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A.K. Jain
he Government of India, recently unveiled the
National Declaration on Urban Governance and
Housing for all. It has committed to provide
housing to all by the year 2022, along with toilets,
electricity, drinking water and other amenities.
According to the Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty
Alleviation, the total housing shortage in India in the year 2011
was about 18.78 million dwelling units (DUs), out of which
95% related to social housing, i.e. housing for the economically
weaker sections and low income group.
About one-third to one-half of the population of India’s
major metropolitan centres, like Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai,
Bangalore and Chennai occupy various types of illegal,
informal, unplanned and slum settlements, which comprise
mainly the poor. The pavement dwellers/homeless form about
1 per cent of the total population. Traditional areas, villages and
old city house about one-third of population and unauthorised
colonies have about one-sixth of the population. Public sector
housing and site and services provide housing to about one-
third of the population. The role of the private sector in EWS/
LIG housing has been almost negligible. The current schemes of
affordable housing by the private sector also cater mostly to the
According to the Town and Coun-
try Planning Organization (TCPO)
estimates, at least 84,724 hectares
to 1,20,882 hectares of additional
land would be required, to meet the
current housing shortage in the form
group housing, on average density
Fig. 1: Evolution of an unauthorized colony norms. Land is the basic platform for
ment and resettlement should be pre- ii). Mandatory adoption of waste into account land cost. With the
pared. After identification of potential water recycling, dual piping, Central Government’s contribution
sites, it is necessary to assign suitable natural lighting and ventilation, through various schemes, and
land use for such sites, and provide renewable energy, water matching contribution of the State
proper services and linkages. The plans conservation, energy efficiency as Governments, local bodies and
of housing development, regularisa- per ECBC and Green Building Code, beneficiaries, the social housing and
tion and resettlement should be based which can save 10 to 15 % of water slum rehabilitation schemes have
on the assessment of ground realities, and energy. become viable and affordable.
existing land use, land ownership, land iii). Checking of leakages, thefts and The cost of land for EWS and LIG
values, socio-economic characteristics transmission losses which can housing can be met by cross-subsidy,
and physical conditions of the settle- save about 15 to 20 % of water compulsory reservation, land pooling
ment, reflected by updated digitised and power and reconstitution, TDR and similar
maps and data. Based on the land and iv). Enhancement of organisational instruments. In view of the recently
housing inventory, the community can efficiency. notified Right to Fair Compensation
access the land and housing fund for and Transparency in Land Acquisition,
infrastructure development and con- Finance Resettlement and Rehabilitation Act,
struction of dwelling units. The criteria To meet the total shortage of 18.78 2013, the acquisition of land is going
for selection of a specific strategy of million houses in the country (10.55 to be more costly and difficult. As
relocation or in-situ upgradation have million houses needed for EWS and such, cities should explore the option
to be based on certain indicators, and 7.41 million houses for LIG category) of redevelopment and recycling
a database. The site selection should an investment of about 18 lakh existing urban areas, including
consider employment generation and crore is required, without taking slum and squatter settlements and
community welfare as the most impor-
tant elements.
The community development plan
should address specific local issues
and provide flexible choices of in-situ
upgradation, relocation, land shar-
ing or re-blocking. The local area plan
should network all the settlements,
where the local stakeholders plan
encroached lands. Land is the most implies mandatory reservation of land could be as much as 80 to 90 percent
expensive component of housing. If for EWS/LIG in all housing projects/ of total house cost).
land cost is excluded, social housing layouts, the cost of which is excluded Financing of social housing or slum
becomes affordable and viable. This from the cost of the house (which redevelopment need not be the sole
responsibility of the government. To
make such schemes self-financing,
incentives like additional FAR, develop-
ment rights, commercial component,
etc. can be very helpful. To make social
housing schemes bankable, it is neces-
sary to take advantage of manda-
tory reservations, optimise utilisation
of land by higher density and FAR,
besides reducing the cost and time in
land development, construction and
infrastructure provision. The Twelfth
Five Year Plan and Union Budget
(2014-15) suggest a set of instruments
to finance affordable housing. A new
proposal is Home Owners Mortgage
Equity Subvention Scheme (HOMES)
under which the loan limit has been
raised from Rs 5 lakh to Rs. 10 lakh for
EWS and Rs 8 lakh to 15 lakh for LIG
category, along with 5.5% interest
subsidy on these loans.
Security of Tenure
‘Tenure’ is a pre-requisite to enable
and empower the poor to transform
their lives and climb up in the socio-
economic ladder. Without legal right,
the poor cannot use their property
Fig. 7: An Unauthorised Colony as collateral or get a loan. As such,
granting ownership rights is essential review the tenure and design options toring on short-term, mid-term, and
in all slum resettlement and low- of the dwelling clusters with a view to: long-term bases. Effective involve-
income housing schemes. A common • Reducing the cost and enhancing ment of the community organisations
fear is that the formal housing of the affordability; at the grass root level will help in
poor changes hands and is bought • Providing toilets, common space, the process of motivation. It will also
over and the poor remain homeless. etc. in a manner, which would help the beneficiaries to sustain and
To overcome this problem, it may be dissuade the beneficiaries from manage day-to-day issues, such as
suggested that such housing may selling their houses; drainage, solid waste management,
be leased out to the cooperatives • Licencing shelter units initially on water supply, electricity, public health,
or in the name of joint family rental basis, convertible into tenure sanitation, education, security and skill
members at nominal rents, instead after 10 years, or so. Alternatively, development.
of selling them. Here, it becomes the land tenure can be given jointly
A.K. Jain as Commissioner (Planning),
necessary to redefine the concept of to husband and wife/parents, worked on Master Plan for Delhi-2021,
shelter which should include transit or to the co-operatives/resident National Urban Housing and Habitat
Policy, National Urban Transport Policy,
accommodation, dormitory, hostel, associations; protocols for green Commonwealth
camp, paying guest, etc. The industry, • Encouraging an evolutionary Games, New Delhi 2010, plans for
Dwarka and five Sub-cities for Delhi
educational institutions, offices pattern of dwelling, which can be
2021. He was a member of the Advisory
and other establishments may be expanded according to the needs Board of the UN-Habitat and contributed
encouraged to provide residential and resources. in its reports- Sustainable Cities (2009),
Climate Change and Cities (2011) and
accommodation to the workers. For coordinated maintenance, it is Sustainable Urban Mobility (2013).
To curb the resale of social housing necessary to work out an accountable Photographs and illustrations:
Courtesy the Author.
and its speculation, it is necessary to structure and take up regular moni-
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