Foam Generation by Capillary Snap-Off in Flow Across A Sharp Permeability Transition

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J190210 DOI: 10.

2118/190210-PA Date: 25-January-19 Stage: Page: 116 Total Pages: 13

Foam Generation by Capillary Snap-Off in

Flow Across a Sharp Permeability Transition
Swej Y. Shah and Karl-Heinz Wolf, Delft University of Technology; Rashidah M. Pilus, Universiti Teknologi Petronas;
and William R. Rossen, Delft University of Technology

Foam reduces gas mobility and can improve sweep efficiency in an enhanced-oil-recovery (EOR) process. Previous studies show that
foam can be generated in porous media by exceeding a critical velocity or pressure gradient. This requirement is typically met only
near the wellbore, and it is uncertain whether foam can propagate several tens of meters away from wells as the local pressure gradient
and superficial velocity decreases. Theoretical studies show that foam can be generated, independent of pressure gradient, during flow
across an abrupt increase in permeability. In this study, we validate theoretical predictions through a variety of experimental evidence.
Coreflood experiments involving simultaneous injection of gas and surfactant solution at field-like velocities are presented. We use
model consolidated porous media made out of sintered glass, with a well-characterized permeability transition in each core. The change
in permeability in these artificial cores is analogous to sharp, small-scale heterogeneities, such as laminations and cross laminations.
Pressure gradient is measured across several sections of the core to identify foam-generation events and the subsequent propagation of
foam. X-ray computed tomography (CT) provides dynamic images of the coreflood with an indication of foam presence through phase
saturations. We investigate the effects of the magnitude of permeability contrast on foam generation and mobilization. Experiments
demonstrate foam generation during simultaneous flow of gas and surfactant solution across a sharp increase in permeability, at field-
like velocities. The experimental observations also validate theoretical predictions of the permeability contrast required for foam gener-
ation by “snap-off” to occur at a certain gas fractional flow. Pressure-gradient measurements across different sections of the core indi-
cate the presence or absence of foam and the onset of foam generation at the permeability change. There is no foam present in the
system before generation at the boundary. CT measurements help visualize foam generation and propagation in terms of a region of
high gas saturation developing at the permeability transition and moving downstream. If coarse foam is formed upstream, then it is
transformed into stronger foam at the transition. Significant fluctuations are observed in the pressure gradient across the permeability
transition, suggesting intermittent plugging and mobilization of flow there. This is the first CT-assisted experimental study of foam gen-
eration by snap-off only, at a sharp permeability increase in a consolidated medium. The results of experiments reported in this paper
have important consequences for a foam application in highly heterogeneous or layered formations. Not including the effect of hetero-
geneities on gas mobility reduction in the presence of surfactant could underestimate the efficiency of the displacement process.

Foams are a distribution of discontinuous gas bubbles in a continuous liquid phase. They can be considered as an example of multiphase
“condensed soft-matter” systems. Foams have numerous applications in the food and chemical industries and in material science. This
work focuses on the application of foam to EOR; more specifically, to capillary-dominated mechanisms of foam generation in porous
media. Much of the world’s EOR production can be attributed to the injection of gases, especially carbon dioxide (CO2) and steam.
Gas-injection processes, however, are often cursed by unfavorable mobility ratios and differences in fluid densities, which can lead to
poor sweep efficiency. In the presence of foam, gas mobility is significantly reduced (Bernard and Holm 1964; Huh and Handy 1989;
Rossen 1996), leading to a more “viscosified” gas that gives better sweep efficiency.
There are three main mechanisms of creation of lamellae (liquid films separating bubbles): lamella division, snap-off, and “leave-
behind” (Kovscek and Radke 1994; Rossen 1996). Lamella division, as can be inferred from Fig. 1, requires that at least one lamella or
lens be initially present. Leave-behind primarily occurs during gas invasion through a liquid-filled medium and is more prevalent during
a drainage process. Snap-off can occur by several mechanisms (Rossen 2003). One mechanism is Roof snap-off (Ransohoff and Radke
1988), which occurs as gas penetrates a narrow pore throat and drains liquid from a wide pore body, as illustrated in Fig. 1b. Another
mechanism is snap-off as gas flows across a sharp increase in permeability (Falls et al. 1988; Rossen 1999; Hirasaki et al. 2000; Li and
Rossen 2005; Tanzil et al. 2002). This mechanism is the subject of this paper and is discussed further below.

Flow Flow


Decreasing capillary pressure

(a) Lamella division (b) Snap-off (c) Leave-behind

Fig. 1—Mechanisms of lamella creation in porous media (Kovscek and Radke 1994).

Foams can be destroyed either by rupturing of the lamellae (for example, through mechanical disturbances or high capillary pressure)
or by gas diffusion from smaller to larger bubbles within a pore because of differences in gas pressure. With respect to flow in porous

Copyright V
C 2019 Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper (SPE 190210) was accepted for presentation at the SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference, Tulsa, 14–18 April 2018, and revised for publication. Original manuscript received for
review 4 June 2018. Revised manuscript received for review 20 July 2018. Paper peer approved 28 August 2018.

116 February 2019 SPE Journal

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J190210 DOI: 10.2118/190210-PA Date: 25-January-19 Stage: Page: 117 Total Pages: 13

