Bacterial Infections of The Gastrointestinal Tract: Rey Mark P. Gamiao Teacher: Mr. Jayson Tojino
Bacterial Infections of The Gastrointestinal Tract: Rey Mark P. Gamiao Teacher: Mr. Jayson Tojino
Bacterial Infections of The Gastrointestinal Tract: Rey Mark P. Gamiao Teacher: Mr. Jayson Tojino
Jayson Tojino
Viruses, bacteria, and parasites are living organisms that are found all
around us. They are in water and soil. They are on the surfaces of foods that
we eat. They are also on surfaces that we touch, such as countertops in the
bathroom or kitchen. Some bacteria live in and on our bodies and don’t cause
problems. Other kinds of bacteria as well as parasites and viruses can make
us very sick if they get inside our bodies. Bacteria and viruses can live outside
of the human body sometimes for many hours or days. But parasites need a
living host to survive.
Bacteria and parasites can often be killed with antibiotics. But these medicines
can’t kill viruses. Children sick from a virus can be given medicines to make
them feel better. But antibiotics don’t fight viral infections.
Bacteria, viruses, and parasites can cause many illnesses. They can infect
any organ in the body. Viruses are often the cause of respiratory illnesses
such as the common cold and digestive illnesses such as diarrhea. Bacteria
can infect any part of the body. But they often cause diarrhea when they get
into the digestive tract.
Examples of infections in Gastrointestinal tract
Cholera is an acute bacterial diarrheal disease with profuse
watery stools, occasional vomiting and rapid dehydration. If untreated,
circulatory collapse, renal failure and death may occur. More that 50%
of untreated people with severe cholera die. This cases inlove the
ingestion of raw or undercoocked seafood from our coastal waters. The
etiologic agents of cholera are certain biotpes of Vibrio Cholerae
serogroup1, Gram negative bacilli that secretes an enterotoxin a toxin
that adversely effect cells in intestinal track called choleragen.
Typhoid fever
A systemic bacterial disease with fevere, severe headache,
malaise, anorexia, a rash on the trunk, non productive cough and
constipation. Typhoid fever is cause by Salmonella Typhi also known as
typhoid bacillus. A gram Negative bacillus that realease endotoxin and
produce exotoxins.
Is a gastro enteritis with sudden onset of headache, abdominal
pain, diarrhea nausea and sometimes vomiting. Dehydration may be
severe. Salmonellosis may develop into septicemia or localize infection
any tissue of the body. Salmonellosis is cause by members of the family
Enterobacteriaceae, Currently named Salmone,lla enterica. Gram
nevegative bacilli invade intestinal cells and release endotoxin and
produce cytotoxins and enterotoxins