 25. Vitamin D
supplements in feed is not required for layer poultry bird. ( False ) Corrected : Vitamin
D supplements in feed is required for layer poultry bird.
26. Probiotics are feed additives generally preferred more than antibiotics in feeding of farm
animals. (True )
27.Level of DM intake of the animals has no effect on the rate of excretion of MFN.
( False )
Corrected : Level of DM intake of the animals has effect on the rate of excretion of MFN.
28.Di-calcium phosphate is good source of calcium and phosphorus minerals . (True )
29.LSP is a good source of calcium. (True )
30.Starch equivalent value indicates fat producing power of the feed stuff. (True ) 31.
Level of DM intake by the animal influences its EUN value . (False ) Corrected :
Level of DM intake by the animal influences its MFN value .
32.Pregnancy allowance should be fed during last trimester of gestation. ( True )
33. Total nutrient requirement during last three months of pregnancy is less than
maintenance allowance of the animal. (False )
Corrected : Total nutrient requirement during last three months of pregnancy is more than
maintenance requirement of the animal.
34.Ruminants getting ad lib green fodder in their ration are required to be supplemented with
vitamin -A. (False )
Corrected : Ruminants getting ad lib green fodder in their ration are not required to be
supplemented with vitamin -A.
35. Vitamin -D is not dietary essential for grazing animal in tropical country.(True )
36.Colostrum is more valuable for its immunoglobulin content . (True )
37.. Feed conversion of layers is less than broilers. (True )
38. Rabbit is herbivores laboratory animals. (True )
39. Poultry feeds without animal protein source can be prepared. (True )
40. For better utilization Semisolid feed should be given to the pigs. (True )
41. Microbial proteins are deficient In Methionine and lysine. (True )
42.NRC feeding standards are not suitable for Indian (Zebu) cattle. (True )
1.e, 2. a, 3. b , 4. c , 5. d
1.d, 2. b, 3. e , 4. a , 5. c
1.c, 2. d, 3. e , 4. a , 5. b
1.e, 2. a, 3. b , 4. c , 5.d
1.c, 2. d, 3. b , 4. a , 5.e
1.e, 2. d, 3. c , 4. b , 5. a
Match the pairs .
1. Feed additive a) Oxalate
2. Subabul b) Probiotics
3. Castor seed meal c) Mimosine
4. Molasses d) Ricin
5. Water hyacinth e) Binder additive
1.b, 2.c, 3. d , 4. e , 5. a
1.c, 2.d, 3. b , 4. e , 5. a
1.d, 2.b, 3. c , 4. a , 5. e
1.b, 2 f, 3. d , 4. e , 5.c, 6. a
1. All amino acids are dietary essential for adult ruminants. ( False )
Corrected : All amino acids are not dietary essential for non-ruminants.
2. Succulent forages are conserved on the form of silage. (True )
Corrected : Succulent forages can not be stored easily. 3.
Acetic acid is glucogenic in nature . ( False )
Corrected : Propionic acid is glucogenic in nature .
4. NFE produces more ME than CF in feed. ( True )
5. Plant cell wall is made up of carbohydrates . (True )
6 .Stored energy in the oil seed is in the form of carbohydrate . ( False )
Correcetd : .Storage energy in the oil seed is in the form of fat .
7. The moisture content of fresh green forage is less than that of air dried grasses.( False )
Corrected : The moisture content of fresh green forage is more than that of air dried grasses.
8. Cobalt mineral is concerned with synthesis of vitamin B2 . ( False )
Corrected : Cobalt mineral is concerned with synthesis of vitamin B12 .
9. B- vitamins are synthesized in sufficient quantity in the rumen of healthy ruminants.
(True )
10. Kellner is the father of Animal Nutrition ( False )
Corrected : Antonie Lavoiser is the father of animal nutrition.
11. Non-essential amino acids are required for synthesis of protein in animal body.(True )
12 . Vitamin E is natural anti-oxidant. (True )
13. Parakeratosis is caused due deficiency of magnesium. ( False ) Corrected :
Parakeratosis is caused due to deficiency of Zinc.
14. Nutritive value of stem is better than that of leaf part of same fodder plant .
( False ) Corrected : Nutritive value of stem is poor than that of leaf part of
same fodder plant . 15. Lignin is the most digestible part in animal feed . ( False
) Corrected : Lignin is the non- digestible part in animal feed .
16 .Di-calcium phosphate is a rich source of trace minerals . ( False )
Corrected : .Di-calcium phosphate is rich source of calcium and phosphorus. 17.
Water content of body increases with advancing age . ( False ) Corrected :
Water content of body decreases with advancing age .
18. Moisture content of fresh green forage is lesser than that of
dried forages. (False ) Corrected : Moisture content of fresh
green forage is more than that of dried forages.
19. Limestone powder is rich source of calcium . ( True )
20.Methionine is essential fatty acid . ( False ) Corrected :
Methionine is essential amino acid .
21.Butyric acid production is highest among the various volatile fatty acids produced in the
rumen . ( False)
Corrected : Acetic acid production is highest among the various volatile fatty acids produced
in the rumen .
22.Linoleic acid is example of essential amino acid . ( False )
Corrected : .Linoleic acid is an example of essential fatty acid .