media, foam generation and foam propagation and stability are sensitive to several parameters, including injection rates, local pressure
gradient, porosity, permeability, capillary pressure, and oil saturation and composition. Laboratory experiments show that creation of
strong foam in steady gas-liquid flow requires exceeding either a minimum velocity (umin ) or a minimum pressure gradient, denoted as
rPmin (Ransohoff and Radke 1988; Rossen and Gauglitz 1990; Gauglitz et al. 2002). Creation of foam in this case is thought to depend
on mobilization of lenses and lamellae and subsequent lamella division. This criterion depends on the experimental procedure followed,
and the threshold might be lower for a drainage process (for example, coinjection of gas and surfactant solution into a liquid-saturated
core) owing to creation of lamellae by Roof snap-off and leave-behind (Rossen and Gauglitz 1990). Nevertheless, the minimum-velocity
or pressure-gradient threshold, as reported in the literature, can be overcome only near a well in a conventional reservoir and is much
higher than that encountered away from wells deep inside the formation. This might have unfavorable consequences for foam propaga-
tion far from the injection well, as suggested by the experiments of Friedmann et al. (1994) and the modeling of Ashoori et al. (2012),
who used the model of Kam (2008), where foam-generation rate is a function of pressure gradient only.
Several studies have indicated, however, that foam can be generated independent of pressure gradient, by snap-off, as gas and liquid
flow across a sharp increase in permeability (Falls et al. 1988; Rossen 1999; Hirasaki et al. 2000; Tanzil et al. 2002; Li and Rossen
2005). The extreme case of this phenomenon occurs at the outlet of the core in the form of foam generation as a consequence of the
capillary end effect. Yortsos and Chang (1990) presented the solution for steady gas-liquid flow across a permeability jump. Capillary
continuity implies an increase in wetting-phase saturation (or reduction in capillary pressure) upstream of the permeability transition
(van Lingen 1998), which causes lamella creation by snap-off. In flow from high to low permeability, the opposite is expected to
happen. Numerical simulations of two-phase flow from high to low permeability were reported by Chang and Yortsos (1992). The non-
wetting phase accumulates at the boundary in the high-permeability zone, similar to gas trapping often witnessed at the entrance of a
core during gas-liquid injection. The same mechanism is responsible for the entrapment of oil in highly laminated sandstones as
reported in the experiments of van Lingen et al. (1996). To summarize, during gas-liquid flow from high to low permeability, a dried-
out zone would exist at the boundary, creating conditions unfavorable for foam generation.
Sharp changes in permeability are quite common in petroleum reservoirs. Structural features that offer this sort of heterogeneity can
exist across a large range of length scales. For example, in laminated and cross-laminated sandstones, the size of each unit could typi-
cally range from 1 to 1000 cm (Reineck and Singh 1980). Unconformities such as layer boundaries can extend from a few meters to sev-
eral hundred meters in length. Foam generation can occur as gas migrates upward, because of gravity, across these layer boundaries, in
the presence of surfactant solution. Gas and surfactant solution can also be driven to flow across vertical increments in permeability in
the near-wellbore region when injected through highly deviated wells. While vertical anisotropy is more ubiquitous, laterally occurring
permeability changes are also important as foam-generation sites because of the driving force of pressure gradient in the horizontal
direction. Cross laminations offer laterally occurring permeability changes oriented perpendicular or at an incline to the direction of
fluid flow. Fig. 2 shows two of the most-common classifications of crossbed units. As can be seen in the figure, the heterogeneity
between consecutive laminae is usually a result of zones with contrasting grain size. Hartkamp-Bakker (1993) measured permeability
contrasts in outcrop and reservoir core samples with crossbed laminae and reported contrasts ranging from 1:1 to 27:1 between
different units.

Bottomset B

crossbed C
Bottomset Fine-grained foreset

1 cm


Fig. 2—Left: Two common varieties of cross stratification (Reineck and Singh 1980). Right: Changes in grain-size distribution
across consecutive laminae as seen in a crossbed thin section from a fluvial outcrop (Hartkamp-Bakker 1993).

Falls et al. (1988) observed foam generation and mobilization experimentally in a bead pack with a permeability contrast of approxi-
mately 20:1. They also experimentally measured a critical capillary pressure for snap-off (Psn c ) for the bead packs used and found it to
be approximately half the capillary entry pressure of the medium. For snap-off to occur, enough liquid must accumulate in the low-
permeability section to cause the capillary pressure to drop below Psn c . Rossen (1999) uses this finding and a pore-network model to
illustrate that for snap-off to occur at the boundary between two homogeneous regions differing in permeability, the minimum perme-
ability ratio required is 4. A higher permeability contrast is required for drier flow. Once again, it is important to note that there is no
pressure-gradient criterion for the creation of foam through this mechanism, though there might be such a condition for the mobilization
of the foam. Tanzil et al. (2002) report visual observations of foam generation and mobilization across such a sharp transition in

February 2019 SPE Journal 117

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J190210 DOI: 10.2118/190210-PA Date: 25-January-19 Stage: Page: 118 Total Pages: 13

permeability in their coreflood experiments with sandpacks inside a transparent glass column. They used a permeability ratio of 4.4:1
and an injected-gas fraction of 67% for their experiments. Their experimental procedure, however, began with coinjection of gas and sur-
factant solution into a medium already saturated with surfactant solution, representing a drainage process. As discussed above, other
mechanisms of foam generation (Roof snap-off and leave-behind) contribute toward the observed gas-mobility reduction during drain-
age. Contrary to the findings of Tanzil et al. (2002), Li and Rossen (2005) did not observe foam generation in their sandpack experiments
with permeability contrasts of 4.3:1 and 5.1:1. Their experiment started with coinjection of gas and brine into a brine-saturated medium,
followed by coinjection of gas and surfactant solution once steady state had been reached. They suspected that gas bypass along the
edges of the pack because of imperfect packing might have been the reason for failing to observe foam generation. They did, however,
report foam generation during flow across a much greater permeability contrast of 20:1. The mobilization of this foam was periodic.
In this work, we follow an experimental procedure similar to the work of Li and Rossen (2005) and use a consolidated porous
medium to examine the process of foam generation across an abrupt permeability jump. The main objective of this work is to validate
the theoretical predictions of foam generation (Rossen 1999) through coreflood experiments that isolate snap-off resulting from a capil-
lary pressure contrast as the only lamella-creation mechanism. We follow field-like superficial velocities to replicate the driving force
encountered far from wells in a subsurface reservoir. We measure pressure gradient across several sections of the core to accurately
identify the location for the first onset of foam generation and also to observe the propagation of this foam downstream. The experi-
ments are assisted by X-ray CT to help visualize phase saturations as foam is generated and subsequent propagation commences.
This paper is structured as follows. The Experimental Design section describes the experimental setup, the porous media used, and
the procedure followed in the experiments reported. The Results section reports the results of the foam-generation experiments with
pressure and CT data obtained through the course of the experiment. The Discussion section provides the analysis of experimental
results, and is followed by the Conclusions section.

