01 Republic Vs Grijaldo

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Chunky Monkeys CM Digest

Case Name: Republic vs Grijaldo

Docket: G.R. No. L-20240
Date: December 31, 1965
Ponente: Zaldivar, J.

 Appellant Grijaldo obtained five loands from Bank of Taiwan, with total sum of
P1,281.97 with interest. (Bank of Taiwan is Japanese owned)
 Since the loans were crop loans it was considered that the loans were due one year
after they were incurred.
 Loan was secured by a chattel mortgage on the standing crops of Grijaldo’s land,
Hacienda Campugas.
 The assets of Bank of Taiwan, Ltd. were vested in the Government of the United States,
and subsequently to the Republic of the Philippines (RP). (After Japan lost to US)
 RP then made a written extrajudicial demand upon the appellant for the payment of the
account in question, but appellant failed to pay.
 Grijaldo died and now represented by his legal heirs.
 Appellant contends that because the loans were secured by a chattel mortgage on the
standing crops on his land and these crops were lost or destroyed through enemy
actions(Japanese) his obligations to pay the loans were thereby extinguished.


1. W/N the destruction of the crops extinguished appellant Grijaldo’s obligation. NO
 The obligation of the appellant was not to deliver a determinate thing namely, the crops
to be harvested from his land, or the value of the crops that would be harvested from
his land. Rather, his obligation was to pay a generic thing - the amount of money
representing the total sum of the five loans, with interest.
 The transaction between the appellant and the Bank of Taiwan, Ltd. was a series of five
contracts of simple loan of sums of money.
 Art. 1933:
o By a contract of (simple) loan, one of the parties delivers to another x x x
money or other consumable thing upon the condition that the same amount of
the same kind and quality shall be paid.
 The obligation of the appellant under the five promissory notes evidencing the loans in
question is to pay the value thereof; that is, to deliver a sum of money - a clear case of
an obligation to deliver a generic thing.
 Art. 1263:
o In an obligation to deliver a generic thing, the loss or destruction of anything of
the same kind does not extinguish the obligation.
 The chattel mortgage on the crops growing on appellant’s land simply stood as a
security for the fulfillment of appellant’s obligation covered by the promissory notes,
and the loss of the crops did not extinguish his obligation to pay, because the account
could still be paid from other sources aside from the mortgaged cropss.

*Something about prescription: Doesn’t run against the state. Also, Moratorium Laws which
interrupted the running of the prescription period during WWII.

Balbanero, Bruzon, Go, Olazo, Ong, Santos, Sarmiento, Umandap, Yrreverre

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