Network Analysis & Synthesis (NEC-301) Unit-I: X (T) X (T) X (T)

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Network Analysis & Synthesis (NEC-301)

Signal analysis, complex frequency, network analysis, network synthesis, General characteristics and descriptions of signals, step
function and associated wave forms, the unit impulse.
Introduction to network analysis, network elements, initial and final conditions, step and impulse response, solution of network

1.1 Network: An electrical network is an interconnection of electrical elements such as resistors, inductors, capacitors, voltage
sources, current sources and switches.

1.2 Network Analysis: The analysis of any network means to obtain response (like voltage across any branch or current passes
through any branch) of a network for a known excitation (i.e. input signal).

1.3 Signals: A signal is defined as a function of one or more variables which contain some information, e.g. voltage and current
signals are the most common electrical signals. Electrical signals can be expressed as a function of either time or frequency.
When these signals are expressed with respect to time, then it is commonly called time domain representation of the signal,
on the other hand when they are expressed with respect to frequency, then it is called frequency domain representation of
the signal.

1.4 Classifications of Signals:

(a) Periodic and non-periodic signals: A signal that repeats its value at a regular interval of time (called time period) is called
periodic signal. It may be defined mathematically as: x(t) = (t + T0), where T0 is the time period of the signal.
If a signal does satisfy the above condition, i.e. not repeat itself after a fixed interval of time, it is called non-periodic signal.
x(t) x(t)
A x(t)
0 T0 2T0 0 t
t t 0 t

T0 Even signal Deterministic signal

Continuous-time signal
Periodic signal
x(t) x(t)
0 t

t 0 t
t Discrete-time signal Random signal
Non-periodic signal Odd signal

(b) Continuous-time and discrete-time signals: Continuous-time signals (or analog signals) may be defined for every value of
time for a continuous interval of time. Examples of continuous signals are sine wave, cosine wave, triangular wave etc.
Discrete time functions are the sampled version of continuous time functions, in such functions the independent variable is in
discrete form. e.g. x (t) = 3t, where n = 0,1,2,……...
(c) Even and odd functions: A signal is said to be even or symmetrical signal if inversion of time axis does’t change its
amplitude. These functions are symmetrical about vertical axis in their domain of representation and satisfies the following
condition: x(-t) = x(t).
A signal is said to be odd if it is negative of its reflection and satisfies the relation: x(-t) = - x(t). In such signals the inversion of
time axis inverts amplitude of the signal.
NOTE: An odd signal has amplitude equal to zero at t = 0.
(d) Deterministic and random signals: Deterministic are those signals which defined completely at specified function of time,
there is no uncertainty about its value at any instant of time.
A random signal contains uncertain information about their values. e.g. noise signals.

By:Deepak Pandey email:[email protected] Page 1
1.5 Standard test signals (Singular signals):
(a) Step signal: It is defined as:-
f(t) =
* k gain, when its value is one, the step signal is known as unit step
u(t) =
(b) Ramp signal: The ramp signal is defined as:-
f(t) =
* m slope of the ramp signal, when its value is one, the step signal is
known as unit ramp signal.
r(t) =

(c) Impulse signal: The impulse signal is defined as:-

f(t) =
*A is the area of the impulse signal and some time called the strength
of the impulse.
A unit impulse function is defined for A = 1 and represents as:-
δ(t) =
The area of the unit impulse signal is defined as:
Area = = 1.
In practical case, when a large amplitude (let a) occurs for a very short
duration (let 1/a) then the area of the rectangular pulse is unity, that’s
called impulse function.

Other Basic signals:

(d) Gate signal: A rectangular pulse having unit amplitude which is
defined for a particular interval is called gate signal and it is defined
G(t) = u(t - a) – u(t - b); a t b
G(t) = u(t) – u(t - b); 0 t a

(e) Delayed signal: If a signal not starts from t = 0; then this function (signal) is known as delayed or shifted signal. Some
examples of such type of signals is as shown in below:

u(t-a) = m r(t) = δ(t) =

1.6 Waveform Synthesis: There are three possibilities to additions or subtractions of a singular function to be an existing
Step Step Signals Step Ramp signals Ramp Ramp Signals
The result of addition or subtraction The resultant of the addition or The result of addition or subtraction
of a step to step signal is a step signal. subtraction of step and ramp signal is of a ramp to ramp signal is a ramp
The magnitude of the resultant signal a ramp function, shifted by an amount signal.
is the addition or subtraction equal to the step. The slope of the resultant is the
respectively of the two steps. algebraic addition of the two slopes.
The change in slope occurs at the
instant of addition or subtraction.

