Best Management Practices For Treating Waste Polyester-Resin and Gelcoat
Best Management Practices For Treating Waste Polyester-Resin and Gelcoat
Best Management Practices For Treating Waste Polyester-Resin and Gelcoat
Polyester wastes (resin and gelcoat) are The Best Management Practice
generated in several situations. First, for Liquid and Semi-Solid
and probably most commonly, these Resin and Gelcoat Wastes
wastes are generated during the
production process. Typically, liquid The necessary steps to treat waste resin
resins and gel coats are chemically and gelcoat closely parallel the steps
catalyzed immediately before involved in producing a polyester
application, and thus, have a limited product. In other words, both situations
useful product life. As the resin/gelcoat require mixing resin and catalyst and
and catalyst mixture bonds together, the allowing time for the mixture to
reaction eventually proceeds to a point polymerize and cure. Thus, the
where the mixture hardens into a solid treatment of the hazardous wastes should
that cannot be further processed or resemble typical processing methods
utilized. These nonhazardous, solid employed at your facility.
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, 520 Lafayette Road North, St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-4194
(612) 296-6300, TDD (612) 282-5332, toll-free (800) 657-3864
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Hazardous Waste Fact Sheet # 4.50 September 1997
The major health and safety concerns surrounding the assistance to businesses, including fact sheets, site
treatment of gelled or semi-solid resin or gelcoat wastes visits and help with emission calculations.
are the organic emissions released as the mixture
hardens. During the curing process, the mixture will Please contact the following programs for assistance:
emit styrene into the air. Locate the treatment area
appropriately with respect to plant ventilation and • Small Business Compliance Assistance Program
pollution control equipment to minimize employee (for businesses with 100 or fewer employees):
exposure, in compliance with OSHA regulations. (800) 657-3938 OR (612) 282-6143
Hazardous Waste Fact Sheet # 4.50 September 1997
Hazardous Waste Fact Sheet # 4.50 September 1997