Bonfils 2016
Bonfils 2016
Bonfils 2016
PII: S0165-1781(16)31016-2
Reference: PSY10169
To appear in: Psychiatry Research
Received date: 11 June 2016
Revised date: 18 December 2016
Accepted date: 24 December 2016
Cite this article as: Kelsey A. Bonfils, Paul H. Lysaker, Kyle S. Minor and
Michelle P. Salyers, Empathy in schizophrenia: A meta-analysis of the
Interpersonal Reactivity Index, Psychiatry Research,
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Empathy is a complex construct, thought to contain multiple components. One popular four-
factor conceptualization has been used extensively to measure empathy in schizophrenia research
(empathic concern, perspective-taking, personal distress, and fantasy); however, no recent meta-
analysis has been conducted on the four factors together. The goal of this meta-analysis was to
examine self-reported empathy for each component in the four-factor conceptualization in people
schizophrenia studies that utilized this conceptualization. The Hedges’ g standardized difference
effect size was calculated for each component using a random effects meta-analytic model.
Individuals with schizophrenia scored significantly differently from healthy controls on all
components, exhibiting lower scores for empathic concern, perspective-taking, and fantasy, as
well as greater scores for personal distress. Duration of illness significantly moderated the results
for perspective-taking such that those with a longer duration exhibited greater deficits. Future
work should examine in more detail the impact of heightened personal distress on empathic
interaction and investigate the mechanism through which duration of illness impacts empathic
1. Introduction
networks (Salovey and Mayer, 1989) and acquisition of relationship-maintaining behaviors such
as forgiveness and altruism (Eisenberg and Miller, 1987; Hoffman, 1981, 2000; McCullough et
al., 1998; McCullough et al., 1997). Empathy is a complex construct with multiple components,
most often measured in cognitive and affective domains. Research on empathy in people with
schizophrenia has revealed deficits in this population in both commonly measured empathic
components (Bonfils et al., 2016; Savla et al., 2013). However, reviews and meta-analyses
examining empathy in schizophrenia have omitted empathic components that do not cleanly fit
of literature to show deficits in cognitive and affective empathy, the field has yet to gain an in-
depth understanding of deficits in other empathic components for people with schizophrenia.
Although cognitive and affective empathy have reached a general consensus in the field,
a four-factor model of empathy has also become increasingly prominent. This four-factor model
includes components that map onto affective empathy and cognitive empathy, but expands that
conceptualization to also include personal distress and fantasy components (Davis, 1983). The
empathic concern factor, which most clearly represents affective empathy, or the emotions felt in
compassion, and concern for others. The perspective-taking factor, which most clearly represents
cognitive aspects of empathy, corresponds to one’s ability to take the perspective of others.
Personal distress corresponds to the amount of unpleasant emotion experienced upon witnessing
the negative situations of others (self-oriented distress), and fantasy corresponds to the tendency
to place oneself into fictional situations and empathically relate to characters, as in books,
but the literature on personal distress and fantasy are less clear. While consistent deficits in
cognitive empathy (Savla et al., 2013) and affective empathy (Bonfils et al., 2016) have been
found in people with schizophrenia, research on personal distress seems to indicate the opposite
finding – that people with schizophrenia may experience an excess compared to healthy controls.
This finding has been reported in several studies (e.g., see Andrews et al., 2013; Fujiwara et al.,
2008; Gizewski et al., 2013; Montag et al., 2012a), but results across studies have yet to be meta-
analyzed. Studies examining the fantasy component, on the other hand, report more disparate
findings, with some finding significant deficits in schizophrenia samples (Derntl et al., 2012b;
Fujiwara et al., 2008; Hooker et al., 2011; Lee et al., 2010) while others find fantasy abilities to
be intact or trending toward greater levels in schizophrenia groups (Fischer-Shofty et al., 2013;
The omission of the personal distress and fantasy components from meta-analyses of
empathy in schizophrenia has left a gap in the literature, considering the likely importance of
these factors in the ability to empathically interact for people with schizophrenia. Personal
distress, especially, may actually impede the ability to empathically respond to others. Studies
finding increased personal distress in schizophrenia align with a previous meta-analysis that
found that people with schizophrenia experience heightened negative emotions compared to
healthy controls when faced with neutral or even positive stimuli (Cohen and Minor, 2010).