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1.7 Classification of Network Elements:
(a) Active and Passive elements: The elements which are capable to generate electrical energy or have the capability of
enhancing the energy level of a signal passing through it are called active elements. e.g. voltage and current sources, op. amps,
transistors etc.
On the other hand passive are those elements which consume energy. They having tendency to change the form of applied
energy into other form of energy.

(b) Unilateral and Bilateral: Unilateral are those elements in which the direction of current passes through them is changed,
then the characteristics or properties of the circuit may also change.
e.g. diode, transistors etc.
While the elements which don’t show any change in their response the direction of excitation is changed, are called bilateral
elements, e.g. resistors, inductor, capacitor etc.

1.8 Transient behavior of a network: When any changes occurs in any circuit, the circuit behavior changes in terms of their
responses with respect to their excitation. These conditions changes may be classifies into two categories:
1.8.1 Transient Condition: When changes occurs in any network, for a very short duration of time the circuit response changes
rapidly. It may contain peaks of very high amplitudes; this period of time is known as transient period.
1.8.2 Steady State Condition: After transient period, the circuit responses reach its stable value and such condition is called
Steady state condition.

1.9 Solution of Circuits Using Differential Equations: In a network generally excitation and response both are the functions of
time. We can solve any circuit with the help of differential equations.

1.9.1 First Order Homogeneous Differential Equation: 1.9.2 First Order Non-Homogeneous Differential Equation:
A first order homogeneous differential equation is given as:
y(t) + A.y(t) = Q ………(1) ;
y(t) + A.y(t) = 0 ; where Q may or may not be the function of time.
where P constant To find the solution of the equation multiply both sides of
equation by a factor eAt , called integrating factor.
y(t) = - A.y(t)
eAt . y(t) + A.y(t).eAt = Q.eAt
or = - A.dt
We know that : (a.b) = b. (a) + a. (b)
on integrating:- ln y(t) = -At + K’
So above equation may be written as:
for K’ = ln.K
ln y(t) = ln e-At + ln K [y(t).eAt] = Q.eAt
or ln y(t) = ln (K.e-At) On integrating:- y(t).eAt = +K
So solution of the equation :-
So the solution of the equation:-
y(t) = e-At
y(t) = K.e -At ………(2)
………..(1) The first in above equation is called particular integral, while
the second complementary integral.
If Q constant
e At
y(t) = e-At.Q. + Ke-At

y(t) = + Ke-At ............(3)

1.10 Transient Behavior of Any Network:

1.10.1 Initial Conditions in Circuits:
The behavior of any electrical circuit can be examined using differential equations. These equations are given as values
of voltage, current, charge or derivatives of these quantities at the instant when network condition changed.
When any signal applied to the network their conditions changed, e.g. a switch act as a step signal and we always
assumes that a switch operate in zero time but in such situation circuit conditions doesn’t changes instantly. The network
conditions at this instant are called the initial conditions.

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t = 0 is the reference value of time. The time instant at which the condition of network is not yet changed but it is about
to be changed is denoted as t(0-), while t(0+) is the instant at which the conditions of network is just changed.

1.10.2 Initial Conditions in Elements:

1.10.2 (a) Resistor: The relation between applied voltage, resulting current and resistance of a conductor is given as: V = IR, this
equation is a linear time independent equation, which shows that the current through resistor changes instantaneously if applied
voltage changes instantaneously.

1.10.2 (b) Inductor 1.10.2 (c) Capacitor

The relation between voltage across any inductor and current The relationship between current through capacitor and
di dv
passes through it is given as: v L L c
voltage across it is given by: i C
dt C dt
di dv
For d.c current: =0 v L = 0. c becomes zero, so
dt If d.c voltage is applied to capacitor,
So in steady state condition for d.c supply, inductor acts as a
short circuit. capacitor current becomes zero. In steady state for d.c supply,
Above equation may be represent as:- capacitor acts as an open circuit.
Above equation may be rewrite as:-
iL v dt
L L 1 t
vc i dt
Where the limits of the integration are from t = - to t = 0- C c

