Dampers Bridges 01 2014 PDF

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Over 50 years of engineering
experience Vibration phenomena
VSL’s specialist construction systems have Various effects can lead to excitation of the cable and eventually to instability of the structure if the
been used throughout the world since 1956 vibrations are not controlled. Stay cables are generally excited by aerodynamic forces acting on the
and have earned an excellent reputation for cable, or by anchorage displacements caused by the action on the structure of dynamic forces such
quality and reliability. This has made VSL a as traffic. Wind excitations can be categorised in four families:
recognised leader in specialist construction
methods and associated engineering works.

A worldwide network
VSL provides solutions through its network of
locally-based subsidiaries who have access to
a strong common technical support structure.
Its clients work with a local partner while
benefiting from the constant development and
evolution of VSL’s technologies. VORTEX SHEDDING
Alternating asymmetrical vortex detachment induces a lift force perpendicular to the direction of the wind and
hence vibrations of the cable.


Water rivulets forming at the surface of the inclined cable modify its aerodynamic profile resulting in an
asymmetrical pressure distribution and hence a lift force perpendicular to the virtual wind velocity. Oscillation of
the rivulet results in cyclic changes to the lift force and hence oscillation of the cable. This occurs typically at
relatively low wind velocities.

VSL Stay cable technology

Stay cables are among the industry’s most
sophisticated technologies and so specialist
expertise is the key to providing viable, Vortices detached from upstream obstacle (adjacent cable) induce a pressure differential at the surface of the
economical and reliable solutions. VSL has downstream cable resulting in an alternating lift force perpendicular to the wind direction exciting the
downstream cable.
become a world leader as stay cable contractor
and offers an extensive range of services
ranging from design assistance through cable DRAG CRISIS
The drag coefficient of the cable varies with the relative
supply and installation to full bridge wind velocity. Variations of the relative wind velocity due
construction packages. This makes VSL an to movement of the cable parallel to the wind direction
induce cyclic fluctuations of the drag coefficient and
invaluable partner for any bridge contractor or hence the drag force exciting cable vibrations parallel to
bridge owner, in particular when it comes to the wind direction.
addressing the specific challenges of cable-
stayed bridges.

2 V S L D A M P I N G S Y S T E M S F O R S T AY C A B L E S
Modelling of vibration effects Methods of controlling vibrations
Today’s recommendations for stay cables Modern cable-stayed structures have to VSL’s services:
issued by the various international bodies accommodate increased dynamic demands on • Stability risk analysis
require a project-specific assessment of the their cables. VSL’s response to this requirement • Proposal of mitigation measures,
dynamic effects. However, the mechanisms of includes use of the following devices: including provision of dampers
dynamic excitation are particularly complex • Estimation of the behaviour of the
phenomena and their reliable prediction is Helical ribs damper-equipped cables, taking into
difficult. VSL uses analytical tools that have The stay pipes of the VSL SSI 2000 cable are account excitation by aerodynamic effects
been developed in collaboration with supplied with helical ribs. Their shape and and structural coupling
internationally-renowned experts in the field. dimensions have been optimised and validated • Design, fabrication, workshop testing,
These tools simulate the cable’s response in wind tunnel tests for effective control of the supply and installation of a choice of two
under combined excitation effects while risk of rain-wind induced vibrations while different damping systems
applying different stability criteria that allow minimising the increase in wind drag. • Full integration of two different damper
estimation of the vibration risks and any types into the VSL SSI 2000 system either
additional damping required. Additional damping devices at the time of installation or for
VSL can therefore assist the designer in The most versatile means of controlling installation at a later stage (retrofitting)
assessing the risk of cable vibrations and can vibrations is to increase the structural • Retrofitting solutions for existing strand
propose suitable mitigation measures based damping ratio of the cable by installing and parallel wire cables
on a modular approach. additional damping devices. VSL offers two • Fine-tuning of damping devices after
types of dampers: the VSL Friction damper and installation to match the actual
the VSL VE damper. This permits selection of characteristics of cable and structure
the most appropriate damping behaviour to
suit the characteristics of each individual
cable. The VSL VE damper is further available number of moveable parts. The two dampers
in two grades, «Standard» and «High complement each other and allow
performance». implementation of the most appropriate
In addition to their high efficiency, the common solution, taking account of the characteristics
qualities of both damping systems are their of the stay cables, the types of critical
adaptability, their great durability and their low vibrations and the required performance. Both
maintenance costs, achieved by minimising the systems can be used on the same structure.
Simulation of cable amplitudes for an undamped cable
under parametric excitation
The required additional
damping ratio is
Testing defined for each
The behaviour of VSL Dampers and the structure on a case-by-
correlation of calculated and actual cable case basis and lies
oscillations have been verified in several typically below 1%.
full-scale tests. The effectiveness of the The achievable
damper can be assessed by measuring the damping ratio can be
cable acceleration over time and comparing defined as a function
the results with and without the damper. of x/L, where x is the
Validation of damper modelling position of the damper
in a laboratory test from the anchorage
relative to the cable
length L. The graph
above can be used to select the appropriate damper type depending on the achievable x/L.
The damper is typically located close to the deck anchorage for improved accessibility and
aesthetics. For special cases, an additional damper can be provided near the pylon anchorage.

