0 - BME-OCW For Physics II For Biomedical Engineering
0 - BME-OCW For Physics II For Biomedical Engineering
0 - BME-OCW For Physics II For Biomedical Engineering
Department of Physics
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Exposure to the physics of materials that are applied in modern electronic circuitry,
storage devices.
Use of insulators and magnetic materials in modern electrical circuitry and storage
The inability of direct measurement technique in quantum mechanics and role of operators
The need of suitable theoretical methods to explain electron transport in all types of
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CO-PO Mapping:
CO PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
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Department of Physics
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Department of Physics
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Dielectrics are non-metals with high specific resistance and negative temperature
coefficients. Examples are air, mica, paraffin, glass etc.
Every electron of the dielectric material are bound to its parent molecule due to
which they can be affected by applied electric field.
Dielectrics are of two types- Polar molecules and Non-polar molecules.
Polar molecules: Centre of gravity of positive charges does not coincide with the
negative charges due to which permanent dipole are constituted. Examples are
HCL, H2O, NH3, etc.
Non-Polar molecules: Centre of gravity of positive charges exactly coincides with
that of the negative charges results in no dipole moment. Examples are H 2, O2, CO2,
When a non-polar dielectric is placed in an electric field, the centres of the positive
and negative charges are displaced from their equilibrium positions by a short
distance. The separation of the positive and negative charges continues till the force
on either of them due to electric field is completely balanced by the internal forces
due to their relative displacement. A dipole moment is induced in the molecules in
the direction of the applied electric field. Then the material is said to be polarized.
So, polarization can be defined as the dipole moment developed per unit volume of
the material.
The relation between polarization P , electric displacement vector D and electric
field E is
D = ε0E + P, where ε0 is the permittivity of the free
If the strength of the applied electric field E is increased, then the dipole moment P
also increases, i.e., P = αE, where α is known as the polarizability and can be
defined as the dipole moment induced per unit electric field.
JIS College of Engineering (An Autonomous Institute)
Narula Institute of Technology (An Autonomous Institute)
Gurunanak Institute of Technology (An Autonomous Institute)
Department of Physics
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In an ionic compound if an external electric field is applied, the positive and
negative ions are displaced results in ionic polarization.
Orientational polarization occurs in the polar molecules due to the orientation of
dipoles along the applied external electric field.
The dipolar or oriental polarizability is inversely proportional to the absolute
temperature of the dielectric.
The polarizability arising due to the accumulation of charges at the electrodes or at
the interfaces in a multiphase material is known as space charge polarization.
In solids and liquids the distance between the molecules is small, so the dipoles are
not interacted by only external electric field but also with the fields created by the
dipoles of other particles. The actual field Ea seen by a dipole is thus different from
the externally applied field E, this field Ea is called internal electric field.
In the materials like diamond, silicon, germanium and carbon, the polarization is
only due to the electronic polarization as all the atoms are alike and there is no ions
or permanent dipoles in these materials.
So, polarization can be written as
Na e E
Na e ……………………….. (1)
3e 0
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The centres of positive and negative charges of the material do not coincide with
each other even in the absence of electric field.
In ferroelectrics, the polarization can be changed and even reversed by an external
electric field.
The polarization does not vary linearly with applied electric field rather forms a
hysteresis loop.
Ferroelectric material shows piezoelectric and pyroelectric properties below
transition temperature.
Those materials in which the electric potential is generated due to the application of
some kind of mechanical stress are called as piezoelectric materials. Examples are
Rochelle salt, tourmaline etc.
If a material (crystal) becomes strained due to the application of electric Voltage (stress),
then the effect is said to be inverse piezoelectric effect.
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1. The radius of an argon gas atom is 10-10m. Calculate the electronic polarizability
of the atom.[Ans; 1.11X10-40Fm2]
2. For a certain gas molecule, the permanent dipole moment is 1.35 Debye unit.
Calculate the orientationalpolarisability at room temperature.[Ans; 4.5X 10-
3. Starting from Clausius-Mosotti relation explain the origin of spontaneous
4. The relative permittivity and square of refractive index of a dielectric material
are 4.94 and 2.69 respectively. Find the ratio between electronic and ionic
polarizabilities of the material. [Ans; 1.739]
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several other types of magnetism. Paramagnetic substances such as aluminum and oxygen
are weakly attracted to an applied magnetic field; diamagnetic substances such as copper
and carbon are weakly repelled; while antiferromagnetic materials such as chromium and
spin glasses have a more complex relationship with a magnetic field. The force of a magnet
on paramagnetic, diamagnetic, antiferromagnetic materials is usually too weak to be felt,
and can be detected only by laboratory instruments, so in everyday life these substances are
often described as non-magnetic.
The magnetic state (or magnetic phase) of a material depends on temperature and other
variables such as pressure and the applied magnetic field. A material may exhibit more than
one form of magnetism as these variables change.
Sources of magnetism
Magnetism, at its root, arises from two sources:
1. Electric current
2. Spin magnetic moments of elementary particles. The magnetic moments of the
nuclei of atoms are typically thousands of times smaller than the electrons' magnetic
moments, so they are negligible in the context of the magnetization of materials.
Nuclear magnetic moments are nevertheless very important in other contexts,
particularly in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and magnetic resonance imaging
Ordinarily, the enormous number of electrons in a material is arranged such that their
magnetic moments (both orbital and intrinsic) cancel out. This is due, to some extent, to
electrons combining into pairs with opposite intrinsic magnetic moments as a result of
the Pauli exclusion principle (see electron configuration), or combining into filled
subshells with zero net orbital motion. In both cases, the electron arrangement is so as
to exactly cancel the magnetic moments from each electron. Moreover, even when the
electron configurationis such that there are unpaired electrons and/or non-filled
subshells, it is often the case that the various electrons in the solid will contribute
magnetic moments that point in different, random directions, so that the material will
not be magnetic.
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Department of Physics
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In a material, B = μ0 ( H M)
The quantity μ0 M is called magnetic polarization.
H and M will have the same units, amperes/meter. To further distinguish B from H, B is
sometimes called the magnetic flux density or the magnetic induction. The quantity M in
these relationships is called the magnetization of the material.
In classical electromagnetism, magnetization or magnetic polarization is the vector
field that expresses the density of permanent or induced magnetic dipole moments
in a magnetic material.
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1.02.3 BohrMagneton
In atomic physics, the Bohr magneton (symbol μB) is a physical constant and the natural
unit for expressing the magnetic moment of an electron caused by either its orbital or spin
angular momentum.
The Bohr magneton is defined in SI unitsby
e is the elementary charge
Me is the rest mass
c is the speed of light
ħis the reduced Planck constant
Bohr Magneton is defined as the magnetic dipole moment associated with an atom
due to the orbital motion of an electron revolving in the first orbit of hydrogen
1.02.3 Susceptibility
Magnetic susceptibility shows the degree of magnetization of a material in presence of
magnetic field
M=mH ,m is called the magnetic susceptibility
M is magnetisation
H is magnetic fields
Diamagnetic materials have a weak, negative susceptibility to magnetic fields.
Paramagnetic materials have a small, positive susceptibility to magnetic fields.
Ferromagnetic materials have a large, positive susceptibility to an external magnetic field.
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Fig 1.1
Fig 1.2
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This class of materials, some of the atoms or ions in the material have a net
magnetic moment due to unpaired electrons in partially filled orbitals. One of the
most important atoms with unpaired electrons is iron. However, the individual
magnetic moments do not interact magnetically, and like diamagnetism, the
magnetization is zero when the field is removed. In the presence of a field, there is
now a partial alignment of the atomic magnetic moments in the direction of the
field, resulting in a net positive magnetization and positive susceptibility.
1.02.5 Paramagnetism - Curie law
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Fig 1.3
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Weiss postulated that mutual interaction between the magnetic moments keeps them
parallel and aligned together subscribing this to an internal field. This extra field is called
Weiss molecular field, Hw plays a crucial in keeping the moments aligned in one direction.
Hw is expressed as a product of magnetization with a molecular field constant , a
characteristic of the material. Hence, this internal field can be expressed as
Hi = H + Hw = H + M
Now, for a ferromagnetic material, we need to replace H with Hi
Or, =
Or, =
Where, Tc =C and has a unit of temperature and is called as Curie temperature. This is
called Curie Weiss Law.
Fig 1.4
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The figure above shows that while Ms starts dropping at TC and then dies off slowly
as there is a divergence in 1/χ at θ in the paramagnetic region and is a signature of a
phase transition to a spontaneously ordered phase. A positive value of T C indicates
that molecular field is acting in the same direction as of applied field and acts to
align the magnetic moments parallel to each other, as should be the case with a
ferromagnetic material.
However, in real picture as later physicists pointed out, the origin of Weiss
molecular field is the exchange interaction as a consequence of the Pauli’s
exclusion principle and the Coulomb interaction between electrons. For instance, in
case of two electrons, electrons can arrange themselves parallel or antiparallel. If
parallel, Pauli’s exclusion principle requires them to remain far apart and if
antiparallel, the electrons may come closer together and their wave functions
overlap considerably. Hence, the electrostatic energy of an electron system is
governed by the relative orientation of the spins and the difference in energy defines
the exchange energy. For transition element materials like iron, nickel and cobalt,
the exchange energy is minimum for parallel spin configuration while for certain
other materials like MnO and various other ferrites, exchange energy (actually
super-exchange energy) is minimum when the spins are arranged in antiparallel
fashion and these materials are called antiferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic materials
which we will discuss in the following sections.
The exchange interaction is of short range, thus only nearest neighbor atoms
produce the molecular field. The magnitude of this exchange or molecular field can
be worked out by equating the exchange energy (μ BHW) with thermal energy, kT at
TC, i.e. HW = (kTC/μB) which turns to be of the order of about 1 kilo-tesla which is
quite large a field, and not even found in the best of machines.
1.02.6 Concept of θp
In physics and materials science, the Curie temperature, or Curie point, is the
temperature at which certain materials lose their permanent magnetic properties, to be
replaced by induced magnetism.
The Curie temperature is an essential temperature for a ferromagnetic material. For
example, if a ferromagnetic material has a temperature under its Curie temperature, then
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the material has a net spontaneous magnetization, which means that the material becomes
ferromagnetic, or magnetic. If a ferromagnetic material has a temperature over its Curie
temperature, then the material becomes paramagnetic, or does not become a magnet.
