Employability of Bs in Business Management of Cvsu-Carmona 2017-2018
Employability of Bs in Business Management of Cvsu-Carmona 2017-2018
Employability of Bs in Business Management of Cvsu-Carmona 2017-2018
OF CvSU-CARMONA 2017-2018
Spending more than fifteen years in the center of learning seems quite challenging. All of
us needs to go to school to learn how to give value, to be able to do many things, to read,
important in our daily lives. After graduating in college, others may think that it is easy in
the requirements for graduates ensuring them to have the ability to gain and maintain
employment that will help them in pursuing their precious dreams which they build while
Employability talks about a person who has a set of skills, knowledge that they
use a person service to perform a work in exchange for salary. Refozar, Velasquez &
Luistro (2017) the graduates are considered as the ultimate products of higher education
who will serve the large part in our community by providing their great knowledge and
idea which they gain in institute. Managing and developing one’s employability is
employable students who will help to contribute to the financial capital of the country’s
economy. By identifying gaps on the work values of the graduates could also provide an
idea on how teachers will combine their lesson and being an asset in the organization.
Being a highly qualified technical or professional skills would provide better opportunities
fundamental building block for human development and a powerful driver for the
development of individuals which can help the society in improving health, gender
equality, peace, and stability. Tertiary education systems are generally too small to meet
the demands of rapid growth of economies. It also stated the three distinct national goals.
First, it aims to educate the youth to become more active and productive part of society.
Second, to meet and match industry demand with a competent and globally competitive
workforce. And lastly, continuing effort to reach global education standards, through
increasing the quality of human capital and productivity vis-à-vis national and economic
Over the last decade those concerned with education and employment have
been increasingly looking for an evidence that will be helpful on how they will improve
labour market. Enhancing the short and long-term employability potential of graduates.
The employers has surprisingly knowledge of what to expect from fresh graduates. Melink
This section discussed various themes that are related in some way to the studies.
Employability also determined as a collection of understandings, set of
achievements and personal traits that graduates should possess and more likely to achieve
themselves, the workforce, the society and the economy. Knight & Yorke (2003).
Romaniuk & Snart (2000) cited by Stokes (2013) stated that employability is a
multifaceted notion and the subject of debate in terms of what it is, how it is measured,
developed, and who is responsible for it. It is also defined as an individual’s long-term
abilty to produce a career and to succeed in labor market. It includes determining, attaining,
maintaining the skills to fulfil in work in order to obtain and retain. However the notion of
employability focus and weight placed on its innovative change. Giving emphasis on how
to prepared individuals in the fast facing economy and the world that is full of work and
increasing on globalization and technological changes, job insecurity and job displacement
while decreasing in economic expansion and job creation all at the same time.
entrepreneurship education and ESDPs has high level of influence on both forms of
employment, graduates with higher level of employability, skills and competencies are
more likely and to engaged in entrepreneurial activities and meet the employers demands
in terms of productivity.
According to Saunders & Zuzel (2009) employability of the graduates is one of the
main key issue for Higher Education. This study shows a strong correlation between
employer and graduates perceptions of the relative priorities amongst employability skills.
Skills that the graduates should possess such as enthusiasm, dependability and team-
working higher than subject knowledge skill while commercial awareness, negotiation and
networking were given lowest priority. Having the expansion in HE and recent economic
downturn, there is intense competition for jobs in the graduate employment market.
Based on the study of Y.B. Datoseri Mohamed Khaled Nordin, as cited by Ramirez,
Cruz & Alcantara (2014), stated that the challenging economic situation means there is no
longer sufficient for a fresh graduate to have broad and wide knowledge in academic
subject, it is increasingly necessary for every students to gain skill which can enhance their
self as a part of competitive employment. However, the Higher Education Institutions must
be responsive to make innovative changes that will lead to better employability. Academic
Institution must tended to serve moral and intellectual development also the centers of
civilization with the fast rapid growth of economic development, giving more emphasis on
Higher education have been responsively producing graduates at a fairly fast rate,
although the technical expertise was not enough for educated graduates (Beretu 2018). The
findings was thousands of university graduates are not yet employed, or they end up in
industries and places which is not related in education that they’re taken up. Sadly some of
unemployed graduates owe money for the sake of their studies and no ability to repay.
Because of a stagnant economy growth it resulted to high level of unemployment and the
entrepreneurial activities have remained low and there are no expectations of a sudden turn
learners will engage with skill provision that is listed to express their idea and capabilities