Stage 1 Visual Art Task Sheet

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Stage 1 Art


Semester 1 2019

“Humanity & Technology”


Home Group
Stage 1 Visual Art
Folio (40%) and Major Practical with Practitioner's Statement (30%)

The folio and Major Practical are linked, but are assessed separately. Your Folio is essentially a
backup folder that leads to your final resolved artwork (the Major Practical). The folio must, of
course, be completed before you can begin your Major Practical.

The theme for our Folio and Major Practical is ‘Humanity and Technology’. We will look at
Futurism and artworks/artists that explore The Relationship Between Humans and
Technology for inspiration.

Folio (40%)
Your folio consists of 15 x A3 pages. This folio will be evidence of your learning, including both
practical and written work which demonstrates your thinking and decision-making in preparation
for your major practical work. This folio will include documentation of your experimentation with
different ideas, materials and techniques, and will also include reflective comments on your
progress and processes., major decisions and problem solving.

While you will ultimately make the decisions about what is and isn’t included in your folio, below
is guide to how your folio pages may be set out.

Page Numbers: Recommended content:

Page 1 Brainstorm(s)-topics, themes, issues, subjects and initial ideas.

Page 2-3 Research on ‘Humanity and Technology’

● Include artworks based on your selected theme(s)/style(s)
● Add comments about what you like, dislike, ideas, etc.

Page 4-5 Research on chosen artists (you must choose at least 2)

● Include detailed analysis of selected artwork(s)

Page 6-8 Sketches exploring ideas within chosen theme (photoshop,

assemblage, installation, juxtaposition, appropriation, etc.)

Page 9-10 Compositional experiments, refining selected idea

Page 11-13 Exploration of different media, techniques, colours, backgrounds, etc.

You may like to explore: video, installation, assemblage, digital imaging,
painting, drawing, mixed media, photography or sculpture.

Page 14 Draft of final idea with selected composition, media etc.

Page 15 Documentation of process of making final artwork.

**Remember the above is a guide only, and will vary for individual students**

The below table outlines the due dates for your Folio.
Assessment: Due Date:

First progress assessment Friday 3rd May

Second progress assessment Wednesday 22nd May

Final assessment Friday 14th June

Major Practical (30%)

Your Major Practical is the culmination of all of the planning, experimentation and decisions
made throughout your Folio. It should be a resolved artwork, professionally presented and
separate from your folio. Media used will vary based on individual choice.

Practitioner's Statement:
You must include a Practitioner’s Statement to accompany your Major Practical. This statement
must be a maximum of 250 words and must include the following:
● Your Major Practical artwork title
● A description of the process undertaken
● An explanation of where you got your ideas from and the artists that influenced you
● A description of the experiments you did to achieve a successful outcome.
● Your own personal evaluation of your practical work

Peer Assessment:
You must also include an assessment of a peer’s artwork to accompany your Major Practical.
You will be given the peer assessment sheet below to provide your peer with constructive
feedback about their artwork.

Artists: Artwork title:

The artwork shows... I think...

Would improve the artwork.

Something that really caught my eye was... The artwork made me feel...

Assessment: Due Date:

Final assessment Friday 14th June

Marking Rubric:
Practical Application Knowledge and Understanding Analysis and Response

A Coherent and well-considered In-depth knowledge of selected core visual Perceptive analysis and
conceptualisation and development of arts concepts, forms, styles, and interpretation of a variety of works
imaginative or personally relevant visual conventions. of art or design from different
ideas. contexts.
In-depth knowledge and understanding of
Comprehensive exploration to acquire visual arts in different cultural, social, and/or Clear and consistent use of visual
technical skills, and use media, materials, and historical contexts. arts language to interpret and
technologies. respond to works and their
Discerning understanding of aesthetic or contexts.
Reflective and thorough documentation of functional qualities in works of art or design.
creative visual thinking and/or problem-solving

B Well-considered conceptualisation and Some depth of knowledge of selected core Thoughtful analysis and
development of imaginative or personally visual arts concepts, forms, styles, and interpretation of works of art or
relevant visual ideas. conventions. design from different contexts.

Thorough exploration to acquire technical Some depth of knowledge and understanding Mostly clear and consistent use of
skills and use media, materials, and of visual arts in different cultural, social, visual arts language to interpret
technologies. and/or historical contexts. and respond to works and their
Thoughtful documentation of creative visual Clear understanding of aesthetic or functional
thinking and/or problem-solving processes. qualities in works of art or design.

C Considered conceptualisation and Knowledge of selected core visual arts Considered analysis and
development of imaginative or personally concepts, forms, styles, and conventions interpretation of two or more
relevant visual ideas. usually demonstrated in practical work. works of art or design from
different contexts.
Competent exploration to acquire technical Appropriate knowledge and mostly clear
skills and use media, materials, and understanding of visual arts in different Generally clear use of visual arts
technologies. cultural, social, and/or historical contexts. language to interpret and respond
to works and their contexts.
Appropriate documentation of creative visual Appropriate understanding of aesthetic or
thinking and/or problem-solving processes. functional qualities in works of art or design.

D Elements of conceptualisation and some Some basic knowledge of selected core Some basic consideration of at
development of visual ideas. visual arts concepts, forms, styles, and least one work of art or design,
conventions. with superficial reference to their
Some exploration of media, materials, or context.
technologies. Recognition of one or more elements of
visual arts in a cultural, social, or historical Occasional use of visual arts
Partial documentation of creative visual context. language.
thinking or problem-solving processes.
Some recognition of aesthetic or functional
qualities in works of art or design.

E Emerging skills in the conceptualisation and Some recognition of selected core visual arts Emerging awareness of
development of visual ideas. concepts, forms, or styles. connections between works of art
or design and their context.
Some attempted exploration of media, Limited understanding of a visual arts
materials, or technologies. context. Emerging use of visual arts
Limited documentation of creative thinking or Emerging awareness of the need to
problem-solving. understand aesthetic or functional qualities in
works of art or design.

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