23. Dietary supplementation of Vitamin C is not required in ruminants. ( True )
24. Usually the vitamins of B-complex groups are added to poultry feed but not to cattle feed.
( True )
25. NFE is not a proximate principle . ( False ) Corrected : NFE is proximate principle .
26. Glycogen is also called as animal starch . ( True )
27. Vitamin –D supplements are not dietary essential for growing animal of tropical country.
(True )
28. Consumption of sweet clover causes reduction in vitamin – K level of blood .(True )
29. Deficiency of vitamin –D causes Rickets in young animals. ( True )
30. Supplementation of vitamin-A is not required if green roughages are fed in ad lib amounts. (
True )
31. All leafy succulent roughages contain about 75 % water . (True )
32. Deficiency of manganese results in Perosis in chicks . ( True ) 33. Bone contains 36%
calcium , !7 % phosphorus and 0.8% magnesium.
( True )
34. Deficiency of phosphorus results in a condition known as Pica. ( True )
35. Antonie Laurent Lavoiser introduced the balance and thermometer in the nutritional studies.
36. Deficiency of phosphorus results in a condition known as Pica. ( True )
37. Body water content increases with age. ( True)
38. Carbohydrates are ready source of energy whereas lipid are concentrated source energy.
( True)
39. Plants are rich in calcium and animals are rich in potassium. ( False )
Corrected : Plants are rich in potassium calcium and animals are rich in calcium. 40.
Glucose molecules are linked by alpha 1,4 linkage in cellulose. (False) Corrected :
Glucose molecules are linked by Beta- 1,4 linkage in cellulose.
41. Polyunsaturated fatty acids have lower melting point. ( True )
42.Casein is a chromoprotein. ( False) Corrected : Casein is a
43. Amino acids are non-protein nitrogenous substances. ( True )
44. Lactase activity is high in poultry.
Corrected : Lactase activity is low in poultry.
45.Ruminants can not divert fatty acids to glucose synthesis. ( True) 46.
Moisture content of feeds does not affect nutrient content of it. (False )
Corrected: Moisture content of feeds affect nutrient content of it.
47. No relationship is observed of vitamin D and calcium. ( False) Corrected: Relationship is
observed of vitamin D and calcium.
48. Shell grit is best source of calcium for egg laying bird. ( True)
49. Di-calcium phosphate do contain both calcium and phosphorus. ( True)
49. Di-calcium phosphate do not contain both calcium and phosphorus. ( False) Corrected. Di-
calcium phosphate do contain both calcium and phosphorus.
50. Vitamin B complex group is not dietary essential for ruminants. ( True)
51. Selenium is acting like Vit. E and prevent in muscular dystrophy. (Tue)
52. Dental caries may occur in human beings due to flurosis. (Tue)
53. Pica is deficiency symptoms of Phosphorus in animals. (Tue)
54. ADF is ligno-cellulose. (Tue)
55. In milk fever body temperature of cow is below normal. (Tue)
56. In the rumen the CHO are digested by the host enzyme. ( False ) Corrected : In the rumen
the CHO are digested by the microbial enzyme.
57. In non-ruminant the energy losses as methane are tremendous. ( False ) Corrected : In
ruminant the energy losses as methane are tremendous.
58. In ruminants the energy for maintenance is absorbed largely in the form of VFA.
59. Low quality diets results in larger proportion of energy lost as methane. ( True)
60. The fatty animals has loser water content than thin animal. ( True)
61. Vitamin B12 is important for propionic acid metabolism . ( True)
62. In the stomach of pigs the proteins are completely digested to amino acids. (True) 63.
Carbohydrate content of animal body is around 5%.(False ) Corrected : Carbohydrate
content of animal body is around 1%.
64. Lactobacilli are important microbe fermenting sugars in rumen.(True)
65. Feeding slowly degradable nutrients along with straw improve fibre digestion.( True)
66. Starch is a trisacchride. ( False) Corrected : Starch is a polysaccharide.
67. Protein is denatured by heat treatment. (True)
68. Citric acid cycle is Krebs cycle. ( True)
69. Volatile fatty acids are utilized by rumen microbes. (True)
70. Almost all essential amino acids are synthesized by rumen microbes. (True)
71.Pigs do not need dietary essential amino acids.
72. Fibrous diets reduces the percentage of acetic acid in rumen. (False)
Corrected: Fibrous diets increases the percentage of acetic acid in rumen. 73.
Lignin increases the fed digestibility. ( False) Corrected : Lignin reduces the
fed digestibility.
74. Protein solubility enhances protein rumen degradability.( True)
75. As plant tissue grows, the cell wall become delignified and are more readily digested.
( False)
Corrected : As plant tissue grows, the cell wall become lignified and are less readily
76. Diets , containing little or no coarse roughages, fail to provides sufficient stimulation for
rumination. ( True)
77. In ruminant the extensive microbial activity occurs in small intestine specially in caecum.
( False)
Corrected: . In ruminant the extensive microbial activity occurs in rumen.
78. The time spent by the animals in rumination depends upon the fibrous content of the feed.
79. In animal given predominantly concentrate diets, propionic acid production may usually low.
Corrected : In animal given predominantly concentrate diets, propionic acid production may
usually high.
