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Let A be an n × n matrix. An eigenbasis corresponding to A is a basis for Rn

consisting entirely of eigenvectors for A. Such a basis only exists if A is diagonaliz-
able (or not defective). To find an eigenbasis, you find a basis for each eigenspace
of A. The collection of all these basis vectors for an eigenbasis for A.
The fact that you get a basis for Rn is kind of special. Usually, combining two
linearly independent sets doesn’t give you a new linearly independent set, but it does
when each linearly independent set consists of eigenvectors, each set for a different
eigenvalue. You can prove this in pretty much the same way you would prove that
any two eigenvectors that have different eigenvalues are linearly independent.
 
−83 4 35
Example. The matrix A =  −348 20 140  has eigenvalues 3, 4, 4. The
 −174 8 74
  
 35 4 
eigenspace E4 has a basis  0  ,  87  , and the eigenspace E3 has a basis
87 0
 
       
 1   35 4 1 
 4  . So an eigenbasis corresponding to A is  0  ,  87  ,  4  .
2 87 0 2
   

   
3 0 −3 1
(1) Find an eigenbasis corresponding to A =  0 3 −3 . Write x =  2 
0 0 0 3
as a linear combination of the basis and use this to find A10 x.
 
0 −1 1
(2) Find an eigenbasis corresponding to A =  −1 0 1 . Write x =
  1 −1 0
 y  as a linear combination of the basis and use this to find a general
formula for At x.

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