Experimental Design
Materials and Chemicals. We perform coreflooding experiments with coinjection of gas and surfactant solution into an artificial
porous medium made from sintered borosilicate glass. The cores were acquired from a commercial supplier and were prepared by sin-
tering crushed, pure borosilicate glass. Each core had a single sharp jump in permeability roughly one-third of the way into the length
of the core. In other words, roughly one-third of the core comprised a homogeneous low-permeability section whereas the rest of the
core was made of a homogeneous high-permeability porous medium. The permeability change is achieved by sintering different grain
sizes in the same core. The glass grains are angular as can be seen in the picture on the right in Fig. 3. While the cores were homogene-
ous in the axial direction, this was not always the case in the radial direction. On average, the porosity of the medium was 2 to 3%
higher in a region roughly the size of a grain (0.1 to 0.5 mm for the cores used in this work) at the edges of the cylindrical core, com-
pared with the bulk. This imperfection could be a result of differential expansion and contraction during the heating-up and cooling-
down phase of the sintering process. Therefore, in the early stages of each experiment (described below), a significant amount of gas
bypassed the brine-saturated core through the edge of the pack. Li and Rossen (2005) contend that this flow along the edges caused
them to observe no foam generation across permeability contrasts of 4.3:1 and 5.1:1. However, this did not appear to affect our experi-
ments, as we still observed foam generation across similar permeability contrasts as reported in the Discussion section.

≈1.92 cm
≈40 cm

≈2.94 cm

Fig. 3—Left: Core holder, (left and center) with sintered-glass core. Right: a lCT image (with a voxel size of 30 lm) of a vertical
cross section across the permeability change.

The cores were prepared in a glass tube with an internal diameter of 3 6 0.1 cm and were cut after the sintering process to roughly
40 6 2 cm in length. The core was enclosed in acrylic glass with polyether-ether-ketone end caps. Four different core samples with dif-
ferent permeability ratios were acquired from the manufacturer, the details of which are given in Table 1. The permeability to water is
determined from the slope of the straight line formed by a plot of superficial velocity vs. the ratio of pressure gradient measured across
the two core sections to viscosity (i.e. q/A vs. rP=l). The confidence interval for estimating this slope is also reported in darcies.
Anionic alpha olefin sulfonate (AOS) C14–16 with a molecular weight of 315 g/mol was used as a foamer at an active concentration
of 0.5 wt% (0.04 M). The surfactant solution was prepared using demineralized water also containing 1 wt% (0.17 M) NaCl. The
critical micelle concentration (CMC) of this surfactant in demineralized water with 1 wt% NaCl was measured by Kahrobaei et al.
(2017) using the Du Noüy ring method and reported to be 0.008 wt%. Therefore, the experiments presented in this paper are conducted
at roughly 62 times the CMC. The properties of foam films stabilized by this surfactant in the presence of NaCl as an electrolyte are
described by Farajzadeh et al. (2008). Nitrogen (N2) with a purity of 99.98% was used as the gas phase in our experiments.

Experimental Apparatus. A schematic flow diagram of the experimental setup is shown in Fig. 4. The core is held horizontal in order
to minimize the impact of beam-hardening effects and cross-artifacts while taking CT scans. Pressure gradient is measured every
second across several sections of the core. In the low-permeability section, pressure gradient is used to confirm that there is no foam
present or being generated as the experiment begins. Across the permeability transition, pressure gradient indicates whether there is any

118 February 2019 SPE Journal

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J190210 DOI: 10.2118/190210-PA Date: 25-January-19 Stage: Page: 119 Total Pages: 13

foam being generated at the face of the heterogeneity. In the high-permeability section, pressure drop is used to monitor the mobiliza-
tion of foam generated at the permeability change. We avoid the use of backpressure regulators and use atmospheric backpressure
instead, to avoid fluctuations introduced by multiphase flow through the backpressure regulator. Any fluctuation in pressure at the
downstream end could travel upstream, causing local fluctuations that would assist in foam generation. Therefore, the outlet of the core
is open to atmosphere. The entire apparatus is placed on top of the CT scanner table. The medical CT scanner is housed in a
temperature-controlled room at 21 6 0.4 C.

Pore Size (specified by Approximate Pore kH

Core Sample manufacturer) Volume (mL) Permeability kL
Low perm: 16–40 µm Low perm (k ): 5.4+0.02 darcies
1 99 H
High perm: 40–100 µm High perm (k ): 20.7+0.2 darcies
Low perm: 40–60 µm Low perm: 10.9+0.01 darcies
2 99 5.4
High perm: 100–160 µm High perm: 59.3+0.8 darcies
3 Low perm: 16–40 µm Low perm: 3.1+0.01 darcies
80 13.9
High perm: 100–160 µm High perm: 43.2+0.2 darcies
Low perm: 16–40 µm Low perm: 1.7+0.15 darcies
4 96 27.5
High perm: 100–160 µm High perm: 46.7+2.0 darcies

Table 1—Absolute permeability of individual sections and corresponding permeability contrast in heterogeneous sintered-glass core samples
used in the experiments.

X-ray CT

Low High
permeability permeability

P7 P6 P5 P4 P5 P2 P1




Surfactant Mass-flow
solution controller

Fig. 4—Schematic of the experimental apparatus.

A dual-energy CT scanner was used in this study. Because the experiments involved two-phase flow of fluids differing greatly in
density, a single energy X-ray beam was used to scan the core. An overview of the image settings used is reported in Table 2. Single-
slice helical CT scans were acquired with a pitch of 0.9, resulting in approximately 260 slices in each scan along the axis of a core,
taken over a period of approximately 9 seconds for each core. A pitch less than 1.0 ensures X-ray beam overlap for the same scanned
volume, resulting in a better image quality. One slice contains 512  512 pixels, a part of which contains the circular core cross section.
The images obtained were further processed to compute phase saturations using Fiji (Schindelin et al. 2012), a distribution of
ImageJ software.

