Siebel Communications Guide: Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 July 2017

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Siebel Communications

Siebel Innovation Pack 2017
July 2017
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Siebel Communications Guide 1

Chapter 1: What’s New in This Release

Chapter 2: Overview of Siebel Communications

About Siebel Communications 13
Key Features of Siebel Communications 14
Product Modules and Options for Siebel Communications 17
Business Functions of Screens in Siebel Communications 18
About Prebuilt Integration with Siebel Communications 20
Oracle Communications Integration Pack for Order to Bill 21
Communications Agent Assisted Billing Care 21
About Passing Customer Orders to Oracle Billing Application 22
About Service Bundles 23
Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and Master Data Management
Integration 30
Setting the System Preferences for Integration 30
Setting Up Integration Users 33
Enabling Component Groups 33
Activating the Workflows for Order Management 34
Confirming that Workflows Are Active 34
Activating the Oracle Application Integration Architecture-Related Workflows 34
Changing the Default Billing Type to Subscription 38
Oracle Advanced Queuing 39
Advanced Queue Configuration 43
Configuring FMW URLs for Web Services 49
Setting Up the Workflow Monitor Agent 50
Setting Order Priority for Advanced Queue 51
Setup for Synchronizing Products with New and Existing Products 52
Setting Up the Session Pool Manager 52
Performing Required Tasks for the Order-to-Cash PIP 53
Performing Required Tasks for the Communications PIP 67
Performing Required Tasks for the Master Data Management PIP 73

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 3

Chapter 3: Accounts in Siebel Communications
About Accounts in Siebel Communications 75
Scenario for Using Accounts in Siebel Communications 79
Setting Up External Organizations for Siebel Communications 81
Creating an Account in Siebel Communications (End User) 82
Creating an Account Hierarchy in Siebel Communications (End User) 83
Reviewing an Account Hierarchy in Siebel Communications (End User) 84
Accessing or Updating Account Information in Siebel Communications (End User)
Monitoring Infrastructure, Equipment, and Usage in Siebel Communications (End
User) 87

Chapter 4: Profiles in Siebel Communications

About Profiles in Siebel Communications 91
Scenario for Using Profiles in Siebel Communications 93
Creating and Updating a Profile in Siebel Communications (End User) 97
About Billing Profiles in Siebel Communications 97
Creating or Updating a Billing Profile in Siebel Communications 98
About Customer Profiles in Siebel Communications 100
About Exemption Profiles in Siebel Communications 100
About Financial Profiles in Siebel Communications 101
Running a Credit Check 102
About Fraud Profiles in Siebel Communications 103
About Loyalty Profiles in Siebel Communications 104
About Site Profiles in Siebel Communications 104
About Statement Profiles in Siebel Communications 104
Creating and Updating an Address Profile in Siebel Communications (End User) 105
Process of Managing Special Rating Profiles, Lists, and Products (End User) 106
Setting Up Special Rating Products in Siebel Communications 107
Creating Special Lists in Siebel Communications 109
Creating Special Rating List Items in Siebel Communications 109
Modifying Special Rating Lists in Siebel Communications (End User) 111
Changing the Association of Special Rating Lists in Siebel Communications 111
Chapter 5: Contacts in Siebel Communications
About Contacts in Siebel Communications 113
Scenario for Using Contacts in Siebel Communications 113
Creating a Contact in Siebel Communications (End User) 114
Modifying a Contact Profile in Siebel Communications (End User) 115
Creating a Contact-Related Activity in Siebel Communications (End User) 115
Associating a Contact with a Trouble Ticket in Siebel Communications (End User)
Additional End-User Tasks for Contact Management in Siebel Communications 116

Chapter 6: Agreements and Entitlements in Siebel

About Agreements and Entitlements in Siebel Communications 117
Scenarios for Using Agreements and Entitlements in Siebel Communications 119
Setting Up Templates for the Auto Document Feature of Siebel Communications 122
Adding an Agreement in Siebel Communications (End User) 123
Adding Agreement Terms and Generating Totals in Siebel Communications (End User)
Creating and Printing an Agreement Document in Siebel Communications (End User)
Associating an Agreement with an Order in Siebel Communications (End User) 126
Associating an Agreement with a Service Item in Siebel Communications (End User)
Revising an Agreement in Siebel Communications (End User) 127
Viewing Agreement Details in the Explorer in Siebel Communications (End User)

Chapter 7: Premises in Siebel Communications

About Premises in Siebel Communications 129
Scenario for Setting Up Premises in Siebel Communications 130
Setting Up Premises in Siebel Communications (End User) 132
Registering a Premises Hookup in Siebel Communications (End User) 133
Associating an Activity with a Premises in Siebel Communications (End User) 134
Verifying a Premises in Siebel Communications (End User) 134
Viewing Service Point Information in Siebel Communications (End User) 135
Viewing Usage History in Siebel Communications (End User) 135
Viewing Service Requests for a Premises in Siebel Communications (End User) 136
Adding a Service Request for a Premises in Siebel Communications (End User) 136
Adding Infrastructure Information in Siebel Communications (End User) 137
Additional End-User Tasks for Premises Management in Siebel Communications 138

Chapter 8: Assets in Siebel Communications

About Assets in Siebel Communications 139
Scenario for Setting Up Assets in Siebel Communications 140
Creating an Asset in Siebel Communications (End User) 141
Associating Related Assets with a Primary Asset in Siebel Communications (End User)
Viewing Hierarchical Information for an Asset in Siebel Communications (End User)
Creating a Transaction for an Asset in Siebel Communications (End User) 143
Viewing Components Associated with an Asset in Siebel Communications (End User)
Adding a Service Request Associated with an Asset in Siebel Communications (End
User) 144
Adding a Change Request to an Asset in Siebel Communications (End User) 144
Viewing Service Points and Services in Siebel Communications (End User) 145

Chapter 9: Opportunities in Siebel Communications

About Opportunities in Siebel Communications 147
Scenario for Creating Opportunities in Siebel Communications 148
Creating an Opportunity in Siebel Communications (End User) 149
Associating an Account with an Opportunity in Siebel Communications (End User)
Associating a Product with an Opportunity in Siebel Communications (End User) 150
Creating a Quote for an Opportunity in Siebel Communications (End User) 151
Creating a Profile for an Opportunity in Siebel Communications (End User) 152
Associating a Site with an Opportunity in Siebel Communications (End User) 153
Associating a Partner with an Opportunity in Siebel Communications (End User) 153
Additional End-User Tasks for Opportunity Management in Siebel Communications

Chapter 10: Billing in Siebel Communications

About Billing in Siebel Communications 155
Scenario for Using Billing in Siebel Communications 156
Generating Credit, Fraud, and Usage Information in Siebel Communications 158
Setting Up the Invoice Image Feature in Siebel Communications 159
About Accessing or Updating Billing Information in Siebel Communications 161
Process of Accessing or Updating Billing Information in Siebel Communications (End
User) 163
Accessing Billing Information 164
Viewing Balance Groups for a Billing Profile 165
Viewing Unbilled Services for a Billing Profile 166
Viewing Bills for a Billing Profile 167
Viewing Payments for a Billing Profile 167
Viewing Adjustments for a Billing Profile 168
Viewing Account Balances for Nonpaying Accounts 168
Viewing Invoices 169
Process of Entering Payment Against an Outstanding Balance in Siebel
Communications (End User) 172
Recording Account-Level Payments 172
Recording Invoice-Level Payments 173
Recording Profile-Level Payments 174
Viewing Billing Payment History 176
Viewing Usage Details in Siebel Communications (End User) 176
Viewing Unbilled Charges in Siebel Communications (End User) 176
Process of Creating Adjustments in Siebel Communications (End User) 177
Requesting an Adjustment to an Invoice 177
Creating Adjustments for Bills 178
Viewing an Adjustment Request Outcome 186
Recording a Customer’s Decision About Adjustment Outcome Terms 187
Process of Making Payment Arrangements in Siebel Communications (End User)
Requesting a Payment Arrangement 188
Viewing the Outcome of a Payment Arrangement Request 188
Recording a Customer’s Decision About Payment Arrangement Terms 189
Requesting a Duplicate Invoice in Siebel Communications (End User) 190
Updating a Billing Profile in Siebel Communications (End User) 190
Additional End-User Tasks for Billing Management 191

Chapter 11: Work Orders in Siebel Communications

About Work Orders in Siebel Communications 193
Scenario for Using Work Orders in Siebel Communications 193
Creating a Work Order in Siebel Communications (End User) 195
Adding an Activity to a Work Order in Siebel Communications (End User) 195
Creating Work Order Line Items in Siebel Communications (End User) 196
Adding Work Order Terms in Siebel Communications (End User) 197
Additional End-User Tasks for Work Order Management in Siebel Communications

Chapter 12: Service Requests and Trouble Tickets in Siebel

About Service Requests and Trouble Tickets in Siebel Communications 199
Scenario for Using Service Requests and Trouble Tickets in Siebel Communications
Setting Up Service Requests and Trouble Tickets in Siebel Communications 202
Creating a Trouble Ticket Record in Siebel Communications (End User) 203
Assigning a Trouble Ticket in Siebel Communications (End User) 203
Associating Parent and Child Trouble Tickets in Siebel Communications (End User)
Viewing Fallout Orders for Trouble Tickets 205
About Trouble Ticket Solutions 206
Resolving Trouble Tickets in Siebel Communications (End User) 207
Using the Customer Satisfaction Survey in Siebel Communications (End User) 208
Analyzing Trouble Tickets Data in Siebel Communications (End User) 209
Additional End-User Tasks for Trouble Ticket Management in Siebel Communications

Chapter 13: Credit Management in Siebel Communications

About Credit Management in Siebel Communications 211
Scenario for Using Credit Management in Siebel Communications 214
Reviewing and Adding a Credit Alert in Siebel Communications (End User) 215
Adding an Activity to a Credit Alert in Siebel Communications (End User) 217
Contacting the Customer About a Credit Alert (End User) 217
Entering Payments for Credit Alerts in Siebel Communications (End User) 218
Process of Creating Account Adjustments or Payment Plans in Siebel Communications
(End User) 218
Submitting Requests for Account Adjustments or Payment Plans 219
Viewing Account Adjustment or Payment Plan Request Outcomes 221
Recording Customer Decisions About Account Adjustments or Payment Plans 222
Process of Managing Collections in Siebel Communications (End User) 223
Updating Collection Actions in Siebel Communications 224
Processing Collection Payments in Siebel Communications 226
Closing Collections Actions in Siebel Communications 226
Closing a Credit Alert Manually in Siebel Communications (End User) 227
Additional End-User Tasks for Credit Management in Siebel Communications 227

Chapter 14: Fraud Management in Siebel Communications

About Fraud Management in Siebel Communications 229
Scenario for Using Fraud Management in Siebel Communications 230
Viewing Fraud Alerts in Siebel Communications (End User) 231
About Following Up with the Customer for a Fraud Alert 233
Changing Fraud Thresholds in Siebel Communications (End User) 233
Updating the Fraud Alert in Siebel Communications (End User) 234
Additional End-User Tasks for Fraud Management in Siebel Communications 234

Chapter 15: Defining Integration Workflows for Siebel

About Integration Workflows in Siebel Communications 235
Terminology for Integration Workflows in Siebel Communications 236
Sample Integration Workflows for Siebel Communications 237
Sample Integration Workflow: CUT Send Account Data 244
Sample Integration Workflow: CUT Get Account Data 245
Sample Integration Workflow: CUT Receive Account Data 245
Chapter 16: Defining Billing Profile Workflows for Siebel
About Billing Profile Workflows for Siebel Communications 249
Workflows for Synchronization 249
CMU Account Sync Workflow 250
CMU Address Sync Workflow 250
CMU Contact Sync Workflow 251
CMU Profile Sync Workflow 252
SWI Account Update Workflow 253
SWI Address Update Workflow 254
SWI Contact Update Workflow 255
SWI Billing Profile Update Workflow 256
SWI Special Rating - Synchronize Process 257
SWIAdjustmentStatusUpdate 257
CMU Credit Alert Status Sync 258
Workflow to View Content in the Billing Profile Portal 259
SIA External Integration Process Workflow 259
Workflows to Enter Adjustments in the Billing Profile Portal 260
CMUInvoiceAdjustmentWF 261
CMUInvoiceQueryWF 261
CMUItemChargeAdjustmentWF 262
CMUItemChargeQueryWF 264
CMUEventDetailsAdjustmentWF 264
CMUEventDetailsQueryWF 266
CMUBalanceDetailsEventAdjustmentWF 266
CMU Adjustment View Sub Process 268
CMU SIA Submit Adjustment Request to External 268
CMUUnbilledEventAdjustmentWF Workflow 270
CMUUnbilledNonCurrencyEventAdjustmentWF Workflow 271
Workflows to Manage Contacts, Accounts, and Payments 272
SWI External Account Integration Process Workflow 272
SWI External Contact Integration Process Workflow 273
SWI External Customer Req Integration Process Workflow 274
SWI External Contact Req Integration Process Workflow 275
SWI External Account Request Sync Process Workflow 277
SWI External Contact Request Sync Process Workflow 278
SWISendPaymentAuthorization Workflow 279
SWISendCreditCheck Workflow 281

1 What’s New in This Release

What’s New in Siebel Communications Guide, Siebel Innovation Pack

No new features have been added to this guide for this release. This guide has been updated to
reflect only product name changes.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 11

What’s New in This Release ■

12 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

2 Overview of Siebel

This chapter includes the following topics:

■ “About Siebel Communications” on page 13

■ “Key Features of Siebel Communications” on page 14

■ “Product Modules and Options for Siebel Communications” on page 17

■ “Business Functions of Screens in Siebel Communications” on page 18

■ “About Prebuilt Integration with Siebel Communications” on page 20

■ “Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and Master Data Management Integration” on
page 30

About Siebel Communications

Oracle’s Siebel Communications allows media and communications service providers to manage,
synchronize, and coordinate their customers’ Internet, call center, field organization, and distribution
channel requirements. It is designed to meet the needs of media service and content providers, and
wireline, mobile, and Internet service providers. It serves a wide range of customers, from
residential consumers to global corporations.

Siebel Communications allows user access to customer data residing in other applications. Using
Oracle’s Siebel Enterprise Application Integration (Siebel EAI) functionality, it integrates with billing,
operations support systems (OSSs), and enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications.

Oracle’s Siebel Business Applications are designed to work together to provide an integrated
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution. Siebel Communications allows media and
communications companies to implement Siebel modules that include sales, service, and marketing
functionality. These modules include Oracle’s Siebel Sales, Oracle’s Siebel Service, Oracle’s Siebel
Call Center, Oracle’s Siebel Field Service, and Oracle’s Siebel Customer Order Management.

Oracle’s Siebel Anywhere product allows the Siebel system administrator to apply upgrades to
Developer Web Clients, Mobile Web Clients, and Siebel Servers.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 13

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Key Features of Siebel Communications

Key Features of Siebel Communications

Table 1 describes how Siebel Communications and Oracle’s Siebel Media provide solutions for key
business issues.

Table 1. Siebel Communications and Siebel Media Solutions for Key Business Issues

Business Issue Siebel Communications and Siebel Media Solutions

Account and Premises ■ Management of accounts through multilevel account hierarchies that
management are based on complex account relationships

■ Independent management of service accounts and billing accounts

■ Tracking of physical facilities and network delivery points through

premises records

■ Tracking of meters at service points

■ Management of account and customer information through profiles

Agreement ■ Automated production of agreements from accepted quotes

■ Coordination of pricing information

■ Assigning of standard terms, conditions, and features

■ Tracking to make sure that agreements and service entitlements are


Audit trail ■ Creation of a history of all the changes that have been made to
various kinds of information

■ Records show who has accessed an item, what operation has been
performed, when it was performed, and how the value was changed

■ Useful for maintaining security, examining the history of a particular

record, and documenting modifications for future analysis and record-

Billing management ■ Integration with back-office billing applications

■ Query and display of billing information

■ Management of payment information, payment plans, bill

adjustments, and bill profiles

Call center ■ Single desktop to manage multiple types of customer interactions

■ Integrated Web and Interactive Voice Response (IVR) self-service

Credit management ■ Integration with a back-office credit application

■ Management of credit alerts

■ Notification of customers who are delinquent in payments

14 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Key Features of Siebel Communications

Table 1. Siebel Communications and Siebel Media Solutions for Key Business Issues

Business Issue Siebel Communications and Siebel Media Solutions

Customer acquisition ■ Analytical tools for segmenting prospects and developing targeted

■ Campaign management tools for developing and executing

multichannel campaigns

■ Prebuilt performance analysis tools

■ Call scripting (providing text that uses proactive selling and retention
techniques for employees to use when speaking with customers)

■ Territory assignment, lead scoring, and routing

Customer and partner ■ Oracle’s Siebel Partner Relationship Management, which allows your
applications company to turn channel partners into an extended, virtual sales and
service organization through the Internet

■ Oracle’s Siebel Self Service, which allows your customers to create

and track their own trouble tickets and service requests, and to search
for answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs), through the

■ Oracle’s Siebel eSales, which allows your customers to use the

Internet to browse through your company’s products and services,
and to configure and purchase them

Customer retention ■ Customer profile that is shared throughout the enterprise

■ Profile analysis to predict customer churn

■ Generation of win-back actions

■ Sales tools that increase sales effectiveness and maximize time spent
building relationships

■ Tools for marketing analysis, campaign development, and execution

Equipment and ■ Management of physical assets available at a customer site

■ Tracking of equipment sales to accounts

■ Management of meters and assets

Fraud management ■ Integration with a back-office fraud management application

■ Management of fraud alerts

■ Definition of relevant thresholds for customer fraud profiles

■ Classification of customer accounts to indicate the likelihood of fraud

■ Management of customer accounts that are either late in settlement

or delinquent

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 15

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Key Features of Siebel Communications

Table 1. Siebel Communications and Siebel Media Solutions for Key Business Issues

Business Issue Siebel Communications and Siebel Media Solutions

Order configuration ■ Oracle’s Siebel Configurator, which automates the generation of

and management quotes and sales orders

■ Tracking of relationships between sales, sales orders, and work orders

■ Definition of process rules and automatic escalation of open sales


■ Use of product classes and attributes, and product bundles in

generating sales orders

■ Provisioning of sales orders through work orders

Pricing management ■ A set of tools for defining pricing adjustments and the conditions
under which they are applied

■ An engine that evaluates condition statements and determines which

pricing adjustments to apply

■ A testing area that allows assessment of the pricing adjustments

■ Integration with end-user interfaces such as Quotes, Orders, Oracle’s

Siebel eSales, Oracle’s Siebel Partner Relationship Management, and
Oracle’s Siebel Configurator

Oracle’s Siebel ■ Analysis of customer information and measurement of campaign

Marketing results with eIntelligence

■ Creation and execution of targeted marketing campaigns

■ Internet marketing with Siebel Consumer Marketing: Integrated email

campaigns, customized Web offers, personalized Web pages, Internet
newsletters, and Internet surveys

Third-party and legacy ■ Prebuilt Web services that provide interfaces to leading Operating
integration System Software (OSS) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

■ Integration mapping tools for cross-application process integration

■ Oracle’s Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager (EIM), which allows

bidirectional data exchange and synchronization

■ Performing credit verification and address validation

■ Maintenance of billing accounts through an external billing application

16 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Product Modules and Options for Siebel

Table 1. Siebel Communications and Siebel Media Solutions for Key Business Issues

Business Issue Siebel Communications and Siebel Media Solutions

Trouble ticket and ■ A means of logging, assigning, managing, and resolving customers’
service request problems, including network problems or outages affecting customers
■ Online solutions search capability

■ Proactive customer notifications through email, pager, fax, and


■ Automatic escalation of overdue trouble tickets and service requests

■ Integration with external outage management applications

Upselling and cross- ■ Scripting engine that identifies upsell and cross-sell opportunities with
selling every customer contact

■ Product configuration that prompts the salesperson to propose high-

margin services

■ Integrated asset management that provides information about

configuration at each service location

Usage, billing, and ■ Access to customer usage and service information

service detail
■ Summary customer data for account analysis

Product Modules and Options for Siebel

Many Siebel Business Applications modules can be purchased and used with Siebel Communications
and Siebel Media. In addition, optional modules specific to Siebel Communications and Siebel Media
can be purchased to provide enhanced functionality for various business processes. For information
about the optional modules that can be used with Siebel Communications and Siebel Media, contact
your Siebel sales representative.

NOTE: This guide documents Siebel Communications with the optional modules installed. In
addition, the Sample database includes data for optional modules. If your installation does not
include some of these modules, then your software interface differs from that described in some
topics of this guide.

The exact configuration of Siebel Communications and Siebel Media screens and views depends on
your company’s configuration of the application. For introductory information about using the Siebel
Communications and Siebel Media interfaces, see Siebel Fundamentals.

NOTE: The Siebel Bookshelf is available on Oracle Technology Network (

technetwork/indexes/documentation/index.html) and Oracle Software Delivery Cloud. It might also be
installed locally on your intranet or on a network location.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 17

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Business Functions of Screens in Siebel

Business Functions of Screens in Siebel

The Siebel Communications and Siebel Media interfaces include procedure-specific screens. Some
screens are used exclusively by administrators. Table 2 lists the most frequently used screen and
views for Siebel Communications and Siebel Media. It also lists the functions of the views in those

NOTE: The procedures in this guide assume that you do not use left-hand navigation. However, you
can set up left-hand navigation. For more information about left-hand navigation and about
implementing it, see Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI.

Table 2. Siebel Communications and Siebel Media Screens and Views

Screen Functions For More Information

Accounts Create, view, and update accounts. Set up See Chapter 3, “Accounts in Siebel
and maintain account hierarchies. Define Communications”, Chapter 4,
and maintain account profile information. “Profiles in Siebel Communications”,
Query customer bills. Record bill and Chapter 10, “Billing in Siebel
payments, repayment plans, and Communications.”

Activities Track personal activities and view See Siebel Applications

activities for other team members. Track Administration Guide
the progress of accounts, trouble tickets,
service requests, interactions with
contacts, and opportunities.

Agreements Create, generate, modify, approve, and See Chapter 6, “Agreements and
track agreements. Entitlements in Siebel

Assets Manage information about products sold to See Siebel Field Service Guide

Audit Trail Creates a history of the changes that have See Siebel Applications
been made in Siebel Communications and Administration Guide
Oracle’s Siebel Media.

Briefings Gather and format information from a See Siebel Briefings Administration
number of different sources, both inside Guide
and outside your company, including the
World Wide Web.

Calendar Create and display activities (including to- See Siebel Fundamentals
do activities) and share calendar
information with co-workers.

Campaigns Manage outbound communications with See Siebel Applications

prospects targeted for a particular Administration Guide
marketing effort.

18 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Business Functions of Screens in Siebel

Table 2. Siebel Communications and Siebel Media Screens and Views

Screen Functions For More Information

Contacts Record and track business and personal See Chapter 5, “Contacts in Siebel
contact information associated with an Communications.”
account, an opportunity, a trouble ticket,
or service request.

Credit Manage and monitor customer credit See Chapter 13, “Credit
Management issues. Share data with third-party credit Management in Siebel
management applications. Communications.”

Entitlements Associate entitlements with accounts, See Chapter 6, “Agreements and

contacts, and products. Determine a Entitlements in Siebel
customer’s eligibility for service under its Communications.”

Expense Manage expense-report information for See Siebel Applications

Reports your own expenses, or your team’s Administration Guide

Forecasts Create business forecasts that are based See Siebel Applications
on opportunities or products. Administration Guide

Fraud Manage and monitor customer fraud See Chapter 14, “Fraud
Management issues. Share data with third-party fraud Management in Siebel
management applications. Communications.”

Literature Display company- and industry-related See Siebel Applications

literature cataloged by the Siebel Administration Guide

Opportunities Manage sales opportunities for business See Chapter 9, “Opportunities in

and residential customers. Siebel Communications.”

Orders Create sales orders and track their status. See Siebel Order Management
Generate order summaries. Guide and Siebel Order
Management Guide Addendum for

Premises Create and maintain premises. Track See Chapter 7, “Premises in Siebel
service points, customer premises Communications.”
equipment, and meters associated with a

Products Display products, product lines, product See Siebel Order Management
features, and price lists. Guide and Siebel Order
Management Guide Addendum for

Quality Manage information about adverse events See Siebel Applications

or reactions related to products. Administration Guide

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 19

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ About Prebuilt Integration with Siebel

Table 2. Siebel Communications and Siebel Media Screens and Views

Screen Functions For More Information

Quotes Create, view, and update quotes. Update See Siebel Order Management
opportunities and configure solutions for Guide and Siebel Order
quotes. Management Guide Addendum for

Service Create, display, and update customer See Chapter 12, “Service Requests
Requests requests for information about or and Trouble Tickets in Siebel
assistance with products or services. Communications.”

SmartScripts Define the application workflow for an See Siebel SmartScript

interactive situation in a script. These Administration Guide
interactive situations can include inbound
communications (such as customer
service) and outbound contacts (such as

Solutions Search, organize, and add to a knowledge See Siebel Field Service Guide
base of answers to service requests and
trouble tickets.

Trouble Tickets Create, display, and update customer See Chapter 12, “Service Requests
requests for information about or and Trouble Tickets in Siebel
assistance with products or services. Communications.”

Work Orders Manage the work components associated See Chapter 11, “Work Orders in
with activating or turning off service for a Siebel Communications.”

About Prebuilt Integration with Siebel

Oracle® Application Integration Architecture is a set of products that enables you to set up and
orchestrate cross-application business processes so that multiple applications can work together.
Oracle Application Integration Architecture runs on Oracle® Fusion Middleware.

Oracle® Communications Process Integration Packs (PIPs) are prebuilt packaged process
integrations between Siebel Communications and Oracle® Communications Billing and Revenue
Management, and are based on Oracle Application Integration Architecture.

Administrators can implement the following PIPs to integrate Siebel Communications with an
application for managing billing and revenue, such as Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue

■ “Oracle Communications Integration Pack for Order to Bill” on page 21

■ “Communications Agent Assisted Billing Care” on page 21

The following topics provide additional information about integrating Siebel Communications with an
application for managing billing and revenue:

20 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ About Prebuilt Integration with Siebel

■ “About Passing Customer Orders to Oracle Billing Application” on page 22

■ “About Service Bundles” on page 23

For more information about the PIPs described in this topic and other PIPs, visit the Industry-Specific
PIPs Web page at

Additionally, the following Oracle Application Integration Architecture for Communications guides,
which you can access on the Oracle Technology Network, are available for these PIPs:

■ Process Integration for Order Management Implementation Guide

■ Process Integration for Customer Management Implementation Guide

■ Process Integration for Product Management Implementation Guide

■ Process Integration for Billing Management Implementation Guide

NOTE: To allow these integrations, your company must purchase the CME Billing Management option
in Siebel Communications (which exposes billing and revenue management views), required Oracle
PIPs, and Oracle Application Integration Architecture licenses.

Oracle Communications Integration Pack for Order to

The Oracle Communications Integration Pack for Order to Bill PIP automates the order management
process between Siebel Customer Relationship Management (CRM) applications from Oracle and
Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management, including automatic product and price
synchronization, customer synchronization, and integrated order processing. This PIP offers the
following key features:

■ Product and price synchronization between Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue
Management and Siebel CRM.

■ Customer synchronization between Siebel CRM and Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue
Management. This synchronization includes creating new customers and updating existing

■ Integrated order management. This integration includes processing sales orders, initiating billing
on fulfilled services, creating CRM assets, and updating CRM assets.

Communications Agent Assisted Billing Care

The Communications Agent Assisted Billing Care PIP allows integrated customer management and
integrated billing management. This PIP consists of the following process integrations:

■ Process Integration for Customer Management. This process integration allows the
synchronization of customer information between Siebel CRM and Oracle Communications Billing
and Revenue Management. The Process Integration for Customer Management provides the
following integration flows:

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 21

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ About Prebuilt Integration with Siebel

■ Create Account. This integration flow interfaces customers to Oracle Communications

Billing and Revenue Management. It runs during the Order Management processing flow.

■ Update Customer Account. This integration flow updates accounts from Siebel CRM to
Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management.

■ Integrated Billing Management. This process integration integrates the billing management
process between Siebel CRM and Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management. The
allows Siebel CRM to be used as the single interface to access all customer-related information,
including data that is mastered and maintained within Oracle Communications Billing and
Revenue Management. It includes support for the following key processes to be performed from
Siebel CRM:

■ View balance groups and balance details in real time.

■ Display unbilled usage information in real time.

■ View invoice details.

■ View payment and adjustment history.

■ Capture payments for an invoice and send them to Oracle Communications Billing and
Revenue Management for processing.

■ Capture new adjustment requests and send them to Oracle Communications Billing and
Revenue Management for processing.

About Passing Customer Orders to Oracle Billing

When you create a customer order in Siebel Communications, the order is successfully passed to the
Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management application if all of the following conditions
are satisfied:

■ For the account in the order header, the following conditions are satisfied:

■ The Account Type field must have a value of Business or Residential.

■ The Account Class field must have a value Customer, Service, or Billing.

■ The Primary Contact field must contain data.

■ An account address must be designated as the primary address.

■ The price list in the order header must be the same price list that the Oracle Communications
Billing and Revenue Management application uses.

■ The following fields in the order lines must contain data:

■ Service Id (if the order line relates to a service bundle)

■ Service Account

■ Billing Account

22 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ About Prebuilt Integration with Siebel

■ Billing Profile

NOTE: A billing profile is successfully passed to the billing application if the billing profile
satisfies some conditions. For more information about these conditions, see “About Billing
Profiles in Siebel Communications” on page 97.

About Service Bundles

This topic describes service bundles and their behaviors in Siebel Communications.

Description of Service Bundles

A service bundle is a group of related services that you sell as a package. Service bundles simplify
service selection and configuration. A single billing instance in the Oracle Communications Billing and
Revenue Management application is constructed for a service bundle. A service bundle is similar to
a product bundle. For more information about product bundles, see Siebel Product Administration

You can create service bundles. To create a service bundle, select Service Bundle in the Billing Type
field for the bundle. Other examples of values for the Billing Type field include: Discount, Event,
Item, and Subscription. A service bundle can include the following content:

■ Simple products. If a product is available in one form and does not include other products that
you can configure for it, then the product is a simple product. Simple products have the billing
service type of the parent service bundle.

■ Customizable products. If a product can include other product components that you can
configure for it, then the product is a customizable product (or complex product). A customizable
product can include simple products, other customizable products, service bundles, and non-
billing products. Customizable products have the billing service type of the parent service bundle.

■ Nested service bundles. If a parent service bundle contains a child service bundle, then the
child service bundle is a nested service bundle. Child service bundles can have a different billing
service type from the parent service bundle.

■ Non-billing products. If a product is not billed to the customer, then the product is a non-billing
product. Non-billing products do not have a billing service type and can be part of an installed
asset. These products exist only in Oracle’s Siebel Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
application and are not passed to the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management

To see the products in a bundle, navigate to Administration - Product screen, Products view, select
the product bundle, and click the Bundle Product view tab. A service bundle for mobile phone service
might include the following items:

■ Rate plans (for example, Main Line 1, Main Line 2, and an add-on line)

■ Activation fees

■ Usage fees

■ Features (for example, call forwarding)

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 23

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ About Prebuilt Integration with Siebel

■ Discounts (for example, 50% off the first 3 months and a free minutes discount)

■ SMS (Short Message Service) for text messaging. This service might include rate plans (for
example, SMS Basic and SMS Unlimited)

In this example, the activation fees and usage fees are simple products, the rate plans, features,
and discounts are customizable products, and the SMS is a nested service bundle.

Behavior of Service Bundles

The Billing Service Type field for a service bundle is populated with data when the products in the
Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management application are synchronized with the
products in the Siebel application. Examples of values for the Billing Service Type field follow:

■ /service/telco/gsm/telephony

■ /service/telco/gsm/sms

■ /service/telephony

■ /service/ip

■ /account

To see the Billing Type field and the Billing Service Type field for a service bundle or a product in
that bundle, navigate to the Administration - Product screen, Products view, and select the record
for a service bundle or a product in that bundle. Expand the form in the Detail view. The Billing Type
field and the Billing Service Type field appear in the Logistics section of the form. After products are
synchronized, do not change the values in these fields.

Although Siebel Communications provides no validation rules, all product components under a
service bundle must have the billing account, service account, and billing profile of the root product
in that service bundle. The billing account, service account, and billing profile fields are associated
with the line items in an order and are populated when a user creates an order.

If you modify, disconnect, suspend, resume, or transfer a service item that relates to a parent
service bundle, or if you upgrade or downgrade a promotion for a service item that relates to a parent
service bundle, then multiple service charges can be automatically created if the parent service
bundle includes child service bundles to which service charges apply.

If a service bundle status is updated, then the statuses of the product components in a service bundle
are updated. If a customizable product that contains a service bundle is updated, then the status of
the service bundle is updated. The SIS OM Order Line Item Update Main workflow updates the status
field of order line items, but administrators can configure this workflow to update other fields.

About Simple Service Bundles

A service bundle is a type of complex product that is created manually in a Siebel application. A
simple service bundle is a subscription product that is created in Oracle Communications Billing and
Revenue Management, then marked as a service instance in a Siebel application. When an order
containing this product is submitted, Oracle Application Integration Architecture recognizes the
product as a simple service bundle and creates a service instance in Oracle Communications Billing
and Revenue Management.

24 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ About Prebuilt Integration with Siebel

A simple service bundle combines a service bundle and a billing product into a single Siebel CRM
product. Combining two products in one can simplify the product hierarchy of a service bundle.
Additionally, synchronizing an already-created subscription product from Oracle Communications
Billing and Revenue Management minimizes the manual setup steps for a service bundle in Siebel

A simple service bundle can include only products of billing type Event as components. These event
products are synchronized from Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management. For
example, a simple service bundle called Internet Service might have a component event product
called Internet Activation.

A simple service bundle can be a simple product or a complex product. A simple service bundle that
is a simple product represents a single-event product in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue
Management. A simple service bundle that is a complex product represents a multiple-event product
in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management.

In Siebel Communications, a simple service bundle can be a root-level product, can be nested in
another service bundle, or can be nested in a complex product.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 25

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ About Prebuilt Integration with Siebel

Comparison of Service Bundles and Simple Service Bundles

Figure 1 shows how a specific grouping of services might be set up using service bundle functionality
only, and how the same grouping of services might be set up using simple service bundle

Figure 1. Service Bundle and Simple Service Bundle Setups

On the left, under Service Bundle, the item labeled SB and shaded in blue represents a service bundle
manually created in Siebel CRM, with its Billing Type set to Service Bundle. Items labeled BC and
shaded in yellow represent service bundle component products synchronized from Oracle
Communications Billing and Revenue Management. The Internet Access Service bundle is mapped to
the Internet - MCF product, and the Internet - MCF product is mapped to multiple events in Oracle
Communications Billing and Revenue Management.

On the right, under Simple Service Bundle, the item labeled SI and shaded in pink represents a
subscription product synchronized from Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management,
with its Service Instance flag set to Y. Items labeled BC and shaded in yellow represent service
bundle component products synchronized from Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue
Management. The Internet - MCF product is mapped to multiple events in Oracle Communications
Billing and Revenue Management.

26 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ About Prebuilt Integration with Siebel

In the service bundle, certain features are set up as multiple nested products. For example, Internet
Email might be two products, a service bundle product manually configured in Siebel CRM, with an
associated component product synchronized from Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue
Management. By contrast, in the simple service bundle, the corresponding features are set up as
single products. For example, Internet Email might be one product, a subscription product
synchronized from Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management, then flagged as a
service instance in Siebel CRM.

Constraints on Simple Service Bundles

Simple service bundles operate under the following constraints:

■ A product that has pending quotes, orders, or assets in the Siebel application or in Oracle
Communications Billing and Revenue Management cannot be converted to a simple service

■ You cannot manually add any items, such as billing products, discounts, special rating products,
or other service bundles, to a simple service bundle. The only components a simple service
bundle can include are products of billing type Event that are synchronized from Oracle
Communications Billing and Revenue Management.

■ Disconnecting a simple service bundle disconnects both the service instance and the product in
Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management. This disconnection means that you
cannot upgrade to or downgrade from one simple service bundle to another while retaining the
same service instance.

■ In a simple service bundle, the service account, billing profile, and billing account must be the
same account.

New Purchases and Simple Service Bundles

New orders for simple service bundles have the following characteristics at run time (that is, when
new order processing occurs in Siebel Communications):

■ Service and product instances. A simple service bundle is a subscription product and a service
product at the same time. Therefore, when an order for a simple service bundle is processed in
Siebel Communications, the integration creates both a service instance and a purchased product
instance in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management. If the service is purchased
in the context of a promotion, then the product instance in Oracle Communications Billing and
Revenue Management is associated with the simple service bundle instance.

■ Quantity. If a simple service bundle line item has a quantity of more than one, then that
quantity applies only to the product purchase. Thus, a simple service bundle line item creates a
single service instance and a purchased product instance with a quantity as specified on the order

■ Billing types. The simple service bundle functionality supports both single-phase billing, in
which both initiation and billing occur in one call to the billing application, and two-phase billing,
in which initiation and fulfillment occur in separate calls to the billing application.

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Overview of Siebel Communications ■ About Prebuilt Integration with Siebel

Change Orders and Simple Service Bundles

Change orders for simple service bundles have the following characteristics at run time (that is, when
change order processing occurs in Siebel Communications):

■ Suspend and resume. Suspending or resuming the asset representing a simple service bundle
suspends or resumes the service and product in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue

■ Disconnect. Disconnecting the asset representing a simple service bundle cancels the service
and product instance in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management.

NOTE: When using a simple service bundle, it is not possible to cancel the product without
canceling the service.

■ Transfer. Transferring the asset representing a simple service bundle in Siebel Communications
(that is, performing a move-add or move-delete operation) results in an adjustment to the cross-
reference in Oracle Application Integration Architecture for both the service instance and the
purchased product instance.

■ Service update. Updates the service instance attributes (for example, Service ID, Billing
Account, Billing Profile) in the asset representing the simple service bundle result in the same
updates to the service instance in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management.

■ Product update. Updates to product attributes (for example, pricing changes and promotion
references) on the asset representing the simple service bundle result in the same updates to
the purchased product instance in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management.
This update includes changes to billing dates as part of two-phase billing.

■ One-time charge. If a one-time charge is defined and applied for a move, add, change, and
delete (MACD) action in Siebel Communications, then the charge is applied in Oracle
Communications Billing and Revenue Management to the balance group for the service instance.

Configuring a Simple Service Bundle

To configure a simple service bundle, follow this procedure.

To configure a simple service bundle

1 Navigate to the Administration - Product screen, then the Products view.

2 Select the Detail view tab.

3 In the Detail form, query for products with a Billing Type field value of Subscription (that is,
subscription products) that have been created in and synchronized from Oracle Communications
Billing and Revenue Management.

4 Find the product you want to define as a simple service bundle.

28 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ About Prebuilt Integration with Siebel

5 Complete the field described in the following table.

Field Comments

Service Select this check box to identify a subscription product as a simple service
Instance bundle. You can select this field only for a product that has a Billing Type
field value of Subscription.

After pending orders or assets reference a product, you cannot change the
value of this field for that product.

The Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management application recognizes the product
as a simple service bundle and adds event products as child components. When the simple
service bundle is synchronized with Siebel Communications again, the event items appear as line
items in the simple service bundle.

NOTE: In Siebel CRM, you cannot add child components to a product with Billing Type set to
Subscription and Service Instance set to Y. Synchronization with Oracle Communications Billing
and Revenue Management adds child products with Billing Type set to Event.

CAUTION: Do not try to make a subscription product created in Siebel CRM into a simple service
bundle by setting its Service Instance flag to Y. Doing so can cause unexpected and unwanted
behavior. Oracle Application Integration Architecture does not create a cross-reference to that
product on the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management side, or synchronize
that product with Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management.

Viewing the Event Items in a Simple Service Bundle

To view the child event items associated with a simple service bundle, follow this procedure.

To view the event items in a simple service bundle

1 Navigate to the Administration - Product screen, then the Products view.

2 Select the Detail view tab.

3 In the Detail form, query for products with a Billing Type field value of Subscription and the
Service Instance field selected.

4 Find and select the simple service bundle product with the event items you want to view.

5 Click the Specific Products subview tab.

The Specific Products list displays the event items associated with the selected simple service

Guidelines for Service Bundles and Simple Service Bundles

The bundling requirements of a service determine whether to define the service as a service bundle
or a simple service bundle. When deciding, observe the following guidelines and cautions:

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 29

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

■ When only one billing product is applicable for a given service, set up the service as a simple
service bundle. This restriction applies because a service with a single billing product does not
have any associated service-level billing discounts, nor does a need exist to switch from one
product variant to another while retaining the same service. Additionally, this product does not
need a special rating.

■ A product that is defined as a simple service bundle cannot be changed to a service bundle.
Conversely, a product that is defined as a service bundle cannot be changed to a simple service
bundle. Such changes adversely affect the processing of change orders for existing assets. If a
change to the product bundling requirements necessitates changing a service bundle to a simple
service bundle, or the other way around, then you must define another product in Oracle
Communications Billing and Revenue Management, synchronize it with Siebel CRM, and configure
it differently.

■ Because a single asset represents both the service instance and the billing product, you cannot
upgrade a customer from a service modelled as a simple service bundle to a service modelled as
a service bundle, while retaining the same service instance. You must perform the upgrade
through a service cancellation and repurchase.

Configuring Communications, Order-to-

Cash, and Master Data Management
This topic contains configuration information for the Oracle Application Integration Architecture
Communications, Order-to-Cash, and Master Data Management features of your Siebel application
that support integration with Oracle Application Integration Architecture. Perform the tasks
described in the subtopics after you have finished installing your Siebel application. For more
information about activities performed in Siebel Tools, see Using Siebel Tools and Configuring Siebel
Business Applications. For more information about activities performed in the Siebel application, see
the relevant topics in this guide, Siebel Applications Administration Guide, and related guides.

Setting the System Preferences for Integration

Administrators must set system preference values. The system preferences listed in this topic control
aspects of Oracle Application Integration Architecture integration functionality.

To set the system preferences for integration

1 Navigate to the Administration - Application screen, then the System Preferences view.

30 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

2 Query for the Oracle Application Integration Architecture integration system preferences, and set
the appropriate value for each.

Oracle Application Integration Architecture integration system preferences are described in the
follow table.

Preference Comments

Cancel Error Mode Controls the behavior when an order that has future-dated line items is
cancelled. Those future-dated line items are affected by the cancellation
of this order. Values are as follows:

■ 1 Do not display warning messages.

■ 2 Display warning messages.

■ 3 (Default) Display warning and error messages, and stop


Validate Due Date Controls the behavior of the pop-up applet that prompts for the Due Date
for change orders such as Modify, Disconnect, Suspend, and Resume.
Values are as follows:

■ 1 No warning messages appear. Modify, Suspend, Resume, and

Disconnect (MACD) operations are continued for assets and orders.

■ 2 (Default) Display warning messages. Enable the Continue button

on the Due Date window.

■ 3 Display warning messages. Disable the Continue button on the Due

Date window.

Enable AIA Comms Controls whether to enable the Oracle Application Integration
Architecture Communications integration features. Values are as follows:

■ TRUE Enable Oracle Application Integration Architecture

Communications integration features.

■ FALSE Disable Oracle Application Integration Architecture

Communications integration features.

Enable AIA Testing Controls whether to enable the Oracle Application Integration
Architecture Communications integration testing features. Values are as

■ TRUE Enable Oracle Application Integration Architecture

Communications integration testing.

■ FALSE Disable Oracle Application Integration Architecture

Communications integration testing.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 31

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

Preference Comments

AIA Order Backup XML files are available on the specified path, with file names in the form
Path OrderNumber_RevisionNumber.xml. The files can be sorted by Date
Modified. Enabled only if the Enable AIA Testing system preference is set
to TRUE. Value is as follows:


Workspace Release A product that is synchronized from Oracle Product Information

Flag Management Data Hub is a workspace version, that is, a test version, in
Siebel CRM. This system preference holds or releases all the products
associated with a workspace. This system preference appears in the
SWIProductImportIO, SWIAttributeImportIO, and
SWIProductClassImport Web services.

Additionally, a Product Release Flag in each product definition can be used

to release the individual product.

The Workspace Release Flag system preference has the following values:

■ N. Default value. Siebel CRM does not automatically release the


In this case, a user can set the Product Release Flag of an individual
product to Y to release that specific product, and all the other
products in the same payload are not released.

■ Y. Siebel CRM automatically releases the products.

In this case, all the products belonging to the Workspace are

automatically released. This setting overrides the Product Release
Flag settings of the individual products in the Workspace.

■ D. Signifies a default or empty value.

In this case, the default value of this system preference, which is N,

determines whether to automatically release the product.

Enable AIA MDM Enables or disables the MDM (Master Data Management) PIP. Default
value is set to FALSE. To enable the MDM PIP, you must change this
system preference value to TRUE and restart the Siebel Server.

32 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

Preference Comments

Enable AIA Enables or disables the Order-to-Cash PIP. Default value is set to FALSE.
OrderToCash To enable the Order-to-Cash PIP, you must change this system preference
value to TRUE and restart the Siebel Server.

CAUTION: It is recommended that you not set the Enable AIA Comms
and Enable AIA OrderToCash system preferences to TRUE in the same
Siebel CRM instance. Interoperability of Siebel Communications PIPs
(Order-to-Bill and Agent Assisted Billing Care) with the Order-to-Cash PIP
is not tested or supported by Oracle.

AIA Version Specifies the version of Oracle Application Integration Architecture with
which to integrate your Siebel application. The default and supported
value is 2.5.1 (for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Version

CAUTION: If you select any value that is not listed above, then the
application might not function as expected.

3 Set other system preferences, if necessary.

For more information about system preferences, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

Setting Up Integration Users

Administrators must designate integration users. These integration user credentials are used by the
Siebel application to accept inbound Web service calls from the Oracle Application Integration
Architecture product. Integration users are used by the inbound Web services to log in and to create,
update, or query records in the Siebel application. You must also set up integration user credentials
in the Oracle Application Integration Architecture product that you are using.

To set up an integration user

1 Navigate to the Administration - User screen, then the Employees view.

2 In the employees list, select the record for the employee who you want to set up as an integration

3 Select the check box in the Integration User Flag field for this employee.

Enabling Component Groups

Administrators must verify that the component groups for order creation are enabled on the Siebel
Server. When you enable component groups, all of the required components in those groups are
started on the server for transaction logging. For information about enabling component groups, see
Siebel System Administration Guide.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 33

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

Table 3 shows the component groups that must be enabled for order creation. Also, verify that the
Application Object Manager component is started.

Table 3. Component Groups to Enable

Component Group Name Component Group Alias

Enterprise Application Integration EAI

Communications Management CommMgmt

Siebel CME Communications

Siebel ISS ISS

Workflow Management Workflow

Activating the Workflows for Order Management

Before users can create orders, administrators must verify that the order management workflows
are active. For information about activating the order management workflows, see the information
about setting up order management in Siebel Order Management Guide.

Confirming that Workflows Are Active

Use the following steps to confirm that all C/OM workflows are active.

To confirm that workflows are active

1 Navigate to the Administration - Business Process screen, Workflow Deployment, and then the
Active Workflow Processes view.

2 In the first applet, perform one of the following actions:

■ Query for SIS*,Pri*,PSP*,ISS*,Elig*,eSales*

■ Query for the following groups: Eligibility & Comp, Asset Based Ordering, Pricer, eSales,
Product Promotions, Configurator, C/OM UI Processes, CUT eSales (for SIA, not for HOR),
Product Recommendations.

3 Confirm that all the workflows are active.

Activating the Oracle Application Integration

Architecture-Related Workflows
To configure the Siebel UI elements, follow this procedure.

34 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

To activate the Oracle Application Integration Architecture-related workflows

1 Modify workflows to enable the UTC date format by completing the following steps:

a In each of the following workflows, change the UTCCanonical process property value from N to
Y using Siebel Tools:

CMU Credit Alert Status Sync

CMU SIA Submit Adjustment Request to External
SWI Account Update Workflow
SWI Billing Profile Update Workflow
SWI Contact Update Workflow
SWI Address Update Workflow
SWI Cancel Sales Order_O2C
SWI External Account Request Sync Process
SWI External Contact Request Sync Process
SWI Special Rating - Synchronize Process

b Publish the workflows.

2 Confirm that the workflows listed in the following table are active.

Workflow Name Project

*SIS OM Disconnect Asset Sub-process SIS OM Base Architecture

*SIS OM Move Process SIS OM Base Architecture

ABO Bulk Request -Validate Process ABO Bulk Request

ABO Bulk Request - Clear Exception Process Workflow ABO Bulk Request

ABO Bulk Request - Parallel Sub Process Workflow ABO Bulk Request

ABO Bulk Request - Prepare Action Set Sub-Process Workflow ABO Bulk Request

ABO Bulk Request - Submit Process Workflow ABO Bulk Request

ABO Bulk Request Add Item Customize Process ABO Bulk Request

Account - New Order COM Workflows

Basic Pricing Procedure Cfg RTC

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 35

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

Workflow Name Project

CMU Credit Alert Status Sync Web Service Integration

CMU SIA Submit Adjustment Request to External CMU Billing Integration

CMUBalanceDetailsEventAdjustmentWF CMU Billing Integration

CMUEventDetailsAdjustmentWF CMU Billing Integration

CMUInvoiceAdjustmentWF CMU Billing Integration

CMUItemChargeAdjustmentWF CMU Billing Integration

CMUUnbilledEventAdjustmentWF Web Service Integration

CMUUnbilledNonCurrencyEventAdjustmentWF Web Service Integration

CZ PSP Interface Web Service Integration

CZ Return Web Service Integration

Dynamic Pricing Procedure Row Set Transformation Toolkit

ISS Promotion Disconnect Process ISS Promotion Workflow

ISS Promotion Upgrade Process ISS Promotion Workflow

Oracle Configurator Load Web Service Integration

Oracle Verify Complex Product All (Order) Web Service Integration

Oracle Verify Complex Product All (Quote) Web Service Integration

Oracle Verify Header (Order) Web Service Integration

Oracle Verify Header (Quote) Web Service Integration

Oracle Verify Item (Order) Web Service Integration

Oracle Verify Item (Quote) Web Service Integration

Pricing Procedure - Calculate Net Price Row Set Transformation Toolkit

SIA External Integration Process Prepaid Service 8.1

SIS OM Add Service Charge Order Sub-Process SIS OM Base Architecture

SIS OM Add Service Charge Quote Sub-Process SIS OM Base Architecture

SIS OM Add Service Charge Sub-Process SIS OM Base Architecture

SIS OM Disconnect Products & Services Process SIS OM Base Architecture

SIS OM Edit Complex Asset Workflow SIS OM Base Architecture

SIS OM Edit Delta Quote Line Item SIS OM Base Architecture

SIS OM Edit Service Order Line Item SIS OM Base Architecture

SIS OM Modify Products & Services Process SIS OM Base Architecture

SIS OM Order Line Item Update Main SIS OM Base Architecture

SIS OM Submit Order Process SIS OM Base Architecture

36 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

Workflow Name Project

SIS OM Suspend / Resume Asset Sub-Process SIS OM Base Architecture

SIS OM Suspend / Resume Products & Services Process SIS OM Base Architecture

SISOMBillingSubmitOrderWebService CMU Billing Integration

Submit Order ASI COM Workflows

Submit Quote ASI COM Workflows

SWI Account Update Workflow Web Service Integration

SWI Address Update Workflow Web Service Integration

SWI Asset Status Update CMU Billing Integration

SWI Billing Profile Update Workflow Web Service Integration

SWI Cancel Sales Order Line Item Web Service Integration

SWI Cancel Sales Order_O2C Web Service Integration

SWI Configurator Load Web Service Integration

SWI Contact Update Workflow Web Service Integration

SWI External Account Integration Process Web Service Integration

SWI External Account Request Sync Process Web Service Integration

SWI External Contact Integration Process Web Service Integration

SWI External Contact Req Integration Process Web Service Integration

SWI External Contact Request Sync Process Web Service Integration

SWI External Customer Req Integration Process Web Service Integration

SWI External Product Sync Workflow Web Service Integration

SWI Initial Load Non CP Order Release Web Service Integration

SWI Parent Order Web Service Integration

SWI Special Rating - Synchronize Process Web Service Integration

SWI TSQ Order Web Service Integration

SWIAdjustmentStatusUpdate Web Service Integration

SWICancel Sales Order Web Service Integration

SWICopyOrder Web Service Integration

SWIOrderUpsert Web Service Integration

SWIOrderUpsert_O2C Web Service Integration

SWIOrderUpsertSubProcess Web Service Integration

SWIQuoteUpsert Web Service Integration

SWIReviseOrderValidation Web Service Integration

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 37

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

Workflow Name Project

SWISendATPCheck Web Service Integration

SWISendATPCheckLine Web Service Integration

SWISendCalculateShippingCharge Web Service Integration

SWISendCreditCheck Web Service Integration

SWISendOrder Web Service Integration

SWISendPaymentAuthorization Web Service Integration

SWISendQuote Web Service Integration

SWISetTBOEndDate CMU Billing Integration

SWIValidateDependentOrders Web Service Integration

Verify Header (Order) COM Workflows

Verify Item (Order) COM Workflows

3 Check the status of each workflow process listed in Step 1. If it is In-Progress, then make it
Completed by deploying the workflow process. If the import of any of the workflows fails, then
manually activate them within the Siebel application by performing the following steps:

a Log in to the Siebel application as an administrator.

b Navigate to the Administration - Business Process screen, Workflow Deployment, and then the
Repository Workflow Processes view.
c Query for the workflow processes and activate them by selecting them and clicking Activate.