80.As the concentrate portion in the ruminant diet increases, the proportion of acetic acid
rises and that of propionic acid falls.(False)
Corrected: As the concentrate portion in the ruminant diet increases, the proportion of acetic
acid falls and that of propionic acid rises.
81.In ruminant , cellulose and hemicellulose are digested by the enzymes secreted by the
host animals.(False)
Corrected : In ruminant , cellulose and hemicellulose are digested by the enzymes secreted
by the rumen microbes animals.
82.The true protein is degraded more rapidly as against the NPN compounds.(False)
Corrected : The true protein is degraded less rapidly as against the NPN compounds.
83.Fats helps in conserving the body temperature. (True)
84. Utilization of urea is less on high protein and low energy rations.(True)
85. Cannibalism in poultry is due to deficiency of salt. (True)
86. Leguminous fodders are very good sources of calcium.(True)
1) c, 2) d, 3) a, 4) e, 5) b
1) b, 2) e, 3) d, 4) a, 5) c
1) c, 2) e, 3) a, 4) d, 5) b
1) Green plants a) Curled toe paralysis
2) Riboflavin b) Vitamin - K
3) Manganese c) Photosynthesis
4) Feed additive d) Vitamin - E
5) Phylloquinone e) Perosis
f) Enzymes
1) c, 2) a, 3) e, 4) f , 5) b
Match the pairs
1) Riboflavin a) Calcium source
2) Enzyme b) Piglet anemia
3) Iron c) Curled toe paralysis
4) Zinc d) Phytase
5) Limestone powder e) Parakeratosis
1) c, 2) d, 3) b, 4) e , 5) a
1) b, 2) d, 3) e, 4) a , 5) c
Answer : 1) h, 2) i, 3) f, 4) j , 5) a , 6) c, 7) e, 8) d , 9) b, 10) g.
Answer : 1) d, 2) e, 3) j, 4) f , 5) g , 6) b, 7) i, 8) c , 9) a, 10) b.
Q5.Answer in brief
1. Sulfur containing vitamins . ( Thiamine , Biotin )
2. Sulfur containing amino acids. ( Cystine, Methionine )
3.Mineral containing vitamins . ( Vitamin –B 12 , Biotin, Thiamin )
4. Proteolytic enzymes (Trypsin , Chymotrypsin )
5.Fat soluble vitamins. (Vitamin A, D , E and K )
6. Two rumen microbes concerned with starch digestion . ( Bacteriodes amylophillus,
Succinimonas amylolytica)
7. Two rumen microbesinvolved in cellulose digestion . ( Clolstridium loccheadij ,
Cellobacterium cellulosolvens )
8,.Two microbes involved in fibre digestion . ( Ruminicoccus flavefaciens ,
Ruminicoccus albus )
9.Dietary essential fatty acids . (Linoleic/ Linolenic/ Arachidoneic/ Oleic ) 10.
Give two examples of most commonly NPN compounds in ruminants.
( Urea and bi-urets )
11. Enlist two B group of vitamins / water soluble vitamins . ( Thiamin/ Riboflavin /
Biotin / Niacin / Folic acid / Pyridoxin/ Cynocobalamin / Choline )
12. Write two pseudofats present in the feed . ( Waxes, Lecithin, Sterols , Pigments,
Cholesterol )
13.Two important minerals concerned with maintaining osmotic pressure and acid base
equilibrium. ( Sodium, Potassium )
14. State two examples of animal origin protein sources . ( Fish meal, Meat meal , Blood meal )
15. State any two examples of plant / vegetable origin protein sources .
( Groundnut cake, Sunflower cake , Cotton seed cake, Soybean oil meal )
16. Name any two proximate principles in the feed . ( Moisture , Crude protein / Crude fibre /
Nitrogen free extract / Ether extract / Total ash )
17. Name two volatile fatty acids produced in the rumen . ( Acetic acid, Propionic acid,
Butyric acid )
18. . Name two gases produced in the rumen . ( Carbon dioxide, Methane )
19. Any two examples of monosacchrides . ( Glucose / Fructose / Galactose/ Mannose )
20. Any two examples of disacchrides . ( Sucrose / Lactose/ Maltose/ Isomaltose/
Cellobios )
21. Any two examples of toxic minerals .( Copper/ Molybdenum/ Fluorine )
22.Write one vitamin and one mineral causing Perosis in chicks. ( Biotin and Manganese)
23. Name the components of Insoluble carbohydrate in the feed . ( Crude fibre i. e.
Cellulose , Hemicellulose, Lignin )
24. Write two examples of major mineral . ( Calcium /Phosphorus/ Sodium/ Potassium/
Chloride / Sulfur / Magnesium )
25. Write two examples of minor / trace / micro minerals . ( Copper / Cobalt /
Molybdenum / Manganese / Zinc /Iron / Selenium)
26.Enzyme containing iron . (Cytochrome / Peroxidase / Catalase )
27. Dietary essential vitamin for ruminants. ( Vit. D, Vit.E, Vit. A )
Q6.Give Reasons
1. All amino acids are not dietary essential for adult ruminants.
Ans : Rumen micro organisms can synthesize amino acids in the rumen.