The Curie temperature of iron is 1043 K. Even sources copyrighted before the year 1984
had the Curie temperature of iron to be the same number as more current sources. When the
temperature of iron is at the Curie temperature or higher, then the iron becomes
paramagnetic and when the temperature of iron is below the Curie temperature, then it is
ferromagnetic. Each element has its own Curie temperature. For example, the Curie
temperature of iron is different from that of Cobalt or Nickel.
1.2.7 Hysteresis
When a ferromagnetic material is magnetized in one direction, it will not relax
back to zero magnetization when the imposed magnetizing field is removed. It
must be driven back to zero by a field in the opposite direction. If an alternating
magnetic field is applied to the material, its magnetization will trace out a loop
called a hysteresis loop. The lack of retraceability of the magnetization curve is the
property called hysteresis and it is related to the existence of magnetic domains in
the material. Once the magnetic domains are reoriented, it takes some energy to
turn them back again. This property of ferrromagnetic materials is useful as a
magnetic "memory". Some compositions of ferromagnetic materials will retain an
imposed magnetization indefinitely and are useful as "permanent magnets". The
magnetic memory aspects of iron and chromium oxides make them useful in audio
tape recording and for the magnetic storage of data on computer disks.
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Fig 1.5
hysteresis Loss
Due to hysteresis (i.e., during a cyclic process of magnetization and
demagnetization) there is always some loss of energy and this loss of energy per
unit volume per cycle of magnetization is called hysteresis loss.
This is w =
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ferromagnetic substances, e.g., soft iron. Such materials are used for making
Ferromagnetic materials can be divided into magnetically "soft" materials like
annealediron, which can be magnetized but do not tend to stay magnetized, and
magnetically "hard" materials, which do. Permanent magnets are made from
"hard" ferromagnetic materials such as alnico and ferrite that are subjected to
special processing in a strong magnetic field during manufacture to align their
internal microcrystallinestructure, making them very hard to demagnetize. To
demagnetize a saturated magnet, a certain magnetic field must be applied, and this
threshold depends on coercivity of the respective material. "Hard" materials have
high coercivity, whereas "soft" materials have low coercivity.
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A magnetic core is a piece of magnetic material with a high magnetic permeability used to
confine and guide magnetic fields in electrical, electromechanical and magnetic devices
such as electromagnets, transformers, electric motors, generators, inductors, magnetic
recording heads, and magnetic assemblies. It is made of ferromagnetic metal such as iron,
or ferrimagnetic compounds such as ferrites. The high permeability, relative to the
surrounding air, causes the magnetic field lines to be concentrated in the core material. The
magnetic field is often created by a current-carrying coil of wire around the core. The
presence of the core can increase the magnetic field of a coil by a factor of several thousand
over what it would be without the core.
The use of a magnetic core can enormously concentrate the strength and increase the effect
of magnetic fields produced by electric currents and permanent magnets. The properties of
a device will depend crucially on the following factors:
thegeometry of the magnetic core.
the amount of air gap in the magnetic circuit.
the properties of the core material (especially permeability and hysteresis).
theoperating temperature of the core.
whether the core is laminated to reduce eddy currents.
In many applications it is undesirable for the core to retain magnetization when the applied
field is removed. This property, called hysteresis can cause energy losses in applications
such as transformers. Therefore, "soft" magnetic materials with low hysteresis, such as
silicon steel, rather than the "hard" magnetic materials used for permanent magnets, are
usually used in cores.
Permalloy is a nickel–iron magnetic alloy, with about 80% nickel and 20% iron content. It
is notable for its very high magnetic permeability, which makes it useful as a magnetic core
material in electrical and electronic equipment, and also in magnetic shielding to block
magnetic fields. Commercial permalloy alloys typically have relative permeability of
around 100,000, compared to several thousand for ordinary steel.[2]
Ferrite is a type of ceramic compound composed of iron(III) oxide (Fe2O3) combined
chemically with one or more additional metallicelements. They are both electrically
nonconductive and ferrimagnetic, meaning they can be magnetized or attracted to a
magnet. Ferrites can be divided into two families based on their magnetic coercivity, their
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resistance to being demagnetized. Hard ferrites have high coercivity, hence they are
difficult to demagnetize. They are used to make magnets, for devices such as refrigerator
magnets, loudspeakers and small electric motors. Soft ferrites have low coercivity. They are
used in the electronics industry to make ferrite cores for inductors and transformers, and in
various microwave components. Ferrite compounds have extremely low cost, being made
of iron oxide (i.e. rusted iron), and also have excellent corrosion resistance. They are very
stable and difficult to demagnetize, and can be made with both high and low coercive
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cooling, but dropped suddenly at 4.2 K, and became undetectably small. Soon after this
discovery, many other elemental metals were found to exhibit zero resistance when their
temperatures were lowered below a certain characteristic temperature of the material,
called the critical temperature, Tc, some of which are given in Figure 2
Fig 1.6
Resistivity of superconductor
Fig 1.7
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High magnetic fields destroy superconductivity and restore the normal conducting state.
Depending on the character of this transition, we may distinguish between type I and II
superconductors. The graph shown in Figure 4 illustrates the internal magnetic field
strength, H, with increasing applied magnetic field. It is found that the internal field is zero
(as expected from the Meissner effect) until a critical magnetic field, Hc, is reached where
a sudden transition to the normal state occurs. This results in the penetration of the applied
field into the interior. Superconductors that undergo this abrupt transition to the normal
state above a critical magnetic field are known as type I superconductors. Most of the pure
elements in Figure 2 tend to be type I superconductors. Type II superconductors, on the
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attractive force exists between electrons. In typical Type I superconductors, this force is
due to Coulomb attraction between the electron and the crystal lattice. An electron in the
lattice will cause a slight increase in positive charges around it. This increase in positive
charge will, in turn, attract another electron. These two electrons are known as a Cooper
pair. If the energy required to bind these electrons together is less than the energy from the
thermal vibrations of the lattice attempting to break them apart, the pair will remain bound.
This explains (roughly) why superconductivity requires low temperatures- the thermal
vibration of the lattice must be small enough to allow the forming of Cooper pairs. In a
superconductor, the current is made up of these Cooper pairs, rather than individual
electrons. Cooper pairs are formed by Coulomb interactions with the crystal lattice. This is
also what overcomes resistance. An electron inside the lattice causes a slight increase of
positive charge due to Coulomb attraction. As the Cooper pair flows, the leading electron
causes this increase of charge, and the trailing electron is attracted by it. This is illustrated
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Ceramic materials are expected to be insulators -- certainly not superconductors, but that is
just what Georg Bednorz and Alex Muller found when they studied the conductivity of a
lanthanum-barium-copper oxide ceramic in 1986. Its critical temperature of 30 K was the
highest which had been measured to date, but their discovery started a surge of activity
which discovered superconducting behavior as high as 125 K. The following table shows
some high temp superconductors.
Fig 1.10
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Text Book: Principles of Engineering Physics Vol 1 and Vol 2; by Md. N. Khan and S.
Panigrahi, Pub: Cambridge Univ. press
The mechanical longitudinal waves can be generated in all the three forms of matter,
namely solid, liquid and gas. These waves can be divided roughly into the following
classes according to their frequency as shown below:
Do you know??
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What is ultrasonic??
• The word ultrasoniccombines the Latin roots ultra, meaning ‘beyond’ and sonic, or
• The sound waves having frequencies above the audible range i.e. above 20000Hz
are called ultrasonic waves.
• Generally these waves are called as high frequency waves.
• The field of ultrasonic has applications for imaging, detection and navigation.
• The broad sectors of society that regularly apply ultrasonic technology are the
medical community, industry, and the military and private citizens.
Magnetostriction oscillator
Piezoelectric generator or oscillator
Magnetostriction Oscillator
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When a ferromagnetic rod like iron or nickel is placed in a magnetic field parallel to its
length, the rod experiences a small change in its length. This is called magnetostricion
The change in length (increase or decrease) produced in the rod depends upon the
strength of the magnetic field, the nature of the materials and is independent of the
direction of the magnetic field applied.
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1. XY is a rod of ferromagnetic materials like iron or nickel. The rod is clamped in the
3. The coil L1 wound on the right hand portion of the rod along with a variable capacitor C.
3. This forms the resonant circuit of the collector tuned oscillator. The frequency of
oscillator is controlled by the variable capacitor.
4. The coil L2 wound on the left hand portion of the rod is connected to the base
circuit. The coil L2 acts as feed –back loop.
• When High Tension (H.T) battery is switched on, the collector circuit oscillates
with a frequency,
f= [Where L=L1]
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• The capacitor C is adjusted so that the frequency of the oscillatory circuit is equal to
natural frequency of the rod and thus resonance takes plate.
• Now the rod vibrates longitudinally with maximum amplitude and generates
ultrasonic waves of high frequency from its ends.
Now what are the advantages and disadvantages of this magnetostriction oscillator??
1.The design of this oscillator is very simple and its production cost is low.
2. At low ultrasonic frequencies, the large power output can be produced without the risk of
damage of the oscillatory circuit.
1. It has low upper frequency limit and cannot generate ultrasonic frequency
above 3000 kHz (i.e. 3MHz).
Now it is time to discuss about the piezo-electric method to produce ultrasonic wave
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• The plates are connected to the primary (L3) of a transformer which is inductively
coupled to the electronics oscillator.
• The coils L1 and L2 of oscillator circuit are taken from the secondary of a
transformer T.
• The coil L1 and variable capacitor C1 form the tank circuit of the oscillator.
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Working principle:
• When H.T. battery is switched on, the oscillator produces high frequency alternating
voltages with a frequency.
f= [L=L1, C=C1]
• Due to the transformer action, an oscillatory e.m.f. is induced in the coil L3. This
high frequency alternating voltages are fed on the plates A and B.
• Inverse piezo-electric effect takes place and the crystal contracts and expands
alternatively. The crystal is set into mechanical vibrations.
n= [where P = 1,2,3,4 … etc. For fundamental, first over tone, second over
tone etc.,
• The variable condenser C1 is adjusted such that the frequency of the applied AC
voltage is equal to the natural frequency of the quartz crystal, and thus resonance
takes place.
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Points to be remembered:
What are the advantages and disadvantages of this piezo electric oscillator??
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1. Ultrasonic frequencies as high as 5 x 10 8Hz or 500 MHz can be obtained with this
Since ultrasonic waves are beyond human audible range, we human being can not directly
detect them. However ,ultrasonic waves propagated through a medium can be detected in a
number of ways. Some of the methods employed are as follows:
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Do you know how can you measure the velocity of ultrasonic waves in liquids??