NOTE: It is recommended that you reload the runtime events after activating the workflows.

Changing the Default Billing Type to Subscription

The Service Bundle billing type is the default setting for the SIS OM Add Service Charge Sub-Process
workflow. You can change this workflow to apply the Subscription billing type instead. For more
information about the SIS OM Add Service Charge Sub-Process workflow, see Siebel Order
Management Guide Addendum for Communications. For information about changing and redeploying
a workflow process, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide.

To change the default billing type to Subscription

1 Log in to Oracle’s Siebel Tools as an administrator.

2 In the Object Explorer, click Revise Workflow.

3 In the Workflow Processes list, select SIS OM Add Service Charge Sub-Process.

38 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

4 Click the Traverse and Get Prod Ids step.

Siebel Tools displays the following input parameters for the step:

QuoteFieldValue1 = LookupValue ("PROD_BILLING_TYPE", "Service Bundle")

OrderFieldValue1 = LookupValue ("PROD_BILLING_TYPE", "Service Bundle")

5 In the QuoteFieldValue1 and OrderFieldValue1input parameters, replace Service Bundle with


6 Save and reactivate the workflow.

Oracle Advanced Queuing

Oracle Streams Advanced Queuing (AQ) is a database-integrated messaging infrastructure in Oracle
database. AQ uses the functionality of the Oracle database to store messages in persistent queues.
All operational benefits of the Oracle database such as high availability, scalability, and reliability are
applicable to the messages and queues in AQ. Standard database features such as backup and
recovery, security, and manageability are available to AQ.

AQ has been implemented for the following outbound Web services in this release:

■ Special Rating List

■ Submit Order

■ Adjustment

The following topics contain information about how to implement AQ in your Siebel application and
more detailed information about the outbound Web services listed above.

Special Rating List

This service is used to synchronize the modified friends and family list with the external Oracle
Communications Billing and Revenue Management application. It is invoked through the Synchronize
button in the Special Rating list applet.

Use the following procedure to sync the modified list.

To sync the modified list

1 Navigate to Accounts screen, then Accounts List view.

2 Query for the Target Account from the list.

3 Drill down on the name of the account.

4 Navigate to the Profiles view, then the Special Rating Profile subview.

5 Query for the target special rating list and click Synchronize.

The Synchronize button invokes the SWI Special Rating List - Synchronize Process workflow
using the Named Method Business Component user property.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 39

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

The SWI Special Rating - Synchronize Process workflow is a new workflow created for the AIA Comm
2.4 release. It is invoked through the Synchronize button, which is available in the Special Rating
list applet (Navigate to the Accounts screen, Accounts List, Profiles, and then the Special Rating
Profile view). The workflow contains the steps to query for and synchronize the updated Special
Rating List with Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management by calling the Proxy
Business Service, as detailed below.

Start > (Connector 0) > Query Special Rating List > Synchronize > Update List Synch Date > Update
Items Synch Date > End 0

Note the following information about the SWISpecialRatingList outbound Web service:

■ It is a new Web service.

■ It is an asynchronous outbound Web service.

■ Its namespace is

This Web service is used to send the Updated/Modified Special Rating List details to Oracle
Communications Billing and Revenue Management for synchronizing when the user clicks the
Synchronize button in the Special Rating list applet.

This AQ and connection factories are created in FMW and the same URI must be used in outbound
Web service target address.

Update Target Address

Use the following procedure to update the target address.

To update the target address

1 Navigate to the Administration - Web Services screen.

2 Navigate to the Outbound Web Services aggregate view.

3 Query for the SWISpecialRatingList service name.

4 Change the following field values in the Service Port applet:

■ Transport: JMS

■ Address: Give the AQ URL in FMW.

(For example, jms://java:comp/resource/CommsJmsRP1/Queues/


NOTE: If FMW 11g is used, then the example of the address is as follows:


5 Save the record and click Clear Cache.

40 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

Submit Order Outbound Web Service

This outbound service is used to send the order details to Oracle Application Integration Architecture.
The user initiates the service by clicking the Submit button on the order header form in the Order
Entry view.

Use the following procedure to initiate the Submit Order outbound service.

To initiate the Submit Order outbound service

1 Navigate to the Sales Order screen, then the List view.

2 Query for the Target Sales Order.

3 Drill down on the order number of the order.

4 Click Submit.

SISOMBillingSubmitOrder Web Service Workflow

This workflow is an existing workflow that submits an order from the Siebel CRM application to the
billing application and creates a new account, if needed, in the billing application. Users initiate this
workflow by clicking the Submit button on the order header form in the Order Entry view.

Note the following information about the SWISubmitOrder outbound Web service:

■ It is a new Web service.

■ It is an outbound Web service.

■ Its namespace is

Use this Web service to submit orders into the queue. This AQ and connection factories are created
in FMW and the same URI must be used in outbound Web service target address.

Use the following procedure to update the address:

To update the address

1 Navigate to the Administration - Web Services screen.

2 Navigate to the Outbound Web Services aggregate view.

3 Query for the SWISubmitOrder service name.

4 Change the following field values in the Service Port applet:

■ Transport: JMS

■ Address: Give the AQ URL in FMW.

(for example, jms://java:comp/resource/CommsJmsRP1/Queues/


NOTE: If FMW 11g is used, then the example of the address is as follows:


Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 41

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

5 Save the record and click Clear Cache.

SWICreateAdjustment Outbound Web Service

This outbound service is used to Submit an Adjustment request to Oracle Communications Billing
and Revenue Management. Users initiate the service by clicking the Submit button on the SIA CUT
Adjustment External Line Items view.

To initiate the SWICreateAdjustment outbound Web service

1 Navigate to the Billing Adjustments screen, then SIA CUT Adjustment External Line Items view.

2 Query for the particular adjustment.

3 Click Submit.

CMU SIA Submit Adjustment Request to External Workflow

This workflow has been modified as part of the Adjustment Revenue Leakage Enhancement feature.
This workflow submits the Adjustment Request to the external application by invoking an outbound
Web service and changing the status of Adjustment Header to Submitted. Users initiate this workflow
by clicking the Submit button in the Billing Adjustments screen.

This workflow does the following:

1 Queries the adjustment request.

2 If the adjustment request is not approved, then it changes the status of the request to Pending,
and terminates.

3 If the adjustment request is approved, then it reads the enterprise details, such as the enterprise
server name, language, and locale.

4 Sets the enterprise details as part of the request message.

5 Makes an outbound call to the AQ.

6 Updates the Siebel database for the Adjustment Record to reflect the status as Submitted.

SWICreateAdjustment Outbound Web Service

Note the following information about the SWICreateAdjustment outbound Web service:

■ It is a new Web service.

■ It is an outbound Web service.

■ Its namespace is

Use this Web service to Submit Adjustment Request into the queue. This AQ and connection factories
are created in FMW and the same URL must be used in outbound Web service target address.

Use the following procedure to update the address.

42 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

To update the address

1 Navigate to the Administration - Web Services screen.

2 Navigate to the Outbound Web Services aggregate view.

3 Query for the SWICreateAdjustment service name.

4 Change the following field values in the Service Port applet:

■ Transport: JMS

■ Address: Give the AQ URL in FMW.

(for example, jms://java:comp/resource/CommsJmsRP1/Queues/


NOTE: If FMW 11g is used, then the example of the address is as follows:


5 Save the record and click Clear Cache.

Advanced Queue Configuration

The subtopics in this topic describe how to perform advanced queue configuration.

Configuring Java Subsystem for Fusion Middleware 10g Integration

In addition to performing the setup tasks for integrating Fusion Middleware in the Siebel installation
guide, perform the following procedure.

NOTE: Paths in this procedure assume you are running the Siebel Server on the Windows operating
system. They must be modified whether the Siebel Server is running on a UNIX operating system.

To configure Java subsystem for Fusion Middleware 10g Integration

1 Extract the following location to a folder in a computer where the Siebel Server
is installed, such as D:\JMS folder.

2 Copy Siebel.jar and SiebelJI_enu to D:\JMS folder, these jar files can be found in Siebel Server
installation directory\classes folder
3 Copy jndi.jar file from FMW to D:\JMS\j2ee\home\lib folder.

4 Copy com/evermind/util/JCAProperties.class from the oc4j-internal.jar file to the D:\JMS folder.

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Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

5 Create a file with name with following details in the path D:\JMS:


java.naming.provider.url=opmn:ormi://IP Address of the FMW server:OPMN Port No:oc4j_soa

For example:



Make sure that there are no extra spaces in the file.

6 Create a Named Subsystem in the Siebel application through the server management by
completing the following steps:

a Connect to the server manager from the command prompt from the bin directory of the Siebel
installed folder with the following command.

Srvrmgr /g gatewayserver /e enterpriseserver /s siebelserver /u userid /p password

Example: srvrmgr /g sdc78198svqe:4330 /e siebel /s sdc78198svqe /u sadmin /p


b Run the following command to create the named subsystem and add the jar file into the class

Create named subsystem JAVA for subsystem JVMSubSys with

DLL=C:\Sun\SDK\jdk\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll, CLASSPATH =
ms.jar;D:\JMS\opmn\lib\optic.jar;D:\JMS\j2ee\home\lib\ejb.jar;., VMOPTIONS=

For the UNIX environment the CLASSPATH is separated by : (colon). For the Windows
environment it is separated by ; (semicolon). So, the above command for UNIX environment

Create named subsystem JAVA for subsystem JVMSubSys with

DLL= /usr/jdk1.5.0_06/jre/lib/sparc/client/, CLASSPATH = /export/home/

44 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

VMOPTIONS= /export/home/qa2/JMS/log/jms.log

Make sure that the path is correct for all the files and that the CLASSPATH ends with a . (dot).
Replace qa2 with the appropriate folder name.

7 Log in to the Siebel application and navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen,
Enterprises, and then the Profile Configuration view, and complete the following steps:

a Query for the Profile with Alias Name JAVA in the profile list and make sure the parameters are
b For the Windows environment, edit the value of VMOPTIONS to:


c For the Solaris environment, edit the value of VMOPTIONS to:

-Xusealtsigs -Xrs -Djms.log=/export/home/qa2/JMS/log/jms.log.

Make sure that the JMS/log folder exists and has the write permission.

8 Restart the Siebel Server.

NOTE: For more information, see the Siebel Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)
documentation on the Siebel Bookshelf.

Configuring Corresponding Web Services for Advanced Queue

This topic contains information about how to configure corresponding Web services for AQ. AQ
configuration involves configuring JMS messaging between Siebel Business Applications and the
Oracle SOA suite using Oracle Advanced Queuing. For more information about this configuration, see
Transports and Interfaces: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

Use the following procedure to configure corresponding Web services for AQ.

To configure corresponding Web services

1 Navigate to the Administration - Web Services screen, then the Outbound Web Services view and
query for SWI*.

2 Change the transport to JMS and address as:

jms://queue name@connection factory

queue name is in the following format:

java:comp/resource/ Resource Provider Name as configured/Queues/queue name

connection factory is in the following format:

java:comp/resource/Resource Provider Name as configured/QueueConnectionFactories/

Queues must have been created as part of Oracle Application Integration Architecture
installation. Refer the queue name in this step.

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Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

3 To locate the Connection Factory Name, log in to Application Server control, and navigate to
oc4j_soa ' Administration, then Database Persistence.

Here you can find the Resource Provider Name if it is configured.

Example: jms://java:comp/resource/AIA_JMS_RP/Queues/

4 After changing the address, click Clear Cache.

5 If you are using the Communications PIP or the Order-To-Cash PIP, then proceed to one of the
following steps:

■ Communications PIP. Go to Step 6.

■ Order-To-Cash PIP. Go to Step 7.

6 For the Communications PIP, configure the following Web services:

■ SWICreateAdjustment

Example for FMW 10g:


Example for FMW 11g:


■ SWISpecialRatingList

Example for FMW 10g:


Example for FMW 11g:


■ SWISubmitOrder

Example for FMW 10g:


Example for FMW 11g:


7 For the Order-To-Cash PIP, configure the following Web services:

■ SWISubmitOrder_o2c

Example for FMW 10g:


Example for FMW 11g:

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Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration


■ SWISubmitQuote_o2c

Example for FMW 10g:


Example for FMW 11g:


Configuring Java Subsystem for Fusion Middleware 11g Integration

In addition to performing the setup tasks for integrating Fusion Middleware in the Siebel installation
guide, perform the following procedure.

NOTE: Paths in this procedure assume you are running the Siebel Server on the Windows operating
system. They must be modified if the Siebel Server is running on a UNIX operating system.

To configure Java subsystem for Fusion Middleware 11g Integration

1 Get the wlfullclient.jar file from the FMW/AIA team. If you cannot get this file, then perform the
following steps to create wlfullclient.jar in the FMW server:

a WinScp to the SOA server.

b Change directories to the server/lib directory. For example, go to the WL_HOME/server/lib.

c Execute the command:

java -jar wljarbuilder.jar

The wlfullclient.jar file is created.

2 Remotely login to the Siebel installed server.

3 Get the files Siebel.jar and SiebelJI_enu.jar from the following directory:

siebel installation\ses\siebsrvr\classes

4 Copy the wlfullclient.jar, Siebel.jar and SiebelJI_enu.jar to the directory D:\JMS. If this directory
does not exist, then create it.

5 Prepare the file with the following values:


NOTE: If Oracle Application Integration Architecture is running in a clustered environment and

has a setup proxy host, then have following URL:


Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 47

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

6 Create the JAVA Subsystem using the Siebel Web application as follows:

a Connect to the server manager from the bin directory of the Siebel installed folder by entering
the following command from the command prompt:

Srvrmgr /g gatewayserver /e enterpriseserver /s siebelserver /u userid /p password

For example:

srvrmgr /g sdc78198svqe:4330 /e siebel /s sdc78198svqe /u sadmin /p sadmin

b Enter the following command to create the named subsystem:

Create named subsystem JAVA for subsystem JVMSubSys

c Add parameters with the aliases CLASSPATH, DLL, and VMOPTIONS, as described in the tables
that follow.

The following table specifies the Name, Data Type, and Value values to enter for the
parameters with aliases CLASSPATH, DLL, and VMOPTIONS.

Alias Name Data Type Value

CLASSPATH JVM Classpath String D:\JMS;D:\JMS\Siebel.jar;D:\JMS\SiebelJ

DLL JVM DLL Name String C:\Sun\SDK\jdk\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll

VMOPTIONS JVM Options String -Djms.log=D:\JMS\log\jms.log

The following table specifies the Scope, Type, Description, and Visibility values to enter for
the parameters with aliases CLASSPATH, DLL, and VMOPTIONS.

Alias Scope Type Description Visibility

CLASSPATH Subsystem JVM Configuration Subsystem JVM Classpath Basic

DLL Subsystem JVM Configuration Subsystem JVM DLL Name Basic

VMOPTIONS Subsystem JVM Configuration Subsystem JVM Options Basic

7 Create the Simulator (with the service name: EAI JMS Transport and Method name: CheckAll).

8 In the Input Argument Section, create Test Case 1 with the values in the following table.

Type Property Name Property Value

PropertySet ConnectionFactory jms/TestQueueCF

PropertySet SendQueue jms/TestQueue

9 Click Run to verify the setup in the simulator.

No error messages appear after the run.

48 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

Configuring FMW URLs for Web Services

Use the procedures in this topic to configure FMW URLs for Web services.

Configuring FMW URLs for Outbound Web Services

To configure FMW URLs for the outbound Web services, follow this procedure.

To configure FMW URLs for outbound Web services

1 Log in to the Siebel application as an administrator.

2 Navigate to the Administration - Web Service screen, then the Outbound Web Services view.

3 Query for "*JMS* OR *ABCS* OR *ESB* OR *ConfiguratorUserLangSiebelAdapter* OR

SyncCustomerSiebelEventAggregator" on the Name field of the Web Services applet.

4 Navigate to the Service Ports list applet and change the URI given by the ABS team.

5 Query for *JMS* and *Sync* and change the URI as follows:

■ Web Service Name: SyncCustomerSiebelEventAggregator

■ Address: http://host name:port/soa-infra/services/default/


(For example,

NOTE: If FMW 11g is used for integration, then a complete change of address is required. For

Configuring FMW URLs for Inbound Web Services

URL-based authentication is disabled by default. SOAP Header authentication is recommended. An
example of the new URL is as follows:

An example of the SOAP Header is as follows:

<ns1:SessionType xmlns:ns1="">none</ns1:SessionType>
<ns2:UsernameToken xmlns:ns2="">SADMIN</
<ns3:PasswordText xmlns:ns3="">MSSQL</

To configure FMW URLs for the inbound Web services, follow this procedure.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 49

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

To configure FMW URLs for inbound Web services

1 In the Administration - Web Services screen, then the Inbound Web Services view, run the
following query:

*ISS *; * Update Order *; SWI*

2 In the middle Inbound Service Ports list applet, change the address to the following:


NOTE: Replace the string localhost, lang with the correct information from your Web server.

3 Repeat the preceding steps for all inbound Web services.

For more information, see the Siebel Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) guides.

Setting Up the Workflow Monitor Agent

The subtopics in this topic describe Workflow Monitor Agent setup tasks.

Configuring Workflow Monitor Agent

Use the following procedure to configure Workflow Monitor Agent.

To configure Workflow Monitor Agent

1 Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, Enterprises, and then the
Component Definitions view, and query for Workflow*.

2 Make a copy of the Workflow Monitor Agent and change the name to Workflow Monitor Agent

3 Change the Alias name to 'WorkMonSWI'.

4 Under Component Parameters, query for Group Name and change the Group Name to SWI
Customer Update Policy Grp in the Component Parameter applet.

5 Change the Action Interval to 5.

6 Click Advanced to change the Sleep Time to 15.

7 Click Advanced to change the Default Task to 1.

8 Click Activate to change the status of the new component to Active.

9 Synchronize the components.

Configuring Default Tasks for Workflow Monitor Agent

Server Manager contains a parameter called 'Show Advanced Objects' that controls the display of all
the objects that are marked for the advanced user.

50 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

Workflow Monitor Agent has a parameter called 'Default Tasks' which has been hidden and is
available only to advanced users.

Use the following procedure to reveal this hidden parameter.

To display the Default Tasks parameter

1 Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, then the Servers view.

2 In the top Siebel Servers applet, select the server on which you want to modify the parameter.

3 Under the Component subtab, query for the Server Manager component.

4 Under the Component Parameter subtab, query for 'Show Advanced Objects'.

5 Change the value to 'True'.

6 Click Advanced to change the Default Task parameter to 1.

NOTE: You must log out from the current user session and log back in to the application in order
for the parameter to take effect.

7 Rename the existing diccache.dat file in the path Installed Directory\ses\siebsrvr\bin.

Starting Tasks for Workflow Monitor Agent for Customer

Use the following procedure to start tasks for the component that is online and enabled.

To start tasks for Workflow Monitor Agent

1 Navigate to the Administration - Server Management screen.

2 Select Tasks.

3 Query for the WorkMonSWI task and start it. You can also use Server Manager to start the task.

4 Start srvrmgr: Srvrmgr /g gatewayserver /e enterpriseserver /s siebelserver /u userid /p

5 Start the task for the WorkMonSWI component.

After about five minutes, check for log details for the task for the new workflow monitor component
Workflow Monitor Agent SWI by navigating to the Administration - Server Management screen, then
the Tasks view.

If there are errors, then check to see whether all configurations have been properly performed.

Setting Order Priority for Advanced Queue

Use the following procedure to set order priority for AQ.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 51

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

To set order priority for AQ

1 Navigate to the Administration - Data screen, then the List Of Values view.

2 Query for Type equals SWI_ORDER_JMS_PRIO_MAPPING.

3 Change the values in the Language-Independent Code column to define the new mapping
according to following table.

Display Value Language-Independent Code

Low 6

Medium 4

High 2

Urgent 0

4 Click Clear Cache to clear the cache.

Setup for Synchronizing Products with New and Existing

To set up for synchronizing products in a batch with new and existing products, you must set the
DisableUserKeyCache user property to Y in the SWI Admin ISS Product Definition and SWI ISS
Promotion integration objects.

To set up for synchronizing products with new and existing products

1 Log in to Siebel Tools.

2 Search for the SWI Admin ISS Product Definition and SWI ISS Promotion integration objects.

3 Lock the integration objects.

4 In each of the integration objects, navigate to the Integration Object UserProperty and set the
value of DisableUserKeyCache to Y.

5 Compile the changes and replace the .srf file.

NOTE: DisableUserKeyCache is set to N by default because of known performance issues. For more
information, see the Siebel Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) guides.

Setting Up the Session Pool Manager

The Session Pool Manager (SPM) is a service in the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Web server.
The main function of the SPM is managing a pool of Web Server Session Tokens to be reused among
Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) flows. If SPM is enabled in Oracle Application
Integration Architecture, then follow this procedure to make the changes that are required for your
Siebel application.

52 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

To set up the Session Pool Manager

1 Navigate to Siebel installation folder/eappweb/bin.

2 Make a backup copy of the eapps.cfg file.

3 Open the eapps.cfg file.

4 Search for the /eai_enu section.

5 Add the following parameters to the /eai_enu section:

SessionTimeout = 300

SessionTokenTimeout = 15

SessionTokenMaxAge = 2880


6 Save and close the eapps.cfg file.

7 Restart the Siebel Web server.

Performing Required Tasks for the Order-to-Cash PIP

The tasks in this topic are required if you are using the Order-to-Cash PIP.

Disabling Asset-Based Ordering

Use the following procedure to disable Asset-Based Ordering.

To disable Asset-Based Ordering

1 Log in to the Siebel application, and navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen,
Servers, then the Parameters view.

2 Query for the corresponding object manager for the application (such as htimObjMgr_enu for
application HTIM).

3 Query for the Order Management - Enable Asset Based Ordering parameter in the parameter list
for the component, and set the value to False.

4 Restart the Siebel Server.

Running EIM Data Migration

This topic describes how to run the EIM jobs for implementing the O2C PIP.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 53

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

Data Migration Sequence

Execute the entities in the following table in sequence to maintain the data integrity. This table
includes the pre-and post EIM activities, which must be carried out manually.

S.No Main Entities Task Type

1 Organization Manual

2 Inventory Location Manual

4 Products EIM

5 Post EIM Product Release Manual

5 Pricelist EIM

6 Customers EIM

7 Assets EIM

Before you begin the EIM import, note the following points:

■ Make sure that the Siebel Server is running.

■ Make sure that the Siebel EIM component is online and is running properly. (Navigate to the
Administration - Server Configuration or Administration - Server Management screen.)

■ To avoid data loss, do not restart the Siebel Server while the EIM job is running.

■ After you have completed the data load for one country, make backup copies of the EIM log files,
for status verification. These log files are located in the siebsrvr/logs directory.

Checking EIM Component Availability

Use the following procedure to check EIM component availability.

To check EIM component availability

1 Navigate to the Administration - Server Management screen, Servers, and then the Component
Groups view. Make sure that the component group Enterprise Application Integration is active
and online.

2 Make sure that the Enterprise Integration Manager component within the Workflow Management
component group is also active and online.

3 Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, Enterprise, Component Groups,

and then the Components Group Assignments view.

4 Make sure that the Enterprise Application Integration Component Group is enabled.

Setting Up Organizations
Use the following procedure to set up organizations.

54 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

To set up organizations
1 Navigate to the Administration - Group screen, then the Organizations view.

2 Create the required organizations.

NOTE: Enter information into the Organization Name field but leave the Site field blank.

Setting Up Inventory Locations

Use the following procedure to set up inventory locations.

To set up inventory locations

1 Navigate to the Administration - Data screen, then the Inventory Locations view.

2 Create inventory locations.

NOTE: Make sure that the inventory location is associated with the correct location.

Executing the EIM Job

Use the following procedure to execute the EIM job.

To execute the EIM job

1 Place the respective IFB file on the server computer using the Siebsrvr/Admin file path, as
shown in the following example.

Component IFB File

Product Product.ifb

Pricelist Pricelist.ifb

Customer Customer.ifb
Asset Asset.ifb

2 Make sure that the SESSION SQL statement of the [UPDATE ACCOUNT NUMBER] section of the
Customer Ifb file is modified to reflect the working instance:



where ORA19111 is the working instance.

Also, consider the same for the [UPDATE INTEGRATION ID] section of the Pricelist.ifb file:



For Pricelist.ifb, comment the second process using a terminate symbol (so that it becomes
inactive and only the first process is executed) as follows:

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 55

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration





After EIM imports all of the pricelist data and the Integration Id is populated, the administrator
needs to run another ODI API to populate the cross-reference database. Then, the administrator
needs to run EIM again to nullify integ_id. The format of the IFB file for the second run follows:





All the job parameters must remain the same for both of the runs.

3 Log in to the application with administrator credentials to be able to access the Server
Management screen.

4 Navigate to the Administration - Server Management screen, then the Jobs view.

5 Create a new record, and select Enterprise Integration Mgr in the Component/Job field.

6 In the Job Parameters applet, fill in the following parameters:

■ Configuration file = .Ifb File name

■ Error Flags = 1

■ SQL Trace Flags = 8

■ Trace Flags = 1

7 After passing parameters, click Submit Job.

8 In the Jobs view, for each job that you have executed, make sure that the Status column displays
Success for the jobs that you have executed.

9 Check the status in the EIM table by executing the SQL statements that follow. In each case,
make sure that the status is IMPORTED.

Product Header:




Product Details:


56 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration



Product-Inventory Locations:




In this case since the same set of records are processed twice by the two separate sections of the
IFB file: one meant for importing the Pricelist Records and other meant for updating the Integration
Id to NULL, you get the DUP_REC_EXISTS status in the EIM tables.












Account Details:








Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 57

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

There are two sections in the IFB file: For Importing Assets and For Updating the Parent Assets.

Hence the status shows DUP_REC_EXISTS




Checking the EIM Log File

Use the following procedure to check the EIM log file.

To check the EIM log file

1 From the Jobs view in the Administration - Server Management screen, navigate to the Tasks
View in the same screen.

2 Get the task number from the Task field.

3 Navigate to the Siebsrvr\log directory, and query for the log file using the task number. The
log file contains details about every level of processing and information about any errors.

Configuring Oracle Configurator

Use the following procedure to apply the run changes for the configuration to the database. The
runtime configuration changes must be done before you can launch Oracle Configurator.

To apply runtime Siebel configuration changes

1 Login to eCommunications/HTIM application from a Web browser.

2 Navigate to the Administration - Business Process screen, then Repository workflow process, and
complete the following steps:

a In the top applet Query for the workflows imported above and activate them.

b Make sure they are in active state by querying in the bottom applet.

3 Navigate to the Administration Runtime Events screen, then the Events view, click the menu
button, and select Reload Runtime Events.

4 Navigate to the Administration - Integration screen, then the WI Symbolic URL List view, and
complete the following steps:

a From the Show drop-down list, select Host Administration.

b Add a new host entry with the following values:

❏ Host Name: Oracle EBIZ host name:port number, for example,

❏ Virtual Name: OracleConfigurator

58 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

c Select Symbolic URL Administration and add new record in the top applet with the following
❏ Name: OracleCfgURL (Note: This symbolic name is very important because server side
business component code relies on this name)

❏ URL: http://OracleConfigurator/OA_HTML/CfgSebl.jsp

❏ Choose the host name: for example

❏ Fixup Name: Default

❏ SSO Disposition: IFRAME

d In the bottom applet, add arguments to the URL as follows:

Create a new record with the following values:

❏ Name: InitMessage

❏ Req Arg: checked

❏ Argument Type: Profile Attribute

❏ Argument Value: CZInitMessage

❏ Append as argument: checked

Add another new record with the following values:

❏ Name: PostRequest

❏ Required Arg: Checked

❏ Argument Type: Command

❏ Argument Value: PostRequest

❏ Append as argument: Not-Checked

Complete the following two steps to set up the SSO login into Oracle Applications. The SSO
login is the preferred style to access Oracle Applications. If the SSO login is not set up, then
the Siebel end user must know and enter Oracle login credentials at the login page.

e For the next two arguments enter the values for Argument Value as specified. UserLoginId and
UserLoginPassword are function names used by Siebel SSO. These functions look up the Oracle
login credentials for the current Siebel User. Putting anything else in requires that you log in to
an Oracle Applications for Configurator session.
f Continue to add arguments to the same URL with the following values:

❏ Name: username

❏ Required Arg: Checked

❏ Argument Type: Command

❏ Argument Value: UserLoginId

❏ Append as argument: Checked

g Add the final argument with the following values:

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 59

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

❏ Name: password

❏ Required Arg: Checked

❏ Argument Type: Command

❏ Argument Value: UserLoginPassword

❏ Append as argument: Checked

h Select SSO Systems Admin List and add a record in the top applet with the following values:

❏ System Name: OracleConfigSSO

❏ Symbolic URL Name: OracleCfgURL

❏ Description: Logs in to the Oracle Configurator

i In the bottom applet SSO System Users add records for the Siebel users who invoke Oracle
Configurator. The Siebel usernames are paired with Oracle login credentials. An example follows:
❏ Siebel Login Name: sadmin

❏ Login Name: operations

❏ Password: welcome

5 Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, Servers, and then the Components
view. Select the eCommunications Object Manager (ENU) component and select the Order
Management - Enable Asset Based Ordering parameter and set this value to False to call Oracle
Configurator instead calling Siebel Configurator.

Select the HTIM Object Manager (ENU) component and select the Order Management - Enable
Asset Based Ordering parameter and set this value to False to call Oracle Configurator instead
of calling Siebel Configurator.

The following workflows must be activated for Configurator to work:

■ Account - New Quote

■ Account - New Order

■ Goto*

■ PSP*

■ Product Compatibility*

■ Product Eligibility*

■ Product Reco*

■ *Pric*

■ Compatibility Multiple Popup Workflow

■ Config*

■ Check*

These workflows are not workflows that were introduced as part of Oracle Configurator
integration, but are existing ones.

60 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

Adding Siebel Custom Applications to Oracle Applications

Several custom Oracle Applications must be created to allow models to be accessed from Siebel.
These custom applications are used during the publication phase of Oracle Configurator Model
development cycle.

To add Siebel Custom Applications to Oracle Applications

1 Log in to Oracle Applications with credentials that have the Sys Administrator privilege.

2 Choose Application, then Register.

Forms starts up, and the form page appears. If not, then navigate to the form.

3 Create three new entries each with four values as follows:

■ Siebel Quote Integration |SEBLQ | DUMMY_TOP | Provides integration between Siebel Quote
and Oracle Configurator

■ Siebel Order Entry Integration | SEBLO | DUMMY_TOP | Provides integration between Siebel
Order Entry and Oracle Configurator

■ Siebel Agreement Integration | SEBLA | DUMMY_TOP | Provides integration between Siebel

Agreement and Oracle Configurator

The new applications now must be added to Oracle Configurator Publication Applicability list.

4 Change responsibility to Configurator Administrator.

5 Choose Application to Publication Applicability List and add the applications.

This step runs a concurrent program. After the program runs, these new applications are
available during model publication.

See the Oracle documentation for Configurator for the entire process of developing models for calling

Copy Config Web Service Setup

Use the following procedure to copy the Config Web Service setup.

To copy the Config Web Service setup

1 Log in to the eCommunications/HTIM application from a browser.

2 Navigate to the Administration- Web Services screen, then the Outbound Web Services view.

3 Query for the ESB_ConfiguratorCopyConfigEbizAdapter_Service Web service.

4 Query for ConfiguratorUserLangSiebelAdapter.

NOTE: The preceding steps apply to seed data. Perform them when exporting the seed data.

5 Change the IP Address on the Service Ports (middle applet) for each of the above Web Services.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 61

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

Copy Config Data Map Setup

Use the following procedure to copy the Config Data Map setup.

To copy the Config Data Map setup

1 Log in to eCommunications/HTIM application from a browser and navigate to the Administration
- Application screen, then the Data Map Administration view.

2 For the following Data Maps, add three columns (External Configurator Reference 1, External
Configurator Reference 2, and External Configurator Reference 3) to both the Source and the
Destination Column in Data Map Field section for the Data Map Component specified in the

■ AutoAgreement (Data Map Component:Line Item)

■ AutoAgreeFromOrder (Data Map Component Name:Line Items)

■ CopyOrder (Data Map Component Name:Line Item)

■ CopyQuote (Data Map Component Name:Line Item)

■ OrderToTemplate (Data Map Component Name:Line Item)

■ QuoteToSalesOrder (Data Map Component Name:Line Item)

■ QuoteToServiceOrder (Data Map Component Name:Line Item)

■ QuoteToTemplate (Data Map Component Name:Line Item)

■ ReviseAgreement (Data Map Component Name:Line Item)

■ ReviseOrder (Data Map Component Name:Line Item)

■ ReviseQuote (Data Map Component Name:Line Item)

■ TemplateToOrder (Data Map Component Name:Line Item)

■ TemplateToQuote (Data Map Component Name:Line Item)

DoCompression Parameter Setup

Use the following procedure to complete the DoCompression parameter setup.

To complete the DoCompression parameter setup

1 Stop the Siebel Server.

2 Back up the file, for example, eapps.cfg.

NOTE: The folder D:\19924 has been suggested here, but if you have installed the application
someplace else, then make sure that you refer to the eapps.cfg file in your installation.

3 Edit the file, for example, eapps.cfg using a text editor.

CAUTION: Do not use Wordpad because incorrect characters are added to the file.

4 Reset the DoCompression parameter in the [defaults] section to FALSE.

62 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

5 Restart the computer.

NOTE: Restarting the Siebel Server is not sufficient.

Applying Changes for the Signal

Use the following procedure to apply changes for the signal.

To apply changes for the signal

1 Navigate to the Administration - Order Management screen, then the Signals view.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 63

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

2 By locking the signal and clicking the Workspace, change the following signal sequences and
release the signal.

For the CalculateShippingAndTax signal, modify the sequence records in the following table.

Service Name Type Seq. Condition Active Mode

SWISendCalculate Workflow 1 SystemPreference ("Enable Yes Order

ShippingCharge AIA OrderToCash")="TRUE"

ISS Tax Calculation Business 2 None Yes Order

Service Service

ISS Shipping Business 3 None No Order

Calculation Service Service

ISS Tax Calculation Business 2 None Yes Quote

Service Service

ISS Shipping Business 3 None Yes Quote

Calculation Service Service

For the CreditCardAuthentication signal, modify the sequence records in the following table.

Service Name Type Seq. Condition Active Mode

SWISendPayment Workflow 1 SystemPreference ("Enable Yes Payment

Authorization AIA OrderToCash")="TRUE"

ISS Credit Card Business 2 None Yes Payment

Transaction Service Service

ISS Credit Card Business 2 None Yes Quote

Transaction Service Service

For the RunCreditCheck signal, modify the sequence records in the following table.

Service Name Type Seq. Condition Active Mode

SWISendCreditCheck Workflow 1 SystemPreference ("Enable Yes Payment

AIA OrderToCash")="TRUE"

ISS Credit Check Business 2 None Yes

Service Service

For the ATPInquire signal, modify the sequence records in the following table.

64 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

Service Name Type Seq. Condition Active Mode

SWISendATP Workflow 1 SystemPreference ("Enable Yes Order

CheckLine AIA OrderToCash")="TRUE"

ISS ATP Service Business 2 None Yes


For the ATPInquireAll signal, modify the sequence records in the following table.

Service Name Type Seq. Condition Active Mode

SWISendATP Workflow 1 SystemPreference ("Enable AIA Yes Order

Check OrderToCash")="TRUE"

ISS ATP Service Business 2 None Yes


For the Customize signal, modify the sequence records in the following table.

Service Name Type Seq. Condition Active Mode

SWI Configurator Workflow 1 SystemPreference ("Enable Yes

Load AIA OrderToCash")="TRUE"

For the QuotesAndOrdersValidate signal, modify the sequence records in the following table.

Service Name Type Seq. Condition Active Mode

PSP Driver Workflow 1 None Yes Order

Workflow Process

PSP Driver Workflow 1 None Yes Order

Workflow Process

Verify Header Workflow 2 SystemPreference ("Enable Yes Order

(Order) AIA OrderToCash")<>"TRUE"

Oracle Verify Workflow 2 SystemPreference ("Enable Yes Order

Header (Order) AIA OrderToCash")="TRUE"

Verify Item Workflow 2 SystemPreference ("Enable Yes Order

(Order) AIA OrderToCash")<>"TRUE"

Oracle Verify Item Workflow 2 SystemPreference ("Enable Yes Order

(Order) AIA OrderToCash")="TRUE"

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 65

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

Service Name Type Seq. Condition Active Mode

PSP Driver Workflow 1 None Yes Quote

Workflow Process

PSP Driver Workflow 1 None Yes Quote

Workflow Process

Verify Item Workflow 2 SystemPreference ("Enable Yes Quote

(Quote) AIA OrderToCash")<>"TRUE"

Oracle Verify Item Workflow 2 SystemPreference ("Enable Yes Quote

(Quote) AIA OrderToCash")="TRUE"

Verify Header Workflow 2 SystemPreference ("Enable Yes Quote

(Quote) AIA OrderToCash")<>"TRUE"

Oracle Verify Workflow 2 SystemPreference ("Enable Yes Quote

Header (Quote) AIA OrderToCash")="TRUE"

Fixing State Model for Quote Status

To make Quote Status work, you can extend the related State Model activation date.

To fix the state model for Quote Status

1 Navigate to the Administration - Application screen, then State Models view and search for TNT
SHM Quote Status.

2 Extend its activation date until 2020 (leave day and month as sysdate).

Other Order-to-Cash Configuration Steps

Use the following procedure to complete other order-to-cash configuration steps.

To complete other order-to-cash configuration steps

1 Inactivate the field map by completing the following steps:

a Navigate to the Administration - Application screen, then the Data Map Administration view and
query for a Data Map Object of ReviseOrder, a Data Map Component of Header, and a Data Map
Field of Back Office Process Status.
b Inactive this field map by selecting the Inactive check box.

2 Restart the Siebel Server.

3 Launch the Siebel Communications application.

66 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

Performing Required Tasks for the Communications PIP

The tasks in this topic are required if you are using the Communications PIP.

Enabling Dynamic Pricing

Customers with the 'Dynamic Pricer' license must undertake the steps mentioned in the document
to enable the execution of 'Dynamic Pricing Procedure'.

To leverage the dynamic pricing procedure, customers have to perform following changes to the
existing repository.

The Siebel pricing module is available in multiple licensing modes and each mode is associated with
either the 'Basic Pricing Procedure' or the 'Dynamic Pricing Procedure'.

Basic Pricing Procedure

Note the following information about this procedure:

■ This procedure mimics the basic Siebel Pricer functionality that was available in Siebel version
7.7 applications.

■ Basic Siebel Pricer functionality includes list price, volume discounts, and service pricing.

■ It leverages the variable maps that do not contain the XA child variable maps.

Dynamic Pricing Procedure

Note the following information about this procedure:

■ This procedure provides the complete pricing capabilities such as attribute pricing, promotions,
aggregate discounts, and so forth.

■ It leverages the variable maps that contain the XA child variable maps.

■ It is available only to those customers that have the 'Dynamic Pricer' license.

To enable dynamic pricing

1 If you are running Siebel applications version 8.1.1 or above, then navigate to the Administration
- Pricing screen, then Price Lists view, click the menu button, and select Enable Dynamic Pricing.

2 If you are running Siebel applications versions earlier than 8.1.1, then you must manually modify
the signals.

Running EIM Data Migration for Comms

This topic defines the detailed steps to run the EIM jobs for Siebel applications as a part of the
Creating and Updating Credit Alerts for Collection Flows functionality. The ODI interface is triggered
to transport the required data for creating and updating Credit Alerts from Oracle Communications
Billing and Revenue Management into the Siebel EIM tables. EIM scripts are then executed to load
the data into the SFA base tables.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 67

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

Before you begin your import, note the following:

■ Make sure that the Siebel Server is up and running.

■ Make sure that the Siebel EIM component is online and running properly. Navigate to the
Administration - Server Configuration and Administration - Server Management screens.

■ To avoid data loss, do not restart the Siebel Server while the EIM job is running.

■ After you have completed loading data for one country, make a backup copy of the EIM log files
for status verification. (These log files are located under siebsrvr/logs.)

Use the following procedure to execute the EIM job to create and update credit alerts.

To execute the EIM job to create and update credit alerts

1 Run the EIM job with the ProcessAlertsAndBillingProf.ifb configuration file.

2 Verify that the EIM job is successful.

NOTE: If the Order-to-Cash PIP is enabled, then the Asset-Based Ordering parameter for the
corresponding object manager for the application has to be set to False.

This topic describes the integration user setup process. A new flag has been introduced to identify
an integration user (needed while integration testing). This user credential needs to be configured
(on the Oracle Application Integration Architecture side) for the Siebel Inbound Web services call
from the Oracle Application Integration Architecture side to avoid the boomerang effect.

Configuring the Email Notification for the Product Class and Attribute
Query Feature
Users to whom emails must be sent must be added to the user list.

To add or change the email addresses for the user list

1 Navigate to the Administration - User screen, then the Users view.

2 Add user name and user ID.

3 Add the email address in the contact information of the child applet.

4 Navigate to the Administration - Group screen, then the User Lists view.

5 Query for the SCE Users user list. If it does not appear, then create it.

6 Add the users created in the user list.

Add Changed User List

The user list created above is passed in the run-time events. Use the following procedure to add the
changed user list.

68 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

To change the BO/BC/Field name to extract the email addresses

1 Navigate to the Administration - Run Time Events screen, then the Action Sets view.

2 Query for the EmailNotify action set.

3 Query for the 'GetEmailAddr' action in the child applet.

The following is the business service context syntax:

"Parent BC Record Name";"Field Name in Child BC";"BO Name";"Parent BC";"Child BC"

For instance:

"SCE Users";"Email Address";"Account";"Account";"Contact"


"SCE Users";"EMail Addr";"User List";"User List";"User"

The following three run-time events use the action set described above.

Sequence Object Type Object Name Event Subevent Action Set


1 BusComp Attribute VOD PreInvokeMethod SendEmail EmailNotify


2 BusComp ISS Class VOD PreInvokeMethod SendEmail EmailNotify


3 BusComp ISS Joint PreInvokeMethod SendEmail EmailNotify


Edit or Configure Email Templates

Four communications templates are used to send email messages. The Attribute Defn and Product
Class templates are already configured. Use the following procedure to configure or edit other

To edit or configure email template text

1 Create a Notepad file called Attribute_Template.txt and add the following values:

■ Attribute Name: [Name]

■ Description: [Description]

■ Type: [Type]

■ Object Number: [Object Number]

■ XRef Class Name: [XRef Class Name]

2 Create a Notepad file called Class_Template.txt and add the following values:

■ Class Name: [Name]

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 69

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

■ Description: [Description]

■ Type: [Type]

■ Object Number: [Object Number]

3 Create a Notepad file called attr_email_notification_template.txt and add the following values:

Attribute Version Details

| Effective Start Date : [Required Start Date]
| Effective End Date : [Required End Date]
| VOD Version Number : [Version]

4 Create a Notepad file called class_email_notification_template.txt and add the following values:

Product Class Version Details

| Effective Start Date : [Required Start Date]
| Effective End Date : [Required End Date]
| VOD Version Number : [Version]

5 Navigate to the Administration - Communication screen, All Templates, and then the Template
Items view.

6 Query for Workspace Attribute Defn Template, and complete the following steps:

a In the Template Items view, attach the Attribute_Template.txt file created in Step 1 in the
template item.
b Select ISS Joint Workspace VOD Pick BusComp from Iteration Child Business Component.

c Select the Substitute Values and Message Body check boxes, and save the template Item.

7 Query for Workspace Product Class Defn Template, and complete the following steps:

a In the Template Items view, attach the Class_Template.txt file created in Step 2 in the template

b Select ISS Joint Workspace VOD Pick BusComp from the Iteration Child Business Component.

c Select the Substitute Values and Message Body check boxes, and save the template Item.

8 Query for Attribute Defn Template, and complete the following steps:

a In the Template Items view, attach the attr_email_notification_template.txt file created in Step 3
in the template item.

b Select SWI Attribute Versions BusComp (Notify) from the Iteration Child Business Component.

c Select the Substitute Values and Message Body check boxes, and save the template item.

9 Query for Product Class Template, and complete the following steps:

70 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

a In the Template Items view, attach the class_email_notification_template.txt file created in

Step 4 in the template item.
b Select SWI Attribute Versions BusComp (Notify) from the Iteration Child Business Component.

c Select the Substitute Values and Message Body check boxes, and save the template item.

The communication template names are added in the user properties of the business
components in the following table.

Business Component User Property Template Name

ISS Joint Workspace PackageNameList|Attribute Workspace Attribute Defn

BusComp Definition Template

ISS Joint Workspace PackageNameList|Product Workspace Product Class Defn

BusComp Class Definition Template

Attribute VOD BusComp PackageNameList Attribute Defn Template

ISS Class VOD BusComp PackageNameList Product Class Template

Add SMTP Server Name, From Email Address, and POP Server Details
The SMTP Server name, From Email Address, and POP server details are added in the Communication
profile. Use the following procedure to add the SMTP server name, From Email Address, and POP
server details.

To change the SMTP Server name, From Email Address, and POP server details
1 Navigate to the Administration - Communications screen, then the Communications Drivers and
Profiles view.

2 Query for the Internet SMTP/POP3 Server communication driver, and if it does not exist, then
create it, using the following values:

■ Name: Internet SMTP/IMAP Server

■ Channel Type: Email

■ Channel String: POP3SMTP

■ Library Name: sscmmail

■ Outbound: Yes

3 Query for Default SMTP in child applet. If it does not exist, then create it.

4 Change the SMTP and POP Server details in the grandchild applet, using the following values:

■ From Address: [email protected]

■ POP3 Account Name: support

■ POP3 Account Password: support

■ POP3 Server:

■ SMTP Server:

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 71

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

The communication profile is added in the user properties of the business components in the
following table.

Business Component User Property Template Name

ISS Joint Workspace CommProfileOverride Default SMTP Profile


Attribute VOD BusComp CommProfileOverride Default SMTP Profile

ISS Class VOD BusComp CommProfileOverride Default SMTP Profile

Set Up Time-Based Offering Feature

Use the following procedure to set up the time-based offering feature

To set up the Time-Based Offering feature

1 Create Product Master Data by completing the following steps:

a Create the following attributes:

❏ Duration (Number. Enumerated, values 1, 2,3, … 31)

❏ DurationUnitOfMeasure (Text. Enumerated values: Days, Months, Years)

❏ DurationValidityStart (Text. Enumerated Values: Original Start, Now, Original End)

b Create a class with the above three attributes.

NOTE: The Class attributes names and the attribute definition names must be identical.

c For the TBO Discount products synced from Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue
Management, change the Structure type to Customizable and the Product Type to Time Based
Offer, and associate the above TBO class to this product.

2 Create Job to Inactive Assets by completing the following steps:

a Navigate to Server Management, and then Jobs, and create a new Job as follows:

❏ Select Component as Workflow Process Batch Manager.

❏ Select Repeating as Y.

❏ Select Requested Server as the Siebel Server.

❏ Select Repeat Unit as Days.

❏ Select Repeat Interval as 1.

❏ Select Repeat From as Scheduled Start.

b Navigate to Job Parameters and create a new parameters.

c Select Name as Workflow Process Name and specify the Value of SWI Asset Status Update.

d Select Name as Search Specification and specify the Value if necessary.

3 Create Revision Data Maps by completing the following steps:

72 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

a Navigate to Administration – Application, then the Data Map Administration view.

b In Data Map Object, query for Name of Revise Order or ReviseQuote.

c In Data Map Component, query for Name of Line Item.

d In Data Map Field, add the fields to be copied during revision (such as Service End Date, Service
Start Date, and Due Date).

4 Configure the business service.

The business service name must be specified as the value for the Business Service Query Access
List server component parameter.

For example, if the server component is eCommunications Object Manager (ENU), then go to its
parameters and query for Name of Business Service Query Access List and add Value of CMU
External Integration Service. Then, the server component can be restarted to take effect after
the change in the component parameter value.

Performing Required Tasks for the Master Data

Management PIP
The tasks in this topic are required if you are using the Master Data Management PIP.

Activating the Workflow Policies

To activate the workflow policies, follow this procedure.

To activate the workflow policies

1 Navigate to Administration - Business Process screen, then Workflow Policies view.

2 Query for the following workflow policies and remove the Expiration date:
■ SWI Account Address Sync Policy

■ SWI Account Contact Sync Policy

■ SWI Account Sync Policy

■ SWI Address Sync Policy

■ SWI Contact Address Sync Policy

■ SWI Contact Sync Policy

3 Remove the existing Triggers.

4 Generate the Triggers.

5 Restart Siebel Services.

By default, the Workspace Release Flag user preference is set to N. If you want to release products
into the Siebel application automatically, then you must change this preference.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 73

Overview of Siebel Communications ■ Configuring Communications, Order-to-Cash, and
Master Data Management Integration

Customizing the Workspace Release Flag

To customize the Workspace Release flag, follow this procedure.

