Christ of Ides 1996
Christ of Ides 1996
Christ of Ides 1996
This article deals with distributed parameter systems described by first-order hyper-
bolic partial differential equations (PDEs), for which the manipulated input, the con-
trolled output, and the measured output are distributed in space. For these systems, a
general output-feedback control methodology is developed employing a combination of
theory of PDEs and concepts ffom geometric control. A concept of characteristic index
is introduced and used for the synthesis of distributed state-feedback laws that guarantee
output tracking in the closed-loop system. Analytical formulas of distributed output-
feedback controllers are derived through combination of appropriate distributed state
observers with the developed state-feedback controllers. Theoretical analogies between
our approach and available results on stabilization of linear hyperbolic PDEs are also
identified. The developed control methodology is implemented on a nonisothermal
plug-flow reactor and its performance is evaluated through simulations.
Chemical engineering processes are inherently nonlinear approach limits the controller performance, and may Iead to
and very frequently involve state variables that change in both unacceptable control quality.
time and space. Representative examples of processes with Motivated by the preceding considerations, significant re-
significant spatial variations include plug-flow reactors (Ray, search efforts have focused on the development of control
19811, countercurrent absorbers-reactors (Rhee et al., 1986), methods for PDE systems that directly account for their spa-
fixed- and fluidized-bed reactors (Stangeland and Foss, 1970; tially distributed nature. Excellent surveys of theoretical as
Ray, 1981; Georgakis et al., 1977). The mathematical models well as application articles on this topic can be found in Balas
of these processes are typically derived from the dynamic (19821, Keulen (19931, and Ray (1978). Initially, systems of
conservation equations and consist of nonlinear partial dif- linear PDEs were considered, for which key system- and con-
ferential equations (PDEs). trol-theoretic properties (e.g., existence and uniqueness of so-
The conventional approach for the control of PDE systems lutions, stability, controllability, and observability) were well-
is based on the spatial discretization of the PDE model fol- understood (Curtain and Pritchard, 1978). The well-known
lowed by the controller design on the basis of the resulting classification of PDE systems to hyperbolic, parabolic, and
(linear or nonlinear) ordinary differential equation (ODE) elliptic (Smoller, 19831, according to the properties of the
model (Sorensen et al., 1980; Dochain et al., 1992; Patward- spatial differential operator, essentially determined the ap-
han et al., 1992). However, there are certain well-known dis- proach followed for the solution of the control problem. Thus,
advantages associated with this approach. For example, fun- for parabolic PDE systems (e.g., diffusion-reaction processes),
damental control-theoretic properties, like controllability and the fact that the system dynamics is practically determined by
observability, which should depend only on the location of a finite number of modes, motivated the use of modal de-
sensors and actuators, may also depend on the discretization composition techniques to derive ODE models that capture
method and the number and location of discretization points the dominant dynamics of the system (Curtain, 1982; Geor-
(Ray, 1981). Moreover, neglecting the infinite-dimensional gakis et al., 1977; Hanczyc and Palazoglu, 1992; Gay and Ray,
nature of the original system may lead to erroneous conclu- 1995); the controller design problem was then addressed us-
sions concerning the stability properties of the open-loop ing methods for linear ODE systems. On the other hand, for
and/or the closed-loop system. Furthermore, in processes hyperbolic PDE systems (e.g., convection-reaction processes),
where the spatially distributed nature is very strong, due to for which a modal decomposition is not possible, alternative
the underlying convection and diffusion phenomena, such an approaches were followed, using mainly optimal control
methods (Wang, 1966; Lo,1973; Balas, 1986) on the basis of
P. D. Christofides is presently at the Dept. of Chemical Engineering, University of
California, Los Angeles, CA 90024. the original infinite-dimensional system, or ODE control
dx dx
-= A - + BX + w ~ ( z ) E
at az
Characteristic Index
In this section, we will introduce the concept of character-
istic index between the output and the input ii for systems
and x,(z) denote some steady-state profile. of the form of Eq. 9, which will allow us to formulate and
Proposition (Smoller, 1983, p' 12'). The system Of Eq'
solve the state-feedback control problem. To reveal the ori-
(with Z = o ) , for which Assumption subject to the gin and illustrate the role of this concept, we consider the
boundary condition of Eq. 2, is locally exponentially if
operation of differentiation of the output yi of the system of
the operator of the linearized system of Eq. 17: Eq. 9 with respect to time, which yields
assume that the following conditions hold: Now, if the scalar e'kwb'(z) is nonzero, we will say that the
A , ( X ) 5 A2(x) 5 ... 5 A,(X) < 0 characteristic index of 7' with respect to ti', denoted by a',is
equal to one. If e'kwb'(z) = 0, the characteristic index is
for all x E X " [ ( a , b ) , RE]. greater than one, and from Eq. 20 we have
In this case, it can be shown (Russell, 1978) that the eigenval- dy' d
ues of the operator of Eq. 18 (Eq. 14) are of the following
-= (
e'k A - + B
dz ) x. (21)
Quasi-linear systems
In this subsection, we consider the synthesis of distributed
output-feedback controllers for systems of the form of Eq. 7.