2. Fats have more energy than carbohydrates or protein.
Ans : More amount of carbon and hydrogen becomes available for oxidation and more
amount of atmospheric oxygen becomes available for oxidation than internal oxygen.
3. Essential amino acids should be supplied in the diet of non-ruminants. Ans : Ruminants
can synthesize essential amino acids in the rumen by virtue of rumen- flora but non-
ruminants cannot synthesize essential amino acids .
4. Ether extract is called crude fat.
Ans : Ether extract includes true fats as well as pseudofats like cholesterol, lecithin ,
chlorophyll, waxes.
5. Nitrogenous substances in feed are termed as crude protein. Ans : Nitrogenous
substances comes from non-protein nitrogenous substances as well as from true
6. Quality of protein is not of much importance in ruminant feeds.
Ans : Ruminants can synthesize essential amino acids in the rumen by virtue of rumen-
flora therefore they are not dietary dependent for amino acids.
7. Protein quality is an important factor for feeding of young calf . ( 0-3 months) Ans . In
case of pre-ruminant calf rumen and rumen-flora is not well develop therefore they are
unable to synthesize essential amino acids in the rumen i.e. they are dietary dependent
for essential amino acids.
8. Piglet anemia is a very common disease , when piglets are reared on concrete floor
and fed mothers milk.
Ans : Sows milk is deficient in iron and when piglets are reared on concrete
floor they don’t get asses to soil.
9. A particular ratio of N : S must be maintained in ruminant diet.
Ans : For synthesis of sulfur containing amino acids like methionine and cystine rumen
micro organisms required sulfur.
10. Addition of bulk feed is important for ruminants.
Ans : Bulk feed satisfies the appetite of the animal by filling capacious rumen and
thereby helps in the peristaltic movement.
11. B- vitamins are not dietary essential for adult ruminants.
Ans : Ruminants can synthesize B group of vitamins in the rumen by virtue of rumen-
flora therefore they are not dietary dependent for B- vitamins.
12. Vitamin- D supplements are not dietary essential for grazing animals in tropics. Ans: By
irradiation, the 7- dehydrocholesterol present in the skin is converted into Vitamin- D3.
13. Deficiency of vitamin – D causes rickets in young calves.
Ans: Vitamin D is required for the synthesis of protein that is necessary for the transport
of calcium in the intestinal mucosa. (Calcium binding protein)
14. Supplementation of vitamin –A is not required if green roughages are fed in ad lib
Ans: Carotene, the precursor of vitamin –A is present in the green roughages , which
gets converted into vitamin-A in the epithelial cells of small intestine.
13. Classify the minerals with suitable examples. Write the relationship between copper, sulfur
and molybdenum.
14. Classify the minerals with suitable examples. Write the relationship between copper, sulfur
and molybdenum.
15.Classify the minerals with suitable examples. Write the relationship between Calcium,
phosphorus and Vitamin-D.
16.How the quality of animal feeds is controlled by estimation of proximate principles?
Discuss the merits and demerits of present system of animal fed analysis.
17. Enlist macro and micro minerals. Write the relationship between Selenium and Vitamin-E.
18. Enlist fat and water-soluble vitamins. Write the importance, deficiency symptoms and
sources of vitamin-A and vitamin-D.
19. Enlist fat and water-soluble vitamins. Write the importance, deficiency symptoms and
sources of vitamin-E and vitamin-K.
20. Enlist fat and water-soluble vitamins. Write the importance, deficiency symptoms and
sources of vitamin-E.
21. Enlist fat and water-soluble vitamins. Write the importance, deficiency symptoms and
sources of Thiamin and Riboflavin.
22. Enlist fat and water-soluble vitamins. Write the importance, deficiency symptoms and
sources of Niacin and Biotin.
23. Enlist fat and water-soluble vitamins. Write the importance, deficiency symptoms and
sources of Pyridoxin and Cyanocobalamine.
24. Enlist fat and water soluble vitamins. Write the importance, deficiency symptoms and
sources of Pantothenic acid and Choline.
25. Explain in brief the proximate principles. Give the significance of crude fibre in ruminant
26. What are feed additives? Give the detail classification with suitable examples.
27. What are antibiotics? Write their mode of action with their uses and abuses in livestock
28. What are antibiotics? Discuss the role of antibiotics in pigs and poultry nutrition.
29. Discuss the effect of antibiotics feeding in lactating animals.
30. What are probiotics? Discuss the role of probiotics in pigs and poultry nutrition.
31. What are probiotics? Write their mode of action with their advantages in livestock feeding.
32. Define nutrient. Discuss the biochemical relationship between soil, plant and animal body.
33. Classify the minerals with suitable examples. Write the importance of copper, Iron and
cobalt in farm animals.
34. Classify the minerals with suitable examples. Write the importance of sodium, potassium
and chloride in farm animals.
35. Classify the minerals with suitable examples. Write the importance of manganese, zinc and
iodine in farm animals.
36. Enlist proximate principles. Discuss role of protein and fibre in ruminants.
37. Enlist proximate principles. Discuss role of carbohydrates and fat in ruminants.
38. Define nutrient. Enlist and explain the role of various nutrient presents in feed.
39. What are feed additives? Discuss the mode of action of antibiotics and hormones with their
merits and demerits in livestock feeding.