To customize the Workspace Release flag

1 Navigate to the Administration - Application screen, then the System Preferences view.

2 Query for 'Workspace Release Flag', set the value to N, and restart the server.

74 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

3 Accounts in Siebel

This chapter defines some basic concepts about accounts. It also provides the procedures for setting
up account hierarchies and updating account information. It includes the following topics:

■ “About Accounts in Siebel Communications” on page 75

■ “Scenario for Using Accounts in Siebel Communications” on page 79

■ “Setting Up External Organizations for Siebel Communications” on page 81

■ “Creating an Account in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 82

■ “Creating an Account Hierarchy in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 83

■ “Reviewing an Account Hierarchy in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 84

■ “Accessing or Updating Account Information in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 85

■ “Monitoring Infrastructure, Equipment, and Usage in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 87

About Accounts in Siebel

Administrators, such as call center administrators, sales administrators, and sales managers, benefit
from reading this chapter. It describes how customer service representatives (end users) enter
information into the accounts screens, which form the hub of customer information. After becoming
familiar with the end-user procedures, you can customize the software to fit the needs of your

An account is any external organization with which your company does business. It negotiates
agreements, receives service and bills, and raises trouble tickets. An account is usually the central
entity of a Siebel CRM implementation. After adding accounts in Siebel Communications, end users
at your company contribute information for tracking customer service, processing requests, viewing
agreements, and so on.

Account Hierarchy
A single account for each customer probably meets your company’s needs to track the accounts of
residential customers. However, for large commercial clients, end users can build an account
hierarchy. An account hierarchy is a multilevel structure reflecting parent-child relationships within
the organization.

Within a complex account hierarchy, an account usually represents one of the following entities:

■ A customer, prospective customer, or household

■ An individual service or billing account

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 75

Accounts in Siebel Communications ■ About Accounts in Siebel Communications

■ An aggregate account for billing or service accounts

■ A division in an organization

■ An entire organization

Hierarchies can accommodate subsidiaries and complex organizations that have, for example, a
world headquarters, multiple regional headquarters, and many branch locations, each with its own
service and billing requirements.

This multiple-level structure supports a top-down view of the customer. Separate child accounts can
be used to designate which information pertains to one subsidiary or another within the organization.

A hierarchy has the following further advantages:

■ It allows you to maintain customer information, such as address and contact name at each point
in the hierarchy.

■ It aids in specifying usage and billing roll-up relationships.

■ It allows you to create and maintain aggregation points and to support complex discounting

To fully support mergers, demergers and corporate restructuring, Siebel Communications

automatically updates the master account or parent account of an account record and its children
when the changes are made to the account hierarchy. In particular, it is possible to change the parent
of a child account if that subsidiary is sold to another holding company, or to change the parent of a
whole organization if it is purchased by another entity. These changes take effect by changing the
parent account of the account record.

Account Classes
An account class is a method for classifying an account according to its position and role in an
account hierarchy. When setting up the hierarchy, end users define parent-child relationships among
the accounts. Then they designate which account class applies to each new account, according to
your customer’s requirements and organizational structure.

For example, with communications companies, it is common for the service to be delivered to one
subsidiary while bills get sent to another subsidiary. Separate accounts are created for each
subsidiary, one with the account class service and the other with the account class billing to reflect
their different functions. An account given the account class service generally stores service item
information and allows end users to analyze the customer’s usage or orders. An account given the
account class billing generally stores information for the financial transaction or invoice.

Siebel Communications does not restrict parent-child associations by using the account class. Any
class can be a child of any other class. For example, a customer account can be placed anywhere in
the hierarchy, and a billing account can be the parent or the child of a service account. To enforce
hierarchy rules by using the account class, you must set them up through state models. For more
information about state models, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide.

By default, Siebel Communications provides the following classes for accounts:

■ Customer Class. An account with this class represents the actual customer, person, or
organization that is receiving service. A customer account includes basic customer information,
such as the company name and headquarters address. It can receive both service and bills.

76 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Accounts in Siebel Communications ■ About Accounts in Siebel Communications

■ Service Aggregator Class. An account with this class receives aggregate usage details for all
of its subsidiary accounts. It can be anywhere in the account hierarchy. It allows you to generate
and view multiple service accounts that share some specifications.

Implementation example: A company has three offices in different states, and each office
receives a wired phone service and a mobile phone service. Each office can have both services
set up as separate service accounts, with each office set up as a service aggregate account for
the services.

■ Service Class. An account with this class receives service, but not bills. In the account hierarchy,
it is the account level at which the physical delivery of the service or product occurs. It can
represent a person or organization with multiple service addresses.

■ Billing Aggregator Class. An account with this class receives aggregate billing details for all of
its subsidiary accounts. It can be anywhere in the account hierarchy. It allows you to generate
and view multiple billing accounts that have some of the same specifications. It can be set up to
bill the customer by using certain requests, such as creating bills for the different services and
rolling those separate billing statements into a billing aggregate account. It also allows you to
create and maintain billing aggregation points and to support complex discounting methods. It
receives and aggregates bills.

Implementation example: A company has offices in different states, and each office receives
services two different services: broadband TV and broadband Internet. Each office can have both
services set up as separate billing accounts, and each office can be set up as a billing aggregate
account for the services. Then the corporate headquarters can be set up as a billing aggregate
for the three offices and a single payment can be made for the services.

■ Billing Class. An account with this class is used to invoice the customer for products and
services. In the account hierarchy, it is the account level at which the financial transactions for
the service or product occur. It shows the collection of all charges applied to a customer in a
given time frame for which the customer must submit payment.

Siebel Communications displays the following information that is based on the account class:

■ The Service Account and Billing Account Explorers filter on account class.

■ In the Quotes and Order Entry views, only those accounts with the appropriate account class
appear in the dialog box for association.

NOTE: You can set up additional account classes or rename the default classes. However, when
renaming, be careful to also rename the explorers because they filter accounts on class names. For
information about modifying account classes, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 77

Accounts in Siebel Communications ■ About Accounts in Siebel Communications

Figure 2 shows an example of an account hierarchy in which parent-child relationships are

established along service and billing account classes.

Figure 2. Example of Account Hierarchy

Account Roles and Responsibilities

Sales administrators and sales managers usually oversee the creation and maintenance of accounts
by their teams. All team members (end users) can create an account and update account

78 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Accounts in Siebel Communications ■ Scenario for Using Accounts in Siebel

Table 4 lists the roles and responsibilities related to account procedures.

Table 4. Account Roles and Responsibilities

Role Description

Administrator Sales administrator or sales manager

■ Determines what information is required for an account.

■ Determines what account information is visible to each member of the sales


■ Reviews and analyzes account activity to measure performance and improve

sales effectiveness.

■ Reviews account hierarchies developed by the sales staff.

End User Customer service representative

■ Performs call center activities, primarily responding to customer inquiries

and sales order requests.

■ Creates accounts for new customers, including the required key information
for an account.

■ Updates accounts for existing customers.

■ Understands relationship between accounts and associated contacts.

■ Creates account hierarchies.

■ Understands account hierarchies and relationship of accounts within


Sales representative

■ Focuses on outside sales and customer relationship management.

■ Creates accounts for new customers, including the required key information
for an account.

■ Updates accounts (such as creating a sales opportunity), creates sales

orders, and tracks service requests or trouble tickets.

■ Creates account hierarchies, designating parent-child relationships among

an organization’s accounts.

Scenario for Using Accounts in Siebel

This topic gives one example of how accounts might be used. You might use accounts differently,
depending on your business model.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 79

Accounts in Siebel Communications ■ Scenario for Using Accounts in Siebel

A customer service representative (CSR) receives a call from a prospective customer. The inbound
call is arbitrarily routed to the CSR, since IVR (Interactive Voice Response) is unable to locate the

The caller explains that he is the owner and CEO of a small company that develops specialized
software for the high-tech industry. He wants to use the CSR’s company as its sole provider.

The CSR first verifies that no account currently exists for the caller and then gathers the following
information about the caller’s company:

■ It has the following service locations:

■ The headquarters or administrative office is located in Newcastle, England.

■ A development office is based in York.

■ A sales office is located in Birmingham.

■ All services for the Northern England offices (Newcastle and York) are to be billed on a single
invoice. However, each location is to receive a statement.

■ The Birmingham site is to receive its own invoice.

■ The caller wants a discount that is based on all the services he has at all three locations, and he
wants to receive a statement for all services.

Figure 3 shows the account hierarchy that the CSR creates.

Figure 3. Account Hierarchy for Business Scenario

80 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Accounts in Siebel Communications ■ Setting Up External Organizations for Siebel

Using this hierarchy, the CSR must set up the following information to establish service for the caller:

■ One customer account for the entire company

■ Two billing accounts (one for Northern England and one for Birmingham)

■ Three service accounts (one for Newcastle, one for York, and one for Birmingham)

■ One billing aggregator account for both billing accounts so that a complete statement can be

Next, the CSR receives a call from a customer who wants to add broadband Internet service to his
account. The CSR accesses the customer’s account and updates the information. While on the phone
with the customer, the CSR checks the existing infrastructure to verify that the service is available
in the customer’s neighborhood.

Figure 4 shows the sequence of procedures an end user might perform to manage accounts.

Figure 4. Example of Sequence for Accounts

Setting Up External Organizations for

Siebel Communications
Administrators must set up external organizations to create the values that can appear in external
organization fields in the Siebel application. For more information about external organizations, see
Siebel Security Guide.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 81

Accounts in Siebel Communications ■ Creating an Account in Siebel Communications
(End User)

External organizations appear in the dialog box that appears when an end user enters a value in an
external organization field. Table 5 lists some fields for external organizations.

Table 5. Examples of External Organization Fields

Screen View Field

Accounts Equipment, Other Equipment Supplier

Accounts Infrastructure Owner

Premises Infrastructure Owner

Work Orders Work Order List Provider

Creating an Account in Siebel

Communications (End User)
You can enter detailed information about customers in an account. After adding accounts in Siebel
Communications, end users can contribute information for tracking customer service, processing
requests, viewing agreements, and so on.

Adding an Account Record

To add an account record in Siebel Communications, follow this procedure.

To add an account record

1 Navigate to the Accounts screen, then the Accounts List view.

2 Add a record, and complete the necessary fields in the record and the More Info form. To access
more fields, click the show more button in the form.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Site Type a description of the location or function of the account, such as

headquarters, corporate, or San Francisco.

Account Team Select the user ID of the team for the account. This field determines who
can access information about the account.

82 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Accounts in Siebel Communications ■ Creating an Account Hierarchy in Siebel
Communications (End User)

Field Comments

Account Class Select the class for the account. Account classes distinguish an account
within an account hierarchy when dividing accounts into billing or service
accounts. The Billing Account Explorer and Service Account Explorer views
filter using this field. Also, account classes determine the accounts available
for association in the Quotes and Entry views.

Select a value of Customer in this field when you create a residential

customer account. For more information about account classes, see “About
Accounts in Siebel Communications” on page 75.

Address Select the addresses for the account. You can also enter a new address for
the account. In the Account Addresses dialog box, the Premise check box
indicates when the address is a premises.

Good Standing Select this check box to indicate when the account is centrally blocked and
certain activities cannot be performed for it. This field is not the same as
the status of the account.

Synonyms Select other names for the account. This field allows you to refer to accounts
(and their sites) in the way that you prefer. For example, an account named
A/B Products, Inc., might have the following synonyms: AB, A/B, and AB

When you search for an account or enter an account in another part of

Siebel Communications, you can use a synonym instead of the actual name.

Lock Select this check box if you do not want Assignment Manager to run for the
Assignment account. If you do not select this check box, then Assignment Manager can
reassign the account to another team according to the account territory. For
example, if you want to allow the same account manager to handle a
commercial account with three different locations, then even though two of
the locations are in another account manager’s territory, do not select this
check box.

Creating an Account Hierarchy in Siebel

Communications (End User)
Creating an account hierarchy includes creating child accounts and associating them with a parent
account. You must create the parent account before adding child accounts. For information about
creating an account, see “Creating an Account in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 82.

NOTE: For mergers or acquisitions, end users can move the entire hierarchy under a new account.
Be sure to associate the new parent account at the top level. The new parent ID automatically
cascades to its child accounts, reflecting the change. For more information, see “Changing a Parent-
Child Account Relationship” on page 84.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 83

Accounts in Siebel Communications ■ Reviewing an Account Hierarchy in Siebel
Communications (End User)

Setting Up an Account Hierarchy

To create an account hierarchy, follow this procedure.

To create an account hierarchy

1 Navigate to the Accounts screen, then the Accounts List view.

2 Add a record for each child account, and complete the necessary fields.

3 In the Parent field, select the parent account.

Changing a Parent-Child Account Relationship

To change parent and child account relationship in an account hierarchy, follow this procedure.

To change a parent-child account relationship

1 Navigate to the Accounts screen, then the Accounts List view.

2 In the Accounts list, select the child account.

3 In the Parent field, select a different parent account.

Reviewing an Account Hierarchy in

Siebel Communications (End User)
End users can review the entire account hierarchy to check its structure.

Viewing the Hierarchy for Accounts

To view the hierarchy for an account, follow this procedure.

To review the hierarchy for an account

1 Navigate to the Accounts screen.

2 Complete one of the following steps:

■ To review the hierarchy for billing or service accounts, navigate to Billing Account Explorer
view or the Service Account Explorer view, and then expand the subfolders in the explorer

The explorer view contains only those accounts for the designated account class, including
corresponding aggregator accounts.

■ To review all account hierarchies, navigate to the Account Management view, and then
expand the subfolders in the explorer tree.

The explorer view displays accounts under the subfolders Accounts (shows all child accounts,
regardless of class), Billing Accounts, and Service Accounts.

84 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Accounts in Siebel Communications ■ Accessing or Updating Account Information in
Siebel Communications (End User)

Viewing an Account Hierarchy as an Organization Chart

To display an account hierarchy as an organization chart, follow this procedure.

To view the account hierarchy as an organization chart

1 Navigate to the Accounts screen, then the Accounts List view.

2 Drill down on the name of the account.

3 Click the Account Hierarchy view tab.

4 Scroll down to view the organization chart showing the account hierarchy.

Viewing Child Accounts for Parent Accounts

To display a list of child accounts for a parent account, follow this procedure.

To view a list of child accounts

1 Navigate to the Accounts screen, then the Accounts List view.

2 Drill down on the name of the account.

3 Click the Account Hierarchy view tab.

4 Scroll down and select Account Org Hierarchy from the Show drop-down list.

A list of child accounts appears.

Accessing or Updating Account

Information in Siebel Communications
(End User)
Siebel Communications allows end users to access the same account information through different
views. Specific views allow end users to find the information most relevant to them, according to the
procedure they want to perform at that moment.

Most views allow end users to record interactions with a customer and to update the customer’s
information. The functionality available to end users depends on the end user access rights.

From all views, end users can access information about billing, service, quotes, agreements,
contacts, and so on.

The end-user views follow:

■ Customer portal view (call center agent). While talking to the customer, call center agents
generally need an overview of a customer’s account. The customer portal view allows them to
access the most commonly needed information in a compact presentation.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 85

Accounts in Siebel Communications ■ Accessing or Updating Account Information in
Siebel Communications (End User)

■ Account views (sales representative). Sales representatives access the same account
information as call center agents, but they might do it through the Account views. Each view
displays a specific piece of account information. For example, while preparing a report, a sales
representative might want to review the usage details or order history for an account. The sales
representative does not need the account overview information available in the customer portal
because the representative is normally not talking to the customer on the telephone while
reviewing information for the report.

Accessing the Customer Portal View

To access the Customer Portal view, follow this procedure.

To access the Customer Portal view

1 Navigate to the Accounts screen, then the Accounts List view.

2 Drill down on the name of the account.

The Customer Portal view appears with several lists and forms summarizing the account

Accessing Account Views

To access the Accounts screen’s views, follow this procedure.

To access the account views

1 Navigate to the Accounts screen, then the Accounts List view.

2 Drill down on the name of the account.

3 Click a view tab to access specific information for that account.

Viewing Agreements for Accounts

To display the agreements that are associated with an account, follow this procedure.

To view an agreement for an account

1 Navigate to the Accounts screen, then the Agreement Accounts Explorer view.

2 In the explorer tree, expand the folder for the account.

Subfolders appear for the selected account’s agreements.

3 Expand the folders and select the specific agreement or subagreement to view.

86 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Accounts in Siebel Communications ■ Monitoring Infrastructure, Equipment, and Usage
in Siebel Communications (End User)

Monitoring Infrastructure, Equipment,

and Usage in Siebel Communications
(End User)
End users can record and monitor the infrastructure, equipment, and usage information for service

NOTE: End users can also view the usage detail information or add telecommunications-related
infrastructure information through the Premises screen. The decision to add equipment or
infrastructure information to a premises or account might depend on whether the equipment is likely
to remain attached to the premises independently of the account currently receiving utility service
at that premises.

Viewing Usage Details

To display usage details, follow this procedure.

To view usage detail information

1 Navigate to the Accounts screen, then the Accounts List view.

2 Drill down on the name of the account.

3 Click the Usage Detail view tab.

A list of services appears with usage history beneath it. The history displays period-by-period or
monthly usage information about the account and service you select.

4 In the Usage Detail list, select the service.

5 In the Usage History list, select the type of usage information you want to view from the drop-
down list.

All options except Usage History and Usage Information display the information in charts.

Adding Installed or Planned Equipment

To add installed or planned equipment, follow this procedure.

In the Equipment list, record and view items supplied by your company, and in the Other Equipment
list, record and view items supplied by other companies, including competitors and alliance partners.

You can also use these lists to record information about the equipment your customers own or plan
to acquire For instance, if your company offers digital service to high-end digital set-top boxes, you
might record information about the premises equipment currently installed at a large apartment
building or the future wiring needs of a developer.

If you create separate service accounts for customers with multiple locations, then you can associate
installed and planned equipment for a location with its corresponding service account. If you use a
single account to represent a customer with multiple locations, then associate the installed and
planned equipment for each of the customers’ various locations with the one account for that

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 87

Accounts in Siebel Communications ■ Monitoring Infrastructure, Equipment, and Usage
in Siebel Communications (End User)

To add installed or planned equipment

1 Navigate to the Accounts screen, then the Accounts List view.

2 Drill down on the name of the account.

3 Click the Equipment view tab.

4 In the Equipment or Other Equipment list, add a record, and complete the necessary fields.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Type Select the type of service available for the equipment.

Product Select the product for the equipment. The value you select in the Type field
determines the values available for selection in this field. Most of the other
fields are populated automatically with data about the product you select.

Install Date Select the date and time when the equipment was installed, or the date and
time when the customer plans to purchase the equipment.

Adding Related Infrastructure

To add related infrastructure, follow this procedure.

In the Infrastructure list, you record information or attributes for the telecommunications-related
infrastructure at the sites to which you provide services. This information can be important at large
industrial or commercial sites such as factories, warehouses, and office buildings.

If you use multiple service accounts to represent a customer with multiple locations, then associate
infrastructure items at each location with its corresponding service account. If you use a single
account to represent a customer with multiple locations, then associate the infrastructure items at
all the customer’s locations with the one account for that customer.

To add telecommunications-related infrastructure

1 Navigate to the Accounts screen, then the Accounts List view.

2 Drill down on the name of the account.

3 Click the Infrastructure view tab.

4 In the Infrastructure list, add a record, and complete the necessary fields.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Attribute Select the attribute of the infrastructure item. The value you select in the Service
Type field determines the values available for selection in this field.

Value Type the value of the attribute.

Owner Select the name of the owner of the infrastructure item.

88 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Accounts in Siebel Communications ■ Monitoring Infrastructure, Equipment, and Usage
in Siebel Communications (End User)

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 89

Accounts in Siebel Communications ■ Monitoring Infrastructure, Equipment, and Usage
in Siebel Communications (End User)

90 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

4 Profiles in Siebel

This chapter explains some basic concepts regarding profiles and includes procedures for creating
them. It also describes the interrelationship among profiles, business functions, and back-office
applications. It includes the following topics:

■ “About Profiles in Siebel Communications”

■ “Scenario for Using Profiles in Siebel Communications” on page 93

■ “Creating and Updating a Profile in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 97

■ “About Billing Profiles in Siebel Communications” on page 97

■ “Creating or Updating a Billing Profile in Siebel Communications” on page 98

■ “About Customer Profiles in Siebel Communications” on page 100

■ About Exemption Profiles in Siebel Communications on page 100

■ “About Financial Profiles in Siebel Communications” on page 101

■ “About Fraud Profiles in Siebel Communications” on page 103

■ “About Loyalty Profiles in Siebel Communications” on page 104

■ “About Site Profiles in Siebel Communications” on page 104

■ “About Statement Profiles in Siebel Communications” on page 104

■ “Creating and Updating an Address Profile in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 105

■ “Process of Managing Special Rating Profiles, Lists, and Products (End User)” on page 106

About Profiles in Siebel Communications

Administrators, such as call center administrators, sales administrators, and sales managers, benefit
from reading this chapter. It shows where customer service representatives (end users) enter
information for these profiles and which information might be critical for smooth integration with
back-office applications. After becoming familiar with the end-user procedures, you can customize
the software to fit your company’s needs.

A profile stores information required to perform a business function. For example, a billing profile
contains the information needed to invoice the customer for products and services.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 91

Profiles in Siebel Communications ■ About Profiles in Siebel Communications

Profile Types
Table 6 describes the account profiles available within Siebel Communications.

Table 6. Account Profiles

Profile Comments

Address Profile and Allows for validation of an address against a master street address guide
MSAG Profile (MSAG) data source or other external database.This validation helps
provide an accurate address in the format needed for external
applications, such as an Emergency 911 database. You can also use the
MSAG Profile as an example for creating other profiles relevant to your

Billing Profile Captures the bill run characteristics needed to invoice the customer for
products and services. It is generally associated with a billing account. An
account has one billing profile that can be used in multiple billing
applications to produce a bill for the account.

Customer Profile Contains information about an account when the customer is an

organization rather than a residential account. Much of the profile
information can be added automatically if your company imports this data
into Siebel Communications from its billing software or customer
information application.

Exemption Profile Contains the specific information related to any subsidies and exemptions
for which the customer may be eligible, tracks when a subsidy or
exemption takes place, and records the receipt of supporting information.

Financial Profile Contains information used to perform a credit check on the customer.

Fraud Profile Contains information about the fraud status of an account. It allows end
users to set fraud thresholds that, when exceeded, trigger a fraud alert.

Loyalty Profile Contains information needed to predict customer churn, estimate debt
risk, and identify upsell and cross-sell opportunities. When integrated with
a third-party predictive modeling package, it displays scores generated by
that software.

Site Profile Contains detailed information about an account’s location.

Statement Profile Records billing statement preferences, including number of copies, media,
and contact requesting the statement.

NOTE: The order management module no longer uses the Service Profile view. If you used the
Service Profile view in the 6.x or earlier versions of Siebel Communications, then you want to use
the new MSAG Profile view instead.

92 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Profiles in Siebel Communications ■ Scenario for Using Profiles in Siebel Communications

Profile Roles and Responsibilities

Table 7 lists the employees who generally perform the procedures related to profiles.

Table 7. End-User Roles and Responsibilities

Position Description

Customer ■ Focuses on call center activities, primarily responding to customer inquiries

service and sales order requests.
■ Understands account hierarchies, including the required key information for
a profile.

■ Creates profiles for new customers, modifies and adds profiles for existing

Sales ■ Focuses on outside sales and customer relationship management.

■ Understands account hierarchies, including the required information for

■ Creates profiles for new customers, modifies and adds profiles for existing

Scenario for Using Profiles in Siebel

This topic gives one example of how profiles might be used. You might use profiles differently,
depending on your business model.

For a new customer, the customer service representative (CSR) has already created an account
hierarchy, added a contact for the account, and entered an address for the account. This scenario
continues the “Scenario for Using Accounts in Siebel Communications” on page 79.

Now, for each service account in the hierarchy, the CSR wants to validate its address against the
MSAG (master street address guide) database or a similar external database. This validation
guarantees that the proper address format is sent to the Emergency 911 database when the service
is provisioned.

After submitting each new address for validation, the CSR chooses the correct match from the list
the database sends back. She checks to see that the validated field has been automatically updated
to indicate the procedure was completed.

Next the CSR creates unique profiles associated with individual accounts. Each profile stores
information necessary to perform a business function.

Starting with the top-level parent account, the CSR creates a financial profile and a statement profile
as follows:

■ The CSR creates a financial profile for the top-level parent account because the customer’s
company has financial responsibility for all its accounts. The financial profile includes all
necessary information to perform a credit check on the company.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 93

Profiles in Siebel Communications ■ Scenario for Using Profiles in Siebel Communications

■ The CSR also creates a statement profile for the top-level account because the customer wants
to receive a statement at the corporate level that summarizes all charges for products and

The statement profile contains information, such as the address, number of copies of the
statement required, statement media type, frequency of statement, contact person, and so on.
Each statement profile is given a unique identifier within the CSR’s company’s billing application.
All the profile information is required by the billing application so that the statement can be

The CSR then moves on to the billing subaccounts in the hierarchy and creates separate billing
profiles for those subaccounts. Each billing profile stores information, such as the mailing address,
contact, billing frequency, and debit or credit card data for that account.

She then creates statement profiles for several subaccounts so that those offices can receive
informational statements for the amount of service used.

Next she creates an exemptions profile when subsidy and tax exemption information applies. For
example, a charitable organization has a tax exemption status. Exemption profiles can be created
for any level of the account hierarchy and are usually part of the initial account setup. They contain
information that can also be passed to the billing application.

Then she creates a site profile for each service account, which specifies how many floors the site has,
where equipment is located within the site, and so on.

94 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Profiles in Siebel Communications ■ Scenario for Using Profiles in Siebel Communications

Figure 5 shows the accounts and profiles needed for the customer’s account hierarchy in the business

NOTE: Siebel Communications does not restrict how end users build hierarchies. If you want to
enforce certain rules, then you must set the rules up within Siebel Business Applications. This
diagram shows one recommended use of profiles for specific account classes.

Figure 5. Account Hierarchy and Profiles for Business Scenario

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 95

Profiles in Siebel Communications ■ Scenario for Using Profiles in Siebel Communications

Figure 6 summarizes the interrelationship among accounts, profiles, and back-office applications in
the business scenario.

NOTE: For simple residential customer accounts (those not separated into billing and service
accounts), all profiles are directly associated with the customer account and not with subaccounts
as shown in Figure 6 on page 96.

Figure 6. Interrelationships Among Accounts, Profiles, and Back-Office Systems

96 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Profiles in Siebel Communications ■ Creating and Updating a Profile in Siebel
Communications (End User)

Creating and Updating a Profile in Siebel

Communications (End User)
At each level in the account hierarchy, end users can create one or more account profiles. However,
administrators must make sure the application supports the specific type of profiles they want end
users to maintain. For example, if the billing application does not support exemption plans, then an
exemption profile is not necessary.

Topics in this chapter describe the various profiles you can create using the procedure in this topic
and the unique fields required for each.

NOTE: This topic pertains to all profiles except Address (MSAG) Profiles. For information about
working with MSAG profiles, see “Creating and Updating an Address Profile in Siebel Communications
(End User)” on page 105.

To create or update a profile

1 Navigate to the Accounts screen, then the Accounts List view.

2 Drill down on the name of the account.

3 Click the Profiles view tab.

4 In the link bar of the Profiles view, click a profile type.

5 In the forms or lists that appear for that specific profile, update the information.

About Billing Profiles in Siebel

End users create a billing profile to invoice the customer for products and services. A billing profile
contains such information as billing frequency, payment type, bill media, bill type, and the
customer’s email address for sending a bill electronically. This information can be submitted to a
back-office application for bill processing.

A billing profile is generally associated with a billing account and can represent the legally binding
agreement between the customer and the service provider. A billing profile might contain information
synchronized from an external billing application.

End users can associate more than one billing profile with an account, but they must choose one
billing profile as the primary billing profile.

When Siebel Communications is integrated with a third-party billing application through Oracle
Application Integration Architecture, a billing profile record is successfully passed to the billing
application if the contact and address fields for the record contain data and if the payment method
field for the record is Credit Card, Automatic Debit, or Bill Me. Additionally, if the payment method
is Credit Card, the billing profile record is successfully passed to the billing application only if the
Name, Credit Card #, and Exp fields in the Credit Card Payment form contain data. If the payment
method is Automatic Debit, the billing profile record is successfully passed to the billing application
only if the Account # and Routing # fields in the Automatic Debit form contain data.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 97

Profiles in Siebel Communications ■ Creating or Updating a Billing Profile in Siebel

After billing profiles are created, end users can select any billing profile for the account that is
associated with a quote, a quote line item, an order, or an order line item (and, through an order line
item, with an asset). For more information about Oracle Application Integration Architecture, see
“About Prebuilt Integration with Siebel Communications” on page 20.

Creating or Updating a Billing Profile in

Siebel Communications
To create or update a billing profile in Siebel Communications, follow this procedure.

To create or update a billing profile

1 Navigate to the Accounts screen, then the Accounts List view.

2 In the Accounts list, click the Name field for the account.

3 Click the Profiles view tab.

4 In the link bar of the Profiles view, click Billing Profile.

The Billing Profile list appears.

Alternatively, you can display the Billing Profile list if you navigate to the Billing Data
Administration screen, then the Profiles view, select an account in the Billing Accounts list, and
click the Billing Profile view tab.

5 Enter data about the profile for the account in the Billing Profile list fields.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Name The name of the billing profile.

Primary Select this field to indicate that this profile is the most commonly
applicable profile for the customer. Each account can have only one
primary profile.

Frequency The interval in which you bill the customer for service. All of the billing
profiles for an account must have the same value in the this field. If you
create a billing profile with a different value in this field than the other
billing profiles for the account, the billing profile is not successfully
passed to the billing application.

Payment Type Select Postpaid if the customer pays after using the service. Select
Prepaid if the customer pays before using the service. If you select
Prepaid, the Top Up Preference form displays below the Billing Profile list.
See Step 8 to enter account replenishment details in this form.

98 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Profiles in Siebel Communications ■ Creating or Updating a Billing Profile in Siebel

Field Comments

Payment Method The value in this field determines the fields available in the form for
payment details.

■ If you select a payment method of Credit Card, the Credit Card

Payment form displays below the Billing Profile list. See Step 6.

■ If you select another payment method, the Automatic Debit form

displays below the Billing Profile list. See Step 7.

Email Bill To The email address to which the customer bill is sent.

Auto Top-Up Select this check box to indicate that the account is automatically
replenished when the account balance decreases to a threshold amount
that you specify.

6 If you select Credit Card in the Payment Method field, enter credit card details for the account in
the Credit Card Payment form that appears below the Billing Profile list.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Category Category of the payment card, such as Debit, Procurement, or Credit


Blocked After you use an external system to verify a card, select this field if you
discover that the card is blocked.

Blocked Reason The reason the card is blocked. This reason applies only to the card in the
Payment Details view, not to other customer cards.

7 If you select a payment method other than Credit Card in the Payment Method field, enter
payment method details for the account in the Automatic Debt form that appears below the
Billing Profile list.

8 If you select Prepaid in the Payment Type field, enter replenishment details for the account in
the Top Up Preference form that appears below the Billing Profile list.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Top-Up Amount When the account is replenished, the amount by which to replenish the

U/M The unit of measure for the top-up amount (for example, minutes or

Threshold Amount When the account balance decreases to this amount, the account is

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 99

Profiles in Siebel Communications ■ About Customer Profiles in Siebel Communications

Field Comments

Threshold UOM The unit of measure for the threshold amount (for example, minutes or

SMS Notification Check this box to notify the contact for the account when the account is

Frequency The interval in which a billing application automatically reviews the

threshold amount to determine if the account balance needs
replenishment. The billing application executes the replenishment.

If you select the Auto Top-Up check box in Step 5, this field value has no
effect because the account is automatically replenished when the account
balance decreases to the threshold amount.

About Customer Profiles in Siebel

End users create a customer profile for accounts when the customer is an organization rather than
a residential account. Much of the profile information can be added automatically if your company
imports this data into Siebel Communications from its billing software or customer information

The customer profile allows end users to capture relevant customer information, such as financial
and sales information about the customer, and to record information about the customer’s partners
and competitors.

About Exemption Profiles in Siebel

End users create an exemption profile to list subsidy and exemption information for which the
customer may be eligible. An exemption profile includes fields to track when a subsidy or exemption
takes place, and it records the receipt of supporting information.

Table 8 describes some fields in the Exemption Profiles form.

Table 8. Exemption Profile Fields

Section Field Comments

LIFELINE Eligible Customer’s eligibility for Lifeline assistance.

Received Date Date when Lifeline documentation is received.

Effective Date Date when Lifeline assistance is effective.

Renewal Date Date when Lifeline renewal is required.

100 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Profiles in Siebel Communications ■ About Financial Profiles in Siebel Communications

Table 8. Exemption Profile Fields

Section Field Comments

DIRECTORY Status Select from the Status drop-down list and the
ASSISTANCE Effective Date Effective Date calendar.

TAX EXEMPTION Federal Id Identification numbers to show eligibility for a

State Id federal, state, county, and city exemption for tax.
County Id
City Id

Tax Exemption Number of the certificate that is issued for temporary

Number exemption from tax.

TEL-ASSISTANCE Requested Select from the Status drop-down list and the
Status Effective Date calendar.
Social Security
Effective Date

About Financial Profiles in Siebel

End users create a financial profile to perform a credit check on the customer. To verify a customer’s
credit, Siebel Communications submits a request to a back-office application or credit bureau. The
back-office application or credit bureau sends back a response that includes a credit score that
determines whether the customer is authorized by internal credit policy to subscribe to services.
These back-office applications perform credit checks for incorporated businesses or individuals.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 10 1

Profiles in Siebel Communications ■ About Financial Profiles in Siebel Communications

Table 9 describes some fields in the Financial Profiles form. However, different fields can appear
according to the value you select in Account Type field of the account record.

Table 9. Financial Profile Fields

Section Field Comments

PROFILE Contact Last Name and Contact for the account. When you create a new
First Name record, this field is automatically populated with
the name of the contact in the Primary Contact
field of the account record.

Corporate Number Business number that is provided by a state,

county, or city government.

Legal Entity Legal name of the company or corporation.

Tax Profile Code Code from standard tax categories that classify
companies according to their tax aspects. This
information is stored in an external billing
application or an external credit and tax

BANK Account Name Customer’s bank information for a credit check.

Account #
Bank Name
Bank Branch

CREDIT RATING Rating Credit rating of the customer.

Source Group that performed the most recent credit


Last Update Date the last credit check was performed.

Update By User ID of the person who last requested a

credit check.

Running a Credit Check

To run a credit check, the financial profile information is sent to an external application that reports
a credit rating. The credit rating is typically produced by a credit bureau and indicates the customer’s
ability to pay. This credit rating helps companies to assess their risk before agreeing to credit terms
with a potential customer.

NOTE: Credit check data for an incorporated business or an individual includes business name,
billing address, corporate ID, and tax ID. For an unincorporated business, credit check data includes
name, social security number, and driver’s license.

102 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Profiles in Siebel Communications ■ About Fraud Profiles in Siebel Communications

To run a credit check

1 Set up the financial profile.

For more information about creating a profile, see “Creating and Updating a Profile in Siebel
Communications (End User)” on page 97.

2 In the Financial Profile form, click Credit Check.

The financial profile information is sent to an external application that reports a credit rating.

About Fraud Profiles in Siebel

A fraud profile contains information about the fraud status of a customer account. End users can set
up thresholds that, when exceeded, trigger the creation of a fraud alert.

Table 10 describes some fields in the Fraud Profiles form.

Table 10. Fraud Profile Fields

Field Comments

Max Duration of Calls Maximum time that is allowed for a call.

Max Number of Calls Maximum number of calls that the customer can make in a given

Max Value of Calls Cost of the calls, in the appropriate currency.

Daily Threshold Threshold limit for the calls the customer can make in a day.

Domestic Threshold Threshold limit for the domestic calls the customer can make.

International Threshold Threshold limit for the international calls the customer can

Credit Threshold Amount of credit the account is allowed.

Sensitive Number Threshold Threshold limit for calls that the customer can make to sensitive
numbers. Sensitive numbers might include high-priced calls,
such as calls to 900 numbers.

Overflow Value Overflow allowed for the threshold limits in the Calculator,
expressed as a percentage.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 10 3

Profiles in Siebel Communications ■ About Loyalty Profiles in Siebel Communications

About Loyalty Profiles in Siebel

The Siebel industry solution for communications and media contains a Loyalty Profile. The Loyalty
Profile view contains scores generated by a third-party predictive modeling application pertaining to
customer accounts. These scores help predict customer churn, project customer lifetime value,
estimate financial risk, and identify upsell and cross-sell opportunities.

The Loyalty Profile view also contains key data used as input to a predictive modeling application.
Some data, while residing in the Loyalty Profile view, is not generated from within the Siebel
applications. A marketing administrator can develop loyalty and retention campaigns by using these
predictive scores.

About Site Profiles in Siebel

A site profile contains detailed information about an account’s location. This information can provide
employees and partners with special delivery instructions or with useful site information to help
determine the type of service available.

Table 11 describes some fields in the Site Profiles form. To access all fields, click the show more
button in the form.

Table 11. Site Profile Fields

Field Comments

Servicing Company Service company or local distribution company that provides the service.

Supply Indicates wether the site is inside or outside your company’s standard
Characteristics service territory.

Open Market Indicates whether the site is either in an unregulated market or in a

regulated market.

About Statement Profiles in Siebel

End users can create multiple statement profiles for an account if the billing system supports this.
Statement profiles contain billing statement preferences, including number of copies, media, and
contact requesting the statement.

104 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Profiles in Siebel Communications ■ Creating and Updating an Address Profile in Siebel
Communications (End User)

Some fields in the Statement Profile form are described in Table 12.

Table 12. Statement Profile Fields

Field Comments

Media Media on which the statement is to be transmitted.

Vendor Organization that prints or distributes bills.

Creating and Updating an Address

Profile in Siebel Communications (End
End users can enter addresses without tight restrictions on formatting. However, when provisioning
services, tighter formatting restrictions might be required by a back-office application.

To guarantee proper formatting, the address needs to be validated against a back-office data source.
In Siebel Business Applications, Address Profiles allow multiple formats of one address to be stored.
The MSAG (master street address guide) format is available with the shipped product, but other
formats can be added using Siebel Tools. When setting up additional formats, use the MSAG Profile
as an example.

Obtaining the proper address format is important in performing the following key business

■ Validating service addresses or mailing addresses against an external standard to guarantee a

unique location for finding facilities, activating services, or mailing materials through the Postal

■ Determining the existing services and service provider at the address. This could be a simple
confirmation, although in the case of wireline service moves, a variety of service information can
be returned or exchanged between systems.

■ Forwarding updated information to an external database in the format necessary to guarantee

consistency within that database after a service is activated.

Each address profile format requires an external data source for validation. Your company can either
own the data outright or subscribe to a service that provides the data.

NOTE: The MSAG format adheres to the Local Service Order Guidelines (LSOG) v5 specification.

After validating an address, end users can change some address fields. To edit those fields, end users
must revalidate the address.

Validating an Address
To validate an address, follow this procedure.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 10 5

Profiles in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Managing Special Rating Profiles, Lists,
and Products (End User)

To validate an address
1 Navigate to the Accounts screen, then the Accounts List view.

2 Drill down on the name of the account.

3 Click the Address Profile view tab.

The Address list appears with the MSAG Profile form beneath it. The Address list shows all of the
addresses associated with the account.

4 In the Address list, select the address you want to validate.

5 Scroll down to the MSAG Profile form, add a record, and complete the necessary fields.

6 In the Validated field, select Y.

If the address validation is integrated with an external data source, then selecting Y begins a
search for possible addresses.

NOTE: This behavior differs from the default behavior of the shipped product, which supports
manual address validation. In the manual state, selecting Y marks the MSAG Profile as validated.

7 In the dialog box containing addresses, select the address that matches the customer’s address.

After the address is validated, the MSAG profile becomes read-only with the exception of the
Access Instruction and Descriptive Location fields. To update the profile, you must revalidate the

Revalidating an Address
To revalidate an address, follow this procedure.

To revalidate an address
■ Follow the procedure for validating an address, but click ReValidate after Step 4 on page 106
before continuing with the procedure.

Process of Managing Special Rating

Profiles, Lists, and Products (End User)
A special rating list is a list of objects associated with a service, which require special processing in
the billing and rating applications. Special rating lists provide a way to give special rates or discounts
by using a specific attribute, service, or account. For instance, calls made to certain telephone
numbers might be charged by a billing system at a cheaper rate than normal calls. An example of a
special rating list is a friends and family list, a list of phone numbers that receive special rating
considerations such as free airtime when calling other numbers in the list.

106 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Profiles in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Managing Special Rating Profiles, Lists,
and Products (End User)

A special rating list’s billing considerations are determined by special rating rules or discounts defined
in the external Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management application. These rules can
also apply to non-voice services such as text messaging. The Special Ratings feature in Siebel
Communications takes advantage of the Extended Ratings Attribute feature in Oracle
Communications Billing and Revenue Management. For more information about the Extended Ratings
Attribute feature of Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management, consult the
documentation for your Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management system.

A special rating profile is a collection of special rating lists defined for an account. These lists contain
phone numbers that are included in each special rating list, and assets that are defined for the phone
numbers. Under an account’s special rating profile, you can create multiple special rating lists, each
with multiple list items.

A special rating product is the service to which a customer can subscribe in order to associate a
designated special rating list with the appropriate service. For example, a special rating product
named, My Social Circle, might define a friends and family plan, and might require a special rating
list that captures the phone numbers for the plan. For more information about special rating
products, see “Setting Up Special Rating Products in Siebel Communications” on page 107.

A special rating product can be associated with a special rating list in a quote line item or a sales
order line item. You can associate a special rating list only with a special rating product line item. For
more information about adding special rating lists and special rating products to a quote or sales
order, see the chapter on employee asset-based ordering in Siebel Order Management Guide

Addendum for Communications.

To manage special rating products, special rating lists, and special rating list items in Siebel
Communications, perform the following tasks:

■ “Setting Up Special Rating Products in Siebel Communications” on page 107

■ “Creating Special Lists in Siebel Communications” on page 109

■ “Creating Special Rating List Items in Siebel Communications” on page 109

■ “Modifying Special Rating Lists in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 111

■ “Changing the Association of Special Rating Lists in Siebel Communications” on page 111

Setting Up Special Rating Products in Siebel

A Siebel product administrator can create a special rating product. A special rating product is the
service to which a customer can subscribe in order to associate a designated special rating list with
the appropriate service. For example, a special rating product named, My Social Circle, might define
a friends and family plan, and would require a special rating list that captures the phone numbers
for the plan.

Special rating products allow special ratings by using lists provided in the external billing system. It
is important to make sure that the name of a special rating product in Siebel CRM matches the
corresponding Friend and Family ERA provisioning tag in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 10 7

Profiles in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Managing Special Rating Profiles, Lists,
and Products (End User)

You can define product rules for a special rating product in Siebel Communications, such as eligibility
and promotion constraints. You can also define pricing policies in Siebel Communications.

You can add a special rating product to a service bundle. For example, if Favorite Call List and
Favorite Text List are special rating products, they can be grouped in a service bundle named Mobile
Service. For more information about service bundles, see “About Service Bundles” on page 23.

A special rating product can be associated with a special rating list in a quote line item or a sales
order line item. You can associate a special rating list only with a special rating product line item. For
more information about special rating lists, see “Process of Managing Special Rating Profiles, Lists, and
Products (End User)” on page 106. For more information about adding special rating lists and special
rating products to a quote or a sales order, see the chapter on employee asset-based ordering in
Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications.

The following procedure describes how to set up a special rating product. For more information about
setting up a product, see the chapter on basic product administration in Siebel Product
Administration Guide.

This task is a step in “Process of Managing Special Rating Profiles, Lists, and Products (End User)” on
page 106.

To set up a special rating product

1 Navigate to the Administration - Product screen, then the Products view.

2 In the Products list, add a new record, and complete the necessary fields.

3 Click the Product Detail view tab.

4 In the Products Detail form, complete the necessary fields.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Name The value in this field must match the corresponding Friend and
Family ERA provisioning tag in the external Oracle Communications
Billing and Revenue Management application.

Track as Asset Selected.

Billing Service Type Null.

Billing Type Special Rating.

Special Rating Type Phone Number

Special Rating Max The maximum number of items that the special rating product can
Items include. For example, you might define a Friends and Family plan that
can include a maximum of six phone numbers.

NOTE: The Special Rating Max Items field is editable only if the value
of the Billing Type field is Special Rating.

108 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Profiles in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Managing Special Rating Profiles, Lists,
and Products (End User)

Creating Special Lists in Siebel Communications

To create a special rating list in Siebel Communications under the account profile, follow this

This task is a step in “Process of Managing Special Rating Profiles, Lists, and Products (End User)” on
page 106.

To create a special rating list

1 Navigate to the Accounts screen, then the Accounts List view.

2 Select the account for which you want to create a special rating profile, and click the link in the
Name field.

3 Click the Profiles view tab, then click the Special Rating Profile subview tab.

4 Create a new record in the Special Rating Profile list, and complete the necessary fields.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Primary Select to designate the primary profile in the list. The first record
created is selected by default.

List Name Enter an external name for the list, for example, My Top 5 Personal

Type Special rating type. Defaults to blank. Select Phone Number to

activate the Items list.

Comments Descriptive information about the profile.

Last Sync Date System-generated and read only. Date and time when the list was last
synchronized with the external Oracle Communications Billing and
Revenue Management application.

Creating Special Rating List Items in Siebel

To create list items for a special rating list in Oracle’s Siebel Communications through the account
profile, follow this procedure.

This task is a step in “Process of Managing Special Rating Profiles, Lists, and Products (End User)” on
page 106.

1 Navigate to the Account screen, then the Accounts List view.

2 Select the account for which you want to add special rating list items, and click the link in the
Name field.

3 Click the Profiles view tab, then click the Special Rating Profile subview tab.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 10 9

Profiles in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Managing Special Rating Profiles, Lists,
and Products (End User)

4 In the Special Rating Profile list, select the special rating list to which you want to add list items.

5 Scroll down to the Items list.

6 Create a new record for a phone number, and complete the necessary fields.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Phone Number Enter a phone number, including the area code and the extension, if

Start Date Read only. Date when the item is created.

End Date Read only. Date when the item is inactivated.

Inactive Select this field to deactivate the item. When the item is deactivated,
it becomes read-only.

Last Sync Date System-generated and read only. Date and time when the item was
last synchronized with the external Oracle Communications Billing and
Revenue Management application.

NOTE: Synchronization includes only active items; that is, items with
End Date set to null. Hence, different list items might have different
Last Synchronized dates.

7 View the assets associated with the selected Special Rating List item.

The Associated Assets list is read-only and displays active assets (that is, assets whose Status
is not Inactive) that are currently associated with the selected special rating list item. Some fields
are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Asset Name of the asset; that is, the name of the selected list item

Asset Service Id Service ID of the asset

Special Rating Max Items Maximum number of items for the asset product or list product

Root Asset Service Id Service ID of the root asset, for example, 650 123 1234

Parent Asset Product name of the parent asset, for example, Mobile Voice

Parent Asset Service Id Service ID of the parent asset, for example, 650 123 1234

8 Repeat Step 6 and Step 7 for each phone number that you want to add to the special rating list.

9 On the Special Rating Profile tab, click Synchronize to update the selected special rating profile
and its associated special rating list in the external Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue
Management application.

110 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Profiles in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Managing Special Rating Profiles, Lists,
and Products (End User)

Modifying Special Rating Lists in Siebel Communications

(End User)
To change the items on a special rating list, follow this procedure.

This task is a step in “Process of Managing Special Rating Profiles, Lists, and Products (End User)” on
page 106.

To modify a special rating list

1 Navigate to the Account screen, then the Accounts List view.

2 Select the account for which you want to modify a special rating profile, and click the link in the
Name field.

3 Click the Profiles view tab, and then click the Special Rating Profile subview tab.

4 In the Special Rating Profile view, select the special rating list for which you want to modify
special rating list items.

5 Scroll down to the Items list, and select the special rating list item that you want to modify.

6 Modify the special rating list item by performing one of the following actions:

■ Deactivate a phone number by selecting the Inactive field.

When the Inactivate field is selected, the item becomes read-only. However, the Inactive flag
for the item is still enabled. You can reactivate the item later.

■ Add a new item to the list.

The following restrictions apply when modifying a special rating list:

■ You cannot add more list items than the maximum number of items defined for the associated
special rating product. For more information about special rating product definitions, see
“Setting Up Special Rating Products in Siebel Communications” on page 107.

■ You cannot modify a list if one or more in-flight orders (sales order line items that are not
Cancelled or Complete) are associated with the list. This restriction prevents data
mismatches between the list instances and the list profile.

7 In the Special Rating Profile list, click Synchronize to update the selected special rating list and
its associated list items in the external Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management

Changing the Association of Special Rating Lists in

Siebel Communications
You can change the association of a special rating list by selecting a different special rating list to
associate with an asset. To change the association of a special rating list, follow this procedure.

This task is a step in “Process of Managing Special Rating Profiles, Lists, and Products (End User)” on
page 106.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 11 1

Profiles in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Managing Special Rating Profiles, Lists,
and Products (End User)

To change the association of a special rating list

1 Navigate to the Account screen, then the Accounts List view.

2 Select the account for which you want to modify a special rating list, and click the link in the
Name field.

3 Click the Installed Assets view tab.

4 On the Installed Assets list, select the asset associated with the special rating list item whose
association you want to change.

5 Click Modify.

Siebel Communications displays a Special Rating Profile list associated with the selected asset
and prompts you to create a new quote or sales order.

6 In the Line Items list, change the Special Rating list to a different list.

Siebel Communications changes the Action Code of the line item (list product) to Update.

112 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

5 Contacts in Siebel

This chapter discusses contact management and includes procedures for contact management. It
includes the following topics:

■ “About Contacts in Siebel Communications” on page 113

■ “Scenario for Using Contacts in Siebel Communications”

■ “Creating a Contact in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 114

■ “Modifying a Contact Profile in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 115

■ “Creating a Contact-Related Activity in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 115

■ “Associating a Contact with a Trouble Ticket in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 116

■ “Additional End-User Tasks for Contact Management in Siebel Communications” on page 116

About Contacts in Siebel

A contact is someone about whom you or your company needs to keep business or personal
information. Siebel Communications helps you manage contacts and associate contact data with
accounts, opportunities, trouble tickets, or service requests.

Customer service representatives and field service representatives are examples of end users who
might use contact management functions.

End users can use Siebel Communications to complete the following tasks:

■ Record and track business and personal contact information.

■ Create and track a list of activities for a contact.

■ View a contact profile.

■ View information about trouble tickets and service requests that are associated with a contact.

Scenario for Using Contacts in Siebel

This topic gives one example of how contacts might be used. You might use contacts differently,
depending on your business model.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 11 3

Contacts in Siebel Communications ■ Creating a Contact in Siebel Communications (End

A call center agent receives a call from a customer with a service problem. The agent verifies that
the caller is already registered as a contact by using a query on the contact’s name. The agent adds
information to the customer’s contact profile and provides the needed service by creating a trouble
ticket without leaving the Contacts screen. The agent then logs the activity. During the call, the
customer states an interest in purchasing a particular product, so the agent associates an
opportunity with the contact. After the call, the agent sends a follow-up email to the customer to
verify that the action was taken.