When ultrasonic waves are passed through a liquid, the density of the liquid varies layer by
layer due to the variation in pressure and hence the liquid will act as a diffraction grating,
so called acoustic grating. Under this condition, when a monochromatic source of light is
passed through the acoustical grating, the light gets diffracted. Then, by using the condition
for diffraction, the velocity of ultrasonic waves can be determined.
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The liquid is taken in a glass cell. The Piezo-electric crystal is fixed at one side of the wall
inside the cell and ultrasonic waves are generated. The waves travelling from the crystal get
reflected by the reflector placed at the opposite wall. The reflected waves get superimposed
with the incident waves producing longitudinal standing wave pattern called acoustic
If light from a laser source such as He-Ne or diode laser is allowed to pass through the
liquid in a direction perpendicular to the grating, diffraction takes place and one can
observe the higher order diffraction patterns on the screen. The angle between the direct ray
and the diffracted rays of different orders (θm) can be calculated easily.
d sin θm = m λ -----(1)
Knowing n, θm and λ, the value of d can be calculated from eqn. (1). If λa is the wavelength
of the ultrasonic waves through the medium, then
d = λa/2
λa = 2d -------(2)
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If the resonant frequency of the Piezo-electric oscillator isn, then the velocity of ultrasonic
wave is given by
v = n λa = 2nd .......(3)
This method is useful in measuring the velocity of ultrasonic waves through liquids and
gases at various temperatures. From these measurements, many parameters of the liquid
such as free volume, compressibility, etc., can be calculated.
2.07: The chapter will remain incomplete without discussing the application part:
1. Medical applications
2. Engineering applications
Medical applications:
Ultrasonic waves have a large number of applications in the field of medicine. Some of the
important applications are as follows.
A sonogram ,also known as an ultrasound in layman language,is acomputerised picture
taken by bouncing sound waves off organs and and other interior body parts.a transducer is
used to produce the ultrasonic wave here.
Sonar is simply making use of an echo. When an animal or machine makes a noise, it sends
sound waves into the environment around it. Those waves bounce off nearby objects, and
some of them reflect back to the object that made the noise. It's those reflected sound waves
that you hear when your voice echoes back to you from a canyon. Whales and specialized
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machines can use reflected waves to locate distant objects and sense their shape and
The range of low-frequency sonar is remarkable. Dolphins and whales can tell the
difference between objects as small as a BB pellet from 50 feet (15 meters) away, and they
use sonar much more than sight to find their food, families, and direction. The LFA sonar
being tested by the military can travel thousands of miles, and could cover 80% of the
earth's oceans by broadcasting from only four points. The frequency that both whales and
the military use falls between 100 and 500 Hz. Whales send signals out between 160 and
190 Db, the Navy has tested its sonar signals at levels up to 235 Db.
Applications of sonar
Applications in engineering
Ultrasonic Testing (UT) uses high frequency sound energy to conduct examinations and
make measurements. Ultrasonic inspection can be used for flaw detection/evaluation,
dimensional measurements, material characterization, and more. To illustrate the general
inspection principle, a typical pulse/echo inspection configuration as illustrated below will
be used.
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Ultrasonic Inspection is a very useful and versatile NDT method. Some of the advantages
of ultrasonic inspection that are often cited include:
As with all NDT methods, ultrasonic inspection also has its limitations, which include:
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The above introduction provides a simplified introduction to the NDT method of ultrasonic
testing. However, to effectively perform an inspection using ultrasonic, much more about
the method needs to be known. The following pages present information on the science
involved in ultrasonic inspection, the equipment that is commonly used, some of the
measurement techniques used, as well as other information.
Method of NDT
What is cavitation??
Cavitation is the formation of vapor cavities in a liquid – i.e. small liquid-free zones
("bubbles" or "voids") – that are the consequence of forces acting upon the liquid.
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molecule degradation, etc.). At the same time, streaming currents, extremely fast micro-jets
(~ 500 m/sec) and enormous shear forces are generated in the cavitation filed, promoting a
wide range of physical (mechanical) effects (e.g., emulsification,
particle fragmentation, cell disruption, homogenization, dispersing, degassing, etc.).
Under the right conditions, cavitation events can even create light - this effect is
called sonoluminescense.
While purely chemical effects of ultrasonic cavitation intensify somewhat with frequency,
the mechanical action has a strong and opposite frequency dependence. Industrial
ultrasonic processors designed to introduce strong shear forces into the treated liquids,
therefore, tend to operate at the lower edge of the ultrasonic spectrum (~ 20 kHz).
An (oversimplified) explanation of the underlying mechanism
The underlying principle of the cavitation cloud formation can be explained using the
following example. Consider what happens to the liquid in a half-filled closed syringe after
a plunger is pulled back . Since the volume in the syringe increases, the liquid is stretched
and will rip apart at any imperfections it may contain (specks of dust, gas bubbles, etc.),
forming low-pressure voids. If the plunger is released, it returns to its original position on
its own, and the voids collapse. If the plunger is pushed back instead of just being released,
the intensity of the collapse increases. Note that during this "implosion", the walls of the
void bubbles travel much faster than the plunger does.
This effect requires the plunger to make a tight seal with the walls of the syringe. In an
open container, the liquid from outside of the area under the plunger would simply fill the
voids before they could be formed. In the case of an ultrasonic horn vibrating at 20,000
times per second , however, the liquid does not have time to flow into the area. This
situation, therefore, to some extent resembles that of the plunger in the syringe, and the
cavitation cloud (with much smaller vacuum bubbles) is formed.
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The cavitation bubble dynamics, schematically presented in the above figure, shows the
growth and asymmetric collapse of the low-pressure cavity, resulting in a micro-jet.
Bubble oscillation that takes place simultaneously with its growth is not shown. As the
bubble oscillates and grows, it draws the vapor of the surrounding liquid into its interior,
along with any dissolved gasses. This process is called "rectified diffusion". The pressure
in the bubble remains relatively low, which helps its final implosion. During the final stage
of implosion, the speed of the bubble's wall can exceed the speed of sound in its gaseous
interior. This creates a shock wave (similar to that created by an airplane when it
crosses the sound barrier) in the bubble, breaking it up into tiny fragments, which
subsequently become inception points for further cavitation events.
The last application we will discuss here is measurement of gauge by the application of
ultrasonic wave
The use of Ultrasonic non-destructive testing (NDT) to check material properties such as
thickness measurement, is now extensively used in all facets of industry. The ability to
gauge thickness measurement without requiring access to both sides of the test piece, offers
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this technology a multitude of possible applications. Metals, plastics, ceramics, glass and
other materials can easily be measured by portable ultrasonic thickness gauges with a
common accuracy of.001”.
Ultrasonic thickness gauges measure the thickness of a part by measuring the time sound
travels from the transducer through the material to the back end of a part, and then
measures the time of reflection back to the transducer. The gauge then calculates the
thickness based on the velocity of sound through the material being tested.
The direct contact method of pulse/echo type ultrasonic thickness gauges requires use of a
couplant. Propylene Glycol is common, but many other substances can be used.
Easy to configure and use, many gauges today have the ability to retain memory, output to
printers, PC’s, and handheld portable devices. With the combination of an easy menu driven
gauge and the data in memory, technician/operators have a world of technology at their
fingertips to obtain highly accurate and cost effective measurements for all types of
thickness applications.
Infrasound is sound which extends below the range of human hearing (from 20 Hz down to
0.001 Hz), and it emits from many natural and man-made sources.
1. For example, some animals, such as whales, elephants and giraffes communicate using
infrasound over long distances.
3. Some sources of man-made infrasound are nuclear and chemical explosions, engines,
machinery and airplanes (Figure 13).
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4. Infrasonic waves propagate with very little attenuation and hence are capable of
propagating over great distances.
5. The infrasound spectrum is filled with energetic sources and distinguishing between
these sources is important since their identification influences the decisions regarding the
6. Figure 13 illustrates the many sources of infrasonic waves and figure 2 shows the
characteristics periods and wavelength scale for each type of infrasonic wave source.
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• For wave generation, the NE 555 IC can be used in Astable mode in order to obtain
fixed frequency square waves.
• In this mode, the 555 timer puts out a continuous stream of rectangular pulses
having a specified frequency. Resistor R1 is connected between VCC and the
discharge pin (pin 7) and resistance R2 between the discharge pin (pin 7), and the
trigger (pin 2) and threshold (pin 6) pins that share a common node.
• Hence the capacitor is charged through R1 and R2, and discharged only through R2,
since pin 7 has low impedance to ground during output low intervals of the cycle,
therefore discharging the capacitor in the Astable mode, the frequency of the pulse
stream depends on the values of R1, R2 and C; as seen from the formula below:
f=1/ (ln
(2)*C*(R1+2R2)) (1)
f = frequency in Hertz
C=capacitance in farads
R1, R2 = respective resistances in ohms
D= (R1+R2)/ (R1+2R2) (2)
D= Duty Cycle
R1, R2 = resistances in ohms
The output obtained when making use of the 555 circuit is a square wave of a particular
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duty cycle (which can be calculated using (2)) and frequency (1) as shown in the upper
waveform of figure 4.1.
• Another method of generation would involve the use of oscillators to produce a sine
wave output of the required frequency.
• In both analog and digital domains, a variety of approaches and techniques exist to
generate sine wave output.
• A phase shift oscillator using RC can be used in cost-sensitive applications.
• The transient state of the circuit is short and it has small starting and settling times.
• If low distortion and high precision is a requirement for the application, one can
also make use the Wein bridge oscillator circuit which is shown below.
• The Wein Bridge Oscillator is considered due to its stability and low
distortion as well as the ease with which it can be tuned.
• The circuit involves the use of operational amplifier with feedback to both inputs.
• The inverting input terminal is connected to the output providing negative feedback
via the resistor divider network of R2 (R1) and R4 (Rf) which allows us to control
the gain of the amplifier precisely (closed loop).
• The non-inverting input terminal is connected to the output to provide positive
feedback using the RC Wien Bridge.