40. What do mean by essential amino acids? Enlist essential amino acids. Discuss how protein
is a metabolized in ruminant.
41. Write the function of water. Discuss various factors affecting water requirement in farm
42. Discuss the role of animal nutrition in relation to animal health and production.
43. Give in brief history of animal nutrition.
44. Discuss various nutrient required for healthy livestock rising.
45. Which feed additives will you suggest maximum profits from poultry industry in India and
46. Write the function of water in the animal body & what are the different sources of water.
47. What are the various factor affecting urea utilization in ruminants.
48. Which are the various macro and micro minerals available in feeds and fodders enlist them?
What are the important functions performed in animal body?
49. What are carbohydrates? Give the classification of carbohydrates.
50. What are lipids? Give the classification of lipids with their general properties.
51. What are proteins? Give the classification of proteins.
52. What are Amino acids? Give the classification of amino acids.
53. Explain the factors affecting chemical composition of forages.
54. Write the role of B-complex in nutrition.
55. Classify mineral elements on the basis of requirement and functions. Mention the important
functions of Cu, Zn, Mn, Se and Co.
56. Discuss microbial digestion of carbohydrates in rumen along with factors affecting it.
57. Which are the nutrients present in feeds and fodders enlist them and discuss the role of crude
fat in animal health maintenance .
58. How digestion of feed in ruminants is affected discuss in detail .
59. Why crude fibre in ruminants is important and how CF is digested ?
60. Discuss the role of crude protein in body building.
61. How minerals are classified ? Enlist macro and micro minerals essential for maintenance of
health and production of livestock or poultry.
62. What are the important of feed additives in the ration of livestock , enlist various feed
additives available in the market.
1. Cereal grasses contain more proteins than legume grasses. (False) Ans: Cereal grasses
contain less protein than legume grasses.
2. With advancing stage of maturity nutritive value of grasses increases. (False) Ans: With
advancing stage of maturity, nutritive value of grasses reduces.
3. TDN value of oilseeds may exceed 100. (True)
4. Cotton seed cake contains harmful principal HCN. (False) Ans: Cotton seed cake
contains harmful principle gossypol.
5. Wheat bran is good source of calcium for poultry. (False) Ans: Wheat bran is good
source of phosphorous for poultry.
6. Subabul contains mimosin as anti - nutritional factor. (True)
7. Tree leaves are rich in tannin. (True)
8. Linseed cake contains gossypol as anti - nutritional factor. (False) Ans. Linseed cake
contains linamarin as anti - nutritional factor.
9. Sugar cane tops are rich in oxalates. (True)
10. Quality of protein is given more importance in formulating ration for ruminants.
Ans. Quality of protein is given more importance in formulating rations for nonruminants.
11. Raw soybean contains anti-nutritional factor viz. linamarin. (False) Ans. Raw soybean
contains anti-nutritional factor trypsin inhibitor. 12. RQ for carbohydrate oxidation in
the body is 0.7. (False) Ans: RQ for carbohydrate oxidation in the body is 1.
13. Gross energy - Fecal energy = Net energy. (False)
Ans: Gross energy -Fecal energy = Digestible energy. 14.
Good silage has alkaline pH. (False) Ans: Good silage
has acidic pH.
15. Lactic acid is the predominant acid produced during silage making. (True)
16. Fodder crops rich in proteins are most suitable for silage making. (False)
Ans: Fodder crops rich in soluble carbohydrates are most suitable for silage making. 17.
Silage has more Vitamin D than hay. (False) Ans: Silage has less Vitamin D than hay.
18. Hay has more carotene than silage. (False) Ans: Silage
has more carotene than hay.
19. Castor seed has toxalbumin called ricin. (True) 20.
Soybean contains anti-vitamin B12 factor. (False) Ans:
Soybean contains trypsin inhibitor.
21. Biological value of animal protein sources is lower as compared to vegetable protein
sources. (False)
Ans: Biological value of animal protein sources is high as compared to vegetable protein
22. Oil seed meals differ from cakes in having higher protein and lower fat content.
23. Subabul green forage contains toxic substance dhurrin in the leave dry matter. (False) Ans.
Subabul green forages contains toxic substance mimosine in the leave dry matter.
24. Oxalic acid depresses the utilization of calcium. (True)
25. Fine grinding of roughages increases the digestibility of straw in ruminants. (False) Ans.
Fine grinding of roughages reduces the digestibility of straw in ruminants. 26. Soybean is
rich in methionine. (False) Ans. Soybean is rich in lysine.
27. Chopping of poor quality roughages improves its utility. (True)
28. Straws are poor quality roughages used in dairy cattle. (True)
29. Cereal fodders are richer in calcium than leguminous fodder. (False) Ans: Cereal fodders are
poor in calcium than leguminous fodders.
30. Roasted soybean meal can be used in poultry feed. (True)
31. Soybean meal is good source of animal origin protein. (False) Ans. Soybean meal is good
source of vegetable origin protein.
32. Urea can be used to improve nutritive value of agricultural crop residues. (True)
33. Straws are energy concentrates used for feeding high yielding dairy animals. (False) Ans.
Cereal grains are energy concentrates used for feeding high yielding dairy animals.