Figure 7 shows the sequence of procedures that an end user might follow to manage contacts.

Figure 7. Example of Sequence for Contact Management

Creating a Contact in Siebel

Communications (End User)
End users must add contacts and verify that particular contacts are established customers. Their
company might choose to use passwords for an additional level of verification.

End users can view all contact records that they create. If an end user adds a contact to an account
or opportunity and that account or opportunity has an associated sales team, then members of the
sales team can also view the contact. In a contact record, a sales team is also known as a contact
access list.

114 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Contacts in Siebel Communications ■ Modifying a Contact Profile in Siebel
Communications (End User)

Adding a Contact Record

To add a contact record in Siebel Communications, follow this procedure. For more information about
adding contacts, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

To add a contact record

1 Navigate to the Contacts screen, then the Contacts List view.

2 Add a new record to the Contacts list, and complete the necessary fields in the record and the
More Info form.

3 In the Account field, select one or more accounts in the dialog box.

If multiple accounts are associated with this contact, then designate one account as the primary
account by selecting the Primary field for that account.

Modifying a Contact Profile in Siebel

Communications (End User)
End users can modify a contact profile. Contact profiles are distinct from account profiles.

To add information to a contact profile

1 Navigate to the Contacts screen, then the Contacts List view.

2 Drill down on the name of the contact.

3 Click the Profile view tab.

4 In the Profile form, complete the necessary fields.

Creating a Contact-Related Activity in

Siebel Communications (End User)
End users can add, modify, or delete activities for a contact.

To add an activity to a contact

1 Navigate to the Contacts screen, then the Contacts List view.

2 Drill down on the name of the contact.

3 Click the Activities view tab.

4 In the Activities list, add a record, and complete the necessary fields.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 11 5

Contacts in Siebel Communications ■ Associating a Contact with a Trouble Ticket in Siebel
Communications (End User)

Associating a Contact with a Trouble

Ticket in Siebel Communications (End
End users can associate a contact with a trouble ticket. A similar method can be used to associate a
contact with a service request. For more information about trouble tickets, see Chapter 12, “Service
Requests and Trouble Tickets in Siebel Communications.”

To associate a contact with a trouble ticket

1 Navigate to the Contacts screen, then the Contacts List view.

2 Drill down on the name of the contact.

3 Click the Trouble Tickets view tab.

4 In the Trouble Tickets list, add a record, and complete the necessary fields.

NOTE: If status value of the trouble ticket is Closed, then you cannot change some field values
in this view. To change these field values, drill down on the ticket ID of the trouble ticket, and in
the Trouble Ticket Detail form, change the status value of the trouble ticket to Open or Pending.

Additional End-User Tasks for Contact

Management in Siebel Communications
For information about other tasks related to contact management, see Siebel Applications
Administration Guide.

Contacts and Opportunities

End users can use Siebel Communications to associate an opportunity with a contact. For more
information, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

Contact Correspondence
End users can use Siebel Communications to send email to a contact. If an email application and
Oracle’s Siebel Office are installed, then the message content can be automatically generated. For
more information, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

116 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

6 Agreements and Entitlements in
Siebel Communications

This chapter describes agreements and entitlements, and provides procedures for managing them.
It includes the following topics:

■ “About Agreements and Entitlements in Siebel Communications”

■ “Scenarios for Using Agreements and Entitlements in Siebel Communications” on page 119

■ “Setting Up Templates for the Auto Document Feature of Siebel Communications” on page 122

■ “Adding an Agreement in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 123

■ “Adding Agreement Terms and Generating Totals in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 124

■ “Creating and Printing an Agreement Document in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 125

■ “Associating an Agreement with an Order in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 126

■ “Associating an Agreement with a Service Item in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 126

■ “Revising an Agreement in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 127

■ “Viewing Agreement Details in the Explorer in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 127

About Agreements and Entitlements in

Siebel Communications
Agreements and entitlements can be used by customer service representatives, field service
representatives, service managers, account managers, support renewal agents, and contract
administrators. Agreement and entitlement data is stored in agreement and entitlement records that
must be created, associated with other records, revised, examined, and printed.

This topic defines agreements and entitlements and discusses the relationship between them. For
more information about agreements and entitlements, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide
and Siebel Field Service Guide.

An agreement is a legally binding document that defines the obligations to offer, provide, or produce
specific products or services over a set period of time for a specific amount of money. A sale might
require an agreement to detail and document the sale transaction.

An agreement typically includes detailed descriptions of pricing, terms, limitations, coverage,

conditions, legal rights, processes, and guidelines. Agreements are often revised to reflect changes
in the company, a company’s product lines, or in the market.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 11 7

Agreements and Entitlements in Siebel Communications ■ About Agreements and
Entitlements in Siebel Communications

Siebel Communications can manage complex commercial agreements and simple residential
agreements. Complex agreement can have multiple levels, each with different terms, conditions, and

An agreement must be associated with one contact or at least one account. However, agreements
can be associated with multiple accounts.

An entitlement defines the level of support to which a customer is entitled. Examples of entitlements
include response time metrics and service level metrics. A metric is a type of provision (for example,
response time) combined with a value for that provision (for example, 2 hours). Entitlements are
associated with customers through their service-level agreements. For more information, see “Types
of Agreements” on page 118.

Agreement and Entitlement Relationships

The relationship between agreements and entitlements is as follows:

■ An agreement can have one or more entitlements.

■ An entitlement can have one or more metrics, accounts, contacts, or products.

■ The accounts and contacts associated with agreements might be different from the accounts and
contacts associated with an entitlement.

An agreement that is associated with an entitlement can specify that all contacts or products must
receive support under the entitlement. This specification provides blanket contact service
agreements and blanket product service agreements.

Types of Agreements
Many different types of agreements can be created in Siebel Communications, including contracts,
sales agreements, service agreements, service level agreements, master service agreements, work
orders, profiles, letters of understanding, letters of intent, nondisclosure agreements, subcontractor
work orders, price protections, and support renewals. Some types of agreements are defined as

■ A contract is an agreement that typically covers an ongoing relationship between a vendor and
a customer. A contract states what a vendor is contractually bound to provide to a customer and
what a customer is contractually bound to purchase from a vendor. This type of agreement is
legally binding and might specify such things as products, services, discounts, terms, and

■ A sales agreement is an agreement that is typically related to a specific sale. This type of
agreement specifies such things as base price, discounts, special rates, rentals or leasing, and

■ A service agreement is a type of agreement that defines a service relationship. It spells out a
customer’s rights to receive service, including the price, service level, support requirements,
maintenance, and warranty. Service agreements have specific components that include:

118 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Agreements and Entitlements in Siebel Communications ■ Scenarios for Using
Agreements and Entitlements in Siebel Communications

■ Service Calendars. Specify the days and hours during which service are provided (for
example, Monday to Friday and 9 to 5).

■ Quotas. Specify the amounts of service the customer can receive (for example, number of
phone calls allowed, number of on-site visits allowed, and so forth).

■ Entitlements. Specify the accounts, contacts, and products that are covered, as well as the
metrics being used.

■ A service level agreement (also referred to as an SLA or a service support level) is a type of
service agreement that defines a customer’s entitlements and assets. A service level is a
quantitative measurement that is usually expressed as a percentage. For example, a service level
might be the percentage of parts received on time out of those requested, the percentage of
asset uptime, or the percentage of problems fixed within a required time frame. A service level
agreement can also be part of a larger service agreement.

Master Agreements and Subagreements

Small and uncomplicated transactions might need only a standard boilerplate agreement. Larger
transactions might need a customized collection of boilerplate agreement sections. Sales involving
multiple products and staggered delivery schedules might need agreements with customized content
within the customized collection of agreement sections.

End users can create parent-child relationships among agreements. If, for example, a large
commercial account requires a master agreement and one or more subagreements, then end users
can designate the main agreement as a master agreement and generate its associated
subagreements. The master agreement is the parent agreement for the subagreements.

Data from which to build agreements comes from the agreement library in Siebel Communications.
An agreement library is a data repository developed by your company’s sales and legal organizations.
It includes information such as recommended and required text for agreement sections, answers to
agreement questions, sample cover letters, and sample executive summaries.

Scenarios for Using Agreements and

Entitlements in Siebel Communications
This topic gives the following example of how agreements and entitlements might be used. You might
use agreements and entitlements differently, depending on your business model. This topic includes
the following scenarios:

■ “Managing Agreements for a Commercial Customer” on page 120

■ “Managing Agreements for a Residential Customer” on page 121

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 11 9

Agreements and Entitlements in Siebel Communications ■ Scenarios for Using
Agreements and Entitlements in Siebel Communications

Managing Agreements for a Commercial Customer

An account manager has been working with a commercial customer for the past two months on an
opportunity to supply 100 new subscriptions and rented handsets to the customer’s office. Account
information for the customer is already present in Siebel Communications. Over the past two
months, the account manager has created and maintained the opportunity, quotes, and proposals in
Siebel Communications.

After reviewing several proposals and discussing different offerings and services, the company’s
owner has accepted the account manager’s most recent proposal and has requested a service
agreement for the current quote.

First, the account manager creates an agreement record with basic information such as account
name, effective date, and a general description of products and services to be covered. He next
selects the appropriate terms to add to the agreement and specifies contacts for this agreement.
Next, he creates an order. When the order is created, Siebel Communications associates the new
service with the agreement.

The account manager then uses Siebel Communications to generate a physical service agreement.
Using a predefined agreement template that the account manager selects, Siebel Communications
automatically assembles sections from the agreement library and adds the information the account
manager entered for the agreement record and its associated terms and contacts. Siebel
Communications then places the text in a Microsoft Word document. If necessary, the account
manager can manually edit the Word document to personalize it for the customer.

Finally, the account manager prints the finished service agreement for the owner’s approval and

120 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Agreements and Entitlements in Siebel Communications ■ Scenarios for Using
Agreements and Entitlements in Siebel Communications

Figure 8 shows the sequence of procedures that might be used to manage commercial agreements.

Figure 8. Example of Sequence for Agreements (Commercial)

Managing Agreements for a Residential Customer

A residential customer with an existing service agreement decides to purchase a mobile phone for
her daughter. She visits an authorized dealer to complete this transaction. The dealer looks up her
agreement in the dealer's back-office system, which is connected to Siebel Communications at
Greenwich mean time (GMT).

The dealer then creates the order in Siebel Communications. When the order is created, Siebel
Communications associates the new service for the daughter with the mother's agreement. When
the order is complete, Siebel Communications automatically updates the agreement with the new
service. Finally, Siebel Communications issues requests to the appropriate back-office applications
to provision the daughter's new mobile service.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 12 1

Agreements and Entitlements in Siebel Communications ■ Setting Up Templates for the
Auto Document Feature of Siebel Communications

Figure 9 shows the sequence of procedures that might be used to manage residential agreements.

Figure 9. Example of Sequence for Agreements (Residential)

Setting Up Templates for the Auto

Document Feature of Siebel
Administrators must set up agreement templates for the Auto Document feature to work properly.

To set up a template for the Auto Document feature

1 Navigate to the Administration - Document screen, then the Proposal Field Mappings view.

2 In the Business Objects list, add a record for the mapping information.

3 In the Business Object field, select Service Agreement.

4 In the link bar, click Proposal Templates.

5 In the Templates list, add a record, and complete the necessary fields.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Default Select this check box if you want to designate this template as the
default template.

NOTE: The Auto Document feature works only if you designate an

agreement template as the default template.

Category Select Agreement.

122 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Agreements and Entitlements in Siebel Communications ■ Adding an Agreement in
Siebel Communications (End User)

Field Comments

Mapping Name Select the name that you created.

Template File Name Select the template file to use.

Verifying Templates Appear as Agreement Templates

To verify that a template appears as an agreement template, follow this procedure.

To verify the template appears as an agreement template

1 Navigate to the Agreements screen, then the Documents view.

2 In the Documents list, add a record.

3 In the Template drop-down list, verify that the template appears as an option.

Adding an Agreement in Siebel

Communications (End User)
End users can add an agreement record to the Siebel Communications database.

To add an agreement
1 Navigate to the Agreements screen, then the Agreement List view.

2 Add a record, and complete the necessary fields in the record and the More Info form. To access
more fields, click the show more button in the form.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Agreement # Displays an agreement number that is automatically generated.

Name Type the name for the agreement.

Account Select the name of the account that the agreement covers. If multiple
accounts are associated with the agreement, then the primary account
is visible in the form.

Valid Select this check box to indicate that the agreement is valid. This check
box is selected when entitlements are considered and when preventive
maintenance actions are initiated.

Start Select the date and time that agreement becomes effective.

End Select the date and time that the agreement expires.

PO# Type the purchase order number for the agreement.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 12 3

Agreements and Entitlements in Siebel Communications ■ Adding Agreement Terms
and Generating Totals in Siebel Communications (End User)

Field Comments

Team Select the user ID of the team working on the agreement.

Approver Select the user ID of the member of the agreement team who is
authorized to approve the agreement.

Revision Displays the revision number of the agreement. The value is set to 1
when you create an agreement and is increased when you revise the

Service Select this check box to indicates that the agreement is a service

Effective Select the date and time that the agreement becomes effective. This
field is for information only.

Parent Select the parent agreement for the agreement. If the agreement is a
subagreement or child agreement, then this field identifies the master
or parent agreement.

Vendor Select the name of vendor who originally sold the agreement.

Adding Agreement Terms and

Generating Totals in Siebel
Communications (End User)
Agreement terms include information such as payment method, shipping charges, and credit card
number. Agreement totals summarize the charges relating to the service applicable to the

To add terms to an agreement and generate a total

1 Navigate to the Agreements screen, then the Agreement List view.

2 From the Show drop-down list, select All Agreements.

3 Drill down on the name of the agreement.

4 Click the Totals view tab.

5 In the Totals form, complete the necessary fields.

The agreement totals in the Total form are calculated automatically. The Products field and
Services field amounts equal the Total Extended Price for Products and the Total Extended Price
for Services, respectively. The Total field shows the total price for the shipment.

124 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Agreements and Entitlements in Siebel Communications ■ Creating and Printing an
Agreement Document in Siebel Communications (End User)

Creating and Printing an Agreement

Document in Siebel Communications
(End User)
End users can prepare and print an agreement for use as a contract document.

To create and print an agreement document

1 Navigate to the Agreements screen, then the Agreement List view.

2 From the Show drop-down list, select All Agreements.

3 Drill down on the name of the agreement.

4 Click the Documents view tab.

5 In the Documents view, complete the following steps:

a In the Documents list, click Auto Document.

Some fields are automatically populated.

NOTE: If you receive an error message about a template, then check the template setup. For
more information, see “Setting Up Templates for the Auto Document Feature of Siebel
Communications” on page 122.

b If necessary, complete or modify the fields.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Name Type the name of the agreement document record.

Template Select the template on which to base the agreement.

Draft Name Select a file for the draft of the agreement.

c In the Documents list, click Generate Draft.

The standard agreement sections are assembled into a Microsoft Word document according
to the template you select, and specific information from the current agreement record is
inserted into the document. A Microsoft Word application window appears showing the draft

d Edit and print the Word document as necessary, and then save it.

The document is automatically associated with the agreement record.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 12 5

Agreements and Entitlements in Siebel Communications ■ Associating an Agreement
with an Order in Siebel Communications (End User)

Associating an Agreement with an Order

in Siebel Communications (End User)
End users can associate agreements with orders.

To associate an agreement with an order

1 Navigate to the Sales Orders screen, then the List view or to the Service Orders screen, then the
List view.

2 Add a new record to the list, and complete the necessary fields.

To access more fields, click the show more button in the form.

3 In the Agreement Name field, select an agreement in the dialog box, and click Submit.

Associating an Agreement with a Service

Item in Siebel Communications (End
End users can associate agreements with service items so that they can track detailed agreements
at the item level of a product bundle.

To associate an agreement with a service item

1 Navigate to the Quotes screen, then the List view.

2 Drill down on the name of the quote.

3 Click the Line Items view tab, and complete the following steps in the Line Items view:

a In the Line Items list, add a record, and complete the necessary fields for the service to order.
b In the Product field, select a product.

NOTE: The dialog box contains only those products with the Track as Asset field selected in
the Administration - Product screen, More Info view.

c Click Line Details in the link bar.

d In the Line Item Detail form, select an agreement in the Agreement Name field.

4 Click the Orders view tab, and complete the following steps in the Orders view:

a Click Sales Order or Service Order.

b Complete the necessary fields in the order.

c Drill down on the order number of the order.

The Sales Orders screen appears.

5 In the Sales Orders screen, complete the following steps:

126 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Agreements and Entitlements in Siebel Communications ■ Revising an Agreement in
Siebel Communications (End User)

a Verify that the line items from the quote appear.

b In the Price List field, select a price list.

c Click Submit to submit the order and change its Status field value to Open.

Revising an Agreement in Siebel

Communications (End User)
End users create a revision to an agreement to add a new clause or term, or to update information
that already exists in the agreement. End users might create a revision, for example, when a
customer orders a new service that is not covered by the existing agreement, or when their company
modifies its discount rates.

When end users revise an agreement, Siebel Communications preserves a record of each earlier
version of that agreement. Consequently, revision records allow you to track the history of any
agreement. The original agreement is saved as revision 1. When an agreement is revised, the
following actions occur:

■ The respective revision number is increased by one.

■ The agreement name in the Name field is changed to name (.x) where x is the revision number.

To revise an agreement
1 Navigate to the Agreements screen, then the Agreement List view.

2 Drill down on the name of the agreement.

3 In the More Info form, click Revise.

Viewing Agreement Details in the

Explorer in Siebel Communications (End
End users can use the hierarchical format of the Agreement explorer to view agreements and
examine associated information.

To examine agreement details in the Explorer

1 Navigate to the Agreements screen, then the Explorer view.

A data document appears for each of the parent-level agreements your company has with its

2 Expand the folder for the data document.

Subfolders appear for the selected agreement’s associated agreements, entitlements, activities,
notes, and products and services.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 12 7

Agreements and Entitlements in Siebel Communications ■ Viewing Agreement Details
in the Explorer in Siebel Communications (End User)

3 Expand the subfolder.

The individual records appear as a series of data documents below the subfolder and as rows in
the list.

4 Select a record.

The details of the record appear highlighted in the list.

128 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

7 Premises in Siebel

This chapter explains the concept of a premises and describes procedures you can use to manage
the creation and maintenance of premises records. It also describes typical procedures that end
users might use when working with premises records. It includes the following topics:

■ “About Premises in Siebel Communications” on page 129

■ “Scenario for Setting Up Premises in Siebel Communications” on page 130

■ “Setting Up Premises in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 132

■ “Registering a Premises Hookup in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 133

■ “Associating an Activity with a Premises in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 134

■ “Verifying a Premises in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 134

■ “Viewing Service Point Information in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 135

■ “Viewing Usage History in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 135

■ “Viewing Service Requests for a Premises in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 136

■ “Adding a Service Request for a Premises in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 136

■ “Adding Infrastructure Information in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 137

■ “Additional End-User Tasks for Premises Management in Siebel Communications” on page 138

About Premises in Siebel

The premises functionality of Siebel Communications is used by administrators, such as distribution
network planners, field service engineers, field service operations managers, and managers of
customer service representatives. It is also used by end users, such as customer service

A premises is an address that identifies a physical location, such as a building, apartment, land
parcel, and so on, to which communications services can be delivered. In Siebel Communications, a
premises acts as a grouping of service points.

A premises record stores the address of a building, apartment, or land parcel to which your company
offers communications services. Siebel Communications also stores nonservice addresses that are
associated with particular customers, such as billing addresses outside the company’s service
territory. Nonservice account addresses have a variety of uses, but premises records are specifically
used to track addresses at which a company might offer services. Premises records are never deleted
and can therefore be used to track asset and service usage even if the premises becomes

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 12 9

Premises in Siebel Communications ■ Scenario for Setting Up Premises in Siebel

Premises records also track service points. A service point is an asset that is installed at a particular
service location and represents a network delivery point, such as a phone jack. For more information
about setting up an asset, see Siebel Field Service Guide.

Premises information can be imported into Siebel Communications either periodically in batches,
using Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager, or through real-time integration with a third-party
application. Premises information can also be entered manually.

Every instance of a service delivered to a particular premises needs a unique identifier, called a
service item identifier. Most services are provided through a physical network connection; for
example, phone service is connected to a phone jack, and a data access line is connected to a port
on a switch. With physical network connections, the Service Point is used as the service item
identifier. Some services, such as cellular phone services, do not require a physical network
connection. In these cases, a logical identifier, such as a telephone number or IP address, is used as
the service item identifier. Typically this identifier is automatically assigned by an external system.

Scenario for Setting Up Premises in

Siebel Communications
This topic gives one example of how premises setup might be used. You might use premises setup
differently, depending on your business model.

A customer calls your company to set up telephone service at a new house. The customer service
representative (CSR) who accepts the call creates an account for the customer and orders the service
and service point (phone jack). The ordering process initiates an activity that directs field service
engineers to the site. The field service engineers then connect the house to the telephone network,
creating a service point for the phone jack.

A field service operations manager changes the status of the account address record to a premises
in Siebel Communications. She also associates the service point with the premises. In addition, she
enters some information related to the premises as a note and then associates an electronic file,
which contains a hookup wiring schematic, with the premises. Finally, the field service operations
manager creates an activity to notify the network planning department that the local network needs

Six months after the occupant moves in to the house, she calls to report static on the telephone line.
The CSR who accepts the call first verifies the caller and the caller’s location. Before creating a
service request, he views general information about the premises and looks to see if there are any
existing service requests associated with the premises. The CSR notes that static has been reported
several times before and creates a service request documenting the repeated problem.

130 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Premises in Siebel Communications ■ Scenario for Setting Up Premises in Siebel

Figure 10 shows the sequence of procedures that might be used to set up a residential premises.

Figure 10. Example of Sequence for Initial Setup of a Residential Premises

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 13 1

Premises in Siebel Communications ■ Setting Up Premises in Siebel Communications
(End User)

Figure 11 shows the sequence of procedures that might be used to maintain a residential premises.

Figure 11. Example of Sequence for Maintenance of a Residential Premises

Setting Up Premises in Siebel

Communications (End User)
Only administrators can set up premises records. End users can view premises information, view
information associated with premises, and associate other records with premises.

About Adding a Premises Record

There are two ways to add a premises record. The method you use depends on if an account for the
customer who occupies the premises has already been established. These methods follow:

■ You can add a premises record before the customer who occupies a premises is known. In this
case, there is no existing customer account with which to associate the premises. When a
customer moves into the premises and requests service, the association is made automatically
when the premises is added to the account addresses.

■ If an account for the customer who occupies a new premises is known, then a new address is
added to the account addresses. After the address is validated as a premises, the address is
flagged as a premises by an administrator.

Use one of the following procedures to create a premises.

Creating a Premises Before the Account Exists

To add a premises before the customer account exists, follow this procedure.

To add a premises before the customer account exists

1 Navigate to the Administration - Data screen, then the Premises view.

The All Premises list appears with the More Info form beneath it.

132 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Premises in Siebel Communications ■ Registering a Premises Hookup in Siebel
Communications (End User)

2 In the form, add a record, and complete the necessary fields.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Buildings Type the total number of buildings at the premises.

Floors Type total number of floors at the premises.

Read Route Type the name of the meter reading route to which the premises belongs.

Read Sequence Type a number that identifies the sequence in which the meters at the
premises are read.

Bill Group Select the ID of the billing application batch or group to which the premises

Creating a Premises When the Account Exists

To add a premises when the customer account already exists, follow this procedure.

To add a premises when the customer account already exists

1 Navigate to the Administration - Data screen, then the Addresses view.

The Addresses list appears with the Address form beneath it.

2 In the Addresses list, select an address record.

3 In the Address form, select the check box for the Premise field.

4 In the link bar, click Premises.

The All Premises list appears with the More Info form beneath it.

5 In the list, select the new premises, and complete the necessary fields in the form.

For more information about some fields, see the table in “Creating a Premises Before the Account
Exists” on page 132.

Registering a Premises Hookup in Siebel

Communications (End User)
Premises can be associated with one or more service points. Adding Service Points to
To add a service point and associate it with a premises, follow this procedure.

To add a service point and associate it with a premises

1 Navigate to the Administration - Data screen, then the Premises view.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 13 3

Premises in Siebel Communications ■ Associating an Activity with a Premises in Siebel
Communications (End User)

2 In the All Premises list, select a premises record.

3 Click the Service Points view tab.

4 In the Service Points list, add a record.

The Service Points dialog box appears with a list of service points that are not associated with
any premises.

5 In the dialog box, select an existing service point or create a new service point.

6 In the Service Points list, complete the necessary fields.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Removal Date Select the date and time when the service point is removed from the

Location Type a description of the location of the service point.

Product Select a product for the service point. Only products for which the value in
the product Type field is Service Point and for which the product Service Type
field is not null are available for selection.

Associating an Activity with a Premises

in Siebel Communications (End User)
End users can create an activity and associate it with a premises for the following reasons:

■ Remind themselves of procedures related to a premises that they must perform.

■ Communicate procedures related to a premises that other members of the organization must

To associate an activity with a premises

1 Navigate to the Premises screen, then the Premises List view.

2 Drill down on the address of the premises.

3 Click the Activities view tab.

4 In the Activities list, add a record, and complete the necessary fields.

Verifying a Premises in Siebel

Communications (End User)
End users can verify the premises that a caller is referring to by looking up the premises record.

134 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Premises in Siebel Communications ■ Viewing Service Point Information in Siebel
Communications (End User)

To look up a premises
1 Navigate to the Premises screen, then the Premises List view.

2 Drill down on the address of the premises.

For more information about some fields, see the table in “Creating a Premises Before the Account
Exists” on page 132.

Viewing Service Point Information in

Siebel Communications (End User)
End users can view service point information for the premises.

To view service point information for a premises

1 Navigate to the Premises screen.

2 In the Premises list, click the name of a premises.

3 Click the Meter Points view tab.

The Meter Points list displays service point information for that premises. Some fields are
described in the following table.

Field Comments

Product Name of the product that is the service point.

Service Type Displays the service type for the product that you

Viewing Usage History in Siebel

Communications (End User)
End users can view usage history for a service point associated with a premises. Usage history is
useful for resolving billing inquiries from customers who have recently moved into the premises.
Usage history appears as data in lists and charts. End users can view usage history through either
the Premises screen or the Accounts screen. For information about viewing usage history through
the Accounts screen, see Chapter 3, “Accounts in Siebel Communications.”

NOTE: Usage data can reside in an external data repository and be viewed in Siebel Communications
if that type of integration is set up.

To view usage history for a service point

1 Navigate to the Premises screen, then the Premises List view.

2 Drill down on the address of the premises.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 13 5

Premises in Siebel Communications ■ Viewing Service Requests for a Premises in Siebel
Communications (End User)

3 Click the Meter Points view tab.

4 In the Meter Points list, drill down on the service point of a record.

5 In the Service Point Services list, select a record.

6 In the Usage History list, select the information you want to view from the drop-down list.

Viewing Service Requests for a Premises

in Siebel Communications (End User)
End users can view service requests associated with a premises.

To view a service request associated with a premises

1 Navigate to the Premises screen, then the Premises List view.

2 Drill down on the address of the premises.

3 Click the Service Requests view tab.

The upper list displays accounts and the lower list displays service requests.

4 In the upper list, select an account.

5 In the lower list, select a service request.

6 To view more information about the service request, drill down on the service request number of
the service request.

Adding a Service Request for a Premises

in Siebel Communications (End User)
End users can add a service request by creating a new service request in the Service Request view
of the Premises screen.

To add a service request for a premises

1 Navigate to the Premises screen, then the Premises List view.

2 Drill down on the address of the premises.

3 Click the Service Requests view tab.

The upper list displays accounts and the lower list displays service requests.

4 In the upper list, select an account.

136 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Premises in Siebel Communications ■ Adding Infrastructure Information in Siebel
Communications (End User)

5 In the lower list, add a record, and complete the necessary fields.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

SR Number Displays a service request number that is automatically generated.

Severity Select a value for the severity of the service request or its impact to the
customer. The severity does not have to be the same as the priority.

Priority Select a value to prioritize the service request. This field describes the
importance of the service request. The priority does not have to be the same as
the severity.

Owner Select the user ID of the person handling the service request.

Adding Infrastructure Information in

Siebel Communications (End User)
End users can create a record containing infrastructure information that is associated with a premises
through an account.

To add infrastructure information to a premises

1 Navigate to the Premises screen, then the Premises List view.

2 Drill down on the address of the premises.

3 Click the Infrastructure view tab.

The upper list displays accounts and the lower list displays infrastructure.

4 In the upper list, select an account.

5 In the lower Infrastructure list, add a record, and complete the necessary fields.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Attribute Select the attribute of the infrastructure item. The value you select in the Service
Type field determines the values available for selection in this field.

Value Type the value of the attribute.

Owner Select the name of the customer or account that owns the infrastructure item.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 13 7

Premises in Siebel Communications ■ Additional End-User Tasks for Premises
Management in Siebel Communications

Additional End-User Tasks for Premises

Management in Siebel Communications
This topic contains information about other tasks related to premises.

Caller Verification
When receiving an inbound call, end users first verify and locate the caller. For more information
about verifying and locating a caller, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

Customer Accounts
When a new customer requests service from your company, end users must create an account for
the customer. For more information about creating a customer account, see Chapter 3, “Accounts in
Siebel Communications.”

Sales Orders
When a customer requests a new service, end users must create a sales order. For more information
about creating a sales order, see Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications.

Premises and Attachments

At any time, end users can store additional information relating to a premises in the database by
associating an electronic file with the premises record. For more information about associating an
attachment with a record, see Siebel Fundamentals.

Premises and Notes

At any time, end users can store additional information relating to a premises in the database by
adding a note and associating it with the premises record. For more information about associating a
note to a record, see Siebel Fundamentals.

138 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

8 Assets in Siebel

This chapter describes how to create, track, and manage assets in Siebel Communications. It
includes the following topics:

■ “About Assets in Siebel Communications”

■ “Scenario for Setting Up Assets in Siebel Communications” on page 140

■ “Creating an Asset in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 141

■ “Associating Related Assets with a Primary Asset in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 142

■ “Viewing Hierarchical Information for an Asset in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 142

■ “Creating a Transaction for an Asset in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 143

■ “Viewing Components Associated with an Asset in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 143

■ “Adding a Service Request Associated with an Asset in Siebel Communications (End User)” on
page 144

■ “Adding a Change Request to an Asset in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 144

■ “Viewing Service Points and Services in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 145

About Assets in Siebel Communications

An asset is a product or product component that has been purchased by a customer and installed at,
turned on at, or delivered to a customer site. An asset can be a physical product or a service product.
Examples include phone pagers, phone handsets, telecommunications services, and Internet
services that are active at specific customer sites. An asset is tracked at an asset number level. An
asset has attributes, a configuration, and a location.

Asset data is stored in records that can be created, associated with other records, revised, examined,
and printed. Asset records are used by customer service representatives (CSRs), field service
representatives, service managers, account managers, support renewal agents, and contract
administrators. The procedures described in this chapter are primarily used by customer service
representatives. For more information about assets, see Siebel Field Service Guide.

Siebel Communications uses both the asset number and product name to track the asset. It is the
combination of these two fields that makes an asset unique within Siebel applications. Therefore, the
same asset number can be shared by different products. For example, a phone jack and a DSL
connection can have the same asset number for different products.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 13 9

Assets in Siebel Communications ■ Scenario for Setting Up Assets in Siebel

Asset management and tracking are important parts of help desk applications and field service
applications. Siebel Communications tracks purchases, allows you to create an asset before
purchase, and allows you to track the asset’s location. The location of serialized products and product
components, is recorded, and the movement of these assets from inventory locations to customers
or employees is tracked. Assets cannot be deleted, so even inactive services remain in the dialog
boxes for selection.

End users can use these methods to create or modify assets in the following ways:

■ Manually in the Assets screen.

■ Manually in the Activity Part Tracker view, provided the product is serialized. This task is typically
done by a field service agent. For more information, see Siebel Field Service Guide.

■ Automatically using the Siebel Communications application’s order management process. For
more information, see Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications.

New or modified asset records can also be automatically received from an integrated third-party
asset management application. For more information, see Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager
Administration Guide.

Scenario for Setting Up Assets in Siebel

This topic gives one example of how asset setup might be used. You might use asset setup differently,
depending on your business model.

A CSR processes an order for a telecommunications service, which creates an asset for the root
service and each component. The customer requests a backup order, for which the CSR creates an
asset. The CSR associates the backup asset with the customer’s service as a related asset.

At a later time, the customer calls to report a product failure. Noticing that the service has
components, the CSR views their details to identify the failed component.

The CSR reviews the history of services for the asset and sees nothing out of the ordinary. The CSR
creates a service request for the problem and associates it with the asset component.

A few weeks later, the customer calls again with a suggestion for improving the service. The CSR
enters a change request and associates it with the customer’s asset.

For another customer, the billing application shows an exception (usage data beyond the normal
range). This alerts the CSR, who contacts the customer to verify the usage before determining if the
service should be suspended.

140 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Assets in Siebel Communications ■ Creating an Asset in Siebel Communications (End

Figure 12 summarizes the sequence an end user might use to manage asset information in Siebel

Figure 12. Example of Sequence for Assets

Creating an Asset in Siebel

Communications (End User)
End users can create assets and enter asset information in Siebel Communications.

NOTE: Assets can also be created through the order management module. For more information,
see Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications.

To create an asset
1 Navigate to the Assets screen, then the List view.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 14 1

Assets in Siebel Communications ■ Associating Related Assets with a Primary Asset in
Siebel Communications (End User)

2 Add a record, and complete the necessary fields in the record and the More Info form. To access
more fields, click the show more button in the form.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Asset # Displays an asset number that is automatically generated. This field accepts any
string that includes 100 or fewer characters.

Qty Type the quantity of the asset.

Serial # Displays the serial number for the service point or the service ID from the order.

Account Select the account associated with the asset.

Associating Related Assets with a

Primary Asset in Siebel Communications
(End User)
End users can associate one or more assets with another asset and designate their relationships,
such as backup or option. An asset with which other assets are associated is a primary asset.

To associate a related asset with a primary asset

1 Navigate to the Assets screen, then the List view.

2 From the Show drop-down list, select All Assets.

3 Drill down on the asset number of the primary asset.

4 Click the Relationships view tab.

5 In the Relationships list, add a record, and complete the necessary fields.

Viewing Hierarchical Information for an

Asset in Siebel Communications (End
End users can view the hierarchical information for assets, including the relationships of assets and
their components.

To view hierarchical information for an asset

1 Navigate to the Assets screen, then the Assets Explorer view.

2 In the explorer tree, select an asset.

142 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Assets in Siebel Communications ■ Creating a Transaction for an Asset in Siebel
Communications (End User)

3 Expand the asset branch to display subsidiary records.

When you click the asset name in the explorer tree, the Assets list highlights the asset selected
in the explorer and displays further details on the right side of the view. The fields are the same
as the fields in the Assets list in the All Assets or My Assets view.

Creating a Transaction for an Asset in

Siebel Communications (End User)
An asset transaction captures the movement of components of an asset, such as installation or part
replacement. End users can create transactions for an asset.

To create a transaction for an asset

1 Navigate to the Assets screen, then the List view.

2 From the Show drop-down list, select All Assets.

3 Drill down on the asset number of the asset.

4 Click the Transactions view tab.

5 In the Transactions list, add a record, and complete the necessary fields.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Transaction Select the date and time of the transaction.

Asset # Select the number of the subasset (component) associated with the
transaction (for example, the part installed in the main asset).

Viewing Components Associated with an

Asset in Siebel Communications (End
End users can view components that are associated with an asset. Components or subassets are
generally set up when the asset is created.

NOTE: Components are automatically added, as appropriate, when you add some transactions in the
Transactions view.

To view components associated with an asset

1 Navigate to the Assets screen, then the List view.

2 From the Show drop-down list, select All Assets.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 14 3

Assets in Siebel Communications ■ Adding a Service Request Associated with an Asset in
Siebel Communications (End User)

3 Drill down on the asset number of the asset.

4 Click the Components view tab.

The Components list displays information about the components.

Adding a Service Request Associated

with an Asset in Siebel Communications
(End User)
End users can add service requests associated with an asset.

To add a service request associated with an asset

1 Navigate to the Assets screen, then the List view.

2 From the Show drop-down list, select All Assets.

3 Drill down on the asset number of the asset.

4 Click the Service Requests view tab.

5 In the Service Requests list, add a record, and complete the necessary fields.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

SR # Displays a service request number that is automatically generated.

Last Name Select the name of the account contact.

Owner Select the user ID of the owners of the service request. You can select
multiple owners.

Adding a Change Request to an Asset in

Siebel Communications (End User)
End users can add change requests to an asset by either creating new change requests or associating
existing change requests with the asset.

To add a change request associated with an asset

1 Navigate to the Assets screen, then the List view.

2 From the Show drop-down list, select All Assets.

3 Drill down on the asset number of the asset.

4 Click the Change Requests view tab.

144 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Assets in Siebel Communications ■ Viewing Service Points and Services in Siebel
Communications (End User)

5 In the Change Requests list, add a record, and complete the necessary fields.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Type Select the type of change request.

Owner Select the user ID of the person assigned to deal with the change request.

Area Select the general product area associated with the change request.

Subarea Select the type of product associated with the change request.

Substatus Displays the substatus of the change request. This field indicates whether the
change request is assigned to an employee for resolution.

Priority Select the priority for addressing the change request.

Viewing Service Points and Services in

Siebel Communications (End User)
End users can view the services associated with each service point and usage details for each service,
but they cannot add a service point from this view. For information about adding a service point, see
“Registering a Premises Hookup in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 133.

Services are associated with service points when a CSR submits a New or Modify order for a service.
When a CSR submits a Disconnect order, the service is made inactive. For more information about
the employee use of order management, see Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for

To view service point and service information

1 Navigate to the Assets screen, then the List view.

2 From the Show drop-down list, select All Assets.

3 Drill down on the asset number of the asset.

4 Click the Service Point Services view tab.

5 To see various types of usage information for a service, complete the following steps:

a In the Service Point Services list, select the service.

b In the Usage History view, select an option from the drop-down list.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 14 5

Assets in Siebel Communications ■ Viewing Service Points and Services in Siebel
Communications (End User)

146 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

9 Opportunities in Siebel

This chapter explains procedures for creating and managing opportunities in Siebel Communications.
It includes the following topics:

■ “About Opportunities in Siebel Communications” on page 147

■ “Scenario for Creating Opportunities in Siebel Communications”

■ “Creating an Opportunity in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 149

■ “Associating an Account with an Opportunity in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 150

■ “Associating a Product with an Opportunity in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 150

■ “Creating a Quote for an Opportunity in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 151

■ “Creating a Profile for an Opportunity in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 152

■ “Associating a Site with an Opportunity in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 153

■ “Associating a Partner with an Opportunity in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 153

■ “Additional End-User Tasks for Opportunity Management in Siebel Communications” on page 154

About Opportunities in Siebel

An opportunity is any lead that can result in a sale. Some opportunities are generated from campaign
leads, while others are created by your company’s sales representatives. Through Siebel
Communications, sales representatives can manage their sales opportunities for business and
residential customers. Specifically, they can perform the following tasks:

■ View a list of all opportunities in the database or only those opportunities specifically assigned
to them.

■ Create new opportunities.

■ Track the status of an opportunity through the sales cycle, from creation to closure.

■ Update information about opportunities as they move through the sales cycle.

■ Generate quotes that are based on opportunities.

■ Use opportunity profiles to record additional information and review customer responses to
predefined questions.

Administrators involved with opportunities benefit from reading this chapter. It describes how your
CSRs create and update opportunities. After becoming familiar with the end-user procedures, you
can customize the software to fit your company’s needs.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 14 7

Opportunities in Siebel Communications ■ Scenario for Creating Opportunities in Siebel

For information about hierarchical products or multiple price types with recurring and nonrecurring
fees, see the following guides:

■ Siebel Product Administration Guide

■ Siebel Pricing Administration Guide

■ Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications

Scenario for Creating Opportunities in

Siebel Communications
This topic gives one example of how opportunity creation might be used. You might use opportunity
creation differently, depending on your business model.

While attending a trade show, a sales representative meets the director of a small company, who
expresses interest in purchasing several products from the sales representative’s company. She asks
the prospective customer to complete a form and assures him that she will contact him with specific
product pricing.

Back at her office, the sales representative creates a new account and enters contact information in
Siebel Communications. Then she creates a new opportunity and associates it with this new account.

As part of the opportunity description, she indicates the probability for the sale, estimates the
potential revenue for the sale, and designates the stage of the sale.

Next she associates products with the opportunity and specifies product information, such as the
product type, quantity, and pricing.

To evaluate some preliminary quotes for the prospective customer, she creates several quotes. For
products containing subproducts, she selects the top-level product name to ensure proper revenue
calculations. She also reviews setup fees and recurring fees for the products.

She calls the prospective customer to set up a meeting to go over her quotes. During that
conversation, she determines that he might also be interested in another product that her company
offers. She updates the product information and notices that the additional product triggered an
overall discount generated by the rules established through Siebel Communications.

The prospective customer also mentions that his company is expanding to an additional location. The
sales representative enters that location as a related site for the same opportunity.

After confirming the meeting for the next day, she hangs up and continues her preparations for the
meeting. While doing so, it occurs to her that another customer might be able to take advantage of
the same discount. She enters that customer account as a partner for the opportunity.

148 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Opportunities in Siebel Communications ■ Creating an Opportunity in Siebel
Communications (End User)

Figure 13 summarizes the sequence an end user might use with opportunities in Siebel

Figure 13. Example of Sequence for Opportunities

Creating an Opportunity in Siebel

Communications (End User)
An opportunity is generated in the Campaigns screen or is added manually. Every time end users
identify an opportunity, they can create a new record.

To create an opportunity
1 Navigate to the Opportunities screen, then the Opportunities List view.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 14 9

Opportunities in Siebel Communications ■ Associating an Account with an Opportunity
in Siebel Communications (End User)

2 Add a record, and complete the necessary fields in the record and the More Info form. To access
more fields, click the show more button in the form.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Revenue Type the expected revenue for the opportunity in specific currency.

Probability % Select the probability of completing the sale.

Sales Team Select the user ID for the sales team of the opportunity.

Primary Displays your use ID for the opportunity because you create the
opportunity. Only managers can change this field for a sales team member.

Channel Select the distribution strategy in your organization for the opportunity.

Expected Value Displays the expected value for the opportunity when you populate the
Probability % and Revenue fields.

Source Select the source of the data. The Source Type field reflects the source type
associated with this selection.

Associating an Account with an

Opportunity in Siebel Communications
(End User)
End users can associate an opportunity with an account. This association allows them to track all
important information for a customer.

To associate an opportunity with an account

1 Navigate to the Opportunities screen, then the Opportunities List view.
2 In the Account field of the opportunity, select an account.

Associating a Product with an

Opportunity in Siebel Communications
(End User)
End users can associate products with an opportunity and provide customers with detailed
information about the products that interest them.

To associate a product with an opportunity

1 Navigate to the Opportunities screen, then the Opportunities List view.

150 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Opportunities in Siebel Communications ■ Creating a Quote for an Opportunity in Siebel
Communications (End User)

2 Drill down on the name of the opportunity.

3 Click the Products view tab.

4 In the Products list, add a record, and complete the necessary fields.

5 In the Product field, select a product.

Creating a Quote for an Opportunity in

Siebel Communications (End User)
End users can create a quote for an opportunity, view all quotes for an opportunity, or update an
opportunity with product information taken from the Quotes view. For the updating opportunity
feature to work, the following conditions must be met:

■ In the Product Administration view, the number of occurrences must be greater than 0 for the
product. For more information, see Siebel Product Administration Guide.

■ In the Price List list of the Quotes screen, all products end users can associate with the
opportunity or quote must be defined as Price List line items.

■ In the Line Items view of the Quotes screen, the Extended Price of the quote line item must be
more than 0.

■ In the Quotes list of the Opportunities screen, the Price List must be selected. For more
information, see “Associating a Product with an Opportunity in Siebel Communications (End User)”
on page 150.

If these conditions are not met, then Siebel Communications cannot generate revenue line items for
the Opportunity. The revenue is note accurate until a quote is configured and the opportunity is
updated from it.

To create a quote for an opportunity

1 Navigate to the Opportunities screen, then the Opportunities List view.
2 Drill down on the name of the opportunity.

3 Click the Quotes view tab.

4 In the Quotes list, complete the following steps:

a Click Auto Quote.

A new quote is created with default values in some fields.

b In the Price List field, select a price list, and complete the necessary fields for the new quote.

c Drill down on the name of the quote.

The Quote form appears with the Line Items view beneath it.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 15 1

Opportunities in Siebel Communications ■ Creating a Profile for an Opportunity in Siebel
Communications (End User)

5 In the Line Items list, add a record, and complete the necessary fields.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Extended Net Displays the extended net price. This field is calculated by multiplying the net
Price price by the quantity.

MRC Subtotal Displays the total monthly recurring charges for the line item.

NRC Subtotal Displays the total nonrecurring charge for the line item.

UoM Displays the unit of measure for the line item. This field value depends on the
price type. For a one-time fee, the value is for each unit. For recurring fees,
the value is for a time period, such as for each month or for each quarter.

6 To modify line item details, complete the following steps:

a Click Line Details in the link bar.

NOTE: Administrators specify much of the product information in the Administration -

Product screen. When the products are added to the quote as line items, default product
information is populated for some line item fields.

b To adjust a discount, edit the field values in the Pricing Details section of the form.

For more information about line item details, see Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum
for Communications.

7 In the Quote form, click Update Opportunity.

Revenue line items are added to the opportunity for every one-time or recurring charge in every

Creating a Profile for an Opportunity in

Siebel Communications (End User)
End users can launch a call script that helps them define qualifying information about an opportunity.
The script guides them through a series of questions to answer.

After answering the questions, end users can later analyze the information. For example, they can
use charts to see which opportunities qualify as part of their target market or they can use queries
to find opportunities that match specific criteria.

To create a profile for an opportunity

1 Navigate to the Opportunities screen, then the Opportunities List view.

2 Drill down on the name of the opportunity.

3 Click the Profile view tab.

152 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Opportunities in Siebel Communications ■ Associating a Site with an Opportunity in
Siebel Communications (End User)

4 In the Profile form, click Script to launch the wizard.

5 Answer the questions in the script.

Associating a Site with an Opportunity in

Siebel Communications (End User)
The Opportunity Account defines the primary account related to the opportunity. End users can
associate accounts for satellite offices or subsidiaries to the opportunity.

To associate a related site with an opportunity

1 Navigate to the Opportunities screen, then the Opportunities List view.

2 Drill down on the name of the opportunity.

3 Click the Related Sites view tab.

4 In the Related Sites list, add a record.

5 In the Account field, select an account.

Associating a Partner with an

Opportunity in Siebel Communications
(End User)
The Opportunity Account field defines the primary account related to the opportunity. When
additional accounts are involved in an opportunity, end users add them to the opportunity as

For an account to appear in the list of partners, it must have a check mark for the Partner field in its
account form.

To associate a partner with an opportunity

1 Navigate to the Opportunities screen, then the Opportunities List view.

2 Drill down on the name of the opportunity.

3 Click the Partners view tab.

4 In the Partners list, add a record.

5 In the Add Partner dialog box that appears, select an account.

The dialog box lists only accounts that have the Partner field selected in the Accounts screen,
More Info view.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 15 3

Opportunities in Siebel Communications ■ Additional End-User Tasks for Opportunity
Management in Siebel Communications

Additional End-User Tasks for

Opportunity Management in Siebel
For more information about other tasks related to opportunities, see Siebel Applications
Administration Guide.

Account and Contact Creation

When adding a prospective customer to the database, end users often first create an account and
enter contact information. For more information about creating a customer account, see Chapter 3,
“Accounts in Siebel Communications.” For more information about entering a contact, see Chapter 5,
“Contacts in Siebel Communications.”

154 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

10 Billing in Siebel

This chapter describes the procedures for handling customer inquiries about their invoices. It
includes the following topics:

■ “About Billing in Siebel Communications” on page 155

■ “Scenario for Using Billing in Siebel Communications” on page 156

■ “Generating Credit, Fraud, and Usage Information in Siebel Communications” on page 158

■ “Setting Up the Invoice Image Feature in Siebel Communications” on page 159

■ “About Accessing or Updating Billing Information in Siebel Communications” on page 161

■ “Process of Accessing or Updating Billing Information in Siebel Communications (End User)” on

page 163

■ “Process of Entering Payment Against an Outstanding Balance in Siebel Communications (End User)”
on page 172

■ “Viewing Usage Details in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 176

■ “Viewing Unbilled Charges in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 176

■ “Process of Creating Adjustments in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 177

■ “Process of Making Payment Arrangements in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 187

■ “Requesting a Duplicate Invoice in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 190

■ “Updating a Billing Profile in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 190

■ “Additional End-User Tasks for Billing Management” on page 191

About Billing in Siebel Communications

The procedures described in this chapter are usually performed by customer service representatives
(CSRs). Using Siebel Communications, CSRs can retrieve past invoices, current unbilled charges, and
other invoice details. CSRs can also arrange payment plans, record payments against an outstanding
balance, or request adjustments to the customer’s records in the event of an incorrect bill.

Administrators involved with billing benefit from reading this chapter. It describes how your CSRs
access billing information and update billing accounts. After becoming familiar with the end-user
procedures, you can customize the software to fit your company’s needs.

Billing processes are integrated with an external billing application that Siebel Communications
accesses to retrieve information, such as the customer’s last statement. That information is stored
temporarily in Siebel database tables.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 15 5

Billing in Siebel Communications ■ Scenario for Using Billing in Siebel Communications

Performance of the billing screens depends on both the configuration and speed of retrieval from the
external billing application. Configurators can set up Siebel Communications so that all messages are
sent and received from the back-office application in real-time or batch mode. The results of these
messages can also be stored in Siebel Communications database tables, allowing CSRs to resolve
them in real-time.

Your company is responsible for performing the integration of Siebel Communications with billing
applications. For more information, see Overview: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration. For
information about setting up profiles that are used to run credit ratings, record billing preferences,
or store tax exemption information, see “Profiles in Siebel Communications” on page 91.

Scenario for Using Billing in Siebel

This topic gives one example of how billing might be used. You might use billing differently,
depending on your business model.

A CSR at a telecommunications company receives a call from a business customer. The customer has
just received his December invoice for mobile services and believes that his company was
overcharged for international phone calls.

The CSR verifies the caller's identity and then accesses the customer's billing information, primarily
maintained in an external billing system. With the Siebel front-office system, the CSR can access
billing information as if it were stored locally.

The customer has a specific question about various international calls in his December invoice. The
CSR looks at a list of recent invoices and finds the December statement. She brings up an image of
the invoice and notices that the customer has been charged $300 for international calls.

The CSR wants to discuss the individual international calls to confirm the company made these calls.
She first retrieves the customer's billing details information for the December billing period. She then
sorts the calls by rate plan (that is, international) and informs the customer that all calls were made
to the same number in Frankfurt, Germany. She also checks to see the other invoices for other
months, and sees if this international calling pattern is consistent. It is not. The customer realizes
that an employee has been making calls without the customer's knowledge.

