PG Shalya Tantra SYLLABUS

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1. Etymology and definition of Shalya Tantra.

2. Scope and importance of Shalya Tantra.
3. Study of Sushruta Samhita Sutra Sthana.
4. Study of modern surgical clinical methodology.
5. Applied anatomy, physiology and surgical pathology of common surgical conditions
including relevant Ayurvedic aspect.
6. Applicability of Shat Kriyakala in the pathogenesis of surgical diseases.
7. Applicability of Prakriti in understanding the causes and role of treatment in surgical
8. Applicability of basic principles of Ayurveda in Rogi Pariksha (Trividha, Shadvidha,
Ashtavidha and Dashavidha Pariksha) and latest investigations.
9. Concept of Rakta according to Sushruta.
10. Introduction of clinical and diagnostic methods in Shalya Tantra - X-rays, U.S.G.,
Endoscopies (for diagnostic and treatment purposes), MRI, CAT scanning and other
recent diagnostic tools.
11. Concept and applicability of Sadhya-Asadhya (Prognosis) - Arishtha lakshana.
12. Knowledge of life saving drugs.
13. Emergency conditions and its management.
14. Diagnosis and management of Pranashtha Shalya.


1. Yantra and Shastra – Surgical Instruments - Ancient and recent advances.

2. Sterilization – methods and types.
3. Basic knowledge of Sangyaharan – Anaesthesia - Types, methods, indications,
contraindications, complications and its management.
4. Concept of Trividha Karma – Purva, Pradhana and Pashchat.
5. Ashtavidha Shastra Karmas.
6. Bandhana Karma – Ancient and recent advances.
7. Kshara Karma – Introduction, types, method of various preparations like Kshara, Kshara
Varti, Kshara Pichu and applications.
8. Kshara Sutra – Method of preparation, standardization and applications.
9. Agnikarma – Introduction, types and applications.
10. Raktamokshana – Introduction, types and applications.
11. Application of Panchakarma therapy in surgical practice.
12. Scope of Pathya-Apathya in the management of surgical diseases.

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