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Parameter Setting
Tube voltage 140 keV
Tube current 250 mA
Pitch 0.9
Slice thickness 1.5 mm
1.5 × 1.5 mm
Pixel size
Scan mode Spiral

Table 2—CT-scan settings.

Experimental Procedure. The basic sequence of steps carried out through each coreflooding experiment is as follows.
Permeability Measurement. The setup is checked for leaks every time a new core is placed inside the core holder. Following the
leak test, CO2 is injected into the core for approximately 10 pore volumes (PVs) to displace air present in the core. The last 2 PV of
CO2 are injected under vacuum. While under vacuum, demineralized, degassed water is injected at low flow rates of approximately
103 PV/min into the core to displace the CO2. After water breakthrough, the core is brought to atmospheric pressure by closing the
outlet and continuing water injection. Water injection is continued for one more PV, following which the permeability of the core is
measured by measuring pressure drop across different sections of the core at different flow rates. Next, the core is flushed with 1 wt%
NaCl brine and the permeability is recalculated. Measured permeability is used as the first indicator for the presence of any trapped gas
in the core, especially when conducting multiple experiments with the same core.
Foam-Generation Experiment. At the end of the permeability measurement, the core is fully saturated with brine. To start the
experiment, brine-flow rate is set to the desired value and gas is introduced at the required fractional flow. Once gas-brine injection has
reached steady state, brine injection is replaced by surfactant injection. This procedure ensures that no foam is generated under drainage
conditions. During the course of the experiment, we expect to see foam generation in the core. Once the experiment has reached steady
state or sufficient data have been acquired, injection is stopped and the core-cleaning procedure commences.
Core-Cleaning Procedure. After each experiment, the core is flushed with approximately 10 PV of 50 wt% isopropanol solution to
kill the foam. This is followed by approximately 10 PV of demineralized water injection to remove all the alcohol and remaining surfac-
tant solution from the system. If more experiments are to be performed with the same core, this step is followed by CO2 injection and
the permeability-measurement protocol.

Foam generation was observed in each experiment performed. All the experiments reported in this paper were carried out at a total
injection rate (qt) of 0.1 mL/min and a gas fractional flow of 80%. On average, this translates to approximately 1.4 PV/D of total fluid
injection for each core, which corresponds to a superficial (Darcy) velocity of 2.36 mm/s (0.67 ft/D) for each core. This superficial
velocity was selected on the basis of observations from a series of tests conducted at different flow rates. The objective of these tests
was to select a velocity that was low enough to cause foam generation across the permeability transition only, registered by a pressure
greater than the accuracy of the transducers, and in an experiment completed within a reasonable time frame. The “incubation effect”
reported by Baghdikian and Handy (1991) and more recently observed by Kahrobaei et al. (2017) could result in foam generation
throughout the core when injection of surfactant solution and gas continues for long periods of time equivalent to several tens of PV. At
a velocity of 3.34 ft/D (0.5 mL/min), foam generation was observed in the inlet low-permeability section itself; evidently, the pressure
gradient in the low-permeability section was higher than the minimum pressure gradient required for foam generation. At a velocity of
1.34 ft/D (0.2 mL/min), foam generation was observed across the permeability transition and not in the inlet section. However, this total
superficial velocity was still higher than that for fields with larger well spacing, as is often the case in offshore developments. At a
superficial velocity of 0.67 ft/D (0.1 mL/min), we observed foam generation across the permeability jump and no foam in the inlet sec-
tion, at least at the onset of foam generation across the heterogeneity. At flow rates lower than this, the experiment would take several
weeks to conclude and the fluid velocities through the core would no longer be representative of conventional reservoir flow. Therefore,
we selected a total superficial velocity of 0.67 ft/D for all subsequent experiments. Injected-gas fraction was fixed at 80% in order to
align with the theoretical predictions of Rossen (1999), who showed that snap-off in flow across an abrupt permeability increase
depends on both gas fractional flow and permeability contrast. In his model, for foam generation to be observed at 80% gas fractional
flow, the permeability contrast must be 4:1 or higher. Conversely, in flow across a permeability contrast of 4:1, the gas fractional flow
must be 80% or lower in order to see foam generation. With the objective of validating this threshold in mind, because the lowest per-
meability contrast considered in this study was close to 4:1, an injected-gas volume fraction of 80% was selected. In order to maintain
consistency while studying the effect of permeability contrast, fractional flow was fixed at this value for all experiments.

Core 1. A foam-generation experiment was conducted with Core 1, which has a permeability contrast of 3.8:1, very close to the theo-
retical prediction of 4 required to cause foam generation by snap-off at 80% gas fractional flow (Rossen 1999). Fig. 5 shows the meas-
ured absolute pressures and the corresponding pressure gradient across various sections of the core. The origin of the plot represents the
start of surfactant injection into the core, after steady state has been achieved for the coinjection of gas and brine. Absolute pressure is
measured at seven locations across the length of the core, schematically shown in Fig. 4. The pressure transducers are connected to the
top of the horizontally placed glass core. In the bottom plot of Fig. 5, pressure gradient across four sections of the core is plotted: The
inlet and outlet sections are ignored for the sake of readability.
Following Fig. 5, pressure gradient across the permeability transition rises sharply soon after gas is introduced into the core at
80% volume fraction. As coinjection of gas and brine reaches steady state, rPLH 2 continues to register an unusually high pressure gradi-
ent. We believe that this is because of pressure taps across the permeability transition sensing different phases (McCool et al. 1983;
Chen et al. 2016). This is further aggravated by gas trapping and the capillary effect caused by a sharp difference in capillary pressure
between the two zones in this section. After surfactant injection begins, the measured pressure gradient shows a mild and gradual drop
from approximately 0.3 PV to 1.0 PV of total injection. We suspect that this is because of a diffused surfactant front reducing the inter-
facial tension (IFT) and, subsequently, the capillary pressure between the two phases at the pressure tap. It could also be because of a

120 February 2019 SPE Journal

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gradual buildup in gas saturation near the pressure tap in the high-permeability zone (McCool et al. 1983). In bulk, an increase in sur-
factant concentration reduces IFT only below the CMC. At concentrations beyond the CMC, surfactant concentration has negligible
effect on IFT. Therefore, only a small amount of surfactant solution at a concentration much higher than its CMC would be enough to
dramatically reduce surface tension and capillary pressure.

