°C With Plasmid °C Yields More Number of °C: A Possible Role
°C With Plasmid °C Yields More Number of °C: A Possible Role
°C With Plasmid °C Yields More Number of °C: A Possible Role
Heat shock at 37°C with plasmid cells followed by selection of the transformants in
medium supplemented with the respective antibiotics.
ligated at 37°C yields more number of The usual understanding pertaining to heat shock-
Escherichia coli transformants than mediated transformation event at 42°C is that sudden
plasmid ligated at 16°C: a possible role shift in temperature from 0°C (ice temperature) to 42°C
causes transient pore formation in the host cell (e.g. E.
of ligated plasmid conformation during coli) membrane, which in turn allows the ligated plasmid
heat shock to enter the cell. But whether this temperature shift also
affects the conformation of the ligated plasmid entering
Anjan Barman1, Praveen Kumar1,2, the host cell is not clearly understood. Generally, after
ligation at 16°C, the product is also subjected to a tem-
Vinay Kumar1,3, Robin Doley1 and
perature shift when heat shock is given along with the
Suvendra Kumar Ray1,* competent host cell at 42°C. This shift of about 26°C (i.e.
Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, 42°C – 16°C = 26°C) is also likely to alter the plasmid
Tezpur University, Tezpur 784 028, India
Present address: Institute of Microbial Technology,
conformation, as it is known that temperature affects
Sector 39A, Chandigarh 160 036, India plasmid conformation5,6. Hence our hypothesis is that,
Present address: National Institute of Plant Genome Research, during transformation by heat shock, temperature shift-
Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, P.O. Box No. 10531, New Delhi 110 067, India induced altered conformation of the ligated plasmid
might have a role in the transformation event. A hypo-
The phenomenon of temperature effects on plasmid thetical model in support of the hypothesis is shown in
conformation has been well elucidated. However, the
Figure 1. Inside the bacterium, chromosomal DNA is
impact of change in plasmid conformation caused by
temperature shift (during the heat shock mode) on shown as a relaxed circle, whereas the plasmid is shown
transformation outcomes has not been reported till in a supercoiled state. This plasmid after isolation is
now. Here, we analyse transformation efficacy at 37°C transformation-efficient. Its efficiency can be attributed
of plasmid pBSKS ligated at three different tempera- to the natural conformation of the plasmid, which is nega-
tures (4°C, 16°C and 37°C) to Escherichia coli DH5α tively supercoiled. After restriction digestion the plasmid
strain. Though ligation was effective at all the three gets linearized, which is inefficient for transformation.
temperatures mentioned above, the number of trans- The linearized plasmid is ligated at 16°C, which attains a
formants was more with plasmid DNA ligated at 37°C relaxed conformation at this temperature. The transforma-
than at 4°C and 16°C. Our study indicates a possible tion efficiency of a relaxed plasmid might be low due to
role of plasmid conformation on the effect of heat
shock transformation.
Figure 3. Agarose gels showing ligation of pBSKS plasmid at 4°, 16° and 37°C. a, Migration pattern of the ligated pBSKS plasmids at the
respective incubation temperatures on agarose gel, in which ethidium bromide (EtBr) was incorporated prior to electrophoresis. Lane 1, 1 kb DNA
ladder (Gene ruler, Fermentas, USA); Lanes 2, 4 and 6, Migration pattern of the ligated pBSKS plasmid at 4°, 16° and 37°C respectively. In all the
lanes equal amount of DNA has been loaded. Ligated plasmids are running as large-sized bands towards the upper end of the gel and also as bands
between 1.5 and 2.0 kb linear DNA. The former class belongs to the cocatemeric DNA moving slowest due to larger size and the latter class be-
longs to the supercoiled plasmid DNA which is running faster than the linear control DNA in lane 8. pBSKS ligated at 4°C loaded in lane 2 is mi-
grating faster than the ligated plasmids at 16° and 37°C, loaded in lanes 4 and 6 respectively. In fact, pBSKS ligated at 37°C is running the slowest
followed by plasmid ligated at 16°C, in this case; lane 8, The digested pBSKS plasmid as control. b, Migration pattern of the ligated pBSKS plas-
mids at the respective incubation temperatures on agarose gel, stained with EtBr post-electrophoresis. Lane 1, 1 kb DNA ladder; lanes 2, 4 and 6,
Migration pattern of the ligated pBSKS plasmid at 4°, 16° and 37°C respectively. In all the lanes equal amount of DNA has been loaded. Ligated
plasmids are running as large-sized bands towards the upper end of the gel, few in the middle and the lowermost bands are running as supercoiled
plasmids corresponding to 2.0–2.5 kb linear DNA ladder and are moving faster than the linearized control DNA in lane 8. The former class at the
topmost front of the gel is concatemeric DNA running slowest of all due their larger size. pBSKS ligated at 37°C loaded in lane 6 is migrating
faster than the ligated plasmids at 4°C and 16°C, loaded in the lanes 2 and 4 respectively. In fact, pBSKS ligated at 4°C is running the slowest fol-
lowed by ligated plasmid at 16°C, in this case; lane 8, Digested pBSKS plasmid (control). The experiment was performed thrice and the best of
three results is shown here.
