Elyses em
Elyses em
Elyses em
Electrolysis Seminar
March, 2007
Chippis, Switzerland
Max-Högger-Strasse 6
CH - 8048 Zürich
Telephone: +41 44 435 33 33
Facsimile: +41 44 435 06 65
E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: www.alcanalesa.ch
Authors: Topics:
Peter Entner Theory of Aluminum Smelting,
Handbook, ElyseSem Acrobat-File, ElysePrg PC-Program.
e-mail: [email protected].
website: www.peter-entner.com.
All copyrights and other rights regarding the contents and enclosures of the Electrolysis
Seminar Book are with ALCAN ALESA ENGINEERING LTD. Without the express
permission of the management of this company it is forbidden to copy the Electrolysis
Seminar Book either in whole or in part or make it accessible to third parties.
ALESA Electrolysis Seminar
9. Raw Materials
10. Cathode Lining and Pot Startup
11. Process Control
12. Pot Operation
13. Troubleshooting in Pot Operation
14. Measurements
15. Autopsies
16. Emissions from Aluminum Electrolysis
1. Principles of the
1.1. Summary ...................................................................... 1-3
1.1. Summary
charged at the anode where it reacts with the carbon anode to produce
carbon dioxide (CO2).
Figure 1-1: Schema of a Hall-Héroult electrolysis cell for the production of aluminum.
Figure 1-2: Photograph of an industrial electrolysis cell.
Some technical and operating figures of this pot type are given in Ta-
ble 1-1.
Table 1-1: Technical and Operational Figures of Alusuisse's EPT18 Pot (Lit. 1-1).
The carbon anodes are attached to the iron yoke and aluminum rod with
the anode clamp to the anode beam. After an anode is consumed the an-
ode clamp is opened and the consumed anode is replaced by a new one.
A hoist motor changes the position of the anode beam to control in this
way the distance between the electrolytic active bottom side of the anode
and the upper surface of the metal, the interpolar distance.
The top side of the pot is closed by a hooding to collect the waste gases.
The pot gas exhaust conducts these gases to a scrubbing unit. The scrub-
ber mixes the waste gases with alumina to adsorb e.g. remove the gase-
ous and particulate fluoride components before the waste gas is ex-
hausted to the atmosphere.
Since the electrolytic process consumes alumina at a nearly constant rate
alumina must be added to the electrolytic bath. In modern pots automatic
transport and feeding systems have replaced the vehicles which went from
one pot to the other, brought alumina from the silos to the pots and
crushed the top crust to push alumina into the bath. In patents (Lit. 1-2,
1-3) and the literature several systems are described to transport alumina
from the plant silo to the pots and to add a known amount of alumina to
the electrolyte.
The tubes which transport alumina are worn by the moving material and
on the other hand alumina tends to stick together in blind angles or block
the tubing if the speed is too small. To overcome these problems the con-
ventional fluidized bed was modified especially to decrease the amount of
compressed air to transport alumina.
The automatic closed transport system conveys alumina from the plant silo
to alumina hoppers which are placed between the anode beams.
To design such a transport system one has to take especially into account
the abrasive power of alumina and its tendency to plug narrow tubes. At
the pots several pneumatic air cylinders activate several crust breakers to
keep holes open in the top crust. A dosing system adds alumina in defined
quantities to the electrolyte where it is dissolved. The process control sys-
tem activates the point feeders (crust breakers and dosing devices) ac-
cording to a sophisticated algorithm to keep the alumina content of the
electrolyte at the target value.
A critical component of the system is the dosing device which measures a
defined amount of alumina in a reproducible way.
Table 1-2: Cell Performance of the Dubai Aluminium Co. Pot at 190 kA (Lit. 1-5):
Table 1-3: Operating Figures of the Pechiney 300 kA Pot (Lit. 1-6):
Table 1-4: Operating Figures of the 300 kA Pot of VAW (Lit. 1-7):
Figure 1-10: Principle of the Direct Carbothermic Reduction Process of Alcoa. Coke re-
duces bauxite and clay in a blast furnace. The aluminum-silicon-iron alloy is
split up by fractional crystallization. In the last step a membrane cell pro-
duces pure aluminum and silicon.
Figure 1-11: Schema of the Alcoa Aluminum-Chloride Process. AlCl3 is produced by re-
acting alumina with carbon and chlorine. The AlCl3 is electrolysed in a multi-
polar cell and the chlorine is recycled into the process.
Figure 1-12: Aluminum Chloride Electrolysis Cell. Several bipolar electrodes decompose
the molten aluminum chloride into aluminum and chlorine.
It has been a subject of extensive research since the invention of the Hall-
Héroult process to replace the carbon anodes which are consumed during
the electrolysis process by anodes which are made of inert material. The
work on inert anodes is reviewed in several articles, at the time being
Lit. 1-12 is the last one. This publication leads the interested reader to the
other literature.
The overall reaction when employing inert anodes is
e.g. oxygen is evolving at the anode. Although the absolute value of re-
versible potential for an oxygen evolving anode is approximately 1V higher
than that of a carbon anode, a lower oxygen overvoltage and lower ohmic
losses of non-consumable anodes could compensate.
Figure 1-13: Principle of an Inert Anode. The anode body consisting of refractory com-
pounds is covered with a layer of inert anode material. Doped tin oxide or
nickel iron oxides are examples of inert anode materials.
Figure 1-13 shows the principles of using an inert anode. The surface of
the anode body is covered with the inert anode material mostly oxides
which conduct the electric current. Depending on the surface material the
body consists of a refractory material which is able to sustain the high
temperatures in the electrolytic pot. Also the electric connection between
the anode material and the bus bar system must be studied.
The potential advantages of a system with inert anodes are:
While a vast array of materials has already been patented for inert anode
application, none is yet in commercial use. Most recent research has con-
centrated on metals, cermets, oxide ceramics and cerium oxide coatings.
Metal Anodes
Metals and metallic alloys have excellent electrical conductivity and have
therefore been proposed as anode materials for aluminum electrolysis.
However, apart from some Noble Metals, the metals are attacked by oxy-
gen produced at the anode. For the aluminum reduction cell the anode can
comprise an alloy of Copper, Nickel and Iron or combinations of them,
upon which forms a protective oxide layer that under cell operating condi-
tions is thick enough to prevent chemical attack of the underlying metal,
yet thin enough to allow electronic current to pass without a substantial in-
crease in cell voltage. Tungsten, Nickel and Stainless Steel anodes
have also been investigated. However, these metals have proved insuffi-
ciently resistant to anodic attack and therefore unsuitable as inert anodes
in the production of aluminum by the Hall-Héroult process. It is important
to form a dense oxide layer on the total anode surface, otherwise the
metal anode suffers direct corrosion by the electrolyte. This attack is ag-
gravated when the anode is polarized and not passivated, and can result
in direct electrostripping of the metal components of the anode. The tech-
nical viability of metals as anode materials is still under investigation.
Cermets are a combination of ceramics and metals. Cermets developd so
far are generally composed of primarily Nickel Oxide (NiO) and Nickel
Ferrite (NiFe204) which contain a copper-based metal phase. The oxide
matrix provides a corrosion resistant network to contain the electrically
conductive copper-based metal phase. Figure 1-14 (Lit. 1-13) shows
schematically an experimental anode arrangement using cermet material.
While polarized, the metal phase develops a coating which helps to protect
the cermet from corrosion. The corrosion resistance of such cermet an-
odes has been determined recently in cryolite-based high temperature and
cryolite-potassium fluoride-based low temperature systems. Corrosion in
the high temperature system is 2 to 3 times higher than that in the low
temperature system. A novel technique using electroless copper plating
instead of mechanical mixing with copper has produced cermets with bet-
ter electrical conductivity. When tested in aluminum reduction cells, how-
ever, the cermet anode showed inadequate corrosion resistance, particu-
larly at low alumina concentrations and high current densities.
Full-size anodes with advanced or grooved design have been manufac-
tured to compare fabrication by isostatic pressing, slip casting and injec-
tion molding respectively. Of the three approaches, isostatic pressing pro-
duced an anode with dimensions nearest to the target specifications, and
without serious macroscopic flaws. This approach appears the most prom-
ising for making advanced anodes for aluminum smelting. However, to op-
timize the physical properties and microstructure of the anode will require
substantial further work.
Ceramic oxides all have a certain degree of solubility in molten cryolite and
generally have a high electric resistivity. Among several materials studied,
Tin Oxide (SnO2) has proved to be the most promising candidate for
manufacturing inert anodes. Several laboratory studies have been made
namely on thermal shock resistance and on the amount and forms of SnO2
solubility in cryolite-alumina melts. Different doping materials like the ox-
ides of copper, iron, manganese have been used in preparing SnO2 semi-
conductor ceramics and the properties of these materials determined. Cell
tests using anodes with those compositions demonstrated fairly good re-
sults concerning current efficiencies, corrosion rates and anode surface
To learn about the borides, nitrides and carbides of refractory hard metals
(titanium, zirconium, hafnium, etc.) which have been proposed the inter-
ested reader should consult the review papers Lit. 1-14 and 1-15. Tita-
nium Boride (TiB2) seems to be the most promising candidate material
because of its price and its properties.
The following main types of arrangements can be found in the literature:
Drained Cathode
Figure 1-15 shows the principle:
Figure 1-15: Schema of a Drained Cathode. The bottom lining is covered with a glued
layer of wettable material. The produced aluminum flows into the central
channel since the cathode is slightly inclined.
The bottom lining is inclined and covered with a wettable material. Several
methods were proposed to apply the material to the lining: glueing of tiles,
chemical vapor deposition, electrodeposition, plasma spraying, glazing or
by supersaturation techniques.
Cathode Elements
Various patents and publications have proposed elements made of wet-
table material which are introduced into conventional cells and are used as
Multipolar Cells
It is a fascinating idea to combine an inert anode material with a wettable
cathode material to form a binary electrode. Such electrodes can be ar-
ranged similar to the Alcoa AlCl3-Cell in a multipolar electrolysis cell (Fig-
ure 1-16).
Figure 1-17: Electrolysis Cell with several Bipolar Electrodes. An intermediate material
separates but connects electrically the anode from the cathode to avoid
chemical reactions.
Several problems must be solved: the anode material must not react
chemically with the cathode material, the products of the electrolysis (alu-
minum and oxygen) must be transported away from the electrodes without
reacting with each other, alumina must be fed to the electrolyte and alumi-
num tapped like in a conventional cell. To what extend these projects were
executed is not known.
1.7. Literature
Lit. 1-1: E. Bosshard, O. Knaisch, W. Schmidt-Hatting, J. M. Blanc,
“EPT18: The New 180-kA-Pot of Alusuisse”,
Light Metals 1983, 595-605.
2. Mass Balance
2. Mass Balance
2.1. Summary
Principal Equation:
2Al2O3 + 3C = 4Al + 3 CO2 (2–1)
The Principal Equation means that two moles Al2O3 react with three
moles C to four moles Al and three moles CO2. The Mole is defined as the
amount of substance (symbol: n, unit: mol) which contains as many ele-
mentary entities as there are atoms in 0.012 kg 12C (Lit. 2-2, p.40). This
number NA=6.022×1023 is called Avogadro Constant (Table 1, p.1-1 of
Lit. 2-3).
M =m (2–2)
with the meaning of the symbols:
M: molar mass (g/mol),
m: mass of substance (g),
n: number of moles.
M B = M r (B) (2–3)
M X = Ar (X)
with the meaning of the symbols:
MB: molar mass of compound B (10-3 kg/mol, kg/mol, g/mol),
Mr(B): relative molecular mass of compound B,
Mx: molar mass of atom X (10-3 kg/mol, kg/mol, g/mol),
Ar(X): relative atomic mass of atom X.
c h a f bg
M r Al2 O 3 = 2 ⋅ M r Al + 3 ⋅ M r O = 2 × 26.9815 + 3 × 15.9994 = 1019612
Al3+ + 3 e- = Al (2–4)
= 0.6341⋅I ⋅t (2–5)
2 3
of carbon:
TC C = 01120
. ⋅I ⋅t (2–6)
of carbon dioxide:
Equation 2-7 for TPAl is derived in the following way (the derivations of the
other equations you find in ElyseSem):
To discharge four aluminum ions (4Al3+) according to the Principal Equation
2-1 4×3×F of electric charge is necessary. When a current I during the time t
is flowing through the electrolytic cell the theoretical production of aluminum
TPAl = ⋅ M Al ⋅ I ⋅ t
4 ⋅ 3 ⋅F
4 26.9815
TPAl = × 3
× I × 10 3 × t × 3600
12 × 96485 10
TPAl = 0.3356 ⋅ I ⋅ t
According to the Principal Equation 2-1 the following relations must hold:
TC Al O + TC C = TPAl + TPCO
2 3 2 (2–9)
0.6341 + 0.1120 = 0.3356 + 0.4105
Pearson and Waddington (Lit. 2-4) assume that the loss in current effi-
ciency is only due to the reaction of aluminum with CO2.
To the Principal Equation
considering that (1-η) fractions of aluminum are lost if η fractions are pro-
duced which results in the Electrolysis Equation:
Remark: You can add (or subtract) chemical equations like mathematical
equations. You have to consider, however, that the sign has to be
changed when you shift one component to the other side of the equation:
= 0.6341⋅I ⋅t ⋅η (2–14)
2 3
of carbon:
EC C = 01120
. ⋅I ⋅t (2–15)
EPAl = TPAl ⋅ η = ⋅ M Al ⋅ I ⋅ t ⋅ η
4 ⋅ 3 ⋅F
4 26.9815
EPAl = × 3
× I × 10 3 × t × 3600 × η = 0.3356 ⋅ I ⋅ t ⋅ η
12 × 96485 10
and for EPCO (2-18) in the following way (the derivations of the other equa-
tions you find in ElyseSem):
The calculated values of EPCO2 and EPCO are in kilograms. If you want
them in cubic meters please use Equation 2-30 and 2-31.
The practice uses also specific values e.g. values related to a reactant of
the Principal Equation, normally to one kilogram of aluminum. One can
write for the
of carbon:
SEC C = 0.3338 (2–20)
of carbon dioxide:
2η − 1
SEPCO = 12233
. ⋅ (2–21)
2 η
of carbon monoxide:
1− η
SEPCO = 15572
. ⋅ (2–22)
where the SEC and SEP are in fractions (kg/kg) and η is the fractional cur-
rent efficiency. The values of SEPCO2 and SEPCO are calculated by dividing
the kilograms of CO2 and CO by the kilograms aluminum. If you want them
in cubic meters per kilogram please use Equation 2-32 and 2-33.
Remark: It is the habit to write the units of specific values for instance for
SECC like kgC/kgAl. According to (Lit. 1-1 and Lit. 2-2) it is not acceptable
to mix any information concerning the quantity with the unit.
EC Al O 2 4 ⋅ 3 ⋅F 1
SEC Al O = 2 3
= ⋅ M Al O ⋅ I ⋅ t ⋅ η ⋅ ⋅
2 3 EPAl 4 ⋅ 3 ⋅F 2 3 4 M Al ⋅ I ⋅ t ⋅ η
1 M Al2O3 1 1019612
SEC Al O = ⋅ = × = 18895
2 3 2 M Al 2 26.9815
and for SECCO (Equation 2-21) you write (the derivations of the other
equations you find in ElyseSem):
EPCO 6 4 ⋅ 3 ⋅F 1
SEPCO = = ⋅ M CO ⋅ I ⋅ t ⋅ (1− η) ⋅ ⋅
EPAl 4 ⋅ 3 ⋅F 4 M Al ⋅ I ⋅ t ⋅ η
3 M CO 1− η 3 28.0105 1− η 1− η
SEPCO = ⋅ ⋅ = × × = 15572
. ⋅
2 M Al η 2 26.9815 η η
According to the Electrolysis Equation 2-13 the following relations must
hold (see Equation 2-9):
The following examples show how to apply the expressions derived in this
chapter. Example 2-3 calculates correspondingly to Example 2-2 the elec-
trolytic productions and consumption values.
Example 2-4 investigates an experiment with a laboratory cell and deter-
mines the current load and current efficiency of a laboratory cell.