Time (days)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5

P1in P2L P3L P3H

0.4 6
P5H P6H P7H Scans
P (bar)

P (psi)


0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5
Total PVI in 1 2 3 4 out

Time (days)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
2 ∇P1L ∇P2LH ∇P3H
∇P4H Scans

∇P (psi/ft)
∇P (bar/m)


0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5
Total PVI

Fig. 5—(a) Absolute pressure and (b) pressure gradient across various sections of Core 1 during foam-generation experiment.
Dashed lines indicate times at which CT scans were taken to generate saturation maps across the length of the core. Superscript L
represents a measurement in the low-permeability section, while superscript H represents data acquired from the high-
permeability zone. LH represents the interval with the boundary.

Pressure gradient rPL1 across the low-permeability zone is negligible through the course of the experiment, which suggests that there
is no significant reduction in mobility or indication of strong foam present or being generated in the inlet section of the core. Dashed
lines in Fig. 5 indicate times at which CT scans were taken across the entire length of the core. Raw CT data in terms of Hounsfield
units are used to compute porosity and phase saturations as a voxel property for each image stack. Porosity can be obtained using the
CT scans of a dry core and a water-saturated core (Mees et al. 2003). During the course of the experiment, liquid-phase saturation is
computed for each scan as
CTexp  CTdry
Sliq ¼ ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð1Þ
CTliq  CTdry

where CTexp denotes the CT measurement taken during the course of the multiphase-flow experiment. CTdry is the CT measurement of
a dry core, obtained when the core is not yet saturated with any liquid, before each experiment. CTliq represents the CT measurement
for a core that is fully saturated with the liquid whose saturation is being computed. It is important to note that the accuracy of CT meas-
urements depends on different parameters selected for the X-ray source, such as applied beam voltage, corresponding beam energy, and
the applied filters for shaping the beam. Fig. 6 shows the liquid-phase saturation in the core computed using Eq. 1. The saturation is
shown across a vertical cross section through the center of the core during different stages of the experiment. The pixel size in each
image slice is 195  195 lm2 , and each slice is 1.5 mm thick. Liquid-phase saturation values are averaged in each cylindrical slice and
plotted across the core length in Fig. 7. Note that while reporting CT measurements in this paper, a distance of approximately 2 cm
from the entrance and exit face has been cropped from the CT images of each core. This is done in order to avoid any misinterpretation
stemming from the entrance and end effects associated with corefloods. Moreover, anomalies in the saturation profile could arise from
the first centimeter of each end of the core residing in the end cap whereas the rest of the porous medium is only surrounded by the glass
tube that houses it, as can be seen in Fig. 3.
When gas and brine are injected into the core, most of the gas overrides to the top and bypasses a large part of the core, as can be
seen in the saturation map at the top in Fig. 6. Once surfactant is introduced into the core, it appears that there is a buildup in gas satura-
tion suggesting that foam is perhaps being generated in the first section itself, as can be seen in the CT image at 0.03 PV of liquid
injected (0.13 total PVI). This is most likely a very weak foam because it is not persistent and is absent in the images thereafter. More-
over, there is no significant rise in rPL1 (Fig. 5) to demonstrate mobility reduction and the presence of foam downstream of the inlet.
After 0.4 PV of surfactant injection (1.8 total PVI), a modest reduction in gas mobility is recorded in the section with the permeability

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transition (Fig. 5). This shows up as a higher gas-phase saturation just at the entrance of the high-permeability zone, clearly discernable
in Fig. 7. At roughly 2.3 PVI, pressure gradient downstream of the permeability jump, rPH H
3 and rP4 , begins to rise (Fig. 5) indicating
a reduction in gas mobility as a result of foam propagation. This is verified by the CT response, which shows a foam front propagating
through the high-permeability zone at 0.6 PVI of liquid (3.0 total PVI). At 0.9 PVI of liquid, CT images show that the foam front has
reached the outlet of the pack and there is still no foam in the low-permeability zone. This gives a clear indication of foam generation at
the sharp permeability increase and subsequent propagation downstream toward the outlet of the core.

Sw →
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
steady state
0.03 PVI liquid

0.3 PVI liquid

0.4 PVI liquid

0.6 PVI liquid

0.9 PVI liquid

1.1 PVI liquid

Fig. 6—Average liquid-saturation profile computed using X-ray CT imaging as seen in a vertical cross section through the center
of Core 1. Color bar represents a liquid saturation range from 0 to 1. A high liquid-phase saturation is represented by blue, whereas
red represents a high gas saturation, here interpreted as the CT response to the saturation change caused by foam. Top-most satu-
ration map comes from the CT image taken during gas-brine injection and images thereafter were taken after surfactant solution
was introduced in the core.

Liquid Phase Saturation





0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Dimensionless Core Length, x/L

Gas-brine 0.03 PVI surfactant 0.3 PVI surfactant

1.4 PVI surfactant 0.6 PVI surfactant 0.9 PVI surfactant
1.1 PVI surfactant

Fig. 7—Average liquid-phase-saturation profile in Core 1 at different PVs of injection (PVI) through the course of the foam-
generation experiments in Fig. 6.

