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Basic English Grammar

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Complete guide! Its such a excellent read through. It is full of wisdom and knowledge I am very happy
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(Mr . Rona ldo K ula s)

DOHLMDH68KDE » Doc # Basic English Grammar


To download B a sic Eng lish Gr a m m a r eBook, please refer to the web link under and save the ebook or have
accessibility to other information that are relevant to BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR ebook.

HairySun, United States, 2014. Paperback. Book Condition: New. 246 x 189 mm. Language: English . Brand New
Book ***** Print on Demand *****.Celebrating a decade as the definitive go-to book for students and teachers
alike, Basic English Grammar is a handy reference for anyone who is learning or teaching English. Presented in
an easy-to-use format, the book explains the fundamentals of English grammar and then shows the reader
how to use them. Designed to build confidence and e ectiveness in the use of English, Basic English Grammar
will help new students, and refresh experienced students with its simple but e ective approach. It is also an
essential tool for small and large organisations that value e ective communication. Special areas of attention
include: * parts of speech, verb tenses and irregular verbs * phrases and clauses and sentence structure * direct
and indirect speech * punctuation and contractions * the major forms of written communication * the basic
rules of editing About the author: A er applying the rules of grammar in the business world for over 30 years,
Annette Harrison graduated from a TESOL course (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) in 1996.
She noticed a lack of easy-to-understand English grammar guides so she started to write her own notes for her
students - the early stages of this book. Annette teaches ESL (English as a Second Language) in the community;
helps international students gain a higher IELTS score; and she teaches on a TESOL course regularly. She also
teaches English grammar in the community - helping businesses with e ective communication, primary and
high school teachers, and high school students struggling with their writing.

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