You write for the electrolytic consumption (Equation 2-14) and specific
electrolytic consumption (Equation 2-19) of aluminum oxide :
EC Al2O 3 = 0.6341⋅ I ⋅ t ⋅ η = 0.6341× 300 × 24 × 0.95 = 4338 kg
SEC Al2O 3 = 1890
. kg / kg
for the electrolytic consumption (Equation 2-15) and specific electrolytic
consumption (Equation 2-20) of carbon :
EC C = 0.1120 ⋅ I ⋅ t = 0.1120 × 300 × 24 = 806 kg
0.3338 0.3338
SEC C = = = 0.351 kg / kg
η 0.95
for the electrolytic production (Equation 2-17) and specific electrolytic pro-
duction (Equation 2-21) of carbon dioxide:
EPCO 2 = 0.4105 ⋅ I ⋅ t ⋅ (2η − 1) = 0.4105 × 300 × 24 × (2 × 0.95 − 1) = 2660 kg
2η − 1 2 × 0.95 − 1
SEPCO 2 = 12233
. ⋅ = 12233
. × = 1159
. kg / kg
η 0.95
and for the electrolytic production (Equation 2-1) and specific electrolytic
production (Equation 2-22) of carbon monoxide:
EPCO = 0.5226 ⋅ I ⋅ t ⋅ (1− η) = 0.5226 × 300 × 24 × (1− 0.95) = 188 kg
1− η 1− 0.95
SEPCO = 15572
. ⋅ = 15572
. × = 0.082 kg / kg
η 0.95
If you want the gas production in cubic meters see Example 2-7.
For more information about ElysePrg please see Chap. 18 and specifically
about these calculations see Chap. 18.3.1.
EPAl 45.9
CE = 100 × 0.3338 × = 33.39 × = 68.4 %
EC C 22.4
Using Equation 2-16 for the elctrolytic production of aluminum one finds for
the current load:
EPAl 45.9
I= = = 25 A
0.3356 ⋅ η ⋅ t 0.3356 × 0.684 × 8
The gas pressure and temperature are measured in different units. The
following tables inform how to convert those units:
The value of the molar Gas Constant (Lit 2-3, p.1-43) is:
F Pa ⋅m3 J I
R = 8.314510 GG or J (2–26)
H K ⋅mol K ⋅molJK
Table 2-5 shows the values of the gas constant in different unit systems:
The volume of one mole of ideal gas at the Standard State namely a tem-
perature of T0 = 273.15 K (0 °C) and a pressure of p0 = 101 325 Pa
(1 atm) is called Molar Volume of the ideal gas . Its value is:
R ⋅T 0 8.31451× 273.15 m3
Vm = = = 0.002 2414
p0 101325
. × 10 5 mol
Vm = 0.022414 m = 22.414 L (2–27)
mol mol
V t,p =V t ⋅ . ⋅ p0
t + 27315 (2–28)
0 0 t + 27315
. p
with the meaning of the symbols:
Vt 0 ,p0 : Volume of the ideal gas at the initial (t0, p0),
Vt,p: Volume of the ideal gas at the final state (t,p),
t0,t:: Initial, final temperature (°C),
p0, p: Initial, final pressure.
Using Equation 2-28 for the volume of an ideal gas and the values for the
standard state of an ideal gas one calculates:
e j e
V t = 0 o C = V t = 95 o C ⋅ j 95273.15
+ 273.15
= 1850 ×
= 1372 m3
Using the Equation 2-28 and finding in Table 2-4 that torrs are equal to mil-
limeters of mercury (mmHg) one calculates:
m CO EPCO (2–29)
n CO = 2 = 2
2 2
with the meaning of the symbols:
nCO2: number of moles of carbon dioxide,
mCO2: mass of carbon dioxide,
MCO2: molecular mass of carbon dioxide,
EPCO2: electrolytic production of carbon dioxide.
Using Equation 2-17 and 2-18 (electrolytic productions EP) and the Equa-
tion 2-25 (ideal gas) one finds the following relations for the
R ⋅T EPCO2 R ⋅T 3 R ⋅T
VPCO = n CO ⋅ = ⋅ = ⋅ ⋅ I ⋅ t ⋅ (2η − 1)
2 2 p M CO p 4 ⋅ 3 ⋅F p
3600 × 10 8.31451× 273.15
VPCO = × × I × t × (2η − 1) = 0.2091⋅ I ⋅ t ⋅ (2η − 1)
2 4 × 96485 101325
. × 10 5
R ⋅T EPCO R ⋅T 6 R ⋅T
VPCO = n CO ⋅ = ⋅ = ⋅ ⋅ I ⋅ t ⋅ (1− η)
p M CO p 4 ⋅ 3 ⋅F p
3600 × 10 3 8.31451× 273.15
VPCO = × × I × t × (1− η) = 0.4182 ⋅ I ⋅ t ⋅ (1− η )
2 × 96485 101325
. × 10 5
The production values of VPCO2 and VPCO are in cubic meters (m3). If you
want them in kilograms (EPCO2, EPCO) please use Equation 2-21 and 2-22
of the electrolytic productions.
2η − 1
SVPCO = 0.6230 ⋅ (2–32)
2 η
and of carbon monoxide:
1− η
SVPCO = 12460
. ⋅ (2–33)
with the meaning of the symbols:
SVPCO2: specific electrolytic volume production of carbon dioxide (m3/kg),
SVPCO: specific electrolytic volume production of carbon monox- (m3/kg),
η: fractional current efficiency.
at standard conditions: T0 = 273.15 K (0 °C),
p0 = 101 325 Pa (1 atm).
Derivation of Equation 2-32:
1 R ⋅T 1 R ⋅T 3 1 R ⋅T 2η − 1
SVPCO = ⋅ nCO ⋅ = SEPCO . ⋅ = ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
2 EPAl 2 p 2 M CO p 4 M Al p
3 10 8.31451× 273.15 2η − 1 2η − 1
SVPCO = × × × = 0.6230 ⋅
2 4 26 ⋅ 9815 101325
. × 10 5 η η
1 R ⋅T 1 R ⋅T 3 1 R ⋅T 1− η
SVPCO = ⋅ n CO ⋅ = SEPCO . ⋅ = ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
EPAl p M CO p 2 M Al p η
3 10 3 8.31451× 273.15 1− η 1− η
SVPCO = × ⋅ × = 12460
. ⋅
2 26 × 9815 101325
. × 10 5 η η
The calculated values of SVPCO2 and SVPCO are in cubic meters per kilo-
gram. If you want them in kilograms per kilogram please use Equa-
tion 2-21 and 2-22.
Example 2-7: Electrolytic Production of CO2 and CO in Cubic Meters
Corresponding to the Example 2-3 an electrolytic pot is operated at 300
kA with a current efficiency (Equation 2-11) of CE = 95 %. How much car-
bon dioxide and carbon monoxide is it producing at standard conditions in
24 hours? Calculate also the specific values.
You write for the electrolytic volume production (Equation 2-30) and spe-
cific electrolytic volume production (Equation 2-32) of carbon dioxide:
VPCO 2 = 0.2091⋅ I ⋅ t ⋅ (2η − 1) = 0.2091× 300 × 24 × (2 × 0.95 − 1) = 1355 m 3
2η − 1 2 × 0.95 − 1
SVPCO 2 = 0.6230 ⋅ = 0.6230 × = 0.590 m 3 / kg
η 0.95
and for the specific electrolytic volume production (Equation 2-31) and
specific electrolytic volume production (Equation 2-33 ) of carbon monox-
VPCO = 0.4181⋅ I ⋅ t ⋅ (1− η ) = 0.4181× 300 × 24 × (1− 0.95) = 151 m 3
1− η 1− 0.95
SVPCO = 12460
. ⋅ = 1246
. × = 0.066 m 3 / kg
η 0.95
If you want the gas production in kilograms see the Example 2-3.
Click in the List Examples and Exercises Window of ElysePrg (Chap.
18.14) on Exp. 2-7 and ElysePrg executes the calculation and shows the
following calculation page:
For more information about ElysePrg please see Chap. 18 and specifically
about these calculations see Chap. 18.4.1 and Chap. 18.4.2.
Mass Fraction
mA mB
wA = wB = (2–34)
m A + mB m A + mB
with the meaning of the symbols:
wA, wB: mass fractions of component A, B,
mA, mB: masses of component A, B.
Mole Fraction
nA nB
xA = xB = (2–35)
n A + nB n A + nB
with the meaning of the symbols:
xA, xB: mole fractions of component A, B,
nA, nB: number of moles of component A, B.
Volume Fraction
VA VB (2–36)
ϕA = ϕB =
with the meaning of the symbols:
ϕA, ϕB: volume fractions of component A, B,
VA, VB: volume of component A, B.
For the volume fraction and for the corresponding mole fractions of carbon
dioxide in the anode gas one writes by using the Ideal Gas Equation 2-25:
V CO n CO (2–37)
ϕ CO = 2 = 2 = x CO
2 V CO +V CO n CO + n CO 2
2 2
with the meaning of the symbols:
ϕCO2: volume fraction of carbon dioxide in the anode gas,
VCO2: volume of carbon dioxide in the anode gas,
volume of carbon monoxide in the anode gas,
nCO2: number of moles of carbon dioxide in the anode gas,
nCO: number of moles of carbon monoxide in the anode gas,
xCO2: mole fraction of carbon dioxide in the anode gas.
Taking the values from the Electrolysis Equation 2-13 one continues:
2η − 1
ϕ CO = x CO = (2–38)
2 2 FH 2η −1IK + 2 ⋅ FH1− ηIK
Max-Högger-Strasse 6 CH-8048 Zürich, Switzerland
Tel: +41 44 435 3333, Fax: +41 44 435 0665, E-Mail: [email protected]
ALESA Electrolysis Seminar
2. Mass Balance
ϕ CO 100 ⋅ϕ CO (2–39)
η = 0.5 + 2 or CE = 50 + 2
2 2
with the meaning of the symbols:
η: fractional current efficiency,
ϕCO2: volume fraction of carbon dioxide in the anode gas,
CE: current efficiency in percent.
ϕ CO 100 ⋅ϕ CO (2–40)
η = 1− or CE = 100 −
2 2
with the meaning of the symbols:
η: fractional current efficiency,
ϕCO: volume fraction of carbon monoxide in the anode gas,
CE: current efficiency in percent
by using
ϕ CO = 1− ϕ CO (2–41)
Figure 2-1 shows graphically the relation between the anode consump-
Figure 2-1: Graphical representation of the relation between the different types of anode
consumptions. AGC is the anode gross consumption, AB are the anode butts,
ANC is the anode net consumption, AEC the anode excess consumption and
SECC the electrolytic specific consumption (Equation 2-20).
Table 2-6 lists the specific consumptions which are normally determine for
technical pots:
Table 2-6: Technical Specific Consumptions
Remark: It is the habit to write the units of specific values for instance
kWh/kgAl. According to (Lit.2-1 and Lit. 2-2) it is not acceptable to mix any
information concerning the quantity with the unit.
The relations for the electrolytic consumption of alumina (Equ. 2-14) and
the electrolytic production of aluminum (Equ. 2-16) are the same as for the
conventional electrolysis. However the Electrolytic Production of Oxy-
gen is different:
EPO2 = ⋅ MO2 ⋅ I ⋅ t ⋅ 3 ⋅ η
4 ⋅ 3 ⋅F
1 31.9988 (2-46)
EPO2 = × × I × 103 × t × 3600 × 3 × η
12 × 96485 10 3
EPO2 = 0.2985 × I × t × η
EPO2 1 4 ⋅ 3 ⋅F 1
SEPO2 = = ⋅ MO2 ⋅ I ⋅ t ⋅ 3 ⋅ η ⋅ ⋅
EPAl 4 ⋅ 3 ⋅F 1 MAl ⋅ I ⋅ t ⋅ 4 ⋅ η
3 MO 3 31.9988
SEPO2 = ⋅ 2 = × = 0.8895
4 MAl 4 26.9815
Similar to Equ. 2-30 and 2-31 you write for the Volume Production of
R ⋅ T EPO2 R ⋅ T 1 R ⋅T
VPO2 = nO2 ⋅ = ⋅ = ⋅ ⋅ I ⋅ t ⋅ 3 ⋅η
p MO2 p 4 ⋅ 3 ⋅F p
1 8.31451× 273.15
VPO2 = × × I × 103 × t × 3600 × 3 × η
12 × 96485 1.01325 × 10 5
VPO2 = 0.2091× I × t × η
and corresponding to Equ. 2-32 and 2-33 you write for the Specific Vol-
ume Production of Oxygen
1 R ⋅T 1 R ⋅T 3 1 R ⋅T
SVPO2 = ⋅ nO2 ⋅ = SEPO2 ⋅ ⋅ = ⋅ ⋅
EPAl p MO2 p 4 MAl p
3 103 8.31451× 273,15
SEPO2 = × × = 0.6230
4 26.9815 1.01325 × 105
with the meaning of the symbols:
2.11. Literature
Lit. 2-1: International Organisation for Standardization,
"ISO STANDARDS HANDBOOK: Quantities and Units",
ISBN 92-97-10185-4, Third Edition 1984.
2.12. Exercises
Exercise 2-1:
Estimate the radius of the aluminum atom by using the Avogadro Constant
and the density of aluminum ρ = 2.4 g /cm3.
for the density you can write for the volume of the cube which contains
one aluminum atom
m 27 −23 3
V = = = 1.8 ⋅ 10 cm
ρ 2.4 ⋅ 6 ⋅ 10
. ⋅ 10 −23 = 2.6 ⋅ 10 −8 cm .
l = 3 18
This fits quite well with an atomic radius of about r ≈ 1.3 Å (Ångstrom:
1 Å = 10-10 m) found in the literature.
Exercise 2-2:
Using Table 2-1 for the relative atomic masses (formerly atomic weights)
and Table 2-2 for the relative molecular masses (formerly molecular
weights) you write:
6 × Ar ( F ) 6 × 18.9984
cF = × 100 = × 100 = 54.3 %
M r ( Na 3 AlF6 ) 209.9413
3 × Ar ( F ) 3 × 18.9984
cF = × 100 = × 100 = 67.9 %
M r ( AlF3 ) 83.9768
1 × Ar ( F ) 18.9984
cF = × 100 = × 100 = 45.2 %
M r ( NaF ) 41.9882
2 × Ar ( F ) 2 × 18.9984
cF = × 100 = × 100 = 48.7 %
M r ( CaF2 ) 78.0752
Exercise 2-3:
Gas Production
You write using Equation 2-30 and 2-31 for the volume production of car-
bon monoxide/dioxide and Equation 2-28 for volume conversion:
200 + 273.15 3
VPCO = 0.2091 × 116.5 × ( 2 × 0.952 − 1) × = 38 m
200 + 273.15 3
VPCO = 0.4181 × 116.5 × (1 − 0.952 ) × = 4m
ϕ CO = = 0.905
38 + 4
CE = 50 + = 95.2 %
Click in the List Examples and Exercises Window of ElysePrg (Chap.
18.14) on Exs. 2-3 and ElysePrg executes the calculation of Exs. 2-3 and
shows the following calculation page:
For more information about ElysePrg please see Chap. 18 and specifically
about these calculations see Chap. 18.4.1 and Chap. 18.4.2.
Exercise 2-4:
EPAl = = 411
. t
Rewriting Equation 2-16 you calculate the current intensity I = 473 kA:
1 EPAl 41100
I = ⋅ = = 472.5 kA
12 0.3356 ⋅ η ⋅ t 12 × 0.3356 × 0.90 × 24
Obviously you may only use the aluminum production (and alumina con-
sumption) values of this calculation. All the other values like carbon con-
sumption or carbon dioxide, monoxide production are NOT relevant for the
aluminum chloride electrolysis.
For more information about ElysePrg please see Chap. 18 and specifically
about these calculations see Chap. 18.3.1
Exercise 2-5:
Anode Consumption in 1 MAh
The anode gross consumption is AGC = 0.520. How much anode is con-
sumed in one mega ampere hour (CE = 92.4 %)?
The specific gross anode consumption (AGC) is given by the anode con-
sumption (AC) over the electrolytic aluminum production (EPAl, Equation
Exercise 2-6:
Alumina contains about 0.5 wt % sodium oxide. Sodium oxide reacts with
aluminum fluoride according to
C AlF = 0.3356 ¥ 200 ¥ 0.94 ¥ 24 ¥ 189
. ¥ 0.005 ¥ = 25.9 kg
SC AlF = 189
. × 0.005 × = 17 g / kg .
Exercise 2-7:
15 - 11
mNa2CO 3 = ¥ 3000 ¥ 0.9463 = 113.6 kg
3. Properties of the
3.1. Summary
3.2. Introduction
The properties of the cryolite electrolyte influence many key parameters
and processes of the Hall-Héroult electrolysis. Some examples:
Often the concentrations of AlF3 and NaF are called Excess Aluminum
Fluoride or Excess Sodium Fluoride Concentration. This specification
is not necessary since the standard system is defined as a multicompo-
nent system with cryolite as one component and the additions as the other
To convert composition from mole fractions into weight fractions (and vice
versa) please use Table 3-1. These relations may be easily extended to
systems of more components.
Example 3-1 shows how to convert mole percent into weight percent.
Example 3-1: Conversion of Mole Percent into Weight Percent.