V S L D A M P I N G S Y S T E M S F O R S T AY C A B L E S 3
Two systems cover the full range
of requirements VSL Friction
In general, VSL Friction dampers are more suitable for
long cables, whereas VSL VE dampers are more
suitable for short and medium length cables.
The final selection of the most appropriate system is
made by VSL using analytical tools that have been
developed in collaboration with internationally-
renowned experts in the field.

Two systems with the same

external visual appearance
The external components and shapes are identical for
both systems, even though they adopt different
approaches to dissipating the vibration energy. This
allows a consistent appearance along a bridge, even
where both systems are required.

The three main elements

of both damping systems are:

Protective collar
The moving part of the damper connects
to the stay cable using a collar fitted with
a protective neoprene ring to ensure lasting
protection of the cable’s main tensile element.

Modular dissipative element

This is designed to allow inspection
and replacement on site using light tools
Murom Bridge, Russia - 2009 and equipment, with minimum impact
on the bridge’s operation.

Stiff and integrated support

The VSL Damper supports are integrated
into the guide pipe that is part of the main
structure to ensure stiff support for maximum
performance. This forms the fixed element
of the damper.

4 V S L D A M P I N G S Y S T E M S F O R S T AY C A B L E S

Murom Bridge, Russia - 2009

Accurate adaptation to Fully integrated for enhanced

meet damping aesthetics
requirements The compact and highly-efficient nature of the
For both dampers, the heart of the dampers allows installation close to the deck
damping system is made up of anchorage, where they are fully integrated into
modular dissipative elements that are the anti-vandalism pipe. This avoids them
fully adaptable to all cable sizes. affecting the visual appearance of the stay cable.
For VSL Friction dampers, the Thanks to their identical cover designs, both
performance can be fine-tuned once types of damper can be installed easily on the
installed by adjusting the friction force same structure without introducing visual
without dismantling the damper. differences.
For the VSL VE damper, the number of
pads required is based on the dynamic Easy maintenance
characteristics of the cable. This allows The damper configurations provide easy access
easy adaptation to all cable sizes for inspection and maintenance operations and
whether for a new installation or as part use a minimal number of moving parts.
of a retrofitting solution. All components can be dismantled and/or
replaced on site using light tools and
Highly efficient equipment, with minimum impact on the
Several comparative tests on full-scale cables bridge’s operation.
have demonstrated the exceptional efficiency
of the dampers. Their measured performance Versatile
has repeatedly exceeded the specified Both damper types are optimised for use as
requirements, as well as exceeding that of internal dampers, fully protected inside the
other types of dampers. VSL SSI 2000 anti-vandalism pipe, but they
can also easily be adapted for retrofitting
Very durable solutions or use as external dampers if
Outstanding durability is achieved by movable required. They can be attached to both parallel
parts and making use of dissipation strand systems (PSS) or parallel wire systems
mechanisms that employ stable solid (PWS). They can be fitted on new structures or
materials instead of fluids. retrofitted to existing ones.