The CSR mentions to him that he can request a block placed on his account for all international calls
by creating a fraud profile for his account. The customer asks to check his calls for the current month
to make sure that there will not be unexpected surprises in the next month's invoice. The CSR
reviews the unbilled charges and reports that there are no unusual charges.

While looking at the invoice details, however, she notices that the customer is being charged a city
tax, from which his company is exempt. The customer has been paying this amount for the last few
months. To reimburse him for the error, she can enter an adjustment request against either the entire
invoice or specifically against a line item in that invoice. She decides to associate the request with
the invoice line item in this case.

She enters the amount of the tax and explains the reason for the request. She then submits the
adjustment for processing by the external billing application. If it is accepted, then this adjustment
amount is credited immediately to the balance of the account of the customer and is printed on the
customer’s next invoice.

156 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Billing in Siebel Communications ■ Scenario for Using Billing in Siebel Communications

Before she forgets, she accesses the customer's exemption profile and makes a note that he is
exempt from city tax, so that he is not incorrectly charged in the future.

The customer also wants to pay his outstanding balance. The CSR finds the most recent invoice,
which is for the month of January. She creates a payment against the invoice, enters the customer's
credit card information, and submits the payment for processing by the external billing application.

Before hanging up, the customer has one last request. He wants to start receiving invoices by email.
The CSR goes to his billing profile, selects the appropriate Bill Media, and enters his email address.
The customer thanks him for his time and hangs up.

After lunch, the CSR receives a phone call from another customer, who needs to arrange a payment
plan. His recent invoice was considerably higher than normal, so he wants to spread out the payment
over the next three months. After the CSR verifies that his credit is still good, she enters the payment
arrangement request and notes the special circumstances. The external billing application processes
the request and approves it in a few moments. The CSR informs the customer that his request has
been accepted and that he can see that additional amount in the next three invoices.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 15 7

Billing in Siebel Communications ■ Generating Credit, Fraud, and Usage Information in
Siebel Communications

Figure 14 summarizes the sequence of procedures an end user might use to update billing
information in Siebel Communications:

Figure 14. Example of Sequence for Billing

Generating Credit, Fraud, and Usage

Information in Siebel Communications
Siebel Communications contains a view for administrators that simulates an external billing
application. From that view, you can create credit, fraud, and usage details for a billing account. End
users do not have access to the view.

CAUTION: Siebel Communications billing administration views are part of the Billing Management
option. Exclusively for testing purposes, these views are used to simulate an external billing
application and therefore must not be used in a production environment. For this reason, they are
not part of release documentation.

158 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Billing in Siebel Communications ■ Setting Up the Invoice Image Feature in Siebel

To generate credit, fraud, and usage information

1 Navigate to the Billing Data Administration screen, then the Billing view.

2 In the Billing Accounts list, drill down on the name of the account.

3 Click the Credit Alerts, Fraud Alerts, or Usage Detail view tabs.

4 In the appropriate list, add a record, and complete the necessary fields.

Setting Up the Invoice Image Feature in

Siebel Communications
In the Siebel application, end users can view the image of a customer’s bill from the external billing
application, if the administrator sets up this feature.

Bill Statement Host

When end users click the Invoice Image view tab of the Invoices screen, the invoice image that
appears comes from the Bill Statement host. This image is not stored in the Siebel application.
Complete the procedure in this topic to set up the integration between the Bill Statement host and
the Siebel application.

To configure the integration with the Bill Statement host

1 Navigate to the Administration - Integration screen, then the WI Symbolic URL List view.

2 In the Host Administration list, select the host with a value of BillStatementHost in the Virtual
Name field.

3 In the Name field for this host, enter the name of your invoice host.

4 From the Show drop-down list, select Symbolic URL Administration.

5 In the Symbolic URL list, complete the following steps:

a Select the record with a value of BillStatement in the Name field.

NOTE: BillStatement is the name of the control defined in Siebel Tools. For more information,
see Using Siebel Tools.

b For this record, complete the fields in the following table.

Field Comments

URL Type the URL in which the bill image appears.

Host Name Select the name of the invoice host that you enter in Step 3.

Fixup Name Select the fix up name. A value of InsideApplet displays the image in the
current applet. A value of OutsideApplication displays the image in a new
pop-up window.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 15 9

Billing in Siebel Communications ■ Setting Up the Invoice Image Feature in Siebel

6 Restart the application.

The invoice image is now obtained from the Bill Statement URL.

Web Center Content Host

When end users click the View Invoice button in the Bills view tab of the Billing Profile screen, the
invoice image that appears comes from the Web Center Content (WCC) host. This image is not stored
in the Siebel application. Complete the procedure in this topic to set up the integration between the
WCC host and the Siebel application.

To configure the integration with the Web Center Content host

1 Navigate to the Administration - Integration screen, then the WI Symbolic URL List view.

2 In the Host Administration list, select the host with a value of wccserver in the Virtual Name field.

3 In the Name field for this host, enter the name of your invoice host.

4 From the Show drop-down list, select Symbolic URL Administration.

5 In the Symbolic URL list, complete the following steps:

a Select the record with a value of WCC Invoice Popup Applet in the Name field.

NOTE: WCC Invoice Popup Applet is the name of the control defined in Siebel Tools. For more
information, see Using Siebel Tools.

b For this record, complete the fields in the following table.

Field Comments

URL Type the URL in which the bill image appears.

Host Name Select the name of the invoice host that you enter in Step 3.

c Change the values for the records in the Symbolic URL Arguments list to accommodate your WCC

For example, if the user ID and password for the WCC host are the same as the user ID and
password for the Siebel application, then change the Argument Value field from UserLoginid
to UserSiebelLoginid for the record with a value of j_username in the Name field, and change
the Argument Value field from UserLoginPassword to UserSiebelLoginPassword for the record
with a value of j_password in the Name field.

If the user ID and password for the WCC host are different from the user ID and password
for the Siebel application, then complete Step 6.

d Repeat Step a through Step c for the record with a value of WCC Invoice Popup Applet_Demo in
the Name field.

6 If the user ID and password for the WCC host are different from the user ID and password for
the Siebel application, then complete the following steps so that end users do not have to enter
these credentials a second time:

160 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Billing in Siebel Communications ■ About Accessing or Updating Billing Information in
Siebel Communications

a Navigate to the Administration - Integration screen, then the SSO Systems Admin List view.

b In the SSO Systems Administration list, add a record, and complete the fields in the following

Field Comments

System Name Type WCC Invoice URL.

Symbolic URL Name Select WCC Invoice Popup Applet or WCC Invoice Popup

Description Type WCC URL Credentials

c In the SSO System Users list, add a record, and complete the fields in the following table.

Field Comments

Siebel Login Name Select the user ID for the Siebel application.

Login Name Type the WCC user ID.

Password Type the WCC password.

7 Restart the application.

The invoice image is now obtained from the WCC URL.

About Accessing or Updating Billing

Information in Siebel Communications
Siebel Communications allows end users to access the same invoice information through different
views. By selecting one view or another, end users can find the information most relevant to them,
according to the procedure they want to perform at that moment.

Most views allow end users to record interactions with a customer and to update the customer’s
information. The functionality available to end users depends on the end user access rights. From
these views, end users can access information about billing, such as the account balance, invoice
history, payment history, and adjustment history.

NOTE: The procedures described in this chapter contain the most frequently used method for
performing each task, including the view to access, but other methods might exist.

End-User Views
The end-user views follow:

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 16 1

Billing in Siebel Communications ■ About Accessing or Updating Billing Information in
Siebel Communications

■ Billing Portal view (call center agent). The Billing Portal view summarizes the billing
information that a call center agent most likely needs to review while talking to a customer. It
also makes it easy for call center agents to handle the most common transactions associated with

The Billing Portal view serves as a starting point for most customer inquiries. Among other tasks,
the Billing Portal views allow call center agents to complete the following tasks:

■ Review the account status, such as the balance, delinquency information, and pending
financial transactions (credit and debit) that have not yet been applied to the balance.

■ View the most recent invoices of a customer and access detailed information about an

■ View the history of payments and adjustments.

This history is useful if customers claim that they have already made a payment and that the
balance is not correct.

■ Access the usage history of different services that the customer has so that unexpected hikes
can be explained to the customer.

■ Begin transactions, such as recording payments or adjusting balances.

Table 13 describes the information available in the Billing Portal view.

Table 13. Billing Portal View

Views Description

Account Displays account information that corresponds to the Accounts screen, More
Info view. End users can edit this information.

Account Balance Displays balance information for the account. Retrieves this information
from an external billing application. Information is read-only.

Pay button. Navigates to the Invoices screen, Payments view, in which a

payment has been created to settle the entire account balance.

Refresh button. Updates the information with the most current data.

Invoice History Displays information from the Invoices screen. Information is read-only.

Invoice # hyperlink. Navigates to the Invoices screen, Line Items view.

Payment History Displays the payment history for the account. Information is read-only.

Payment # hyperlink. Navigates to the Invoices screen, Payments More

Info view, Invoices subview, in which they record payments.

162 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Billing in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Accessing or Updating Billing Information
in Siebel Communications (End User)

Table 13. Billing Portal View

Views Description

Adjustment Displays a subset of the information from the Invoices screen, Adjustment
History Requests view. Information is read-only.

Request # hyperlink. Navigates to the Adjustment Requests view, Line

Items subview.

Additional Info Billing Profile hyperlink. Navigates to the Accounts screen, Profiles view,
Billing Profile form.

Usage Detail hyperlink. Navigates to the Accounts More Info form, Usage
Detail view.

Unbilled Charges hyperlink. Navigates to the Account More Info form,

Unbilled Charges view.

■ Invoices views (call center agent). The Invoices views allow call center agents to view all bill
details. These views are generally accessed to reply to customer complaints regarding a specific
charge on the bill. The Invoices views also allow call center agents to start transactions, such as
adjusting an invoice, recording a payment against the invoice, requesting a bill duplicate.

Time Zones in Date-Time Fields

The search functions of the Billing Profile views include Start Date and End Date fields, which are
used to search the billing information using date range criteria. In these fields, end users can select
a date and time, and can also select the time zone.

The Start Date and End Date fields of the Billing Profile screen are of UTC Date Time type, and send
the values selected by users in UTC format (ISO Standard). The UTCCanonical user property, when
set to Y, enables the feature that converts the date and time values to UTC format.

Process of Accessing or Updating Billing

Information in Siebel Communications
(End User)
To find and display billing information, perform the following tasks:

■ “Accessing Billing Information” on page 164

■ Viewing Balance Groups for a Billing Profile on page 165

■ Viewing Unbilled Services for a Billing Profile on page 166

■ Viewing Bills for a Billing Profile on page 167

■ Viewing Payments for a Billing Profile on page 167

■ Viewing Adjustments for a Billing Profile on page 168

■ Viewing Account Balances for Nonpaying Accounts on page 168

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 16 3

Billing in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Accessing or Updating Billing Information
in Siebel Communications (End User)

■ “Viewing Invoices” on page 169

Accessing Billing Information

To resolve customer inquiries, end users first find the billing account. In this account, they generally
record payments. For most other transactions, end users record information at the invoice level.

End users can access the most recent invoice or retrieve past invoices. They can view invoice details,
such as line items, after selecting the invoice. In addition, they can view the image of an already-
sent invoice bill in HTML format.

End users can navigate to the billing profile portal to view details about a billing profile. These details
include balance groups, unbilled usage, bills, payments, and adjustments. You can return to the
billing profile portal from the views accessed through the portal by clicking the Billing Profile link at
the top of the view.

NOTE: Some customers have a consolidated billing account for a number of service items. Siebel
Communications allows end users to view charges associated with a billing account, service account,
or parent account. For more information about accounts and subaccounts, see Chapter 3, “Accounts
in Siebel Communications.”

To access billing information through the Billing Portal view, follow this procedure.

This task is a step in “Process of Accessing or Updating Billing Information in Siebel Communications
(End User)” on page 163.

To access the billing profile portal

1 Navigate to the Accounts screen, then the Accounts List view.

2 In the Accounts list, click the Name field for the account.

3 In the Account Summary view, do one of the following:

■ Scroll to the Billing Profile list, and click the link in the Name field of the appropriate billing
The service account is set to the paying account. The Profile Portal view shows all ordered
usage of the assets of the paying account, along with rolled-up amounts for usage by
nonpaying child accounts of the paying account, if any, for that billing profile.

■ Scroll to the Installed Assets list, and click the link in the Billing Profile field of the appropriate

The service account is set to the paying account. The Profile Portal view shows all ordered
usage of the assets of the paying account, along with rolled-up amounts for usage by
nonpaying child accounts of the paying account, if any, for that billing profile.

164 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Billing in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Accessing or Updating Billing Information
in Siebel Communications (End User)

■ Scroll to the Billing Items list, and click the link in the Billing Profile field of the appropriate
billing item.

The service account is set to the account for which the current billing item was ordered, which
might be either a paying account or a nonpaying child account. Consequently, if you want to
display usage for the account currently displayed in the Account Summary view, then make
sure to drill down on the Billing Profile field of a billing item ordered for that current account.

❏ For a paying account, the Profile Portal view shows all ordered usage of the assets of the
paying account, along with rolled-up amounts for usage by nonpaying child accounts of
the paying account, if any, for that billing profile.

❏ For a nonpaying child account, the Profile Portal view shows all ordered usage of the
assets of the nonpaying child account only, for that billing profile.

The billing Profile Portal view displays forms for the billing profile details and the billing profile
balance summary. View tabs for Balance Group, Unbilled Usage, Bills, Payments, and
Adjustments appear below the forms. The Balance Group view tab displays a list of balance
groups for the billing profile. Except for the Adjustments view, these views use virtual business
components to bring real-time data from the external Billing and Revenue Management

4 In the Balance Summary form, click Refresh to retrieve up-to-date data from the billing

Viewing Balance Groups for a Billing Profile

In a billing profile, end users can view balance groups. A balance group is a collection of resources
associated with one or more services within a bundle of services for an account. Examples of
resources include:

■ 1000 free minutes applicable to all the phone lines in a family plan.

■ 1 frequent flyer mile for each minute of time on any phone line in a family plan.

■ 3 MB of data to download at no charge.

■ 100 Short Message Services (SMS) applicable to mobile and wire line services.

A balance group can have a single currency balance and multiple noncurrency balances (for example,
the balance of unused phone minutes). Though customers are generally not aware of balance groups
in a bundle, they understand how resources are applicable to the services within a bundle.

This task is a step in “Process of Accessing or Updating Billing Information in Siebel Communications
(End User)” on page 163.

To view balance groups for a billing profile

1 Navigate to the Billing Profile portal.

For information on the billing profile, see “Accessing Billing Information.”

2 Click Refresh to retrieve up-to-date data from the billing application.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 16 5

Billing in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Accessing or Updating Billing Information
in Siebel Communications (End User)

3 To view the currency and noncurrency balances as well as the services for a group, select that
group in the Balance Group list and scroll down to the Balance list and to the Services list.

4 To view validity details for a balance, select that balance in the Balance listing.

The Balance Details list displays the validity details.

Viewing Unbilled Services for a Billing Profile

In a billing profile, end users can view the services that the customer used but that the company has
not yet billed. They can view unbilled service details such as item charges (for example, cycle forward
charges and usage charges), events (for example, phone call details), and noncurrency balance
totals for events (for example, the balance of unused phone minutes).

This task is a step in “Process of Accessing or Updating Billing Information in Siebel Communications
(End User)” on page 163.

To view unbilled services for a billing profile

1 Navigate to the Billing Profile portal.

For information on the billing profile, see “Accessing Billing Information.”

2 Click the Unbilled Usage view tab to display a list of service charges that the company has not
yet billed for the billing profile.

3 Click Refresh to retrieve up-to-date data from the billing application.

4 To see rolled-up totals of unbilled service charges for this account (and its nonpaying child
accounts, if any), view the fields of the Balance Summary form in the upper right of the view.

5 To view the item charges for a service charge, select that service charge from the Service
Charges list and scroll down to the Item Charges list.

6 To view the events for an item charge, click the Net Amount field for that item charge.

The Event Details list displays.

7 To find specific events in the Event Details list, click Search, enter search criteria, and click Go.

8 To view noncurrency balance totals for an event, select an event for which the Non-Currency check
box is selected, click View Detail, and scroll down to the Non-Currency Balance Impacts for Event list.

The Non-Currency Balance Impacts for Event list is populated with the noncurrency balance totals
for the event.

NOTE: If the Non-Currency check box is not selected, noncurrency balances are not available for
the event, and the View Detail button is disabled.

166 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Billing in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Accessing or Updating Billing Information
in Siebel Communications (End User)

Viewing Bills for a Billing Profile

In a billing profile, end users can view additional details for bills. They can view billed service details
such as item charges (for example, cycle forward charges and usage charges), events (for example,
phone call details), and noncurrency balance totals for events (for example, the balance of unused
phone minutes). They can also view payments and adjustment request items for bills. Adjustment
request items consist of adjustments, settlements, refunds, and write-off amounts.

This task is a step in “Process of Accessing or Updating Billing Information in Siebel Communications
(End User)” on page 163.

To view bills for a billing profile

1 Navigate to the Billing Profile portal.

For information on the billing profile, see “Accessing Billing Information.”

2 Click the Bills view tab to display a list of bills for the billing profile.

3 Click Refresh to retrieve up-to-date data from the billing application.

4 Click the Bill Number field for a bill that you want to view.

The Bill Details form for the bill displays and a list of service charges for that bill displays in the
Service Charges view tab.

5 To view a list of payments for the bill, click the Payments view tab.

6 To view a list of adjustment request items for the bill, click the A/R Items view tab.

7 To view the list of service charges for the bill, click the Service Charges view tab.

a To view the item charges for a service charge, select that service charge from the Service
Charges list and scroll down to the Item Charges list.
b To view the events for an item charge, click the Net Amount field for that item charge.

The Event Details list displays.

c To find specific events in the Event Details list, click Search, enter search criteria, and click Go.

d To view noncurrency balance totals for an event, select an event for which the Non-Currency
check box is selected, click View Detail, and scroll down to the Non-Currency Balance Impacts
for Event list.

The Non-Currency Balance Impacts for Event list is populated with the noncurrency balance
totals for the event.

NOTE: If the Non-Currency check box is not selected, noncurrency balances are not available
for the event, and the View Detail button is disabled.

Viewing Payments for a Billing Profile

In a billing profile, end users can view payments for the profile.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 16 7

Billing in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Accessing or Updating Billing Information
in Siebel Communications (End User)

This task is a step in “Process of Accessing or Updating Billing Information in Siebel Communications
(End User)” on page 163.

To view payments for a billing profile

1 Navigate to the Billing Profile portal.

For instructions, see “Accessing Billing Information” on page 164.

2 Click the Payments view tab to display a list of payments for the billing profile.

3 Click Refresh to retrieve up-to-date data from the billing application.

4 To find specific payments in the Payments list, click Search, enter search criteria, and click Go.

Viewing Adjustments for a Billing Profile

In a billing profile, end users can view adjustments for the profile.

This task is a step in “Process of Accessing or Updating Billing Information in Siebel Communications
(End User)” on page 163.

To view adjustments for a billing profile

1 Navigate to the Billing Profile portal.

For instructions, see “Accessing Billing Information” on page 164.

2 Click the Adjustments view tab to display a list of adjustment requests for the billing profile and
scroll down to the Line Items list.

3 To view the line items for an adjustment request, select that adjustment request in the
Adjustment Requests list.

Viewing Account Balances for Nonpaying Accounts

In the case where the billing account of an asset is different from the service account of the asset,
the integration creates a hierarchy in the external Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue
Management application to represent the relationship. The service account is modeled as the
nonpaying child account of the billing account. To view the balance of a service account that is the
nonpaying child account of a billing account, follow the procedures in this topic.

To look up the balance of a nonpaying service account at the request of the user of that account,
follow this procedure.

This task is a step in “Process of Accessing or Updating Billing Information in Siebel Communications
(End User)” on page 163.

168 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Billing in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Accessing or Updating Billing Information
in Siebel Communications (End User)

To look up the balance of a nonpaying service account for the user

1 Navigate to the Accounts screen, then the Accounts List view.

2 Find the account whose nonpaying service account balance you want to view.

3 Drill down on the Name field.

4 Click the Account Summary view tab.

5 In the Installed Assets list, locate the service for which you want to retrieve the balance.

6 Drill down on the Billing Profile field.

The Billing Profile screen, Balance Group view appears. The integration retrieves the billing
profile of the nonpaying service account and displays it in this view.

7 To view the bills associated with the displayed nonpaying service account, click the Bills view tab.

To look up the balance of a nonpaying service account at the request of the payer of that account,
follow this procedure.

This task is a step in “Process of Accessing or Updating Billing Information in Siebel Communications
(End User)” on page 163.

To look up the balance of a nonpaying service account from the paying account
1 Navigate to the Accounts screen, then the Accounts List view.

2 Find the paying account.

3 Drill down on the Name field.

4 Click the Account Summary view tab.

5 In the Billing Items list, locate the service for which you want to retrieve the balance.

6 Drill down on the Billing Profile field.

The Billing Profile Summary screen displays the billing details of the selected service account.
The Service Account field in the Billing Profile form is set to the service account of the service,
and the billing information corresponds to the combination of the billing profile and the service

Viewing Invoices
Use the procedures in this topic to access and view billing information in invoices.

This task is a step in “Process of Accessing or Updating Billing Information in Siebel Communications
(End User)” on page 163.

Accessing Invoice Views

To access billing information through the Invoices view, follow this procedure.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 16 9

Billing in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Accessing or Updating Billing Information
in Siebel Communications (End User)

To access the Invoice views

1 Navigate to the Invoices screen.

2 In the Show drop-down list, select All External Invoices.

The Invoices list displays the bills that are generated by an external application. The information
in the Invoices list (header information) is generally stored in the Siebel database. However, due
to the large volume of data, it is not recommended that your company store the Invoice Line
Item information in the Siebel database, but instead access that data in real time through

NOTE: When you select All Invoices from the Show drop-down list, the Invoices list displays all
invoices, including external invoices.

3 In the Invoices list, perform a query in the Bill To Account field for the account name.

The Invoices list displays all invoices for that account, sorted by invoice number.

4 In the Invoices list, drill down on the invoice number of the invoice you want to view.

5 Click a view tab to access specific information for that invoice.

Viewing Invoice Line Items

To view line items for an invoice, follow this procedure.

To view invoice line items

1 Navigate to the Invoices screen.

2 In the Show drop-down list, select All External Invoices.

3 In the Invoices list, drill down on the invoice number of the invoice.

The Invoices form appears with the Line Items list beneath it.

Viewing Invoice Images From the Invoices Screen

To view the image of an invoice from the Invoices screen, follow this procedure.

To view the image of an invoice from the Invoices screen

1 Navigate to the Invoices screen.

2 In the Show drop-down list, select All External Invoices.

3 In the Invoices list, drill down on the invoice number of the invoice.

4 Click the Invoice Image view tab.

The invoice image appears in the Invoice Image view if the administrator sets up the integration
between the Bill Statement host and the Siebel application. For more information, see “Setting
Up the Invoice Image Feature in Siebel Communications” on page 159.

170 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Billing in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Accessing or Updating Billing Information
in Siebel Communications (End User)

Viewing Invoice Images From a Billing Profile

To view the image of an invoice from a billing profile, follow this procedure.

To view the image of an invoice from a billing profile

1 Navigate to the Billing Profile portal.

For information on the billing profile, see “Accessing Billing Information” on page 164.

2 Click the Bills view tab to display a list of bills for the billing profile.

3 Click Refresh to retrieve up-to-date data from the billing application.

4 In the Bills list, select the record for the invoice image that you want to view, and click View

If the user ID and password for the Web Center Content (WCC) host are the same as the user
ID and password for the Siebel application, then the invoice image appears in a separate dialog
box if the administrator sets up the integration between the WCC host and the Siebel application.
For more information, see “Setting Up the Invoice Image Feature in Siebel Communications” on
page 159.

5 If the user ID and password for the WCC host are different from the user ID and password for
the Siebel application, then you must complete the following steps to view the invoice image:

a In the dialog box that appears, enter your login credentials, and click Sign In.

b Close this dialog box.

c In the Bills list, click View Invoice again.

The invoice image appears in a separate dialog box.

6 If you want to view another invoice image, then select the record for that invoice image in the
Bills list, and click View Invoice again.

For the high-interactivity client, the invoice image appears in a second dialog box. For the Open
UI client, the second invoice image replaces the invoice image in the first dialog box.

Viewing Invoice History

To view the invoice history, follow this procedure.

To view the invoice history

1 Navigate to the Accounts screen, then the Accounts List view.

2 Drill down on the name of the account.

3 Click the Billing Portal view tab.

The Invoice History list displays the most current records for the invoice. If the information does
not appear in the Invoice History list, then perform a query to access the correct records.

4 Drill down on the invoice number of the invoice.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 17 1

Billing in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Entering Payment Against an Outstanding
Balance in Siebel Communications (End User)

5 In the Line Items list, click the view tab for the information you want to view.

Process of Entering Payment Against an

Outstanding Balance in Siebel
Communications (End User)
End users can enter a payment for a customer at the account level, the profile level, or the invoice
level, according to the accounting application used at their company.

To record and monitor bill payments, perform the following tasks:

■ “Recording Account-Level Payments” on page 172

■ “Recording Invoice-Level Payments” on page 173

■ “Recording Profile-Level Payments” on page 174

■ “Viewing Billing Payment History” on page 176

Recording Account-Level Payments

To associate the payment against the account when the company’s accounting method applies the
payment against the account balance (Balance Forward), perform this task.

This task is a step in “Process of Entering Payment Against an Outstanding Balance in Siebel
Communications (End User)” on page 172.

To record a payment at the account level

1 Navigate to the Accounts screen, then the Accounts List view.

2 Drill down on the name of the account.

3 Click the Billing Portal view tab.

4 In the Account Balance form, click Pay.

The Payments list appears with the account information for the new record.

5 In the field, select a method for payment.

6 In the Payments list, complete the necessary fields.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Payment # Displays a payment number that is automatically generated.

Payment Date Displays a payment date that is automatically generated.

172 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Billing in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Entering Payment Against an Outstanding
Balance in Siebel Communications (End User)

Field Comments

Payment Displays the payment amount by using the account and account balance. The
Amount Status field must be Open to enter the amount. Otherwise, this field is read-

Status Displays a status value of Open. You can change this value to a value other
than Submitted.

7 In the More Info form, complete additional fields, if necessary.

The available fields depend on the Payment Method selection you make as follows:

■ EFT. Deducts payment from the customer’s bank account.

Field Comments

Bank Account # Type the customer’s bank account number.

Account Holder Type the name under which the customer’s bank account is
Name registered.

Bank Branch Type the reference number of the specific branch of the customer’s

■ Credit Card. Charges payment to the customer’s credit card.

■ Reference. Captures payment details at a third-party location, such as post offices or banks.

Field Comments

Location Type the location where the payment is made.

Reference # Type the reference number of the payment.

8 Click Submit.

Recording Invoice-Level Payments

You can associate the payment against one or more invoices when the company’s accounting method
applies the payment against the bill balance (Open Item).

This task is a step in “Process of Entering Payment Against an Outstanding Balance in Siebel
Communications (End User)” on page 172.

Recording Payments for One Invoice

To record a payment against one invoice, follow this procedure.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 17 3

Billing in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Entering Payment Against an Outstanding
Balance in Siebel Communications (End User)

To record a payment against one invoice

1 Navigate to the Invoices screen.

2 From the Show drop-down list, select All External Invoices.

3 In the Invoices list, click Pay.

A new record is created with the payment number, amount, date, and status already populated.

4 Complete Step 5 and the remaining steps of “Recording Account-Level Payments” on page 172.

Recording Payments for Multiple Invoices

To record a payment against multiple invoices, follow this procedure.

NOTE: You can also begin this procedure from the Billing Portal view. For information, see Table 13
on page 162.

To record a payment against multiple invoices

1 Navigate to the Accounts screen, then the Accounts List view.

2 Drill down on the name of the account.

3 Click the Payments view tab.

4 In the Payments list, add a payment.

5 Drill down on the payment number of the payment.

The CME Payments view of the Payments screen appears with the Payment Detail form beneath

6 In the Payments list, drill down on the payment number of the payment again.

7 In the Invoices list, enter the amount that you want to apply to each invoice in the Payment
Amount field.

8 In the Payment Detail form, enter the total amount.

Recording Profile-Level Payments

End users can enter payments for a billing profile or for a bill in that billing profile. When they enter
a payment for a billing profile, the billing application applies that payment to the outstanding bills
for the billing profile according to business logic in the billing application. To enter payments for a
billing profile, complete the steps in the following procedure.

This task is a step in “Process of Entering Payment Against an Outstanding Balance in Siebel
Communications (End User)” on page 172.

174 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Billing in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Entering Payment Against an Outstanding
Balance in Siebel Communications (End User)

To enter payments for a billing profile

1 Navigate to the Billing Profile portal.

For information on accessing billing profiles, see “Accessing Billing Information.”

2 Click the Payments view tab to display a list of payments for the billing profile.

3 Click New to add a new payment.

The Capture New Payment dialog box displays.

4 Enter an amount in the Payment Amount field, and select the One-Time Payment check box.

5 Select a method of payment in the Payment Method field:

■ If you select Credit Card, enter details in the Credit Card area of the screen.

■ If you select Automatic Debit, enter details in the Bank Account area of the screen.

6 Click Submit to submit the payment to the billing application.

A payment confirmation number displays. When the billing application processes the payment,
the payment is included in the payments list.

When end users enter a payment for a bill, the billing application applies that payment to the bill. To
enter payments for a bill, complete the steps in the following procedure.

To enter payments for a bill through a billing profile

1 Navigate to the Billing Profile portal.

For information on accessing billing profiles, see “Accessing Billing Information.”

2 Click the Bills view tab to display a list of bills for the billing profile.

3 Click the Bill Number field for the bill that you want to pay.

4 Click the Payments view tab to display a list of payments for the bill.

5 Click New to add a new payment.

The Capture New Payment dialog box displays.

6 Enter an amount in the Payment Amount field, and select the One-Time Payment check box.

7 Select a method of payment in the Payment Method field:

■ If you select Credit Card, enter details in the Credit Card area of the screen.

■ If you select Automatic Debit, enter details in the Bank Account area of the screen.

8 Click Submit to submit the payment to the billing application.

A payment confirmation number displays. When the billing application processes the payment,
the payment is included in the payments list.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 17 5

Billing in Siebel Communications ■ Viewing Usage Details in Siebel Communications (End

Viewing Billing Payment History

You can view a history of bill payments by account.

This task is a step in “Process of Entering Payment Against an Outstanding Balance in Siebel
Communications (End User)” on page 172.

To view billing payment history

1 Navigate to the Accounts screen, then the Accounts List view.

2 Drill down on the name of the account.

3 Click the Billing Portal view tab.

The Payment History list displays the most current records for the account.

Viewing Usage Details in Siebel

Communications (End User)
End users can view usage details for an invoice.

To view usage details

1 Navigate to the Accounts screen, then the Accounts List view.

2 Drill down on the name of the account.

3 Click the Billing Portal view tab.

4 Scroll down to the Additional Info list.

5 Drill down on the usage detail of a record.

The Usage Detail list appears with the Usage History list beneath it.

6 In the Usage History list, select the data you want to view from the drop-down list.

Viewing Unbilled Charges in Siebel

Communications (End User)
End users can view unbilled charges for an account. The total of all unbilled charges appears in the
Billing Portal view, but for a breakdown of the charges, end users can follow this procedure.

NOTE: You can also begin this procedure from the Billing Portal view. For information, see Table 13
on page 162.

To view unbilled charges

1 Navigate to the Accounts screen, then the Accounts List view.

176 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Billing in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Creating Adjustments in Siebel
Communications (End User)

2 Drill down on the name of the account.

3 Click the Unbilled Charges view tab.

The Unbilled Charges view displays the charges incurred since the last invoice.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Next Invoice Date Displays the date the next statement is generated.

Recurring Charges Displays the recurring charges for the current period.

NonRecurrng Charges Displays the nonrecurring charges for the current period.

Surcharges Displays the taxes and surcharges for the current period.

Total Charges Displays the total unbilled charges for the current period. The
formula follows: Recurring charges plus nonrecurring charges plus
surcharges equal to total charges.

Process of Creating Adjustments in

Siebel Communications (End User)
End users must sometimes adjust customer bills for various reasons, such as to apply credit to
compensate for an overcharge. For more information about integrating the billing component with
an external billing application, see Chapter 15, “Defining Integration Workflows for Siebel

To create an adjustment, perform the following tasks:

1 Requesting an adjustment by initiating one of the following tasks:

■ “Requesting an Adjustment to an Invoice” on page 177

■ “Creating Adjustments for Bills” on page 178

2 “Viewing an Adjustment Request Outcome” on page 186

3 “Recording a Customer’s Decision About Adjustment Outcome Terms” on page 187

Requesting an Adjustment to an Invoice

End users can associate the adjustment request with the entire invoice or with a specific line item in
the invoice. Because the billing component is integrated with an external billing application, an
adjustment request is sent to the external billing application, which processes the request.

NOTE: End users can also begin this procedure from the Billing Portal view. For information, see
Table 13 on page 162.

This task is a step in “Process of Creating Adjustments in Siebel Communications (End User)” on
page 177.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 17 7

Billing in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Creating Adjustments in Siebel
Communications (End User)

Requesting Adjustments for Entire Invoices

To request an adjustment to an entire invoice, follow this procedure.

To request an adjustment to an entire invoice

1 Navigate to the Invoices screen.

2 From the Show drop-down list, select All External Invoices.

3 In the Invoices list, drill down on the invoice number of the invoice.

4 Click the More Info view tab.

5 On the Invoices form, click Adjust.

The Adjustment Request form appears with some fields populated.

6 Complete any necessary information, such as the reason for the adjustment, and click Submit.

The request is processed, and the fields are populated with the results.

Requesting Adjustments for Invoice Line Items

To request an adjustment to a line item in an invoice, follow this procedure.

To request an adjustment to an invoice line item

1 Navigate to the Invoices screen.

2 From the Show drop-down list, select All External Invoices.

3 In the Invoices list, drill down on the invoice number of the invoice.

4 Click the Line Items view tab.

The Adjustment Request form appears with the Line Items list beneath it. The Status fields
default to Open and the Type fields default to Credit. The list displays a history of adjustment

5 Select the line item you want to adjust, and click Adjust.

A new record is created with some fields populated.

6 Complete any necessary information, such as the reason for the adjustment, and click Submit.

The request is processed, and the fields are populated with the results.

Creating Adjustments for Bills

End users can create adjustments for bills. Requested adjustments that are approved are reflected
on the next bill that the customer receives. You can adjust only a single bill and not multiple bills at
a time. You can enter adjustments for an entire bill, for selected item charges on a bill, for selected
events associated with an item charge, and for a balance total associated with a selected event.

178 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Billing in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Creating Adjustments in Siebel
Communications (End User)

The level of your selection in the bill detail determines the invoice lines that display when you create
adjustments. For example, if you select an entire bill, no invoice lines display. If you select item
charges for usage charges and balance forward charges on a bill, an invoice line for usage charges
displays, and an invoice line for balance forward charges displays. If you select two phone call events
for a usage item charge, an invoice line displays for each of the two phone calls. If you select a
balance total for an event, a single invoice line displays for that balance total.

This task is a step in “Process of Creating Adjustments in Siebel Communications (End User)” on
page 177.

To create adjustments for an entire bill, complete the steps in the following procedure.

To create adjustments for an entire bill

1 Navigate to the Billing Profile portal.

For information on billing profiles, see “Accessing Billing Information.”

2 Click the Bills view tab to display a list of bills for the billing profile.

3 Click the Bill Number field for the bill that you want to adjust.

The Bill Details form for the bill displays and a list of service charges for that bill displays in the
Service Charges view tab.

4 Click Adjust in the Bill Details form.

The Billing Adjustments screen displays showing the form to create an adjustment request with
some fields populated and showing the Line Items view tab with no invoice lines.

5 Enter adjustment details in the fields for the form.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Status Status of the adjustment. The value in this field is automatically

changed when the billing application processes the adjustment.

Status Description Read only. Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management
populates this field with a reason for an adjustment not being posted,
if such a case arises.

Request Amount Amount for which you want to adjust the bill. Defaults to 0.

Approved Amount Read only. Amount approved for the adjustment to the bill. Defaults
to 0. After you click Submit and the billing application processes the
adjustment request, the portion of the Request Amount that the billing
application approves appears in this field.

Customer Decision The customer’s decision to accept or reject the adjustment.

Adjustment Type Type of adjustment; for example, Credit, Cash, or Debit.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 17 9

Billing in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Creating Adjustments in Siebel
Communications (End User)

Field Comments

Reason for Request Reason for the adjustment request; for example, Billing Error, Partner
Code, Special Credit, or Other.

Approval Date Read only. Date on which the billing application approves the
adjustment. You cannot enter data in this field.

Comments If necessary, enter additional comments about the adjustment


Request Percentage Percentage by which you want to adjust the bill. If the Request
Amount field contains a value, do not enter a percentage in this field.

Approved Percentage Read only. Portion of the Request Percentage that the billing
application approves. After you click Submit and the billing application
processes the adjustment request, the percentage of the Request
Amount that the billing application approves appears in this field.

6 Click Submit to submit the adjustment to the billing application.

The adjustment record becomes read-only, and its Status changes to Submitted. When the
response message comes back from the external billing application, it updates the Status to
either Posted (indicating that the adjustment succeeded) or Not Posted (indicating that the
adjustment failed).

To create adjustments for the item charges on a bill, complete the steps in the following procedure.

To create adjustments for item charges on a bill

1 Navigate to the Billing Profile portal.

For information on billing profiles, see “Accessing Billing Information.”

2 Click the Bills view tab to display a list of bills for the billing profile.
3 Click the Bill Number field for the bill that you want to adjust.

The Bill Details form for the bill displays and a list of service charges for that bill displays in the
Service Charges view tab.

4 Select the appropriate service charge from the Service Charges list and scroll down to the Item
Charges list.

5 Select the item charges and click Adjust in the Item Charges list.

The Billing Adjustments screen displays showing the form to create an adjustment request with
some fields populated and showing the Line Items view tab with invoice lines for the item charges
that you select.

NOTE: You can delete existing line items, but you cannot add more line items.

180 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Billing in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Creating Adjustments in Siebel
Communications (End User)

6 Enter adjustment details in the fields for invoice line items.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Original Amount The original amount of the item charge. This field is automatically
populated with the amount in the Charge field in the Item Charges list.
You cannot change this amount.

Request Amount Amount for which you want to adjust the bill. Defaults to 0.

Approved Amount Read only. Amount approved for the adjustment to the bill. Defaults
to 0. After you click Submit and the billing application processes the
adjustment request, the portion of the Request Amount that the billing
application approves appears in this field.

Request Description If necessary, enter additional comments about the adjustment


Status The status of the adjustment. The value in this field is automatically
changed when the billing application processes the adjustment.

Sub Status Read only. Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management
populates this field with additional information about the Adjustment
being posted or not posted.

Status Description Read only. Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management
populates this field with additional information about the Adjustment
being posted or not posted.

Adjustment Type The type of adjustment (for example, Credit, Cash, and Debit).

Reason The reason for the adjustment request (for example, Billing Error,
Partner Code, Special Credit, and Other).

7 Click Refresh Total to see the cumulative effect of the adjustment line items in the Request
Amount field of the form for the adjustment request.

8 Click Submit to submit the adjustment to the billing application.

The adjustment record becomes read-only, and its Status changes to Submitted. When the
response message comes back from the external billing application, it updates the Status to
either Posted (indicating that the adjustment succeeded) or Not Posted (indicating that the
adjustment failed).

To create adjustments for the events on a bill, complete the steps in the following procedure.

To create adjustments for events on a bill

1 Navigate to the Billing Profile portal.

For information on billing profiles, see “Accessing Billing Information.”

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 18 1

Billing in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Creating Adjustments in Siebel
Communications (End User)

2 Click the Bills view tab to display a list of bills for the billing profile.

3 Click the Bill Number field for the bill that you want to adjust.

The Bill Details form for the bill displays and a list of service charges for that bill displays in the
Service Charges view tab.

4 Select the appropriate service charge from the Service Charges list and scroll down to the Item
Charges list.

5 Click the Net Amount field for the appropriate item charge.

The Event Details list displays.

6 Select the events, and click Adjust in the Event Details list.

The Billing Adjustments screen displays showing the form to create an adjustment request with
some fields populated and showing the Line Items view tab with invoice lines for the events that
you select.

NOTE: You can delete existing line items, but you cannot add more line items.

7 Enter adjustment details in the fields for invoice line items.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Original Amount The original amount of the event. This field is automatically populated
with the amount in the Charge field in the Event Details list. You cannot
change this amount.

Request Amount Amount for which you want to adjust the bill. This field displays 0 (zero)
by default.

Approved Amount Read only. Amount approved for the adjustment to the bill. This field
displays 0 (zero) by default. After you click Submit and the billing
application processes the adjustment request, the portion of the
Request Amount that the billing application approves appears in this

Request Description If necessary, enter additional comments about the adjustment request.

Status The status of the adjustment. The value in this field is automatically
changed when the billing application processes the adjustment.

Adjustment Type The type of adjustment (for example, Credit, Cash, and Debit).

Reason The reason for the adjustment request (for example, Billing Error,
Partner Code, Special Credit, and Other).

8 Click Refresh Total to see the cumulative effect of the adjustment line items in the Request
Amount field of the form for the adjustment request.

182 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Billing in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Creating Adjustments in Siebel
Communications (End User)

9 Click Submit to submit the adjustment to the billing application.

The adjustment record becomes read-only, and its Status changes to Submitted. When the
response message comes back from the external billing application, it updates the Status to
either Posted (indicating that the adjustment succeeded) or Not Posted (indicating that the
adjustment failed).

To create adjustments for the balance totals that are associated with a bill, complete the steps in the
following procedure.

To create adjustments for balance totals associated with a bill

1 Navigate to the Billing Profile portal.

For instructions, see “Accessing Billing Information” on page 164.

2 Click the Bills view tab to display a list of bills for the billing profile.

3 Click the Bill Number field for the bill that you want to adjust.

The Bill Details form for the bill displays and a list of service charges for that bill displays in the
Service Charges view tab.

4 Select the appropriate service charge from the Service Charges list and scroll down to the Item
Charges list.

5 Click the Net Amount field for the appropriate item charge.

The Event Details list displays.

6 Select an event for which the Non-Currency check box is selected, click View Detail, and scroll
down to the Non-Currency Balance Impacts for Event list.

The Non-Currency Balance Impacts for Event list is populated with the noncurrency balance
totals for the event.

NOTE: If the Non-Currency check box is not selected, noncurrency balances are not available for
the event, and the View Detail button is disabled.

7 Select a balance and click Adjust in the Non-Currency Balance Impacts for Event list.

The Billing Adjustments screen displays showing the form to create an adjustment request with
some fields populated and showing the Line Items view tab with an invoice line for the
noncurrency balance total that you select.

NOTE: You can delete existing line items, but you cannot add more line items.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 18 3

Billing in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Creating Adjustments in Siebel
Communications (End User)

8 Enter adjustment details in the fields for the invoice line item.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Request Value The value by which you want to adjust the balance total. This field is
automatically populated with the value in the After AR Actions field in
the Non-Currency Balance Impacts for Event list, but you can change
this value. If you enter a percentage in the Request Percentage field,
you must clear this field.

Approved Value This field is automatically populated with the amount in the After A/R
Actions field in the Non-Currency Balance Impacts for Event list, and
you cannot enter data in this field. If you change the Request Value
field, this field displays the value in the Request Value field. After you
click the Submit button, and the billing application processes the
adjustment request, the portion of the request value that the billing
application approves displays in this field.

Request Description If necessary, enter additional comments about the adjustment


Status The status of the adjustment. The value in this field is automatically
changed when the billing application processes the adjustment.

Request Percentage The percentage by which you want to adjust the balance total. If the
Request Value field contains data, do not enter a percentage in this

Adjustment Type The type of adjustment (for example, Credit, Cash, and Debit).

Reason The reason for the adjustment request (for example, Billing Error,
Partner Code, Special Credit, and Other).

Approved Percentage The portion of the request percentage that the billing application
approves. You cannot enter data in this field. The billing application
processes the adjustment request after you click the Submit button.

9 Click Submit to submit the adjustment to the billing application.

The adjustment record becomes read-only, and its Status changes to Submitted. When the
response message comes back from the external billing application, it updates the Status to
either Posted (indicating that the adjustment succeeded) or Not Posted (indicating that the
adjustment failed).

Creating Adjustments for Unbilled Usage

You can create adjustments to charges for unbilled usage (for example, phone calls that have not
yet been added to a bill). For more information about unbilled charges, see “Viewing Unbilled Services
for a Billing Profile” on page 166. To create adjustments for unbilled usage, complete the steps of the
following procedure.

184 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Billing in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Creating Adjustments in Siebel
Communications (End User)

To create an adjustment for unbilled usage

1 Navigate to the Billing Profile portal.

For instructions, see “Accessing Billing Information” on page 164.

2 Click the Unbilled Usage view tab to display a list of service charges that the company has not
yet billed for the billing profile.

3 Click Refresh to retrieve up-to-date data from the billing application.

4 To view the item charges for a service charge, select that service charge from the Service
Charges list and scroll down to the Item Charges list.

5 To view the events for an item charge, click the Net Amount field for that item charge.

The Event Details list appears.

6 To find specific events in the Event Details list, click Search, enter search criteria, and click Go.

7 Select the event representing the unbilled usage to be adjusted, and click Adjust.

■ On the Invoice Adjustment view, Siebel Communications creates an invoice to track the
adjustment. The invoice contains the Bill Number.

■ In the Billing Profile Adjustments view, Siebel Communications creates a record for the
adjustment. This adjustment record likewise contains the Bill Number.

8 Click Submit to submit the adjustment to the billing application.

The adjustment record becomes read-only, and its Status changes to Submitted. When the
response message comes back from the external billing application, it updates the Status to
either Posted (indicating that the adjustment succeeded) or Not Posted (indicating that the
adjustment failed).

Creating Adjustments for Unbilled Usage for Child Accounts

To create an adjustment for unbilled usage for a nonpaying (child) account, complete the steps of
the following procedure.

To create an adjustment for unbilled usage for a child account

1 Navigate to the Account Summary view.

2 In the Installed Assets list, find the asset (for example, Mobile Service) associated with the child
account for which you want to create an adjustment for unbilled usage.

3 In the Installed Assets list, drill down on the Billing Profile.

Siebel Communications displays the Billing Profile screen, Balance Group view. The integration
retrieves and displays the billing profile of the nonpaying account.

4 Click the Unbilled Usage tab and review the service charges.

5 Click the Item charges to review the currency and noncurrency event details.

6 Select the event representing the unbilled usage to be adjusted, and click Adjust.

Siebel Communications displays the Invoice Adjustment view.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 18 5

Billing in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Creating Adjustments in Siebel
Communications (End User)

■ An invoice is created to track the adjustment. The invoice contains the Bill Number. (The
external Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management application tracks unbilled
events in the bill with a status of Open.)

■ A list item is created in the Billing Profile view’s Adjustments list. This list item likewise
includes the Bill Number.

7 Click Submit to submit the adjustment to the billing application.

The adjustment record becomes read-only, and its Status changes to Submitted. When the
response message comes back from the external billing application, it updates the Status to
either Posted (indicating that the adjustment succeeded) or Not Posted (indicating that the
adjustment failed).

Viewing an Adjustment Request Outcome

Typically, the account adjustments and payment arrangement plans are determined in the back
office, either manually or through an back-office application. The back-office application then sends
the outcome of the request to Siebel Communications.

End users can view the request outcome and the history of adjustment requests.

This task is a step in “Process of Creating Adjustments in Siebel Communications (End User)” on
page 177.

Viewing Outcomes of Adjustment Requests

To view the outcome of an adjustment request, follow this procedure.

To view the outcome of an adjustment request

1 Navigate to the Invoices screen.

2 From the Show drop-down list, select All External Invoices.

3 In the Invoices list, drill down on the invoice number of the invoice.

The Invoices form appears with the view tabs beneath it.

4 Click the Adjustment Requests view tab.

5 In the Adjustment Request list, review the Amount Approved field.

The fields in this list show the response of external billing application to the bill repayment plan
request. The Status field is updated automatically.

Viewing History of Adjustment Requests

To view the history of adjustment requests for an account, follow this procedure.

186 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Billing in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Making Payment Arrangements in Siebel
Communications (End User)

To view the history of adjustment requests

1 Navigate to the Accounts screen, then the Accounts List view.

2 Drill down on the name of the account.

3 Click the Adjustment Requests view tab.

The Adjustment Requests list displays all of the adjustment requests for the account.

Recording a Customer’s Decision About Adjustment

Outcome Terms
After consulting with the customer, end users can record the customer’s decision to accept or reject
the outcome terms.

This task is a step in “Process of Creating Adjustments in Siebel Communications (End User)” on
page 177.

To record the customer’s decision about the adjustment outcome terms

1 Navigate to the Invoices screen.

2 From the Show drop-down list, select All External Invoices.

3 In the Invoices list, drill down on the invoice number of the invoice.

The Invoices form appears with the view tabs beneath it.

4 Click the Adjustment Request view tab.

5 In the Adjustment Requests list, select the request record.

6 In the Customer Decision field, select information to indicate the customer’s decision to accept
or reject the outcome terms.

NOTE: If your company does not require a customer decision regarding a bill adjustment
outcome, then the customer decision fields might be unavailable.

Process of Making Payment

Arrangements in Siebel Communications
(End User)
End users can request a special arrangement if a customer is unable to pay for services when a bill
payment is due. The customer can request a payment plan or a deferral of payment. In response,
your company can approve the request, reject the request, or propose its own terms. The response
might depend on factors such as corporate policy, customer credit history or credit worthiness, and
longevity of the customer’s association with your company. For more information about integrating
the billing component with an external billing application, see Chapter 15, “Defining Integration
Workflows for Siebel Communications.”

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 18 7

Billing in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Making Payment Arrangements in Siebel
Communications (End User)

To make a payment arrangement, perform the following tasks:

1 “Requesting a Payment Arrangement” on page 188

2 “Viewing the Outcome of a Payment Arrangement Request” on page 188

3 “Recording a Customer’s Decision About Payment Arrangement Terms” on page 189

Requesting a Payment Arrangement

Because the billing component is integrated with an external billing application, a payment
arrangement request is sent to the external billing application, which processes the request and
generates a response.

This task is a step in “Process of Making Payment Arrangements in Siebel Communications (End User)”
on page 187.

To request a payment arrangement

1 Navigate to the Invoices screen.

2 From the Show drop-down list, select All External Invoices.

3 In the Invoices list, drill down on the invoice number of the invoice.

4 Click the Payment Arrangements view tab.

5 In the Payment Arrangements list, add a record, and complete the fields as necessary.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

# of Installments Type the number of installments. For a single-payment deferral plan,

this number is 1.

Installment Amount Displays the installment amount. This amount is calculated as follows:
Amount owed divided by the number of installments.

The external billing application processes the request and populates the Payment Arrangements
Outcome form at the bottom of the screen.

Viewing the Outcome of a Payment Arrangement

Siebel Communications receives the outcome of the request, which is generated by the external
billing application.

