2004 Jose
2004 Jose
2004 Jose
Vol. 31, No.1, April–June 2004 pp. 1–15
Remaining life assessment of corrosion affected reinforced concrete structural members is a topic of current R&D
worldwide. There is an urgent need to develop more scientific and rational methodologies for this purpose. Number
of investigations have already been carried out to assess the damage/distress due to corrosion, that would help
in remaining life assessment. While most of these studies are deterministic in nature, efforts are also being made
to use probabilistic methods for damage assessment. However, an important aspect in remaining life estimation
is the interpretation of the data related to damage/distress and making expert judgement about damage/distress
level. Due consideration needs to be given to the quality of the data and the expert interpreting the data. In
this paper, expert judgement regarding corrosion damage level is integrated with the structural risk, expressed
in terms of probability of attaining a particular damage level, for the remaining life assessment of corrosion
affected reinforced concrete structural members. In the proposed methodology, the thinking process of the expert,
in corrosion damage assessment, is modelled within a probabilistic framework using Brunswikian theory. The
performance of each expert is determined by computing the achievement index. The damage assessment procedure
is integrated with Markov Chain model for risk-based remaining life assessment. To illustrate the usefulness of
the proposed methodology in determining more rationally the remaining life, an example problem of remaining
life assessment of a reinforced concrete bridge girder is considered.
The corrosion of reinforcement in concrete is an issue of regarding inspection/maintenance activities for the
major concern, as it affects the safety (due to the reduc- structure.
tion in area of reinforcement) and serviceability (due to A reliable method for service life estimation of the
the formation of rust stains, cracking and spalling) of structure is a pre-requisite for remaining life assess-
the structure. The premature deterioration of reinforced ment. Systematic approaches/methodologies for ser-
concrete (rc) structures has necessitated the need for vice life prediction have been proposed by various
continual structural health monitoring (SHM) to deter- researchers/codes of practice3–5 . Expert judgement is iden-
mine the existence, location and extent (or degree) of tified as an important part of evaluation in most of these
corrosion damage, if any, on the structure. SHM is the methodologies. For instance, the methodology of RILEM
process of establishing some knowledge of the current TC 31-PCM emphasizes expert judgement as an essen-
condition of the structure or its components1 , which is tial part of evaluation, and points out that ‘the complex-
required for the performance evaluation of the structure. ity of evaluating the interaction of materials or systems
While SHM is a part of the value chain as proposed by with their environment requires expertise that cannot be
Wong and Yao2 , the information obtained from SHM fully replaced by existing test methods’3 . It also identi-
needs to be processed further for quantifying the risk, fies the use of methods of social-, health-, psychological-,
which is an important link in the value chain. As pointed natural- and technical sciences for the expert judge-
out by Wong and Yao2 , there exists a gap between ment.
where SHM currently stops and where financial deci- CIBW80/RILEM 71-PSL3 pointed out that there is a
sion (remaining useful life) begins, and this gap needs requirement for an effective mechanism for obtaining and
to be filled. This requires the rational assessment of the reporting data on in-service performance of structures.
current damage state based on the data from SHM, and Also, it may be difficult to handle the large amount of data
the remaining life estimation using structural risk as the acquired from continuous SHM manually. A suitably cre-
norm. A rational estimation of the current condition and ated database of KBS would help in handling this amount
remaining life will help in making engineering decisions of data through proper acquisition, representation and
Scientist, ∗∗ Director, $ Advisor [Management] and Director Grade Scientist, # Emeritus Scientist [CSIR] and Formerly Director, Structural Engineering
Research Centre, CSIR Campus, Taramani, Chennai - 600 113
Speed for
individual • ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗
Speed of
response to • ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
◦ • ◦ ◦ ◦ ⊗ ⊗ ◦
Non-destructive • ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
Non-disturbing • ◦ ⊗ • ⊗ ◦ ⊗ •
rainforcement. Radar scanning method is also being used most frequently used in the field because of its simplic-
for the determination of location of reinforcement and the ity. In this method, an indication of the relative probability
depth of concrete cover. of corrosion activity was obtained empirically through the
measurement of the potential difference between a stan-
Delamination survey dard portable half-cell placed on the surface of concrete
and the reinforcement below. The results of the potential
Delamination is the separation of a portion of concrete survey can be evaluated on the basis of ASTM guidelines
along a plane parallel to the outer surface of the concrete. or the JSCE guidelines (Table 3).