V S L D A M P I N G S Y S T E M S F O R S T AY C A B L E S 5
Dissipating energy through friction Composite Oscillating
The VSL Friction damper applies the same
principles used in disc brakes, dissipating the
pad movement Sliding
energy through friction generated between two disc
friction partners. The first is a pair of sliding
discs which is connected via a collar to the Collar
tensile member of the stay. It is sandwiched by
the second partner, which consists of a
specially developed composite pad supported
by a pair of spring blades that are connected
to the external structure of the guide pipe.

High performance
and outstanding efficiency
The VSL Friction damper provides high
performance for critical cases or where the
damper has to be placed close to the deck
anchorage relative to the overall length
of the cable.
The required stiffness of the spring blades to Spring
generate the appropriate friction force depends
on the dynamic characteristics of the cable. blades
This allows easy adaptation to all cable sizes,
whether for a new installation or as part
of a retrofitting solution.

Unaffected by temperature
The damper’s insensitivity to temperature
changes results in friction characteristics that
are very stable throughout a wide temperature
range. The chosen materials ensure well-
controlled behaviour with no stick-slip effect at
the friction interface.

The force acting on the damper when it is This is a very efficient method for preventing
activated has initially to exceed the static excessive wear of the friction surfaces without
friction before the friction partners start affecting the damper’s performance.
moving relative to each other. Inspections of installed dampers after several
years of operation have clearly demonstrated
There is no movement of the damper arising this beneficial effect.
from the non-critical continuous vibration of
the cable with the small displacements that
traffic and other effects cause on every cable-
stayed structure.
Friction damper installed prior to covering
with anti-vandalism protection

6 V S L D A M P I N G S Y S T E M S F O R S T AY C A B L E S
Perfectly tuned for critical vibrations comfort of the user at the same time as having Efficient at all vibration modes
Various theoretical approaches have been an Eigen frequency close to that of the First mode modal component
developed in an attempt to estimate the structure. This brings the risk of coupling
achievable damping of a stay cable equipped effects between the structure and cable, which
with a damper installed near one anchorage. could prove catastrophic.
One result that is widely acknowledged shows
the existence of a limitation, and can be Activated only when needed
expressed as (Kovacs 1982): In addition to this outstanding performance, the
damper’s characteristics are particularly suited
or to stay cables. The initial effect of static friction
prevents activation of the damper under small

anchorage, L = cable free length, ξ is the

with x = damper distance to the closest amplitudes. This prevents unnecessary wear on

additional damping ratio and δ is the

the damper under vibrations that do not affect
the cable’s performance and that are considered
logarithmic decrement. perfectly acceptable while protecting at the same
However this approach does not consider the time the anchorage by filtering these movements. Second mode modal component
non-linearity of the friction damper. While they However, the VSL Friction damper achieves its
help to assess the overall performance of a maximum performance almost immediately once
damper system, it has been demonstrated in the cable vibration has reached a level that is
full-scale tests that these maximum ratios can critical for the cable or the structure to which the
be surpassed by certain dampers on individual damper has been tuned.
modes of a modal analysis. It achieves an extremely high damping ratio at
The VSL Friction damper is one of the few these critical amplitudes and dissipates the
dampers in the market that has achieved cable’s energy very efficiently to prevent any
damping ratios exceeding the theoretical further excitation and ensure that the cable
maximum values above. It has achieved an never reaches large amplitudes. These specific
efficiency of 130% on the first mode during characteristics make the VSL Friction damper
testing. The first mode is often considered the the perfect solution for any cable, but in
most critical mode as it can result in large particular for long cables on structures with a Third mode modal component
amplitudes and hence significantly affects the high risk of parametric excitation.

The VSL Friction damper:

durable thanks to its few
moving parts

The example shows the calculated modal response of a specific stay cable
susceptible to rain-wind induced vibrations resulting in instability over a
typical 10min period. The same cable equipped with a VSL Friction damper
does not experience instability over the same period.