This task is a step in “Process of Making Payment Arrangements in Siebel Communications (End User)”
on page 187.

188 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Billing in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Making Payment Arrangements in Siebel
Communications (End User)

Viewing Outcomes of Payment Arrangement Requests

To view the outcome of a payment arrangement request, follow this procedure.

To view the outcome of a payment arrangement request

1 Navigate to the Invoices screen.

2 From the Show drop-down list, select All External Invoices.

3 In the Invoices list, drill down on the invoice number of the invoice.

The Invoices form appears with the view tabs beneath it.

4 Click the Payment Arrangements view tab.

5 Scroll down to the Payment Arrangements Outcome form to review the response of the external
billing application to the bill repayment plan request.

Viewing History of Payment Arrangements

To view the history of payment arrangements for an invoice, follow this procedure.

To view the history of payment arrangements

1 Navigate to the Invoices screen.

2 From the Show drop-down list, select All External Invoices.

3 In the Invoices list, drill down on the invoice number of the invoice.

4 Click the Payment Arrangements view tab.

5 In the Payment Arrangements list, select Payment Arrangements or Payment Arrangements

Details from the drop-down list.

6 If the information does not appear in the Payment Arrangements list, then perform a query to
access the correct records.

Recording a Customer’s Decision About Payment

Arrangement Terms
After consulting with the customer, end users can record the customer’s decision to accept or reject
the payment plan that their company is offering.

This task is a step in “Process of Making Payment Arrangements in Siebel Communications (End User)”
on page 187.

To record the customer’s decision about the payment outcome terms

1 Navigate to the Invoices screen.

2 From the Show drop-down list, select All External Invoices.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 18 9

Billing in Siebel Communications ■ Requesting a Duplicate Invoice in Siebel
Communications (End User)

3 In the Invoices list, drill down on the invoice number of the invoice.

4 Click the Payment Arrangements view tab.

5 Scroll down to the Payment Arrangements Outcome form, and select a value in the Customer
Decision field to indicate the customer’s decision to accept or reject the terms.

NOTE: If your company does not require a customer decision regarding a bill repayment plan
outcome, then the customer decision fields might be unavailable.

Requesting a Duplicate Invoice in Siebel

Communications (End User)
Occasionally, a customer might request a copy of an invoice.

To request a duplicate invoice

1 Navigate to the Invoices screen.

2 From the Show drop-down list, select All External Invoices.

3 In the Invoices list, drill down on the invoice number of the invoice.

4 Click the Duplicate Request view tab.

5 In the Duplicate Request list, add a record, and complete the necessary fields.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Street Select the address to which to send the duplicate bill. The City, State, Zip, and
Address Country fields are automatically populated when you select the address.

Comments Type specific directions or descriptions about the duplication process.

6 To send the invoice to a different mailing address, complete the following steps:

a In the Duplicate Request list, select Duplicate Bill Request Detail from the drop-down list.

b In the Street Address field, select another address.

Updating a Billing Profile in Siebel

Communications (End User)
When billing a customer, Siebel Communications integrates information, such as exemption
information or discounts, that is stored in profiles. For more information about profiles, see
Chapter 4, “Profiles in Siebel Communications.”

190 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Billing in Siebel Communications ■ Additional End-User Tasks for Billing Management

To update a billing profile

1 Navigate to the Accounts screen, then the Accounts List view.

2 Drill down on the name of the account.

3 Click the Billing Portal view tab.

4 Scroll down to the Additional Info form.

5 Drill down on the billing profile of a record.

6 In the Billing Profile form, update the fields as necessary.

Additional End-User Tasks for Billing

This topic contains information about other tasks related to billing.

Caller Verification
When receiving an inbound call, end users first verify and find the caller. For more information about
caller verification, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

Billing for Services

Some special billing procedures relate to billing for services. For more information about billing for
services, see Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 19 1

Billing in Siebel Communications ■ Additional End-User Tasks for Billing Management

192 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

11 Work Orders in Siebel

This chapter provides procedures for creating and managing work orders in Siebel Communications.
It includes the following topics:

■ “About Work Orders in Siebel Communications” on page 193

■ “Scenario for Using Work Orders in Siebel Communications”

■ “Creating a Work Order in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 195

■ “Adding an Activity to a Work Order in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 195

■ “Creating Work Order Line Items in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 196

■ “Adding Work Order Terms in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 197

■ “Additional End-User Tasks for Work Order Management in Siebel Communications” on page 198

About Work Orders in Siebel

The Work Orders module in Siebel Communications helps service providers to manage the
components needed to activate a service for a customer. A work order is an action item that must
be completed to implement an order. When an order is submitted, the back-office order processing
application divides it into one or more work orders, by using criteria, such as service provider or due
dates. A work order has most of the components found in a standard order, but it deals specifically
with those items that are required for the provisioning process.

By creating and tracking work orders separately, you can access the status of a sales order. This
status is important because work orders are executed by back-office applications, such as the
provisioning system. Tracking the status of an order gives you up-to-date access to the information
related to the order and can therefore convey it to a customer at any time, either through inbound
contact or through outbound workflow-initiated activities.

The Communications Work Orders module works in conjunction with the Communications Order
Processing module. It uses much of the work conducted during the order process and provides
screens that allow you to manage work orders.

Scenario for Using Work Orders in Siebel

This topic gives one example of how work orders might be used. You might use work orders
differently, depending on your business model.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 19 3

Work Orders in Siebel Communications ■ Scenario for Using Work Orders in Siebel

A customer service representative (CSR) has just completed an order for a customer, requiring three
mobile phones, two pagers, an Internet connection, and an addition to their local service (voice
mail). The order that the CSR created contains at least seven line items: one for each of the mobile
phones, two for pagers, one for the Internet connection, and one for the local service. The CSR has
given a quote for the order to the customer, who has accepted it and asked that the order be placed.

In the Order Line Items view, the CSR submits the order to the provisioning system. Since your
company is a reseller of communications services (in this example), the action of submitting the
order creates three work orders. A service provider applies to each of the line items. The following
list shows the work order allocation:

■ Three mobile phones—provided by a mobile services company

Two pagers—provided by a mobile services company

■ An Internet connection—provided by an Internet service provider

■ Local service (voice mail)—provided by the local phone service provider

The work orders were created for the service provider for each of the line items associated with the
order. In this example, there are three unique providers: a mobile services provider, an Internet
service provider, and the local phone service provider. The work order is separated into three
separate work orders, which are then submitted to the various providers for activation.

A week later, the customer calls to check on the status of his order because he has not received his
equipment. His call is directed to a different CSR, who is able to search through his company account
to find any open orders. When the CSR has found the most recent order, he can use the hyperlink to
find the specific work orders associated with the order. When he does this, he notices that each of
the work orders is complete, except the one for the mobile phones and pagers. When he drills down
into that order, he finds some notes and activities indicating that the particular pager ordered by the
customer is on back-order. The estimated delivery date is two days from now. The CSR adds an
activity to the work order to indicate that the customer wants to be notified by email when the status
of the order has changed to complete.

Figure 15 shows the sequence of procedures that an end user might follow to manage work orders.

Figure 15. Example of Sequence for Work Orders

194 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Work Orders in Siebel Communications ■ Creating a Work Order in Siebel
Communications (End User)

Creating a Work Order in Siebel

Communications (End User)
End users can create work orders.

To create a work order

1 Navigate to the Work Orders screen, then the Work Order List view.

2 Add a record, and complete the necessary fields in the record and the More Info form. To access
more fields, click the show more button in the form.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Account Select the master account for the work order. The field for the account
number is automatically populated when you select a value in this field.

Last Name Select the name of the contact for the work order.

Order Select the sales order associated with the work order.

Provider Select the vendor for the work order.

Address Displays the address of the account.

Adding an Activity to a Work Order in

Siebel Communications (End User)
End users can create an activity and associate it with a premises for the following reasons:

■ Remind themselves of procedures related to a premises that they must perform.

■ Communicate procedures related to a work order that other members of the organization must

Activity plans include a list of activities to be completed to resolve a problem. If an appropriate

activity template exists, then end users can select the template to populate their activities list with
a defined set of activities. Then end users can customize the list, if necessary.

Associating Activity Plans With Work Orders

To associate an activity plan with a work order, follow this procedure.

To associate an activity plan with a work order

1 Navigate to the Work Orders screen, then the Work Order List view.

2 Drill down on the order number of the work order.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 19 5

Work Orders in Siebel Communications ■ Creating Work Order Line Items in Siebel
Communications (End User)

3 Click the Activity Plans view tab.

4 In the Activity Plans list, add a record.

5 In the Template field, select an Activity Template.

Creating Activity Plans for Work Orders

To create an activity plan for a work order, follow this procedure.

To create an activity for a work order

1 Navigate to the Work Orders screen, then the Work Order List view.

2 Drill down on the order number of the work order.

3 Click the Activities view tab.

4 In the Activities list, add a record, and complete the necessary fields.

Creating Work Order Line Items in Siebel

Communications (End User)
End users can create line items and line item actions to be allocated for a work order.

Creating Line Items for Work Orders

To create line items to be allocated for a work order, follow this procedure.

To create line items to be allocated for an order

1 Navigate to the Work Orders screen, then the Work Order List view.
2 Drill down on the order number of the work order.

3 Click the Line Items view tab.

4 Scroll down and click the Line Detail subview tab.

196 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Work Orders in Siebel Communications ■ Adding Work Order Terms in Siebel
Communications (End User)

5 In the Line Detail form, add a record, and complete the necessary fields. To access more fields,
click the show more button in the form.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Product Select the product. When you select a product, you select a line item
from the associated service order. The Action, Due, UoM, Start Price,
and Status fields are automatically populated with the information from
the Order Line Item view.

Ship to Last Name Select the name of an existing contact or add a new contact. When you
select a contact, the Ship to First Name, Address, City, State, ZIP, and
Country fields in the Order Line Item view are automatically populated.

Adding Line Item Actions to Work Orders

To add a line item action to a work order, follow this procedure.

To add a line item action

1 Navigate to the Work Orders screen, then the Work Order List view.

2 Drill down on the order number of the work order.

3 Click the Line Item Actions view tab.

4 In the Line Item Actions list, add a record, and complete the necessary fields.

Adding Work Order Terms in Siebel

Communications (End User)
End users can add a work order term.

To add a work order term

1 Navigate to the Work Orders screen, then the Work Order List view.

2 Drill down on the order number of the work order.

3 Click the Terms view tab.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 19 7

Work Orders in Siebel Communications ■ Additional End-User Tasks for Work Order
Management in Siebel Communications

4 In the Terms form, complete the necessary fields.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Payment Terms Select the terms for how the customer pays.

Return To Select the return address for order items.

Status Select the status of the order.

Freight Terms Select the terms for how to ship the order.

Additional End-User Tasks for Work

Order Management in Siebel
This topic contains information about another task related to work orders.

Work Orders and Attachments

At any time, end users can store additional information relating to a work order in the database by
associating an electronic file with the work order record. For information about associating an
attachment with a record, see Siebel Fundamentals.

198 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

12 Service Requests and Trouble
Tickets in Siebel

This chapter describes the procedures for initiating and managing service requests and trouble
tickets in Siebel Communications. It includes the following topics:

■ “About Service Requests and Trouble Tickets in Siebel Communications” on page 199

■ “Scenario for Using Service Requests and Trouble Tickets in Siebel Communications” on page 201

■ “Setting Up Service Requests and Trouble Tickets in Siebel Communications” on page 202

■ “Creating a Trouble Ticket Record in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 203

■ “Assigning a Trouble Ticket in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 203

■ “Associating Parent and Child Trouble Tickets in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 204

■ “Viewing Fallout Orders for Trouble Tickets” on page 205

■ “About Trouble Ticket Solutions” on page 206

■ “Resolving Trouble Tickets in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 207

■ “Using the Customer Satisfaction Survey in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 208

■ “Analyzing Trouble Tickets Data in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 209

■ “Additional End-User Tasks for Trouble Ticket Management in Siebel Communications” on page 209

About Service Requests and Trouble

Tickets in Siebel Communications
Siebel Communications service requests and trouble tickets are primarily used by customer service
representatives (CSRs), their managers, and network operations center (NOC) agents.

Service requests and trouble tickets are database records that are used to manage problems with
equipment or general requests for service. This chapter is mostly about trouble tickets, but it also
explains the differences between trouble tickets and service requests and tells you where you can
find more information about service requests. The following information is included in this chapter:

■ This chapter guides you in setting up features that help to automate trouble ticket management.

■ This chapter describes procedures typically used by end users to create, monitor, and close
trouble tickets.

■ This chapter describes procedures that you can use for overall management of trouble tickets.

Service requests and trouble tickets perform similar functions. The main differences follow:

■ Trouble tickets functionality supports parent-child relationships.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 19 9

Service Requests and Trouble Tickets in Siebel Communications ■ About Service
Requests and Trouble Tickets in Siebel Communications

■ Trouble tickets are typically used to record and track problems with the functioning of services
and networks, while service requests are typically used to record and track general customer
problems and requests. Examples of general problems and requests are billing problems,
requests for new equipment, and requests for billing statements.

Service requests and trouble tickets are managed through the Service Requests and Trouble Tickets

Initiation of Service Requests and Trouble Tickets

Service requests and trouble tickets can be initiated in the following ways:

■ A customer calls the call center to report a problem with the phone line.

■ A network communications management application that is integrated with Siebel

Communications automatically creates a trouble ticket record in the Siebel Communications

■ Agents can reassign service requests and trouble tickets to other groups or individuals for
resolution. Alternatively, agents can break a service request or trouble ticket down into different
activities, which can be assigned to different owners. In this case, the agent can monitor
progress towards completion of the activities and close the service request or trouble ticket.

Creation of Service Requests and Trouble Tickets

Service requests and trouble tickets can be created within Siebel Communications or moved into
Siebel Communications by the following methods:

■ Customers using Oracle’s Siebel Self Service.

■ Customers and partners using an Automated Call Distributor (ACD).

■ Call center agents responding to phone calls or email from customers.

■ NOC agents responding to network problems.

■ Automated network communications management applications that are integrated with Siebel

Trouble Ticket Referral

Trouble tickets can be referred from Siebel Communications to trading partner software through
integration with an electronic bonding gateway, using Siebel Enterprise Application Integration
(Siebel EAI).

Additional Information About Service Requests

The remainder of this chapter describes trouble ticket management. For more information about
service requests, see Siebel Field Service Guide and Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

200 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Service Requests and Trouble Tickets in Siebel Communications ■ Scenario for Using
Service Requests and Trouble Tickets in Siebel Communications

Scenario for Using Service Requests and

Trouble Tickets in Siebel
This topic gives one example of how service requests and trouble tickets might be used. You might
use service requests and trouble tickets differently, depending on your business model.

A customer service representative (CSR) receives a call from the owner of a software company. He
is phoning from his mobile phone and explains that he has no dial tone on his office phone. The CSR
verifies the customer’s service configuration and identifies the specific phone line to which he is

The CSR creates a trouble ticket and attempts to use the problem resolution capabilities in Siebel
Communications to resolve the customer’s problem. The CSR is unable to solve the problem and
passes the trouble ticket to the Network Services Group. The CSR ends the call and creates a follow-
up activity on the trouble ticket.

Two minutes later, the CSR receives a broadcast message indicating that there is a circuit break that
is affecting customers in a particular exchange. The CSR looks up the network-reported problem for
the circuit outage and finds the specific trouble ticket. The trouble ticket details indicate that a
construction crew sliced through a cable that carries network traffic for the exchange. The estimated
repair time is five hours.

The CSR performs a search in Siebel Communications to find all open trouble tickets that have a
service item equivalent to the affected exchange. The search produces a list of 15 trouble tickets,
including the network-reported trouble ticket.

The CSR associates each of the 14 customer-reported trouble tickets with the one network-reported
trouble ticket for the following reasons:

■ The 14 customer-reported problems are related to one network outage.

■ Your company’s Siebel administrator has configured the Siebel applications so that all the
customer-reported troubles are resolved when the network-reported trouble is resolved.

The CSR assigns the network trouble ticket for the cable break to a technician in the Repair and
Maintenance department and receives a message from the on-site maintenance crew that the cable
has been repaired and tested and is fully operational. The technician creates a series of notes in the
network trouble ticket, indicating the resolution, and closes the trouble ticket.

When the technician closes the parent trouble ticket, the child trouble tickets are not automatically
closed since it may be necessary to verify that each customer’s problem has been fixed. Because
your administrator has configured it to do so, Siebel Communications determines that the trouble
ticket for the customer described above can be closed. It then sends a text message to the
customer’s mobile phone notifying him of the resolution.

At the end of the day, the manager examines all of the trouble tickets generated that day.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 20 1

Service Requests and Trouble Tickets in Siebel Communications ■ Setting Up Service
Requests and Trouble Tickets in Siebel Communications

Figure 16 shows the sequence of procedures that end users might follow to manage trouble tickets.

Figure 16. Example of Sequence for Trouble Tickets

Setting Up Service Requests and Trouble

Tickets in Siebel Communications
Administrators can make the CSRs’ job easier by creating scripts and automating the assignment of
trouble tickets as follows:

■ You can use Oracle’s Siebel SmartScript to provide scripts that guide CSRs as they collect
information about trouble tickets. For more information about creating scripts, see Siebel
SmartScript Administration Guide.

■ CSRs or other qualified personnel can manually assign ownership of a trouble ticket to
themselves, to another employee, or to a group. With the appropriate setup, Oracle’s Siebel
Assignment Manager can be used to give the CSR the option of automating the assignment.

202 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Service Requests and Trouble Tickets in Siebel Communications ■ Creating a Trouble
Ticket Record in Siebel Communications (End User)

For more information about setting up Siebel Assignment Manager (including rules, criteria,
workload, employees, positions, and territories), see Siebel Assignment Manager Administration

Creating a Trouble Ticket Record in

Siebel Communications (End User)
End users can create a trouble ticket record.

To create a trouble ticket

1 Navigate to the Trouble Tickets screen, then the Trouble Ticket List view.

2 Add a record, and complete the necessary fields in the record and the More Info form. To access
more fields, click the show more button in the form.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Ref # Type the reference number An external application can identify the trouble
ticket by using this number.

Last Name Select the last name of the person reporting the problem.

Owner Select the user ID of the person or group responsible for resolving the trouble
ticket (for example, an end user, another service representative, or a service

Assigning a Trouble Ticket in Siebel

Communications (End User)
If end users are unable to resolve trouble tickets themselves, then they can assign them to another
qualified CSR or to a group. In general, trouble tickets can be assigned in these ways:

■ Batch assignment. Siebel Assignment Manager can assign many trouble tickets at a scheduled
time. For more information, see Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide.

■ Dynamic assignment. Siebel Assignment Manager can automatically assign trouble tickets at
preset intervals. For more information, see Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide.

■ Interactive assignment. Siebel Assignment Manager is invoked manually from the menu
button in the More Info view, as described in the next procedure.

■ Manual assignment. Users select the owner in the Trouble Tickets screen, as described in the
next procedure.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 20 3

Service Requests and Trouble Tickets in Siebel Communications ■ Associating Parent
and Child Trouble Tickets in Siebel Communications (End User)

To assign a trouble ticket manually to a person or group

1 Navigate to the Trouble Tickets screen, then the Trouble Ticket List view.

2 Drill down on the ticket ID of the trouble ticket.

3 In the More Info form, click the show more button, and then perform one of the following steps:

■ To assign a trouble ticket using Oracle’s Siebel Assignment Manager, click the menu button,
select Assign, and then select a person.

■ To manually assign a trouble ticket to a person, select a person in the Owner field.

■ To manually assign a trouble ticket to a group, select a group in the Group field.

Associating Parent and Child Trouble

Tickets in Siebel Communications (End
The general procedure for setting up a parent-child relationship is to create the child trouble ticket
and then associate it with an existing trouble ticket for the parent.

End users can group many child trouble tickets under one parent trouble ticket. Grouping several
trouble tickets under one parent can be useful for managing a single network problem that results
in calls from many customers.

Associating Child Trouble Tickets With Parent Trouble Tickets

To associate a child trouble ticket with existing parent trouble tickets, follow this procedure.

NOTE: A list of children of a selected trouble ticket appears in the Related Trouble Tickets view.

To associate a child trouble ticket with existing parent trouble tickets

1 Navigate to the Trouble Tickets screen, then the Trouble Ticket List view.

2 Drill down on the ticket ID of the child trouble ticket.

3 Click the Parent Trouble Tickets view tab.

The Trouble Ticket Details form appears with the Parent Trouble Tickets list beneath it.

4 In the Parent Trouble Tickets list, create a new record.

5 In the Add Trouble Tickets dialog box, select one or more parent trouble tickets.

Verifying Entitlements for Trouble Tickets

To verify an entitlement associated with a trouble ticket, follow this procedure.

204 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Service Requests and Trouble Tickets in Siebel Communications ■ Viewing Fallout
Orders for Trouble Tickets

To verify the entitlement associated with a trouble ticket

1 Navigate to the Trouble Tickets screen, then the Trouble Ticket List view.

2 Drill down on the ticket ID of the trouble ticket.

3 Click the More Info view tab.

4 In the More Info form, click the show more button to access more fields.

5 In the Entitlement Name field, select an entitlement.

NOTE: For information about determining how this dialog box is populated, see Siebel Field
Service Guide.

6 In the More Info form, click Verify.

The Due Date field is automatically populated with the appropriate time period. For instance, if
the customer is entitled to have a problem fixed within two hours, then the Due Date field reflects
this time period.

Viewing Fallout Orders for Trouble

A fallout order is an order that has failed in the fulfillment system, and for which processing has
stopped. To help resolve order failures and resume order processing, Siebel Communications uses
Oracle Application Integration Architecture to receive order failures as trouble tickets.

When an order is submitted from a Siebel CRM application for fulfillment, the order may fail either
in Oracle Application Integration Architecture, the fulfillment system, or the provisioning system.
Information about the order failure is sent by way of the integration to Siebel Communications, and
a trouble ticket is created with order failure information. Siebel Communications users work the order
failure-generated trouble ticket normally to correct the issue. Correcting the issue might involve
resubmitting the order in the fulfillment system, or revising and resubmitting the order from Siebel
CRM. After the issue is corrected, the trouble ticket can be closed automatically from the fulfillment
system or manually in Siebel Communications.

NOTE: If multiple order failures are associated with the same batch or bulk order, the fulfillment
system might generate a single consolidated trouble ticket for all the order failures from that batch
or bulk order. For more information about processing order failures, see the chapter on employee
asset-based ordering in Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications.

To view fallout orders associated with a trouble ticket, follow this procedure.

To view information about a fallout order for a trouble ticket

1 Navigate to the Trouble Tickets screen, then the Trouble Ticket List view.

2 From the Saved Queries drop-down list, select Order Failure Trouble Tickets.

The view displays a list of trouble tickets created for order failures.

3 Identify the trouble ticket associated with the fallout order that you want to view, and click the
link in its Ticket Id field.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 20 5

Service Requests and Trouble Tickets in Siebel Communications ■ About Trouble
Ticket Solutions

4 Click the Order Failure Information view tab.

5 In the Order Failure Information list, view the fallout order information associated with the
current trouble ticket.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Order Id Order ID code generated by the fulfillment system. Click the

link to display the order that generated this trouble ticket.

Order Line Item Id Order line item ID code generated by the fulfillment system.

Common Order Id ID code mapped by the Oracle Application Integration

Architecture integration to the application-generated Order

Common Order Item Id ID code mapped by the Oracle Application Integration

Architecture integration to the application-generated Order
Line Item Id.

Application Error Code Error code from the external fulfillment system (if any).

Global Error Code Maps the application error code to a standardized error code
that can be used to map to recovery procedures.

Failure Code System failure code supplied by Oracle Application

Integration Architecture.

Fulfillment Transaction Id Transaction ID generated by the external fulfillment system

for the order component.

NOTE: Some fulfillment systems do not generate a

transaction ID for an order.

System of Failure Application in which the order failed. This field maps to the
common Oracle Application Integration Architecture identifier
for the application in which the order failure occurred.

About Trouble Ticket Solutions

Customer service organizations estimate that approximately 85 percent of assigned trouble tickets
are related to problems that have been previously encountered. Siebel Communications provides
access to descriptions of how previous trouble tickets were resolved. When there is no existing
solution to a trouble ticket, a member of the organization can research the problem and create a new
description in the form of a solution record.

206 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Service Requests and Trouble Tickets in Siebel Communications ■ Resolving Trouble
Tickets in Siebel Communications (End User)

Solutions Defined
In Siebel Communications, the term solution specifically means a record in the Siebel
Communications database that includes a description of how a previous trouble ticket was resolved
or how an anticipated future trouble ticket can be resolved. The word solution is also used in general
terms to mean an answer to a problem.

Further Information
End users can review and create solutions for trouble tickets using the same methods used to review
and create solutions for service requests. For more information about working with solutions, see
Siebel Field Service Guide.

Resolving Trouble Tickets in Siebel

Communications (End User)
This topic describes the ways of resolving trouble tickets.

Adding an Activity to a Trouble Ticket

Resolving a trouble ticket might require several procedures, performed by multiple people or groups.
End users can create an activity for each step and assign the activity to themselves, another qualified
person, or a group.

To add an activity to a trouble ticket

1 Navigate to the Trouble Tickets screen, then the Trouble Ticket List view.

2 Drill down on the ticket ID of the trouble ticket.

3 Click the Activities view tab.

4 In the Activities list, add a record, and complete the necessary fields.

Associating Activity Plans With Trouble Tickets

Activity plans include a list of activities to be completed to resolve a problem. If an appropriate
activity template exists, then end users can select the template to populate their activities list with
a defined set of activities. Then end users can customize the list, if necessary. For more information
about working with activities and activity plans, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

To associate an activity plan with a trouble ticket

1 Navigate to the Trouble Tickets screen, then the Trouble Ticket List view.

2 Drill down on the ticket ID of the trouble ticket.

3 Click the Activity Plans view tab.

4 In the Activity Plans list, add a record.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 20 7

Service Requests and Trouble Tickets in Siebel Communications ■ Using the Customer
Satisfaction Survey in Siebel Communications (End User)

5 In the Template field, select an Activity Template.

Closing a Trouble Ticket

When a trouble ticket is resolved, end users can change its status to Closed in any Trouble Ticket list
or form. Changes cannot be made to trouble tickets that are closed. To continue working on a closed
trouble ticket, first change its status to Open or Pending.

To close a trouble ticket

1 Navigate to the Trouble Tickets screen, then the Trouble Ticket List view.

2 Drill down on the ticket ID of the trouble ticket.

3 Click the More Info view tab.

4 In the More Info form, select a value of Closed in the Status field.

NOTE: When you save or click outside the record, the Sub-Status field changes to Resolved and
the Date Closed field reflects the current time and date.

Using the Customer Satisfaction Survey

in Siebel Communications (End User)
Customer satisfaction surveys allow end users to conduct a survey with the person who initiated a
trouble ticket. If they have Chart Works Server (a third-party application) installed, then a chart
displays a measurement of the customer’s satisfaction as they record the customer’s responses. On
a subsequent occasion, they can conduct another survey without overwriting existing survey records.

As part of closing a trouble ticket, end users can conduct a customer survey in person, or they can
use the Correspondence screen to send a letter and survey to the originator of a trouble ticket. When
they mail a survey, an activity is automatically generated for the mailing. For information about using
the Correspondence screen to send out customer satisfaction surveys, see Siebel Applications
Administration Guide.

To conduct a customer survey

1 Navigate to the Trouble Tickets screen, then the Trouble Ticket List view.

2 Drill down on the ticket ID of the trouble ticket.

3 Click the Customer Satisfaction Survey view tab.

4 Scroll down to the Survey Details form, and add a record.

5 Ask each of the questions on the Survey form and record the customer’s answer for each field.

208 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Service Requests and Trouble Tickets in Siebel Communications ■ Analyzing Trouble
Tickets Data in Siebel Communications (End User)

Analyzing Trouble Tickets Data in Siebel

Communications (End User)
You can use charts to perform various types of analyses on your group’s trouble tickets.

To analyze trouble tickets data using charts

1 Navigate to the Trouble Tickets screen, then the Chart view.

2 In the Trouble Ticket list, select the trouble ticket.

3 In the Charts form, select appropriate chart settings.

Additional End-User Tasks for Trouble

Ticket Management in Siebel
This topic contains information about other tasks related to trouble tickets.

Customer Verification
When a customer telephones a call or service center, end users must verify whether the person is an
existing or new customer. End users navigate to the Accounts or Contacts screen and perform a query
of information about the customer, such as the last name, social security number, and so on. If
information about the customer is available, then end users can review the requests that have
already been entered for the customer. If no information about the customer is available, then end
users can enter the customer information. For more information about accounts and contacts, see
Chapter 3, “Accounts in Siebel Communications,” and Chapter 5, “Contacts in Siebel Communications.”

Entitlement Verification
When creating a trouble ticket, verify the type of service agreement and entitlements connected with
it. For more information about service agreements and entitlements see Chapter 6, “Agreements and
Entitlements in Siebel Communications.”

Communication with Field Service Agents

End users can contact a field service agent. Siebel Communications allows you to send messages
about trouble tickets in several ways, including sending a text message to a pager. For more
information, see Siebel CTI Administration Guide.

Trouble Tickets and Attachments

At any time, end users can store additional information relating to a trouble ticket in the database
by associating an electronic file with the trouble ticket record. For information about associating an
attachment with a record, see Siebel Fundamentals.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 20 9

Service Requests and Trouble Tickets in Siebel Communications ■ Additional End-User
Tasks for Trouble Ticket Management in Siebel Communications

210 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

13 Credit Management in Siebel

This chapter describes the procedures for managing and closing credit alerts. It also describes how
to create account adjustments and set up payment plans. It includes the following topics:

■ “About Credit Management in Siebel Communications” on page 211

■ “Scenario for Using Credit Management in Siebel Communications” on page 214

■ “Reviewing and Adding a Credit Alert in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 215

■ “Adding an Activity to a Credit Alert in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 217

■ “Contacting the Customer About a Credit Alert (End User)” on page 217

■ “Entering Payments for Credit Alerts in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 218

■ “Process of Creating Account Adjustments or Payment Plans in Siebel Communications (End User)”
on page 218

■ “Process of Managing Collections in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 223

■ “Closing a Credit Alert Manually in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 227

■ “Additional End-User Tasks for Credit Management in Siebel Communications” on page 227

About Credit Management in Siebel

Credit management functionality frequently resides in third-party back-office credit applications.
Siebel Enterprise Application Integration (Siebel EAI), which is part of Siebel Communications,
provides you with the ability to integrate with these applications and to use their information and

If customers are late in paying their bills or have not paid their bills in full, then their accounts are
flagged by the third-party credit application. The rules for detecting late payment or nonpayment are
defined in the credit application. Siebel Communications can interpret late payment or nonpayment
messages that the credit application generates.

As a basis for credit management, Siebel Communications provides information in the form of credit
alerts. A credit alert is a Siebel Communications credit record that can be generated by messages
from a back-office credit management application when a customer breaches a credit threshold. It
can also be generated manually by a customer request or by the initiative of a customer service
representative (CSR). Credit alerts can be resolved through a variety of means, such as customer
payment of the outstanding amount, adjustments to a customer account to correct an erroneous
billing, and an agreement with a customer for a payment arrangement plan.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 21 1

Credit Management in Siebel Communications ■ About Credit Management in Siebel

When Siebel Communications is linked with the external Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue
Management application through Oracle Application Integration Architecture, credit management
works as shown in Figure 17.

Figure 17. Credit Alerts Integration

The diagram shows the following process:

1 The external Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management application identifies that
a customer is in Collections.

2 In Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management, a daily batch creates a payload, and
and puts the payload in a queue in the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management
Advanced Queuing facility (AQ).

212 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Credit Management in Siebel Communications ■ About Credit Management in Siebel

3 In Oracle Application Integration Architecture, an administrator processes the payload through

Oracle® Data Integrator by running the SyncCollectionAction job.

4 The SyncCollectionAction job reads the AQ and populates the EIM_ACCNT_PROF and
EIM_ALERT_CUT tables, which are Oracle’s Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager (EIM) tables
for loading data into Siebel CRM.

5 A Siebel administrator runs an EIM job to load the credit alerts into the S_INV_PROF and
S_ALERT_CUT tables, which are Siebel base tables that receive credit alert data from the EIM
tables and display that data in Siebel CRM.

6 A Customer Service Representative (CSR) using Oracle’s Siebel Call Center works on the credit
alert by calling the customer and making payment arrangements. When the credit alert status is
changed to Closed, the CSR synchronizes the status to Oracle Communications Billing and
Revenue Management.

7 Oracle Application Integration Architecture middleware updates the collection action status in
Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management.

Siebel Communications Credit Management provides the following capabilities:

■ Credit Alerts. Generates credit alerts when external credit management applications send
information about changes in the credit situation of a customer. Provides the ability to send
updated credit alert information back to the external credit management applications.

■ Activities. Generates activities associated with a credit alert. Also allows you to add activities
for a credit alert.

■ Payments. Allows you to send customer payments to the credit management application in
response to a credit alert.

■ Account Adjustments. Allows you to send requests to the credit management application for
adjustments to a customer account when a credit alert is in error. Displays the responses of the
credit management application to these requests.

■ Payment Arrangements. Allows you to send requests to the credit management application for
payment arrangement plans in response to a credit alert. Displays the responses of the credit
management application to these requests.

■ Attachments. Allows you to attach external documents to a credit alert.

In addition, Siebel Communications provides the following credit management requirements in other

■ Credit Rating. Displays the customer’s credit rating details, including credit score, source, and
date. For more information, see “About Financial Profiles in Siebel Communications” on page 101.

■ Billing Information. Displays customer billing information you might need to resolve a credit

CSRs use Credit Management functionality to manage and monitor customer credit issues. They are
responsible for reviewing with the customer all account information and credit issues, as well as
answering billing inquiries, suggesting payment arrangement plans, and making account

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 21 3

Credit Management in Siebel Communications ■ Scenario for Using Credit Management
in Siebel Communications

Customer service supervisors use Credit Management functionality to determine whether a CSR is
allowed to request credit adjustments on a customer’s account, set up payment arrangement plans,
and maintain billing profiles.

Scenario for Using Credit Management in

Siebel Communications
This topic gives one example of how credit management might be used. You might use credit
management differently, depending on your business model.

A CSR is responsible for handling credit queries for all of your small and medium-sized customers.
A business customer has a contract for mobile subscriptions for its employees. The owner usually
pays the bill on time. However, the latest bill for the mobile services is overdue by 18 days.

This nonpayment is automatically detected by the company’s accounts receivable application and is
forwarded to the credit management application, which then forwards a nonpayment message to
Siebel Communications. The message causes Siebel Communications to create a credit alert.

Siebel Communications then generates an activity to contact the owner and sets the account status
appropriately. The credit alert appears in the customer service supervisor's queue by default, and
the supervisor assigns the credit alert to the CSR.

The CSR examines the credit alert and reviews the billing information needed to handle any customer
questions. She also checks for all credit alerts raised against the customer’s account in the last 12
months to see whether there is a history of delinquency. This credit alert is the first credit alert
against the customer’s account. The CSR then checks the customer's credit rating, which is

The CSR looks up contact information for the customer in Siebel Communications and telephones the
owner, who is listed as the primary contact for the customer account. The owner apologizes for the
delay in payment of the bill and explains that the company has experienced a temporary cash flow
problem. The owner asks what options are available. The CSR informs the owner that he can either
delay the payment of the bill or request a payment arrangement plan. The owner asks to repay the
outstanding bill in three installments.

The CSR enters the required information into Siebel Communications, sets the credit alert’s Status
to Pending, and records the details of the conversation in the Comments field.

Siebel Communications transmits this information to the credit management application. The credit
management application processes the request overnight and responds with an update to the credit
alert. The next day, the CSR checks for all open and pending credit alerts assigned to them. The CSR
notices that the customer’s payment arrangement request has been approved.

The CSR contacts the owner and informs him of the outcome. The CSR then writes a letter confirming
the details of the payment arrangement plan, and attaches the letter to the credit alert. Then the
CSR updates the Action Type of the credit alert to Payment Arrangement Agreed.

214 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Credit Management in Siebel Communications ■ Reviewing and Adding a Credit Alert in
Siebel Communications (End User)

Figure 18 shows the sequence a CSR might use to process a customer credit alert.

Figure 18. Example of Sequence for Credit Management

Reviewing and Adding a Credit Alert in

Siebel Communications (End User)
The All Credit Alerts view displays all credit alerts. The My Credit Alerts view displays only the credit
alerts that are assigned specifically to an end user. These views are identical except for the
ownership. The policies for assignment of credit alerts are determined by their company.

End users can use the All Credit Alerts view or the My Credit Alerts view to see external credit alerts,
which originate from your company’s external credit management application. They can limit the list
by selecting a predefined query. Siebel Communications includes the queries All, Closed, Open and
Unassigned Alerts.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 21 5

Credit Management in Siebel Communications ■ Reviewing and Adding a Credit Alert in
Siebel Communications (End User)

End users can also use these views to create internal credit alerts for preemptive measures. These
alerts can record situations such as the likelihood of a delayed customer payment. If they have
permission to do so, then end users can create a credit alert and a corresponding payment
arrangement plan record.

When contacted regarding a credit problem, a customer might want you to query the billing account.
For example, the customer might believe that the bill is incorrect. Therefore, end users might want
to refer to the customer billing data to deal with the customer contact. For more information, see
Chapter 10, “Billing in Siebel Communications.”

Credit alerts can be created manually in Siebel Communications, or imported as a batch from a third-
party credit management application, such as Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue
Management by way of an EIM job. These tasks are described in the procedures that follow.

To create an internal credit alert manually

1 Navigate to the Credit Management screen, then the Credit Alert List view.

2 Add a record, and complete the necessary fields in the record and the More Info form. To access
more fields, click the show more button in the form.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Created On Displays the date and time when you create the credit alert.

Priority Select the priority of the action to perform in response to the credit alert.

Status Select the status of the credit alert.

Account Select the account associated with the credit alert.

Amount Owed Type the amount the customer owes.

Action Type Select the type of action to perform in relation to a credit alert. This field
might generate or require one or more activities.

Owner Select the name of the person to whom the credit alert is assigned.

Invoice # Select the invoice number associated with the credit alert.

Alert # Displays a unique identifier for the credit alert, which might be generated
within Siebel Communications.

Account # Displays the account number associated with the credit alert.

Agreement Select the agreement associated with the credit alert.

Source Displays a value that indicates when the alert was generated externally
by a credit management application or internally by a CSR.

216 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Credit Management in Siebel Communications ■ Adding an Activity to a Credit Alert in
Siebel Communications (End User)

To import credit alerts from an external application

■ Run an EIM job with the parameter values as shown in the table that follows.

Parameter Value

Configuration File ProcessAlertsAndBillingProf.ifb

Error Flags 1

SQL Trace Flags 8

Trace Flags 1

On successful completion of this job, credit alerts are created in Siebel Communications. For each
credit alert with a substatus of Entered Collections, Siebel Communications changes the billing
profile status of the associated account to yellow. After the account exits from Collections, a new
credit alert is created by the external application with a substatus of Exited Collections. When
Siebel Communications receives this credit alert, the billing profile status of the associated
account is changed to green. For more information about running EIM to import data from
external applications, see the chapter on importing data in Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager
Administration Guide.

NOTE: The Sub Status field of the credit alert is read-only in Siebel CRM and can be populated
only by the external application. Similarly, the status color of the billing profile can be changed
only by the external application.

Adding an Activity to a Credit Alert in

Siebel Communications (End User)
End users can associate activities with a credit alert. The Credit Alert Activities view displays all
activities associated with a selected credit alert.

To add an activity to a credit alert

1 Navigate to the Credit Management screen, then the Credit Alert List view.

2 Drill down on the alert number of the credit alert.

3 Click the Activities view tab.

4 In the Activities list, add a record, and complete the necessary fields.

Contacting the Customer About a Credit

Alert (End User)
Contact the customer to discuss the reason for the credit alert and the available payment options.
Determine whether it is necessary to adjust the customer’s account, or help the customer to decide
whether they want to send payment immediately or request a payment arrangement plan.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 21 7

Credit Management in Siebel Communications ■ Entering Payments for Credit Alerts in
Siebel Communications (End User)

Entering Payments for Credit Alerts in

Siebel Communications (End User)
Siebel Communications allows end users to submit a record of payment received from a customer in
response to a credit alert. One possible resolution for a credit alert involves the customer’s
immediate payment of the amount outstanding. End users can enter multiple instances of payment
information for a single credit alert. For more information about entering payment information, see
“Process of Entering Payment Against an Outstanding Balance in Siebel Communications (End User)” on
page 172.

To enter a payment for a credit alert

1 Navigate to the Credit Management screen, then the Credit Alert List view.

2 Locate the credit alert for which you want to record a payment.

3 Drill down on the billing profile of the credit alert.

4 On the Billing Profile screen, click the Payments view tab.

5 In the Payments list, add a new record.

6 In the Capture New Payment dialog box, complete the fields as needed.

7 Click Submit.

Siebel Communications displays the payment record in the Payments list and submits the
payment to the billing application.

Process of Creating Account

Adjustments or Payment Plans in Siebel
Communications (End User)
A customer might have been incorrectly billed for a service and therefore might not have made a
payment. In that case, end users must adjust the customer’s billing account. Typically, they associate
an account adjustment with a credit alert because it might solve a customer credit issue. The actual
account adjustment is made in a third-party billing or accounts receivable application. However,
Siebel Communications provides the ability to request an adjustment and to receive information
about the outcome.

Another customer might be facing financial difficulties and is unable to meet obligations to pay for
services. Such a customer might request a payment arrangement plan with installments or a deferral
of payment. In response, your company can approve the request, reject the request, or propose its
own terms. The response might depend on factors such as corporate policy, customer credit history
or credit-worthiness, and length of the customer’s association with your company. A payment
arrangement plan is associated with a credit alert because it might resolve a customer credit issue.

218 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Credit Management in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Creating Account
Adjustments or Payment Plans in Siebel Communications (End User)

The customer request is sent to the back-office credit management application for approval. The
customer request can be approved in full, rejected entirely, or modified with new terms. The credit
management application then sends the outcome back to Siebel Communications.

NOTE: You can request either an installment plan or a payment deferral. For a deferral request,
specify one installment to be paid at a future date.

To create account adjustments and payment plans, perform the following tasks:

1 “Submitting Requests for Account Adjustments or Payment Plans” on page 219

2 “Viewing Account Adjustment or Payment Plan Request Outcomes” on page 221

3 “Recording Customer Decisions About Account Adjustments or Payment Plans” on page 222

Submitting Requests for Account Adjustments or

Payment Plans
End users first submit a request for an account adjustment or a payment plan.

This task is a step in “Process of Creating Account Adjustments or Payment Plans in Siebel
Communications (End User)” on page 218.

Submitting Requests for Account Adjustments

To submit a request for an account adjustment, follow this procedure.

NOTE: It is possible to submit multiple account adjustment requests for a single account. However,
this situation is not typical.

To submit a request for an account adjustment

1 Navigate to the Credit Management screen, then the Credit Alert List view.

2 Drill down on the alert number of the credit alert.

3 Click the Account Adjustments view tab.

The Account Adjustments list displays the history of adjustment requests.

4 In the Account Adjustments list, add a record, and complete the necessary fields.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Date Select the date and time the request of the adjustment. This field defaults to
current date and time.

Amount Type the amount of the adjustment. This field defaults to amount owed on the
credit alert.

Type Select the type of adjustment request.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 21 9

Credit Management in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Creating Account
Adjustments or Payment Plans in Siebel Communications (End User)

Field Comments

Status Select the status of the request. This field defaults to a value of Open.

Reason Select the reason for the adjustment.

Submitting Requests for Payment Arrangement Plans

To submit a request for a payment arrangement plan, follow this procedure.

To submit a request for a payment arrangement plan

1 Navigate to the Credit Management screen, then the Credit Alert List view.

2 Drill down on the alert number of the credit alert.

3 Click the Payment Arrangements view tab.

4 In the Payment Arrangements form, select Payment Arrangement Details from the Show drop-
down list.

5 In the Payment Arrangement Details form, add a record, and complete the necessary fields.

Some fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Plan Type Select the type of payment arrangement plan.

# of Installments Type the number of installments for payment arrangement. For a

single-payment deferral plan, this number is 1.

Installment Amount Displays the amount of each installment. This field is

automatically populated when you enter the number of
installments. The installment amount equals the original amount
due divided by the number of installments.

Original Amount Due Type the total amount due.

Original Due Date Select the original due date for payment.

Plan Start Date Select the start date of the payment arrangement plan.

Plan End Date Select the end date of the payment arrangement plan. For a
single-payment deferral plan, use the same date for both the start
date and the end date.

Status Select a value of Pending for the status of the request.

6 Return to the Credit Alert List view.

7 In the Action Type field, select Payment Arrangement Requested.

220 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Credit Management in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Creating Account
Adjustments or Payment Plans in Siebel Communications (End User)

Viewing History of Payment Arrangements

To view a history of payment arrangements, follow this procedure.

To view a history of payment arrangements

1 Navigate to the Credit Management screen, then the Credit Alert List view.

2 Drill down on the alert number of the credit alert.

3 Click the Payment Arrangements view tab.

4 In the Payment Arrangements form, select Payment Arrangements from the Show drop-down

Viewing Account Adjustment or Payment Plan Request

Typically, the account adjustments and payment arrangement plans are agreed upon in the back
office, either manually or through a back-office application. The back-office application then sends
the outcome of the customer request to Siebel Communications.

This task is a step in “Process of Creating Account Adjustments or Payment Plans in Siebel
Communications (End User)” on page 218.

Viewing Outcomes of Account Adjustment Requests

To view the outcome of an account adjustment request, follow this procedure.

To view an account adjustment outcome

1 Navigate to the Credit Management screen, then the Credit Alert List view.

2 Drill down on the alert number of the credit alert.

3 Click the Account Adjustments view tab.

4 In the Account Adjustments list, review the response of the credit management application to
the adjustment request, specifically the Status, Amount Approved, and Approval Description

NOTE: Each adjustment request is accompanied by a single adjustment outcome.

Viewing Outcomes of Payment Plan Requests

To view a payment arrangement for an account adjustment request, follow this procedure.

To view a payment arrangement plan outcome

1 Navigate to the Credit Management screen, then the Credit Alert List view.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 22 1

Credit Management in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Creating Account
Adjustments or Payment Plans in Siebel Communications (End User)

2 Drill down on the alert number of the credit alert.

3 Click the Payment Arrangements view tab.

4 Scroll down to the Payment Arrangements Outcome form to view the response of the credit
management application to the adjustment request.

Some of the fields are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Installment Amount Displays the payment amount for each installment. This amount
can apply to a single payment or multiple installments.

Interest Charge Displays the Interest owed on the payment arrangement plan.
This amount is calculated by the back-office application.

# of Installments Displays the number of installments.

Plan Type Displays the type of payment arrangement plan.

Status Displays the outcome of the request for the payment arrangement

Total Amount Due Displays the total owed, including accrued interest.

Recording Customer Decisions About Account

Adjustments or Payment Plans
End users can record the customer’s decision about the outcome.

This task is a step in “Process of Creating Account Adjustments or Payment Plans in Siebel
Communications (End User)” on page 218.

Recording Customer Decisions About Account Adjustments

To record a customer’s decision about an account adjustment outcome, follow this procedure.

To record the customer’s decision about an account adjustment outcome

1 Navigate to the Credit Management screen, then the Credit Alert List view.

2 Drill down on the alert number of the credit alert.

3 Click the Account Adjustments view tab.

4 In the Account Adjustments list, enter information in the Customer Decision and Customer
Decision Date fields.

NOTE: If your company’s policy does not require a customer decision regarding an account
adjustment outcome, then the customer decision fields might not appear in Siebel

5 If the customer rejects the outcome, then discuss the options again and submit another request.

222 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Credit Management in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Managing Collections in
Siebel Communications (End User)

Recording Customer Decisions About Payment Plans

To record a customer’s decision about a payment arrangement outcome, follow this procedure.

To record the customer’s decision about a payment arrangement outcome

1 Navigate to the Credit Management screen, then the Credit Alert List view.

2 Drill down on the alert number of the credit alert.

3 Click the Payment Arrangements view tab.

4 Scroll down to the Payment Arrangements Outcome form, and enter information in the Customer
Decision and Customer Decision Date fields.

NOTE: If your company’s policy does not require a customer decision regarding an account
adjustment outcome, then the customer decision fields might not appear in Siebel

5 If the customer rejects the outcome, then discuss the options again and submit another request.

Process of Managing Collections in

Siebel Communications (End User)
Collection management is the process of collecting payment from a subscriber after the end of the
grace period for the amount due. Collection management involves performing a sequence of actions
to collect the past due amount. If payment is not made after the grace period, a typical sequence of
collection actions might, for example, consist of a reminder phone call or email, a reminder letter, a
demanding phone call, a dunning letter, referral to a collection agency, suspension of service, and
cancellation of the account. The specific collection actions you perform may be different, depending
on your company’s business requirements.

Collection management involves integrating Siebel Communications with an external credit

management application or the external Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management
application. The integration functions as follows:

■ The external application identifies bills that are past the due date and require collection. The
external application transmits a notification that becomes a credit alert in Siebel

■ When an account enters collections in the external application, its Billing Profile status changes
from green to yellow. Collection actions are performed, and billing statuses are updated in Siebel
Communications automatically by the external application. When the account exits from
collection, the billing profile status changes from yellow back to green.

NOTE: The billing profile status of an account can be updated automatically only by the external
application and cannot be changed manually in Siebel CRM.

■ Billing statuses that have been updated in Siebel Communications are then synchronized with
and updated in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management.

To manage collections in Siebel Communications, perform the following tasks:

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 22 3

Credit Management in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Managing Collections in
Siebel Communications (End User)

1 “Updating Collection Actions in Siebel Communications” on page 224

2 “Processing Collection Payments in Siebel Communications” on page 226

3 “Closing Collections Actions in Siebel Communications” on page 226

Updating Collection Actions in Siebel Communications

Collection actions appear in Siebel Communications as credit alerts. Most credit alerts are
automatically created through batch updates from Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue
Management. Credit alerts can also be entered manually. For more information about creating a
credit alert, see “Reviewing and Adding a Credit Alert in Siebel Communications (End User)” on
page 215.

You can update collection actions by changing the status of credit alerts. To view and update
collection actions, follow this procedure.

This task is a step in “Process of Managing Collections in Siebel Communications (End User)” on
page 223.

To update a collection action

1 Navigate to the Credit Management screen, then the Credit Alert List view.

2 Query for credit alerts with a status of Open.

The Credit Alerts list shows only those credit alerts that are associated with collection actions.

3 Select the credit alert that is associated with the collection action whose status you want to

224 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Credit Management in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Managing Collections in
Siebel Communications (End User)

4 View details of the credit alert.

Some fields are described in the table that follows.

Field Comments

Action Type Type of action to be performed in relation to a credit alert. The action type
might generate or require one or more activities. If the current credit
alert is associated with a collection action (that is, if its status is Open),
this field will have one of the following values:

■ No Action

■ No Action - Impose Late Fee

■ No Action - Write-off
■ Courtesy Phone Call

■ Demanding Phone Call

■ Courtesy Email or SMS Reminder

■ Harsh Dunning Letter

■ Courtesy Dunning Letter

■ Suspend Services

■ Terminate Services

■ Refer to Outside Agency

As collection actions are completed, you can change the value to another
value on this list.