• At the elected resonant frequency, (f) the voltages applied to the inverting and non-
inverting inputs will be equal and “in-phase” which leads to oscillations
• . For sustained oscillations, the gain of the amplifier must be selected to be greater
than or equal to three. The gain is set using resistances R1 and Rf. The frequency of
oscillations for the Wein bridge oscillator is given as:
f = 1/
(2*∏*R*C) (3)
f= frequency of output wave in Hertz R= Resistance in ohms
C= Capacitance in Farads
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The wave generated in such a manner is not of a sufficient decibel level (irrespective of
duty cycle) and must be amplified using a high fidelity audio amplifier
Fig 2.11
Do you know???
It has been witnessed that in jungles, carnivorous beasts like tigers and lions are able
to generate sounds at infrasound levels. Herbivorous animals are able to sense these
signals especially when these carnivorous animals are too close to them. The generated
infrasound vibrations produce serious impact over these poor herbivorous animals –
they freeze with fear and are just not able to move an inch. This makes them like
sitting ducks and they are instantly grabbed by the deadly beasts.
3.01: Electron Optics: Operation and application of CRT, Physics of Liquid crystal
display (LCD), LED, Plasma display, Thin film transistor display. 4L
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3 7 What is In medical
computed purpose
3 9 Radio activity
Present day computer technology is going to see major advances in sophisticated 3-D
modelling and image processing; Even graphics capabilities would be available to the
average user at a reasonable cost. To make this, an ultra high resolution monitors will be
required. There are different display systems like cathode ray tubes (CRTs), liquid crystal
displays (LCDs), plasma displays and light emitting diodes (LEDs) available in the present
technology, are discussed in order as given below.
The cathode ray tube was the workhorse of text and video display technology for several
decades until being replaced by plasma, liquid crystal (LCD) and solid-state devices such
as LEDs. It is a specialized vacuum tube in which images are produced when an electron
beam strikes a phosphorescent surface. Most desktop computer displays the output in a
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standard composite video signal making use of CRTs. The working of CRT depends on
movement of an electron beam which moves back and forth across the back of the screen.
A cathode ray tube consists of several basic components- the cathode, control grid,
deflecting plates and screen. A simple CRT is shown below.
The source of the electron beam is the electron gun located in the narrow, cylindrical neck
at the extreme rear of a CRT which produces a stream of electrons through thermionic
emission. Actually in an electron gun, a metal plate-the cathode , is heated by a small
filament wire connected to a low voltage. The conduction electrons are free to move in the
metal and as the metal is heated, some of them gain sufficient kinetic energy to escape from
the metal surface. If the hot metal plate is in a vacuum, then the evaporated electrons are
free to move which can be pulled away from the hot surface of the plate by putting a
positive electrode (anode) nearby. The accelerating anode has a small hole at its center and
is maintained at a high potential, which is of positive polarity. The order of this voltage is 1
to 20 kV, relative to the cathode. This potential difference creates an electric field directed
from right to left in the region between the accelerating anode and the cathode. Electrons
pass through the hole in the anode travel with constant horizontal velocity from the anode
to the fluorescent screen. The electrons strike the screen area and it glows brightly. Now
moving electron behaves like a tiny magnet, and it can interact with an external magnetic
field and is deflected by the field which when reversed, the beam of electrons is deflected
in the opposite direction.
The control grid regulates the brightness of the spot on the screen. By controlling the
number of electrons the focusing anode ensures that electrons leaving the cathode in
slightly different directions are focused down to a narrow beam and all arrive at the same
spot on the screen. The whole assembly of cathode, control grid, focusing anode, and
accelerating electrode is called the electron gun.
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Fig 3.1
Deflecting Plates
Two pairs of deflecting plates allow the beam of electrons. An electric field between the
first pair of plates deflects the electrons horizontally, and an electric field between the
second pair deflects them vertically, the electrons travel in a straight line from the hole in
the accelerating anode to the centre of the screen when no deflecting fields are present,
where they produce a bright spot..
Usually, A CRT has a fluorescent screen to display the output signal whose operation is
very simple. Screen is coated with special type of fluorescent material. Fluorescent material
absorbs its energy and re-emits light in the form of photons when electron beam hits the
screen. When it happens some of them bounces back which are called secondary electrons.
They must be absorbed and returned back to cathode, if it is not so they accumulate near
screen and produce space charge or electrons cloud. To avoid this, aquadag coating which
is a water-based colloidal graphite coating, .is applied on funnel part of CRT from inside.
Now a cathode ray tube consists of one or more electron guns along with internal
electrostatic deflection plates and a phosphor target. CRT has three electron beams – one
for each of Red, Green, and Blue. Thus CRT produces the three colour images which are
primary colours. In every monitor
device the entire front area of the tube is scanned repetitively and systematically in a fixed
pattern called a raster. An image (raster) is displayed by scanning the electron beam across
the screen. The phosphor’s impacts begins to fade after a short time, the image needs to be
refreshed continuously.
Advantages of CRT
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The use of CRT technology has quickly declined since the introduction of LCDs but they
are still unbeatable in certain ways. CRT monitors are widely used in a number of electrical
devices such as computer screens, television sets, radar screens, and oscilloscopes used for
scientific and medical purposes. Brightness, contrast ratio, high image quality, speed and
resolution were the main high standard specifications that CRTs were satisfied. But the
display device in a CRT monitor is a cathode ray tube which is inherently bulky and
powerthirsty. But in the last two decades there was a tremendous growth in small portable
applications which required the necessary adjustment of the display technology to them.
The large depth of the CRTs was the main disadvantage for preventing them to be used in
these kinds of applications. Flat Panel Displays seem to be the most attractive solution to
this problem. The first successfully established flat panel technology was the plasma
displays, which demonstrated to be of larger size and higher image quality compared to the
CRT technology where plasma screens emit light by itself, rather than relying on a
Two plates of glass are taken between which millions of tiny cells containing gases like
xenon andneon are filled. Electrodes are also placed inside the glass plates in such a way
that they are positioned in front and behind each cell. The rear glass plate has with it the
address electrodes in such a position that they sit behind the cells. The front glass plate has
with it the transparent display electrodes, which are surrounded on all sides by a
magnesium oxide layer and also a dielectric material. They are kept in front of the cell.
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Fig 3.2
When a voltage is applied, the electrodes get charged and cause the ionization of the gas
resulting in plasma. This also includes the collision between the ions and electrons resulting
in the emission of photon light. The state of ionization varies in accordance to colour
plasma and monochrome plasma. For monochrome plasma panel a low voltage is applied
between the electrodes – even after the ionizing voltage is removed. This type of panel has
inherent memory and does not use phosphors. To obtain colour plasma, the back of each
cell has to be coated with phosphor. The ultraviolet photons emitted by the plasma excite
these phosphors to give off coloured light in the visible range. The operation of each cell is
thus comparable to that of a fluorescent lamp. Every pixel is made up of three separate sub
pixel cells, each with different coloured phosphors-the red, green and blue. These colours
blend together to create the overall colour of the pixel.
The first colour plasma display was introduced in the year 1992 by the Fujitsu company.
This technology began to overrule the CRT revolution for the coming years. However, the
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problem with the integration of plasma displays in small portable applications still exists.
Finally, the inroad of the thin-film transistors liquid crystal displays (TFT-LCD), in late
1990’s, was a milestone in the displays industry and technology and the demand for Plasma
TV became lesser. As the same configuration for a lesser price is available, the sale of
Plasma TV became lesser.
Liquid Crystal Display is one of the most popular display technologies currently. LCD
monitors are lightweight, compact, occupy less space, consume low power and are
available in a reasonable price. Currently there are two types of LCD technology in use –
Active matrix LCD technology or TFT and Passive matrix technology. The TFT technology
is more reliable with better image quality while the passive matrix technology has a slower
response and gradually becoming outdated.
As the name indicates, liquid crystals are the key elements of the display screen. There is a
display controller in the monitor which receives the display signals from the video adaptor
in the motherboard. The display controller controls two things – the electric signals to the
liquid crystals and the back light. Structure of an LCD is shown below.
Each pixel of an LCD typically consists of a layer of molecules aligned between two
transparent electrodes, and two polarizing filters. Actually LCD configured to place a liquid
crystal in the two parallel sheets of glass, behind which the Cold Cathode Fluorescent
Lamp is designed as a backlight.
The liquid crystals used in the LCD are Twisted Nemantic (TN),
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Fig 3.3
a type of liquid crystals that are twisted at 90o with the surface. In this state, crystals allow
the light to pass through the polarizer but on applying a voltage, they get untwisted and
block the light to passing through the polarizer. The display controller starts the backlight
that passes through the first piece of the glass. At the same time the display controller also
send the electrical currents to the liquid crystal molecules to align and allowing the varying
level of light to pass through the second piece of glass, forming the desired picture on the
screen. In colour monitors, each pixel is made of three liquid crystal cells fronted with red,
green and blue filters. The light passing through the filtered screen forms the colour what
are seen on the monitor. A wide range of colours are formed by varying the intensity of
coloured pixels.
LCD Monitor
Fig 3.4
An active matrix liquid crystal display (AMLCD) is a type of flat panel display, currently
the overwhelming choice of notebook computer manufacturers, due to light weight, very
good image quality, wide colour gamut, and response time. The most common example of
an active matrix display contains, besides the polarizing sheets and cells of liquid crystal, a
matrix of thin-film transistors (TFTs) to make a TFT LCD.
At the beginning, when LCDs were used in calculators, watches and small sized displays,
direct and passive matrix addressing were the applicable addressing methods. As the size,
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resolution and information content of the displays were increased, the number of the pixels
array was, also, increased leading the existing addressing methods to become non-
applicable. A solution to this problem was proposed as a switch TFT which was added at
each pixel of the display matrix and in this way the pixels were controlled independently
with the use of the external driving voltages. This addressing method is called Active
Matrix and the displays that used this method are called Active Matrix Liquid Crystal
Displays (AMLCDs) or TFTs.
TFT Display
The display device in a TFT monitor is a flat array of Thin Film Transistors which makes
the TFT monitors much smaller in size and also less power consuming. Now a thin-film
transistor is a special kind of field-effect transistor made by depositing thin films of an
active semiconductor layer as well as the dielectric layer and metallic contacts over a
supporting (but non-conducting) substrate. A common substrate is glass, because the
primary application of TFTs is in liquid-crystal displays. This differs from the conventional
transistor, where the semiconductor material typically is the substrate, such as a silicon
TFTs can be made using a wide variety of semiconductor materials. A common material is
silicon. The characteristics of a silicon-based TFT depend on the silicon's crystalline state,
the semiconductor layer can be either amorphous silicon, microcrystalline silicon, or it can
be annealed into polysilicon. Other materials which have been used as semiconductors in
TFTs include compound semiconductors such as cadmium selenide, or metal oxides such
as zinc oxide or hafnium oxide.