1 t Above equation may be write as:

so: iL v dt
1 0 1 t
vc i dt i dt
C c C c
1 0 1 t 0
iL v dt v dt
L LL L In above equation the first part of the equation represents its
0 initial value before which the switch is not in operating
In above equation the first part of the equation represents its condition, which is known as initial condition and represents
initial value before which the switch is not in operating as vc(0-). So it may be rewrite as:
condition, which is known as initial condition and represents as
i(0-). So it may be rewrite as: 1 t
v c v (0 ) i dt
c C c
1 t 0
i L i (0 ) v dt
L L L At t = 0+
At t = 0+ 10
v c (0 ) v (0 ) i dt
c C c
10 0
i L (0 ) i (0 ) v dt
L L L Initially we assumed that switch acts in zero time, so the
0 second term of the above equation will be zero.
Initially we assumed that switch acts in zero time, so the second
term of the above equation will be zero. vc ( 0 )v (0 )
c ………(5)
i L( 0 )
i (0 ) Hence voltage across capacitor cannot be change
L …….(4) instantaneously; it takes some time to change its value.
Hence the current through the inductor cannot be change
instantaneously; it takes some time to change its value.

1.11 DC Response of Series R-L Circuit:

An R-L circuit is shown in figure. At t 0 , switch is about to be close but not fully operating
condition. Since initial current passes through inductor is zero, so for such condition initial

value of current i.e. i (0 ) 0.

di V L di
At t 0: V i.R L i .
dt R R dt

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V L di Voltage Across Inductor:

i . Voltage across inductor may be determine using the equation:
R R dt
Above equation may be rearrange as: v L L.
R di From above equation and equation no. (6)
i R
R d V d V t
v L L. e L
R V dt R dt R
On integrating:- t ln i K
V R t
To find the value of “K”:- vL L. 0 e L
at t = 0 i = I0 = 0 R L
So above equation becomes:-
( 0) ln 0 K K ln R
L R R vL V .e L
So t ln i ln ln If I0 be the initial current then expression of current should
L R R V be:-
V V t
I I0 e L
On taking antilog of the equation we get:-
V Similarly the expression of voltage generated across inductor is
e L R given by:-
V ……..(9)
i e L

Hence the expression for i becomes:

V t
i (1 e L ) ………….(6)

This expression of current contains two parts, first part of the

equation i.e. represents steady state part of current and 1.12 Current Decay in Series R-L Circuit:
second part of the equation represents its transient behavior. Consider at t = 0 -, switch is
at position ‘a’ for very long
The response of the current may be representing as shown in time, thus network reaches its
figure. steady state.
L So in such condition initial
At the time instant where t = , current reaches a value of
R current through inductor will
63.2% of its final value; this value of time is represented by τ be:
and known as time constant of the system. V
i L (0 ) I0 i (0 )
d V t
v L L. 1 e L
dt R
Now at t = 0, switch position changed to ‘b’.
In such condition; from KVL:
di di
L. i.R 0 L. i.R
dt dt

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di R 1.13 Response of Series R-C Circuit:

i L
On integrating:
ln i t K'
L .......(10)
At t = 0; i = initial value of current = I0
so equation no. (10) becomes:-
ln I 0 ( 0) K '
L A series R-C circuit shown in figure. Let the capacitor is
K’= ln I0 initially discharged so in such condition voltage across
On substituting the value of K’ in equation no. (10); we get:- capacitor is zero. At t 0 switch is about to be close but not
R i R fully operating condition. Since initial current passes through
ln i t ln I 0 ln t inductor is zero, so for such condition initial value of current
L I0 L
i.e. v c (0 ) 0 .
Taking antilog :-
R After switching instant, from KVL:
i I 0 .e L V = VR + vC = i.R + vC
t where i C. C
L dt
i .e ….….(11)
R dv
V RC. C vC
(V vC ) RC. C
Above expression of dt
current shows that in such dvC 1
case the current is dt
(V v C ) RC
exponentially decaying in
Integrating both sides of the above equation, we get:
nature. The basic behavior
of current is as shown in t
ln(V vC ) K
figure given below. RC
Now at t = 0; vC = 0 K = ln.V.
So the equation becomes: ln(V vC ) ln V
The Voltage Across Inductor: RC
The voltage across the inductor : t V
di ln
vL L. RC V vC
Taking antilog of the above equation.
d V t t V
L. .e e RC
dt R V vC
R On solving the above equation; we get the expression for
V R t
L. . e L voltage across capacitor as:
vC V [1 e RC ]
t ….....(13)
vL V .e …..(12)
Above is the solution across capacitor, first term in the
equation gives steady state value of voltage across capacitor
The basic behavior of this voltage is as shown in figure. and second term gives transient portion of voltage across
Consider the steady state is achieved, total charge on capacitor
is Q coulombs.
V ;
For q instantaneous charge, then the value of instantaneous
voltage across the capacitor:- vc .

