Leaflet 606
Leaflet 606
Leaflet 606
j btl
Washington , D.C.
June 1968
In troduction
Vessels used 2
Synthetic twines. 2
Cordage . 2
Mesh size 2
Fishing operations . . 5
Care of nets . 7
Terminology 7
References . .. . . . .. . . .. . 8
Great Lakes Gill Net
This report on present methods of setting and retrieving gill nets in the Great Lakes has
illustrations of equipment, techniques, and materials commonly used throughout the industry.
The Great Lakes was an important fishing center O of U.S. GILL NET FISHING
long before the white man reached the area. Fish
were the principal food for the Indians living near the
shores of this vast internal waterway. As the white
settlements grew, commercial fishing became an
important industry. Today from the five principal
Great Lakes, with a combined Canadian-United States
area of 95,000 square miles, American fishermen
produce about 60 million pounds of fish annually.
The basic characteristic of the fishery follows the
original established trend of the small individual pro-
ducers dispersed over a widespread area. Some 3,800
fishermen with over 1,600 boats make up what are
Figure I.-Map of the Great Lakes showing gill net fishing
known as day fisheries. Vessels up to 75 feet overall areas used by fishermen.
fish over comparatively short distances and return to
port each night. The fishing season, generally 9
months long, often extends into winter when ice-free
conditions prevail. The gill net was one of the first gears introduced
Most of the forms of gear and methods now used to the Great Lakes and still takes almost half the total
in the Great Lakes were well established by the late annual catch. These nets are fished throughout the
1800's. In the 1920's, the deep trap net was added to lakes in waters of 1 to 120 fathoms but are used
the shallow trap net , gill net, pound net , set hooks , principally in Lakes Superior , Huron, and Michigan,
and seine. Since the early 1900's, the Great Lakes for catching chubs , lake herring, common whitefish ,
area has seen remarkable technological and industrial and yellow perch; and in Lake Erie, for yellow pike,
development. Although somewhat mechanized and yellow perch, common whitefish , and white bass (fig.
modernized, the lakes fishing industry , in general , has 1). One reason for the popularity of the gill net is
not kept pace with other major fisheries . that it can be readily fished from small vessels with
1 William G. Gordon is now Fisheries Administrator , Program Planning Staff, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Washington , D.C.
nummum investment in equipment. This report de- Synthetic Twines
scribes the present me thods of setting and retrieving Multifllament nylon processed into threads i.
gill nets by Great Lakes fishermen. classified by the term denier, which is the weight iIi
grams of 9 ,000 meters (29,5 38 feet) of a given yarn
Ny Ion twine is coded according to this standarc
VESSE LS USE D dire ct system of measurement. Nylon twine for use ir
mesh of gill nets ranges from Nos. 34 to 693 , bUi
Nos. 34, 40, and 42 are widely used in the Greaj
The lake fisheries have been carried out by Lakes. An alternate system for classifying the largeJ
increasingly efficient vessels. At first, gill nets were nylon twine is to code with numbers correspondin!
fished from small open boats. With the coming of the to the same size of cotton twine , such as No. 6 threac
traders, larger sailing vessels and small schooners were and No. 9 thread. Segments of the Great Lake!
fitte d out for fishing during 8 to 9 months when the fishing industry re cently have used monofllamenj
lakes were fai rly free of ice. With the advent of the nylon gill netting. The single fllament netting is code~
steam engine and later the gasoline and diesel engines , according to diameter or breaking strength.
a type of vessel known as the Great Lakes " tug" was Molin (1959) discussed the results of comparativ(
gradually evol ved (cover photo). fishing tests in Swedish lakes with gill nets made oj
These vessels now range from 30-foot, two-man cotton , multifllament nylon , and monofllament ny
boats, to the 75-foot vessel with five-man crews , and Ion fibers. He reported that monofllament nylon net!
are heavily built of steel or wood to withstand severe caugh t more than seven times as many fish as cottOIl
winter weather (Colvin 1960). Distinguishing features nets and about fo ur times as many fish as multi·
are the high closed-in superstructure with ports and fllament nylon nets. The transparent nature of the
hatches cut into the sides and stem for handling nets single fIlament is believed to be the reason for the
and lines. The vessels, of limited cruising range , greater efficiency of the monofllament nylon set.
generally operate within 30 miles of home port, to The drawbacks of monofllament are its stiffness
which they return each evening. Use of this particular slightly higher cost, and unique construction. As the
type of vessel has extended the fishing season, knots are either set by chemical action or secured
because some of the larger vessels serve as ice breakers with double knots, repairs on the net are more
for smaller fishing crafts. difficult than on the other types of nets. Some
fishermen believe that the increased effectiveness oj
monofllament more than offsets the disadvantages.
Table I.-Specifications of materials commonly used in the construction of Great Lakes gill nets
Cord Breaking Twine Breaking Thread Length Breaking
size Construction per lb. strength no. strength size per lb. strength
bar (or square) and stretched (or extension) measure knots. Many State statutes provide for an "inside
(fig. 2): Bar measure is the linear dimension of one measure" and thus exclude the knots. The wetting,
side of the square mesh including one knot. Stretched dyeing, or treatment of the gill nets may cause the
measure is the distance between two opposite knots twine to shrink or to stretch one-eighth of an inch or
when under tension and may include one or both more. The amount of shrinkage or extension for
'''',fC"(O ,f T "IIt t! I V ... H • IY •
All "" QUA"Tllt' HAL' T N' " 0 '"' litO +
in Lakes Erie and Ontario. Buoys (metal, wood, or
plastic) are attached with an identifying pole and flag
marker at each end of the " gang" (fig. 8).
