How To Add Field in Voucher
How To Add Field in Voucher
How To Add Field in Voucher
Objective(s) -
- This code demonstrates the alteration of Voucher
- Receipt/Payment Voucher is altered to accept/print cheque details
[#Part: VCH Narration] ;; Modify the Narration Part to add the details
;;Switch has been defined in narration part that will appear if it is payment
or receipt voucher
;;;declaring key in the field, pressing the key Ctrl + B in the field will
execute the beow details
Key : CTRL + B
;;;Action is to set the field value with storage value
Action : Set : VCH Narration : $BankDetNarr
Inactive : @@BankDetBank
[#Object: Voucher]
[System: Formula]
BankDetBank : $$FilterCount:AllLedgerEntries:HasBankEntry = 0
[System: UDF]
;;Storage name : Type of storage : Index number
Set As : $NarrPrn
[#Part: PPRBottomDetails]
Set As : $NarrPrn
;; Config Changes
[System: Variable]
PPRChqInfo : Yes
;;Defining type of variable as logical and to retain the value for ever
[Variable: PPRChqInfo]
Type : Logical
Persistent : Yes
;; End-of-File