34. TDN value of feed can be determined from its nutrient content. (True)
35. DCP value of paddy straw ranges from 0 - 0.01 %. (True)
36. Green legumes are not suitable for silage making. (True)
37. SE value of chaffed fodder is more than unchaffed fodder. (True)
38.Chaffing of roughages saves the wastage and improves its utilization. (True)
39.Carbohydrates stored in animal body is comparatively lower than that of the plant (true)
40.Fat produces 2.25 times more energy as compared to that of CHO.(True)
41.SE value of chaffed fodder is more than unchaffed fodder.( True)
42.Wheat bran is a rich source of calcium. (False) Ans: Wheat bran
is a rich source of phosphorous.
43. Lucerne is perennial legume forage crop (True)
44. Biological value of fishmeal is higher than soybean meal.(True)
45. Sweet flavor of the silage is due to alcohol produced during ensiling. (True)
Q. 3: Answer in brief
1. Fine grinding of feeds will not improve digestibility of nutrients.
Ans. Fine grinding of feeds causes faster rate of passage of feeds through the GIT thereby
these feeds are not exposed to the microbial as well as GIT enzymes for sufficient times,
thereby reducing its digestibility.
2. Use of unconventional feeds in livestock feeding is the need of the day.
Ans: Due to unavailability of conventional feeds and their increasing prices forces the use of
unconventional feeds in livestock feeding.
3. Legume forages improves soil fertility.
Ans: The roots of the leguminous trees fix nitrogen from the atmosphere in the soil thereby
improving soil fertility.
4. Raw cottonseed cake is not used in calf meal.
Ans: Raw cottonseed cake contains gossypol, the anti-nutritional factor. Heat treatment
considerably destroys gossypol.
5. DCP is better than CP as measure of protein quality.
Ans: CP represents gross crude protein content of feed whereas DCP is the part of CP which
is digestible, hence DCP is the better measure for protein quality.
6. Give two examples of unconventional feeds.
Ans: Mango seed kernel, subabul pods, tree leaves, hatchery by- products, etc.
7. Give two examples of feeds rich in tannin.
Ans: tree leaves, mango seed kernel, salseed meal, etc.
8. Give two examples of animal origin proteins.
Ans: Fishmeal, meat meal, tankages, meat & bone meal, silk worm pupae meal, etc.
9. Give two examples of plant origin proteins.
Ans: Groundnut cake, cottonseed cake, soybean meal, etc.
10. Name any two chemicals used to improve nutritive value of low quality roughages. Ans:
Urea, NaOH.
11. Give two examples of agro industrial by products rich in phosphorus. Ans: Rice polish, rice
bran, wheat bran, etc.
12. Name anti-nutritional factor present in green jowar fodder harvested at young stage.
Ans: Hydrocyanic acid (HCN)
13. State one example of good quality productive type legume fodder. Ans: Lucerne fodder.
14. State one example of feed stuff with wide nutritive ratio (NR). Ans: All cereal straws.
15. With advancing stage of maturity, nutritive value of grasses reduces.
Ans: With advancing stage of maturity, cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin (that constitutes
crude fiber and less digestible part of plant body) increases in proportion, thereby reducing
the nutritive value of grasses. In addition, at maturity, all the nutrients of plant are diverted to
flowers and seeds.
16. Why TDN value of oil seeds sometimes exceed 100%.
Ans: While calculating TDN, ether extract value is multiplied by factor 2.25. Oilseeds
contain more than 40% ether extract, hence value for TDN exceeds 100%.
17. Define roughages.
Ans: Feed stuffs having more than 18% crude fiber and less than 60% TDN are called as
18. Define concentrates.
Ans: Feedstuffs having less than 18% crude fiber and more than 60% TDN are called as
19. Define Biological Value (BV) of proteins.
Ans: BV of proteins is defined as the percentage of the absorbed protein, which is retained
by the body.
20. How oxalic acid depresses the calcium utilization?
Ans: Oxalic acid binds with the calcium to form compound calcium oxalate, which is not
degradable by body enzymes, thereby making calcium unavailable for the animal.
21. What is gross energy of the feed?
Ans: Gross energy of the feed is the amount of heat/ energy produced in complete oxidation
of feed in bomb calorimeter and is expressed in unit calories/ Joule.
22. What is ME (metabolizable energy)?
Ans: Gross energy - energy lost in feces, urine and combustible gases = ME.
23. What is DE (Digestible energy)?
Ans: Gross energy - energy lost in feces = DE.
