This document outlines the clinical response thresholds and monitoring frequencies based on the National Early Warning Score. It provides guidance for patient monitoring and escalation of care for scores between 0 and over 7.
This document outlines the clinical response thresholds and monitoring frequencies based on the National Early Warning Score. It provides guidance for patient monitoring and escalation of care for scores between 0 and over 7.
This document outlines the clinical response thresholds and monitoring frequencies based on the National Early Warning Score. It provides guidance for patient monitoring and escalation of care for scores between 0 and over 7.
This document outlines the clinical response thresholds and monitoring frequencies based on the National Early Warning Score. It provides guidance for patient monitoring and escalation of care for scores between 0 and over 7.
assess the patient Total Minimum 4–6 hourly • Registered nurse decides whether increased 1–4 frequency of monitoring and/or escalation of care is required
• Registered nurse to inform medical team
3 in single parameter Minimum 1 hourly caring for the patient, who will review and decide whether escalation of care is necessary
• Registered nurse to immediately inform the
medical team caring for the patient Total • Registered nurse to request urgent assessment 5 or more Minimum 1 hourly by a clinician or team with core competencies Urgent response in the care of acutely ill patients threshold • Provide clinical care in an environment with monitoring facilities
• Registered nurse to immediately inform the
medical team caring for the patient – this should be at least at specialist registrar level Total • Emergency assessment by a team with critical 7 or more Continuous monitoring of care competencies, including practitioner(s) Emergency response vital signs with advanced airway management skills threshold • Consider transfer of care to a level 2 or 3 clinical care facility, ie higher-dependency unit or ICU • Clinical care in an environment with monitoring facilities