TFT technology can be used to give one of the clearest pictures of any flat screen display
and it uses much less electricity than older screens. TFT displays are very fragile because
they aremade as thin and light as possible but this means they need far less space. TFT-
LCDs were rapidly grown and dominated the displays industry, especially in small portable
applications. They can be used in an extremely wide range of our everyday life products,
like mobile phone applications, ATMs, PDAs, navigation systems, notebook PCs and home
applications, such as wide screen TVs. The most beneficial aspect of TFT technology is its
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use of a separate transistor for each pixel on the display. Because each transistor is small,
the amount of charge needed to control it is also small. This allows for very fast re-drawing
of the display.
LED display refers to the light emitting elements which is composed by the LEDs. LED ,
the light emitting diode array is directly used as pixels to emit red, green, and blue light,
thereby forming coloured images, such as traffic lights, outdoor big screen.
Now a light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor diode that emits incoherent narrow-
spectrum of light when electrically biased in the forward direction of the p-n junction. This
effect is a form of electroluminescence. An LED is usually a small area source. The colour
of the emitted light depends on the composition and condition of the semi conducting
material used, and can be infrared, visible, or near-ultraviolet. An LED can be used as a
regular household light source.
LED have a direct band gap with energies corresponding to near-infrared, visible or near-
ultraviolet light. LEDs are usually built on an n-type substrate, with an electrode attached
to the p-type layer deposited on its surface.
In the case of GaAs, the energy appears in the form of infra red radiation. For the alloy
semi conductor, GaAs-P, the energy appears is in the form of visible light. the p-n junction
diode constructed with such semi conductors is called the light emitting diode (LED). Here
we get optical energy from the biasing electrical energy. The electrons that are injected into
the p side make a downward transition from conduction band to the valence band and
recombine with holes , emitting photon with energy hν = Eg , corresponding emission
wavelength is so given by λ = hc / Eg , the symbols have their usual meaning.
Diodes built with GaAs-P are most commercially available because of lower cost and easy
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fabrication. These LEDs are used for in the manufacture of signals and displays. The infra
red LED is a potential source for optical fibre communication.
The LED display should be precisely called as “LED-backlit LCD monitor”, the principle
of which is converting the traditional CCFL into LCD backlight source is into LED. So far,
the advantages of LED backlit display is in the theoretical stage, the display is not as good
as what the display market advocated . The main advantages are: energy saving, ultra-thin,
light leakage control is better.
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Fig 3.6
Application of PET :
Unlike CT or MRI, which look at anatomy or body form, PET studies metabolic activity
or body function. As a result, PET can detect tumors in lymph nodes, for example, even
before they enlarge and are detectable with MRI or CT. In PET imaging, the patient
receives a small intravenous injection of a radio-active medication (a form of sugar). The
images show areas of abnormal metabolism, helping to detect tumors and other diseases
that are often not detectable by other means. Although PET is most often used in the
detection and staging of cancer, there is increasing use of PET in the brain for the diagnosis
of certain dementias like Alzheimer's diseaseand in the heart for evaluation of coronary
artery disease.
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Fig 3.7
The electron microscope is a type of microscope that uses a beam of electrons to create an
image of the specimen. It is capable of much higher magnifications and has a greater
resolving power than a light microscope, allowing it to see much smaller objects in finer
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detail. They are large, expensive pieces of equipment, generally standing alone in a small,
specially designed room and requiring trained personnel to operate them.
The scanning electron microscope used a technique known as raster scanning to produce
magnified images of the specimen. It directs a focused electron beam across the rectangular
area of the specimen, which loses energy as it passes through. The energy is converted into
other forms of energy, such as heat, light, secondary electrons, and backscattered electrons.
This information can be translated to view the topography and composition of the original
The reflection electron microscope involves the detection of a beam of elastically scattered
electrons that is reflected off of the specimen that is being examined. The reflection high-
energy electron diffraction (RHEED) and reflection high-energy loss spectroscopy
(RHELS) techniques are often used in this type of microscopy.
Electron microscopes are very expensive to buy and maintain. They are dynamic rather
than static in their operation: requiring extremely stable high voltage supplies, extremely
stable currents to each electromagnetic coil/lens, continuously-pumped high/ultra-high
vacuum systems and a cooling water supply circulation through the lenses and pumps. As
they are very sensitive to vibration and external magnetic fields, microscopes aimed at
achieving high resolutions must be housed in buildings with special services.
The samples have to be viewed in a vacuum, as the molecules that make up air would
scatter the electrons. This means that the samples need to be specially prepared by
sometimes lengthy and difficult techniques to withstand the environment inside an electron
microscope. Recent advances have allowed some hydrated samples to be imaged using an
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environmental scanning electron microscope, but the applications for this type of imaging
are still limited.
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Radioactivity can be natural or artificial. In natural radioactivity, the substance already has
radioactivity in the natural state. In artificial radioactivity, the radioactivity has been
induced by irradiation.
The number of atoms disintegrated per second at any instant is directly proportional to the
number of radioactive atoms actually present in the sample at that instant.
If No be the total number of atoms at t = 0, N be the total number of atoms left in the
sample at time t then dN/dt will be the rate of disintegration.
(-ve sign indicates that the number of atoms left undecayed decreases with time).
(l is decay constant)
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The original unit for measuring the amount of radioactivity was the curie (Ci)–first defined
to correspond to one gram of radium-226 and more recently defined as: 1curie =
3.7x1010 radioactive decays per second [exactly].
Nuclear reactors
Nuclear reactors are devices that control fission reactions producing new substances from
the fission product and energy. Recall our discussion earlier about the fission process in the
making of a radioisotope. Nuclear power stations use uranium in fission reactions as a fuel
to produce energy. Steam is generated by the heat released during the fission process. It is
this steam that turns a turbine to produce electric energy.
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Carbon dating is used to determine the age of biological artifacts up to 50,000 years old.
This technique is widely used on recent artifacts, but educators and students alike should
note that this technique will not work on older fossils (like those of the dinosaurs alleged to
be millions of years old). This technique is not restricted to bones; it can also be used on
cloth, wood and plant fibers. Carbon-14 dating has been used successfully on the Dead Sea
Scrolls, Minoan ruins and tombs of the pharaohs among other things.
Standard Dose
Gray (Gy) is the unit used to measure the total about of radiation the patient is exposed to.
This can also be recorded as centigray (cGy), which is 0.01 of a single gray unit.
Adjuvant therapy doses typically range from 45 to 60 Gy for cancer of the breast, head and
neck, which is divided into multiple smaller doses given over a period of one to two
months. The specific dose for each patient depends on the location and severity of the
tumor and is at the discretion of the oncologist responsible for therapeutic decisions.
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Application of Schrödinger equation – Particle in an infinite square well potential (1-D and
3-D potential well; Discussion on degenerate levels), 1D finite barrier problem and concept
of quantum tunnelling (solve only E<V0). 3L
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Text Book: Principles of Engineering Physics Vol 1 and Vol 2; by Md. N. Khan and S.
Panigrahi, Pub: Cambridge Univ. press
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‘Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities;
truth isn’t.’ - Mark Twain
We want in particular to develop a mathematical model for the dynamics of closed quantum
systems (a closed system any system that is isolated, thus not exchanging any input or
output and not interacting with any other system. An open system instead interacts e.g.,
with an external environment): therefore we are interested in defining
Some subtleties will arise since we are trying to define measurement in a closed system,
when the measuring person is instead outside the system itself. A more complete picture,
that can explain some of the confusion arising from the measurement process, is possible,
but we will not study it in this course. We are interested in giving a description of physical
phenomena and in particular in how they emerge during an experiment.
Experiments – A physical experiment can be divided into two steps: preparation and
In classical mechanics (CM): - the first step determines the possible outcomes of the
experiment, - while the measurement retrieves the value of the outcome.
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- the first step (preparation) determines the probabilities of the various possible outcomes,
- the second step (measurement) retrieve the value of a particular outcome, in a statistic
This separation of the experiment in two steps is reflected into the two types of operators
that we find in QM.
If we now consider a nucleus, we can as well give a description of its state. In quantum
mechanics, a complete description of the state of a quantum object (or system) is given
mathematically by the state vector |ψ) (or wavefunction ψ(r)). The situation is however
different than in classical mechanics.
The state vector is no longer a collection of values for different properties of the system.
The state gives instead a complete description of the set of probabilities for all the physical
properties (or observables). All the information is contained in the state, irrespectively on
how I got the state, of its previous history
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Quantum physicists are interested in all kinds of physical systems (photons, conduction
electrons in metals and semiconductors, atoms, etc.). State of these rather diverse systems
are represented by the same type of functions è STATE FUNCTIONS.
All of these considerations are made more formal in the axioms of quantum
mechanics that also indicate the mathematical formalism to be used.
i) The properties of a quantum system are completely defined by specification of its state
vector |ψ) (or wavefunction ψ(r)). The state vector is an element of a complex Hilbert space
H called the space of states.
ii) If |ψ) [or wavefunction ψ(r))] is the vector representing the state of a system and if |ϕ)
[or wavefunction φ(r))] represents another physical state, there exists a probability p(|ψ), |
ϕ)) of finding |ψ) in state |ϕ), which is given by the squared modulus of the inner product
on H: p(|ψ), |ϕ)) = |(ψ|ϕ)|2 (Born Rule).
iii) With every physical property A (energy, position, momentum, angular momentum, ...)
there exists an associated linear, Hermitian operator A (usually called observable), which
acts in the space of states H. The eigenvalues of the operator are the possible values of the
physical properties.[ ˆ. i.e. for an eigenfunction of A, ψ, A ψ = a ψ.]. Where ‘a’ is the eigen
value of the operator A.
iv) If A is an observable with eigenvalues an and eigenvectors |n) [such that the eigenvalue
equation is A |n) = an |n)], given a system in the state |ψ), the probability of obtaining an as
the outcome of the measurement of A is p(an) = |(n|ψ)|2. After the measurement the system
is left in the state projected on the subspace of the eigenvalue an (Wave function collapse).