24. What is NE (Net energy)?
Ans: It is the part of gross energy, which is available to the animal for the maintenance and
production purpose. GE - Energy loss in faces, urine, combustible gases and for heat
increment = NE
a. Subabul leaves i) Tannin
b. Sugar cane tops ii) Mimosine
c. Linseed cake iii) Gossypol
d. Cottonseed cake iv) Oxalic acid
e. Mango seed kernel v) Linamarin
a. GE - energy loss in feces i) ME
b. GE - energy loss in feces, urine & gas ii) HI
c. ME - Heat increment iii) DE
d. Heat of fermentation + iv) NE
Heat of nutrient metabolism +
Heat of digestion
Ans . a) ii , b) iii, c) i, d) v e) iv
a. Kellner i)Thomas Mitchel value
b. Atwater ii) Poor quality roughages
c. Urea-Ammoniation iii) Starch equivalent
d. Biological value iv) Physiological fuel value
e. UDP v) Insoluble protein
27. The brown colour silage is due to pigment ------ a magnesium free derivative of
a) Phaecophytin, b)Chlorophyll c) Lignin, d) Tanin
28. Losses of nutrient which occur in hay making in rainy seasons is -------
a)Leaching, b) Blaeaching, c) Shattering, d) Fermentation
29.RDP and UDP is the measurement of --- quality in ruminants.
a) Protein b) Fat, c) CHO, d) Minerals
30. Solvent extracted cakes generally contain less than -----
a)0.5, b) 1.0, c) 1.5, d)2
31. Methane contains ------ Kcal energy/ gm.
a) 13, b) 18, c) 23, d) 28
32. --------- is/are the measure of protein quality for non-ruminants.
a)PER, b) BV, c) NPU, d) All the above
1. Why conservation of fodder is necessary? What are the ideal characteristics of good
quality silage?
3. Define TDN. What are the factors affecting TDN value of feeds and fodders.
5. Enlist agro industrial byproducts used in feeding of livestock and poultry with their
6. Enlist different measures for energy evaluation of feedstuffs. Which one you consider
superior and why?
7. Enlist different measures of evaluation of protein quality of feeds and explain
biological value of feeds.
8. What is the basic principle in fodder conservation? What are the advantages of silage
10. Enlist different methods of evaluation of protein quality for ruminants. Discuss un-
degradable protein (UDP).
11. Give the detail method of silage making with its merits and demerits.
12. Give the detail method of hay making with its merits and demerits.
13. Enlist different measures for energy evaluation of feedstuffs. Explain in brief about
starch Equivalent of feed.
II nd Year B.V.Sc. and A.H.
Course No: ANN-222 Credits : 1+1=2
Title: Applied Nutrition -II
1. A B
3) Vegetables - 3) 5 % Carbohydrates
5) Pulses - 5) 20 % protein.
2. A B
1) Milk - 1) Gluten
2) Albumin - 2) Casein
3) Wheat - 3) Corn
3. A B
1) Lard - 1) Unsaturated fatty acid
4. A B
1) Thiamin - 1) Night blindness
2) Riboflvin - 2) Beri-beri
3) Vitamin‘A’ - 3) Cheilosis
4) Vitamin‘C’ - 4) Pellagra
5) Niacin - 5) Scurvy
5. A B
6. A B
1) Liver - 1) Goitre
2) Iodine - 2) Lathyrism
4) Calcium - 4) Avidin
7. A B
1) Marasmus - 1) Acute
2) Pellagra - 2) Chronic
3) Kwashiorkor - 3) Niacin
4) Cheilosis - 4) Ariboflavinosis
9. A B
1) Amla - 1) Essential fatty acid
2) Linoleic acid
- 2) Beriberi
3) Avidin - 3) Anaemia
- 4) Biotin
4) Thiamin
10. A B
1) Zein 1) Coprophagy
3) Lipo-protein 3) Corn
11. A B
1) Cats 1) Coprophagy
5) Urolithiasis 5) Taurine
1) Human brain, nerves and lung tissues need ----------------- as a source of energy.
(Key: Glucose)
7) ------------------- % of total calories in the diet should be supplied by proteins. (Key: 10-
8) Vitamin ‘A’ deficiency leads to _________________. (Key: night blindness).
10) Classical symptom of beri-beri is ______________. (Key: wrist drop foot drop
20. On heating a food containing amino acid radicle and reducing sugar, a brown reaction
takes place which is known as____________ reaction. (Key:
24. Wrist drop foot drop is a typical symptom of ______________. (Key: beri-beri)
28. Human beings need ______ g of protein/kg body weight/day. (Key: one/1)
30. Most cereals lack ___________, an essential amino acid. (Key: lysine)
31. __________cannot convert pro-vitamin A into Vitamin A in their body. (Key: cat)
7. An amino acid that adult cat requires through diet unlike dogs is ---------------- a.
b. Cystine
c. Arginine
d. Leucine
(Key: Arginine)
8. Cats may go blind due to dietary deficiency of -------------
a. Tyrosine
b. Iso-leucine
c. Taurine
d. Tryptophan
(Key: Taurine)
9. Fat content of coconut oil is -----------------
a. 50%
b. 70%
c. 100%
d. 80%
(Key: 100%)
10. Phosphorus deficiency in dogs leads to
a. Pica
b. Dermatitis
c. Blindness
d. Diarrhoea
(Key: Pica)
11. In urolithiasis, % of ------------- should be increased
a. Fat
b. Protein
c. Salt
d. Carbohydrate
(Key: Salt)
12. In cardiac insufficiency ------------- should be reduced drastically
a. Protein
b. Carbohydrate
c. Salt
d. Calcium
(Key: Salt)
13. Among the commercial pet foods most palatable food is ----------
a. Dry foods
b. Soft moist foods
c. Canned foods
d. Baked biscuits
(Key: Canned foods)
6. Fruit rich in vitamin-C (Key: amla/guava/grape fruit/orange & other cytrus fruits)
11. Deficiency of amino acid that causes blindness in cats. (Key: Taurine)
3) Fat soluble vitamins give energy. (Key: False; Vitamins perform the function of
regulating body.)
