Band Handbook 2019-2020
Band Handbook 2019-2020
Band Handbook 2019-2020
2019‐2020 Band Handbook
Important Contact Information
Masconomet School District Administration
Dr. Michael Harvey Ed. D – Superintendent of Schools
[email protected]
(978) 887‐2323, Ext 61040
Peter Delani – High School Principal
[email protected]
(978) 887‐2323, Ext 11003
Masconomet Performing Arts Office: (978) 887‐2323 Ext 71016
Randy O’Keefe – Department Head, High School Bands
[email protected]
(978) 887‐2323, Ext 71016
Bill Gray – Asst. HS Band Director, Middle School Bands
[email protected]
(978) 887‐2323; Ext 71015
Brian Ocock – High School Choruses
[email protected]
(978) 887‐2323; Ext 71510
Rachael Furgiuele – High School Drama/Acting
[email protected]
(978) 887‐2323; Ext 71500
Masconomet Music Parents Association (MMPA) 2019‐2020 Officers
Diane Winship, President, [email protected], (617) 872‐1151
Lori Dox, Secretary, [email protected], 978‐273‐8107
Sherry Roach, Treasurer, [email protected], (617) 650‐6959
Claudia Giustra, Special Assistant to the Director, [email protected]
Table of Contents
Important Contact Information ……..………… Inside Front Cover
Department Expectations …………………………………………….………1
The High School Band Program………………..……………………………2
Masconomet Music Parents Association ………………………………3 & 4
HS Band Calendar………………………………………………………………….5 & 6
HS Band Required Uniforms……………………………………………….…7 & 8
HS Band College Prep Grading Policy…………………………………….9
HS Band Honors Credit Grading Policy……………….………………..10
Private Lesson Program……………………………………………………….11
Private Lesson Faculty…………………………………………………………12
MASCO MUSIC SPIRIT WEAR ………………...........………………...Back Cover
The Masconomet Music Department believes that learning enables us all to
achieve ambitious personal goals, develop fine minds, and build strong
character. Therefore, we foster the acquisition of attitudes, skills, and
knowledge necessary for life‐long learners to think critically in order to
participate in a global society. Upon graduation, students will have
demonstrated that they have embraced this mission by meeting the
following academic, social and civic criteria:
1. Students will communicate effectively.
2. Students will be able to use problem‐solving skills.
3. Students will be able to use a variety of technological and informational
resources to gather, analyze, and synthesize facts, results, ideas, and
1. Students will assume responsibility for their own behaviors.
2. Students will contribute to the well‐being and welfare of others within
the school community.
3. Students will demonstrate respect for themselves and others.
1. Students will participate in decision making and team building
2. Students will demonstrate and practice an understanding of the rights
and responsibilities of global citizenship.
3. Students will make positive contributions to the community.
The Masconomet High School Band Program
Welcome to the Masconomet High School Band Program. The Masconomet
Band Program is a continuous program that begins with our middle school
bands and progresses through the high school band. This handbook has
been designed to provide the reader with a quick reference to important
information about aspects of the high school band program.
I encourage you to read the Music Department Mission Statement which
defines the philosophical and educational principles that form the basis for
everything we do in the band program as well as within the entire music
department. There is also information concerning uniform requirements,
concert dates, and contact information for our faculty and staff. Please read
the section that explains the Masconomet Music Parents Association.
MMPA plays a crucial role in the music department’s existence. There is
absolutely no way we could have experienced the tremendous growth and
success during my tenure (I started in 1990!) without a strong and
supportive MMPA. Please get involved.
Again, welcome to the Music Department. I encourage you to become
involved. Our success is directly related to the level of your commitment to
your student’s music as well as to our (your) music department. Thank you
for your time and your child’s involvement! I am sure that I speak for the
entire faculty and staff when I say that we are looking forward to working
with all the students and parents of the Masconomet community.
Respectfully Yours,
Randy O’Keefe
Performing Arts Department Head
Masconomet Music Parents Association
Facebook Page:
Private Lesson Faculty:
Masco Music Office: (978) 887‐2323 ext 71016
Roger Brockelbank – percussion Janet Harrison – horn
[email protected] (978) 815‐1401
(978) 852‐6484
Melonie Carubia – flute Kyoko Hyda‐Battaglia– oboe
[email protected] [email protected]
(508) 843‐0204 (617) 869‐9629
Yuching Fass – piano Matt Repucci – trumpet
[email protected] [email protected]
(978) 335‐0291 cell (978) 766‐6689
Peggy Friedland –flute Joe Sokol – clarinet
[email protected] [email protected]
(508) 523‐7447 (603) 875‐5656
Aaron Goldberg – low brass Philipp Stäudlin – saxophone
[email protected] [email protected]
(978) 853‐1669 (857) 212‐3807
Masco Music Spirit Wear
Place orders online at:
MMPA is a registered 501(c)3 non‐profit organization