Some have argued that excess personal distress and negative emotion may work against
successful empathic interaction, possibly overwhelming the person with schizophrenia, leading
to a non-empathic experience or even disengagement from the social interaction (Horan et al.,
2015). Understanding how levels of personal distress differ in schizophrenia compared to healthy
controls is a key next step to identifying factors that negatively impact empathic interaction in
this population.
functional outcomes, but some literature shows a significant association between greater fantasy
abilities and increased hallucinations and delusions (Sparks et al., 2010), and heightened fantasy
abilities in relatives of people with schizophrenia have been associated with measures of
psychosis risk (Montag et al., 2012b). Further, although no research to our knowledge has
investigated this, it seems plausible that deficits in the ability to relate to fantasy characters may
add another layer of difficulty to interpersonal interaction, where conversations may center on
popular television shows or movies. That is, if the ability to empathize with a fictional character
is impaired, then everyday conversations about those experiences may also be negatively
affected. In addition, reduced ability to relate to fantasy characters may limit the experience or
enjoyment of recreational activities like reading or watching fiction, which could contribute to
In addition to our lack of knowledge about deficits across components in the popular
four-factor empathy model, the body of literature has yet to inform whether empathic deficits are
dependent on duration of illness. This question is of the utmost importance – if empathic skills
are found to be intact or considerably less impaired for those early in the course of illness, there
are ramifications for intervention design to better prevent decline in empathic abilities. A meta-
analytic framework offers the opportunity to assess any moderating role of duration of illness on
each of the empathic components. Although few studies have specifically examined the impact
of duration of illness on empathy, more literature has investigated the impact on broader social
cognitive deficits. This work has been mixed, with some studies indicating a longer course of
illness is associated with greater deficits in empathy (Montag et al., 2007) and others indicating
social cognitive abilities decline over the course of illness (Kucharska-Pietura et al., 2005);
however, others indicate deficits begin early, but remain stable (Green et al., 2011; Pinkham et
al., 2007).
schizophrenia, there are still important gaps in our understanding. The four-factor model has
been used predominantly in the form of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI; Davis, 1983), a
self-report instrument designed to assess empathic tendencies in each of the four components.
Yet, only one meta-analysis to our knowledge attempted to synthesize the literature on the IRI in
schizophrenia, and it included only six studies (Achim et al., 2011) and did not address
moderators. The current study includes a set of meta-analyses designed to explore empathic
differences between those diagnosed with schizophrenia and healthy controls using the popular
four-factor conceptualization of empathy (via the IRI). As research on empathy is on the rise,
and substantial literature using the IRI has accrued, synthesizing this literature is timely and
necessary to further our understanding of how we might most helpfully intervene on the empathy
This project aimed to quantify the standardized mean difference between schizophrenia
and healthy controls for each component of the four-factor conceptualization of empathy (Davis,
further aimed to examine the role of duration of illness for each of these components. We
hypothesized that healthy controls would score higher for empathic concern and perspective-
taking and lower for personal distress; due to mixed findings in the literature, analyses
examining the standardized mean difference for fantasy abilities were considered exploratory.
2. Method
The PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses)
guidelines (Moher et al., 2009) were followed in order to maintain a high level of meta-analytic
quality. The checklist with descriptions of each item and locations where they are addressed in
PsycARTICLES, Web of Science Core Collection, Pubmed, and EMBASE for studies available up
to July 28th, 2015. To be included, studies were required to compare individuals with
schizophrenia to healthy controls using the IRI and be written in English. All searches used the
exploded terms “empath*” and “schizo.*” English language filters were applied when possible.
We also searched reference sections of key meta-analyses and conceptual articles in related areas
(Bora et al., 2009; Derntl and Regenbogen, 2014; Fett et al., 2011; Savla et al., 2013). Finally,
we contacted authors when additional information was needed in order to code an otherwise
eligible study.