Billing Profile ID Identifier code for the account billing profile with which this credit alert is
associated. Read-only when credit alert is created in the external billing

Due Date Date on which the current collection action is due.

Sub Status Read only. If the current credit alert is associated with a collection action
(that is, if its status is Open), this field displays one of the following

■ Entered Collections

■ Exited Collections

As collection actions are completed, the value is updated from the

external Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management

5 Change the Status field from Open to another, appropriate value.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 22 5

Credit Management in Siebel Communications ■ Process of Managing Collections in
Siebel Communications (End User)

6 Click Sync Status.

The associated collection action is updated in the external Oracle Communications Billing and
Revenue Management application.

Processing Collection Payments in Siebel

One possible resolution for a collections credit alert involves the customer's full or partial payment
of the amount outstanding. To process a payment for a collections credit alert, follow this procedure.
For more information about processing payments for credit alerts, see “Entering Payments for Credit
Alerts in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 218.

This task is a step in “Process of Managing Collections in Siebel Communications (End User)” on
page 223.

To process a collections payment

1 Navigate to the Credit Management screen, then the Credit Alert List view.

2 Query for credit alerts with the status of Open.

The Credit Alerts list shows only those credit alerts that are associated with collection actions.

3 Select the credit alert that is associated with the collection action for which you want to process
a payment.

4 Click the link in the Billing Profile field.

5 Click the Payments view tab.

6 In the Payments list, create a new record.

7 Complete the Payment Date, Payment Method, and Payment Amount fields.

8 Click Submit.

Closing Collections Actions in Siebel Communications

When a credit alert is created by the external Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue
Management application, its sub status is set to Entered Collections, and the billing profile status of
the associated account is updated with the color yellow. When you close a collections action credit
alert, Siebel Communications updates the Billing Profile Status field and notifies the external Oracle
Communications Billing and Revenue Management application. For more information about closing a
credit alert, see “Closing a Credit Alert Manually in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 227.

To close a collections action credit alert, follow this procedure.

This task is a step in “Process of Managing Collections in Siebel Communications (End User)” on
page 223.

226 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Credit Management in Siebel Communications ■ Closing a Credit Alert Manually in Siebel
Communications (End User)

To close a collections action

1 Navigate to the Credit Management screen, then the Credit Alert List view.

2 Query for credit alerts with the status of Open.

The Credit Alerts list shows only those credit alerts that are associated with collection actions.

3 Select the credit alert that is associated with the collection action that you want to close.

4 Change the Status field to Closed, Rejected, or Cancelled, as applicable.

5 Click Sync Status.

Siebel Communications sends the closing actions to the external Oracle Communications Billing
and Revenue Management application through the integration. When the account exits from
collection in the external application, the external application sends a credit alert update with a
substatus of Exited Collections and updates the associated billing profile from yellow to green.

Closing a Credit Alert Manually in Siebel

Communications (End User)
After an outcome has been received and accepted (if necessary), you can close the credit alert
manually in Siebel Communications.

CAUTION: Do not use this procedure if your Siebel CRM application is integrated with an external
system. If you close a credit alert manually in Siebel Communications, that credit alert might remain
open in the external application and cause a data mismatch. In an integrated environment, always
allow credit alerts to be closed automatically by the external application. For more information about
automatic credit alert updates, see “Process of Managing Collections in Siebel Communications (End
User)” on page 223.

To close a credit alert manually

1 Navigate to the Credit Management screen, then the Credit Alert List view.

2 Drill down on the alert number of the credit alert.

3 In the Action Type field, select a value of Payment Arrangement Agreed.

4 In the Status field, select a value of Closed.

Additional End-User Tasks for Credit

Management in Siebel Communications
For information about other tasks related to credit management, see Siebel Field Service Guide and
Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 22 7

Credit Management in Siebel Communications ■ Additional End-User Tasks for Credit
Management in Siebel Communications

Financial Information Checks

Look at customer financial information, including bills and credit rating data, that might be useful in
resolving credit alerts. For information about checking customer financial information, see “About
Financial Profiles in Siebel Communications” on page 101.

228 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

14 Fraud Management in Siebel

This chapter describes the procedures for managing and responding to fraud alerts. It includes the
following topics:

■ “About Fraud Management in Siebel Communications” on page 229

■ “Scenario for Using Fraud Management in Siebel Communications” on page 230

■ “Viewing Fraud Alerts in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 231

■ “About Following Up with the Customer for a Fraud Alert” on page 233

■ “Changing Fraud Thresholds in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 233

■ “Updating the Fraud Alert in Siebel Communications (End User)” on page 234

■ “Additional End-User Tasks for Fraud Management in Siebel Communications” on page 234

About Fraud Management in Siebel

Fraud occurs when someone uses a service to defraud a consumer, business, or service provider by
obtaining free services or services that the individual concerned is not entitled to. Some of the more
common methods and indicators of fraud follow:

■ Cloning of mobile phones

■ Stolen phones

■ Unauthorized third-party charging of calls

■ Stolen or fraudulently obtained calling cards and PINs

■ Bills returned in the mail with a claim that the customer is not at that address.

Fraud can be identified in various ways. For example, a consumer might identify fraud on a bill,
noting charges for services that were not requested or used. Alternatively, a service provider might
identify irregular calling patterns that can indicate fraud.

Traditionally, companies have used legacy fraud management applications to identify and manage
fraud. The fraud management process involves fraud alerts, warnings that a fraud might have been
committed, which are generated by the fraud management application from an analysis of calling
details. For example, an alert may be generated if the system detects calls originating from two
different cities within a short time period. A common way to commit such a fraud is by cloning,
illegally modifying a handset chip to send an identification signal for another, legal phone. This allows
the owner of the illegal handset to make phone calls on the legal phone owner's account.

A fraud alert can also be generated by a breach of a fraud threshold. A fraud threshold is a value
which, when exceeded, produces a fraud alert. For example, a customer may have a threshold limit
of $250.00 per day for domestic calls.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 22 9

Fraud Management in Siebel Communications ■ Scenario for Using Fraud Management
in Siebel Communications

The back-office application issues a fraud alert by placing the customer on a fraud list, a list of
customer accounts that are suspected of or confirmed for fraud. The back-office application might
generate multiple lists, classified by categories in descending order of the likelihood of fraud.

A back-office fraud management application usually has a front-office component, which is used to
manage customer interactions related to fraud. Siebel Communications functions as the front-office
application for managing fraud. Your company’s back-office fraud management applications send
fraud lists to Siebel Communications for follow-up. Customer service representatives (CSRs) go
through the lists and contact the customers to check if they made the calls that are the cause of the
fraud alerts.

Fraud alerts indicate the type of fraud that might have occurred. For example, Exceeds Threshold is
a fraud alert type that indicates that a predefined limit has been exceeded. Another fraud alert type,
Stolen Handset, indicates that a customer's mobile phone has been stolen.

To help you resolve cases of suspected or obvious fraud, Siebel Communications allows you to view
fraud lists, fraud alerts, fraud-related background information about accounts, and the history of
fraud-related activities for an account.

Scenario for Using Fraud Management in

Siebel Communications
This topic gives one example of how fraud management might be used. You might use fraud
management differently, depending on your business model.

A CSR is responsible for handling fraud issues for all of your small and medium-sized customers. A
business customer has a contract for mobile subscriptions for the firm’s employees. The owner is one
of the mobile subscribers and is based in Rome.

The CSRs fraud management system notices that calls from the owner’s mobile phone have
originated in San Francisco and Los Angeles within a span of a few minutes. This can only happen
when a mobile phone has been cloned. The fraud management system generates a fraud alert for
the customer’s account, with the fraud level set to Certain, the fraud type set to Invalid Calls, and
fraud event set to Simultaneous Calls. The fraud management system also suspends the customer’s
account pending customer confirmation. The fraud message and the associated call detail records
(CDRs) are forwarded to Siebel Communications. The fraud system creates the alert and flags the
account. Through integration with the third-party system, the fraud data is sent to the CSR’s Siebel
application, and the account is flagged as fraudulent. The Siebel application creates a fraud alert and
fraud alert details and updates the customer account with the fraud level.

Siebel Communications has been configured to generate an activity to contact the customer. The
fraud alert appears in the customer service supervisor's queue by default, and the supervisor assigns
the fraud alert to the CSR, who then examines the fraud alert and associated fraud alert details. The
CSR also checks for any other fraud alerts raised against the customer’s account in the last 12
months to see if there is a history of fraud. This turns out to be the first fraud alert against this
customer’s account.

230 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Fraud Management in Siebel Communications ■ Viewing Fraud Alerts in Siebel
Communications (End User)

The CSR looks up contact information for the customer in Siebel Communications and telephones the
owner, who is listed as the primary contact for the customer account. The owner mentions that he
has not been to Los Angeles for more than two years, and is certain that the phone has been in his
control during this period. The CSR informs him that there may have been a fraudulent use of his
telephone number, and that the CSR will need to provide him with another telephone number. The
customer agrees to take his handset to the nearest dealer who will help him with this process. The
CSR updates the fraud alert's status and attaches appropriate comments.

Siebel Communications transmits this information to the fraud management system. The CSR’s fraud
management department then starts its formal investigation.

Figure 19 shows a possible sequence for managing fraud.

Figure 19. Example of Sequence for Fraud Management

Viewing Fraud Alerts in Siebel

Communications (End User)
When a back-office application flags an account for fraud, Siebel Communications receives a fraud
alert and fraud alert details.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 23 1

Fraud Management in Siebel Communications ■ Viewing Fraud Alerts in Siebel
Communications (End User)

In the course of investigating fraud, end users review the fraud alert to determine the type of fraud
that might have occurred. End users then discuss the fraud alert details, which contain the specific
data alleged to be fraudulent, with the customer.

Viewing Fraud Alerts

To view a fraud alert, follow this procedure.

To view a fraud alert

1 Navigate to the Fraud Management screen, then the Fraud Alert List view.

Some fields in the list are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Fraud Event Displays the condition that indicates suspected fraud. The value in this
field depends on the value in the Fraud Type field.

Alert # Displays an alert number that is automatically generated.

Threshold Overflow Displays the quantity by which the account’s threshold level is

Owner Displays the primary person assigned to this account for fraud
management purposes. This person is responsible for customer
follow-up to determine whether fraud occurred.

2 Drill down on the alert number of the fraud alert.

Viewing Fraud Alert Details

To view fraud alert details, follow this procedure.

To view fraud alert details

1 Navigate to the Fraud Management screen, then the Fraud Alert List view.

2 Drill down on the alert number of the fraud alert.

232 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Fraud Management in Siebel Communications ■ About Following Up with the Customer
for a Fraud Alert

3 Click the Event Details view tab.

An Account form appears with the Event Details list beneath it. The Event Details list displays
detailed information about the selected alert. This information typically includes the call detail
records associated with the suspected fraudulent calls. Some fraud alerts (for example, Stolen
Handset) might have no associated fraud alert details.

Some fields in the Event Details list are described in the following table.

Field Comments

Number Location Displays the geographical location of the number dialed in a suspected
fraudulent call.

Date/Time Displays the date and time of the event.

Number Called Displays the number dialed in a suspected fraudulent call.

Length Displays the length of the service in seconds.

Rate Displays the name of the rate plan used to calculate the charge (for
example, Peak, Off-Peak, Standard, Economy, or International).

Charge Displays the charges for the service from the Charge dialog box.

About Following Up with the Customer

for a Fraud Alert
End users might establish contact with the customer. Your company might have a business rule that
determines how many times end users must attempt to contact the customer.

If repeated attempts to contact the customer fail, then end users can disconnect the customer’s
service. Your company can configure Siebel Communications to send a message to this effect to the
back-office application. Workflow Manager or a VB script might be used for this configuration.

Changing Fraud Thresholds in Siebel

Communications (End User)
End users can change thresholds in the fraud profile, if necessary. For example, if a breach of a credit
threshold generated the fraud alert, then the customer can request a higher threshold. If this request
is granted, then it might cancel the fraud alert.

To change a fraud threshold

1 Navigate to the Fraud Management screen, then the Fraud Alert List view.

2 Drill down on the account name of the fraud alert.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 23 3

Fraud Management in Siebel Communications ■ Updating the Fraud Alert in Siebel
Communications (End User)

3 In the Fraud Account Profile form, change one or more of the fields.

For information about the fields in the Fraud Account Profile form, see Chapter 4, “Profiles in
Siebel Communications.”

Updating the Fraud Alert in Siebel

Communications (End User)
End users can indicate that some action has been taken by adding comments or by changing other
fields in the fraud alert record, such as its status, priority, or owner.

To update a fraud alert

1 Navigate to the Fraud Management screen, then the Fraud Alert List view.

2 Select a fraud alert record.

3 In the Fraud Alert record, complete the necessary fields.

Additional End-User Tasks for Fraud

Management in Siebel Communications
This topic contains information about another task related to fraud management.

Disconnecting Service
If necessary, end users can disconnect a customer’s service because of the nature of the alert, a
discussion with the customer, failure to contact the customer, or the company’s policy. Depending on
the severity of the alert, part or all of the customer’s services (for example, international dialing)
might already have been disconnected by the back-office application.

If your company has configured the Fraud Activities types to include Service Disconnect, then end
users can add this activity to a fraud alert. For information about disconnecting a service, see Siebel
Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications.

234 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

15 Defining Integration Workflows
for Siebel Communications

This chapter explains integration using prebuilt sample workflows that might be provided with your
Siebel application or that might be available on request. It includes the following topics:

■ “About Integration Workflows in Siebel Communications” on page 235

■ “Terminology for Integration Workflows in Siebel Communications” on page 236

■ “Sample Integration Workflows for Siebel Communications” on page 237

■ “Sample Integration Workflow: CUT Send Account Data” on page 244

■ “Sample Integration Workflow: CUT Get Account Data” on page 245

■ “Sample Integration Workflow: CUT Receive Account Data” on page 245

About Integration Workflows in Siebel

A workflow process is a sequence of steps that automates a business function. Some workflow
processes (also known as business processes) allow your company to integrate Siebel
Communications with back-office applications and databases. You can implement integration with
third-party applications by using the following resources and techniques:

■ Prebuilt workflows. Some prebuilt workflow processes are included in the sample database
distributed with Siebel Communications, along with prebuilt integration objects in the Siebel
Tools repository. If a workflow process mentioned in this chapter is not in your Siebel
application’s sample database, then it might be available on request. For help with requesting a
workflow process, contact your Oracle sales representative to request assistance from Oracle's
Professional Services.

■ Manual integration. Your company can automate the integration between Siebel
Communications and other applications manually. To automate the integration between Siebel
Communications and other applications manually, you normally use both Oracle’s Siebel Business
Process Designer and Siebel Enterprise Application Integration (Siebel EAI).

NOTE: Triggers for some business processes (for example, a button-push or workflow policy) are
defined during implementation of the workflow process.

This chapter covers the following subjects:

■ Information about how sample integration workflow processes can be used to automate or
partially automate a business process.

■ Descriptions of sample integration workflow processes that are available in the Siebel
Communications sample database.

■ Details of sample workflow processes to help you understand how a workflow process is set up.
Refer to these samples when you design your own integration workflow processes.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 23 5

Defining Integration Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Terminology for
Integration Workflows in Siebel Communications

You can automate business processes using workflow processes in combination with Business
Process Administration. This chapter does not give detailed information about Business Process
Administration or application integration in general. For information about these topics, see Siebel
Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide and the Siebel Enterprise Application Integration
(Siebel EAI) guides, available on the Siebel Bookshelf.

NOTE: The integration workflow processes discussed in this chapter are not Application Services
Interfaces (ASIs), although they serve a similar function.

Terminology for Integration Workflows

in Siebel Communications
This topic describes some terms used in this chapter in the context of workflow processes.

Siebel EAI. Siebel Enterprise Application Integration (Siebel EAI) is a set of tools, technologies, and
prebuilt functional integrations that facilitate application integration. It supports message-based
integration with external applications. Using Oracle’s Siebel Enterprise Application Integration
(Siebel EAI) module, a service provider can connect Siebel Communications directly to another
application within the operational support architecture or connect to a hub or queue. This process
allows middleware vendors to build their own Siebel-to-third-party connectors.

NOTE: Integration with specific back-office applications or middleware packages is performed by

your company. Siebel Business Applications offer prebuilt connectors to some back-office

Integration Objects. Integration objects define the content of the messages that are initiated or
received by Siebel Communications. They are based on business objects. The repository stores both
integration objects and the mapping between business objects and integration objects.

Business Services. Business services act on objects to move data, convert data formats, and
perform calculations. The Siebel Communications repository contains some business services that
specifically help with integration tasks. You can also build your own in Siebel Tools (at design time)
or in the Siebel Web client (at run time).

Workflow Processes. Workflow processes are sequences of steps that are used by Business
Process Administration to automate a business function. Workflow process steps call business
services that perform the procedures needed to perform a business process.

Synchronizing Phone Number Data with an External System

End users create or modify a phone number in Siebel Communications, and the phone number is
synchronized with one or more back-office systems using the CUT Send Phone Number Data
workflow process. The workflow process used to perform this scenario is CUT Receive Phone Number
Data Workflow.

NOTE: This process describes the exchange of phone number data. It is assumed that the phone
number data are stored as Assets in the Siebel database. This process can be applied to any Asset

236 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Defining Integration Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Sample Integration
Workflows for Siebel Communications

Synchronizing External Phone Number Data with Siebel

End users create or modify a phone number in an external application, and the phone number data
is synchronized with Siebel Communications using the CUT Receive Phone Number Data workflow
process. The workflow process used to perform this scenario is CUT Receive Phone Number Data

NOTE: This process describes the exchange of phone number data. It is assumed that the phone
number data are stored as Assets in the Siebel database. This process can be applied to any Asset

Responding to an External Inquiry for Phone Number Data

The external system requires phone number (asset) data. The external application calls the CUT Get
Phone Number Data workflow process using the available Siebel object interfaces. The external
application retrieves the data from Siebel Communications using the workflow process as an API. The
workflow process used to perform this scenario is CUT Get Phone Number Data Workflow.

NOTE: This process describes the exchange of phone number data. It is assumed that the phone
number data are stored as Assets in the Siebel database. This process can be applied to any Asset

Sample Integration Workflows for Siebel

This topic describes the sample integration workflow processes.

NOTE: Sample workflows must be imported into your database. For information about importing
these workflows, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide.

Some workflow process steps call other workflow processes. For example, the first step of the CUT
Send Account Data workflow process calls the CUT Get Account Data workflow process. In this
example, the CUT Get Account Data workflow process is a subprocess of the CUT Send Account Data
workflow process.

Some sample workflow processes communicate using the EAI MQSeries Transport business service.
If your company does not use MQ Series, then you can replace the appropriate step with one that
uses either a custom transport business service, the provided HTTP business service, or the provided
XML file business service. Business services are located in the Oracle’s Siebel Tools repository and
are available for use when defining workflow processes.

The integration objects used in the samples follow:

■ CUT Sample Account IO

■ CUT Sample Asset IO

■ CUT Sample Credit Alert IO

■ CUT Sample Fraud Alert IO

■ CUT Sample Sales Order IO

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 23 7

Defining Integration Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Sample Integration
Workflows for Siebel Communications

■ CUT Sample Service Profile IO

■ CUT Sample Trouble Ticket IO

■ CUT Sample Work Order IO

NOTE: The Integration Object mentioned in this topic is specified in XML. It is not specified as a
Business Service Input Argument.

CUT Send Account Data Workflow

This workflow sends to back-office applications the customer account data that end users create or
modify in Siebel Communications.

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Get Account Data. This step invokes the CUT Get Account Data subprocess. For more
information, see “CUT Get Account Data Workflow” on page 238.

2 Send Account Data. This step invokes the EAI MQSeries Server Transport business service.

CUT Get Account Data Workflow

This workflow retrieves account data from Siebel Communications to respond to a request from an
external application. The external application calls the CUT Send Account Data workflow using the
available Siebel object interfaces. The CUT Send Account Data workflow calls this workflow. The
external application retrieves the data from Siebel Communications, using this workflow as an API.

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Get Account Data. This step uses the Query method of the EAI Siebel Adapter business service
and the CUT Sample Account IO.

2 Convert to XML. This step uses the Integration Object Hierarchy to XML Document method of
the EAI XML Converter business service.

CUT Receive Account Data Workflow

This workflow receives customer account data that is modified in a back-office application because
the data must be updated in Siebel Communications.

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Receive Account Update. This step uses the Receive method of the EAI MQSeries Server
Transport business service.

2 Convert to Internal. This step uses the XML Document to Integration Hierarchy method of the
EAI XML Converter business service.

3 Update Account. This step uses the Insert or Update method of the EAI Siebel Adapter business

238 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Defining Integration Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Sample Integration
Workflows for Siebel Communications

CUT Send Service Profile Data Workflow

This workflow synchronizes the service profile data that end users create or modify in Siebel
Communications with the service profile data in back-office applications.

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Get Service Profile Data. This step invokes the CUT Get Service Profile Data subprocess. For
more information, see “CUT Get Service Profile Data Workflow” on page 239.

2 Send Service Profile Data. This step uses the EAI MQSeries Server Transport business service.

CUT Get Service Profile Data Workflow

This workflow retrieves service profile data from Siebel Communications to respond to a request from
an external application. The external application calls the CUT Send Service Profile Data workflow
using the available Siebel object interfaces. The CUT Send Service Profile Data workflow calls this
workflow. The external application retrieves the data from Siebel Communications, using this
workflow as an API.

NOTE: A service profile contains the same information in the Installed Assets view of the Accounts

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Get Service Profile Data. This step uses the Query method of the EAI Siebel Adapter business
service and the CUT Sample Service Profile IO.

2 Convert to XML. This step uses the Integration Object Hierarchy to XML Document method of
the EAI XML Converter business service.

CUT Receive Service Profile Data Workflow

This workflow synchronizes service profile data that end users create or modify in an external
application with the service profile data in Siebel Communications.

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Receive Service Profile Update. This step uses the Receive method of the EAI MQSeries Server
Transport business service.

2 Convert to Internal. This step uses the XML Document to Integration Hierarchy method of the
EAI XML Converter business service.

3 Update Service Profile. This step uses the Insert or Update method of the EAI Siebel Adapter
business service.

CUT Send Sales Order Data Workflow

This workflow sends to back-office applications the sales order data that end users create in Siebel

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 23 9

Defining Integration Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Sample Integration
Workflows for Siebel Communications

1 Get Sales Order Data. This step invokes the CUT Get Sales Order Data subprocess. For more
information, see “CUT Get Sales Order Data Workflow” on page 240.

2 Send Sales Order Data. This step uses the EAI MQSeries Server Transport business service.

CUT Get Sales Order Data Workflow

This workflow retrieves sales order data from Siebel Communications to respond to a request from
an external application. The external application calls this workflow using the available Siebel object
interfaces. The external application retrieves the data from Siebel Communications directly, using
this workflow as an API.

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Get Sales Order Data. This step uses the Query method of the EAI Siebel Adapter business
service and the CUT Sample Sales Order IO.

2 Convert to XML. This step uses the Integration Object Hierarchy to XML Document method of
the EAI XML Converter business service.

CUT Receive Sales Order Data Workflow

This workflow receives sales order data that is modified in a back-office application because the data
must be updated in Siebel Communications.

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Receive Sales Order Update. This step uses the Receive method of the EAI MQSeries Server
Transport business service.

2 Convert to Internal. This step uses the XML Document to Integration Hierarchy method of the
EAI XML Converter business service.

3 Update Sales Order. This step uses the Insert or Update method of the EAI Siebel Adapter
business service.

CUT Send Work Order Data Workflow

This workflow sends to back-office applications the work order data that end users create in Siebel

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Get Work Order Data. This step invokes the CUT Get Work Order Data subprocess. For more
information, see “CUT Get Work Order Data Workflow” on page 241.

2 Send Work Order Data. This step uses the EAI MQSeries Server Transport business service.

240 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Defining Integration Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Sample Integration
Workflows for Siebel Communications

CUT Get Work Order Data Workflow

This workflow retrieves work order data from Siebel Communications to respond to a request from
an external application. The external application calls this workflow using the available Siebel object
interfaces. The external application retrieves the data from Siebel Communications directly, using
this workflow as an API.

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Get Work Order Data. This step uses the Query method of the EAI Siebel Adapter business
service and the CUT Sample Work Order IO.

2 Convert to XML. This step uses the Integration Object Hierarchy to XML Document method of
the EAI XML Converter business service.

CUT Receive Work Order Data Workflow

This workflow receives work order data that is modified in a back-office application because the data
must be updated in Siebel Communications.

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Receive Work Order Update. This step uses the Receive method of the EAI MQSeries Server
Transport business service.

2 Convert to Internal. This step uses the XML Document to Integration Hierarchy method of the
EAI XML Converter business service.

3 Update Work Order. This step uses the Insert or Update method of the EAI Siebel Adapter
business service.

CUT Send Trouble Ticket Data Workflow

This workflow sends to back-office applications the trouble ticket data that customers create through
a Siebel Communications customer application or through a phone call to a CSR.

NOTE: Customers have different requirements, and only certain types of trouble tickets must be sent
to back-office applications. Some trouble tickets can be managed entirely within Siebel
Communications. The supporting integration process is designed for trouble tickets that are sent to
the back office. During implementation of a workflow process, the trigger must be implemented in
such a way that the workflow process is invoked only for trouble tickets that are sent to the back

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Get Trouble Ticket Data. This step invokes the CUT Get Trouble Ticket Data subprocess. For
more information, see “CUT Get Trouble Ticket Data Workflow” on page 242.

2 Send Trouble Ticket Data. This step uses the EAI MQSeries Server Transport business service.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 24 1

Defining Integration Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Sample Integration
Workflows for Siebel Communications

CUT Get Trouble Ticket Data Workflow

This workflow retrieves trouble ticket data from Siebel Communications to respond to a request from
an external application. The external application calls this workflow using the available Siebel object
interfaces. The external application retrieves the data from Siebel Communications directly, using
this workflow as an API.

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Get Trouble Ticket Data. This step uses the Query method of the EAI Siebel Adapter business
service and the CUT Sample Trouble Ticket IO.

2 Convert to XML. This step uses the Integration Object Hierarchy to XML Document method of
the EAI XML Converter business service.

CUT Receive Trouble Ticket Data Workflow

This workflow creates a trouble ticket in a back-office application and sends it to Siebel
Communications. Updates to trouble tickets stored in a back-office application are communicated to
Siebel Communications in the same way, allowing CSRs to see the latest information about externally
generated trouble tickets.

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Receive Trouble Ticket Update. This step uses the Receive method of the EAI MQSeries Server
Transport business service.

2 Convert to Internal. This step uses the XML Document to Integration Hierarchy method of the
EAI XML Converter business service.

3 Update Trouble Ticket. This step uses the Insert or Update method of the EAI Siebel Adapter
business service.

CUT Receive Fraud Alert Data Workflow

This workflow creates a fraud alert record in a back-office application and sends it to Siebel
Communications. Updates to fraud alert information stored in the back-office application are
communicated to Siebel Communications in the same way, allowing CSRs to see the latest
information about externally generated alerts.

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Receive Fraud Alert Update. This step uses the Receive method of the EAI MQSeries Server
Transport business service.

2 Convert to Internal. This step uses the XML Document to Integration Hierarchy method of the
EAI XML Converter business service.

3 Update Fraud Alert. This step uses the Insert or Update method of the EAI Siebel Adapter
business service.

242 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Defining Integration Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Sample Integration
Workflows for Siebel Communications

CUT Receive Credit Alert Data Workflow

This workflow creates a credit alert record in a back-office application and sends it to Siebel
Communications. Updates to credit alert information stored in the back-office application are
communicated to Siebel Communications in the same way, allowing CSRs to see the latest
information about externally generated alerts.

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Receive Credit Alert Update. This step uses the Receive method of the EAI MQSeries Server
Transport business service.

2 Convert to Internal. This step uses the XML Document to Integration Hierarchy method of the
EAI XML Converter business service.

3 Update Trouble Ticket. This step uses the Insert or Update method of the EAI Siebel Adapter
business service.

CUT Send Phone Number Data Workflow

This workflow sends to back-office applications the phone number data that end users create in
Siebel Communications.

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Get Phone Number Data. This step invokes the CUT Get Phone Number Data subprocess. For
more information, see “CUT Get Phone Number Data Workflow” on page 243.

2 Send Phone Number Data. This step uses the EAI MQSeries Server Transport business service.

CUT Get Phone Number Data Workflow

This workflow retrieves phone number data from Siebel Communications to respond to a request
from an external application. The external application calls this workflow using the available Siebel
object interfaces. The external application retrieves the data from Siebel Communications directly,
using this workflow as an API.

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Get Phone Number Data. This step uses the Query method of the EAI Siebel Adapter business
service and the CUT Sample Asset IO.

2 Convert to XML. This step uses the Integration Object Hierarchy to XML Document method of
the EAI XML Converter business service.

CUT Receive Phone Number Data Workflow

This workflow receives phone number data that is modified in a back-office application because the
data must be updated in Siebel Communications.

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Receive Phone Number Update. This step uses the Receive method of the EAI MQSeries
Server Transport business service.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 24 3

Defining Integration Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Sample Integration
Workflow: CUT Send Account Data

2 Convert to Internal. This step uses the XML Document to Integration Hierarchy method of the
EAI XML Converter business service.

3 Update Phone Number. This step uses the Insert or Update method of the EAI Siebel Adapter
business service.

Sample Integration Workflow: CUT Send

Account Data
This topic examines a send-type sample workflow process to help you understand how the workflow
process is set up.

This sample workflow process sends an XML string, created from an account record, to an IBM
MQSeries queue. For more information about profiles, see Chapter 4, “Profiles in Siebel

Figure 20 shows this workflow.

Figure 20. CUT Send Account Data Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Get Account Data. This step invokes the Get Account Data subprocess. For more information
about this workflow, see “Sample Integration Workflow: CUT Get Account Data” on page 245.

2 Send Account Data. This step invokes the EAI MQSeries Server Transport business service to
put the XML message onto the MQSeries queue, called Employee. The message is represented
by the Message Text argument.

The Queue Manager Name and Physical Queue Name are defined during the MQSeries setup. The
Account XML message is sent to the queue specified by the Physical Queue Name property, which
is managed by the queue manager specified in the Queue Manager Name property.

CUT Send Account Data Workflow Properties

Properties that apply to all steps of a workflow process are called workflow process properties. These
properties apply to all workflow processes. These properties follow:

■ Error Message
■ Error Code

■ Object Id

■ Siebel Operation Object Id

The CUT Send Account Data workflow has the following additional properties:

244 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Defining Integration Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Sample Integration
Workflow: CUT Get Account Data

■ Account XML. Specifies the Siebel object that has been converted to XML.

■ Input: Siebel Int Object Name. Specifies the input Integration Object used in send workflows.

■ Process Instance Id. Specifies the process instance and is automatically populated when a
process is executed and persistence is enabled.

Sample Integration Workflow: CUT Get

Account Data
The sample workflow subprocess retrieves account data.

Figure 21 shows this subprocess.

Figure 21. CUT Get Account Data Subprocess Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Get Account Data. This step uses the query method of the EAI Siebel Adapter business service
to get an instance of an account record from the Siebel database. The CUT Sample Account IO
describes the structure of the Account business object and was created using the Integration
Object Builder. The other part of the query criteria is the Object Id, which is a process property
that contains the row ID for the account in the sample DB.

NOTE: The CUT Sample Account IO value is actually specified as a process property that is used
as the input argument for the process step.

2 Convert to XML. This step uses the Integration Object Hierarchy to XML Document method of
the Siebel EAI XML Converter business service to convert the outbound Siebel Message to XML
and store it in the Account XML output argument.

Sample Integration Workflow: CUT

Receive Account Data
This topic examines a receive-type sample workflow process to help you understand how the
workflow process is set up.

This sample workflow process receives an XML string from an IBM MQSeries queue and updates the
Account instance in the Siebel database.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 24 5

Defining Integration Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Sample Integration
Workflow: CUT Receive Account Data

Figure 22 shows this workflow.

Figure 22. CUT Receive Account Data Workflow Process

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Receive Account Update. This step uses the Receive method of the EAI MQSeries Server
Transport business service to retrieve the inbound message from the Account physical queue.
This queue is named in the Physical Queue Name argument.
In this case, the output from the receive step is put into the Account XML process property. The
assumption is that the inbound message is already in XML format.

2 Convert to Internal. This step uses the XML Document to Integration Object Hierarchy method
of the Siebel EAI XML Converter business service to convert the inbound message to the Siebel
business object format.

The output argument from this step is stored in the Account Message process property, in the
Siebel Message format.

3 Update Account. This step uses the Insert or Update method of the EAI Siebel Adapter business
service to perform the updating task. The EAI Siebel Adapter business service checks the Siebel
database for an Account record that matches the current instance of Account in the Account
Message property, and completes the following actions:

■ If an Account record matching the current instance does not appear in the database, then
the adapter inserts the record into the database.

■ If an Account record in the database matches the current instance, then the adapter updates
the record with the instance.

CUT Receive Account Data Workflow Properties

Set workflow process properties when you need a property to be true for the entire workflow. For
example, the CUT Receive Account Data workflow process has five properties. The Error Message,
Error Code, Object Id, and Siebel Operation Object Id properties are included in each workflow
process by default. The Account XML property defines the MQSeries message as XML recognizable
by Oracle’s Siebel Business Applications.

The CUT Receive Account Data workflow process has the following additional properties:

■ Account Message. Contains the object in its Siebel Communications hierarchical format when
converted. It must be in this format before it can be inserted or updated in Siebel

■ Account XML. Specifies the Siebel object that has been converted to XML.

■ Process Instance Id. Specifies the process instance and is automatically populated when a
process is executed and persistence is enabled.

246 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Defining Integration Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Sample Integration
Workflow: CUT Receive Account Data

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 24 7

Defining Integration Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Sample Integration
Workflow: CUT Receive Account Data

248 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

16 Defining Billing Profile
Workflows for Siebel

This chapter includes the following topics:

■ “About Billing Profile Workflows for Siebel Communications” on page 249

■ “Workflows for Synchronization” on page 249

■ “Workflow to View Content in the Billing Profile Portal” on page 259

■ “Workflows to Enter Adjustments in the Billing Profile Portal” on page 260

■ “Workflows to Manage Contacts, Accounts, and Payments” on page 272

About Billing Profile Workflows for

Siebel Communications
A workflow process is a sequence of steps that automates a business function. Some workflow
processes (also known as business processes) allow your company to manage operations associated
with billing profiles.

Workflows for Synchronization

This group of workflows synchronizes data between the Siebel CRM application and the billing
application. It consists of the following workflow processes:

■ “CMU Account Sync Workflow” on page 250

■ “CMU Address Sync Workflow” on page 250

■ “CMU Contact Sync Workflow” on page 251

■ “CMU Profile Sync Workflow” on page 252

■ “SWI Account Update Workflow” on page 253

■ “SWI Address Update Workflow” on page 254

■ “SWI Contact Update Workflow” on page 255

■ “SWI Billing Profile Update Workflow” on page 256

■ “SWI Special Rating - Synchronize Process” on page 257

■ “SWIAdjustmentStatusUpdate” on page 257

■ “CMU Credit Alert Status Sync” on page 258

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 24 9

Defining Billing Profile Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Workflows for

CMU Account Sync Workflow

This workflow synchronizes account data between the Siebel CRM application and the billing

Figure 23 shows this workflow.

A user initiates this workflow by creating an account record or by changing any field in the business
component for an account record in the Siebel CRM application.

Figure 23. CMU Account Sync Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Query Account. Queries for the updated account details.

2 Get Custom Attributes. Reads the enterprise details, such as the enterprise server name,
language, and locale.

3 Set Custom Attributes. Sets the enterprise details as part of the request message.

4 Account Update Web Service. Calls an asynchronous proxy Web service to send the account
details to the billing application.

Associated Business Service Methods. The following table shows the steps in this workflow that
call business service methods.

Workflow Step Method Called In Business Service

Query Account QueryById CMU Query Account Service

Get Custom Attributes GetEnterpriseParameters CMU External Integration Service

Set Custom Attributes SetAttributesToMessage CMU External Integration Service

Account Update Web Service UpdateCustomerParty UpdateCustomerSiebelJMSProducer

CMU Address Sync Workflow

This workflow synchronizes address data between the Siebel CRM application and the billing

Figure 24 shows this workflow.

250 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Defining Billing Profile Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Workflows for

A user initiates this workflow by creating an address record or by changing any field for the business
component for an address record in the Siebel CRM application.

Figure 24. CMU Address Sync Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Query Address. Queries for the updated address details.

2 Get Custom Attributes. Reads the enterprise details, such as the enterprise server name,
language, and locale.

3 Set Custom Attributes. Sets the enterprise details as part of the request message.

4 Address Update Web Service. Calls an asynchronous proxy Web service to send the address
details to the billing application.

Associated Business Service Methods. The following table shows the steps in this workflow that
call business service methods.

Workflow Step Method Called In Business Service

Query Address QueryById CMU Query Address Service

Get Custom Attributes GetEnterpriseParameters CMU External Integration Service

Set Custom Attributes SetAttributesToMessage CMU External Integration Service

Address Update Web Service UpdateCustomerPartyAddress UpdateCustomerSiebelJMSProducer

CMU Contact Sync Workflow

This workflow synchronizes contact data between the Siebel CRM application and the billing

Figure 25 shows this workflow.

A user initiates this workflow by creating a contact record or by changing any field for the business
component for a contact record in the Siebel CRM application.

Figure 25. CMU Contact Sync Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 25 1

Defining Billing Profile Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Workflows for

1 Query Contact. Queries for the updated contact details.

2 Get Custom Attributes. Reads the enterprise details, such as the enterprise server name,
language, and locale.

3 Set Custom Attributes. Sets the enterprise details as part of the request message.

4 Contact Update Web Service. Calls an asynchronous proxy Web service to send the contact
details to the billing application.

Associated Business Service Methods. The following table shows the steps in this workflow that
call business service methods.

Workflow Step Method Called In Business Service

Query Contact QueryById CMU Query Contact Service

Get Custom Attributes GetEnterpriseParameters CMU External Integration Service

Set Custom Attributes SetAttributesToMessage CMU External Integration Service

Contact Update Web Service UpdateCustomerPartyContact UpdateCustomerSiebelJMSProducer

CMU Profile Sync Workflow

This workflow synchronizes billing profile data between the Siebel CRM application and the billing

Figure 26 shows this workflow.

A user initiates this workflow by creating a billing profile record or by changing any field for the
business component for a billing profile record in the Siebel CRM application.

Figure 26. CMU Profile Sync Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Query Billing Profile. Queries for the updated billing profile details.

2 Get Custom Attributes. Reads the enterprise details, such as the enterprise server name,
language, and locale.

3 Set Custom Attributes. Sets the enterprise details as part of the request message.

4 Billing Profile Update Web Service. Calls an asynchronous proxy Web service to send the
billing profile details to the billing application.

252 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Defining Billing Profile Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Workflows for

Associated Business Service Methods. The following table shows the steps in this workflow that
call business service methods.

Workflow Step Method Called In Business Service

Query Billing Profile QueryById CMU Query Billing Profile Service

Get Custom Attributes GetEnterpriseParameters CMU External Integration Service

Set Custom Attributes SetAttributesToMessage CMU External Integration Service

Billing Profile Update UpdateCustomerPartyBillingProfile UpdateCustomerSiebelJMSProducer

Web Service

SWI Account Update Workflow

This workflow calls the outbound service to synchronize the account details from the Siebel
application with the external application. It is called when a change is made to account details.

Figure 27 shows this workflow.

Figure 27. SWI Account Update Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Query Customer Party. Queries for the Account Id of an account in which a change has been
made. Derives the value of the UTCCanonical input parameter for this step from the
UTCCanonical process property. The default value of this property is N. If the value passed is Y,
then the query returns data for any field of the type DTYPE_UTCDATETIME in UTC Canonical

2 Get Custom Attributes. Gets details about Oracle’s Siebel Enterprise Server, such as the
language and locale details.

3 Set Custom Attributes. Sets the Siebel Enterprise Server details, such as the language and
locale values, in the request message to make an outbound Web service call.

4 UpdateCustomerParty. Calls the Aggregateaccountevent method of the

SyncCustomerSiebelEventAggregator business service and updates the customer party. If the
response received contains an error, then the workflow proceeds to the Set Error Msg step.

5 Set Error Msg. If an error occurs in the previous step, then this step displays an error message.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 25 3

Defining Billing Profile Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Workflows for

Associated Business Service Methods. The following table shows the steps in this workflow that
call business service methods.

Workflow Step Method Called In Business Service

UpdateCustomerParty Aggregateaccountevent SyncCustomerSiebelEventA


Set Error Msg CheckAndSetError SWI External Integration


SWI Address Update Workflow

This workflow calls the outbound service to synchronize the address details from the Siebel
application with the external application. It is called when a change is made to the address details.

Figure 28 shows this workflow.

Figure 28. SWI Address Update Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Query Address. Queries for the Address Id of an address in which a change has been made.
Derives the value of the UTCCanonical input parameter for this step from the UTCCanonical
process property. The default value of this property is N. If the value passed is Y, then the query
returns data for any field of the type DTYPE_UTCDATETIME in UTC Canonical format.

2 Get Custom Attributes. Gets Siebel Enterprise Server, such as the language and locale details
for the server.

3 Set Custom Attributes. Sets the Siebel Enterprise Server details, such as the language and
locale values, in the request message to make an outbound Web service call.

4 UpdateCustomerPartyAddress. Calls the Aggregateaddressevent method of the

SyncCustomerSiebelEventAggregator business service and updates the customer party. If the
response received contains an error, then the workflow proceeds to the Set Error Msg step.

5 Set Error Msg. If an error occurs in the previous step, then this step displays an error message.

254 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Defining Billing Profile Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Workflows for

Associated Business Service Methods. The following table shows the steps in this workflow that
call business service methods.

Workflow Step Method Called In Business Service

UpdateCustomerPartyAddress Aggregateaddressevent SyncCustomerSiebelEventA


Set Error Msg CheckAndSetError SWI External Integration


SWI Contact Update Workflow

This workflow calls the outbound service to synchronize the contact details from the Siebel
application with the external application. It is called when a change is made to contact details.

Figure 29 shows this workflow.

Figure 29. SWI Contact Update Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Query Contact. Queries for the Contact Id of a contact in which a change has been made.
Derives the value of the UTCCanonical input parameter for this step from the UTCCanonical
process property. The default value of this property is N. If the value passed is Y, then the query
returns data for any field of the type DTYPE_UTCDATETIME in UTC Canonical format.

2 Get Custom Attributes. Gets the language and locale details for the Siebel Enterprise Server.
3 Set Custom Attributes. Sets the Siebel Enterprise Server details, such as the language and
locale values, in the request message to make an outbound Web service call.

4 UpdateCustomerPartyContact. Calls the aggregatecontactevent method of the

SyncCustomerSiebelEventAggregator business service and updates the customer party. If the
response received contains an error, then the workflow proceeds to the Set Error Msg step.

5 Set Error Msg. If an error occurs in the previous step, then this step displays an error message.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 25 5

Defining Billing Profile Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Workflows for

Associated Business Service Methods. The following table shows the steps in this workflow that
call business service methods.

Workflow Step Method Called In Business Service

UpdateCustomerPartyContact aggregatecontactevent SyncCustomerSiebelEventA


Set Error Msg CheckAndSetError SWI External Integration


SWI Billing Profile Update Workflow

This workflow calls the outbound service to synchronize the billing profile details from the Siebel
application with the external application. It is called when a change is made to the billing profile

Figure 30 shows this workflow.

Figure 30. SWI Billing Profile Update Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Query Billing Profile. Queries for the Billing Profile Id of a billing profile in which a change has
been made. Derives the value of the UTCCanonical input parameter for this step from the
UTCCanonical process property. The default value of this property is N. If the value passed is Y,
then the query returns data for any field of the type DTYPE_UTCDATETIME in UTC Canonical

2 Get Custom Attributes. Gets the language and locale details for the Siebel Enterprise Server.

3 Set Custom Attributes. Sets the Siebel Enterprise Server details, such as the language and
locale values, in the request message to make an outbound Web service call.

4 Billing Profile Update Web Service. Calls the aggregatebpevent method of the
SyncCustomerSiebelEventAggregator business service and updates the customer party. If the
response received contains an error, then the workflow proceeds to the Set Error Msg step.

5 Set Error Msg. If an error occurs in the previous step, then this step displays an error message.

256 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Defining Billing Profile Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Workflows for

Associated Business Service Methods. The following table shows the steps in this workflow that
call business service methods.

Workflow Step Method Called In Business Service

Billing Profile Update Web Service aggregatebpevent SyncCustomerSiebelEventA


Set Error Msg CheckAndSetError SWI External Integration


SWI Special Rating - Synchronize Process

This workflow calls a proxy business service to query and synchronize an updated Special Rating List
with the external Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management application.

Figure 31 shows this workflow.

This workflow is called when a user clicks the Synchronize button in the Accounts Screen, Profiles
view, Special Rating Profile subview, and then Special Rating List applet.

Figure 31. SWI Special Rating - Synchronize Process Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Query Special Rating List. Queries the modified Special Rating list details with Special Rating
list ID and active Special Rating list items. Derives the value of the UTCCanonical input parameter
for this step from the UTCCanonical process property. The default value of this property is N. If
the value passed is Y, then the query returns data for any field of the type DTYPE_UTCDATETIME
in UTC Canonical format.

2 Synchronize. Synchronizes the special rating details through an outbound Web service call.

3 Update List Synch Date. Updates the value of the Last Synchronized Date field to the current
timestamp for the updated special rating list.

4 Update Items Synch Date. Updates the value of the Last Synchronized Date field as the current
timestamp for each of the updated special rating list items.

This workflow updates the status, substatus, and description of an adjustment record that is sent by
a billing application.

Figure 32 shows this workflow.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 25 7

Defining Billing Profile Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Workflows for

This workflow is called by the SWIAdjustmentStatusUpdate inbound Web service.

Figure 32. SWIAdjustmentStatusUpdate Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following action:

■ EAI Update. Updates the Status, Sub Status, and Status Description fields of an adjustment
record. Derives the value of the UTCCanonical input parameter for this step from the
UTCCanonical process property. The default value of this property is N. If the value passed is Y,
then any field of the type DTYPE_UTCDATETIME in the payload must be in UTCCanonical format.
While writing these fields to the business component, these fields are converted to the locale-
specific date and time.

CMU Credit Alert Status Sync

This workflow updates the status of a credit alert from Siebel Communications to the external Oracle
Communications Billing and Revenue Management application.

Figure 33 shows this workflow.

A user initiates this workflow by changing the status of a credit alert to Closed, and clicking the Synch
Status button.

NOTE: The Synch Status button is enabled only when a credit alert is created by a third-party
application. Consequently, this workflow can be called only when the credit alert’s Integration ID is
not NULL.

Figure 33. CMU Credit Alert Status Sync Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Query Credit Alert. Queries the Siebel database for the credit alert ID. Derives the value of the
UTCCanonical input parameter for this step from the UTCCanonical process property. The default
value of this property is N. If the value passed is Y, then the query returns data for any field of
the type DTYPE_UTCDATETIME in UTC Canonical format.

2 Get Custom Attributes. Gets the parameters for the existing details from the server, such as
the name, language, and locale, to add to the request message in the outbound Web service.

3 Set Custom Attributes. Adds the enterprise server parameters to the request message.

258 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Defining Billing Profile Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Workflow to View
Content in the Billing Profile Portal

4 Credit Alert Update Web Service. Synchronizes the credit alert status with the external

Workflow to View Content in the Billing

Profile Portal
This workflow allows users to view content in the Billing Profile portal. It consists of one workflow

SIA External Integration Process Workflow

This workflow retrieves and displays data from a billing application. This data consists of information
about top-up requests, current account balances, and usage activity for an account. This workflow
displays the content in the Billing Profile portal. This content includes balance group, usage that is
not billed, bill, and bill payment information.

This workflow is called in the following situations:

■ When the user clicks the Name field of a billing profile in the Billing Profile list of the Account
Summary view.

■ When the user accesses or navigates to the following views in the billing profile portal:

■ Balance Group

■ Unbilled Usage

■ Bills

■ Payments

This workflow is not called from within the Adjustments view.

Figure 34 shows the SIA External Integration Process workflow.

Figure 34. SIA External Integration Process

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Get Custom Attributes. Reads the enterprise details, such as the Siebel Enterprise Server
name, language, and locale.

2 Set Custom Attributes. Sets the enterprise details as part of the request message.

3 Proxy Business Service. This step performs the following work:

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 25 9

Defining Billing Profile Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Workflows to Enter
Adjustments in the Billing Profile Portal

a Calls the appropriate proxy business service as determined by the input that is passed to the
business service.
b Calls the WSDL file on the integration server to get the response in Siebel Message format. In
Oracle Application Integration Architecture 2.5, the workflow passes the Proxy BS Fault input
argument for customized fault handling. If there is a fault, then the business service returns the
fault code, a summary, and a detail in the output argument.

NOTE: You must create the proxy business services that this workflow calls. Also, for the virtual
business components (VBCs) that use these services, you must configure the user properties.

4 UpdateVBCRec. Retrieves the data from the Siebel message and stores the data in the property

Associated Business Service Methods. The following table shows the steps in this workflow that
call business service methods.

Workflow Step Method Called In Business Service

Get Custom Attributes GetEnterpriseParameters CMU External Integration Service

Set Custom Attributes SetAttributesToMessage CMU External Integration Service

Proxy Business Service InvokeAndValidateProxy SWI External Integration Service

UpdateVBCRec AddSiebelMessage CMU External Integration Service

The business service names depend on the Name tags in the WSDL file that you generate when you
create the proxy business services.

Workflows to Enter Adjustments in the

Billing Profile Portal
This group of workflows allows users to enter adjustments for bills in the Billing Profile portal. It
consists of the following workflow processes and subprocess:

■ “CMUInvoiceAdjustmentWF” on page 261

■ “CMUInvoiceQueryWF” on page 261

■ “CMUItemChargeAdjustmentWF” on page 262

■ “CMUItemChargeQueryWF” on page 264

■ “CMUEventDetailsAdjustmentWF” on page 264

■ “CMUEventDetailsQueryWF” on page 266

■ “CMUBalanceDetailsEventAdjustmentWF” on page 266

■ “CMU Adjustment View Sub Process” on page 268

■ “CMU SIA Submit Adjustment Request to External” on page 268

■ “CMUUnbilledEventAdjustmentWF Workflow” on page 270

260 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Defining Billing Profile Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Workflows to Enter
Adjustments in the Billing Profile Portal

■ “CMUUnbilledNonCurrencyEventAdjustmentWF Workflow” on page 271

This workflow creates appropriate adjustment request detail when a user adjusts an entire bill.

Figure 35 shows this workflow.

A user initiates this workflow by clicking the Adjust button for an entire bill.

Figure 35. CMUInvoiceAdjustmentWF Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Create Invoice Header. Calls the CMUInvoiceQueryWF workflow to check if the bill exists in the
Siebel database. If the bill does not exist, then it creates the bill header. For more information,
see “CMUInvoiceQueryWF Workflow” on page 262.

2 Create Adjustment Header. Creates the adjustment request header, and defaults the Request
Amount and the Approved Amount to 0. The Bill Number is populated with the Bill Number of the
bill on which the adjustment is being made. The Adjustment Class is set to Billed for all
adjustments made on the bill, whether at the item, event, or bill level.