Core 2. A foam-generation experiment was performed in Core Sample 2, with a permeability contrast of 5.4:1 between the low- and
high-permeability zones. The pressure gradient across different sections of the core developed with time in a manner similar to that in
Sample 1, as shown in Fig. 8.
Once again, the pressure gradient across the permeability change gradually declines after surfactant is introduced in the core. There
is a sharp drop in rPLH H
2 and a sharp jump in the downstream pressure gradient rP3 at approximately 1.7 total PVI. As shown in Fig. 9,
CT images at 0.4 PVI of surfactant solution (1.9 total PVI) show that this coincides with an increase in gas saturation in the high-
permeability zone. The images also suggest that the preferred path of gas flow is along the edges of the core, which means that the ini-
tial onset of foam generation takes place right at the entrance to the high-permeability zone near the walls of the core. This mobility
reduction then forces the gas to flow through the center of the core, resulting in foam generation through the whole face of
the heterogeneity.
Saturation values per cylindrical slice are plotted against the dimensionless core position in Fig. 10. The core is almost completely
saturated with liquid during coinjection of gas and brine, because most of the gas breaks through from the edges of the core, more from
the top than from the bottom. At 0.4 PVI of liquid, liquid saturation drops sharply at the entrance of the high-permeability zone, indicat-
ing foam generation. At 0.5 PVI of liquid, the foam front appears to have traveled from a dimensionless position of 0.6 to 0.9, roughly
half the length of the high-permeability zone, into the fourth section of the core. This is also evident from the pressure-gradient profile

122 February 2019 SPE Journal

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shown in Fig. 8 as rPH

4 begins to rise and exhibit sharp fluctuations, starting at approximately 2.1 PVI. At 0.7 PVI of liquid (3.5 total
PVI), foam has propagated to the end of the pack and the gas saturation is approximately 90% in the high-permeability region. Gas satu-
ration is roughly 20% in the low-permeability zone, and no significant reduction in mobility is witnessed in terms of pressure
gradient (Fig. 8).

Time (days)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4

∇P1L ∇P2LH ∇P3H 3

0.6 ∇P4H Scans
∇P (bar/m)

∇P (psi/ft)

0.2 1

0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Total PVI

Fig. 8—Pressure gradient across various sections of Core 2 during foam-generation experiments. Dashed lines indicate times at
which CT scans were taken to generate saturation maps across the length of the core. Superscripts L and H denote the low- and
high-permeability sections, respectively. LH represents the interval with the boundary.

Sw →
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
steady state

0.1 PVI liquid

0.4 PVI liquid

0.5 PVI liquid

0.7 PVI liquid

1.0 PVI liquid

Fig. 9—Average liquid-saturation profile in a vertical cross section through the center of Core 2 computed using X-ray CT imaging
during the course of a foam-generation experiment. Top-most saturation map comes from the CT scan taken during gas-brine
injection, and images thereafter are from scans taken after surfactant solution was introduced in the core.

Liquid-Phase Saturation





0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Dimensionless Core Length, x/L
Gas-brine 0.1 PVI surfactant 0.4 PVI surfactant
0.5 PVI surfactant 0.7 PVI surfactant 1.0 PVI surfactant

Fig. 10—Average liquid-phase saturation profile in Core 2 plotted at different PVI through the course of the foam-
generation experiment.

Core 3. Foam generation was also observed in Core Sample 3, with a permeability contrast of 13.9:1. As shown in Fig. 11, pressure
gradient across the permeability transition and further downstream showed distinct periods of rise and sharp drops, unlike the continu-
ous and relatively mild fluctuating pattern observed in Fig. 5 and Fig. 8. The pressure gradient in the low-permeability section (rPL1 Þ

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stays low through the course of the experiment, suggesting that there is no significant reduction in gas mobility. However, as shown in
Figs. 12 and 13, the gas saturation is approximately 50% in the first section. This means that if there is any foam in the low-
permeability section, it has little effect on gas mobility and is, therefore, weak foam. Evidently, even this weak foam transforms into
strong foam at the permeability transition.

Time (days)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6

1.5 ∇P1L ∇P2LH ∇P3H

∇P4H Scans
∇P (bar/m)

∇P (psi/ft)


0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Total PVI

Fig. 11—Pressure gradient across various sections of Core 3 during foam-generation experiments. Dashed lines indicate times at
which CT scans were taken to generate saturation maps across the length of the core. Superscripts L and H denote the low- and
high-permeability sections, respectively. LH represents the interval with the boundary.

Sw →
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

steady state
0.03 PVI liquid

0.1 PVI liquid

0.2 PVI liquid

0.4 PVI liquid

0.5 PVI liquid

0.7 PVI liquid

1.0 PVI liquid

1.1 PVI liquid

Fig. 12—Average liquid-saturation profile in a vertical cross section through the center of Core 3 computed using X-ray CT imaging
during the course of a foam-generation experiment. Top-most saturation map comes from the CT scan taken during gas-brine
injection, and images thereafter are from scans taken after surfactant solution was introduced in the core.

CT images in Fig. 12 also indicate that, as with Core Sample 2, there might be a region of high permeability along the edges of the
core because of imperfect sintering of the glass grains with the tube wall. Gas prefers to flow along the edges of the core and foam gen-
eration also begins at the outer boundary of the cylindrical porous medium, shown clearly in the scan taken at 0.4 PVI of surfactant
solution (Fig. 12). Images at 0.5 and 0.7 PVI of liquid (2.7 and 3.5 total PVI, respectively) show that the foam front propagates first
along the edges, forcing gas to flow through the center of the porous medium, resulting in subsequent propagation of foam through the
center of the core.

Core 4. Core Sample 4 had the greatest permeability contrast among the tested cores (27.5:1). We observe that strong foam is created
across the permeability transition, and it propagates through the high-permeability zone to the end of the core. While the measured pres-
sure gradient across the inlet section, as shown in Fig. 14, shows no appreciable increase indicating absence of strong foam, the satura-
tion profile obtained through CT scans, as shown in Fig. 15, shows that the gas saturation is fairly high in the low-permeability zone
toward the end of the experiment. Gas saturation is almost 70% in the low-permeability zone upstream of the transition as seen in the
saturation profiles computed at 1.2 PVI of surfactant (6 total PVI) and thereafter. This rise in gas saturation, however, is witnessed only
after foam generation across the transition has been observed. In the high-permeability section, CT images show a gas saturation of
almost 100% toward the end of the experiment, indicating the presence of strong foam with a significant reduction in gas mobility, in
terms of pressure gradient, as discussed in the next section.