2.2. Coding
Studies were coded in accordance with a codebook developed based on suggestions from
Card (2012) and Lipsey and Wilson (2001). Sample-level information included year, publication
type, and country. Age, gender (percent female), and race were all coded, but only 7 (21%)
studies reported information for race or ethnicity, so the variable is not described further.
Variables coded only in the schizophrenia samples included diagnosis (percent schizophrenia,
percent schizoaffective disorder, and percent other psychotic disorder) and duration of illness,
when available.
2.2.2. Hedges’ g was calculated for each sample based on means and standard deviations of
each group, representing the standardized mean difference between the schizophrenia
group and healthy controls on the empathy components (as measured by the IRI
subscales). When means and standard deviations were not reported, but other
calculated from these values. Positive values of g signified higher scores in healthy
controls and negative values signified higher scores in the schizophrenia group. Data
were initially coded into Excel where effect sizes were calculated. All data were then
checked before being aggregated into SPSS version 23.0, and later imported into
one-study removed sensitivity analyses to assess for the presence of outliers (Borenstein et al.,
2009). This analysis runs the meta-analysis repeatedly, each time with a single sample removed.
If this produced a substantial change in the meta-analytic point estimate for any given study, it
was examined as a potential outlier. To assess risk of publication bias, we used Duval and
Tweedie’s (2000) trim and fill approach. This procedure examines observed effects and “trims”
extreme values from small samples. But, this artificially reduces variance, so extreme effects are
then replaced but with mirrored values on the other side of the mean to retain adjustments to the
effect size. This new effect size can be compared to meta-analytic results. If there are no
differences, or the difference is small, greater confidence can be had that publication bias has
Effect sizes were calculated using a random effects model. This method accounts for both
within-study and between-study variability (Lipsey and Wilson, 2001) and allows
generalizations to be made from results beyond included studies. Separate meta-analyses were
distress, and fantasy. Individual effect sizes were weighted by the inverse variance to account for
standard error in effect size estimates (Card, 2012; Lipsey and Wilson, 2001). Hedges’ g is
similar to Cohen’s d, so mean effect sizes were interpreted with Cohen’s (1992) guidelines:
effect sizes ≤.20 were considered small, effect sizes of .50 were considered medium, and effect
sizes ≥.80 were considered large. All meta-analytic calculations were conducted using the CMA
The Q-statistic was calculated to assess the presence of heterogeneity (Card, 2012) and
the I2 index was calculated (Higgins and Thompson, 2002) to assess how much of the variation
was due to between-studies variability (Huedo-Medina et al., 2006). Moderator analyses were
conducted when Q was significant and I2 was 25% or greater. Due to the low power of the Q
statistic to detect heterogeneity when k is small, p < .10 was considered to suggest moderation
(Higgins and Thompson, 2002). If moderator analyses were warranted, meta-regressions were
conducted using a random effects model to examine the impact of duration of illness. Significant
beta weights (p < .05) and decrease in the I2 index indicated significant moderation. All
3. Results
concern, perspective-taking, and personal distress; 31 were included for fantasy. See Figure 1 for
a flow chart of article identification. A total of 1,260 participants with schizophrenia and 1,086
healthy controls were included in the meta-analysis. See Table 1 for detailed characteristics at
the individual sample level, and Table 2 for aggregated study characteristics.
Examination of one-study removed sensitivity analyses and forest plots (available upon
request from the authors) indicated, across meta-analyses, that no study needed to be removed as
an outlier. Point estimates of effect sizes with studies removed did not greatly differ from overall
mean effect sizes, indicating all samples could be retained for main analyses.
healthy controls and people with schizophrenia on all four empathy components, though these
differences varied in magnitude and direction. See Table 3 for summary results of the four
components, and see Figures 1-4 in the supplemental online material for forest plots of each
(compared to healthy controls) in empathic concern (0.29, 95% CI [0.18, 0.41]) and perspective
taking (0.55, 95% CI [0.43, 0.67]), while showing elevated personal distress (-0.72, 95% CI [-
0.86, -0.58]). These were all medium effects. In exploratory analyses, fantasy exhibited a
positive mean effect size of small magnitude (0.19, 95% CI [0.08, .030]), indicating people with
schizophrenia report being less able to relate to fantasy characters. Across meta-analyses,
moderate to high heterogeneity was detected, with all I2 estimates surpassing the 25% threshold
Duration of illness was tested as a continuous moderator. Based on the results of meta-
regression analyses, duration of illness significantly moderated the relationship between sample
(i.e., schizophrenia vs. healthy control) and the perspective-taking component such that for every
one year increase in duration of illness, the standardized mean difference effect size is
strengthened by 0.022, indicating those with a more chronic course have greater impairments in
emotional perspective-taking than those earlier in the course of illness. This significant finding
heterogeneity when duration of illness is controlled. There was also a trend (p = 0.08) in the
same direction for empathic concern, such that the standardized mean difference is strengthened
by .016 with every one year increase in duration. This trend-level association was accompanied
by a 26.85% decrease in the I2 index. Duration of illness did not significantly moderate personal
Trim and fill analyses found no evidence of publication bias for empathic concern,
perspective-taking, or fantasy. For personal distress, the trim and fill procedure imputed two
values (the imputed funnel plot can be seen in the supplemental online material, Figure 5);
however, revised summary statistics using these imputed values indicated a very similar effect
size and confidence interval (Hedges’ g = -.69; 95% CI [-.83, -.54]), differing from the non-
corrected value by only .03. As the imputed and non-corrected effect sizes are nearly the same,
publication bias can be considered minimal for the personal distress meta-analysis.
4. Discussion
This meta-analysis, including a total of 33 samples reporting results for empathy using
the four-factor conceptualization (Davis, 1983), represents a substantial extension of the past
effort to synthesize this literature in schizophrenia (Achim et al., 2011). Results of all four
components were significant and appear robust to effects of outliers, suggesting that people with
ability to relate to fictional characters, and at the same time experience heightened personal
distress. Effects were similar to results of Achim and colleagues’ (2011) meta-analysis, though
the fantasy effect size was considerably smaller (g = .19) in this meta-analysis compared to the
level previously reported (d = .45). Differences from that meta-analysis are not surprising, and in
fact we might have expected more differences, considering that this meta-analysis includes five
= 0.29), similar to a recent meta-analysis of affective empathy, which included many of the same
studies in its self-report category (g = 0.22; Bonfils et al., 2016). Impairments in affective
empathy are important to note, as affective empathy is key in the development of social networks
(Salovey and Mayer, 1989) and altruistic behavior (Eisenberg and Miller, 1987; Hoffman, 1981,
2000), and aspects of empathy have been linked in schizophrenia specifically to social
functioning (Michaels et al., 2014; Shamay-Tsoory et al., 2007; Smith et al., 2014).
The personal distress component, on the other hand, revealed a medium to large negative
effect, indicating that compared to healthy controls, people with schizophrenia report heightened
personal distress when confronted with the experiences and emotions of others. The personal
distress empathic component has been debated in the literature, with some advocating that it
should not be considered empathy at all (Corbera et al., 2013; Horan et al., 2015; Michaels et al.,
2014) because it assesses self-oriented distress (Davis, 1983) rather than emotional-matching,
which many consider key to the empathic experience of emotion (De Vignemont and Singer,
2006; Decety and Jackson, 2004; Derntl and Regenbogen, 2014). However, when observed as a
separate factor as originally intended; (Davis, 1983)), findings indicate that individuals with
emotional experience conducted by Cohen and Minor (2010) in which people with schizophrenia
compared to healthy controls. Though respondents did not differ substantially from healthy
negative emotions that were absent or lessened in healthy controls. This may reflect some aspect
of emotion dysregulation in which individuals with schizophrenia are less able to downregulate
negative emotion in situations that would otherwise be considered neutral or even pleasant, (as
suggested by Cohen and Minor, 2010; Horan et al., 2006a; Horan et al., 2015; Strauss et al.,
2013). In the case of personal distress, it may be normative to experience some distress when
faced with the unpleasant experiences of others (as exhibited by non-zero means of healthy
control participants for this scale), but a failure to downregulate that emotion may characterize
those with schizophrenia, leading to increased unpleasant emotion when dealing with others’
Though personal distress may not directly measure the empathic experience, it is relevant
responding. For example, increased personal distress may require one to exert self-control in
order to respond appropriately despite negative feelings. Research in the general population has
shown that self-control is a limited resource that can be depleted (Baumeister et al., 1998;
Muraven and Baumeister, 2000; Muraven et al., 1998), and this has been replicated in
schizophrenia (Leung et al., 2014). Thus, if people with schizophrenia experience heightened
negative emotions in response to the experiences of others, they may have to exert self-control in
order to handle their internal experiences, reducing their cognitive resources available to display
empathic responses and potentially build social connections. A complementary theory from
Corbera et al. (2013) suggests that increased personal distress can push individuals with
schizophrenia to withdraw from social situations entirely, completely negating any opportunity
to respond empathically to the other. Future research should investigate these ideas to better
The third empathic component, perspective-taking, was also consistent with hypotheses,
component most closely reflects cognitive empathy. Theory of mind is one aspect of cognitive
empathy, and meta-analyses of this construct have consistently shown large deficits in people
with schizophrenia (Bora et al., 2009; Savla et al., 2013; Sprong et al., 2007). Our effect is
somewhat smaller (g = .55, compared to 1.10, .96, and 1.26 found in the previous 3 cited meta-
analyses). The smaller effect may be related to the content of the perspective-taking subscale,
assessments focus only on the ability to discern thoughts and intentions, neglecting the emotional
aspect of knowing the other (see Shamay-Tsoory et al., 2005 for a discussion of this issue).
of mind use only performance-based measures, deficits in performance that people with
schizophrenia may not perceive could explain the larger effects found in those meta-analyses.
This is consistent with literature showing that people with schizophrenia report themselves to be
more empathic than do observers (Lysaker et al., 2013) or family members (Bora et al., 2008).
Analyses for the final empathic component, fantasy, were considered exploratory, as the
literature shows mixed findings regarding the ability to relate to fictional characters for people
with schizophrenia. Results revealed a small, but significant, deficit in fantasy abilities in the
schizophrenia group. However, the size of the effect calls into question whether this has clinical
relevance. Especially as compared to effects evident for other types of empathy (and IRI
subscales), the fantasy effect is small, and ability to relate to fictional characters may not be
necessary for empathic interaction. In fact, Davis (1983) asserted that associations between the
fantasy subscale and interpersonal functioning were not expected because one’s ability to get
involved in fictional scenarios from books or movies was not relevant to social relationships, but
rather may reflect aspects of emotionality. Thus, the fantasy component may be less useful in
directly assessing empathic abilities than the other empathic components. However, some
research indicates that reading fiction is associated with increased empathy and prosocial
behavior (Johnson, 2012). In addition, given some literature linking fantasy abilities to increased
psychotic symptoms (Sparks et al., 2010) and psychosis risk (Montag et al., 2012b), future
research may try to glean a better understanding of how fantasy abilities affect (or are affected
moderators were at work. For perspective-taking, those with a longer duration of illness
exhibited a greater deficit in emotional perspective-taking, such that for every decade of illness
we might expect a decrease in emotional perspective-taking on the order of a small effect size –
0.22. This finding is consistent with some literature asserting greater length of illness negatively
impacts empathic abilities (Achim et al., 2011; Montag et al., 2007), but inconsistent with the
meta-analysis conducted by Savla and colleagues (2013) that found duration of illness was not
significantly associated with theory of mind. It may be that duration of illness has a greater
There was also a trend (p = 0.08) in moderator analyses such that those with a greater
duration of illness exhibited less empathic concern. Considering the notoriously low power of
moderator analyses (Borenstein et al., 2009; Hedges and Pigott, 2004), we consider this trend as
pointing toward possible future avenues for additional research. As the empathic concern and
perspective-taking components map most closely onto affective and cognitive empathy, this pair
of findings indicates duration of illness may be impactful for the most commonly measured and
reported components of empathy. There are a multitude of potential reasons for increased deficits
with extended course of illness. First, it is possible that the reduced social network size
experienced by many with schizophrenia (Horan et al., 2006b) results in a lack of opportunity to
practice empathic skills, leading to empathic atrophy over time. Second, it could be that
discrimination from others over time as a result of stigmatizing societal views contributes to
reduced empathy felt for others. It might also be that cortical regions involved in empathic
capacity are affected by long-term symptoms, or by use of antipsychotics over time. For
example, research shows reductions in brain volume with extended duration of illness for some
with schizophrenia (Haijma et al., 2013). However, these possibilities are speculative, and future
research is needed to understand how duration of illness might affect empathic abilities.
Results should be interpreted in light of some limitations. This study focused on the most
commonly used four-factor conceptualization of empathy and the IRI as a self-report measure of
that conceptualization. Results may not generalize to other empathic conceptualizations and may
not represent the complete picture regarding empathy deficits. However, while other meta-
analyses have examined cognitive and affective empathy (Bonfils et al., 2016; Savla et al.,
2013), only one other study has examined all four components measured here (Achim et al.,
2011), and that was with a much reduced sample size. Additionally, not all moderators of interest
could be examined here. For example, symptoms and medications were reported variably (both
with regard to symptom assessment and scoring method), precluding examination of these
potentially important moderators. Finally, this meta-analysis is not exempt from limitations of all
meta-analyses; that is, there is always the threat of the “file drawer” problem, and meta-analytic
results are limited by methodological shortcomings of the primary studies (Card, 2012).
Regarding the former, there was evidence in the personal distress funnel plot of potential for
missing study values. However, the effects of publication bias appear minimal, as the corrected
effect size computed with the trim and fill procedure differed from the observed effect by only
0.03. Regarding the latter, our results were limited by small samples that employed convenience
sampling methods and often reported incomplete moderator data – these issues should be
Taken together, our results indicate significant deficits in empathic concern, perspective-
taking, and fantasy, but heightened scores for personal distress, in people with schizophrenia as
compared to healthy controls. Considering the extensive and ongoing use of this empathic
conceptualization and the IRI, these results point to several avenues for future research. First, the
role of emotion regulation in personal distress and subsequent empathic interaction should be
investigated. Second, interventions based in the reading of fiction to enhance empathy could
provide benefit to people with schizophrenia – future studies may consider investigating the use
of these interventions to enhance social interactions in this group. However, research is also
needed to further assess the relationship between fantasy skills and psychotic symptoms. Third,
research is needed to determine the mechanism through which duration of illness impacts
affective and cognitive empathy, and to identify ways to mitigate the negative impact of longer
duration on those constructs. Finally, additional work is needed to examine further potential
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public,
commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. The authors declare no conflicts of interest. The authors
would like to thank the many researchers who supplied data for the meta-analysis or who
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Empathy k ES SE 95% CI z p Q p I2
Empathic concern 33 0.29 0.06 [0.18, 4.91 <0.001 56.68 0.005 43.54
Perspective-taking 33 0.55 0.06 [0.43, 8.96 <0.001 58.72 0.003 45.50
Personal distress 33 -0.72 0.07 [-0.86, - -9.87 <0.001 80.52 <0.001 60.26
Fantasy 31 0.19 0.06 [0.08, 3.43 0.001 41.48 0.079 27.67
Note. k = number of studies used in the calculation of the mean effect size. ES = Hedges’ g effect size
statistic. SE = standard error. CI = confidence interval. z = test for statistical significance of the mean
effect size. p = 2-tailed p-value associated with the test of statistical significance. Q = test for
heterogeneity. I2 = indicates the extent of between-study variability. Possible values range from 0-100%.