(v) For a system in a state described by a normalized wave function, the average or
expectation value of the observable corresponding to A is given by:
ˆ =
A ( x)Aˆ ( x)dx
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( x) Aˆ ( x)dx
a = -
( x) ( x)dx
= ˆ ( x ) dx
( x)A (if normalized)
The fourth postulates states what will be measured when large number of identical systems
are interrogated one time. Only after large number of measurements will it converge to
In QM, the act of the measurement causes the system to “collapse” into a single eigenstate
and in the absence of an external perturbation it will remain in that eigenstate.
vi) The evolution of a closed system is unitary (reversible). The evolution is given by the
time-dependent Schrödinger equation,
2 2ψ
- 2 + V x ψ = -i ψ
2m x t
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If 1 and 2 represent two physically-realizable states of the system, then the linear
combination is = C1 1 + C 2 2
where c1 and c2 are arbitrary complex constants, represents a third physically realizable
state of the system. Above relation is known as superposition principle and is applied in
the study of quantum computation.
According to the second postulate of quantum mechanics, the integrated probability density
can be interpreted as a probability that in a position measurement at time t, we will find the
particle anywhere in space.
2 *
PdV = ( x, y, z ) dV = ( x, y, z ) ( x, y, z )dV = 1
– Only normalizable functions can represent a quantum state and these are
called physically admissible functions.
– State function must be continuous and single valued function.
– State function must be a smoothly-varying function (continuous derivative).
All first-order derivatives of the wave function must be continuous.
Following the same reasoning as in condition 3, a discontinuous first
derivative would imply an infinite second derivative, and since the energy of
the system is found using the second derivative, a discontinuous first
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(i )e - x (0, )
(ii )e - x ( -, )
sin x
(iii )
(iv ) sin -1 x
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Hermitian Operator: Hermitian operators have two properties that forms the basis of
quantum mechanics
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A Hermitian ˆ satisfies
operatorA :
f Âgdx = g(Âf)
* *
dx ; if f and g are well behaved
(i ) (ii ) - i (iii ) (iv) x
x x x 2
Linear Operator:
A f1 + f 2 = A f1 + A f 2
A cf = c A f
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square root
d = 0
n dx = mn = 1 , if m=n
=0 , if m ≠ n
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For every physical quantity one can define an operator. The definition uses formulae
from classical physics replacing quantities involved by the corresponding operators
2. Operator for linear momentum in the x-direction: pˆ x =
i dx
Þ pˆ x ψ = p x ψ
= px ψ
i dx
ˆT = pˆ x = - d
2 2 2
2m dx 2
2. KE Operator in 3-D: T̂
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ˆ = p 2 2 2 2 2 2
T =- + + =-
2m 2m x 2 y 2 z 2 2m
Position r r̂ Multiply by r
Momentum p p̂
- i (iˆ + ˆj + kˆ )
x y z
Kinetic energy T Tˆ 2 2 2 2
- ( 2 + 2 + 2)
2m x y z
Total energy E H 2 2 2 2
- ( 2 + 2 + 2)+
2m x y z
Angular lx
lˆx - i ( y -z )
z y
- i ( z -x )
x z
- i ( x - y )
y x
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In any measurement of the observable associated with the operator , the only
values that will ever be observed are the eigenvalues ‘a’ which satisfy the
eigenvalue equation:
For, An operator O is “the recipe to transform Y into Y’ ”
We write: O Y = Y’
If O Y = nY (n is a number, meaning that O does not modify Y, just a scaling
factor), we say that Y is an eigenfunction of O and n is the eigenvalue.
This is the postulate that the values of dynamical variables are quantized in
quantum mechanics.
A f ( x ) = kf ( x ); f(x) is eigenfunction of A with eigen value k
f(x) = eikx
- i exp(ikx) = (i )(ik ) exp(ikx)
pf ( x) = kf ( x)
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Consider any two operators, the eigenvalues of two commuting operators can be computed
by using the common set of eigenfunctions.
[ A, B ] = AB - BA; if
= 0, A & B commute with each other
and if
0, A & B do not commute with each other
Physical significance:
If the two operators commute, then it is possible to measure the simultaneously the precise
value of both the physical quantities for which the operators stand for.
( x) A ( x)dx
a = -
( x) ( x)dx
= ( x ) A ( x ) dx (if normalized)
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The fourth postulates states what will be measured when large number of identical systems
are interrogated one time. Only after large number of measurements will it converge to
In QM, the act of the measurement causes the system to “collapse” into a single eigenstate
and in the absence of an external perturbation it will remain in that eigenstate.
i ( x, y , z , t ) = H ( x, y , z , t ) ( x, y, z , t )
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Try solution
i ( x, y , z ) F (t ) = H ( x, y , z ) ( x, y , z ) F (t )
i ( x, y , z ) F (t ) = F (t ) H ( x, y, z ) ( x, y, z )
t t
divide through by
F = F
i F (t )
dt H ( x, y , z ) ( x, y , z )
F (t ) ( x, y , z )
Can only be true for any x, y, z, t if both sides equal a constant. Changing t on the left
doesn’t change the value on the right. Changing x, y, z on right doesn’t change value on left
dt = E = H
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H ( x, y , z ) ( x, y, z ) = E ( x, y , z )
2 2ψ
- + V x ψ = Eψ
2m x 2
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2 2ψ
- = Eψ
2m x 2
• This is a second order differential equation – with general solutions of the form:
• = A sin kx + B cos kx
Where k = 2
= En
Between the kinetic energy Eigen value En and the wave number kn ( and the momentum pn
= ikn).
We see that there are two independent functions for each eigen value E n. Also there are two
distinct momentum Eigen values ±kn for each energy Eigen value, which correspond to two
different directions of propagation of the wave
( o) = 0 = B
( a) = 0 = A sin ka
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ka = n
a = n
n 2
En = ( )
a 2m
Hence E is developed an index and energy quantization came out.Note that k also has an
n = A sin
Now the energy level is rised rapidly they go as on n 2.Note we are dealing with a
homogeneous differ hence isn’t fixed yet.This can be done using the normalization
n x
n = A 2 sin 2 (
) dx
- 0
A2 =1
Notice that the normalized constant is independent of the particular quantum number n.
2 n x n 2 2 2
n ( x) = sin( ) , En =
a a 2ma 2
Since the energy increases with decreasing a it means that quantum mechanics opposes this
This can be thought of as a quantum mechanical pressure on the outside of the box.
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Note that n can equal any integer n = 1, 2, ... ( Infinity many bound states)
And the dimensions of the P (the probability density) is 1/L. The energy levels
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In our problem as E becomes large we should recover the classical distribution. The
classical distribution is given by
P(x)=1/a 0<x<a
=0 x≤0, x≥a
V(x,y,z)=0, 0<x<a
=0, 0<y<b
=0, 0<y<c
=∞ elsewhere
We know that the particle outside the box must be zero. Within the box the
2 2 2 2 2 2
- 2 + + ( x, y, z ) = - ( x , y , z ) = E ( x , y , z )
2m x y 2 z 2 2m
To solve this equation we assume that the wave function can be written as
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2 ( x, y , z )
= f " ( x ) g ( y ) h( z )
x 2
2 ( x, y , z )
= f ( x) g " ( y )h( z )
y 2
2 2 2
- f " ( x ) g ( y )h( z ) - f ( x ) g " ( y ) h( z ) - f ( x) g
2m 2m 2m
Since the the two sides of the equations depend only different variables they
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for y and z
2 f " ( x)
E x = -
2 mf ( x)
2 g"( y )
E y = -
2 mg ( y )
2 h" ( z )
E z = -
2 mh( z )
d 2 f ( x ) 2m
+ 2 E X f ( x) = 0
dx 2
d g ( y ) 2m
+ 2 E y g ( y) = 0
dy 2
d 2 h( z ) 2 m
+ 2 EZ H ( z) = 0
dz 2
We know the solution to these equations of the 1D box, and the wave function
in the x direction is
n x
f ( x ) = ( ) 2 sin( x )
a a
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nx h 2
Ex = , n x = 1,2,3
8ma 2
2 2 n y y
g ( y ) = ( ) sin( )
a b
ny h2
EY = , n y = 1,2,3
8mb 2
and z direction
n z
h( z ) = ( ) 2 sin( z )
c c
2 2
n h
E z = z 2 , n z = 1,2,3
Thus the solution to the Schrodinger equation for the particle in a 3D box is
by an energy
2 2
h 2 nx ny n
E= ( 2 + 2 + 2z )
8m a b c
8 2
n x n y y n z
( x, y , z ) = ( ) sin( x ) sin( ) sin( z )
abc a b c
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( x, y , z ) ( x, y , z )
d = dxdydz
- - - -
a b c
dx g ( y ) dy h( z )
2 2 2
= f ( x) dz = 1
0 0 0
box becomes
2 2 2
h 2 nx n y n z h2 2
E= ( 2 + 2 + 2 )= 2
(nx + n 2 y + n 2 z )
8m a a a 8ma
Ask for a volunteer to calculate the energy of quantum state (211), (121), (112).
This shows that the energy is the same for these three states due to symmetry,
We will first consider the case when the energy is greater than the potential barrier.
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2 ME
k I = k III =
2m( E - V0 )
k II = where V=V0
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The wave function will consist of an incident wave, a reflected wave, and a
transmitted wave.
The potentials and the Schrödinger wave equation for the three regions are as
d 2 I 2m
Region I(x<0) V=0 + E I = 0
dx 2 2
d 2 II 2m
Region II(0<x<L) V=V0 + 2 ( E - V0 ) II = 0
dx 2
d 2 III 2m
Region III (x>L) V=0 + 2 E III = 0
dx 2
I = Ae ik x + Be - ik x
Region I(x<0)
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As the wave moves from left to right, we can simplify the wave functions to:
The maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons depends on the value of the
light frequency f and not on the intensity.
V 2 0 sin 2 ( k II L) -1
T = [1 + ]
4 E ( E - V0 )
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3.01.13: Tunneling:
Now we consider the situation where classically the particle does not have enough
energy to surmount the potential barrier, E < V0.
The quantum mechanical result, however, is one of the most remarkable features of
modern physics, and there is ample experimental proof of its existence. There is a
small, but finite, probability that the particle can penetrate the barrier and even
emerge on the other side.
