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nowledge is multiple matching, avoiding education, word formation, reporting verb patterns, reporting
hunting for words forming plural nouns, phrasal suggestions & questions, reporting
Power verbs, prepositions, collocations & verbs followed by a gerund, cloze,
p 109–122 expressions checking verb patterns
REVIEW 4: Vocabulary & Grammar p 123–124
9 Flying the Nest multiple-choice, determining the work, cloze, dealing with idioms and relative clauses, relative pronouns,
p 125–138 meaning of specific words expressions, word formation, phrasal participle clauses, clauses of reason,
verbs, collocations & expressions purpose, result and contrast, key
word transformation, writing the
correct number of words
10 B
ecause missing paragraphs, reading all of consumerism, multiple-choice countable & uncountable nouns,
the missing paragraph content cloze, coping with unknown words, pronouns, articles, open cloze,
You’re prepositions, word formation, phrasal thinking about determiners
Worth it! verbs
p 139–152
REVIEW 5: Vocabulary & Grammar p 153–154
11 Say Cheese! multiple-choice, distinguishing media, word formation, creating gerunds, infinitives, cloze, using a
p 155–168 between viewpoints prefixes and suffixes from the same process of elimination
word, collocations & expressions
12 Culture Shock multiple matching, pinpointing the culture, multiple-choice cloze, cleft sentences with it, cleft
p 169–182 answer predicting the answer, collocations & sentences with what and all,
expressions, word formation key word formation, making all
necessary changes
REVIEW 6: Vocabulary & Grammar p 183–184
multiple-choice, allowing time to introducing yourself, talking about essay (1), planning & organising a From the Same
choose the right answer yourself, giving personal information discursive essay, planning & using topic Family
sentences, showing cause & effect,
giving an example
multiple matching, identifying themes talking about domestic robots, review (1), understanding the content Neon Seas
before listening collaborative task, focusing on the task, of a review, using informal language,
initiating discussion, taking turns, inviting providing background, liking, disliking,
your partner to speak recommending
multiple-choice, understanding the talking about the environment & article (1), engaging your reader, Dirty Energy
attitude of speakers inequality, long turn, collecting your creating a conversational tone, questions
thoughts, organising your thoughts, to engage the reader, using imperatives,
hesitating/being uncertain, responding to encouraging involvement
what your partner said
multiple-choice, understanding talking about language & letter, following letter-writing Elephant Alert
discourse markers communication, responding naturally, conventions, contributing to a
using discourse markers to start off, magazine’s letter page, stating your
expressing an afterthought, changing reason for writing, giving reasons for &
the subject, indicating you have no more discussing benefits of using social media,
to say assessing a future role
sentence completion, paraphrasing talking about personal aspirations, essay (2), analysing contrasting texts, Surviving Deadly
collaborative task, expanding on dealing with all elements of the task, Everest
your answers, evaluating, comparing, stating your opinion, emphasising &
speculating, moving the conversation concluding
multiple matching, considering talking about money & moral decisions, essay (3), choosing between two topics, Alaskan Money
themes & attitudes long turn, sustaining a conversation, writing an effective essay, introducing Laundering
keeping discourse going, expressing your topic, changing topic, presenting
disapproval, summing up arguments
multiple-choice, choosing appropriate talking about volunteering abroad, essay (4), analysing complementary Reef Cleaner
answers explaining & recommending, explaining, texts, analysing the key points, advanced
comparing, recommending, reaching a conjunctions
sentence completion, writing talking about spending school money, report (1), understanding the content of Environmental
grammatically correct structures justifying and defending a report, writing a report, introduction, Theme Park
giving recommendations
multiple-choice, writing short notes talking about signs of maturity, article (2), how articles differ from essays, Best Job Ever!
collaborative task, collaborating, listening writing about personal experiences,
& responding appropriately, agreeing & expressing a personal point of view
disagreeing politely, suggesting
multiple matching, focusing on talking about responsible consumerism, article (3), using narratives in articles, Skateboards from
attitude and opinion long turn, speaking for two minutes, using a character to exemplify a topic, Trash
responding to follow-up questions, talking about characters and insecurities,
joining in, interrupting politely, handing advertising and consumerism
multiple-choice, listening between talking about a topic for a documentary, review (2), understanding the purpose A Polar Picture
the lines arguing against an option, of a review, applying the forms and
recommending, reaching a consensus conventions of a review, talking about
famous people, biographies, why it’s
worth reading
multiple-choice, avoiding double talking about celebrations, keeping to report (2), getting the most out of the Rite of Passage
negatives and other traps the time limit, involving your partner, prompt material, producing your own
supporting opinions with examples, content, talking about aspects of culture,
changing the subject introducing positives and negatives
Speaking Reference: p 203 Collocations & Expressions: p 210 Phrasal Verbs: p 212
Writing Reference: p 205 Prepositions: p 211