Given the lack of available general results on state estimation
of such systems, we will proceed with the design of a nonlin-
ear state observer that guarantees local exponential conver-
gence of the state estimates of the actual state values. In par-
ticular, the following state observer will be used to estimate
the state vector of the system in space and time:
(a) Guarantees exponential stability of the closed-loop sys-
(b) Enforces the input/output response of Eq. 27 in the
closed-loop system if x(z, 0) = g ( z , 0).
Remark 11. In the case of open-loop stable systems, a
more convenient way to reconstruct the state of the system is where g denotes the observer state vector and s is a linear
to consider the observer of Eq. 38 with the operator 6 set operator, mapping R' into X", designed on the basis of the
identically equal to zero. This is motivated by the fact that linearization of the system of Eq. 42 so that the eigenvalues
the open-loop stability of the system guarantees the conver- of the operator E, = E - $ Q p ( z ) lie in the left-half plane.
r2 = - k 2 0 e - E f l T t B ,
(a) Guarantees local exponential stability of the closed-loop
where k,,, kzo, E l , E , denote the pre-exponential constants
and the activation energies of the reactions. Under the fol-
(b) Enforces the input/output response of Eq. 27 in the
lowing assumptions:
closed-loop system if x(z, 0) = q(z,O).
Perfect radial mixing in the reactor
In analogy with the linear case, for open-loop stable sys-
Constant volume of the liquor in the reactor
tems, the operator P can be taken to be identically equal to
Constant density and heat capacity of the reacting liquid
zero, since the local exponential stability of the open-loop
Negligible diffusive and dispersive phenomena
system guarantees the local convergence to the estimated val-
the material and energy balances that describe the dynamical
ues to the actual values.
behavior of the process take the following form:
Remark 13. Note that in the case of imperfect initializa-
Mole balance for the species A
tion of the observer states (i.e., ,(z,O) # x(z,O)), although a
slight deterioration of the performance may occur (i.e., the
input/output response of Eq. 27 will not be exactly imposed
in the closed-loop system), the output-feedback controllers of
Theorems 3 and 4 guarantee exponential stability and asymp-
totic output tracking in the closed-loop system. Mole balance for the species B
Remark 14. The nonlinear distributed output feedback
controller of Eq. 43 is an infinite-dimensional one, due to the
infinite-dimensional nature of the observer of Eq. 42. There-
fore, a finite-dimensional approximation of the controller has
to be derived for on-line implementation. This task can be Reactor energy balance
performed utilizing standard discretization techniques such
as finite differences and orthogonal collocation. It is ex-
pected that some performance deterioration will occur in this
case, depending on the discretization method used and the
number and location of discretization points (see the chemi-
cal reactor application presented in the next section). Finally,
we note that it is well established (e.g., Balas, 1986) that as
It is clear that the matrix A ( x ) is a real symmetric and its Figure 4. Specification of the control problem for the
eigenvalues satisfy Eq. 4. Moreover, the three eigenvalues of plug-flow reactor.
A ( x ) are identical, which implies that the preceding system of
quasi-linear PDEs is weakly hyperbolic.
Eq. 48, its characteristic index can be calculated using Defini-
Control problem formulation -Controller synthesis tion 2. In particular, we have that:
In this subsection, we proceed with the formulation and
solution of the control problem. More specifically, it will be
assumed that there are five control actuators that are charac-
terized by a unity distribution function, that is, bi(z)Hi= H i
for all i = 1, . .., 5. The control actuators are taken to act
over equispaced intervals, that is:
m = / 5.0X2(2,t)dZ
Moreover, the eigenvalues of the matrix A ( x ) are negative
y2(t)= / 0.4
5.0x2(z,t ) dz and the boundary conditions are specified in a single point.
Thus, the result of Remark 1 applies directly, yielding that
the system is open-loop stable. Furthermore, it was also veri-
jj(t)= j j 3 ( t ) = / 5.0x2(z,t)dz (47) fied through simulations that the process is minimum-phase.
Therefore, the developed control method can be applied and
the distributed output feedback controller of Theorem 4, with
$= 0, was employed in the simulations (note that due to
I jj5(t)=/
5.0x2(z,t)dz. open-loop stability of the process the controller does not use
measured process outputs). The explicit form of the con-
troller is as follows:
Using these relations, the model that will be used for the
synthesis of the output-feedback controller is given by
-.-0 5 10
0.65; 5 10 15
Time (min.)