124 February 2019 SPE Journal

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Liquid-Phase Saturation




0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Dimensionless Core Length, x/L

Gas-brine 0.0.3 PVI surfactant 0.1 PVI surfactant

0.2 PVI surfactant 0.4 PVI surfactant 0.5 PVI surfactant
0.7 PVI surfactant 1.0 PVI surfactant 1.1 PVI surfactant

Fig. 13—Average liquid saturation vs. dimensionless core position during a foam-generation experiment in Core 3.

Time (days)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5
∇P1L ∇P2LH ∇P3H
∇P4H Scans
∇P (bar/m)

∇P (psi/ft)

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Total PVI

Fig. 14—Pressure gradient across variation sections of Core 4 during foam-generation experiments. Dashed lines indicate times at
which CT scans were taken to generate saturation maps across the length of the core. Superscripts L and H denote the low- and
high-permeability sections, respectively. LH represents the interval with the boundary.

Liquid-Phase Saturation





0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Dimensionless Core Length, x/L

Gas-brine 0.3 PVI surfactant 0.6 PVI surfactant

1.2 PVI surfactant 1.4 PVI surfactant 1.5 PVI surfactant
1.7 PVI surfactant

Fig. 15—Average liquid saturation vs. dimensionless core position during a foam-generation experiment in Core 4.

In the experiments reported, we show evidence of foam generation across a sharp permeability rise during simultaneous flow of gas and
surfactant solution. We observe foam generation across a permeability contrast of slightly less than 4:1 at a gas fractional flow of 80%,
in accordance with theoretical predictions. While in some of our experiments we see indications of foam generation in terms of high
gas saturation in the low-permeability section itself, this foam could be classified as “weak foam,” or what Friedmann et al. (1991) call
a “leave-behind foam,” because gas mobility remains high (in terms of measured pressure gradient) in this section throughout the course
of the experiment.
Foam generation does result in a significant reduction in gas mobility in the high-permeability zone. We quantify this reduction in
mobility in terms of apparent foam viscosity. Assuming a steady-state average pressure drop across the high-permeability zone, we use
the pressure gradient across the entire zone (Results section and herein) and compute apparent viscosity as

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kH rP
lapp ¼ ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð2Þ
ul þ ug

where kH is the measured permeability of the high-permeability zone, rP is the steady-state pressure gradient across the entire high-
permeability zone measured after foam has propagated to the end of the core, and vl and vg are the superficial velocities of the liquid
and gas phases, respectively. The apparent viscosity was averaged over quarter-day periods and plotted against total PVI in Fig. 16.
Because the measurements are taken every second, there is a spread in the data collected and averaged over a 6-hour period. This spread
is plotted in terms of an error bar in each direction, which represents one standard deviation of all the viscosities computed from all the
recorded pressure gradients within the 6-hour measurement window.

〈kH/kL〉 = 3.8 〈kH/kL〉 = 5.4

2,000 〈kH/kL〉 = 13.9 〈kH/kL〉 = 27.5
μapp (cp)


1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7
Total PVI

Fig. 16—Apparent viscosity of foam in the high-permeability region of each core, generated by flow across the abrupt permeability
increase, plotted against the total PVI.

The average apparent viscosity of foam, generated across a sharp permeability increase, ranges from approximately 600 cp to
1,800 cp. Evidently, the greater the permeability contrast in the core, the larger the apparent viscosity of the generated foam. Addition-
ally, we observe that at a greater permeability contrast, it takes longer to observe foam in the high-permeability section, especially in
the core with the greatest permeability contrast, shown by the purple line in Fig. 16. We suspect that this may be a result of a greater
intermittency in foam generation, as explained below, across greater permeability contrasts.
The measured pressure gradient in all our experiments exhibits large fluctuations. At a greater permeability contrast, the magnitude
of these fluctuations is greater, as can be seen by the error bars in Fig. 16. These fluctuations occur because lamellae are not generated
steadily across the face of the heterogeneity (Falls et al. 1988). Instead, foam generation across the sharp increase in permeability is
intermittent. This can be explained as follows: Foam generation causes a reduction in gas mobility, which in turn causes the flow to
become drier; locally, capillary pressure then rises above the critical capillary pressure for snap-off and foam generation ceases. After
foam generation ceases, liquid accumulates again and the cycle repeats. This coincides with our observations at the outlet of the core.
Distinct periods of liquid production were followed by strong foam coming out of the core, followed by relatively weaker and drier
foam with a large bubble size, followed by periods of only gas production. The nature of produced fluids could also be affected by the
capillary end effect at the outlet. In a separate set of experiments, we have observed that the intermittency of foam generation and sub-
sequent mobilization are less frequent at a higher liquid fractional flow and a higher flow rate.
While designing the experiments reported in this paper, the objective was to create conditions for a uniform, 1D forced displacement
across the permeability jump. However, as mentioned earlier, the porous medium was not perfectly homogeneous in the single-
permeability regions and the unwanted artifact of imperfect sintering and higher porosity along the edges leads to preferential flow of
gas near the walls of the core. While this might have resulted in unwanted experimental observations, complicating subsequent analysis,
the aggravated effect of gravity (because of a low flow rate and high permeability) combined with this edge effect brought the experi-
mental conditions closer to realistic geological settings. In a realistic subsurface setting, gas might have other flow paths available and
may bypass the permeability boundary altogether, and not contribute to the process of foam generation. In the experiments presented in
this paper, regardless of the availability of a preferential flow path for gas, foam generation was observed across the permeability jump.
The experiments were designed so that foam was generated by snap-off and not because of drainage or a high pressure gradient. While
Li and Rossen (2005) suggested that preferential flow along the edges of a core would make foam generation in such an experiment
more difficult, this was not observed and snap-off still occurred at the permeability boundary at contrasts as low as 3.8:1 with a field-
like total superficial velocity of 0.67 ft/D.
The results of this study can have important implications for the use of foam for mobility control in subsurface displacement proc-
esses. In a petroleum reservoir, 10 m away from the injection well, fluid velocity can be as much as 100 times lower than that in the
immediate vicinity of the well. As a result, foam strength can be significantly lower and foam propagation might fail (Friedmann et al.
1994; Ashoori et al. 2012). However, quite often there exist sharp heterogeneities in the formation. When they are present, foam
strength can still be maintained by snap-off across these permeability contrasts. If the impact of these heterogeneities on foam genera-
tion and propagation is not accounted for, the effectiveness of foam in reducing gas mobility can be underestimated. In order to under-
stand the consequences of this phenomenon in a more realistic, or 3D, subsurface setting with layered or secondary granulometry, the
results of this study could be used to model foam generation by snap-off in a flow across a sharp permeability change and the model
could be used to simulate the displacement process in the analog system.
It is important to note that surfactant adsorption is negligible in our synthetic porous media made from borosilicate glass. Therefore,
in our experiments, foam generation appears to be almost immediate once the surfactant arrives at the permeability transition. In the
field, however, surfactant adsorption, whenever not satisfied, can delay the propagation of surfactant.