V S L D A M P I N G S Y S T E M S F O R S T AY C A B L E S 7
Close to the anchorage:
The low x/L ratio required by the VSL Friction

damping ξmax=x/(2L)
Ratio to maximal theoretical
damper and its compact body mean that it can
be positioned close to the deck anchorage and VSL Friction Damper
easily integrated into the anti-vandalism
protection near deck level. The result is an ] Various viscous dampers
available in the market

aesthetically-pleasing solution that does not

compromise the performance. Aesthetics are
often important in the design of stay cables
where they are the dominating feature of
landmark structures. Compared with external
dampers which require large mounting frames, 100%
the use of the VSL Friction damper as an
internal damper provides a visually-convincing
solution for any structure.

1% Amplitude of vibration
expressed as a ratio
of the cable length

Based on the high performance measured during several full-scale tests, the VSL Friction
damper can be considered amongst the most efficient passive damping devices for mitigation
The damper is fully integrated into the anti-vandalism cover.
of stay cable vibration (Cable Dynamic Symposium Vienna 2007, proceedings, Behavior
Comparison of Cable Dampers by Full-Scale Experiment, S.S. Ahn, J.H. Park, S.H. Lee, C.M. Park).
Performances have surpassed 100% of the theoretical maximum damping that can be provided
by a passive damping system to a stay cable.

8 V S L D A M P I N G S Y S T E M S F O R S T AY C A B L E S
Adjustable damping capacity
The contact force of the pads is controlled by
elastic deformation of the spring blades.
Varying the stiffness of the blades allows
adjustment of the damping characteristics for
each installation.

Further fine-tuning on site is carried out without

dismantling the damper. The friction force is
varied through adjustment of the protrusion of
the composite pads from the spring blades. The
materials used as friction partners have been
selected for optimum energy dissipation, stable
friction behaviour and high durability.

Sucharskiego Bridge, Poland - 2001

Indicative dimensions of the VSL Friction dampers, for each anchorage size in the VSL SSI 2000 stay cable system brochure
type L1 min DR* L1 min DS* L2** Ø1** Ø2 DR* Ø2 DS*
6-12 1500 900 200 430 219.1 x 6.3 177.8 x 4.5
6-19 1750 1200 200 450 267 x 6.3 219.1 x 6.3
6-22 1900 1350 220 470 298.5 x 6.3 219.1 x 6.3
6-31 2100 1550 220 505 323.9 x 6.3 244.5 x 6.3
6-37 2300 1750 250 545 355.6 x 6.3 273 x 6.3
6-43 2550 2000 250 585 406.4 x 8.8 323.9 x 7.1
6-55 2650 2050 250 610 419 x 10 323.9 x 7.1
6-61 2850 2250 280 630 419 x 10 355.6 x 8
6-73 3050 2450 300 650 508 x 11 406.4 x 8.8
6-85 3150 2600 300 680 508 x 11 406.4 x 8.8
6-91 3400 2800 300 700 559 x 12.5 457 x 10
6-109 3550 3000 400 730 559 x 12.5 457 x 10
6-127 3950 3350 400 740 610 x 12.5 508 x 11
Dimensions noted in millimetres. * DR refers to the use of adjustable anchorage at the damper location level, while DS refers to the use of fixed anchorage.
Other sizes available on request. ** These dimensions are given for indication only. They must be adapted according to specificities of the project.
For larger sizes please contact your local VSL representative.

V S L D A M P I N G S Y S T E M S F O R S T AY C A B L E S 9
Shear deformation Oscillating
of high damping rubber
The heart of the VSL VE Damper is a high
damping rubber material which dissipates the Moveable
kinetic energy of the vibration by shear
deformation of specially-designed pads. Each collar
damper consists of a series of pads mounted
between a moveable collar attached to the
tensile element of the stay cable and a fixed
support rigidly connected to the guide pipe.
The damper’s characteristics are adjusted for
each structure by varying the number of pads
and choosing between two pad types, «high
performance» and «standard». The HDR can
withstand large shear deformations and can
also cater for significant deformation under
tension or compression without affecting its
damping properties. This allows longitudinal
movements between the cable and support to
be accommodated entirely within the HDR, pads
which avoids the need for additional hinged or
sliding interfaces that would affect the
damping ratio.

Fixed support
connected to
guide pipe

Durability without maintenance

The high-damping rubber pads have a long
design life and excellent fatigue resistance.
Accelerated ageing tests have demonstrated a
life expectancy of 60 years and the pads have
sustained 10 million load cycles during fatigue
The damper requires only minimal maintenance
during its operating life: this allows it to be
placed if necessary even at the pylon, where
Incheon Bridge, Korea - 2009 maintenance access is difficult and expensive.

10 V S L D A M P I N G S Y S T E M S F O R S T AY C A B L E S
Independent of vibration mode Time-displacement curves as recorded during VSL VE damper testing
and amplitude
The behaviour of the VSL VE damper can be First mode of vibration
modelled as a combined device consisting of a
spring, a friction member and a viscous
element all contained in the HDR pad. This
makes the damping performance of the
VSL VE damper largely independent of the
vibration mode and the amplitude. The time-
displacement curves recorded from full-scale
tests clearly illustrate this behaviour.

Second mode of vibration

Third mode of vibration

The VSL VE damper performs

best on short to medium length
stay cables or where compact
solutions are required.

V S L D A M P I N G S Y S T E M S F O R S T AY C A B L E S 11
Full-scale test results
As well as laboratory testing, numerous full-
scale in-situ tests have been carried out to
assess the VSL VE damper’s performance and
the characteristics of the HDR component
under varying environmental conditions.
The pads have been subjected in laboratory
tests to fatigue loading where they had to
sustain 10Mio load cycles. To assess their
durability, accelerated ageing tests have been
carried out, from which a life expectancy has
been derived that is in excess of 60 years
without deterioration of the mechanical

The VE pad:
the heart of the VSL
VE damper

Megami Chashi, Japan - 2006

The VSL VE damper can also be mounted as an external damper if

required for special retrofitting applications.

12 V S L D A M P I N G S Y S T E M S F O R S T AY C A B L E S
Highly deformable
The damper pads, including the interface
between the HDR and the mounting plates,
have been designed to accommodate large
deformations without damage. The dissipated
energy per shear cycle even increases with
increasing deformation. The maximum
permissible deformation is considerably in
excess of the actual movements occurring in
the damper. This results in very high durability Hysteresis of a VSL VE damper
«standard» pad under varying
and fatigue resistance. shear displacement

Indicative dimensions of the VSL VE dampers, for each anchorage size in the VSL SSI 2000 stay cable system brochure
type L1 min DR* L1 min DS* L2 Ø1** Ø2 DR* Ø2 DS*
6-12 1500 900 200 410 219.1 x 6.3 177.8 x 4.5
6-19 1750 1200 200 430 267 x 6.3 219.1 x 6.3
6-22 1900 1350 200 450 298.5 x 6.3 219.1 x 6.3
6-31 2100 1550 220 470 323.9 x 6.3 244.5 x 6.3
6-37 2300 1750 220 470 355.6 x 6.3 273 x 6.3
6-43 2550 2000 240 490 406.4 x 8.8 323.9 x 7.1
6-55 2650 2050 240 510 419 x 10 323.9 x 7.1
6-61 2850 2250 260 530 419 x 10 355.6 x 8
6-73 3050 2450 260 530 508 x 11 406.4 x 8.8
6-85 3150 2600 270 560 508 x 11 406.4 x 8.8
6-91 3400 2800 270 570 559 x 12.5 457 x 10
6-109 3550 3000 290 600 559 x 12.5 457 x 10
6-127 3950 3350 300 620 610 x 12.5 508 x 11
Dimensions noted in millimetres. * DR refers to the use of adjustable anchorage at the damper location level, while DS refers to the use of fixed anchorage.
Other sizes available on request. ** These dimensions are given for indication only. They must be adapted according to specificities of the project.
For larger sizes please contact your local VSL representative.