Figure 5. Output profiles for a 30% change in reference inputs.
3.5 -
OO 5 10
Time (min.)
Figure 6. Manipulated input profiles for a 30% increase in reference inputs.
7 = 0.707min, 5 = 2.12
- l (-ul)
d f 2 d771
all1 dz
d f 2 d172
d q 2 dz
d f 2 3773
dq3 dz
0 5 10 ,
Time (min.)
Figure 8. Profile of concentration of species B in the
outlet of the reactor, for a 30% increase in ref-
(52) erence inputs.
0 10 20
0.5 .
Time (min.)
Time (min.)
Figure 9. Output profiles for a 30% increase in the reference inputs-discretization-basedcontroller.
lates the output at the new reference input values. The cor- 0.85 -
responding input profiles for each control actuator are
depicted in Figure 6. We observe that the control action,
required by each actuator to drive the corresponding output 0.8'
to the new reference value, increases as we approach the out-
let of the reactor. This is expected, because the amount of
heat required to maintain the reaction rate that yields the 0 10 20 30 40 50
necessary conversion increases along the length of the reac- Time (min.)
tor. Figure 7 shows the evolution of the concentration of Figure 10. Profile of concentration of species 6 in the
species B throughout the reactor, while Figure 8 shows the outlet of reactor, for a 30% increase in the
profile of the concentration of species B at the outlet of the reference inputs-discretization-based con-
reactor. We observe that by using a finite number of control troller.
actuators, we achieve satisfactory control of the output vari-
able C, at all positions and times.
For the sake of comparison, we also consider the control of
the reactor using a controller that was designed on the basis
of a model resulting from discretization of the original PDE
system in space. In particular, the method of finite differ-
ences was used to discretize the original PDE model of Eq. (TO-7)
48 into a set of five (equai to the number of control actua- + ~j UfL, i = 1, ...)5, (53)
tors) ordinary differential equations in time. Subsequently, an
input/output linearizing controller (Kravaris and Arkun,
1991) was designed on the basis of the resulting ODE model. where qi is the steady-state jacket inlet flow rate; ";i is the
The corresponding output profiles are shown in Figure 9, jacket volume; pi, cpj,are the density and heat capacity of the
while Figure 10 shows the profile of the concentration of fluid in the jacket; T,b is the temperature of the inlet stream
species B in the outlet of the reactor. It is clear that this to a jacket; and uil is the jacket inlet flow rate (chosen as the
controller leads to poor performance, because it does not ex- new manipulated input) in deviation variable form. Request-
plicitly take into account the spatially varying nature of the ing a first-order response of the form:
dT.' . ,
rectly. In practice, the jacket temperature is usually manipu- The parameter yjc should be chosen such that the response
lated indirectly through the jacket inlet flow rate. This can be of Eq. 54 is sufficiently fast compared to the response of Eq.
achieved in a straightforward way by designing a controller to 50, while estimates of T$z, t ) can be obtained from the state
ensure that the jacket temperature obtains the values re- observer of Eq. 51.
quested by the distributed controller of Eq. 51. The performance of the control scheme resulting from the
Specifically, under the assumption of perfect mixing and combination of this controller with the distributed controller
constant volume, the dynamic model of the jacket takes the of Eq. 51 was evaluated through simulations on the plug-flow
form reactor. The values used for the parameters and the steady-
"."0 5 10 15 20 25
0 5 10 15 20
20 5 10 15 5
Time (min.)
Figure 11. Output profiles for a 30% change in reference inputs-jacket inlet flow rates are used as the manipulated
Time (min.)
Figure 12. Profiles of jacket inlet flow rates for a 30% increase in reference inputs.
Proof of Proposition 2 X u-ekx- C y v e k
Consider the closed-loop system of Eq. 26. Differentiating
the output of this system with respect to time, we obtain the f = ekx. (A31
following set of equations:
( d
e k A-+B++b(z)S
= (
dz )
dt * 3.2
= ~ k ( A ~ +dB ) u x + C ! k ( A ~d + B ) L T - l w b ( z )
Proof of Theorem 3
Part I: StabilityAnabsis. Substituting the controller of Eq.
where 39 in the system of Eq. 9, we have:
X u-C?Eoc- C y,ek
Proof of Theorem 4
Part 1: Stability Analysis. Substituting the controller of Eq.
43 in the system of Eq. 7, we have:
Substituting the preceding relation into Eq. 27, one can easily
show that the result of the theorem holds.
Since the characteristic index between f and u is u ,a differ-
entiation of the output of the system of Eq. A22 yields the Manuscript receiued July 7, 1995 and reuision received Mar. 1, 1996.