Figure 4. A histogram depicting the average transformants per plate obtained. In the histogram, horizontal axis depicts the state of pBSKS used
for heat shock transformation such as temperature conditions kept as 4°, 16° and 37°C for ligation, and also the uncut and EcoRI cut plasmid. Ver-
tical axis shows the average number of transformants per plate obtained after the transformation event. Transformation with the intact undigested
plasmid yields the maximum average transformants per plate as shown by its highest stature followed by plasmid ligated at 37°, 4° and 16°C
respectively. This result is the best of the three sets of experiments carried out.
4°C). Apart from this, the role of plasmid conformation possible that the 16°C ligated product, which is positively
in expression of the antibiotic resistance gene cannot be supercoiled, experiences hindrance in multiplication and
ignored while drawing our conclusion about higher trans- gene expression after entering into the host bacterium.
formation efficiency of 37°C ligated product. It is known Higher number of transformants obtained in our experi-
that the supercoiled state of the plasmid influences gene ment with the 37°C ligated products was due to the high
expression in bacteria11,12. As the natural negative super- level of expression of the antibiotic resistant gene on the
coiled state of the plasmid is close to the relaxed state antibiotic supplemented medium (ampicillin in our case).
than the positive supercoiled state, the 37°C ligated plas- In this connection, it is also important to note that a
mid may be able to multiply and express well after enter- plasmid tends to attain the relaxed conformation from the
ing into the bacterium. On the other hand, it may be supercoiled conformation as the cells approach the sta-
750 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 104, NO. 6, 25 MARCH 2013
tionery phase from the exponential phase13. The above tions (e.g. linking number is an integer, the effect of salt
arguments regarding the difference in the antibiotic gene concentration and temperature on supercoiling, etc.) for
expression cannot support the observation of higher maintaining a covalently closed plasmid in relaxed state
transformants with 37°C ligated products, because the is most likely creating a hurdle for experimentation and
4°C ligated products also yielded higher transformants in critical analysis in this regard. In conclusion our study
comparison with the 16°C ligated products. The 4°C liga- has opened up new challenges for exploring the mecha-
tion products are more positively supercoiled than the nism behind the phenomenon of plasmid transformation
16°C products when shifted to 37°C. Therefore, explana- during heat shock, which is not clearly understood.
tion on the basis of the assumption of the difference in
the antibiotic resistant gene expression by different states
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might turn out in future that a relaxed state of a plasmid ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. We thank the anonymous reviewer for
critical comments on the manuscript. We also thank Rocktatpal Kon-
is more efficient for transformation than that of a super- war, Tezpur University for his comments. P.K. and V.K. thank DBT,
coiled state, which will be completely different from our New Delhi for financial support and A.B. thanks the UGC, New Delhi
assumption made in Figure 1. Whether relaxed state of for providing Junior Research Fellowship. We also thank Dr R. V.
the plasmid is less efficient than the supercoiled state Sonti, CCMB, Hyderabad for the bacterial strain and plasmid used in
during transformation, is only a hypothesis proposed in this study.
this study considering the well-known fact that the Declaration. Bacterial strains used were non-pathogenic and were
relaxed plasmid migrates slower than the supercoiled sterilized after the experiment to avoid contamination in the environ-
plasmid during gel electrophoresis. Yet, none of the ment. Ethidium bromide use and disposal was performed following
available literature has cited experimental evidence statutory instructions.
regarding the transformation efficiency of relaxed and
Received 1 June 2012; revised accepted 8 January 2013
supercoiled plasmid. In fact, the obvious practical limita-
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