Amines PDF
Amines PDF
Amines PDF
alloy 20 (N08020), alloy B-2 (N10665), and al- transfer line. If caustic is injected too close to an beneficial. Filming-amine corrosion inhibitors
loy C-4 (NlOOO2) or C-276 (N10276). For hy- elbow of the transfer line, impingement by drop- are often ineffective. Several proprietary oxidiz-
drocarbon streams containing only traces of lets of caustic can cause severe attack and hole- ing corrosion inhibitors based on sodium
concentrated or dilute sulfuric acid, steel-body through at the elbow. metavanadate are available. These have been
valves with type 316 (531600) stainless steel There are some unusual situations in which successfully used in certain cases, but licensing
trim can be used. In this service, steel pump caustic corrosion is encountered. For example, costs tend to be high for any but the smaller units.
casings that are weld overlayed with alumi- traces of caustic can become concentrated in Regenerator towers usually should be lined
num bronze have been successfully used. boiler feedwater and cause corrosion (gouging) with type 405 (S40500) stainless steel, and tower
Pump impellers made from high-silicon cast and SCC (caustic embrittlement). This occurs in internals are often made of type 304 (S30400)
iron are often used. boiler tubes that alternate between wet and dry stainless steel. Where ~plicable, type 304
Piping for hy~ocarbo~acid mixing lines ahead conditions (steam blanketing) because of over- (S30400) stainless steel is required for the rich-
of the reactors may require alloy 20 (N08020), be- firing. In some petrochemical processes, caustic amine pressure of the let-down valve, as well as for
cause water c o n ~ ~ ofofeed n stocks can cause gouging is found under deposits in heat exchang- piping downstream of the let-down valve, to control
severe corrosion of car-bon steel. AUoy 400 ers that remove heat by generation of steam. For corrosion accelerated by high flow turbulence.
(N04400) hasbeenfound tobeuseful forreactoref- example, vertical heat exchangers for cracked Corrosion in the regenerator reboiler is usu-
fluent lines around the caustic and wash-water in- gas in ethylene units are especially vulnerable if ally in the form of pitting and groove-type corro-
jection points. Valve trays in fractionation towers deposits are allowed to accumulate on the bottom sion of tubes and is caused by localized
require type 405 (S40500)or 410 (S41000) stain- tubesheet. Boiler feedwater permeates these de- overheating inside baffle holes {Ref 84). If ther-
less steel tray valves and bolting. In general, organic posits and evaporates, and this causes the caustic mosyphon reboilers are undersized, part of the
coatings are not resistant to concentrated sulfuric to concentrate in any liquid that is left behind. tube bundle will become vapor blanketed, and
acid. Teflon has excellent resistance to sulfuric acid The caustic content of such trapped liquid can the tubes will overheat. Subsequent exposure of
and is extensively used for gaskets, pump valve reach several percent, which is more than enough the hot tubes to amine solution will cause severe
packing, and mixing nozzles. to destroy the n o ~ a l l yprotective iron oxide turbulence and velocity-acceleratedcorrosion. Va-
In addition to sulfuric acid, reactor effluent con- (magnetite) film on boiler steel and thus cause se- por blanketing also occurs if tubes an:allowed to fill
tains traces of alkyl and dialkyl sulfates from w o n - vere corrosion. partially with steam condensate; this reduces the
daty alkylation reactions (Ref 76). These esters Amines. Corrosion of carbon steel by amines amount of tube surface available for heat transfer
decompose in reboilers to form sulfur dioxide and in gas-treating and sulfur recovery units can usu- and increases the heat flux through the remainder of
polymeric compounds (the latter are notorious fou- ally be traced to faulty plant design, poor operat- the tubes. Unless faulty reboiler operation can be
lants). Sulfur dioxide corn^^ readily with water ing practices, and solution c o n ~ i n a t i o n(Ref corrected, carbon steel tubes may have to be re-
in the upper part and overhead system of fractiona- 77). In general, corrosion is most severe in sys- placed with type 304 ~ S 3 ~ or 0 316
0 ~ (S31600)
tion towers; the resultant sulfurous acid can cause tems removing only carbon dioxide and is least stainless steel tubes. Alloy 400 (No4400) reboiler
severe corrosion in overhead condensers. In some severe in systems removing only hydrogen sul- tubes have been successfully used in amjne units
units, carbon steel or admiralty metal ( C ~ 3 ) Systems handling mixtures of the two fall thai handle only car-bon dioxide.