The wave function in region II becomes
2m(V0 - E )
k= Where II = Ce kx + De - kx
The transmission probability that describes the phenomenon of tunneling is
V 2 0 sinh 2 (kL) -1
T = [1 + ]
4 E (V0 - E )
Uncertainty Explanation:
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E E - 2 kL
T = 16 (1 - )e
V0 V0
This violation allowed by the uncertainty principle is equal to the negative kinetic
energy required! The particle is allowed by quantum mechanics and the uncertainty
principle to penetrate into a classically forbidden region. The minimum such kinetic
energy is:
( p) 2 2 k 2
K min = = = V0 - E
2m 2m
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Simplified energy-band diagram and I-V characteristics of the tunnel diode at zero
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Simplified energy-band diagram and I-V characteristics of the tunnel diode at a slight
forward bias.
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Optical analogy
If light passing through a glass prism reflects from an internal surface with an angle greater
than the critical angle, total internal reflection occurs. However, the electromagnetic field is
not exactly zero just outside the prism. If we bring another prism very close to the first one,
experiments show that the electromagnetic wave (light) appears in the second prism The
situation is analogous to the tunneling described here. This effect was observed by Newton
and can be demonstrated with two prisms and a laser. The intensity of the second light
beam decreases exponentially as the distance between the two prisms increases.
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Potential Well:
Consider a particle passing through a potential well region rather than through a
potential barrier.
Classically, the particle would speed up passing the well region, because K = mv2 / 2
= E + V0.
According to quantum mechanics, reflection and transmission may occur,
but the wavelength inside the potential well is smaller than outside. When the width of the
potential well is precisely equal to half-integral or integral units of the wavelength, the
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reflected waves may be out of phase or in phase with the original wave, and cancellations
or resonances may occur. The reflection/cancellation effects can lead to almost pure
transmission or pure reflection for certain wavelengths. For example, at the second
boundary (x = L) for a wave passing to the right, the wave may reflect and be out of phase
with the incident wave. The effect would be a cancellation inside the well.
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Concept of energy levels and energy states. Microstates, Macrostates and thermodynamic
probability, MB, BE, FD, statistics (Qualitative discussions)- physical significance,
conception of bosons, fermions, classical limits of quantum statistics, Fermi distribution at
zero & non-zero temperature, Concept of Fermi level. 4L
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Consider a H2 atom, which has the simplest atomic configuration with a single electron
revolving round the nucleus. The total energy of such an electron is given by
8e0 h2 n2 ,
- where m and e are mass and charge of the electron respectively, ε0 is the
permittivity of free-space, h is the Planck’s constant and n is known as principal quantum
number. Thus the total energy for such an electron solely depends on n. We know that for a
given value of n, we get other three quantum three quantum numbers whose values depend
on n in the following manner:
l ( orbital quantum number) = 0,1,2,3,……..,(n-1)
A specific energy level corresponds to a specific value of n. For different integral values of
n, we get different discrete energy levels. On the other hand, each discrete set of the four
quantum numbers, i.e. {n,l,ml,ms}, designates each energy state. Let’s have an example to
make these concepts clear.
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1 1
For l = 0, ml = 0 and ms = - ,+
2 2
1 1
For l = 1, ml = -1,0,+1 and ms = - ,+ for each value of ml.
2 2
n-value l-value ml- value ms- value energy states no.of energy
-1, 1 {2,0,0, - 1 }
2 2 2
2 0 0
{2,0,0, + 2
1 1 {2,1,-1, - 2}
- ,
2 2 1
{2,1,-1, }
1 }
{2,1,0, -
0 2
1 1
2 - , 1
1 2 2 {2,1,0, 2}
+1 {2,1,+1,- 2} 6
1 1
- , 1
2 2 {2,1,+1, }
Thus for n = 2 energy level, we get eight distinct energy states. But all these eight energy
states have the same value of the total energy because, the total energy, as already stated,
depends only on the principal quantum number. Such type of distinct energy states having
the same total energy are known as degenerate states and it is said that the energy level n
= 2 is 8-fold degenerate. Similarly we can show that n = 3 energy level is 18-fold
degenerate. Note that this type of degenerate states is direct consequence of the symmetry
of the respective system.
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4.02 Microstates:-
In statistical mechanics, a microstate is a specific microscopic configuration of a
thermodynamic system that the system may occupy with a certain probability in the course
of its thermal fluctuations
Since a gas consists of large number of particles, the state of a gas can also be characterized
in terms of the states of the constituent particles. The state of the particles can be specified
by ascertaining their positions (Coordinates qi) and velocities and momentum pi . Thus state
of the gas thus described in terms of the properties of constituent particles is called the
Microscopic state
4.03 Macrostates:-
Macrostate: the state of a macro system specified by its macroscopic parameters. Two
systems with the same values of macroscopic parameters are thermodynamically
indistinguishable. A macrostate tells us nothing about a state of an individual particle.
For a given set of constraints (conservation laws), a system can be in many macrostates.
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Macrostate refers to the state of the system as a whole. The quantities like pressure, volume
and temperature are macroscopic. They do not give the position momentum values of
constituent particles.
Wn1,n-n1 =
To describe both the position and the state of the motion of the particle, it is require to set
up a six dimensional space in which a point has six co-ordinates (three position co-
ordinates) and px, py, pz (three momentum co-ordinates) along six mutually perpendicular
axes in space. This combined position and momentum space is called phase spacel.
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We’ll discuss the various interesting features of these three (MB,BE,FD) statistics
one by one in the following subsections.
N i E i = Ei…………………………………………….(2a)
N i = Ni ………………………………………………...(2b)
The number of ways in which the groups of particles N1, N2,….., Ni could be chosen from
N particles is
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N! N!
W1= =n ………………………………(2c)
N1!N 2!...... Ni!
Now, Ni particles can be distributed in gi states in g i ways. Considering all
the values of i, total number of arrangement would be
W2 =
g i N i ……………………………………………..(2d)
Therefore, the total number of ways W by which all the N particles could be
distributed among the quantum states is
N! Ni
W = W1W2 = n g …………………………...(2e)
n i
N i!
Ni 1
f ( Ei ) = = a + Ei ................................................. (2f)
gi e
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(iii)Total energy and total number of particles of the entire system is constant
(iv)The particles have zero or integral spin,i.e. 0 , 1 ,5 ,50 etc, where is the unit of spin.
(v) The wave function of the system is symmetric under the positional exchange of any two
Examples: photon, phonon, all mesons ( ,, ) etc., these are known as Bosons.
ψ(1,2,3,…..,r,s,…n) = ψ(1,2,3,….s,r,…..n)
and anti-symmetric when
ψ(1,2,3,…..,r,s,…n) = - ψ(1,2,3,….s,r,…..n)]
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objects can permuted in (Ni + gi - 1)! possible ways. But since the particles and the
quantum states are indistinguishable, we have to deduct Ni! ways and (gi – 1)! ways from
the all possible ways to get effective number of arrangements. Thus total number of
possible ways of arrangement for the i state is
Ni + gi -1!
Wi = ………………………………………(3a)
Ni! gi -1 !
Hence the total number of ways of the entire distribution of N particles in n number of
energy levels of the system is
Ni + g
n i -1!
W= ……………………………………(3b)
i N i!g i -1!
Ni 1
f ( Ei ) = = a + Ei …………………………(3c)
gi e -1
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(ii)Total energy and total number of particles of the entire system is constant
1 3 37
(iii)Particles have half-integral spin, i.e 2 , 2 , 2 , etc .
(iv)Particles obey Pauli’s exclusion principle, i.e. no two particles in a single system can
have the same value for each of the four quantum numbers. In other words, a single energy
state can contain at best a single particle with appropriate spin.
(v) The wave function of the system is anti-symmetric under the positional exchange of any
two particles.
Examples: electron, proton, neutron, all hyperons (Λ,Σ,Ξ,Ω) etc., these are known as
Pauli’s exclusion principle. Let N 1, N2, N3, ….Ni,….Nn Particles in the system have
energies E1, E2, E3, ….,Ei,…En respectively and let gi is the number of degenerate quantum
states in the energy level Ei. According to Pauli’s exclusion principle a single quantum
state can be occupied by at best one particle. Since N i particles are to be distributed among gi
degenerate states (gi ≥ Ni) having the same energy Ei, Ni states will be filled up and (g i - Ni)
states will remain vacant. Now g i states can be arranged in g i! possible ways, . But since the
particles and the quantum states are indistinguishable, we have to deduct N i! ways and (gi –
Ni)! ways from the all possible ways to get effective number of arrangements. Thus total
number of possible ways of arrangement for the i state is
g i !
Wi = ………………………………(4a)
N i! g i - N i !
Hence the total number of ways for the entire distribution of N particles in n number of
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Now taking natural logarithm on both sides of eqn.(7.30) and applying Stirling
ln W = ln g i - ln N i - ln g i - N i
Ni 1
f ( Ei ) = = a + Ei ……………………………………………….(4c)
gi e +1
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state 2 is different from the case in which particle B is in state 1 and particle A is in state 2.
This assumption leads to the proper (Boltzmann) statistics of particles in the energy states,
but yields non-physical results for the entropy, as embodied in the Gibbs paradox.
In quantum statistics, Bose–Einstein statistics (or more colloquially B–E statistics) is one of
two possible ways in which a collection of non-interacting indistinguishable particles may
occupy a set of available discrete energy states, at thermodynamic equilibrium. The
aggregation of particles in the same state, which is a characteristic of particles obeying
Bose–Einstein statistics, accounts for the cohesive streaming of laser light and the
frictionless creeping of superfluid helium. The theory of this behaviour was developed
(1924–25) by Satyendra Nath Bose, who recognized that a collection of identical and
indistinguishable particles can be distributed in this way. The idea was later adopted and
extended by Albert Einstein in collaboration with Bose.
The Bose–Einstein statistics apply only to those particles not limited to single occupancy of
the same state—that is, particles that do not obey the Pauli exclusion principle restrictions.
Such particles have integer values of spin and are named bosons, after the statistics that
correctly describe their behaviour. There must also be no significant interaction between
the particles.
In metal, the weakly attached conducting electrons are \free" to move in the lattice. The
electrons interact with the electrostatic potential of the positive ions in the lattice. If we
consider the periodicity of the potential, we will obtain the solution to the Schrodinger
equation in the form of Bloch waves. The energy will form a band. For perfect stationary
lattice, there is free propagation and infinite conductivity of electrons. However lattice
imperfections, lattice vibrations (phonons) and the scattering by the other electrons leads to
resistance in the lattice. In the free electron model, we apply Fermi-Dirac Statistics -
electrons of spin 1/2 and = 1/2 .