In normal fishing operations the gill net vessel
may keep 2 to 5 or more gangs of nets in the water at
one time, rotating the lifting and setting with spare
gear aboard the boat, while other nets ashore are
being repaired and drying. As fish caught in gill nets
often suffocate and spoil, water temperature must be
Figure 5.-Nets packed in boxes prior to setting.
line of one-quarter to one-half inch diameter rope.
Chains are commonly used as anchors for bottom
nets throughout the upper Great Lakes. Double 01
four-fluked anchors (fig. 6 and 7) are used generally
24 inches x 8 inches
Figure 6.-Double-tluked gill net anchor.
5/8 inc h O. D .
. , >' ---- /
... 0"- ......
4 pound
1 inch J.D.
Figure 7 .-Four-tluked gill net anchor. Figure S.-Specifications for a marker buoy.
considered when the captain decides on the amount
of gill net to be set. In areas where water tempera-
tures of 65°to 78°F. commonly occur during sum- MARUR BUOY
more concentrated.
Figure 1O.- Methods by which nets may be ftshed at
Setting the Gill Nets midwater levels.
is large , as may happen during spawning season , the
. nets and fish are loaded into boxes. The fish are then
removed from the nets on the trip to port or by extra
help after the vessel arrives at home port.
NE"r liNE
When time and conditions permit, the fish may
be gutted, washed, placed in wooden boxes, and iced
by the time the vessel returns to port. The fish are
usually not iced except during the summer because
they are landed within a few hours after being
removed from the nets.
After the fish are removed, the nets are either
Figure 12.-Several methods of lifting nets aboard large reset in the fishing area or packed in boxes and taken
gill net vessel.
ashore . If the wet nets are taken ashore , they are
placed on reels to permit drying , repairing, and
The net lifters are installed to permit lifting the removing of debris .
net from a curve or blight trailing slightly aft while
running the boat parallel to the net (fig. 12). This
method assists in reducing strain on the income net CARE OF NETS
when the vessel surges and facilitates boat handling.
In shallow waters where the loop system might allow Although preservation is not required on nylon
the slack net to snag on the bottom, the net is hauled nets, some treatment is often used such as a dyeing or
over the bow in such a way that the lifter assists in cleansing agent. At regular intervals of from 2 to 14
moving the boat forward as the gear is run down. days , each gang of nets is dipped in a soap solution or
While the net is retrieved, the crew remove the fish hot water to kill accumulated algae and bacteria. The
from the meshes, sort them to size and species, and gill net is spread on a large reel for repairing and
place them in boxes or bins (fig. 13). When the catch untangling and is left to dry in a shady place until the
next use (fig. 14). Two men are usually assigned to
perform this task. The regular boat crew aids in the
work when severe storms prevent fishing.
An extensive synonymy of terms exists in the
Figure 13.-Removing fish from the gill nets aboard vessel. different Great Lakes fishing areas; however, it will be
of benefit to fUle the more importan t terms that REFERENCES
h4 'e been d 1Il this p per but not defUled in the
text. OLLINS J . W.
91 . essels and boats employed in the fish·
The bi t or curve refers to a trailing loop in a gill net eries of the Great Lakes. In Review of the
it is being retrie ed from a set. fisheries of the Great Lakes in 1885. U.S .
omm. Fish. and Fish. pt. 15, Rep. Comm .
orda e is a collective term for ropes, lines, and 1 87 , append . 1: 19-29 .
lIes . ordage is used to deflne the larger twines and COL YIN , 1HOMAS E.
ma.llre cord used to frame and anchor gill nets. 1960. Gillne t fishing : Deck design and equip-
ment. F ishing boats of the world : , Fish·
Gan, trin shot, shackle, an d strap are terms to ing News ( Books) Ltd ., London : 64-72.
ignify a specific set or section of nets . Gang HlLE , RALPH .
c mmonJy refers to eight boxes of gill nets measuring 1952 . Changes in the lake trout fishery in the
about, feet long. three u ppe r lakes. Fisherman (Grand
Haven , Mich .) 2 0(6) : 5 ,8 .
Lead refers to the phenomenon where flsh will follow KOElL , WALTE R .
netting or other underwater obstacles rather than 1926. Fishing industry of the Great Lakes.
attempt to swim through or ove r the object. [U .S.] Bur. Fish ., U.S . Comm. Fish ., 1925 ,
append . 11 (Doc. 1001) : 553-617 .
Le d line weight vary from 4 to 16 per poun d and MOFFETT , JAMES W.
may be plit or pipe leads. pacing of weights and 195 7. Recent changes in the deep-water fish
fl o at dLffers with choice of fishermen an d area p o pulations of Lake Michigan . Trans.
f hed . Amer. Fish. Soc. 86 : 393-408 .
altre or h nglng cord extends around the entire gill 1953 . Test fishing with nets made of monofIla·
net This cord forms the framework of the net; and ment nylon th read . ln st. Freshwater , Res .,
n o 1 • weight. and netting are fastened to this co rd . Drottingholm , Sweden , Annu . Rep . 1952 ,
It Ize i usually de ignated by manufacture r's code Short Papers, 34 : 7 3-77 .
numbers . MS . 164
Gil 0 .1 2