Simultaneous flow of gas and surfactant solution across a sharp permeability increase results in foam generation by snap-off, provided
that the liquid volume fraction is high enough and permeability contrast is sufficient. Foam can be generated by this phenomenon at

126 February 2019 SPE Journal

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extremely low superficial velocities, close to and even lower than conventional field velocities encountered far from wells. This
coincides with theory, which suggests that this mechanism is independent of pressure gradient. CT images clearly indicate that foam is
generated at the permeability change and that it propagates downstream toward the outlet of the core.
At the low flow rates used in these experiments, no effective foam was generated in the homogeneous core upstream of the perme-
ability transition. Events of foam generation and subsequent mobilization are associated with sharp fluctuations in the pressure gradient
across the permeability jump. Foam generation and propagation are not immediate as the surfactant front reaches the permeability
jump. Instead, foam generates, propagates, and mobilizes intermittently from the permeability transition. The intermittency appears to
be greater for greater permeability contrasts.
Foam generation during flow across abrupt permeability changes in the vertical direction could significantly reduce gravity segrega-
tion. Foam created during flow across layer boundaries would block the upward movement of gas toward higher layers. This would
reduce the gas mobility in the vertical direction, effectively reducing vertical permeability to gas and increasing the segregation length
(Jenkins 1984; Stone 1982; Tanzil et al. 2002; Rossen and van Duijn 2004).

A ¼ cross-sectional area of the core, m2
CMC ¼ critical micelle concentration, wt%
CT ¼ X-ray CT measurement in Hounsfield units, HU
k ¼ permeability, m2
P ¼ pressure, Pa
Pc ¼ capillary pressure, Pa
rP ¼ pressure gradient, Pa/m
q ¼ flow rate, mL/min
S ¼ phase saturation, –
u ¼ superficial (Darcy) velocity, m/s
l ¼ viscosity, cp

L ¼ low-permeability region
LH ¼ region with low- to high-permeability transition
H ¼ high-permeability region
min ¼ minimum, used to denote minimum rP or velocity required to generate foam
sn ¼ snap-off, used to denote critical capillary pressure required for snap-off

app ¼ apparent
dry ¼ denotes CT measurement of the dry core
exp ¼ denotes a CT measurement of the core during the foam-generation experiment
g ¼ gas
l ¼ liquid
liq ¼ denotes CT measurement of the liquid-saturated core
t ¼ total

This paper is a result of the collaboration between Delft University of Technology and Universiti Teknologi Petronas. We thank Petro-
nas and Shell for funding this research. We gratefully acknowledge Michiel Slob, Ellen Meijvogel-de Koning, Marc Friebel, Karel
Heller, and Joost van Meel for their extensive technical support at the Laboratory of Geoscience and Engineering of Delft University
of Technology.

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Swej Shah is a PhD-degree candidate at the Department of Geoscience and Engineering, Delft University of Technology, The
Netherlands. His current research interests include foam-generation mechanisms in porous media, population-balance models
for modeling foam behavior, and multiscale methods for reservoir simulation. Shah holds a BS degree in chemical engineering
from the Institute of Chemical Technology in Mumbai and an MS degree in applied Earth sciences from the Delft University of
Technology. He is a recipient of the 2014 SPE Star Fellowship and winner of the 2016 SPE Europe student paper contest.
Karl-Heinz Wolf is associate professor in petrophysics at the Department of Geoscience and Engineering at Delft University of
Technology. For 8 years, he was the director of the Geoscience and Engineering Laboratory and actively involved in CO2-
related EOR/enhanced-gas-recovery programs. Wolf works on the interfaces between geology, reservoir engineering, and geo-
physics, and develops petrophysical techniques for laboratory-scale rock-texture characterization/quantification. Also, his inter-
ests include clean coal technologies, in-situ oil (shale) combustion, and CO2 enhanced coalbed methane. Many activities are
linked to large experimental setups for scaled tests, as well as options to quantify images from outcrop to micro-CT-scan scale.
Wolf is coauthor of more than 100 reviewed articles and research abstracts. He holds a PhD degree in applied Earth sciences from
Delft University of Technology.
Rashidah Mohd Pilus is a senior lecturer and the deputy head of department at the Department of Petroleum Engineering at Uni-
versiti Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia. She holds a BS degree from the University of Nebraska, Omaha; an MS degree from McMaster
University in Canada; and a PhD degree from Queen’s University, Belfast, in Northern Ireland, all in chemistry.
William R. Rossen is professor of reservoir engineering at the Department of Geoscience and Engineering, Delft University of Tech-
nology. His current research concerns use of foams for diverting fluid flow in porous media, modeling complex transport proc-
esses in networks, and understanding flow in naturally fractured geological formations. Rossen was named Best Instructor at
Delft University of Technology in 2011. In 2012, he was named an IOR Pioneer at the SPE/DOE Symposium on Improved Oil Recov-
ery in Tulsa. Rossen is an SPE Distinguished Member.

128 February 2019 SPE Journal

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