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N 1
[f(Ei) ]BE = g = ea + Ei - 1
N 1
[f(Ei) ]FD = g = ea + Ei + 1
N 1
[f(Ei) ]FD = g = ea + Ei
It is obvious that the quantum statistics (BE and FD) would tend to the classical one
N « 1. Now the parameter α for both BE and FD
a E kT i
(MB) only when e e i » 1, then
Here is the number of particles per unit state and can be treated as the particle
density. Hence under high temperature and low particle density the quantum statistics
tend to the classical one.
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3. MB statistics
(a) Only one particle (b) one or more particle (c) two particles (d) none of these
At higher temperatures a certain fraction, characterized by the Fermi function, will exist
above the Fermi level. The Fermi level plays an important role in the band theory of solids. In
doped semiconductors, p-type and n-type, the Fermi level is shifted by the impurities, illustrated
by their band gaps. The Fermi level is referred to as the electron chemical potential in other
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Now for the fermions in statistical equilibrium at absolute temperature T, it is found that
Where, EF is the Fermi energy of the system (i.e. the maximum energy at absolute zero) k is
the Boltzmann constant = 1.38×10 Joule/Kelvin.
Case – 1 ( T= 0 K)
= 0, when Ei> EF
Thus at T = 0K, ƒ(Ei) is a step function (See the Fig) which implies all the energy states
upto Ei = EF are filled up and the states above EF are empty.
Case – 2 ( T> 0 K)
As the temperature increases beyond T= 0K, some of the electrons in the levels just
below the Fermi level go to levels just above EF resulting a gradual change in the
i.e. at a finite temperature Fermi energy of a system is that energy for which 50% energy
states are filled and 50% states are vacant.
In a metal the conduction electrons are not bound to individual atoms. They are free to roam
within the entire crystal. (This is what allows metals to conduct electricity.) However, the states
the electrons can occupy are quantized. If we cool a metal down, the electrons would settle into
the available lowest energy states. However, due to the Pauli exclusion principle, each allowed
quantum state can only be occupied by one electron. Once the lowest energy state is filled, the
next electron has to drop into the second lowest energy state, and so on. The last state that would
be occupied (at zero temperature) is the Fermi level.
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Module No Topic Application Reference Book
Module 1
Failure of Band theory with example, In organic materials Nanostructure and
6.01: electron-electron interaction Nanomaterials, B.K.
Physics of 2 Soliton, exciton with example Parthasarathy
Organic Polaron, bipolaron, advantages and
semicond applications of organic semiconductor
uctors: 3
This failures of energy band theory is mainly due to poor description of e-e interaction and only
other related interaction with the other electron.Therfore to study oxide semiconductor; we need
to know such interactions;which plays instrumental role in generating some novel features of
organic semiconductor.
Fig 6.01.1
dominant particularly in a multielectron system.Till date no correct expression has been achieved
and researches has to work on some assumptions predicted over the years.
Transpoly acetyle system
Prisitive (undoped)
Fig 6.01.2
It is a 1 D periodic system.By energy band theory it is semiconductor with band gap close to 201
Ev.Also confined experimentally.
It was observed that system shows metallic feature.Therefore additional solitory electrons
contributed by dopant Si atoms are making interaction and resulting in Insulator – Metal
transition. The solitary electron contributed byb dopant are called soliton.
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In a semiconductor when a electron moves from valence to conduction band, a hole is created in
the valence band.The negative electron & positive hole makes attractive coulomb interaction
between them & as a result of attractive interaction form a new quasi particle called
Exciton.More over due to attractive interaction electron slightly moves down in the energy scale
and hole slightly moves up in the energy scale.consequently the band gap as predicted by the
energy band theory gets reduced.This new band gap is called excitenic band gap.Excitonic effect
has been reported in organic semiconductor such as transpoly acetylene,polyphenylene.poly
thiophene etc.In such case the band gap is the excitonic band gap.
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Fig 6.01.4
Describe by KP model
Fig 6.01.5
Fig 6.01.6
This spring like vibration called lattice vibration.The quantized lattice vibration is called Phonon.
In polarized Gr II-IV semiconductor and some of the organic semiconductors it have been
observed that electron interacts with phonons and on interaction creates a new Quasi particle
called Polaron.The polaron formed contributes one additional energy level in the band structure
of the system called Polaronic level.The emergence of polaronic levels modifies the band gap of
the system and consequently conducting behaviour of the system.
If the polaronic size is smaller than the lattice constant,it is called small polaron.
If the polaronic size is larger than the lattice constant,it is called large polaron.
Fig 6.01.7
If electron surrounded by phonon we get electron polaron & if hole get surrounded by phonon
we get polaron.Electron – polaron and hole polaron due to attractive interaction forms polaronic
exciton.Due to formation of polaronic exciton the band gap of the system further reduces.
These are some of the effect that present some completely new features present in organic
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What is Nanomaterial?
Nanoscale: generally refers to the size scale of 1 –100 nm in at least one dimension.
1 nanometer (nm) = 10-9 m
Nanomaterials or the Nanoparticles are the set of particles or the substances where atleast one
dimension is less than approximately 100nm.
Note:Richard Feynman is known as the father of nanotechnology.
particles, usually electrons or holes, to a low- dimensional structure leads to a dramatic change in
their behaviour and to the manifestation of size effects that usually fall into the category of
quantum-size effects. The low dimensional materials exhibit new physicochemical properties not
shown by the corresponding large-scale structures of the same composition. Nanostructures
constitute a bridge between molecules and bulk materials. Suitable control of the properties and
responses of nanostructures can lead to new devices and technologies.
Classification of Low-dimensional Materials Hence classification of the nanostructured
materials and systems essentially depends on the number of dimensions which lie within the
nanometer range.
a)Low-dimensional structures are usually classified according to the number of reduced dimensions
they have. More precisely, the dimensionality refers to the number of degrees of freedom in the
particle momentum. Accordingly, depending on the dimensionality, the following classification is
Three-dimensional (3D) structure or bulk structure: No quantization of the particle motion
occurs, i.e., the particle is free.
Two-dimensional (2D) structure or quantum well: Quantization of the particle motion occurs in
one direction, while the particle is free to move in the other two directions.
Examples:discs;platelets;ultrathin films;super lattices; quantum wells; Film Graphene.
One-dimensional (1D) structure or quantum wire: Quantization occurs in two directions, leading
to free movement along only one direction.
Examples:Nanorods;Nanofilaments;Nanotubes;quantum wires; nanowires.
nanoporous silicon;quasi crystals.
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3. Bulk gold and platinum are non magnetic but at the nano size they act as magnetic
particles.Au nanoparticles become ferromagnetic when they are capped with the
appropriate molecules such as thiol.
Optical properties:
1. In small nano clusters the effect of reduced dimensionality on electronic structure has the
most profound effect on the energies of highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO)
which is valence band and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital(LUMO),essentially
the conduction band.
2. The optical emission and adsorption occurs when the transition of the electrons occur
between these two states.
3. Semiconductors and many metals show large changes in optical properties such as color,
as a function of particle size.
4. Colloidal suspension of gold nano particles have a deep red color which becomes
progressively more yellow as the particle size increases.
Electronic properties:
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1. The changes which occur in electronic properties as the system length scale is reduced
are related mainly to the increasing influence of the wave-like property of the electrons
(quantum mechanical effects) and the scarcity of scattering centres.
2. As the size of the system becomes comparable with the de Broglie wavelength of the
electrons, the discrete nature of the energy states becomes apparent once again, although
a fully discrete energy spectrum is only observed in systems that are confined in all three
3. In certain cases, conducting materials become insulators below a critical length scale, as
the energy bands cease to overlap. Owing to their intrinsic wave-like nature, electrons can
tunnel quantum mechanically between two closely adjacent nanostructures, and if a
voltage is applied between two nanostructures which aligns the discrete energy levels in
the DOS, resonant tunnelling occurs, which abruptly increases the tunnelling current.
4. Conduction in highly confined structures, such as quantum dots, is very sensitive to the
presence of other charge carriers and hence the charge state of the dot.
5. These Coulomb blockade effects result in conduction processes involving single electrons
and as a result they require only a small amount of energy to operate a switch, transistor
or memory element.
6. All these phenomena can be utilised to produce radically different types of components
for electronic, optoelectronic and information processing applications, such as resonant
tunnelling transistors and single-electron transistors.
Small size effect (Quantum size effect) Quantum Mechanics
--Contain very small number of atoms (molecules)
-- Electromagnetic forces are dominant.
-- Wave particle duality. The electrons exhibit wave behavior.
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-- Quantum confinement.
-- Discrete energy levels
Two dissimilar semiconductors with different band gaps can be joined to form a heterojunction. The
discontinuity in either the conduction or the valence band can be used to form a potential well. If a
thin layer of a narrower-band gap material 'A' say, is sandwiched between two layers of a wider-band
gap material 'B', then they form a double heterojunction. If layer 'A' is sufficiently thin for quantum
properties to be exhibited, then such a band alignment is called a single quantum well. Additional
semiconductor layers can be included in the heterostructure, for example a stepped or asymmetric
quantum well can be formed by the inclusion of an alloy between materials A and B.
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R = rl/A
is not valid for quantum wires (where ris the material's resistivity, lis the length, and Ais the
cross-sectional area of the wire).
Instead, an exact calculation of the transverse energies of the confined electrons has to be
performed to calculate a wire's resistance. Following from the quantization of electron energy,
the electrical conductance (the inverse of the resistance) is found to be quantized in multiples of
2e2/h, where eis the electron charge and h is the Planck constant. The factor of two arises from
spin degeneracy.
The importance of the quantization is inversely proportional to the diameter of the nanowire for a
given material. From material to material, it is dependent on the electronic properties, especially
on the effective mass of the electrons. Physically, this means that it will depend on how
conduction electrons interact with the atoms within a given material. In practice, semiconductors
can show clear conductance quantization for large wire transverse dimensions (~100 nm)
because the electronic modes due to confinement are spatially extended. As a result, their Fermi
wavelengths are large and thus they have low energy separations. This means that they can only
be resolved at cryogenic temperatures (within a few degrees of absolute zero) where the thermal
energy is lower than the inter-mode energy separation.
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For metals, quantization corresponding to the lowest energy states is only observed for atomic
wires. Their corresponding wavelength being thus extremely small they have a very large energy
separation which makes resistance quantization observable even at room temperature.