Managing Waste in Hotel and Motel Operations: Florida Energy Extension Service

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Managing Waste In Hotel and Motel Operations1

Florida Energy Extension Service2


Florida’s hotel/motel industry has been a leader in Conserving energy has a positive influence on
resource management, actively participating in energy Florida’s economy and environment. Reducing Florida’s
conservation since the early 1980s. These efforts were waste is an important energy saving tool. The recycling
boosted in 1988, when the Florida Legislature passed the and waste reduction potential of the hospitality industry
Solid Waste Management Act. This Act mandated a is phenomenal, and the Florida hospitality industry is
statewide recycling goal of 30% by the end of 1994. In providing a leading example for the nation. One hotel in
1993, source reduction strategies were added to the Act. the pilot project saved about 1.25 billion Btu of energy
The hospitality industry responded by joining with the in six months by recycling. This reduction in energy use
Florida Energy Extension Service to conduct a pilot prevented almost 5000 tons of pollutants and greenhouse
project with six hotels using an Innovative Recycling gases from entering the atmosphere. With the 5000
Program Grant from the Florida Department of properties and 300,000 guest rooms, this has enormous
Environmental Protection. implications for Florida.

A hotel waste audit showed that each guest room HOW DO YOU BEGIN A RECYCLING
contributes from ½ pound to 28½ pounds of waste per PROGRAM?
day. And, the majority of waste in a hotel is not
produced in the rooms, but in the Food and Beverage Conduct a waste audit to identify and quantify
Department. A large property can generate as much as 8 recyclable materials currently being thrown away.
tons of waste per day. Up to 60% of this waste is
recyclable. Waste reduction by ecopurchasing can further Select a materials disposal method before designing
reduce a hotel’s waste stream. With support from EPA the recycling program.
Region IV, ecopurchasing was added to the recycling
strategies, enhancing the hotel industry’s resource Involve the hotel’s employees in all stages of the
conservation programs. If a hotel’s waste isn’t reduced recycling program.
or recycled, it contributes to the state’s environmental
problems. Design a materials flow plan to identify container
size and placement.

1. This document is from the Florida Energy Extension Service, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences,
University of Florida.
2. Florida Energy Extension Service, P.O. Box 110940, Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida,
Gainesville FL 32611-0940, (904) 392-5684. Programs are conducted in cooperation with the Florida Hotel and Motel Association.
The Florida Energy Extension Service receives funding from the Florida Energy Office, Department of Community Affairs and is operated by the University
of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences through the Cooperative Extension Service. The information contained herein is the product of the
Florida Energy Extension Service and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Florida Energy Office.

The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer authorized to provide research, educational
information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function without regard to race, color, sex, age, handicap, or national
origin. For information on obtaining other extension publications, contact your county Cooperative Extension Service office.
Florida Cooperative Extension Service / Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences / University of Florida / Christine Taylor Stephens, Dean
Managing Waste In Hotel and Motel Operations Page 2

Select recycling equipment and method(s) of reduction techniques into the daily hotel operations.
transporting materials. There are a number of advantages for "green" hotels.
Most actions that save resources and reduce pollution,
HOW DO YOU START AN ECOPURCHASING also reduce operating costs and increase profit margins.
PROGRAM? Involvement in "green" issues can develop and
strengthen guest loyalty.
Reduce waste by purchasing in bulk or concentrate.
Hotel managers report that most guests are pleased
Reduce toxicity by using products with less to see the hotel recycling and are willing to participate
hazardous ingredients. in the hotel’s program. To increase guest involvement,
inform guests about the program when they check-in.
Avoid wasteful products that add to the Some hotels provide guests recycling information cards
environmental or economic costs of waste disposal. at the check-in desk or in the guest rooms. This
awareness allows both the guest and the hotel to
Repair and reuse products instead of buying new participate in the growing interest in ecotourism.
Select products made from recycled materials.
The Florida Energy Extension Service has recycling
Purchase energy efficient equipment that causes less and ecopurchasing guidebooks that detail methods for
environmental harm. initiating a hotel/motel waste reduction program. In
addition, videos, other support educational materials and
WHAT IS A "GREEN" HOTEL? a staff of professional educators are available from the
Cooperative Extension Service to help you organize,
A "green" hotel uses resources wisely, incorporating conduct and benefit from sound resource management
energy, water, recycling and waste programs.

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