The composition of the electrolyte is 30 mol % AlF3 and 70 mol % NaF.
What is its composition in weight percent?
Using the relative molecular masses from Table 2-1 and the conversion re-
lations from Table 3-1 you can write:
x AlF ⋅ M AlF 0.3 × 84
c AlF = 3 3
= = 0.46
xAlF3⋅M e
+ 1− x
AlF3 ⋅M
AlF3 j 0.3 × 84 + 0.7 × 42
c AlF = 46 wt % weight percent
c NaF = 100 − 46 = 54 wt % weight percent g
Click in the List Examples and Exercises Window of ElysePrg
(Chap. 18.14) on Exp. 3.1 ElysePrg introduces the start composition of
Exp. 3-1 namely 30 mole percent aluminum fluoride:
According to Example 3-1 the relations from Table 3-1 must be extended:
x AlF ⋅ M AlF
c AlF = 3 3
3 2 3 2 3
e 3 2 3
x AlF ⋅ M AlF + x Al O ⋅ M Al O + 1− x AlF − x Al O ⋅ M NaF
0.293 × 84
c AlF =
3 0.293 × 84 + 0.027 × 102 + 0.680 × 42
= 0.44 44 wt % g
x Al O ⋅ M Al O
c Al O = 2 3 2 3
2 3
3 2 3 2 3
x AlF ⋅ M AlF + x Al O ⋅ M Al O + 1− x AlF − x Al O ⋅ M NaF
3 3 2 3
0.027 × 102
c Al O =
2 3 0.293 × 84 + 0.027 × 102 + 0.680 × 42
= 0.05 5 wt % b g
c NaF = 100 − 44 − 5 = 51 wt %
The molten salt system aluminum fluoride - sodium fluoride can be con-
sidered as a mixture of the Lewis acid AlF3 and the Lewis base NaF.
nNaF (3–2)
CR =
n AlF
with the meaning of the symbols:
mNaF (3–3)
m AlF
with the meaning of the symbols:
nNaF mNaF ⋅ M AlF 83.9767 CR
CR = = =R × = 2R , R =
n AlF m AlF ⋅ M NaF 419882
. 2
3 3
the following relation holds:
CR (3–4)
with the meaning of the symbols:
When other Lewis acids (MgF2) or Lewis bases (LiF) are present in the
electrolyte some authors modify the bath or cryolite ratio to the
Equivalent Weight Ratio (EWR):
Tabereaux (Lit. 3-1)
Haupin (Lit. 3-2) is arguing that using ratios may be confusing to describe
bath properties, therefore concentrations should be applied.
Table 3-2 contains relations to convert bath ratio values into the aluminum
fluoride and sodium fluoride concentrations of the standard system (Equa-
tion 3-1) and the sodium fluoride - aluminum fluoride (NaF - AlF3 - addi-
tions) system.
Table 3-2: Conversion Concentration, Bath Ratio of Different Systems.
Example 3-3 shows how to use Table 3-2 to convert the concentrations of
Example 3-1 to the standard system. Similarly the three component sys-
tem of Example 3-1 is transformed to the standard system.
3 3
a f 5
c AlF = ⋅ c AlF − ⋅ 1− A = ⋅ 0.46 − = 0.10
1− c AlF − A 1− 0.46
R= 3
= = 117
c AlF 0.46
The aluminum fluoride (excess) concentration of Example 3-1 is 10 wt %
(bath ratio 1.17).
c AlF =
3 AlF3 3
a f 5 2
− ⋅ 1− A = ⋅ 0.46 − ⋅ 1− 0.05 = 0.10
3 3
1− c AlF − A 1− 0.44 − 0.05
R= 3
= = 116
c AlF 0.44
For quick conversion of concentrations into bath ratios (and vice versa)
please use Table 3-3.
Atomic-Absorption (AA) spectroscopy uses the absorption of light to measure the con-
centration of gas-phase atoms. Since samples are usually liquids or solids, the atoms or
ions must be vaporized in a flame or in a graphite furnace. The light source is usually a
hollow cathode lamp of the element that is being measured. The atoms absorb ultraviolet
or visible light and make transitions to higher electronic levels. The concentration is de-
termined from the amount of absorption.
Other wet chemical methods like the titration with aluminum chloride or
with potassium hydroxide are described in (Lit. 3-3 p.254-256). These
methods tend to be laborious, time consuming and the results are often
not of the wanted precision and reproducibility.
The X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) Method is based on the proportionality be-
tween the intensity of a selected diffraction line for a component and the
concentration in which this component is present in the solid sample. The
method is more complex than simply measuring the diffraction peaks of
several compounds (Lit. 3-6). Aluminum fluoride and cryolite have reacted
to chiolite and calcium fluoride to calcium cryolite (Lit. 3-7). Normally the
concentrations of calcium and lithium fluoride are determined by X-Ray
Fluorescence and the content of aluminum fluoride is then derived from
the chiolite content determined with X-Ray Diffraction.
X-rays have wavelengths of the same order as the interatomic distances in crystalline
solids and are therefore scattered producing a Diffracted Secondary X-Ray Beam. To
measure the intensity of the diffracted X-rays the detector is moved on a circle around the
sample which is turned simultaneously by half the angle of the detector.
The diffraction pattern e.g. the X-ray intensity in function of the diffraction angle is charac-
teristic for the composition of the diffracting solid sample and is used to determine the
concentration of the components in the sample.
Figure 3-1: Phase Diagram of the System Sodium Fluoride - Aluminum Fluoride.
Lines separate the temperature - composition diagram into regions where
different phases are in equilibrium. You find the coexistent phases in Ta-
ble 3-4.
Heating the solid phases of (8, e.g. solid cryolite and solid sodium fluoride)
and (11, e.g. solid chiolite and solid aluminum fluoride) to the Eutectic
Temperatures (888 °C and 695 °C) they melt either to pure liquid (5) or to
a mixture of solid and liquid ( 6, e.g. solid cryolite and liquid, 7, e.g. solid
sodium fluoride and liquid and 9, e.g. solid chiolite and liquid, 12, e.g. solid
aluminum fluoride and melt).
When heating (9, e.g. solid chiolite and liquid, 10, e.g. solid cryolite and
chiolite) respectively cooling (4, e.g. solid cryolite and liquid) over the Peri-
tectic Temperature (734 °C) chiolite decomposed into cryolite and alumi-
num fluoride or chiolite is formed by the reaction of cryolite with aluminum
fluoride. The reaction which happens at the peritectic temperature is writ-
ten as:
Figure 3-2: Part of the phase diagram of the system NaF - AlF3 (Figure 3-1) which is
transformed to the phase diagram of the system Na3AlF6 - AlF3 (Figure 3-3).
Figure 3-3: Phase diagram of the system Na3AlF6 - AlF3 (Lit. 3-11 Fig. 6, p.25). Contrary
to Figure 3-1 the units of the abscissa are weight percent of AlF3.
Continuing this process e.g. cooling the melt cryolite solidifies constantly
and the composition of the melt follows the liquidus line e.g. the AlF3 con-
tent of the melt increases (Figure 3-4 C). When the temperature reaches
the peritectic value the whole melt solidifies and the Peritectic Reaction
(Equation 3-7) takes place (Figure 3-4 D).
These processes are essential when bath is solidifying or melting like the
formation and dissolution of side ledge and top crust. Normally the content
of cryolite side ledge and top crust (more basic e.g. less acidic) is in-
creased compared to the composition of the liquid bath.
Figure 3-5: Phase diagram of the system Na3AlF6 - Al2O3 (Lit. 3-3, Fig. 3.3, p. 48).
If a melt (1) the composition of which is on the left side of the eutectic (7)
e.g. cAl2O3 < 11 wt % is cooled, cryolite (2) is solidifying when the tempera-
ture of the melt is less than the Cryolite - Liquidus (6). If the composition of
the melt (1) is however on the right hand side of the eutectic (7) e.g. cAl2O3
> 11 wt %, solid aluminum oxide(3) is formed when the temperature of the
melt is less than the Alumina - Liquidus (5).
The alumina - liquidus determines the maximal solubility of alumina in
cryolite since it is the limit of alumina concentration. If the system enters
the phase region (3) either because the alumina concentration is increas-
ing or the temperature is decreasing solid alumina is precipitating. These
(1) impurities not determined in the industrial bath analysis lower the true
(2) an analytical bias of bath composition may exist,
(3) a bias in how bath temperature is measured may exist,
(4) bath may remain supersaturated with alumina for extended period of
(5) industrial cells may be operating with suspended precipitate.
(6) He considers explanation 1,3 and 5 as most likely.
Tarcy et al. (Lit. 3-9) have analyzed the analytical methods to determine
the bath composition especially concerning the aluminum oxide concentra-
tion. They have shown that the extraction method which is normally used
to determine the alumina content of bath samples delivers systematically
too low values. The observation of cells operating below the calculated liq-
uidus temperature is, to a large extend, accounted for a systematic alu-
mina measurement error. Some cases of liquidus enigma may also be due
to impurities or measurement errors especially of the bath temperature.
Lit. 3-14 cites a second less precise equation (Equation 9). The equation is
easier to use for hand calculations because it contains mass fractions in-
stead of mole fractions:
3.8. Density
The difference of the densities of the molten electrolyte and the molten
aluminum metal is important. In Lit. 3-21 (p. 4-126) and Lit. 3-15 (6.12 and
6.13 on p.102) you find equations for the Density of Liquid Aluminum in
function of the temperature:
In the literature one finds several equations which calculate the Density of
Liquid Bath in function of the chemical composition and the temperature:
− 0.20 × c CaF
− 0.50 × c LiF
− 0.30 × c MgF
42 × c AlF × c LiF
2000 + c AlF × c LiF
1. 5
2.2 × c LiF
10 + c LiF + 0.001 × c
sat T F IB
c Al
= A ×
1000 H K (3–11)
Equation 3-13 is the relationship for the alumina liquidus of the multi com-
ponent system cryolite - aluminum oxide with additions like aluminum fluo-
ride, calcium fluoride, etc. solved for the alumina concentration.
Example 3-7 shows the application of the Equation 3-13 to determine the
maximum alumina concentration of the bath:
3.10. Viscosity
All fluids possess a definite resistance to changes of form. This property, a
sort of internal friction is called Dynamic Viscosity. Kinematic Viscosity
is the ratio of dynamic viscosity to density. The unit of the dynamic viscos-
ity is Poise and of the kinematic viscosity Stoke.
Table 3-7 shows the units of viscosity:
Table 3-8 compares the viscosity values of different substances. The vis-
cosity at 1000 °C of liquid aluminum corresponds to the viscosity of water
and the viscosity of the electrolytic bath may be compared to the viscosi-
ties of mercury and liquid lead.
Table 3-8: Values of Viscosity
The Viscosity of Liquid Aluminum you find in Lit. 3-15 Equation 6.15:
Example 3-8 shows the application of the equations to determine the vis-
cosity of liquid aluminum and of liquid cryolite electrolyte.
Example 3-8: Determination of the Viscosity of Liquid Aluminum and Liquid Bath
γ − γ LS
cosΘ = GS (3–14)
γ GL
with the meaning of the symbols:
Figure 3-6: Wetting Angle and Bubble Formation. At high temperature and alumina con-
centration in the electrolyte the wetting angle of liquid electrolyte on carbon is
small e.g. the bath wets well the carbon anode. Consequently small bubbles
which are easily detached are formed. At low temperature and low alumina
content the behavior is inverted: large gas bubbles stick to the anode surface
and the electrolyte wets the anode surface poorly.
Small wetting angles produce good wetting and small easily dislodged
bubbles. In contrary a liquid with large wetting angle forms droplets of liq-
uid on the solid surface and large gas bubbles which adhere on the solid
surface (Figure 3-6).
At the time being no relations for the surface tension or wetting angles
concerning the aluminum production could be found. From diagrams
(Lit. 2-5) one can deduce that for the wetting of carbon materials by cryo-
lite the wetting angle decreases with increasing bath temperature and in-
creasing alumina content in the electrolyte.
⎛ -A ⎞ (3–17)
pTotal = exp ⎜ + B⎟
⎝T ⎠
with the meaning of the symbols:
6.7 ⋅ c Al2O3
0.11 ⋅ c Al2O3
1 + 0.193 ⋅ c Al2O3
with the meaning of the symbols:
The vapor contains as major species sodium fluoride (NaF), NaAlF4 and
the dimer Na2Al2F8.
⎛ -182 ⎞
pNaF = pTotal ⋅ ⎜ + 0.2073 ⎟ ⋅
⎝ T ⎠
( −0.6366 + 1.449 ⋅ R − 1.068 ⋅ R 2 + 0.2556 ⋅R 3 )
with the meaning of the symbols:
Solving the quadratic equation for the monomer species gives the partial
pressures of the monomer and dimer gas species.
Example 3-9 shows the application of the equations to determine the total
vapor pressure and the partial pressures of the gaseous species.
The following equations use the bath ratio (see Exp. 3-5).
You determine the total vapor pressure according to the equations 3-17A,
3-17B and 3-17:
For the partial vapor pressure of sodium fluoride you write according to
equations 3-18:
and for the equilibrium constant of the dimerisation reaction (Equ. 3-20):
3.13. Literature
Lit. 3-1: A. T. Tabereaux, T. R. Alcorn , L. Trembley,
"Lithium-Modified Low Ratio Electrolyte Chemistry for Improved Per-
formance in Modern Reduction Cells",
Light Metals 1993, 221-226.
3.14. Exercises
Exercise 3-1:
The bath ratio of the electrolyte is R = 1.6 (no other additions). What is the
composition of the standard system?
cNaF = − ⋅ c AlF = −1.5 × ( −0.026 ) = 0.039
cNaF = 3.9 wt%
If you know however that R > 1.5 means an excess of sodium fluoride you
use the relationship for the sodium fluoride concentration in Table 3-2:
R −
2 . − 15
16 .
c NaF = = = 0.039
1+ R 1 + 16
c NaF = 3.9 wt%
Exercise 3-2:
In the literature you find the phase diagram cryolite - calcium fluoride. Indi-
cate the coexistent phases. Determine the composition of the eutectic.
Reading from the phase diagram that the eutectic is at about 50 mol% you
write using Table 2-2 for the molecular weights and Table 3-1 for the con-
version formulas:
Exercise 3-3:
Properties of Cryolite:
You set in the bath property page of ElysePrg the concentrations of all the
additions and of the overheat to zero. Then you read:
Exercise 3-4:
m Ledge = 2 ⋅ ( l + w − 2 x ) ⋅ x ⋅ h ⋅ ρ Na AlF6
You write for the aluminum fluoride concentration before melting of the
m AlF
c1 =
m Bath
m AlF
c2 =
m Bath + m Ledge
4. Pot Voltage
ALESA Electrolysis Seminar
4. Pot Voltage
4. Pot Voltage
4.1. Summary
The different components of the pot voltage inside and outside of the
electrolysis cell are described.
The bath voltage contributes the greatest part to the pot voltage. Re-
lationships for its ohmic and electrochemical parts are given namely:
the reversible decomposition voltage, the ohmic bath voltage, the
bubble voltage drop and the overvoltages.
The bath voltage depends on the alumina concentration in the elec-
trolytic bath. This relationship is the base of the automatic control of
the alumina concentration by computer process control.
When the alumina concentration is low the electrolysis reactions
change and the anode effect occurs. The mechanism of the anode
effect and its quenching is described.
Figure 4-1: Pot Voltage: the pot voltage is the entire voltage applied to an electrolysis
pot. It is measured from the entrance to the exit of the busbar system.
The pot voltage is divided into several components:
Figure 4-2: Components of the Pot Voltage: Entry to Anode Voltage, Bath Voltage, Bot-
tom (Cathode) and Collector Bars to Exit Voltage.
Entry to Anode Voltage (voltage drop from input to anode, Figure 4-3):
the value of the anode voltage checks the electrical connections between
the different parts of the anode system (carbon anodes, iron yoke, alumi-
num rod, anode clamp, and anode beam).
Figure 4-3: Entry to Anode Voltage: the Entry to Anode Voltage Drop contains the volt-
age from the entrance to the anode.
Bath Voltage (Figure 4-4): the bath voltage contains a resistance and an
electrochemical part. The measured value of the bath voltage determines
the set value of the pot voltage.
Figure 4-4: Bath Voltage: the bath voltage contains a resistance and an electrochemical
ALESA Electrolysis Seminar
4. Pot Voltage
Figure 4-5: Cathode Voltage or Bottom Voltage: is the voltage drop from the bottom lin-
ing to the cathode bus.
Collectro Bars to Exit Voltage (Figure 4-6): the external voltage is the
voltage drop in the external bus bar system.
Figure 4-6: Collectro Bars to Exit Voltage: the external voltage is the voltage drop in the
external bus bar system
The Figures 4-1 to 4-6 show the definition of the different voltage drops.
They do not indicate, however, how these voltage drops are actually de-
termined e.g. measured practically during pot operation (see Chapter 14).
Figure 4-7: Components of the Bath Voltage: the bath voltage is the sum of resistance
components (UΩ: ohmic bath voltage, UBub: bubble voltage) and electro-
UΩ Ohmic Bath Voltage: the voltage loss due to the ohmic resistance of
the electrolyte.
ALESA Electrolysis Seminar
4. Pot Voltage
Figure 4-8: Fanning of the Electrolysis Current: the electrolysis reactions consume the
sharp corners of the carbon anodes. The ideal current distribution is
changed (ACD: anode to cathode distance, AA: surface of new anodes). The
anodic (fA) and the cathodic (fC)fanning factors take care of this surface
In order to calculate the electrical resistance e.g. the ohmic voltage drop
across the bath, the calculation account for these variations in current
density and cross sectional areas by using the so called Anodic (fA) and
Cathodic Fanning Factor (fc). The Anodic (jA) and the Cathodic (jC)
Current Density is then written:
I I (4-2)
jA = , jC =
f A ⋅ AA f C ⋅ AA
ALESA Electrolysis Seminar
4. Pot Voltage
The Anode Surface (AA) is calculated by assuming that all prebaked an-
odes of a pot are new:
AA = n A ⋅ l A ⋅ w A (4-3)
with the meaning of the symbols:
U = I ⋅R (4-4)
with the meaning of the symbols:
1 d 1 ACD (4-5)
R= ⋅ = ⋅
κ A κ f A ⋅ AA
with the meaning of the symbols:
an expression for the Ohmic Voltage Drop (UΩ) of the bath is found:
ACD ⋅ j A (4-6)
UΩ =
with the meaning of the symbols:
Since the bubble voltage is zero the voltage drop and the ohmic bath volt-
age are equal.
AlF3 concentration: 11 % (Table 1-3), Bath temperature: 966.8 °C and
electrical conductivity: 2.1992 S/cm.
ALESA Electrolysis Seminar
4. Pot Voltage
Since the bubble voltage is zero the voltage drop and the ohmic bath volt-
age are equal.
AlF3 concentration: 8.5 % (Table 1-4), Bath temperature: 975.7 °C and
electrical conductivity: 2.2856 S/cm.
Since the bubble voltage is zero the voltage drop and the ohmic bath volt-
age are equal.
d ⋅j ϕ
U Bub = Bub A ⋅ (4-7)
κ a1− ϕ f
with the meaning of the symbols:
The values of the bubble layer thicknes and of the surface coverage are in
the order of (Lit. 4-2):
Example 4-3: determines the bubble voltage drop for the Alusuisse EPT18
Estimate the bubble voltage drop of the Alusuisse 180 kA pot assuming a
bubble layer thickness of 0.5 cm and a surface coverage of 0.8. Use the
values (anodic current density and electrical conductivity) of Example 4-2.
ALESA Electrolysis Seminar
4. Pot Voltage
Since the bubble voltage is not zero the ohmic bath voltage is the sum of
the voltage drop and and the bubble voltage.
4.7. Overvoltages
In addition to the reversible decomposition voltage and to the voltages to
overcome the electrical resistance a supplementary voltage must be ap-
plied to execute the electrolysis process. Electrochemistry distinguishes
two types of overvoltage (Lit. 4-3):
In Lit. 4-3 p. 144 the following semi empirical relations are given:
η AR =
aT + 273.15f .lnFG j A IJ
12533 H jlimit K (4-8)
η AC =
aT + 273.15f .lnFG j crit IJ
23209 H j crit − j A K (4-9)
0.56 (4-10)
j limit = 0.0029 ⋅ c Al O 2 3
with the meaning of the symbols:
a 0.5
5.5 + 0.018 ⋅ T − 1323 ⋅ c Al f FH
2O 3
− 0.4 IK (4-11)
j crit = 0.1
with the meaning of the symbols:
aT + 273.15f ⋅ a1375
. − 0.125 ⋅ CR f F j C I
.ln G
η CC =
17407 H 0.257JK (4-12)
with the meaning of the symbols:
ALESA Electrolysis Seminar
4. Pot Voltage
Figure 4-9: Ohmic (UΩ empty circles) and electrolytic (Uel crosses) parts of the bath volt-
age in dependence of the alumina concentration.
The ohmic part increases because in essence the electrical conductivity of
the electrolyte decreases with increasing alumina concentration. Contrary
the electrochemic part decreases with increasing alumina concentration.
One can imagine that the higher the alumina concentration the less energy
is necessary to convert aluminum oxide to aluminum.
Summing up UΩ and Uel give the global bath voltage (UBath) which can be
measured directly with the volt meter (Figure 4-10).
the bubble layer parameters were kept constant e.g. the influence of the
alumina concentration on the bubble layer thickness and on the surface
coverage was neglected.
Visual observation of the anode effect supports the gas film explanation.
ALESA Electrolysis Seminar
4. Pot Voltage
again in several cycles. Another method is to tilt the anode table avoiding
the overflow of electrolyte. It was also discussed to short circuit some an-
odes or blow air through pipes under the anodes .
4.10. Literature
4.11. Exercises
ALESA Electrolysis Seminar
4. Pot Voltage
Exercise 4-1:
On the bath properties page of ElysePrg you fill in the bath composition
starting with an alumina concentration of 1.5 %. Check constant overheat
and put in the value of 10 °C.
On the geometry page fill in the anode number and dimensions.
On the pot voltage page fill in the current intensity, check anode to cath-
ode distance fill in the value and fill in the values of bubble layer thickness,
surface coverage, anodic and cathodic fanning factor.
With the following relationships:
you calculate the first value for the bath voltage and its ohmic and electro-
chemic part.
Go back to the bath properties page increase the alumina concentration to
2.5 % and get again the voltage values from the voltage page.
After continuing to an alumina concentration of 6.5 % you get the following
ALESA Electrolysis Seminar
4. Pot Voltage
Exercise 4-2:
1.65 × 2.15
d= = 3.5cm
ALESA Electrolysis Seminar
5. Energy Balance
5. Energy Balance
5. Energy Balance
5.1. Summary
5.2. Introduction
The aluminum smelting process needs energy to keep the electrolytic cell
at the reaction temperature and to produce aluminum. This required en-
ergy is furnished as electric energy. The power (watts) which is added to a
pot is written with
P = U Pot ⋅ I (5–1)
with the meaning of the symbols:
E= = 297.97 ⋅ (5–2)
0.3356 ⋅ η CE
with the meaning of the symbols:
The difference between the added energy and the energy required to pro-
duce aluminum is lost as heat. This heat loss is of major concern since pot
operation wants to keep its value at a minimum without disturbing optimal
pot operation.
Figure 5-1: Reaction Path for Aluminum Production. The reaction takes place at room
temperature and the reaction products are heated to the reacting tempera-
or the reactants are first heated to the reaction temperature and subse-
quently allowing the reaction to occur at the new temperature (Figure 5-2).
Figure 5-2: Reaction Path for Aluminum Production. Contrary to Figure 5-1 the reactants
are first heated to the reaction temperature where then the reaction takes
We follow the second alternative as Lit. 3-10 (p.19) is doing. The Elec-
trolysis Equation (Equation 2-13) is rewritten (divided by 4η) to produce
one mole of aluminum:
Al2 O 3 +
3 3 1
C = Al + 2 − CO 2 +
3 1
− 1 CO
IJ FG IJ (5–3)
2 4η 4 η H
2 η K H K
The following enthalpy values have to be considered (see Chap. 18.12.2):
1 ⎛3 3 ⎞
ΔHreact = × ⎜ × 395138 − × 113504 ⎟ +
η ⎝4 2 ⎠
1 3 3
× 1690823 − × 395138 + × 113504
2 2 2
126098 (5-4)
ΔHreact = + 422961
with the meaning of the symbols:
and with Equ. 18-12-8 the total enthalpy to produce aluminum at 970 °C is:
126098 3
DH tot = + ¥ 17242 +
h 4h
422961 + ¥ 108872
139030 (5-5)
DHtot = + 477397
with the meaning of the symbols:
Converting the energy units from J/mol to kWh/kg Equ. 5-5 is rewritten to
yield the Enthalpy (Energy) required to produce One Kilogramm of Alu-
103 1
ΔHtot ( kWh/kg) = × 3 × ΔHtot ( J/mol )
26.9815 10 × 3600
1.431 (5–6)
ΔHtot = + 4.915
with the meaning of the symbols:
1000 2000
2 kJ / mol = × = 0.02 kWh / kg
27 1000 × 3600
For the pot voltage which contributes to the heat loss (UHL) normally the
pot voltage is taken reduced by the voltage drop of the external bus bars
and the anode voltage (see Chapter 4.2).
Assuming a pot voltage of 4.5 V and a current efficiency of 95 % shows
. × 0.95 + 0.48
= 0.45
4. 5
that only 45 % of the electrical power is used to produce aluminum. The
rest is lost as heat. Considerable effort has been made and also great
progress has been achieved to reduce the heat loss of the cell (see Chap-
ter 7). Optimisation of the thermal insulation of the bottom pot lining and
the side walls will save energy. The thermal layout of a pot should be de-
signed such that it maintains the correct bath temperature. The heat flow
should, however, be sufficient to maintain a layer of frozen electrolyte over
the side wall. This layer determines also the flow of the electric current e.g.
the magnetic effects like metal pad movement and upheaval (see Chapter
8). The thickness of this ledge depends on cell design and pot operation.
That is why great efforts are made to design a cell properly and to run it in
such a way that the optimal side ledge is formed.
Figure 5-3 shows a typical distribution of the heat loss of an electrolytic
cell. About half of the heat is lost on the upper part of the cell and the other
half on the side walls and the bottom.
ΔH = ΔG + T ⋅ ΔS (5–8)
with the meaning of the symbols:
Equation 5-7 states that the entire energy (ΔH enthalpy) of a reaction is
divided intowo parts: ΔG the minimum work and TΔS the amount of heat
which are necessary to execute a chemical reaction. Equation 5-7 is a
consequence of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Several formula-
tions are found in the literature: it is impossible by any self-sustaining
process for heat to be transferred from a colder to hotter body or all natu-
ral processes will take place in such a way that entropy increases.
To show the meaning of Equation 5-7, let aluminum oxide be decomposed
chemically into aluminum and oxygen.
1 3
Al2O 3 = Al + O 2 (5–9)
2 4
For reaction (5–9) ΔH = 845 kJ/mol energy are necessary to produce one
mole of aluminum at 977 °C. Of this global energy ΔG = 640 kJ/mol must
be furnished as work e.g. electrical energy and the rest TΔS = 205 kJ/mol
as heat.
The Nernst Equation combines the voltage of an electrolytic process with
the Gibbs energy:
ΔG = ne ⋅ E 0 ⋅ F (5–10)
with the meaning of the symbols:
ΔG 640 × 1000
E0 = = = 2.21V
ne ⋅ F 3 × 96485 (5–11)
E 0 = 2.21V
This value E0 = 2.21 V applies for electrolytic processes which use inert
anodes (see Chapter 1-4).
Considering processes which produce energy for instance an electro-
chemical fuel cell which uses according to reaction (5–9) aluminum and
oxygen to produce electric energy the greatest useful work obtainable from
the process is equal to the Gibbs energy the rest of the energy is lost as
heat. The greatest voltage of such a battery would be 2.21 V .
For the case of the Hall-Héroult process the carbon anodes contribute to
reduce the reversible decomposition voltage. The Gibbs Energy for the re-
C + O 2 = CO 2 g (5–12)
is ΔG = 297 kJ/mol e.g. the reversible decomposition voltage E0 for the re-
action according to the Principal Equation (Equation 2-1)
is determined as
ΔG (640 − 297) × 1000
E0 = = = 118
. V
ne ⋅ F 3 × 96485 (5–13)
E 0 = 118
. V
5.6. Literature
6. Current Efficiency
6. Current Efficiency
6.1. Summary
6.2. Introduction
In modern electrolysis cells the average current efficiency has reached
95 - 96 percent. The reasons for reduction of current efficiency in the
technical aluminum smelting process are (Lit. 6-1):
back reaction:
it is widely accepted that the reoxidation reaction (Equation 2-12) is the
primary reason for current efficiency losses.
depostion of more noble impurities from raw materials: iron for in-
stance as impurity is deposited electrolytically before aluminum. Other
elements like phosphorus or vanadium are discussed which are reduced
to a lower valency state at the cathode and oxydize afterwards at the an-
electronic conduction: at elevated temperatures solids and also liquids
may show electronic conduction. This electronic conduction acts like a
short circuit.
short circuiting: due to strong electromagnetic effects the oscillating
metal may touch the anodes provoking short circuits. Carbon pieces bro-
ken away from the anodes may cause physically short circuit.
leakage currents: the electric current may bleed through electric insula-
tion which is defective.
vaporization oxidation, absorption and reaction with container mate-
rials, physical losses: all reactions or manipulations which remove al-
ready produced aluminum metal contribute to the reduction of current effi-
Practice has shown that the current efficiency is influenced by several pa-
rameters. For some influencing factors, rules of thumb are reported like
bath temperature: +0.2 % CE for -1 °C temperature decrease,
alumina content : +2 % CE for -1 % alumina content decrease.
For some other parameters the influence is accepted but no clear relation-
ships or diagrams are found in the literature: anode to cathode distance,
aluminum fluoride content, current density, height of metal pad. The rea-
son is probably that the influence of these parameters on the current effi-
ciency is indirect for instance when changing the thermal or electromag-
netic state of the electrolytic pot.
Figure 6-1: Reaction zone between the liquid aluminum metal pad (cathode) and the
carbon anode.
Figure 6-2: Schematic concentration profiles for dissolved aluminum (c*Al, cAl, thermo-
dynamic and bulk concentration of aluminum) and dissolved carbon dioxide
(c*CO2, cCO2 thermodynamic and bulk concentration of carbon dioxide) in the
The concentration of dissolved carbon dioxide is practically zero in the
bulk of the electrolyte. Aluminum must be transported by convection (or
diffusion) into the reaction zone near the anode. The concentration of alu-
minum in the bulk is therefore smaller than the thermodynamic saturation
value at the interface aluminum electrolyte.
Several models (some of them rather complex) for the reoxidation process
and for the current efficiency have been proposed (see the discussion in
Lit. 6-2 p. 139). The main parameters in the relationships are:
aluminum/electrolyte interface,
viscosity of the electrolyte,
relative velocity metal/electrolyte,
interelectrode distance,
density of the electrolyte,
aluminum saturation concentration,
electric current intensity.
Dilution Technique
To analyse the aluminum inventory small amounts of an impurity are
added to the metal pad. Analysis of aluminum samples will give the alumi-
num mass in the cell. The requirements for a tracer material are: it must
form a homogeneous solution with the aluminum metal, it must not dis-
solve in the electrolyte or lining and it should not contaminate the outgoing
metal. Metals are used as tracer like copper, nickel, silver, gold but also
isotopes of copper, zirconium and gold were applied.
Accurate current efficiency determinations for short time intervals (weeks)
put strict requirements on the precision of the work especially on the
chemical or radioactive concentration measurements. To improve accu-
racy several tracers were added simultaneously in larger quantities to yield
higher concentrations which were tracked over the period of determination.
In this way one-week current efficiencies with one percent accuracy can
be obtained (see Chapter 14.4.2).
Gas Analysis
Gas analysis is used for instantaneous current efficiency measurements.
The common technique is to sample unburned, undiluted cell gas taken by
holes in the anodes and calculate the current efficiency using the Pearson-
Waddington relationship (Equation 2-39). Also samples of the exhaust
gas were used for the determination of current efficiency.
There are many possible errors in using the gas analysis technique:
aluminum can react with carbon monoxide to produce carbon,
carbon dioxide can react with carbon dust in the electrolyte (Boudouard
air leakage into the hot gas sample dilutes the sample and may oxidize
some carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide,
water which originates from moisture in the raw materials and from the air
reacts with aluminum fluoride of the electrolyte to add hydrogene fluoride
to the anode gas.
6.5. Literature
Lit. 6-1: K. Grjotheim, H. Kvande (Editors),
"Introduction to Aluminium Electrolysis",
2nd Edition,
Aluminium-Verlag, Düsseldorf, (1993).
ISBN 3-87017-233-9.
7. Thermal Effects
7. Thermal Effects
7.1. Summary
7.2. Introduction
The heat balance of a reduction cell is of great importance to achieve good
cell performance. Equation 7-1 shows the relationship between the pot
voltage and the specific energy consumption. To achieve low energy con-
sumption the voltage should be as low and the current efficiency as high
as possible:
U (7–1)
E = 297.97 ×
the meaning of the symbols is:
The cell voltage can be easily reduced by moving down the anode beam
e.g. by reducing the anode to cathode distance (ACD). This can only be
done however in certain limits. If the anode to cathode distance (ACD) is
too low the metal pad - electrolyte interface becomes unstable due to
magnetohydrodynamic effects and metal reoxidation will occur. Hence,
current efficiency decreases and energy consumption increases according
to Equation 7-1. Therefore the values of the anode to cathode distance
should remain within a range at which the specific energy consumption is
a minimum.
Once the optimal value of the anode to cathode distance is determined the
amount of heat produced within the cell is determined. This heat is pro-
duced by the Joule effect which depends on the anode to cathode dis-
tance but also on the electrical resistances of the anodes, the carbon lin-
ing, the collector bars and on contacts. However, about two thirds of the
heat is produced in the anode to cathode distance.
The thermal insulation of the cell must be designed accordingly so as to
dissipate properly this amount of heat. Indeed if the cell is not sufficiently
thermally insulated a ledge will grow on the side lining and will eventually
reach under the anodes leading to a strong ridge. Figure 7-1A shows a
standard ledge on the pot side. Figure 7-1B in contrary shows a strong
ledge formation. The presence of ridge is also directly correlated to a de-
crease of current efficiency. On the other hand, if the energy input into the
cell is too big or if the cell is to much thermally insulated, ledge will melt
away especially on the side lining (Figure 7-1C). The carbon side blocks
will be mechanically and chemically attacked especially at the electrolyte -
metal pad interface.
Figure 7-1: Different types of ledge formation: (A) standard ledge, (B) strong ledge forma-
tion with ridge under the anode, (C) missing ledge on the potside.
Aim of the thermal layout of an electrolytic pot is to design the thermal in-
sulation e.g. the heat losses of a pot in such a way that an optimal ledge is
formed. The ledge should protect the pot lining and limit the flow of the
electric current for minimal magnetic effects.
In Figure 7-2 steps are shown which are necessary to design the thermal
pot isolation:
Figure 7-2: Steps necessary to design the thermal insulation of an electrolytic pot.
rC p
b g 2
= div lgrad T - rCp V grad T + s gradj +
df s (7–3)
+ rDHPhase + Dh Chem
The local current density can be expressed in terms of the electrical poten-
a f
J x , y , z = −σ grad ϕ ≡ −σ
FG ∂ϕ , ∂ϕ , ∂ϕ IJ (7–4)
H ∂x ∂y ∂z K
with the meaning of the symbols:
∂J x ∂J y ∂J z
div σ grad ϕ = div J ≡ f af ∂x
=0 (7–5)
Equation 7-4 is tightly related to the well known Ohm’s law. Consider for
example a conductor of cylindrical shape between two blocs of highly con-
ductive material:
Conductivity: σ
ϕin Section: S ϕout
Length: L
In terms of the total current I=SJ, Equation 7-4 can be written as:
ϕ in − ϕ out L
= ≡R
I σS (Ohm’s law)
ρC p
The right hand side of Equation 7-3 gives the variation of the heat density
in time at the location (x, y, z) in the cell. To this variation corresponds a
temperature variation, which appears in the left hand side of Equation 7-3.
The contributions to the variation of heat density on the right-hand side of
Equation 7-3 are:
a f
q x , y , z = − λ gradT (7–6)
− ρ ⋅ CpV gradT ≡ − ρ ⋅ Cp Vx
+ Vy
+ Vz
∂x H ∂y ∂z K
this term describes the variation of the heat density at location (x, y, z) due
to the convective heat transfer e.g. the heat transported by fluid flow. The
velocity field V(x, y, z) is non-zero only in regions occupied by the electro-
lyte and the metal pad.
describes the heat generated by Joule effect (i.e. due to the electrical cur-
rent and the ohmic resistance). This is a heat source term. The ratio of
electrical conductivity in the liquid metal to the electrical conductivity in the
bath is close to 16000 e.g. the conductivity σ of bath is much lower than
any other conductive material in the cell. Most of the heat is produced in
the anode to cathode distance.
Conductivity: λ
Tin Section: S Tout
Length: L
In terms of total heat flux Q=Sq, Equation 7-6 can be written as:
Tin − Tout L
= ≡ Rth
Q λS (Thermal Ohm’s law)
where Rth is the thermal resistance of the cylindrical conductor (see Exer-
cise 14-1).
Unknown values for Equation 7-2 and 7-3 are the electrical potential ϕ and
the temperature T. In order to solve the problem, the equations must be
completed with the boundary conditions, that is to say that the current
flowing in each anode must be specified and the potential at the end of
each collector bar must be imposed,
One set of possible boundary conditions imposed on the heat flow is
specified by:
a fe a
q b = hb x , y , z ,T Tb x , y , z − Ta f j (7–7)
with the meaning of the symbols:
Equation 7-7 states that the heat flow at the boundaries is proportional to
the temperature difference between the cell surface and the pot room with
the restriction, however, that the heat exchange coefficient hb(x,y,z,T) de-
pends on the temperature. Once the boundary conditions are known
Equation 7-2 and 7-3 can be solved using, for example, the following itera-
tive procedure:
At stationary state the heat generation in the cell should be equal to the
heat losses. The calculation of both allows to control the accuracy of the
numerical simulations. The problem is highly non linear. The non linearity
is caused by :
The results can further be analyzed in sections of the cell (Figure 7-5).
(A) (B)
Figure 7-5: Ledge formation in vertical slices of one quarter of the cell. (A) in the trans-
verse and (B) in the longitudinal direction.
Another difficulty for solving the problem comes from the convection term
which needs the knowledge of the velocity field in both the metal and elec-
trolyte. The velocity field is a result of the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)
calculations (Lit. 7-1, 7-2), which themselves depend on the thermal calcu-
lations. Modifications to the ledge change the current density in the metal
pad which in turn affects the velocity field. Figure 7-6 and 7-7 show the ve-
locity field in a horizontal plane at the middle of the metal pad for two dif-
ferent ledge shapes. The impact of the presence of ledge under the an-
odes (ridge) is obvious.
Figure 7-6: Velocity field in a horizontal plane at the middle of the metal pad assuming no
ridge. The maximal speed of metal pad motion was Vmax = 21 cm/s.
Figure 7-7: Velocity field in a horizontal plane at the middle of the metal pad assuming a
pronounced ridge. The maximal speed of metal pad motion was
Vmax = 33 cm/s.
rent density increases from 0.70 A/cm2 to 0.87 A/cm2. The ledge melts
partially in order to satisfy the thermal balance.
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
Figure 7-9: Influence of the current load on the bath temperature and the ledge shape.
(A) current intensity I = 120 kA, bath temperature TB = 958 °C, (B) I = 125 kA,
TB = 962 °C, (C) I = 130 kA, TB = 965 °C, (D) I = 135 kA, TB = 971 °C.
Figure 7-10 compares a measured ledge profile, averaged for five cells
with the corresponding calculated ledge. The measurements have been
performed with a ledge scanner (Lit. 7-5). The agreement is reasonably
good. It should be mentioned, however, that shell surface temperature
measurements were performed in order to carefully check the heat ex-
change coefficient prior to calculating the ledge shape.
Figure 7-10: Comparison of the average ledge shape determined on five production cells
with the calculated ledge.
7.4. Literature
Lit. 7-1: J. Antille, Y. Kraehenbuehl, R. von Kaenel, J. C. Weber,
"Fluid Flow Control: A Must for the Aluminum Industry"
Light Metals 1992, 1247-1256
8. Magnetic Effects
8. Magnetic Effects
8.1. Summary
8.2. Introduction
The understanding of electromagnetic interactions in Hall-Héroult cells, in
particular the stability of the metal surface in alumina reduction cells has
been one of the major factors for the improvements of cell performance,
such as current efficiency, energy consumption and life of the reduction
The use of modern modelling tools allowed to optimize both thermal and
magnetohydrodynamic states of the cells. Optimization of the busbar sys-
tem is achieved by means of computer simulations which take into account
the local arrangement of busbars, their current density as well as the ar-
rangement of all relevant steel parts. Based on computer simulation, the
stability analysis allows to determine the maximum current load of a given
8.3.1. Introduction
One can apply different boundary conditions for Equation 8-1, such as a
fixed potential at the top of the anode rod and at the end of the outgoing
cathode bars or a current distribution in the collector bars and anodes.
The current distribution inside the cell is calculated applying Ohm’s law
which is written in the vectoriell way:
j = σ ( − grad ϕ + V × B )
The induced current due to the fluid velocity field is taken into account.
The current is conserved within the cell and the current density is a vector
pointing vertically downward in the bath, but may have considerable spa-
tial non uniformity due to the cell design and the cell operation. The hori-
zontal component of the current, which has a great impact on the stability
of the cell, is influenced mainly by the frozen side ledge profile and its
The magnetic field in the bath and in the metal regions generated by the
electrical currents circulating along the external busbars is calculated by
Ampere’s law. This part of the magnetic field H is called the external field
He = 1
j (r ′ ) × (r − r ′ )
4π Ω (r − r ′ ) 3
dΩ(r ′ ) (8–3)
H0 = Hi + He
For the determination of the induction field B, the influence of the steel
parts is taken into account. The induction field pattern is distorted by the
ferromagnetic elements like the steel shell, collector bars and yokes.
These steel parts are magnetized if their temperature is below the Curie
B = μr ⋅ μ 0 ⋅ H (8–5)
with the meaning of the symbols:
Figure 8-4 and Figure 8-5 compare the three components of the magnetic
field Bx, By, Bz determined by calculation and measurement. The calcula-
tions were executed with and without considering the influence of the steel
parts of the cell.
Measurements were made in a potroom with pots arranged end to end.
The magnetic fields were measured on two pots at their long sides (Figure
8-4) and short sides (Figure 8-5). As you can see from both figures the of
calculated and measured results fit quite well.
Figure 8-4: Comparison of measured and calculated values of the three components Bx,
By, Bz of the magnetic field for an end to end arrangement of pots. The calcu-
lations were executed with and without consideration of steel parts. The
measurements were taken for two pots on their long sides in the middle and
on the sides of the potroom. I indicates the direction of the line current.
Figure 8-5: Similar to Figure 8-4 the measured and calculated values of the three compo-
nents Bx, By, Bz of the magnetic field for an end to end arrangement of pots
are compared. The calculations were executed with and without consideration
of steel parts. The measurements were taken for two pots on their short sides
up- and downstream corresponding to the direction of the current (I).
The electromagnetic force per unit volume is given by the vector product
of the current density and the induction field:
F = j ×B
The electromagnetic force generates the motion in the liquid metal and
bath and deforms the metal-bath interface. The fluid motion is described
by the Navier-Stokes Equation:
ρ⋅ + ρ (u , ∇)u + ∇ ( p + ρgz ) = ηΔu + F (8–7)
with the meaning of the symbols:
8.3.2. Application
The busbar design influences the circulation pattern in the cells. An exam-
ple of computed metal velocities for end-to-end and side to side pots is
shown in Figure 8-6 and Figure 8-7 respectively.
Figure 8-6: Circulation pattern of the metal pad determined for an end to end arrange-
ment of electrolytic pots.
Figure 8-7: Circulation pattern of the metal pad determined for a side to side arrangement
of electrolytic pots.
For the development of reduction cells with a current load of more than
170 kA, the side-by-side configuration is used almost exclusively. The rea-
sons for this are mainly cost-saving and lower magnetic field due to
greater flexibility by manipulating the busbar layout.
The metal level varies from place to place over the metal surface due to
magnetic effects. These effects depend among other things upon busbar
and riser arrangement, pot age, anode current, metal volume and side
crust formation. Figure 8-8 shows the calculated and measured metal-bath
interface along the long side of a pot assuming that the current distribution
of the collector bars is perfect.
Figure 8-8: Metal pad interface contour. The interface was calculated and measured
along the long side for end to end configuration.
The shape of the metal surface depends on the collector bar current distri-
bution. Figure 8-9 shows the impact due to a poor collector bar current dis-
Figure 8-9: Metal upheaval in the middle for a poor and ideal current distribution in the
collector bars.
8.4.1. Introduction
Figure 8-10: Fluctuation of anodic currents with time. The individual current intensities of
the anodes were measured on a pot arranged side by side and operated at
185 kA.
The Fourier analysis of these measurements is performed in order to ob-
tain the frequency spectrum (Figure 8-11).
Figure 8-11: Frequency spectrum corresponding to the anode current of Figure 8-10.
g ⋅ ρ1 − ρ 2 ⋅ k f (8–8)
,n =
a f
ρ1 ⋅ cth k ⋅ h1 + ρ 2 ⋅ cth k ⋅ h2a f
2 2 2 m ⋅π n ⋅π
k = kx + ky , kx = , ky =
Lx Ly
with the meaning of the symbols:
Figure 8-12: Rectangular cell geometry corresponding to Equation 8-8 to treat gravita-
tional waves.
This rectangular approach (Lit. 8-9) for the geometry of the cell (three lay-
ers are considered: liquid metal, bath and anodes), does not take into ac-
count the true geometry of the cell. It is known from practice that the ledge
shape plays an important role on the stability. If the ledge grows under the
anodes (ridge), strong horizontal currents are generated and the cell be-
comes unstable.
u~ ( x , t ) , velocity field,
p ( x, t )
, pressure field,
b ( x, t ) , induction field,
~j ( x , t )
, electric current density,
j~(x ,t ) , electric potential field,
h ( x, y, t ) , function describing the interface.
1 ~ ~
ρ∂ t u~ + ρ (u~ , ∇)u~ + ∇( ~p + ρgz ) = rotb × b (8–9)
divu~ = 0
rotb = μ 0 ~j (8–11)
~ + u~ × b~ )
~j = σ ( −∇ϕ
div ~j = 0 (8–13)
divb = 0 (8–14)
p}Γ ( h~ ) = 0 on ~
Γ(h ) (8–15)
~ ~ ~ ~
∂ t h − (u~ , ∇( z − h )) = 0 on Γ(h ) (8–16)
In Equation 8-9 to 8-16 the standard notations was used:
u( x ), p( x ), h( x , y ), j ( x ), b( x ), ϕ ( x ) (8–17)
u~ ( x , t ) = u( x ) + U ( x , t )
p ( x , t ) = p( x ) + P ( x , t )
~ (8–18)
h ( x , y , t ) = h( x , y ) + H ( x , y , t )
~j ( x , t ) = j ( x ) + J ( x , t )
b ( x , t ) = b( x ) + B ( x , t )
ϕ~ ( x , t ) = ϕ ( x ) + Φ( x , t )
U ( x , t ) = eiωt U ( x )
P( x , t ) = eiωt P( x )
H ( x , y , t ) = eiωt H ( x , y ) (8–19)
J ( x , t ) = eiωt J ( x )
B( x , t ) = eiωt B( x )
Φ( x , t ) = eiωt Φ( x )
Substituting the Equation 8-18 and 8-19 in Equation 8-9 to 8-16 amounts
replacing ∂tU by iωU and ∂tH by iωH, we obtain the following system for the
fluctuation fields:
iωρU + ρ (u, ∇)U + ρ (U , ∇)u + ∇P = (rotb × B + rot B × b) (8–20)
divU = 0
{ P + H∂ z p}Γ = 0 on Γ (8–22)
(∇ P , ∇P ) = 1 (8–24)
rot B = μ 0 J D
J = σ ( −∇Φ + U × b + u × B)
div J D = 0
div B = 0
{Φ + H∂ zϕ}Γ = 0 on ~
Γ (h ) (8–30)
ω n +1 = ω n + δω , U n +1 = U n + δU , P n +1 = P n + δP,... (8–31)
div (U + δ U ) = 0
{ P n + δ P + ( H n + δ H )∂ z p} Γ = 0 on Γ (8–34)
i(ωn Hn +δωHn +ωnδH) − (∂ z u, ∇(z − h))Hn − (U +δU, ∇(z − h)) + (u, ∇Hn ) = 0
on Γ
{(∇ P n , ∇P n ) + 2(∇P n , ∇δP)} = 1 (8–36)
rot B = μ 0 J
n n
D (8–37)
J = σ ( −∇Φ n + U × b + u × B n )
n n
div J D = 0
div B = 0 (8–41)
{Φ n + H n∂ zϕ}Γ = 0 on Γ (h ) (8–42)
In order to consider the real ledge shape in the stability analysis, the calcu-
lations of the metal pad oscillations have been coupled to the magnetohy-
drodynamic and thermal calculations (Lit. 8-14). The geometry of the pool
containing metal and bath is no longer rectangular. This fact leads to over-
come severe mathematical difficulties. The mathematical developments
are published in (Lit. 8-15, 8-16, 8-17, 8-18). The impact of the real ge-
ometry of a cell is presented in Table 8-1.
Table 8-1: Example of Eigenfrequencies for Gravitational Oscillations.
The left hand side periods are calculated by assuming gravitational waves
in a rectangular box, the right hand side periods are determined numeri-
cally on the basis of the real cell geometry.
The absence of viscous terms in the equations for the fluctuations is justi-
fied by experimental observations.
The free geometry leads to important mathematical complications. The
theory of distributions and a perturbation method are used. On the other
hand it should be mentioned that all the stationary state parameters like
current density, magnetic fields and velocity fields and the interface defor-
mation are taken into account for the stability analysis.
The stability of the cell for a given mode is given by the imaginary part of
ω. If it is positive or zero the cell is said to be stable, if it is negative, the
cell is said unstable. The negative values of the imaginary part are also
called growth factors as they define how fast a perturbation grows. Figure
8-13 shows the principle of a stability diagram.
8.4.3. Applications
(A) B)
Figure 8-15: Ledge Formation. (A) standard ledge, (B) ridge under anode.
The existence of ridge is directly correlated with a decrease of current effi-
ciency and this is due to the loss of cell stability.
Figure 8-16: Horizontal component of the velocity field in the middle of the metal pad.
(A) standard ledge corresponding to Figure 8-15(A) (maximal velocity
0.21 m/s). (B) ridge corresponding to Figure 8-15(B) (maximal velocity
0.33 m/s).
Figure 8-16 (A) and (B) show the corresponding velocity fields in a hori-
zontal plane at the middle of the metal pad. Both magnitude and orienta-
tion of the velocity field are strongly modified by the ledge change.
Figure 8-17: Represents the real (A) and imaginary parts (B) of the wave circular fre-
quencies in a complex plane.
Once the stationary solutions are known, one can solve Equation 8-32 to
8-42 numerically and find out about the stability of the cell. Figure 8-17 (A)
and (B) represent the real and imaginary parts of the wave circular fre-
quencies in a complex plane.
The small triangles represent the position of each mode when there is no
current in the cell. It corresponds to the gravitational modes. When the
current is increased to its nominal value of 125 kA each mode is slightly
displaced on the real axis. This means that the oscillation period is slightly
modified. More important is the fact that the circular frequencies are dis-
placed on the imaginary axis. If the displacement happens to be on the
negative side of the axis, it means a growth factor for the corresponding
wave, and the cell becomes unstable. If the displacement is on the positive
side of the axis, it means a dumping factor, the cell remains stable.
With the assumed operational parameters, two modes are slightly unsta-
ble. Mode (3,0) and (3,1) have respectively a growth factor of 1.2 10-3 s-1
and 2.7 10-3 s-1. When the ledge moves under the anodes, most of the
modes are unstable (Fig. 8-17B), and the growth factors are increased.
Mode (1,0), with a very long oscillation period of 75 s, was absolutely sta-
ble when the ledge was good. With a ridge, it is the most unstable mode
with a growth factor of 6.6 10-3 s-1. Three other modes have a growth fac-
tor bigger than 5.0 10-3 s-1. Under such a state action must be taken in
orded to stabilizing the cell. One solution is to increase the anode cathode
Figure 8-18: Real and imaginary parts of wave circular frequencies. Anode cathode dis-
tance reduced to 3.8 cm.
The same type of analysis can be performed when changing operational
parameters. Let us just mention that the metal height is an important factor
for the cell stability. Of course the stability is decreasing when the metal
height is decreasing. The bath level has only a small effect on the stability
due to the pressure field and the velocity field in the channels between the
anodes. The cell is more stable when the bath level is higher.
Busbar system
The busbar system should be designed to give well-balanced magnetic
fields. The optimization of the busbar design, which has a major impact on
current efficiency and cell stability, is based on sophisticated simulation
tools. The use of simulation tools has allowed to optimize both thermal
balance and magnetohydrodynamic states of the cells. In Figure 8-19 the
MHD stability, expressed as a function of the current load, of the original
busbar design and of the modified design are compared. Keep in mind that
the growth factor is the reciprocal time to double the amplitude of the cor-
responding eigen-mode. Hence, big values indicate a tendency to build up
instabilities. Busbar modifications show the stabilizing effect on the mag-
netohydrodynamic state of the cell. It allows to further increase of the cur-
rent load.
Figure 8-19: MHD stability comparison versus current load for original and optimized
8.5. Literature
9. Raw Materials
9. Raw Materials
9.1. Summary
The composition and the physical properties of the following raw ma-
terials are specified: alumina, carbon anodes, cryolite, aluminum
fluoride and sodium carbonate.
9.2. Alumina
The following are approximate data for the alumina used for problem-free
operation of point feeding pots with dry scrubbing.
Table 9-1: Specification of the alumina composition (alumina dried at 120 °C).
At a high degree of pot gas recovery, contents of sodium oxide higher than
0.4% result in production of cryolite (see Exercise 2-6: Sodium Oxide in
The moisture content of the alumina in the charge should not exceed
1.3%. Observations have shown that the air burn on the surface of the an-
ode is greater when the moisture content of the alumina is high.
9.3. Anodes
The limit value for sulphur is determined by the acceptable limits for sul-
phur dioxide emission and/or immission and by the sulphur content of
Figure 9-1: Test arrangement for the determination of the specific electric resistance of
Figure 9-2: Test arrangement for the determination of the flexural strength of anodes.
Figure 9-3: Test arrangement for the determination of the CO2 reacticity of anodes.
Figure 9-4: Test arrangement for the determination of the air reacticity of anodes.
Length ± 10 mm
Width ± 6.25 mm
Height ±8 mm
Deformation Long Side < 40 mm
Deformation Bottom Side < 30 mm
If, for any reason, anodes have to be used that do not conform to these
specifications, they should only be used "thinned out." For each pot, there
should never be more than one anode in the anode set that does not con-
form to specifications.
9.4. Cryolite
Fluorine ≥ 53 %
Calcium Fluoride (CaF2) ≤5 %
Cryolite Ratio ≥ 2.2
Sulfate Ion (SO-24) ≤ 0.25 %
Silicium Oxide (SiO2) ≤ 0.1* %
Iron Oxide (Fe2O3) ≤ 0.1* %
Phosphorus (P) ≤ 100 ppm
Moisture ≤ 0.3 %
To get information about the cryolite ratio see its definition (Equation 2-10
in Chapter 2-3).
Fluorine ≥ 60 %
Aluminum Fluoride (AlF3) ≥ 90 %
Calcium Fluoride (CaF2) ≤2 %
Magnesium Fluoride (MgF2) ≤ 0.1 %
Sulfate Ion (SO-24) ≤ 0.3 %
Silicium Oxide (SiO2) ≤ 0.3* %
Iron Oxide (Fe2O3) ≤ 0.1* %
Phosphorus (P) ≤ 100 ppm
Loss of Ignition (LOI) ≤ 0.9 %
The grain size of the aluminum fluoride should be less than 2 millimetres.
9.7. Literature
Lit. 9-1: S. Brunauer, P. H. Emmett, E. Teller,
"Adsorption of Gases in Multimolecular Layers",
J. Am. Chem. Soc. (1938) 60, 309-319.
10.1. Summary
10.2.1. Introduction
Did you know
Naturally you know all that – but are you also turning that knowl-
edge into real value?
The more exact the data collected about a cathode, the more you can
learn from your experience with it. Please help us in our gathering of data
so as to create a basis for further development.
The text that follows has been based on cathodes with Type C shells.
With the aid of the inclosed drawings, all work instructions and data
provided here can also be transferred to other cathodes types.
10.2.2. General
A high quality cathode ensuring long potlife is characterized by a uniform
current distribution and a lining that metal and the electrolyte cannot erode
and penetrate.
Type C cathodes have been designed in accordance with most recent
knowledge so as to satisfy these requirements. The cathode takes up
stress-free the differing thermal expansions of the materials that are un-
avoidable while being heated to operating temperature. This avoids uncon-
trolled changes in shape and cracking during the start-up, both of which
severely reduce the quality of the cathode.
The great advantages of this design can attain their full effect on the be-
havior of the pot only if pots are carefully lined.
Insulating Layers
Two inslation layers are laid in loose. The first layer consists of insulating
plates. If graphite blocks are used the second layer consists of insulating
plates in the edge region and bricks in the center. When using amorphous
blocks, only insulating bricks are layed in the second layer.
Vapor Barrier
The vapor barrier consists of 4 layers of sheet steel (St 37), 1 mm thick.
The individual sheets cover the entire width of the shell and shoved up
loose against one another (not welded!). The sheets in the upper layer
overlap those underneath by 50% in each case.
As an alternative to this, the vapor barrier can also be built from two steel
plates of appropriate dimensions, 4 mm thick, welded together gas-tight
after being laid in place. Any excess welded seam has to be ground flat!
Two layers of firebricks are laid in loose. The joints between the bricks are
filled with fine grained fire-clay or alumina. In the third layer fire-clay mortar
is used.
The top surface of the firebrick must be 10 mm higher than the bot-
tom edge of the bar window!
Figure 10-4: Height difference between cell lining and bar window..
After lining the mortar must dry for at least 16 hours using an infrared
heating cover (up to 110 – 130 °C).
10.2.4. Casting-in the Bars
The cathode bars are fastened in the grooves of the cathode blocks by
casting them in with iron.
• The transition resistance between the carbon block and the cathode
bars should be minimal.
• No tensile stresses greater than the tensile strength may be produced
in the carbon either during casting-in or while heating to operating
temperature. Such stresses would cause cracking.
The following work instructions have been based on calculations made for
casting-in of double bars in amorphous cathode blocks. As graphitic cath-
ode blocks behave thermomechanically better than amorphous blocks,
and as stresses produced when casting-in single bars are less than those
produced when casting-in double bars, these work instructions are valid
for graphitic cathode blocks and single bars as well.
The high quality of cathodes and long potlife are only guaranted if
the work instructions are strictly followed.
The saturation degree (SC) of carbon in cast iron should be 1.0 to 1.1.
SC =
4.3 − 0.33 × c Si + c P i (10-1)
with the meaning of the symbols:
The cathode blocks used for glueing must be machined exactly. The cra-
dle shell and the lining have been designed such that they can take up the
thermal expansion of the entire glued cathode stress-free.
Work Routine
• Determine the position of the first bottom block at the center in such a
way that the bars are centered exactly at the corresponding bar win-
• Cover the inner collar of the bar on the side facing the wall of the shell
with Fiberfrax coated with graphite powder. Pass it over the ends of
the bar.
• With a crane, lift the middle bottom block into the shell.
• Introduce the support beam and brace it against the closer wall.
• Press the two cathode blocks against one another with hydraulic
The hydraulic pressure exerted on the glued surfaces should be
0.05 to 0.1 N/mm2.
• Press the ends of the bars on the two cathode blocks together with
clamps on both sides. Tighten the clamps with a torque wrench.
• Remove any excess glue from the surfaces of the cathode blocks.
• Insert the third and all further cathode blocks into the shell and glue
them together as described above.
• Measure and record the ambient temperature.
• After hardening remove the clamps from the ends of the bars.
Filling in Concrete
The spaces between bars, corners and traverse sides are filled with con-
crete. Starting from the outside and going inward, the lining of the shell
walls consists of side and corner blocks and ramming paste. Due to the
expansion gaps between the concrete and the bottom blocks, only minimal
thermal stresses occur during calcination.
Figure 10-15: Concreting corners, long and transvers side of the pot.
Ramming Procedure
The ramming paste becomes completely hard only at temperatures of
more than approximately 350 °C. This means that it can still compensate
partially the differences in the thermal expansion of the various materials
in the shell lining during calcination, thereby preventing mechanical
stresses. As the ramming paste also hardens at room temperature –
though very slowly – the pot should be put into operation as soon as pos-
sible after the ramming procedure.
Ramming is done either by a group of workers using compressed-air
hammers or vibrators, or machines with varying degrees of automation.
The compaction of the ramming paste is only uniform and reproducible
After ramming, the ramming paste must have a strength of 3.5 N/mm2.
This strength is determined with a penetrometer which measures the resis-
tance to penetration.
Figure 10-18: Rammed layers in the finished expansion gap on the short side of the pot.
10.3. Start Up
10.3.1. General
There are three phases in starting up an electrolysis pot: calcination, bath-
ing-up, and the normalization phase. The total process lasts 4 to 5 weeks.
During calcination and bathing-up, the cathode is heated to operating tem-
perature. If the cathode is put into position and pre-heated for bathing-up
as prescribed, the thermal stresses remain below the critical limit even
when temperature gradients occur, therefore the various materials expand
differently. Cracking can therefore be prevented.
The collector bars have the biggest thermal expansion. They can move
relatively free in the groove up to a temperature of approx. 600 °C. Above
these temperatures, a friction bond forms and tensile stresses are pro-
duced in the cathode block. Heating the cathode from the center and
working outward ensures that the friction bond will start at the center and
that the bars can expand freely outward for as long as possible. An early
friction bond at two locations on the collector bar produces tensile stresses
so high that the carbon can crack.
As the carbon ramming paste begins to harden during calcination at tem-
peratures of more than 300 °C, it is important that the base of the cathode
is heated at the center first so that it can expand as long as the ramming
paste is still plastic.
The goal is to obtain a preheating in which the carbon ramming paste
hardens from the bottom. This can, to a large extent, prevent lamination of
the ramming paste within the rim.
Preheating is the first step of the start-up. There are two possible proce-
dures available for accomplishing this:
During electric calcination, the line current flows through the pot and sup-
plies energy for heating and calcination. To keep the temperature rise flat
enough during the initial phase, a shunt reduces the pot current initially. An
uniform anodic current distribution is important for good electrical calcin-
For pots up to ~110 kA, with single anodes and with glued cathode blocks,
electrical calcination without a shunt is also feasible, but the risk of local
overheating is significantly greater than when using a shunt.
For gas calcination, the pot is heated and calcined with gas burners placed
between the anodes and the cathode.
• In the anode rodding, select crack-free anodes with bottoms that do
not deviate by more than 4 mm from exact surface evenness
• Brush the anode rod clean especially at the contact points to the
flexible connections.
• Position the anode beam on the pot at 25 cm and check all equip-
• Install the flexible anode connections on the anode beam.
• Distribute the coke granules (1.0 - 3.0 mm) on the cathode surface
with a leveling bar, level the layer to a thickness of 10 - 12 mm.
• Clean the bottom of the anodes.
• Introduce the first anode into the clamp at a distance of 1 - 2 cm from
the anode beam.
• Install the flexible connection on the anode stem. Do not tighten the
• Raise the anode again slightly and press it on the coke layer.
• Check that the anode rod is at a sufficient distance from the horizontal
• Tighten the flexible strips on the rod and on the anode beam.
The anode is now connected to the beam flexibly and can conduct current. It
will travel along with the thermal expansion of the cathode and thereby
maintain the uniform anodic current distribution during calcination.
The needed soda amount depends on the pot size and the amount of ex-
cess aluminum fluoride in the electrolyte. The electrolyte in the starting pot
must be brought to an excess aluminum fluoride level of 0-3% within the
first 24 hours (electrolyte sample is light pink).
• After heating up for two hours, measure and record the anodic current
During the entire calcination process, the Variation Coefficient (VK Equa-
tion 10-2) of the anodic current distribution should be less than 15%.
σ (10-2)
VK = ⋅ 100.0
with the meaning of the symbols:
∑ ex j
i −x (10-3)
σ= i =1
with the meaning of the symbols:
• Measure the anodic current distribution every 4 hours and record the
variation coefficient.
• After 4 hours, or when the pot voltage has dropped below 3.0 V, re-
move one pair of shunts from the electrical circuit.
• After 8, 12, 16, and 20 hours, or every time the pot voltage drops be-
low 3.0 V again, remove one more pair of shunts.
• after 12 hours, remove the insulation mat over the center of the pot.
• Remove the shunt after 20 hours at the latest.
• Continue calcining at full current for another 28 hours.
• Clean the cathode surface carefully.
• Cover the rim and glued joints with sheet metal strips approx. 0.6 mm
• Bring the anode beam to a height of 15 cm.
• Place the anodes on the floor of the cathode and tighten the clamps.
• Raise the anode beam 25 cm or to its highest position.
• Install the burners between the cathode and the anodes in such a
way that the flames are directed horizontally towards the center of the
pot. Put on insulation covers.
• Cover the gaps between the anodes with metal plates approx. 1 mm
thick. Use plates with holes at the temperature measurement points.
• Bring 6 thermocouples into position and connect them to the display
• Light the burners.
During calcining, make sure that a reducing atmosphere prevails between
the anode and the cathode. Ash components on the cathode surface re-
duce the surface tension between the electrolyte and the cathode to zero,
which results in electrolyte penetration and layer forming in the cathode
blocks and/or the ramming paste.
• Calcine the pot for 60 to 72 hours, measuring and recording the tem-
perature of the cathode every two hours. Check at the same time that
To ensure that the temperature of the cathode and not that of the gas
flame is being measured, extinguish the burners closest to the ther-
mocouple when taking the measurements.
Carry out the following preparatory work as quickly as possible and without
interruption in order to keep the cooling of the cathode to a minimum:
• Lower the anodes to 1 cm above the cathode. Mark the "0" position.
• At the middle of each long side, keep an opening by using full cryolite
bags on both sides of the hole for pouring in the liquid electrolyte.
Leave the protective plate on the ramming paste.
During gas calcination, the ramming paste is only slightly calcined and
does not reach the same high temperatures as the cathode surface. The
protective plates are not removed because they provide mechanical pro-
tection for the rammed rims which are still soft.
Soda Addition:
• Mix 100 kg of soda with 5 - 6 parts cryolite or crushed bath and fill the
mixture into the spaces between the anodes and the side blocks.
Leave the opening clear for pouring in the liquid electrolyte.
The amount of needed soda depends on the size of the pot and the
amount of excess aluminum fluoride in the electrolyte. The electrolyte in
the starting pot must be brought to an excess aluminum fluoride level of 0-
3% within the first 24 hours (electrolyte sample slightly reddish).
• Fill the side gap up to the upper edge of the anodes with crushed
10.3.4. Bathing Up
The bathing up are the first 24 hours of pot operation. Electrolytic bathing
of the pot after a gas calcination does not differ significantly from that after
an electric calcination. The electrical calcinations are described below. In
both cases, it is important to introduce the electrolyte as quickly and uni-
formly as possible to prevent overloading and damaging individual anodes.
Table 10-2: Time schedule of the bathing up preparations.
11.1 Summary
The programs of the Electrolysis Pot Control (EPC) for pot resis-
tance, noisy pots and under and over feeding initiate the alumina
feed control depending on pot events. They adapt the alumina feed
rate according to the pot state (noisy, quiet). This is done to control
the alumina content in the bath, to avoid unwanted anode effects and
sludge formation. Further this chapter shows how to determine the
permanent voltage set point (PSP) in dependence of bath voltage and
cathode voltage drop.
The meaning of the values shown at the display of the Pot Controller
Terminal (PCT) are explained. The functions of the keys and buttons
are listed. Further the steps to handle events like anode change or
tapping and the way to get data from the PCT are described. The
meaning of the values, messages and alarms shown at the display
are explained in detail.
11.2 Philosophy
In addition it has been shown that bath chemistry can also improve current
efficiency. For modern industrial cells the bath composition should have a
high aluminum fluoride excess and a low alumina concentration.
As a result, every set of operating parameters defines an optimum anode-
cathode distance (ACD):
Such a process control can only operate if the overall pot operation phi-
losophy explicitly predetermines the control strategy.
A change of the pot voltage means an undesired change of the energy in-
put of the cell.
Many EPC systems control the pots on a constant voltage basis by adjust-
ing permanently the ACD. This is not the best way to achieve a constant
energy input and this is not the strategy of the ALUSUISSE electrolysis
process control.
By this means current efficiency, bath temperature and energy input re-
main constant.
Therefore it is not necessary to adjust the cell power for short term
variations of the cell consumption.
The energy input and consumption of the cell are kept constant at a
constant optimum ACD by adjusting the alumina feeding rate to keep
the alumina concentration in the bath within a very narrow concen-
tration band as long as possible.
Principally three control programs are used for the alumina feed control:
• resistance control: RC
• noisy pot control: NPC
• prediction control: PC (under- and overfeeding)
According to any event or intervention on the pot the control programs are
active or inactive. That means for example:
• if a pot has been identified as noisy and is operated at the highest cor-
rective level, then the over- and underfeeding are inactive because for
this pot in this state the R-slope cannot be calculated accurately. This
situation leads to an unprogrammed anode effect.
• if the R-slope exceeds certain target values the resistance control pro-
gram cannot move the anode beam downwards, even if in this case a
too high resistance has been found.
• if the beam raising button has been activated the anode beam is
blocked for automatic movements even when the resistance is outside
the band width.
Control of the feeding of alumina is based on the ALUSUISSE pot operat-
ing system conceived for micro processor controlled point feeders:
To ensure a proper reaction to any change in the pot and to adjust the
feeding of alumina correspondingly the current identified/calculated pa-
rameters have to be compared to the base parameters.
You determine the time period [t100] for 100% alumina feed by taking into
account that two point feeders add alumina to the bath with:
2 × 18
. × 60 (11-1)
I 100 = = 3.06 min = 183 sec
You may also use ElysePrg to determine these values. Click in the List
Examples and Exercises Window of ElysePrg (Chap. 18.14) on Exp. 11-1
and ElysePrg executes the calculation of Exp. 11-1. Figure 11-2 shows the
result of the calculation.
Figure 11-2: Result of a calculation the alumina feeding rate using ElysePrg.
Table 11-1 lists the feeding rate (in percent of the theoretical alumina feed-
ing rate) and the duration of the different alumina feeding phases.
Table 11-1: List of the alumina feeding phases.
CI Concentration Increase
This phase follows immediately the anode effect feeding phase. The aim is
to build up the alumina concentration in the bath up to 2 – 2.5 %.
This phase is not interrupted by tapping or anode changing.
When reducing the current load to 50-80% the alumina feed is reduced
correspondingly of 50%.
OA Overfeeding A
This phase is active when the EPC predicts an anode effect. It is a short
intensive feeding which shall prevent the occurrence of an anode effect.
This phase is only interrupted if an anode effect occurs.
OB Overfeeding B
The aim of this feeding phase is to increase the alumina concentration of
the bath.
The alumina concentration increase causes a decrease of the bath resis-
tance. The EPC controls this resistance drop. If 20 minutes after the star
of OA no resistance drop is detected this phase is interrupted: The UA
phase follows for 60 minutes and then the 40% phase UB up to the next
AC Anode Change
This phase is started by pushing the respective button at the PCT (Pot
Control Terminal).
By reducing the alumina feed after an anode change sludging of the cath-
ode is prevented.
This phase is interrupted when the anode effect prediction is active.
During beam raising or tapping this phase is stopped for the duration of
the event phase.
TP Tapping
This phase is started by pushing the respective button at the PCT.
By increasing the alumina feed the occurrence of an undesired anode ef-
fect is prevented.
CL Current Low
There is an acute danger of an undesired anode effect after a reduction of
the line current especially when the bath temperature went down some
degrees. The EPC cannot detect an eventual coming anode effect. There-
fore a slightly increased feed is permitted for this "blind" time.
BR Beam raising
This phase is started by pushing the respective button at the PCT.
A slightly higher amount of alumina is fed in order to prevent an anode ef-
fect. By pushing the button the bridge is immediately blocked for automatic
movements. Once beam raising is completed, the button is pushed a sec-
ond time in order to reactivate the bridge.
This phase can only be interrupted by an anode effect.
11.4.1 General
Figure 11-3 shows the Pot Controller Terminal (PCT).
The Display:
Figure 11-4 shows the display of the PCT.
The display lines normally show the basic pot measurements. The first
item reading from left to right is the pot voltage. This is followed by a read-
ing of the pot current in kA. The third item from the left is the pot noise in
Pot Noise (μΩ). The third and fourth numbers are the beam positions in
mm. The value before the pot number is the rate in % of theoretical alu-
mina consumption and the accompanying letters give the name of the feed
When an alarm condition arises the display will flash a text to identify the
alarm. You can stop this flashing by hitting key 9. This will suppress the
alarm message but will leave an illuminated blank display cell just before
the pot number to indicate that an alarm is outstanding. The display will
also help you when signalling pot operations.
Select pot1,
Select pot2,
Anode change,
S functions,
Crust breaking,
F function.
Anode Change:
Shortly before you start to change anode you should signal this action by
pressing the <AC> key for the pot. The sequence is thus:
The PCU will adjust the voltage setpoint and the feed rate to cope with the
disturbance to the normal pot operation.
At the end press the <AC> key for the pot again.
To start the tapping program hit the <TP> button:
During tapping the PCU shows the amount to be tapped and the amount
tapped alternately with the normal display of pot voltage and beam posi-
tion etc.
If a problem arises during tapping the PCU will signal that it can no longer
follow the tapping operation by flashing the tap lamp and then you should
correct the pot voltage after tapping by lowering the beam yourself.
The computer may not light the tapping lamp immediately, should the pot
be somewaht noisy. It will raise the beam to try to quieten the pot. If tap
start is impossible, the PCU will flash the tap lamp and show the reason
for not tapping:
No tapping - too soon after AE (anode effect),
No tapping - voltage too high,
No tapping - current drop,
No tapping - voltage drop,
No tapping - too little to tap,
No tapping - locked out,
No tapping - beam too low,
No tapping - beam locked,
No tapping - OSP too high,
No tapping - pot too noisy.
After the beam moves have finished, you should refix the beam and:
The light goes out at the end of the beam raising operation:
During beam raising the display will show that the operation is taking place
and the normal strict limits on beam moves are temporarily inactive.
Just before staring the work you should hit the button <E>:
PCT Information:
You can obtain information on the pot by selecting the pot you want (hit
Pot 1 or Pot 2). The data is seen by pressing one of the number keys:
S Information:
There are more specialised data available for diagnostic purposes when
using <S> with a number key:
11.4.5 Messages
There are a few conditions which the PCU cannot handle or needs to
show to pot tenders. These are flashed on the display line for the pot in
question. By pressing key 9 you suppress the flashing message but this
does not reset the alarm condition. Here is a list of alarms which may
PCT functions:
There are some actions available by using the F key followed by a number
Password functions:
There are a couple of functions only available by inputting a password.
They are emergency settings (host down) and diagnostic functions:
P0: Nominal current input - for emergency use (no host communication),
P1: Voltage setpoint input - for emergency use,
P6: PCT key test,
P7: PCT display cell test,
P8: Send PCT texts to host - (do not use in the potroom).
11.5 Exercises
Exercise 11-1:
The point feeder setting (fPF) is then according to Equation 5-7 of Ely-
0.5 × 4500
+ 68.20
100 90.70
fPF = = = 25.19 h −1
2 × 18
. 3.6
To determine the time period (tc) to reach the end concentration you use
Equation 5-6 of ElysePrg:
2.7 − 15
tc = = 2.4 h
If you want to use ElysePrg you first introduce the current intensity and the
current efficiency in the Alumina Production page (Page 1) of ElysePrg:
and finally on the Point Feeder Setting (Page 3) the other values:
You may also use ElysePrg directly to execute the calculation of Exer-
cise 11-1. Click in the List Examples and Exercises Window of ElysePrg
(Chap. 18.14) on Exs. 11-1 and ElysePrg executes the corresponding cal-
12.1.1. Introduction
The anode change is divided into six chapters:
• anode pattern,
• anode cycle,
• anode changing procedure,
• anodic current distribution,
• current of newly set anodes,
• magnetic effects.
In order to eliminate pot disturbances when changing anodes, the se-
quence should be chosen such, that the time period between the change
of two single anodes is as big as possible.
In order to express the quality as a number the "anode space" has been
This number tells you, how many anode rods you have to jump lengthwise
and in the transverse direction in order to find from the last changed anode
the anode which has to be changed next.
• electrolytic consumption (112 g/kAh see Equation 2-15 for I = 1kAh and
t = 1h),
• non electrolytic excess consumption in the bath,
• non electrolytic excess consumption outside the bath
I (12-2)
jA =
n A ⋅ l A ⋅w A
with the meaning of the symbols:
The result is a figure which is specific for a certain plant and is for instance
for an EPT10-pot about 130 g/kAh.
hA ⋅S A ⋅ ρ A
t AC = (12-4)
24 ⋅ AN(kAh) ⋅ I
h A = h A(meas) − 2 ⋅ σ h
− l Hole − hButt (12-5)
The anode change is executed with an anode changing vehicle.
This vehicle is equipped with a crane for changing the anodes, a hydrauli-
cally driven wrench to open and fasten the anode clamps on the beam and
a scraper to clean the bath.
Before changing the anode the crust has to be broken. After removing the
old anode the bath is cleaned with the scraper of the vehicle: bigger crust
pieces are removed and the pot has to be skimmed from carbon dust if
necessary. Then the new anode is inserted.
The insertion height is marked on the anode stem.
In practice two different methods are used to define the insertion height:
• the height taken from the changed anode is transferred to the rod of
the new anode using a hook,
• the insertion height of the new anode is calculated by the computer ac-
cording using Equation 12-6:
H 1 = H 0 − Δh0 + ΔH Br (12-6)
After the change the new anode should be covered with crushed bath and
alumina in order to protect it against air burn. As an insulating layer this
cover is also important for the heat balance of the pot.
Another check is made 24 hours after the anode change. The measuring
section controls the current pick up of the last changed anodes. Anode
currents between 50% and 120% of the nominal current indicate a “good”
anode change.
If the current pick up 24 hours after the anode change is less than 50% or
more than 120% of the nominal anode current, the setting range should be
checked and if necessary corrected.
I nom = 12-8)
with the meaning of the symbols:
One can see that the current of the anodes reaches its nominal value only
after some days. The new anode has been inserted a little higher than cor-
responding to the ACD of the changed anode.
After reaching a maximum the anode current decreases continuously. This
is effected by a decrease of lateral anode area.
σ (12-9)
V A = 100 ⋅
I nom
with the meaning of the symbols:
Figure 12-4: Schematic view of a pot with all anodes set to an equal interpolar distance.
Taking into account the relation for the total resistance of parallel resis-
=Â 1 (12-11)
R n RP
with the meaning of the symbols:
RP = n ◊R (12-12)
one can write for the proportional resistance under one anode in the elec-
trolyte using Ohm’s Law
UW UW ◊ n A
= = (12-13)
I An I ◊ 10 3
Max-Högger-Strasse 6 CH-8048 Zürich, Switzerland
Tel: +41 44 435 3333, Fax: +41 44 435 0665, E-Mail: alesa@alcan
ALESA Electrolysis Seminar
12. Pot Operation
where the anodic current before anode change corresponds to the nominal
anodic current.
The total resistance of one rod i.e. between the anode beam and the liquid
metal is given with
RtotAn = RAn
+ RBath
0 (12-14)
The entire resistance of all anodes between the anode beam and the liquid
metal is using Equation 12-12
0 (12-15)
R0 = RtotAn
with the meaning of the symbols:
U 0 = 10 3 ◊ I ◊ R 0 (12-16)
with the meaning of the symbols:
When an anode is changed the new anode is inserted higher i.e. the inter-
polar distance of this anode is increased. In addition the contact resistance
stub to anode may be higher which results in a higher resistance between
the anode beam and the anode bottom.
Figure 12-5 shows a newly inserted anode with greater interpolar distance.
Figure 12-5: Schematic view of a pot with a newly set anode with a greater interpolar dis-
The overall parallel resistance of the n-1 old anodes (Equation 12-12) is
RPar = R (12-17)
nA - 1
with the meaning of the symbols:
You find the proportional resistance under the new anode by combining
Equation 12-13 with the Equation 4-5 for the electric resistance of the elec-
trolyte with
= RBath
◊ IPD + DIPD (12-18)
with the meaning of the symbols:
RtotAn ◊ RPar
R1 = (12-20)
RtotAn + RPar
U 1 = 10 3 ◊ I ◊ R 1 (12-21)
i.e. the pot voltage has changed (Equation 12-16 and 12-21)
DU = U 1 - U 0 (12-22)
with the meaning of the symbols:
You calculate the current load of each anode before anode change using
Equation 12-8 and after anode change of the old anodes with
I 1
An = 0 (12-23)
with the meaning of the symbols:
An = new (12-24)
with the meaning of the symbols:
An anode which has been set too high will not reach its nominal current
within days; that means that the current has to be picked up from the other
anodes and the anodic current distribution deteriorates.
12.1.8. Exercises
Exercise 12-1:
Exercise 12-2:
b) Draw the graph of the current distribution i.e. relative anode currents as
a function of anode age.
Exercise 12-3:
An EPT10-pot is operated with the following data before and after anode
b ) the burning rate of the old anodes is 1.6 cm/day. Calculate the burning
rate of the new set anode for the first 24 hours with the assumption that
the anode currents remain constant during this time.
Using Equation 12-13 and 12-14 you calculate the resistance in the elec-
trolyte under one anode and the total anode resistance with:
Combining Equation 12-15 and 12-16 you write for the total voltage drop:
After anode change you write for the new anode (Equation 12-18 and
With the overall resistance of the other anodes (Equation 12-17) and the
corresponding resistance (Equation 12-20) you calculate the new voltage
(Equation 12-21):
The anodic current before anode change (Equation 12-8) and after anode
change Equation 12-23 and 12-24 are:
This means that the difference of the interpolar distance between the new
anode (which has been inserted 3 cm higher) and the other anodes has
decreased by only
The position of the new set anode is even 24 hours later still about
2.5 cm too high!
12.2.1. General
The electrolysis pots should always be tapped at about the same time in
the shift. The pots are tapped once every 24 or 48 hours. The tapping pro-
gram is transmitted to the tapping crew in written form. The sequence of
the delivery of the transport crucibles is generally determined by the cast-
house. According to the demand of the casthouse, 3-5 different levels of
metal purity are assembled. It is appropriate to use specially designed
transport and tapping crucibles for metal purities better than 99.9% Al.
12.2.2. Processing
Before tapping the metal level of each pot is measured and fed into the
computer.The computer compares the measured values with the individu-
ally prescribed target value. The difference is equal to the metal height
which has to be tapped.
The metal tapping program is set up by the computer according to the
amount to be tapped and the metal purity which has been announced by
the laboratory for the casthouse product mix.
By pushing the button "TP" the pot PCU is informed that the pot should be
tapped. The computer examines the noise criterion and adapts the alu-
mina- and resistance control respectively.
The signal lamp is switched on when the pot is ready for tapping.
During tapping the PCU controls the resistance continuously and lowers
the beam position correspondingly. As soon as the prescribed tapping
height is reached the PCU switches the signal lamp off. This is the signal
for the operator to stop tapping.
13. Troubleshooting in
Pot Operation
13.1. Summary
Spikes on Anodes,
Pieces of Carbon in the Electrolyte,
Anodes Inserted Too Low or Slipped Anodes,
Anode Set on Lumps,
Strong Side Ledge and Anode Set on Ledge,
Too Small Interpolar Distance,
Metal Roll.
The pot voltage tends to drop, consequently the anode beam moves up,
the bath temperature rises, you observe a yellow flame and the affected
anode(s) show high power take-up.
Corrective Actions
• Measure the anodic current distribution in order to identify the affected
• Check the affected anode(s). Replace any anodes with spikes. If sev-
eral anodes have to be changed, use hot anodes with sufficient height
taken from healthy pots.
• Temporary increase of PSP.
• If the aluminum fluoride concentration is high, add soda.
• Skim the pot.
Increased noise level and varying current in the affected anode(s).
Corrective Actions
• Measure the anodic current distribution in order to identify affected an-
• Check the affected anode(s). Remove the carbon pieces.
• If the pot is still noisy, increase the PSP temporarily.
• If there is a very thin alumina cover on the long side of the pot, break
the crust and free the bottom of the anode with hooks.
• Skim the pot.
High noise level, high current in the affected anode due to the reduced in-
terpolar distance (resulting from the smaller ACD or resulting from the
metal upheaval under the anode due to the higher current), low pot volt-
age, relatively high anode temperature, possibly a red stub.
Corrective Actions
• Pull the anode up IMMEDIATELY!
• Then, ALWAYS, determine the correct insertion height.
High noise level, possible high current in the affected anode, low pot volt-
age, spikes may occur.
Corrective Actions
• Check the anode.
• Clean the bath and then insert the anode again at the correct height.
High noise level, possible high current in the affected anode and lower pot
Corrective Actions
• Increase the voltage.
• Supply additional soda if necessary.
• Reduce the prescribed metal level. Only after the ridge under the an-
odes has been removed: carefully lower the actual metal level.
• Where necessary, set the anode temporarily higher, but then – as soon
as possible – lower it again to the correct insertion height. When doing
so, take into account the reduced burning rate resulting from temporar-
ily raising the insertion height. If necessary, use a hook to transfer the
insertion height from the neighbor anode.
High noise level, the pot shows strong ledge formation under the anode, a
large amount of carbon dust is observable at the tapping and measuring
hole or during anode change, spikes may also form.
Corrective Actions
• Increase the voltage.
• Check the bath composition and correct it if necessary.
• Skim the pot.
• Measure the anodic current distribution especially for spikes.
High noise level, strong movement within the bath, the aluminum metal
rises, mixes with the electrolyte and moves up to the surface of the bath,
the crust is broken in, unstable anodic current distribution.
Corrective Actions
• Increase the voltage.
• Check the composition of the bath and correct it, adding liquid electro-
lyte if necessary.
• Do not do any operation at the pot, changing of anodes, etc. before the
pot has stabilized.
14. Measurements
14. Measurements
14.1. Summary
Figure 14-2: Data Sheet to register the voltage drop Entry – Anode values.
Purpose of Measurement:
The measurement is intended as a check on all anodic voltage drops such
as beam-anode rod (clamp), aluminum–iron weld and stub-anode. The
theoretical voltage drop is a "design" figure. Any deviation from this mini-
mum value indicates the following problems:
• the clamps are not properly tightened or there are dirty contact points
between rod and beam or the contact surfaces are not in order (burnt
• the aluminum-iron welds are poor,
• the transition resistance stub-anode is not in order.
Measuring Instruments:
Digital voltmeter according to specification in Chapter 14.8.1.
The measured values should be registered in a data sheet together with
their mean value and standard deviation as is shown in Figure 14-2.
At the same time the measured values should be divided into classes of
20 mV and entered on Probability Paper as shown in Figure 14-3.
If based on this evaluation different populations are found detailed voltage
drops should be measured.
Purpose of Measurement:
The measurement is used to check the pot voltage permanent set point.
Measuring Instruments:
Digital voltmeter according to specification in Chapter 14.8.1.
The measured values should be registered in a data sheet together with
their mean value and standard deviation as is shown in Figure 14-5.
At the end of a measurement day of or at the end of month the mean
value should be determined with the standard deviation over the pot group
or measured potroom.
In the mean value obtained in this way the following approximate voltage
drops for the anodes are included:
Figure 14-7: Data Sheet to register the voltage drop Metal – Exit values.
Purpose of Measurement:
This measurement is intended to provide a comparison of different bar
and of different cathode blocks qualities. Also an eventual bottom crust
formation may be detected and the cathode voltage drop increase during
the pot life may be investigated.
Measuring Instruments:
Digital voltmeter according to specification in Chapter 14.8.1.
The measured values should be registered in a data sheet as is shown in
Figure 14-7.
At the end of a measurement day of or at the end of month the mean
value should be determined with the standard deviation over the pot group
or measured potroom.
Figure 14-9: Data Sheet to register the voltage drop Collector Bars – Exit values.
Purpose of Measurement:
The measurement of this voltage drop is used to determine the voltage
loss in the bus bars.
Measuring Instruments:
Digital voltmeter and temperature measuring apparatus with thermocou-
ple according to specification in Chapter 14.8.1.
Reading or determination of the average current load during measuring.
The mean value is determined from the voltage drops and from the tem-
perature measurements. The voltage drop (mean value) is then converted
to an uniform bus bar temperature of 50 °C using the following expression:
1 1
k Al(T )
k Al( 20∞C)
◊ 1 + a ◊ T - 20 i
with the meaning of the symbols:
κAl(T): electric conductivity of aluminum at the temperature T (m/(Ωmm2),
κAl(20°C): electric conductivity of aluminum at 20 °C (m/(Ωmm ),
T: temperature of the bus bar (°C),
α: thermal coefficient of the electric conductivity.
k Al( 20∞C) = 35 ,
Wmm 2
a = 0.004.
The values are registered in the data sheet as is shown in Figure 14-9.
Figure 14-10: Data Sheet to register the voltage drop Metal - Collector Bars.
Purpose of Measurement:
This value is calculated and used to compare bottom blocks and collector
bar sizes with each other.
This value is calculated from the values of Metal - Exit (see 14.2.3) minus
Collector Bar – Exit (see 14.2.4)
The mean value of the bus bar voltage drop (Collector Bar - Exit) deter-
mined once is subtracted from the calculated mean value of Metal – Exit.
The standard deviation of the mean value Metal – Exit is taken as un-
The values are registered in the data sheet as is shown in Figure 14-10.
Figure 14-12: Data Sheet to register the voltage drop Entry – Exit values.
Purpose of Measurement:
The measurement is used to control the pot voltmeter.
Measuring Instruments:
Digital voltmeter according to specification in Chapter 14.8.1.
The pot voltmeter should be read simultaneously with the measurement
and registered in the data sheet as is shown in Figure 14-12.
If the two values deviate more than 0.05 V, the pot voltmeter should be
calibrated. If the deviation is greater than 0.2 V the voltmeter should be
replaced, repaired and recalibrated.
Figure 14-14: Data Sheet to register the Anodic Current Distribution values.
Purpose of Measurement:
The measurement is used to determine the current take-up in the different
anodes also to determine the current take-up of the anodes as function of
the pattern days. Furthermore with the results of the measurements the
setting accuracy of the anodes is checked.
1. Current take-up of newly set anodes with Tongs Model 78/260 (see
14.8.2). All anodes in operation 24 or 48 hours should be measured.
2. Measurement of the current distribution with Tongs Model 78/260 (see
14.8.2). The current take-up in all anodes of a pot should be meas-
ured. The measuring frequency depends on operational difficulties
such as:
• anodes which have slipped off,
• change in the burn-off factor.
3. Measurement with Prod Model 76 (see 14.8.3). This measurement is
much quicker and is used above all for the determination of anodes
which have slipped off, fallen off, anode rods insulated from the
beam, spikes under the anodes and dust formation under the an-
odes. The measuring frequency is fixed by the reduction superinten-
Measuring Instruments:
Current measurment with Tongs Model 78/260 (see 14.8.2).
Current measurment with Prod Model 76 (see 14.8.3).
The measurement is registered in the data sheet as is shown in Fig-
ure 14-14.
For directions to calculate the variation coefficient see Chapter 14.9.
Figure 14-16: Data Sheet to register the Cathodic Current Distribution values.
Purpose of Measurement:
The measurement is used to control the current take-up of the individual
collector bars.
The current take-up of the individual collector bars or collector bars without
current influence the magnetic behavior of the pot. Furthermore crust for-
mation on the bottom can be determined.
Measuring Instruments:
Current measurment with Tongs Model 78/400 (see 14.8.2).
The measurement is registered in the data sheet as is shown in Fig-
ure 14-16.
For directions to calculate the variation coefficient see Chapter 14.9.
14.4. Weights
14.4.1. Notice
Purpose of Measurement:
The determination of the metal content in the pots takes place in connec-
tion with the determination of the current efficiency for comparison pur-
poses of test groups.
E 10: 700 g ±1 g
E 14: 950 g ±1 g
In the case of sideworked pots the addition should take place after crust-
breaking and before alumina addition. Furthermore, the addition should
not take place in the pot half where an anode will be changed in the next
shift. As the point of time for the first addition, the first crust breaking after
metal tapping should be used. Before adding the silver, a metal sample
should be taken from every test pot.
The metal tapping quantities should be corrected with the differences in
the metal content. The determination of the current efficiency should be
determined via the ampere-hours, as before, also the volt-hours etc. Metal
which is used for anode spraying and does not come from the production
of the test group must be subtracted from the tapping quantity. This only
applies for the metal on the anodes.
In the case of failure of one or several test pots the metal content and the
tapping quantity are not taken into account in the evaluation. Additionally
consumed volt-hours for shutdown pots and start-up (provided they are on
the same volt-hour meter) should be determined and corrected accord-
Purpose of Measurement:
The determination is used above all for experimental purposes. With such
a determination, the alumina concentration should be determined as a
function of time and alumina addition.
Measuring Instruments:
Temperature measuring device (see 14.8.1).
In the plant laboratory, the alumina content is determined with XRD (cali-
brated with the chemical method according to DF instructions 710279). The
samples should be smaller than 100µm ground with a Gulatti mill.
Purpose of Measurement:
The measurement is used to determine the bath temperature of the indi-
vidual pots.
Measuring Instruments:
Marshall thermocouple, Chromel-Alumel.
Digital temperature measuring device (see 14.8.1).
The measured values should be registered in a data sheet and the mean
value with standard deviation should be formed over the entire potroom or
the pot group.
Purpose of Measurement:
The measurement is used to determine the metal height and the metal
tapping quantity.
Measuring Instruments:
Metal and bath measuring rod.
The measured values are registered in a data sheet and the mean value
with standard deviation is determined for every potroom and pot group.
For directions of calculation see 14.9.
Purpose of Measurement:
The measurement is used to determine the cryolite addition program and
the liquid bath tapping and addition program.
Measuring Instruments:
Metal and bath measuring rod.
The measured values are registered in a data sheet and the mean value
with standard deviation is determined for every potroom and pot group.
For directions of calculation see 14.9.
UB - E
ACD = k ◊ f ◊ (14-1)
With the meaning of the symbols:
Example 14-1 shows how to determine the interpolar distance for an elec-
trolyte which contains in one case aluminum fluoride and in the other lith-
ium fluoride.
Two pots are operating with several equal parameters: bath voltage =
3.25 V, anodic current density = 0.8 A/cm2, calcium fluoride content (in
the electrolyte) = 4.0 %, aluminum oxide content = 2.0 %, overheat =
5°C. Estimate the interpolar distances when one pot operates with a bath
ratio = 1.19 (no lithium fluoride) and the other with r = 1.38 and a lithium
fluoride content = 2.5 %.
With the relation of Solheim (Equation 3-8) for the liquidus temperature
and of Híveš (Equation 3-9) for the electric conductivty of the electrolyte
you determine by using ElysePrg the following values:
3.25 - 165
IPDAlF3 = 12
. ¥ 2.305 ¥ = 5.5 cm
3.25 - 165
IPDLiF = 12
. ¥ 2.609 ¥ = 6.3 cm
Figure 14-17: Measurement Width, Length and Anode Stem Distance of Anode Butts.
Purpose of Measurement:
The measurement is used to determine the residual area of the anodes
and the butt height under the stub (distance bottom edge to anode stub).
a1 + a2
w AB = (14-2)
With the meaning of the symbols:
Measuring Instruments:
Tape measure and stop or slide gauge.
The measured values are registered in a data sheet and the mean value
with standard deviation is determined for every potroom and pot group.
For directions of calculation see 14.9.
Technical Data:
Field of Application:
The measuring trailer was specially built for performing voltage drop
measurements on reduction cells and for temperature measurements of
the bath. The high direct current fields even near the reduction pot
scarcely influence the accuracy of the measurements of the digital indica-
tor. The level detectors for the temperature measurement, the voltage
measuring points and the necessary tools can be transported on the plat-
form trailer.
Figure 14-22: Measuring Tongs Model 78/400 to measure Currents in Collector Bars.
Application of Equipment:
The tongs measure relatively easy direct currents as they occur in reduc-
tion pots. By spanning the current-carrying conductor with measuring
tongs the current is directly read off in kiloamperes from the indicator. The
current anodic and cathodic current distributions of a reduction pot can
are determined in this way. The measuring tongs for anode measurements
(Figure 14-21) are equipped with a handle which makes it possible to
measure via a remote control from the sidewall of the pot.
Tongs without remote control but with a larger diameter are used to meas-
ure the current take-up of the collector bars (Figure 14-22).
Measuring Principle:
The measuring principle of the tongs is based on the relation that the line
integral of the magnetic induction along a closed loop is proportional to the
current which is enclosed of that path.
z z
U ◊ dt = k1◊ B ◊ ds = k 2 ◊ I
with the meaning of the symbols:
Prod Model 76 (Figure 14-23) permits the measurement of anode rod cur-
rent in aluminum electrolysis pot lines in order to find the variation coeffi-
cient. The coefficient describes the difference in current between anodes
under constant pot line current and is defined by Equation 14-12.
Light weight was a primary objective in the design, so that many pots can
be measured in quick succession without fatigue.
We do not recommend absolute current measurement using this voltage
drop method, because temperature variations in the anode rods affect the
conductivity, and also because thermoelectric voltage is included in the
Principle of measurement:
Prod Model 76 uses voltage drop along 20 cm (~8 inches) of the anode
rod. According to Ohm’s Law (Equation 4-4) the voltage drop is propor-
tional to the current to be determined and to the resistance of the alumi-
num rod.
The temperature coefficient for aluminum 99.5 % has been determined as:
a= (14-4)
. +T
with the meaning of the symbols:
Errors due to poor contact at the anode rod surface are largely ruled out
by the high input resistance of the amplifier.
Mean Value:
∑ xi (14-5)
x = i =1
with the meaning of the symbols:
Standard Deviation:
∑ ex i − x j 2
σ= i =1
with the meaning of the symbols:
Xm = Â
ni ