Forms of Government in Oklahoma
Forms of Government in Oklahoma
Forms of Government in Oklahoma
5. prepare a budget annually and submit it to the council. The mayor shall
be responsible for the administration of the budget after it goes into effect;
6. keep the council advised of the financial condition and future needs of
the city. The mayor shall submit to the council a report after the end of the
fiscal year on the finances and administrative activities of the city for the
preceding year; and
10. have such other powers, duties, and functions as may be prescribed
by law or by ordinance.
B. The council may elect any councilmember to preside as temporary president of the
council whenever it deems that the mayor has a personal interest in a matter under
consideration, or it deems that the mayor is not properly performing his duties as
presiding officer. Such temporary president may certify to the correct enrollment of
ordinances and resolutions passed while he is presiding.
1. Appoint, and when necessary for the good of the service, remove,
demote, lay off, or suspend all heads or directors of administrative
departments and all other administrative officers and employees of the
city in the manner provided by law. The mayor or the council by ordinance
may authorize the head of a department, office or agency to appoint and
remove subordinates in such department, office or agency;
4. Submit to the council a report after the end of the fiscal year on the
finances and administrative activities of the city for the preceding year;
5. Keep the council advised of the financial condition and future needs of
the city, and make such recommendations as he deems desirable;