Pi Is 0002937813005139
Pi Is 0002937813005139
Pi Is 0002937813005139
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to analyze the obstetric and detoxification at delivery had longer inpatient detoxification admissions
neonatal impact of an opioid detoxification program during pregnancy, (median 25 vs 15 days, P < .001) and were less likely to leave prior to
as well as to examine variables associated with successful opioid completion of the program than women who had relapsed at delivery
detoxification. (9% vs 33%, respectively, P < .001). Infants of mothers who were
successfully detoxified had shorter hospitalizations (median 3 vs
STUDY DESIGN: This is a retrospective cohort study of women electing
22 days, P < .001), lower maximum neonatal abstinence syndrome
inpatient detoxification and subsequently delivering at our hospital
scores (0 vs 8.3, P < .001), and were less likely to be treated for
from Jan. 1, 2006, through Dec. 31, 2011. Detoxification was
withdrawal (10% vs 80%, P < .001).
considered successful if women had no illicit drug supplementation at
the time of delivery. Maternal characteristics were ascertained by chart CONCLUSION: Opiate detoxification in pregnancy requires a significant
review and analyzed for variables associated with success. Obstetric time commitment and extended treatment, however, can be successfully
and neonatal outcomes were also assessed based on maternal suc- achieved in compliant parturients. Importantly, maternal demographics
cess at delivery. and drug histories do not portend success, supporting continued opiate
detoxification being offered to all women expressing intent.
RESULTS: Of the 95 women during the study period with complete
data, 53 (56%) were successful. There were no demographic or social Key words: drug use in pregnancy, methadone detoxification, opioid
risk factors identified associated with success. Women with successful detoxification
Cite this article as: Stewart RD, Nelson DB, Adhikari EH, et al. The obstetrical and neonatal impact of maternal opioid detoxification in pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol
M ATERIALS AND M ETHODS women >24 weeks’ gestation. Women Statistical analysis included Pearson
We conducted a retrospective cohort are observed in the hospital for several c2, Student t test, Cochran-Mantel-
study of all pregnant opioid users who days after all medications have been Haenszel c2 for trend, and Wilcoxon
underwent inpatient opioid detoxifica- discontinued. After completion of rank sum. P values < .05 were consid-
tion with methadone from Jan. 1, 2006, detoxification, women are offered ad- ered significant. Analysis was performed
through Dec. 31, 2011, and who subse- mission to an outpatient drug rehabili- using software (SAS 9.2; SAS Institute
quently delivered at our institution. At tation housing facility, however rates of Inc, Cary, NC). This study was approved
our hospital, pregnant women with a maternal acceptance of this program by the institutional review boards of
history of substance use are followed up were unable to be determined. Nurse the University of Texas Southwestern
by a multidisciplinary medical and social practitioners and drug counselors Medical Center and Parkland Hospital.
case management team of physicians, continue to follow up each woman
nurse practitioners, drug counselors, in conjunction with a maternal-fetal R ESULTS
and social workers. As part of this medicine specialist. All women with a During the study period, 95 women
program, inpatient hospitalization and prior or current illicit drug use, regard- delivered at our hospital with maternal
detoxification is offered to all pregnant less if they complete detoxification, elect and neonatal outcomes available for
opioid users as well as women currently methadone maintenance, or continue analysis, of whom 53 (56%) were suc-
enrolled in a methadone maintenance illicit substance use, are followed up cessful. Maternal characteristics were
program. Contraindications to detoxifi- in a dedicated clinic by these same analyzed for variables that were as-
cation include fetal growth restriction, specialists. sociated with successful detoxification.
oligohydramnios, significant maternal For the purposes of this study, suc- Maternal demographic characteristics
psychiatric illness, or a prior unsuccess- cessful detoxification was defined as are presented in Table 1. There were no
ful detoxification attempt. All other no maternal illicit drug supplementa- differences in maternal age, ethnicity, or
pregnant opioid users are offered inpa- tion at the time of delivery. This was nulliparity between those women who
tient detoxification. Prior to making determined by maternal admission of were drug free at the time of delivery as
their decision, women are noncoercively relapse, maternal urine toxicology, or compared to those who tested positive
counseled about potential benefits of fetal meconium toxicology, with any one for illicit drugs. When maternal drug
reducing fetal opioid exposure and about finding determining illicit supplemen- history was analyzed, there was no dif-
the hazards of uncontrolled maternal tation. Women who were actively un- ference in prior maternal substance
opioid use. Regardless of their decision, dergoing detoxification at the time of use. Intravenous opioid use (as opposed
women continue to receive the multi- delivery or on methadone maintenance to intranasal or oral ingestion), total
disciplinary social services offered to all at the time of delivery were considered amount of daily use, and years of use
pregnant women with a history of sub- successful. Women who underwent were not different between the 2 groups.
stance abuse. inpatient detoxification were identified Women with illicit substance use at
Women who elect to undergo detox- by records maintained by our program. delivery were more likely to have a pos-
ification are admitted to the hospital, The medical records were reviewed for itive hepatitis C antibody (64% vs 40%,
and detoxification with methadone is maternal demographics and maternal P ¼ .02) while human immunodefi-
conducted according to a previously drug history, including length of use, ciency virus, syphilis, and hepatitis B
published protocol.10 The initial dose of route of administration, and amount of seropositivity did not differ.
methadone is selected based on reported use. The maternal inpatient record was Methadone detoxification data are
history of use and any signs or symp- reviewed for pertinent data, including presented in Table 2. The median gesta-
toms of opioid withdrawal. Methadone infections such as hepatitis B or C, initial tional age upon admission for detoxifi-
is distributed twice daily with tablets methadone dosage, duration of hospi- cation was 20 weeks, and this did not
crushed in orange juice to blind women talization, and success of detoxification. differ according to success of detoxifi-
as to the dose they receive. Signs and The delivery record was reviewed for cation (P ¼ .80); nor did the maximum
symptoms of withdrawal are typically obstetrical data as well as maternal methadone dosage required, which was
treated by increasing the methadone relapse. All infants received drug testing 40 mg per day in each group (P ¼ .91).
dose by 5-mg increments as needed. If a and were followed up for evidence of The duration of hospitalization to
woman elects to undergo detoxification withdrawal. The newborn record was complete detoxification was significantly
and has previously been on methadone also reviewed for duration of hospitali- longer in those who were successful as
maintenance, her initial dose is started zation, maximum NAS score, and need opposed to those who relapsed. Those
at her maintenance dosage. The dose for opioid treatment for withdrawal women who remained free of opioid use
is then decreased by no more than symptoms. NAS scores were determined at delivery required a median of 25 days
20% every 1-3 days as tolerated, until by physical examination by trained pe- to complete detoxification as opposed
the woman is weaned from all metha- diatric providers according to the Fin- to 15 days in those women who subse-
done. Fetal surveillance is initiated in negan scoring system.4 quently relapsed (P < .001). This is