Ultrasound Imaging SOP
Ultrasound Imaging SOP
Ultrasound Imaging SOP
POLICY: This procedure must be performed by a trained operator
PRECAUTIONS: Blue coat, blue overshoes, gloves
EQUIPMENT: Ultrasound Biomicroscope (Vevo 770, Visualsonics Inc)
25 MHz transducer
Distilled water
Rail system (Visualsonics Inc)
Anaesthetizing chamber + Isofluorane / Injectible anaesthesia
Animal clipper
Hair removal cream (e.g. Nair)
Ultrasound gel
1. Turn on the Vevo system using the breaker switch at the back of the system and then the
computer standby switch on the left side of the system.
2. Turn on the monitor. Wait for the Windows operating system to start up. The system
will automatically log in, and the Vevo 770 software should automatically launch.
3. Select the Measurement package to be used.
4. Select the appropriate RMV scanhead to be used. Fill the nosepiece as follows:
i) Ensure that the acoustic window is securely attached and remove the fill port screw.
ii) Position the RMV scanhead with the fill port pointing upward. Fill the nosepiece with
deionized water using the supplied water bottle until the nosepiece is almost full. Fill the
nosepiece with deionized water only
iii) Using the thumb, cover the fill port and tap the scanhead gently several times to
dislodge any air bubbles in the nosepiece.
iiii) Check to ensure that the face of the transducer does not contain bubbles. If bubbles
appear, tilt the RMV scanhead to dislodge them.
v) Orient the nosepiece so that the remaining air bubbles are placed under the fill port, and
finish filling the nosepiece with the syringe.
vi) After removing all the air from the nosepiece, insert and tighten the fill port screw with
the screwdriver provided. Be careful to align the fill port screw properly with the threaded
hole in the nosepiece. Failure to do so may damage the nosepiece. Do not overtighten the
fill port screw
5. To initialize the desired scanhead, click Initialize. Once a scanhead is initialized, the
Study Browser is displayed.
6. Click New and fill out at least the two mandatory study information fields – Operator
Name and Study Name.
7. Induce anaesthesia with i.p. hypnorm/hypnovel, or with isofluorane at a dose of 5% in a
closed anaesthetizing chamber then maintained at 2.5% by nose cone for the duration of
the ultrasound scan.
8. Shave the abdominal fur region of the isofluoraneanaesthetized mouse with an animal
clipper first. Completely remove the remaining fur with a standard chemical hair
removal cream (Nair) then cleanse the skin thoroughly with water. Do not allow more
than 23 minutes contact with the animals skin.
9. Optional: Inject up to 4mls sterile PBS i.p. to improve ultrasound transmission in vivo.
10. Apply ultrasound gel liberally over the abdominal region of the mouse.
11. Place the animal on the heated platform of the rail system.
12. Carefully monitor body temperature, respiration, and anaesthetic depth throughout the
ultrasound procedure.
13. Click OK to continue with the study. The Vevo 770 will automatically start acquiring
data in BMode. Select: Setup > BMode Setup, or press <Mode Setup> to change
acquisition parameters. Use the RMV scanhead to image the organ of interest.
14. Press <Scan/Freeze> to start and stop data acquisition. The acquired data may be
reviewed using the cine loop controls at the bottom of the screen.
DATE ISSUED: 8/3/2010
OTHER INFO: http://www.visualsonics.com/products/products_vevo770.htm