tubes in overhead condensers, particularly those of between these two extremes if the gases contain As a rule, carbon steel tubes are satisfactory
the d e i s o b u ~ tower,
r may have to be replaced at least 1 vol% hydrogen sulfide. Corrosion in for regenerator overhead condensers. As dis-
with alloy 400 (N04400) or titanium grade 2 arnine plants using mon~thanolamineis more cussed in the section "Sour Water" in this article,
( ~tubes. As~a rule, however,
j titanium is not severe than in those using diethanolamine, be- high corrosion rates can occur at this location,
resistant to sulfuric acid corrosion. Neutralizers can cause the former is more prone to degradation. and carbon steel tubes may have to be replaced
be injected into the overhead vapor limes of various Corrosion is not caused by the amine itself, with titanium grade 2 (R50400) tubes. Carbon
towers to maintain the pH value of aqueous conden- but is caused by dissolved hydrogen sulfide or steel tubes are used in reclaimers with proper
sate near 7. Filming-amine~ r r o s i o inhibitors
n can carbon dioxide and by amine degradation prod- neutralization of acidic constituents (Ref 85).
also be injected. ucts (Ref 78). Corrosion is most severe at loca- Because the reclaimer can be taken out of service
Caustic. Sodium hydroxide is widely used in tions where acid gases are desorbed or removed at any time, periodic retubing with carbon steel
refinery and petrochemical plant operations to from rich amine solution. Here, temperaturesand presents no problems. Cast iron pumps normally
neutralize acidic consti~ents.At ambient tem- flow turbulence are highest. This includes the re- are used in low-pressure amine service. If corro-
perature and under dry conditions, caustic can be generator (stripper) reboiler and lower portions sion problems occur, high-silicon cast iron im-
handled in carbon steel equipment. Carbon steel of the regenerator itself (Ref 79). Corrosion can pellers can be used. In high-pressure amine
is also satisfactory for aqueous caustic solutions also be a significant problem on the rich-amine service type 316 ~S31600)stainless steel pumps
between 50 and 80 "C (120 and 180 O F ) , depend- side of the leanhich-amine exchanger, in amine may be needed.
ing on concentration. For caustic service above solution pumps, and in reclaimers. Hydrogen Phenol. Phenol (carbolic acid) is used in re-
these temperatures but below approximately 95 blistering has been a problem in the bottom of the fineries to convert heavy, waxy distillates ob-
"C (200 OF). carbon steel can also be used if it has contactor (absorber) tower and in regenerator tained by crude oil distillation into lubricating
been postweld heat treated to avoid SCC at overhead condensers and reflux drums (Ref 80). oils. As a rule, all components in the treating and
welds. Austenitic stainless steels, such as type The common material of construction for ra~inaterecovery sections, except tubes in
304 (S30400), can be used up to approximately amine units is carbon steel. To prevent alkaline water-cooled heat exchangers, are made from
120 'C (250 OF), while nickel alloys are required SCC, welds of components in both lean and rich- carbon steel. If water is not present, few signifi-
at higher temperatures. amine service should be postweld heat treated re- cant corrosion problems can be expected to occur
Severe caustic corrosion of the crude transfer gardless of service temperature (Ref 81). in these sections. In the extract recovery section,
line, which is immediately downstream of the Postweld heat treatment also protects against hy- however, severe corrosion can occur, especially
caustic injection point, can occur in crude distil- drogen stress cracking. On the whole, there have where high flow turbulence is encountered. As a
lation units when 40% (by weight) caustic solu- been relatively few corrosion problems in most result, certain components require selective alloy-
tion is injected into hot, desalted crude oil to amine units. ing with type 316 ( S 3 1 stainless
~ ~ steel. Typi-
neutralize any r e m ~ n i n ghydrogen chloride. Operating guidelines usually set limits on cally, stainless steel linersare required for the top of
Predilutionof the caustic with water to form a 3% arnine concentration (20%), acid-gas loading the dryer tower, the entire phenol flash tower, and
(by weight) solution minimizes this problem. (0.35 mol per mole of amine), and reboiler steam various condenser shells and separator drums that
Better dispersion of the more diluted solution in temperature (150 T, or 300 O F ) (Ref 82, 83). handle phenolic water. Tubes and headers in the ex-
the hot crude oil prevents puddles of molten These guidelines should be followed to minimize tract fumace should also be made of type 316
caustic from collecting along the bottom of the corrosion. Sidestream filtration is also extremely ( S 3 1 ~ stainless
} steel, with U-bends sleeved