4) Rice is a rich source of fat and iron. (Key: False; Rice is a rich source of
carbohydrates/ Rice is a poor source of fat and iron.)
5) Inulin and pectin are good sources of carbohydrate and protein. (Key: False; They
are polysaccharides that have no nutritive value.)
7) Avocado pear and olive are the fruits that are rich in fat. (Key: True.)
8) Tyrosine and cystine are dietary essential for man. (Key: False; Tyrosine and
cystine are non-essential for man.)
9) Fatty acids are oxidised for energy directly by resting muscle and heart. (Key:
10) Excess consumption of Thiamin (Vit. B1) can be toxic. (Key: False; Excess
consumption of Thiamin (Vit. B1) is not toxic since it is water soluble, excess
gets excreted through urine)
14) Ferrous form of iron is more readily absorbed than ferric form. (Key: True)
15) Phytates hinder iron absorption. (Key: True)
16) Phytates enhance iron and ca absorption. (Key: False; Phytates bind iron and
calcium and make them unavailable)
18) A normal human body contains 7% protein. (Key:False; A normal human body
contains 17% protein)
19) Fat soluble vitamins are more sensitive to heat than water soluble vitamins. (Key:
False; Fat soluble vitamins are less sensitive/more stable to heat than water
soluble vitamins)
21) Cooking of egg should be done properly before eating. (Key: True)
23) Cat can not convert carotene into vitamin A in body. (Key: True)
30) Tea should be avoided by children and pregnant mothers. (Key: True)
31) Requirement of energy is more crucial in infants than protein. (Key: True)
32) Patients suffering from vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia should be given leafy
vegetables. (Key: False; vitamin B12 is present only in non-vegetarian sources.)
33) Pups are weaned at the age of 6-8 weeks. (Key: True )
36) Moisture content of commercial dry foods is higher than canned foods.
(Key: True)
39) Feline species are able to synthesize nicotinic acid from tryptophan . (Key : False,
Feline species are unable to synthesize nicotinic acid from tryptophan.)
40) Dogs and cats do not need a dietary supply of Vitamin - C. (Key: True)
41) Guinea pigs require dietary supply of vitamin -C. (Key: True)
42) FLUTD means Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease . (Key: True)
1. Frozen green peas taste sweeter than fresh peas which have travelled long distances to
reach the market and finally the consumer.
(Key: because before freezing, peas are blanched promptly after harvesting. This
inactivates the enzymes that bring about change in taste and flavor.)
11. Root vegetables do not suffer much loss of nutrients by either wet or dry method of
(Key: Outer skin of root vegetable prevents leaching of nutrients.)
12. Patients suffering from B12 deficiency anaemia should be given non-vegetarian foods.
(Key: Vitamin B12 is only present in non-vegetarian sources.)
13. While cooking rice, the excess water should not be discarded.
(Key: The water in which rice is cooked contains vitamin B-complex and dissolved
14. In kwashiorkor oedema develops.
(Key: Kwashiorkor develops due to protein deficiency. When protein level of blood goes
down, due to difference in osmotic pressure water from the blood is drawn out into the
interstitial space leading to oedema.)
15. Cooking of egg should be done properly before eating.
(Key: Raw egg contains an anti-nutritional factor, avidin, which binds Biotin
making it unavailable. This avidin is heat sensitive and can be inactivated by cooking the
1. Balanced diet
2. Nutrient
3. Reference protein
4. Complete protein
5. Partially complete protein
6. Incomplete protein
7. Essential fatty acid
8. Essential amino acid
9. Malnutrition
10. Nutrition
13. What is the protein-energy malnutrition? State the preventive measures that need to be taken.
14.State the methods of food preservation of foods. Discuss any one.
15. What are different vitamins important to human beings? Discuss the role of vitaminA in
16. Discuss the factors responsible for malnutrition in human.
17. Discuss the effect of preservation of food and suggest suitable methods of preservation of
vegetables and animal products.
18. Define balanced diet and propose dietary allowances for advance pregnant woman.
19. Classify the human foods and write the importance of protective foods in human diet.
20. Discuss the importance of Iron in our body.
21.What is PEM ? State the difference between Marasmus and Kwashiorkar.
22. What are the factors that affect iron absorption in human body.?
23. What is PEM ? State the preventive measures that need to be taken.
24. Define balanced diet and propose dietary allowances for lactating woman.
25. Explain principles of dog feeding.
26. Discuss feeding of rabbit.
27. Compare human milk with other animal’s milk.
28. How cooking of food causes loss of vitamins.
29.Explain why iron deficiency is common in pregnant women.
30. Discuss feeding of Guinea pig.
31. Discuss feeding of mice.
32 Discuss characteristic features of cat feeding.
33. Discuss feeding of rat.
34.Explain feeding of pregnant bitches.
35.Explain feeding of lactating bitches.
36.Explain feeding of Orphan pups.
37.Explain feeding of Kittens.
38. Explain feeding of pregnant and lactating cats.