The Preliminary Extruding Technology With Two-Material Source For 3D Assembly
The Preliminary Extruding Technology With Two-Material Source For 3D Assembly
The Preliminary Extruding Technology With Two-Material Source For 3D Assembly
1. School of Instrument Science and Opto-electronic Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191
2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084
Correspondence should be addressed to Liu Haixia (e-mail:[email protected])
Keywords: multi-cell assembly, extruding, hydrogel, nozzle, been reported widely. An analog of tissue or organ with
rapid prototype. multi-cell, which spatial location and proportional component
according to the numerical models, has a characteristic of
Abstract non-homogeneous distribution in the composition and
structure [4]. As early as in 2000 years, R. F. Service
Cell direct controlled assembly technology with one material published an article in Science, pointed out it needs to have a
source is grown-up increasingly, but can’t satisfy the multi- manufacturing technology with the ability of distributing
cell assembly requirements. On this condition, it is becoming materials accurately and quantificationally to create complex
a needed research program to develop an assembly organ analogs [5]. To overcome deficient vascularization,
technology which can distribute a variety of cells and many new manufacturing techniques have been proposed to
biological activity materials to a specifically location improve tissue engineering. For example, in Harvard medical
precisely and noninvasively, so that a multi-cell structure school, a group used micro-electromechanical system to
similar to natural tissue structure and function can be create capillary network on a silicon plate then cultured cells
constructed. Here utilizing an in-house single nozzle on it and layered sheets of cells to make a vascular network
assembly technology based on rapid prototyping and for hepatocyte infusion culture [6–7]. This is a very time-
controlled forming process with cell gelatin-based hydrogels, consuming method with very low efficiency to produce
develop a kernel of multi-cell directly controlled assembly complex vascular tissue structures. In recent years, rapid
technology, namely the two-material source controlled prototyping technique based on discrete/deposit layered
extruding technology. It mainly includes a multi-nozzle forming principle is applied increasingly in biological
switched on-demand extruding technology and a single material forming and cell assembly [8]. Based on the
nozzle with a multi-material source delivery extruding technology, more complex 3D structures can be manufactured,
technology, it is possible to directly manipulate cells with both the macro structure forming and micro pore constructing
bionic extracellular matrices and arrange them in proper can be coupled to the same manufacturing process, the
spatial sites according to predefined digital models to form structure shape and pore is more controllable, the process is
living constructs. The experimental formed 3D cell structure relatively easy to formation [9-10]. Recently, with the
was 3-4 mm high and cultured for 8 weeks, actually, there is advantages of rapid prototyping, we have explored
no limitation for the size and height of the 3D organ analogs. extensively the direct cell assembly and low-temperature
This technology will direct promote the development of deposition technology [11], developed a cell assembly
multi-cell controlled assembly technology; consequently technology with two-material source. It is possible to directly
promote the manufacturing engineering of artificial organs manipulate two type cells with bionic extracellular matrices
greatly. and arrange them in proper spatial location according to
predefined digital models to form tissue or organ analog; it is
1 Introduction a basis technology for multi-cell assembly. Therefore there is
a hope to directly create capillary network or organ.
At the end of the 20th century, tissue engineering technology
began using formed scaffolds to indirectly assembly cells. 2 Materials and Methods
This technology has resulted in a new way to fabricate tissues
artificially. However, unlike those successfully
commercialized structural tissues (such as skin, bone, and 2.1 Materials
cartilage), many tissues or organs with vascular systems are
much more complicated, both in structure and physiological The biomaterials applied to cell assembly should have the
functions, fettered with the indirect fabrication techniques, bionic features both in composition and structure, were
unredeemed distribution of primary cells and other necessary chosen according to two aspects, biocompatible and good
cells, it is very difficult to create a large amount of tissues formability. Most natural hydrogels are more favourable in
with vascular systems [1–3], by now the fabrication of the soft tissue construction [12-13]. Through experiments,
different types of cells in one single construct has not yet select the part of the natural hydrogels as assembly materials,
such as gelatine (Tianjin Green-Island Company, China), into account the residual materials of nozzle cavity during the
alginate and chitosan (Sigma-Aldrich, Louis, Mo). Gelatine, a extrusion processing; the latter does not exist the position
degradation product of collagen, exhibits reversible alignment problems when switch nozzles, forming efficiency
thermosensitive gelation properties and can be irreversibly is higher. Because of the more than three material cavities has
cross-linked with glutaraldehyde. In view of this, we use the same control method with the double cavities; here
gelatine-based composite hydrogel system as forming introduce the non-homogeneous distribution of the double
materials. The concentration and the ratio between gelatine cavities as a representative.