V S L D A M P I N G S Y S T E M S F O R S T AY C A B L E S 13
Uddevalla Bridge, Sweden - 1998

Puente La Unidad, Mexico - 2003

Neva Bridge, Russia - 2006

Badajoz Bridge,
Spain - 1996

Canada Line Pier Bridge, Canada - 2008

14 V S L D A M P I N G S Y S T E M S F O R S T AY C A B L E S

VSL – guided by a strong QSE culture Ground

VSL’s leading position is based on a rigorous and anchors
committed quality culture. The QSE (Quality, Safety,
Environment) policy represents a major focus for every
service provided. Local teams ensure co-ordination of VSoL® walls
actions, encourage sharing of experience and promote
best practices, with the aim of continuously improving
performance. In VSL’s culture, employees are vitally
important to the competitiveness and prosperity of the & Piles
company. VSL is committed to maintaining the highest
levels of client satisfaction and personnel safety. Bridges
Changing the way we do business
For VSL, sustainable development means striking a
balance in its development model between the economic Buildings
profitability of its businesses and their social and investigation
environmental impacts. This commitment has been
formalised into the VSL Sustainable Development
Slab on grade
programme, which focuses on safety together with the
use of fewer scarce materials and less energy as well as
the production of less pollution and waste.


& Monitoring
Heavy lifting

Repair &
Formwork &
Creating sustainable solutions Equipment

with VSL Dampers Infrastructure

VSL’s Dampers have been designed and
constructed as very durable systems.
Moreover, their function in mitigating Infrastructure
vibration reduces the risk of material fatigue
in the stays and in the bridge, which in turn
reduces the need for maintenance and
replacement during the service life of the • Post-tensioning strand systems
structure. They make a vital contribution • Bars & post-tensioning bar systems
to increasing the life expectancy of the •Stay cable systems
•Damping systems (stays & buildings)
structures where they are installed. •Ductal® ultra-high performance concrete
•Bearings & Joints


V S L D A M P I N G S Y S T E M S F O R S T AY C A B L E S 15
VSL International Ltd. Middle East /
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VSL Middle East LLC VSL Philippines Inc.
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Phone: +351 21 445 83 10
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Phone: +974 44 052 444
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VSL Engineering Corp., Ltd.
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Phone: +56 2 2571 6700 LABÈGE UNITED KINGDOM PT VSL Indonesia Phone: +61 2 9484 5944
Phone: +33 5 33 65 96 59 VSL System (UK) Ltd. JAKARTA
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COLOMBIA GERMANY Phone: +44 148 040 4401 Phone: +61 7 3327 0200
Sistemas Especiales de
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Phone: +41 58 456 30 30 TOKYO
Phone: +57 1 226 6230
Phone: +81 3 3346 8913 SOUTH AUSTRALIA
NETHERLANDS Phone: +61 8 8252 1900
MEXICO Heijmans Civiel b.v. KOREA
VSL Corporation Mexico S.A de C.V Span en Verplaatsingstechnieken VSL Korea Co. Ltd. TASMANIA
MEXICO SEOUL Phone: +61 3 6249 3044
Phone: +52 55 55 11 20 36 Phone: +82 2 553 8200
Phone: +31 73 543 6611
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Sistemas Especiales de Construcción Spennarmering Norge AS
Peru S.A. RUD
LIMA Phone: +47 98 21 02 31
Phone: +51 1 349 38 38
VSL Peru S.A.C VSL Polska Sp. Zo. o
Phone: +51 1 713 98 32 Phone: +48 22849 22 09 VSL Infrastructure Protection Ltd. Intrafor Hong Kong Ltd. FT Laboratories Ltd.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Phone: +44 207 803 3614 Phone: +852 2836 31 12 Phone: +852 2758 48 61
BALTIMORE, MD Phone: +65 65 59 12 22 Phone: +971 4 885 7225
Phone: +1 410 850 7000 VSL Offshore Pte Ltd.
Phone: +61 2 94 84 5944 Phone: +65 65 59 13 05

Copyright 12/2013, VSL International Ltd.

Printed in France – patented.

The information set forth in this brochure including technical and engineering data is presented
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