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t Integrating both sides of the equation:
q Q
So from eq. (13) :- 1 e RC t
C C ln vc K ……(16)
t At t = 0, vc = V (initial condition) so the above equation
q Q 1 e RC ……..…(14) becomes: 0 lnV K K lnV
Hence the above eq. (16) may be rewrite as:
Above eq. (14) shows that charge on the capacitor having t
ln vc ln V
similar behavior as voltage across it. RC
Now the expression for current:- t V
t ln
iR V vC vC V [V (1 e RC )] RC vc
V t
i .e vc

…….(15) V vc .e RC ……(17)
In such case there is no source in the circuit, so the discharging
vc V RC
The basic behavior of current i is given by: i .e ...…(18)
voltage and charging
Then variation of this current with respect to time is shown in
current is as shown in
figure. It is clear from the
above equation and figure
that voltage in a RC
network increases

In figure the instant at

t RC ; the voltage across
capacitor becomes 63.2%
of the applied voltage, this
instant is called time
constant of the network
and represented as 1.15 Step Response of Series R-L-C Circuit:

1.14 Discharge of Capacitor:
Consider in shown figure,
switch K is moved from i
position 1 to 2.
Assume that before t = 0,
the capacitor was fully
charged to voltage V and In series R-L-C circuit, there are two energy storing elements
for t 0 it will discharge which represent a second order differential equation.
through the resistor R. A series R-L-C circuit is shown in fig. The switch is closed at
For t 0; from K.V.L:- t = 0, in such case a step voltage of magnitude V gets applied to
0 VR vc the circuit.
where:- VR: voltage across resistor Applying KVL:
vc: voltage across capacitor. di 1
L Ri idt V
The above equation may be rewrite as:- dt C
vc VR i.R Differentiating both sides of the above equation:
dvc dvc d 2i di i
vc R.C. { i C. L R 0
2 dt C
dt dt dt
dt dvc d 2i R di i
RC vc dt 2 L dt LC

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R 1 Assignment in Unit-I(Previous Year Questions )

s2 si i 0 ……..(19)
Q.1 The switch in circuit of figure has been closed for a very
{ s long time. It opens at t = 0. Find Vc (t) for t > 0 using
dt differential equation approach.
Above eq. (19) is called Characteristic or auxiliary equation,
and the response of the circuit depends on the nature of the
roots of this equation.
The general solution of this equation is:

i (t ) K1e s1t K 2 e s 2t
or i (t ) K 1e ( j d )t
……(20)K 2e( j d )t

Q.2 Consider the network shown in figure. The switch is

Where s1 and s2 are the roots of the characteristics equation.
initially closed for a long time. The switch is opened at t = 0.
2 Find differential equation relating iL(t) with V(t) and also
R R 4
2 2 evaluate initial conditions.
L L LC R R 1
2 2L 2L LC

1.16 Complex Frequency:

The complex frequency is denoted by variable s and it is
denoted as: s = σ + jω ……(21)
Where σ real part and called attenuation or growth
constant. It denotes the increment or decrement in amount of
amplitude of the signal.
ω angular frequency.
Let a signal is given as: x(t ) Ae st
Q.3 In the network shown in figure, the switch is in position 1
From eq. (21) x(t ) Ae ( j )t
long enough to establish steady state conditions. At t = 0, the
x(t ) Ae t .e j t switch is moved to position 2. Find the current in the circuit.
Above equation can be modified as: 1
x(t ) Ae t [cos t j sin t ] 2
j 1 ohm
( e cos j sin )
5V 10V
x(t ) Ae t cos t jAe t sin t ..(22) 1H
Eq. (22) shows that a signal can be represented in their real and
imaginary parts as:
Re[ x(t )] Ae t cos t Q.4 Two ramp functions are given by:
F1(t) = mt u(t) and F2 (t) = m (t-a) u(t-a),
Im[x(t )] Ae t sin t where m and n are two slopes (+ve) and m > n. Draw the final
waveform from adding these two functions.

Q.5 Find the current when the voltage applied is

v(t) = 2e-0.5tu(t) and
i(0-) = 0 and vc(0-) = 0

t=0 2 ohm

½F vc

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