It is normally located at the level of reinforcement, and is
due to the corrosion of reinforcement which will lead ulti- Corrosion current measurement
mately to the spalling of the concrete cover. Chain drag
and hammer sounding methods are commonly used for The commonly used electrochemical technique for field
detecting and mapping delamination. While the procedure assessment of corrosion currents in concrete is the linear
is simple and offers information relating to the corrosion of polarisation. The 3LP and the Gecor are two devices which
reinforcement prior to the occurrence of concrete cracking employ linear polarisation technique to measure the cor-
and spalling, the accuracy of the results depends upon the rosion current, Icorr . The main difference between these
experience of the person performing the survey. devices is that the Gecor device has a guard ring electrode
which is used to confine the influence area of the counter
Half-cell potential survey electrode by actively confining the polarisation current dur-
ing the measurement process. The general guidelines for
Since corrosion of reinforcement is an electrochemical interpreting the results of 3LP and Gecor, as supplied by
process, the main techniques used for the inspection of the instrument manufacturers, are given in Table 4. The
corrosion damage are electrochemical in nature. Some of Icorr value can be transformed into the rate of corrosion for
the commonly used electrochemical methods for corrosion determining the loss in reinforcement area using Eq. 3.
state assessment are given in Table 2. The corrosion poten- Corrosion durability of a rc structural member depends
tial (Ecorr ) measurement usin a half-cell is the method on the environment in which the member is located. Thus,
−450 mV ≤ Ecorr ≤ −350 mV III Thin rust layer with corrosion products adhering to concrete
> 10.0 Damage is expected within 2 years > 1.0 High corrosion
it is important to characterise the environment in which the condition. Using the information regarding the envi-
member is located while carrying out the corrosion dam- ronmental aggressiveness together with the information
age assessment. In most of the codes and standards, the obtained from visual inspection and field measurements,
exposure conditions are classified in a general and quali- the corrosion damage assessment of the structural member
tative manner, which leads to ambiguities in the selection can be carried out.
of exposure condition for a structure/structural member. The information from the field surveys are passed on
The importance of specifying the exposure condition by to an expert or a group of experts for making judgement
a parameter, in the context of prediction of service life of regarding the corrosion state of the structure. It has to be
reinforced concrete members, is brought out by Masters noted that the correctness of the data from visual inspection
and Brandt3 . Anoop et al19 proposed a methodology for depends on the evaluation ability of the person carrying
quantification of environmental aggressiveness taking into out the inspection. Hence, this data has to be corrected for
consideration the uncertainties associated with the speci- the expertise (or lack of it) of the observer before pass-
fication of different environmental parameters (which are ing it to expert(s). Also, there can be uncertainties in data
in general linguistic, viz., high humidity, medium temper- measured using instruments in the form of random mea-
ature). In this method, the environment is characterised surement error, systematic errors from imperfectly cali-
by an environmental aggressiveness factor (EAF), on the brated instruments, and recording and other transmission
basis of environmental variables, namely, temperature, rel- errors20 . The measurement data should first be filtered and
ative humidity and degree of wetting and drying which are processed to account for these errors before passing it on to
obtained from the field. To account for the uncertainties in the expert(s). Thus, there is a need to validate the observer
the values of these variables, they are represented by fuzzy and the measurement equipments.
sets. The environmental aggressiveness factor, represented Once the data has been passed on to the expert, he has to
by fuzzy sets, is defined on an arbitrary scale of 0 to 6. The make a judgement regarding the corrosion state of the struc-
defuzzification of the output fuzzy set for EAF will give tural component/structure based on this data. The expert
the crisp value of EAF quantifying the given exposure judgement is an essential part of evaluation, and there will
Brunswikian Theory
Damage State Description Capacity ratio
2 0.90 0.208
TABLE 8 3 0.85 0.197
(CHARACTERISED IN TERMS OF ouci ) 4 0.81 0.188
Confidence Level
Damage State Expert 1 Expert 2 Expert 3 Expert 4 Expert 5
1 - - - - -
2 - - - - -
5 - - - - -
(Note: ‘-’ indicates not applicable)
1 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0 0