3 Goto Adjustment View Sub Process. Calls the CMU Adjustment View Sub Process to navigate
to the adjustment view. For more information, see “CMU Adjustment View Sub Process Workflow”
on page 268.

Associated Business Service Methods. The following table shows the steps in this workflow that
call business service methods.

Workflow Step Method Called In Business Service

Create Invoice Header CMUInvoiceDataTransfer CMU Util UI Service

Create Adjustment Header CMUAdjustmentDataTransfer CMU Util UI Service

This workflow finds a particular bill in the Siebel database.

Figure 36 shows this workflow.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 26 1

Defining Billing Profile Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Workflows to Enter
Adjustments in the Billing Profile Portal

The following workflows call this workflow as a subprocess:

■ CMUInvoiceAdjustmentWF

■ CMUItemChargeAdjustmentWF

■ CMUEventDetailsAdjustmentWF

■ CMUBalanceDetailsEventAdjustmentWF

Figure 36. CMUInvoiceQueryWF Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following action:

■ QueryInvoiceHeader. Checks if a bill exists in the Siebel database.

Associated Business Service Methods. The following table shows the step in this workflow that
calls a business service method.

Workflow Step Method Called In Business Service

QueryInvoiceHeader QueryInvoiceData CMU Util UI Service

This workflow creates appropriate adjustment request detail when a user adjusts bill item charges.

Figure 37 shows this workflow.

262 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Defining Billing Profile Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Workflows to Enter
Adjustments in the Billing Profile Portal

A user initiates this workflow by clicking the Adjust button for item charges relating to a bill.

Figure 37. CMUItemChargeAdjustmentWF Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Create Invoice Header. Calls the CMUInvoiceQueryWF workflow to check if the bill exists in the
Siebel database. If the bill does not exist, then it creates the bill header. For more information,
see “CMUInvoiceQueryWF Workflow” on page 262.

2 Create Invoice Line Item. Calls the CMUItemChargeQueryWF workflow to check if the item
charge exists in the Siebel database. If the item charge does not exist, then creates the bill line
item. For more information, see “CMUItemChargeQueryWF Workflow” on page 264.

3 Create Adjustment Header. Creates the adjustment request header and populates some of the
header fields.

4 Create Adjustment Line Item. Creates the adjustment request header, and defaults the
Request Amount and the Approved Amount to 0. The Bill Number is populated with the Bill
Number of the bill on which the adjustment is being made. The Adjustment Class is set to Billed
for all adjustments made on the bill, whether at the item, event, or bill level.

5 Goto Adjustment View Sub Process. Calls the CMU Adjustment View Sub Process to navigate
to the adjustment view. For more information, see “CMU Adjustment View Sub Process Workflow”
on page 268.

Associated Business Service Methods. The following table shows the steps in this workflow that
call business service methods.

Workflow Step Method Called In Business Service

Create Invoice Header CMUInvoiceDataTransfer CMU Util UI Service

Create Invoice Line Item CMUInvoiceDataTransfer CMU Util UI Service

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 26 3

Defining Billing Profile Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Workflows to Enter
Adjustments in the Billing Profile Portal

Workflow Step Method Called In Business Service

Create Adjustment Header CMUAdjustmentDataTransfer CMU Util UI Service

Create Adjustment Line Item CMUAdjustmentDataTransfer CMU Util UI Service

This workflow finds a particular item charge in the Siebel database.

Figure 38 shows this workflow.

The following workflows call this workflow as a subprocess:

■ CMUItemChargeAdjustmentWF

■ CMUEventDetailsAdjustmentWF

■ CMUBalanceDetailsEventAdjustmentWF

Figure 38. CMUItemChargeQueryWF Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following action:

■ QueryInvoiceDetails. Checks if an item charge exists in the Siebel database.

Associated Business Service Methods. The following table shows the step in this workflow that
calls a business service method.

Workflow Step Method Called In Business Service

QueryInvoiceDetails QueryInvoiceData CMU Util UI Service

This workflow creates appropriate adjustment request detail when a user adjusts bill events.

Figure 39 shows this workflow.

264 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Defining Billing Profile Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Workflows to Enter
Adjustments in the Billing Profile Portal

A user initiates this workflow by clicking the Adjust button for events relating to a bill.

Figure 39. CMUEventDetailsAdjustmentWF Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Create Invoice Header. Calls the CMUInvoiceQueryWF workflow to check if the bill exists in the
Siebel database. If the bill does not exist, then it creates the bill header. For more information,
see “CMUInvoiceQueryWF Workflow” on page 262.

2 Create Invoice Line Item. Calls the CMUItemChargeQueryWF workflow to check if the item
charge exists in the Siebel database. If the item charge does not exist, then creates the bill line
item. For more information, see “CMUItemChargeQueryWF Workflow” on page 264.

3 Create Invoice Details. Calls the CMUEventDetailsQueryWF workflow to check if the bill event
detail exists in the Siebel database. If the bill event detail does not exist, then creates the bill
event detail. For more information, see “CMUEventDetailsQueryWF” on page 266.

4 Create Adjustment Header. Creates the adjustment request header and populates some of the
header fields.

5 Create Adjustment Line Item. Creates the adjustment request line item, and defaults the
Request Amount and the Approved Amount to 0.

6 Goto Adjustment View Sub Process. Calls the CMU Adjustment View Sub Process to navigate
to the adjustment view. For more information, see “CMU Adjustment View Sub Process Workflow”
on page 268.

Associated Business Service Methods. The following table shows the steps in this workflow that
call business service methods.

Workflow Step Method Called In Business Service

Create Invoice Header CMUInvoiceDataTransfer CMU Util UI Service

Create Invoice Line Item CMUInvoiceDataTransfer CMU Util UI Service

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 26 5

Defining Billing Profile Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Workflows to Enter
Adjustments in the Billing Profile Portal

Workflow Step Method Called In Business Service

Create Invoice Details CMUInvoiceDataTransfer CMU Util UI Service

Create Adjustment Header CMUAdjustmentDataTransfer CMU Util UI Service

Create Adjustment Line Item CMUAdjustmentDataTransfer CMU Util UI Service

This workflow finds a particular event in the Siebel database.

Figure 40 shows this workflow.

The following workflows call this workflow as a subprocess:

■ CMUEventDetailsAdjustmentWF

■ CMUBalanceDetailsEventAdjustmentWF

Figure 40. CMUEventDetailsQueryWF Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following action:

■ QueryInvoiceDetails. Checks if an event exists in the Siebel database.

Associated Business Service Methods. The following table shows the step in this workflow that
calls a business service method.

Workflow Step Method Called In Business Service

QueryInvoiceDetails QueryInvoiceData CMU Util UI Service

This workflow creates appropriate adjustment request detail when a user adjusts a resource balance.

Figure 41 shows this workflow.

266 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Defining Billing Profile Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Workflows to Enter
Adjustments in the Billing Profile Portal

A user initiates this workflow by clicking the Adjust button for a resource balance total relating to

Figure 41. CMUBalanceDetailsEventAdjustmentWF Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Create Invoice Header. Calls the CMUInvoiceQueryWF workflow to check if the bill exists in the
Siebel database. If the bill does not exist, then it creates the bill header. For more information,
see “CMUInvoiceQueryWF Workflow” on page 262.

2 Create Invoice Line Item. Calls the CMUItemChargeQueryWF workflow to check if the item
charge exists in the Siebel database. If the item charge does not exist, then creates the bill line
item. For more information, see “CMUItemChargeQueryWF Workflow” on page 264.

3 Create Invoice Details. Calls the CMUEventDetailsQueryWF workflow to check if the bill event
detail exists in the Siebel database. If the bill event detail does not exist, then creates the bill
event detail. For more information, see “CMUEventDetailsQueryWF” on page 266.

4 Create Adjustment Header. Creates the adjustment request header and populates some of the
header fields.

5 Create Adjustment Line Item. Creates the adjustment request line item, and defaults the
Request Value and the Approved Value to 0.

6 Goto Adjustment View Sub Process. Calls the CMU Adjustment View Sub Process to navigate
to the adjustment view. For more information, see “CMU Adjustment View Sub Process Workflow”
on page 268.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 26 7

Defining Billing Profile Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Workflows to Enter
Adjustments in the Billing Profile Portal

Associated Business Service Methods. The following table shows the steps in this workflow that
call business service methods.

Workflow Step Method Called In Business Service

Create Invoice Header CMUInvoiceDataTransfer CMU Util UI Service

Create Invoice Line Item CMUInvoiceDataTransfer CMU Util UI Service

Create Invoice Details CMUInvoiceDataTransfer CMU Util UI Service

Create Adjustment Header CMUAdjustmentDataTransfer CMU Util UI Service

Create Adjustment Line Item CMUAdjustmentDataTransfer CMU Util UI Service

CMU Adjustment View Sub Process

This workflow navigates to the adjustment view.

Figure 42 shows this workflow.

The following workflows call this workflow as a subprocess:

■ CMUInvoiceAdjustmentWF

■ CMUItemChargeAdjustmentWF

■ CMUEventDetailsAdjustmentWF

■ CMUBalanceDetailsEventAdjustmentWF

Figure 42. CMU Adjustment View Sub Process Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following action:

■ Goto View. Navigates to the Adjustment view.

CMU SIA Submit Adjustment Request to External

This workflow submits an adjustment request to an external application by invoking an outbound
Web service and changes the status of the adjustment header to Submitted.

Figure 43 shows this workflow.

268 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Defining Billing Profile Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Workflows to Enter
Adjustments in the Billing Profile Portal

A user initiates this workflow by clicking the Submit button on the Billing Adjustments screen.

Figure 43. CMU SIA Submit Adjustment Request to External Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Query Adjustment. Queries the Siebel database for the adjustment request to be submitted to
the external application. Derives the value of the UTCCanonical input parameter for this step
from the UTCCanonical process property. The default value of this property is N. If the value
passed is Y, then the query returns data for any field of the type DTYPE_UTCDATETIME in UTC
Canonical format.

2 Is Approved. Checks whether the adjustment is approved in the Siebel application, and goes to
the following steps:

■ Change Status to Pending. If the adjustment request is not approved, then it changes the
status of the adjustment record to Pending and ends the workflow.

■ Get EnterpriseServer Param. If the adjustment request is approved, then it gets the
parameters from the existing server, such as the enterprise server name, language, and
locale, to add to the adjustment request message in the outbound Web service, and then it
proceeds to the next step.

3 SetAttributesToMessage. Adds the enterprise server parameters to the adjustment request


4 Adjustment Submit Outbound WS. Calls the SWICreateAdjustment outbound Web service,
which sends a request to create an adjustment in the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue
Management AQ (Advanced Queue).

5 Change Status to Submitted. Changes the status of the adjustment record to Submitted.

Associated Business Service Methods. The following table shows the steps in this workflow that
call business service methods.

Workflow Step Method Called In Business Service

Query Adjustment Query EAI Siebel Adapter

Get EnterpriseServer Param GetEnterpriseParameters CMU External Integration Service

SetAttributesToMessage SetAttributesToMessage CMU External Integration Service

Adjustment Submit Outbound WS CreateAdjustment AdjustmentSiebelReqABCS

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 26 9

Defining Billing Profile Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Workflows to Enter
Adjustments in the Billing Profile Portal

CMUUnbilledEventAdjustmentWF Workflow
This workflow processes an unbilled event adjustment.

Figure 44 shows this workflow.

A user initiates this workflow by clicking the Adjust button for events relating to a bill.

Figure 44. CMUUnbilledEventAdjustmentWF Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Read AIA Comm Pref. Reads the system preference to determine whether Oracle Application
Integration Architecture is enabled.

2 Do Adjustments? Checks whether there are unbilled event adjustments to process. If there are,
then proceeds with the workflow. If there are not, then stops the workflow.

3 Create Invoice Header. Calls the CMUInvoiceQueryWF workflow to check whether the unbilled
adjustment exists in the Siebel database. If the unbilled adjustment does not exist, then it
creates the unbilled invoice header. For more information, see “CMUInvoiceQueryWF” on
page 261.

4 Create Invoice Line Item. Calls the CMUItemChargeQueryWF workflow to check whether the
unbilled item charge exists in the Siebel database. If the unbilled item charge does not exist,
then it creates the unbilled invoice item. For more information, see “CMUItemChargeQueryWF” on
page 264.

5 Create Invoice Details. Calls the CMUEventDetailsQueryWF workflow to check whether the
unbilled item detail exists in the Siebel database. If the unbilled item detail does not exist, then
it creates the unbilled invoice item details. For more information, see “CMUEventDetailsQueryWF”
on page 266.

6 Create Adjustment Header. Creates the adjustment header for the unbilled event, and
populates some of the header fields.

270 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Defining Billing Profile Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Workflows to Enter
Adjustments in the Billing Profile Portal

7 Create Adjustment Line Item. Creates the adjustment line item for the unbilled event.
Defaults the Request Amount and the Approved Amount to 0. The Adjustment Class is set to
Unbilled. The Bill Number remains blank in case of an unbilled adjustment.

8 Goto Adjustment View Sub Process. Calls the CMU Adjustment View Sub Process to navigate
to the Billing Adjustments screen, External Line Items view. For more information, see “CMU
Adjustment View Sub Process” on page 268.

This workflow processes an unbilled noncurrency event adjustment.

Figure 45 shows this workflow.

A user initiates this workflow by clicking the Adjust button for a resource balance total relating to
unbilled events.

Figure 45. CMUUnbilledNonCurrencyEventAdjustmentWF Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Read AIA Comm Pref. Reads the system preference to determine whether Oracle Application
Integration Architecture is enabled.

2 Do Adjustments? Checks whether there are unbilled non-currency event adjustments to

process. If there are, then proceeds with the workflow. If there are not, then stops the workflow.

3 Create Invoice Header. Calls the CMUInvoiceQueryWF workflow to check whether the unbilled
adjustment exists in the Siebel database. If the unbilled adjustment does not exist, then this
workflow step creates the unbilled invoice header. For more information, see
“CMUInvoiceQueryWF” on page 261.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 27 1

Defining Billing Profile Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Workflows to Manage
Contacts, Accounts, and Payments

4 Create Invoice Line Item. Calls the CMUItemChargeQueryWF workflow to check whether the
unbilled item charge exists in the Siebel database. If the unbilled item charge does not exist,
then this workflow step creates the unbilled invoice item. For more information, see
“CMUItemChargeQueryWF” on page 264.

5 Create Invoice Details. Calls the CMUEventDetailsQueryWF workflow to check whether the
unbilled item detail exists in the Siebel database. If the unbilled item detail does not exist, then
this workflow step creates the unbilled invoice item details. For more information, see
“CMUEventDetailsQueryWF” on page 266.

6 Create Adjustment Header. Creates the adjustment header for the unbilled noncurrency
event, and populates some of the header fields.

7 Create Adjustment Line Item. Creates the adjustment line item for the unbilled noncurrency
event. Defaults the Request Value and Approved Value fields to 0.

8 Goto Adjustment View Sub Process. Calls the CMU Adjustment View Sub Process to navigate
to the Billing Adjustments screen, External Line Items view. For more information, see “CMU
Adjustment View Sub Process” on page 268.

Workflows to Manage Contacts,

Accounts, and Payments
This group of workflows allows users to manage contacts, accounts, and payments. It consists of the
following workflow processes and subprocess:

■ “SWI External Account Integration Process Workflow” on page 272

■ “SWI External Contact Integration Process Workflow” on page 273

■ “SWI External Customer Req Integration Process Workflow” on page 274

■ “SWI External Contact Req Integration Process Workflow” on page 275

■ “SWI External Account Request Sync Process Workflow” on page 277

■ “SWI External Contact Request Sync Process Workflow” on page 278

■ “SWISendPaymentAuthorization Workflow” on page 279

■ “SWISendCreditCheck Workflow” on page 281

SWI External Account Integration Process Workflow

This workflow is used to make outbound Web service calls to fetch data to populate the SWI Match
Account VBC. It is called when the user clicks the Go button in the popup applet SWI Match Account
List Applet.

272 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Defining Billing Profile Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Workflows to Manage
Contacts, Accounts, and Payments

Figure 46 shows the SWI External Account Integration Process workflow.

Figure 46. SWI External Account Integration Process

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Check Req Field. Checks if the required field values are entered in the popup applet SWI Match
Account List Applet before sending a request to external application to query the account details.

2 Get Custom Attributes. Gets the details of the Siebel Enterprise Server, such as the language
and locale values, for the Siebel Server.

3 Set Custom Attributes. Sets the details of the Siebel Enterprise Server, such as the language
and locale values, in the request message to make an outbound service call.

4 Proxy Business Service. Makes an outbound Web service call, validates the response message,
and checks for service errors.

5 UpdateVBCRec. Updates the virtual business component, SWI Match Account VBC, to display
the queried accounts in the popup applet SWI Match Account List Applet.

Associated Business Service Methods. The following table shows the steps in this workflow that
call business service methods.

Workflow Step Method Called In Business Service

Check Req Field CheckRequiredFiled SWI External Integration Service

Get Custom Attributes GetEnterpriseParameters SWI External Integration Service

Set Custom Attributes SetAttributesToMessage SWI External Integration Service

Proxy Business Service InvokeAndValidateProxy SWI External Integration Service

UpdateVBCRec AddSiebelMessage SWI External Integration Service

SWI External Contact Integration Process Workflow

This workflow is used to make outbound Web service calls to fetch data to populate the SWI Match
Contact VBC. It is called when the user clicks the Go button in the popup applet SWI Match Contact
List Applet.

Figure 47 shows the SWI External Contact Integration Process workflow.

Figure 47. SWI External Contact Integration Process

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 27 3

Defining Billing Profile Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Workflows to Manage
Contacts, Accounts, and Payments

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Check Req Field. Checks if the required field values are entered in the popup applet, SWI Match
Contact List Applet, before sending a request to an external application to query the contact

2 Get Custom Attributes. Gets the details of the Siebel Enterprise Server, such as the language
and locale values, for the Siebel Server.

3 Set Custom Attributes. Sets the details of the Siebel Enterprise Server, such as the language
and locale values, in the request message to make an outbound service call.

4 Proxy Business Service. Makes an outbound service call, validates the response message, and
checks for service errors.

5 UpdateVBCRec. Updates the virtual business component, SWI Match Contact VBC, to display
the queried accounts in the popup applet, SWI Match Contact List Applet.

Associated Business Service Methods. The following table shows the steps in this workflow that
call business service methods.

Workflow Step Method Called In Business Service

Check Req Field CheckRequiredFiled SWI External Integration Service

Get Custom Attributes GetEnterpriseParameters SWI External Integration Service

Set Custom Attributes SetAttributesToMessage SWI External Integration Service

Proxy Business Service InvokeAndValidateProxy SWI External Integration Service

UpdateVBCRec AddSiebelMessage SWI External Integration Service

SWI External Customer Req Integration Process

This workflow is used to make an outbound Web service synchronize queried accounts from the
external application. If an account is not present in Siebel CRM, then a new account will be created.
This workflow is called when a user clicks the Fetch button on the SWI Match Account List Applet,
after querying the account details from the external application.

Figure 48 shows the SWI External Customer Req Integration Process workflow.

Figure 48. SWI External Customer Req Integration Process

274 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Defining Billing Profile Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Workflows to Manage
Contacts, Accounts, and Payments

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Get Custom Attributes. Gets the details of the Siebel Enterprise Server, such as the language
and locale values, for the Siebel Server.

2 Set Custom Attributes. Sets the details of the Siebel Enterprise Server, such as the language
and locale values, in the request message that is sent to make an outbound service call.

3 Proxy Business Service. Makes an outbound service call, validates the response message, and
checks for service errors.

4 Add Siebel Message. Updates the virtual business component, SWI Match Account VBC, to
display the queried accounts in the popup applet, SWI Match Account List Applet.

5 Retrieve Field Value. Retrieves the Account Id from the external application to verify if the
account successfully synchronized with the Siebel Business Application from Oracle.

6 Customer Synced? Checks if the Account Id returned from the previous step is NULL. If Account
Id is NULL, then the account is not synchronized. If Account Id is not NULL, then the account is

7 Close Popup. Closes the popup applet, SWI Match Account List Applet.

8 Refresh View. Queries the account business component with the Account Id returned by the
outbound service call and refreshes the view to display only the synchronized account details in
the Accounts view.

Associated Business Service Methods. The following table shows the steps in this workflow that
call business service methods.

Workflow Step Method Called In Business Service

Get Custom Attributes GetEnterpriseParameters SWI External Integration Service

Set Custom Attributes SetAttributesToMessage SWI External Integration Service

Proxy Business Service InvokeAndValidateProxy SWI External Integration Service

Add Siebel Message AddSiebelMessage SWI External Integration Service

Retrieve Field Value RetriveFiledValue SWI External Integration Service

Close Popup ClosePopup SWI Util UI Service

Refresh View RefreshView SWI Util UI Service

SWI External Contact Req Integration Process

This workflow is used to make an outbound service synchronize the queried contacts from the
external application. If a contact is not present in Siebel CRM, then a new contact will be created.
This workflow is called when a user clicks the Fetch button on the SWI Match Contact List Applet,
after querying the contact details from the external application.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 27 5

Defining Billing Profile Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Workflows to Manage
Contacts, Accounts, and Payments

Figure 49 shows the SWI External Contact Req Integration Process workflow.

Figure 49. SWI External Contact Req Integration Process

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Get Custom Attributes. Gets the details of the Siebel Enterprise Server, such as the language
and locale values, for the Siebel Server.

2 Set Custom Attributes. Sets the details of the Siebel Enterprise Server, such as the language
and locale values, in the request message to make an outbound service call.

3 Proxy Business Service. Makes an outbound service call, validates the response message, and
checks for service errors.

4 Add Siebel Message. Updates the virtual business component, SWI Match Contact VBC, to
display the queried accounts in the popup applet, SWI Match Contact List Applet.

5 Retrieve Field Value. Retrieves the Contact Id from the Oracle Application Integration
Architecture response message to verify if the contact successfully synchronized with the Siebel

6 Customer Synced? Checks if the Contact Id returned from the previous step is NULL. If Contact
Id is NULL, then the contact is not synchronized successfully. If Contact Id is not NULL, then the
contact is synchronized successfully.

7 Close Popup. Closes the popup applet, SWI Match Contact List Applet.

8 Refresh View. Queries the Account business component with the Contact Id that is returned by
the external application, then refreshes the view to display only the synchronized account details
in the Accounts view.

Associated Business Service Methods. The following table shows the steps in this workflow that
call business service methods.

Workflow Step Method Called In Business Service

Get Custom Attributes GetEnterpriseParameters SWI External Integration Service

Set Custom Attributes SetAttributesToMessage SWI External Integration Service

Proxy Business Service InvokeAndValidateProxy SWI External Integration Service

Add Siebel Message AddSiebelMessage SWI External Integration Service

Retrieve Field Value RetriveFiledValue SWI External Integration Service

276 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Defining Billing Profile Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Workflows to Manage
Contacts, Accounts, and Payments

Workflow Step Method Called In Business Service

Close Popup ClosePopup SWI Util UI Service

Refresh View RefreshView SWI Util UI Service

SWI External Account Request Sync Process Workflow

This workflow synchronizes the account from the external application with the Siebel application. It
is called when the user selects the Fetch menu item from the SIS Account List Applet.

Figure 50 shows the SWI External Account Request Sync Process workflow.

Figure 50. SWI External Account Request Sync Process

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Generate Template. Generates a template to query the contact details, which contain only the
required fields, such as Account Id to make an outbound Web service call.

2 EAI UI Data Adapter. Fills the template generated in the previous step with the account
information that is used to make an outbound Web service call to synchronize the account with
the Siebel application. Derives the value of the UTCCanonical input parameter for this step from
the UTCCanonical process property. The default value of this property is N. If the value passed
is Y, then the query returns data for any field of the type DTYPE_UTCDATETIME in UTC Canonical

3 Get Custom Attributes. Gets the details of the Siebel Enterprise Server, such as the language,
and locale values, for the Siebel Server.

4 Set Custom Attributes. Sets the details of the Siebel Enterprise Server, such as the language
and locale values, in the request message to make an outbound Web service call.

5 External Sync Service. Makes an outbound Web service call to synchronize the account details
from the external application with the Siebel application.

6 Display Error. Retrieves the error message, if there is any during the outbound Web service call,
and displays it in the Siebel application.

7 Retrieve Field Value. Retrieves the Account Id from the Web service response message to
verify if the account successfully synchronized with the Siebel application.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 27 7

Defining Billing Profile Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Workflows to Manage
Contacts, Accounts, and Payments

8 Field Value Present. Checks if the Account Id returned from the previous step is NULL. If the
Account Id is NULL, then the account is not synchronized. If the Account Id is not NULL, then the
account is synchronized.

9 Refresh UI. If the account synchronized successfully, then this step refreshes the Account view
so that the synchronized account is included in the Siebel application.

Associated Business Service Methods. The following table shows the steps in this workflow that
call business service methods.

Workflow Step Method Called In Business Service

Generate Template GetTemplate Generate Template Service

EAI UI Data Adapter QueryPage EAI UI Data Adapter

Get Custom Attributes GetEnterpriseParameters SWI External Integration Service

Set Custom Attributes SetAttributesToMessage SWI External Integration Service

External Sync Service CustomerPartyIOFetchAccount FetchAccountSiebelReqABCSImplService

Display Error CheckAndSetError SWI External Integration Service

Retrieve Field Value RetriveFiledValue SWI External Integration Service

Refresh UI RefreshCurrentApplet FINS Teller UI Navigation

SWI External Contact Request Sync Process Workflow

This workflow synchronizes a contact from an external application with the Siebel application. It is
called when the user selects the Fetch menu item in the Contact List applet.

Figure 51 shows the SWI External Contact Request Sync Process workflow.

Figure 51. SWI External Contact Request Sync Process

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Generate Template. Generates a template to query the contact details, which contain only the
required fields to make an outbound Web service call, such as Contact Id.

278 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Defining Billing Profile Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Workflows to Manage
Contacts, Accounts, and Payments

2 EAI UI Data Adapter. Fills the template generated in the previous step with the contact
information used to make an outbound Web service call to synchronize the contact with the
Siebel application. Derives the value of the UTCCanonical input parameter for this step from the
UTCCanonical process property. The default value of this property is N. If the value passed is Y,
then the query returns data for any field of the type DTYPE_UTCDATETIME in UTC Canonical

3 Get Custom Attributes. Gets the details of the Siebel Enterprise Server, such as the language
and locale values, to be used by the Siebel Server.

4 Set Custom Attributes. Sets the details of the Siebel Enterprise Server, such as the language
and locale values, in the request message to make an outbound Web service call.

5 External Sync Service. Makes an outbound Web service call to synchronize the account details
from the external application with the Siebel application.

6 Display Error. Retrieves the error message from the Web service call, if any, and displays it in
the Siebel application.

7 Retrieve Field Value. Retrieves the Contact Id from the Web service call response message to
determine whether the contact successfully synchronized with the Siebel application.

8 Field Value Present. Checks if the Contact Id returned from the previous step is NULL. If yes,
then the contact is not synchronized. If no, then the contact is synchronized.

9 Refresh UI. If the Contact is synchronized, then this step refreshes the Contact view so the
synchronized contact appears in the Siebel client.

Associated Business Service Methods. The following table shows the steps in this workflow that
call business service methods.

Workflow Step Method Called In Business Service

Generate Template GetTemplate Generate Template Service

EAI UI Data Adapter QueryPage EAI UI Data Adapter

Get Custom Attributes GetEnterpriseParameters SWI External Integration Service

Set Custom Attributes SetAttributesToMessage SWI External Integration Service

External Sync Service CustomerPartyIOFetchAccount FetchAccountSiebelReqABCSImplService

Display Error CheckAndSetError SWI External Integration Service

Retrieve Field Value RetriveFiledValue SWI External Integration Service

Refresh UI RefreshCurrentApplet FINS Teller UI Navigation

SWISendPaymentAuthorization Workflow
This workflow checks if this payment record is valid for the customer. The operator creates a new
payment record as a credit card payment and fills all requested fields. This workflow is called when
a user clicks the Authorize button.

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 27 9

Defining Billing Profile Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Workflows to Manage
Contacts, Accounts, and Payments

Figure 52 shows the SWISendPaymentAuthorization workflow.

Figure 52. SWISendPaymentAuthorization

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Validate. Validates the input values.

2 Error. Checks whether the input is absent or invalid. If the input is absent or invalid, then the
workflow proceeds to the Stop on Error step.

3 Query Payments. Queries the payment details from the Payments business component.

4 Query IO w/ right Payment. Queries the Siebel database for the correct set of payment details
and prepares the Siebel XML file for transmission. Derives the value of the UTCCanonical input
parameter for this step from the UTCCanonical process property. The default value of this
property is N. If the value passed is Y, then the query returns data for any field of the type
DTYPE_UTCDATETIME in UTC Canonical format.

5 Get AIA Parameters. Gets the Siebel Enterprise Server details and other parameters.

6 Set AIA Parameters. Formats the parameters into Siebel message format.

7 Call WS. Calls the outbound Web service and sends the payload.

8 Handle Fault. If an error occurs in the prior step, then this step displays an error message.

9 Update Payments. Updates the payment details. Derives the value of the UTCCanonical input
parameter for this step from the UTCCanonical process property. The default value of this
property is N. If the value passed is Y, then any field of the type DTYPE_UTCDATETIME in the
payload must be in UTCCanonical format. While writing these fields into the business component,
these fields are converted to the locale-specific date and time.

10 Refresh. Refreshes the applet so the synchronized information appears in the Siebel application.
Associated Business Service Methods. The following table shows the steps in this workflow that
call business service methods.

Workflow Step Method Called In Business Service

Validate Validate FINS Validator

Query IO w/ right Payment Query EAI Siebel Adapter

Get AIA Parameters GetEnterpriseParameters SWI External Integration Service

Set AIA Parameters SetAttributesToMessage SWI External Integration Service

Call WS PaymentAuthorization PaymentAuthorizationSalesOrderSiebel


280 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Defining Billing Profile Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Workflows to Manage
Contacts, Accounts, and Payments

Workflow Step Method Called In Business Service

Handle Fault CheckAndSetError SWI External Integration Service

Update Payments Upsert EAI Siebel Adapter

Refresh RefreshCurrentApplet FINS Teller UI Navigation

SWISendCreditCheck Workflow
This workflow determines whether the Purchase Order method is a valid payment. It is called when
the user clicks the Credit Check button.

Figure 53 shows the SWISendCreditCheck workflow.

Figure 53. SWISendCreditCheck

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

1 Query Payments. Queries payment details from the Payments business component.

2 Query By Example. Runs a query to obtain the correct set of payment details. Derives the value
of the UTCCanonical input parameter for this step from the UTCCanonical process property. The
default value of this property is N. If the value passed is Y, then the query returns data for any
field of the type DTYPE_UTCDATETIME in UTC Canonical format.

3 Get AIA Parameters. Gets Oracle’s Siebel Enterprise Server details and other parameters.

4 Set AIA Parameters. Formats the parameters into Siebel message format.

5 Call WS Credit Check. Calls the outbound Web service and sends the payload.

6 Set Err Msg. If an error occurs in the previous step, then this step displays an error message.

7 Update Status. Updates credit check details received. Derives the value of the UTCCanonical
input parameter for this step from the UTCCanonical process property. The default value of this
property is N. If the value passed is Y, then any field of the type DTYPE_UTCDATETIME in the
payload must be in UTCCanonical format. While writing these fields into the business component,
these fields are converted to the locale-specific date and time.

8 Refresh. This step refreshes the applet so the synchronized information appears in the Siebel

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 28 1

Defining Billing Profile Workflows for Siebel Communications ■ Workflows to Manage
Contacts, Accounts, and Payments

Associated Business Service Methods. The following table shows the steps in this workflow that
call business service methods.

Workflow Step Method Called In Business Service

Query By Example Query EAI Siebel Adapter

Get AIA Parameters GetEnterpriseParameters SWI External Integration Service

Set AIA Parameters SetAttributesToMessage SWI External Integration Service

Call WS Credit Check CreditCheck CreditCheckSalesOrderSiebelReqABCSImpl


Set Err Msg CheckAndSetError SWI External Integration Service

Update Status Upsert EAI Siebel Adapter

Refresh RefreshCurrentApplet FINS Teller UI Navigation

282 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017


A agreement template, verifying 123

account hierarchy agreements, adding 123
creating 84 agreements, adding terms and generating a
description 75 total 124
example (diagram) 78 Auto Document feature, setting up template
reviewing 84 for 122
viewing as organization chart 85 document, creating and printing 125
viewing list of child accounts 85 administrators, roles and
accounts responsibilities 79
account views, about 86 Advanced Queue
account views, accessing 86 configuring 43
agreement for an account, viewing 86 configuring corresponding Web services
balances for nonpaying accounts 168 for 45
business scenario for using 79 setting up order priority for 51
class, description and example 76 Advanced Queueing
class, different information displayed 77 about 39
classes, list of 76 agreements
creating an account 82 about using 117
customer portal view, accessing 86 agreement details, examining in
defined 75 Explorer 127
end-user views 85 agreement records, adding 123
equipment, adding installed or planned 88 agreement template, verifying 123
information, accessing 85 agreements library 119
telecommunications-related infrastructure, Auto Document feature, setting up template
adding 88 for 122
usage detail, viewing 87 business scenario, commercial customer 120
workflows for managing 272 business scenario, residential customer 121
activity business scenarios for using 119
associating with a premises 134 contracts, defined 118
creating for a contact 115 defined 117
trouble tickets, adding activity 207 document, creating and printing 125
activity plan entitlements, relationship with 118
trouble tickets, associating with 207 library for agreements 119
work orders, associating with 195 master agreements, about 119
address profile modifying an agreement 127
address, revalidating 106 order, associating agreement with 126
address, validating 106 relationships among agreements, about 119
creating and updating 105 sales agreements 118
description 92 service agreements 118
adjustment requests service item, associating with 126
outcome, viewing 186 service level agreements 119
overview 177 subagreements, about 119
viewing history of 187 terms, adding, and generating a total 124
adjustments types of 118
unbilled usage 184 Application Integration Architecture
viewing for billing profile 168 See Oracle Application Integration
administrator procedures Architecture

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 28 3

Index ■ B

asset-based ordering, disabling 53 customer’s decision 189

assets payment, recording at the account level 172
about using 139 type, changing to Subscription 38
business scenario for setting up 140 unbilled charges, viewing 176
change request, adding 144 unbilled usage adjustments 184
components, viewing associated 143 usage details, viewing 176
creating 141 billing adjustments
defined 139 about 177
hierarchical information, viewing for an account adjustments, requesting 219
asset 142 creating for balance totals 183
primary asset, associating related assets creating for entire bill 179
with 142 creating for events 181
service points and service information, creating for item charges 180
viewing 145 customer request for 218
service request, adding to an asset 144 for an entire invoice, requesting 178
transaction, creating for 143 invoice for a line item, requesting 178
Auto Document feature outcome terms, recording customer’s
agreement template, verifying 123 decision 187
template, setting up for 122 Billing Aggregator Class, description 77
Billing Class, description 77
B Billing Portal
balance groups about 161
defined 165 views, table of 162
viewing for billing profile 165 billing profile portal
balances workflow for viewing 259
nonpaying accounts, viewing 168 workflows for entering adjustments 260
totals, creating adjustments for 183 billing profiles
batch assignment, about 203 creating or updating 98
billing description 92
about 155 end-user procedures, about and fields
adjustments for unbilled usage 184 (table) 97
billing information, about accessing 161 entering payments for 174
billing information, process of accessing 163 updating 191
billing information, sequence for viewing adjustments for 168
accessing 164 viewing balance groups for 165
business scenario for using 156 viewing bills for 167
duplicate invoice, requesting 190 viewing payments for 167
invoice history, viewing 171 viewing unbilled services for 166
invoice line items, viewing 170 workflows, about 249
Invoice views, accessing 170 bills
invoice, viewing the image of from a billing creating adjustments for 179
profile 171 viewing in billing profile 167
invoice, viewing the image of from Invoices business services, description 236
screen 170
Invoices views, about 163 C
nonpaying account balances 168 change requests, adding an asset 144
outstanding balance, about entering payment child accounts, unbilled usage
against 172 adjustments 185
payment against multiple invoices, CMU Account Sync Workflow 250
recording 174 CMU Address Sync Workflow 250
payment against one invoice, recording 174 CMU Adjustment View Sub Process
payment history, viewing 176 workflow 268
payment outcome terms, recording CMU Contact Sync Workflow 251

284 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Index ■ C

CMU Credit Alert Status Sync Workflow 258 See agreements

CMU Profile Sync Workflow 252 credit alerts
CMU SIA Submit Adjustment Request to account adjustment, associating with credit
External Workflow 42, 268 alert 219
CMUBalanceDetailsEventAdjustmentWF activities, associating with credit alerts 217
workflow 266 adding and reviewing, about 215
CMUEventDetailsAdjustmentWF adjustment outcome, associating with credit
workflow 264 alert 221
CMUEventDetailsQueryWF workflow 266 closing manually 227
CMUInvoiceAdjustmentWF workflow 261 communication with customer, about 217
CMUInvoiceQueryWF workflow 261 defined 211
CMUItemChargeAdjustmentWF generated by Oracle Communications Billing
workflow 262 and Revenue Management 211, 212
CMUItemChargeQueryWF workflow 264 importing from an external application 217
CMUUnbilledEventAdjustmentWF internal credit alert, creating 216
Workflow 270 repayment plans, associating 220
CMUUnbilledNonCurrencyEventAdjustment types 215
WF Workflow 271 credit management
collection management adjustment outcome, viewing 221
closing collection actions 226 business scenario for using 214
defined 223 collection actions, closing 226
process 223 collection actions, updating 224
processing payments 226 collection management 223
updating collection actions 224 collection payments, processing 226
Communication Order Processing module, credit alert, about reviewing and adding 215
about 193 credit alert, defined 211
Communication Work Orders module, credit alerts, importing 217
about 193 credit checks, running 102, 103
Communications Agent Assisted Billing credit scores, displaying 213
Care 21 credit threshold, breach of 211
Communications integration, customer decision, submitting 221
configuring 30 internal credit alert, creating 216
Communications PIP, performing required repayment plans 220
tasks for 67 task list 213
component groups, enabling 33 third-party credit application integration 211
Config Data Map, copying setup for 62 customer accounts
Config Web Service, copying setup for 61 associating infrastructure items, about 88
contacts description 76
about 113 My Account view, field descriptions 82
adding 114 Customer class, description 76
business scenario for using 113 customer portal view, accessing 86
contact, adding 115 customer profile
contact-related activities, setting up 115 description 92
creating an activity 115 end-user procedures, about 100
defined 113 customer satisfaction surveys
email, about sending mail to 116 about 208
modifying a profile 115 conducting 208
opportunities, about associating with 116 customer service representative
profile, adding information 115 profiles, roles and responsibilities 93
sequence of procedures example, roles and responsibilities, table of 79
diagram 114 CUT Get Account Data workflow 245
trouble ticket, associating with 116 CUT Get Account Data workflow
workflows for managing 272 process 238
contracts CUT Get Phone Number Data workflow

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 28 5

Index ■ D

process, steps 243 running for comms 67

CUT Get Sales Order Data workflow process, EIM job, executing 55
steps 240 EIM log file, checking 58
CUT Get Trouble Ticket Data workflow email notification, configuring for product
process, steps 242 class and attribute query feature 68
CUT Get Work Order Data workflow process, email templates, editing or configuring 69
steps 241 end-user procedures
CUT Receive Account Data workflow 245 agreement details, examining in
CUT Receive Account Data workflow process, Explorer 127
steps 238 agreements, associating with an order 126
CUT Receive Credit Alert Data workflow agreements, modifying 127
process, steps 243 assets, associating related assets with
CUT Receive Fraud Alert Data workflow primary asset 142
process, steps 242 assets, creating 141
CUT Receive Phone Number Data workflow assets, creating transaction for 143
process, steps 243 assets, viewing associated components 143
CUT Receive Sales Order Data workflow assets, viewing hierarchical information
process, steps 240 for 142
CUT Receive Service Profile Data workflow assets, viewing service points and service
process, steps 239 information 145
CUT Receive Service Profile Data workflow opportunities, associating a partner with 153
subprocess, steps 239 opportunities, associating account with 150
CUT Receive Trouble Ticket Data workflow opportunities, associating with a
process, steps 242 product 150
CUT Receive Work Order Data workflow opportunities, conditions to for updating
process, steps 241 quotes 151
CUT Send Account Data workflow 244 opportunities, creating 149
CUT Send Account Data workflow process, opportunities, creating a profile for an
steps 238 opportunity 152
CUT Send Phone Number Data workflow opportunity, associating with a related
process, steps 243 site 153
CUT Send Sales Order Data workflow quote, creating for opportunity 151
process, steps 239 service item, associating agreements
CUT Send Service Profile Data workflow with 126
process, steps 239 service request, adding to an asset 144
CUT Send Work Order Data workflow entitlements
process, steps 240 about using 117
CUT Sent Trouble Ticket Data workflow agreements, relationship with 118
process, steps 241 business scenarios for using 119
defined 118
D trouble tickets, verifying 205
Data Management integration, verification, about 209
configuring 30 equipment
DoCompression parameter, setting up 62 adding installed or planned 88
dynamic assignment, about 203 list, using and fields 87
dynamic pricing, enabling 67 events, creating adjustments for 181
exemption profile
description 92
E end-user procedures, about 100
EAI end-user procedures, fields (table) 100
See Siebel Enterprise Application Integration
EIM component, checking availability 54
EIM data migration
running 53 financial profile

286 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Index ■ I

about financial profiles 101 integration 47

credit check, running 103
description 92 L
fields, table of 102 line items
FMW URLs actions, adding 197
configuring for inbound Web services 49 work orders, creating for 196
configuring for outbound Web services 49 loyalty profile
configuring for Web Services 49 description 92
fraud management end-user procedures, about 104
business scenario for using 230
customer follow-up, about 233
discontinuing service because of alert, M
about 234 manual assignment, about 203
fraud alert details, viewing 232 master agreements, about 119
fraud alert, updating 234 Master Data Management PIP, performing
fraud alerts, description 229 required tasks for 73
fraud alerts, viewing 232 MSAG Profile, description 92
fraud threshold, changing 233
fraud threshold, description 229 N
fraud, defined 229 nested service bundles, about 23
fraud profile
about and fields (table) 103 O
description 92
Fusion Middleware 10g integration,
about 147
configuring Java subsystem for 43
account, associating opportunity with 150
Fusion Middleware 11g integration,
business scenario for creating 148
configuring Java subsystem for 47
description 147
opportunity, creating 149
I partner, associating with an opportunity 153
incorporated business or individual, credit product, associating with an opportunity 150
check data 102 profile, creating for an opportunity 152
infrastructure information quote, conditions to work 151
adding for a premises 137 quote, creating 151
Infrastructure view 88 related site, associating with an
integration users, setting up 33 opportunity 153
integration with other applications Oracle Application Integration Architecture
credit alert generation 211, 212 about 20
integration objects, description 236 activating related workflows for 34
integration workflows Oracle applications, adding Siebel custom
about 235 applications to 61
terminology 236 Oracle Configurator, configuring 58
interactive assignment, about 203 order management module, about Service
inventory locations, setting up 55 Profile view 92
invoices order management, activating workflows
Invoice view, accessing 170 for 34
requesting duplicates 190 order to bill, communications integration
item charges, creating adjustments for 180 pack for 21
J about passing to Oracle billing application 22
Java subsystem orders, associating agreements with 126
configuring for Fusion Middleware 10g Order-to-Cash integration
integration 43 completing other configuration steps for 66
configuring for Fusion Middleware 11g configuring 30

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 28 7

Index ■ P

Order-to-Cash PIP, performing required creating or updating 97

tasks for 53 credit check, running 103
organizations, setting up 54 customer profile, about end-user
procedures 100
P defined 91
parent-child relationship, changing 84 exemption profile fields, table of 100
partner, associating an opportunity 153 exemption profile, about end-user
payment arrangement procedures 100
history, viewing 189 financial profile fields, table of 102
outcome, viewing 189 financial profile, about end-user
overview 187 procedures 101
payment outcome terms, recording fraud profile, about and fields (table) 103
customer’s decision 189 loyalty profile, about end-user
requesting 188 procedures 104
payments modifying for a contact 115
about entering 218 roles and responsibilities, table of 93
adjustments 218 site profile, about end-user procedures and
entering for a bill 174 fields (table) 104
entering for a billing profile 174 special rating profile, defined 106
payment record, creating 218 statement profile, about end-user procedures
viewing for billing profile 167 and fields (table) 104
workflows for managing 272 types, table of 92
POP server, changing details for 71
premises Q
about 129 quotes
adding infrastructure information 137 See opportunities
adding service requests 136
additional tasks 138 R
associating an activity 134 repayment plans
business scenario for setting up 130 customer decision, submitting 221
registering a hookup 133 description 218
service point usage history, viewing 135 repayment plan outcome, viewing 221
setting up 132 repayment plans, about 187
verifying 134 request for 220
viewing service requests 136 views listed 218
Process Integration Packs responsibilities
defined 20 profiles, table of 93
documentation 20 table of 79
product class and attribute query feature, roles
configuring email notification for 68 profiles, table of 93
products table of 79
setting up for synchronizing with products 52
special rating product, defined 106
special rating products, setting up 107 S
profiles sales administrators, roles and
accounts, profiles, and back-office systems, responsibilities 79
interrelationships (table) 96 sales agreements, description 118
address profile, creating and updating 105 sales managers, roles and
address, revalidating 106 responsibilities 79
address, validating 106 sales representative
billing profiles, about and fields (table) 97 profiles, roles and responsibilities 93
billing profiles, creating or updating 98 roles and responsibilities, table of 79
business scenario for using 93 screens, table of 18
Service Aggregator Class, description 77

288 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Index ■ S

service agreements, description 118 constraints on 27

service bundles guidelines for 29
about 23 new purchases and 27
behavior of 24 viewing event items in 29
comparison to simple service bundles 26 SIS OM Add Service Charge Sub-Process
description of 23 workflow
guidelines for 29 changing the default billing type 38
Service class, description 77 SISOMBillingSubmitOrder Web Service
service information, viewing assets 145 Workflow 41
service item, associating with an site profile
agreement 126 description 92
service level agreements, description 119 end-procedures, about and fields (table) 104
service points SMTP Server name, changing details for,
assets, viewing 145 From Email Address, changing details
usage history, viewing 135 for 71
viewing information 135 special rating
Service Profile view, about order list items, creating 109
management module 92 list, changing association 111
service requests list, creating 109
adding for a premises 136 list, defined 106
administrator setup, about 202 list, modifying 111
asset, adding to a service request 144 product, defined 106
business scenario for using 201 products, setting up 107
contact, associating with 116 profile, defined 106
creating, about 200 special rating list, synchronizing 39
description 199 state model, fixing for quote status 66
initiating, about 200 statement profile
trouble tickets, differences from 199 description 92
viewing for a premises 136 end-user procedures, about and fields
Session Pool Manager, setting up 52 (table) 104
SIA External Integration Process subagreements, about 119
Workflow 259 Submit Order outbound Web service,
Siebel Communications initiating 41
about 13 Subscription, billing type 38
business functions by screen 18 SWI Account Update Workflow 253
business issues, solutions to (table) 14 SWI Address Update Workflow 254
description 13 SWI Billing Profile Workflow 256
key features 14 SWI Contact Update Workflow 255
options 17 SWI External Account Integration Process
product modules 17 Workflow 272
screens and functions (table) 18 SWI External Account Request Sync Process
Siebel custom applications, adding to Oracle Workflow 277
applications 61 SWI External Contact Integration Process
Siebel Enterprise Application Integration, Workflow 273
description 236 SWI External Contact Req Integration
Siebel Media Process Workflow 275
business issues, solutions to (table) 14 SWI External Contact Request Sync Process
screens and functions (table) 18 Workflow 278
signal, applying changes for 63 SWI External Customer Req Integration
simple service bundles Process Workflow 274
about 24 SWI Special Rating - Synchronize Process
change orders and 28 Workflow 257
comparison to service bundles 26 SWIAdjustmentStatusUpdate
configuring 28 Workflow 257

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 28 9

Index ■ T

SWICreateAdjustment outbound Web billing, viewing details 176

service 42 detail information, viewing 87
SWICreateAdjustment outbound Web user list, adding changed 68
service, initiating 42 UTCCanonical, user property 163
SWISendCreditCheck Workflow 281
SWISendPaymentAuthorization W
Workflow 279 work orders
synchronization, workflows 249 about 193
system preferences, setting for activity for a work order, creating 196
integration 30 activity plan, associating with 195
attachments, about associating 198
T business scenario for using 193
target address, updating 40 creating 195
telecommunications-related infrastructure, defined 193
adding 88 line item actions, adding 197
third-party credit applications 211 line items, creating 196
time zones, in date-time fields 163 service information, viewing 145
time-based offering feature, setting up 72 terms, adding 197
trouble tickets Workflow Monitor Agent
activity plan, associating with 207 configuring 50
activity, about adding 207 configuring default tasks for 50
activity, adding 207 setting up 50
administrator setup, about 202 starting tasks for 51
analyzing data 209 workflow policies, activating 73
attachments, about 209 workflow process, integrating
business scenario for using 201 CUT Get Account Data workflow process 238
closing trouble tickets 208 CUT Get Phone Number Data workflow
contact, associating with 116 process 243
creating 203 CUT Get Sales Order Data workflow
creating, about 200 process 240
customer verification, about 209 CUT Get Service Profile Data workflow
description 199 subprocess 239
entitlement verification, about 209 CUT Get Trouble Ticket Data workflow
entitlement, verifying 205 process 242
existing parent tickets, associating child ticket CUT Get Work Order Data workflow
with 204 process 241
field service agents, about communication CUT Receive Account Data workflow
with 209 process 238
initiating, about 200 CUT Receive Credit Alert Data workflow
partner software, about referring to 200 process 243
person or group, assigning manually 204 CUT Receive Fraud Alert Data workflow
person or group, assigning to 203 process 242
service requests, differences from 199 CUT Receive Phone Number Data workflow
solutions, about reviewing 206 process 243
solutions, defined 207 CUT Receive Sales Order Data workflow
process 240
U CUT Receive Service Profile Data workflow
unbilled charges, viewing 176 process 239
unbilled services, viewing for billing CUT Receive Trouble Ticket Data workflow
profile 166 process 242
unincorporated business, credit check CUT Receive Work Order Data workflow
data 102 process 241
usage CUT Send Account Data workflow

290 Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Index ■ W

process 238 workflows

CUT Send Phone Number Data workflow for billing profiles, about 249
process 243 confirming active status 34
CUT Send Sales Order Data workflow description 236
process 239 for entering billing adjustments 260
CUT Send Service Profile Data workflow integration workflows, about 235
process 239 integration workflows, terminology 236
CUT Send Trouble Ticket Data workflow for managing contacts, accounts, and
process 241 payments 272
CUT Send Work Order Data workflow for synchronization 249
process 240 for viewing billing profile portal 259
sample processes, about 237 workflows, sample
workflow process, sample Send Account Data, accessing the Workflow
CUT Receive Account Data, defining Process Designer 244
properties 246 Send Account Data, sending outbound
CUT Send Account Data, viewing process message 244
properties 244 workspace release flag, customizing 74

Siebel Communications Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 29 1

Index ■ W

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