and chitosan are listed in reference [14]. Experiments show For the multi-nozzle switched structure, the implement
that the hybrid of gelatine-based hydrogels possess a good of non-homogeneous distribution process is shown in Figure
conglutination property, is prone to implement the 1. The different materials cavity stores the different material,
discrete/deposit cell assembling process. there is an absolute displacement ǻx between the each two
material cavities, if the location of the material cavity A1 is
2.2 Using the pre-extrusion mechanism P1 (x0, y0, z0), A2 is P2 (x0+ǻx, y0, z0), when forming at
the specific delamination, the forming platform move the
Due to the strong viscosity of selected natural polymer absolute displacement ǻx for switch the material cavity, and
hydrosol, it is needed an incidental time when the material the nozzles group adjust in the Z direction timely.
were delivered from material cavity to nozzle terminal, For the single nozzle with a multi-material source
produces the response delay. This response delay could be structure, the implement of non-homogeneous distribution
reduced as much as possible through optimize the design of process is shown in Figure 2. The different materials cavity
cavity and nozzle, but not completely eliminated. Therefore, stores the different material, there is an absolute displacement
through adopting a control method to compensate for the ǻx between the each two material cavities, if the location of
response delay in the actual forming process, based on the material cavity A1 is P1 (x0, y0, z0), A2 is P2 (x0+ǻx, y0,
material characteristics, the response delay time IJ basically z0), when forming at the specific delamination, the forming
satisfies the model of Equation (1), V1, material cavity platform does not need to move the absolute displacement ǻx
volume; V2, nozzle volume; v, scan rate; d, nozzle diameter. for switch the material cavity, just need to adjust the single
V1 + V2 nozzle in the Z direction timely. However, it needs to use the
= 1
method as the extrusion technology, one nozzle unit 3.1 Forming example of two-nozzle switched device
integrates the stepper drive extrusion unit (including the
stepping motor and the screw slide), disposable medical
material cavity and stainless steel needle, as shown in Figure Multi-cell assembly aims for the construction of large soft
3. Installed and fixed several nozzle units in together to tissue and internal organs in vitro, typical characteristics of
achieve multi-nozzle composite device. Figure 4 is a double- the tissue or organ is rich of vascular providing the nutrition
nozzle device. For the multi-nozzle composite device, cell for the surrounding cells. Commonly, the larger vessels have
assembly is primarily achieved through switching the nozzle two layers, the inner layer contains the endothelial cells, the
unit; the different nozzle unit switched need to be alignment outer layer contains the smooth muscle cells. Here using the
according to delamination position, therefore, the multi- two-nozzle switched device to form a structure simulated the
nozzle composite device is intended for using as in the lager vessel. Material cavity N1 corresponding to the nozzle
construction of the simple and clear hierarchical tissues. A1 stored the material 12G1.6AG (it is on behalf of this
solution containing 12% (w/w) gelatine, 1.6% (w/w) of
sodium alginate, with the solvent PBS.); material cavity N2
corresponding to the nozzle A2 stored material 8G2.4AG
supplemented with 10mg/mL phenolphthalein. The assembly
result is as shown in Figure 6; the outer structure was
achieved by the nozzle A1, the inner structure was achieved
by the nozzle A2. It is shown that the designed two-nozzle
composites device has a good forming applicability in multi-
cell controlled assembly technology. It is suggested to use this
multi-nozzle switched device to form the simple tissues,
particularly those with gradient layers tissues, such as
Figure 3 Multi-nozzle switched unit sketch cartilage-bone composite, bladder, cornea, big blood vessels,
Figure 4 Two-nozzle switched device, scale bar is10mm etc. This nozzles switched device can satisfy the forming
requirements through using simple control method.
2.5 Single nozzle and multi-material source device
3.2 Forming example of the single nozzle and multi-
The single nozzle and multi-material source device has the material source device
same drive units and material cavities as the multi-nozzle
composite device, different cell-hydrogel stored in a different Here using the single nozzle and double-material source
material cavity, there is only one specific nozzle as a common device to form a structure simulated the nerve fibres. Material
export, during the forming process, after the forming material cavity N1 stored the Schwann cells plus the material
was selected according to the forming location, the 12G1.6AG; material cavity N2 stored neurons plus the
corresponding drive unit acts and extrudes materials from material 8G2.4AG supplemented with 10mg/mL
cavity to the common nozzle. Figure 5 is a model of the phenolphthalein. The assembly result is as shown in Figure 7.
single nozzle and two-material source device. For this type It is shown that the designed single nozzle and double-
nozzle, it doesn’t need to align after switching the drive unit, material source device has a good applicability in multi-cell
so the forming accuracy and efficiency is higher, moreover, it controlled assembly technology. It is suggested to use this
can more easily achieve continuous forming for mixing single nozzle and multi-material source device to form the
proportion of the different material adopting the natural two- complicated tissues, particularly those with intricate gradient
phase flow. Although the uniformity of mixing is not tissues, such as heart, liver, vascular network, etc. Based on
controllable, the shear force during the mixing extrusion is this nozzle structure, the high forming precision and
smaller; the resulting hybrid materials are also more stable, so complicated shape can easily be achieved under the direct
it is provide a special facility for some non-homogeneous CAD model driving.
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This work was supported by the National Natural Science
Foundations of China (50905009).