Grade 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Grade 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Grade 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Department of Education
Division of Laguna
District of Pangil-Pakil TEACHING DATES AND TIME September 26-30, 2016 QUARTER SECOND
Have the pupils listen to Activity A: Let the pupils repeat what A.Unlocking Difficulties: Let the pupils together with
the poem read by the Beginning Phoneme Pie” the teacher says as the Write the word being named. the teacher read the
teacher and classify the refer to T.G. p. 37. teacher holds two pictures. Choose the words that would poem.Let them answer the
rhyming words . see Refer to “Let’s Learn” on fit in the box…see T.G. p. 42. question after.. see T.G. p.
“Activity A” on T.G. p. 35. L.M. p. 187. B.During Reading Activity: 44., L.M. p. 197.
Read aloud the poem
“Wonderworks” by Dali
D. Discussing new concepts and Soriano
practicing new skills #1 First Reading : Teacher reads
the poem.
Second Reading: Teacher
together with the pupils read
the poem.
Third Reading: Pupils read the
poem.Refer to T.G. p.. 43.
Color the picture that Say : Do “We Can Do It” on L.M. Post Reading Activities: Answer :
rhyme with the word in the Change /h/ to /b/ in p. 188. Comprehension Questions , 1.What are the things that
box . see “Activity B” on Hook what is the new word? see L.M. p. 193. marvels the author?
T.G. p. 35. Change /h/ to /j/ in ham 1.What are the things that 2.Who was the “He” in the
what is the new word? amazed the author? poem?
Change /t/ to /b/ in toy 2.What are the things created 3.What did God created in
E. Discussing new concepts and
what is the new word? by God? Etc… the author’s country?
practicing new skills #2
Change /f/ to /c/ in fat
what is the new word? Etc..see L.M. p. 197.
Change /b/ to /t/ in bag
what is the new word?
Change /w/ to /n/ what is
the new word?
Let the pupils list down / Activity B: Do Activity B: Activity A Read the stories and
classify the rhyming words Create a list of word pairs “Say and Drop” . Group the Let the pupils get a partner answer the following
. .Each word should have a pupils into 5 groups .Give and share and discuss their questions on “We Can Do
difference or just one each group a picture card answer to the questions on It” , L.M. p. 198.
F. Developing mastery
phoneme.For example , use .Let them remove the final numbers 8-10.Encourage
( Leads to formative assessment )
the word pair “hat and cat” . phonemes and match the pupils to give reason and
see T.G. p. 38. new word to a picture. See express their feeings on what
T.G. p. 40. they considered as their
greatest treasure .
G. Finding practical/ applications Work on “I Can Do It” L.M. Do “I Can Do It” on L.M. p. Game : “Simple Simon Activity B: Read the passage and
of concepts and skills in daily p. 182. 185. Says” .Let the pupils write Divide the class into 5 answer the following
living the answer on a piece of groups.Let them make a questions. See L.M. p. 199
paper. survey among members of the , “I Can Do It” .
Say : Simple Simon says group as their most common
change /t/ to /g/ in dot . answer for what they are
What is the new word? See thankful for and what they
T.G. p. 40 “Application” . consider as their greatest gift
.Let the group present their
survey to the class.
H. Making generalizations and Read “Remember This “ Read “Remember This” on What did you do with the Read “Remember This “ on Read “Remember This “
abstractions about the lesson on L.M.p. 181. L. M. p. 184. words ? L.M. p. 194. on L.M. p. 199.
What part of the word have
changed ?
What happens when you
change the last sound of the
Do “Measure My Work on “Measure My Work on “Post Assessment” Read the dialogue and answer Do “Measure my Learning”
Learning” on L.M. p. 182. Learning “ on L.M. p. 186. the following questions on on L.M. p. 200.
I. Evaluating Learning
L.M. p. 195, “Measure my
Learning “ .
J. Additional activities for Read and classify the Change the beginning letter Make a thank you note to God Read the story and answer
application or remediation words that rhyme .Write of the word .Draw and write for all the things He created the following questions.
them in the chart and add the name of the two new and for all the gifts and
three more words ..see T.G. words formed see T.G. p. blessings you received .Write
p. 36. 38. it in the box below.
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
of the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities to
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
material did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?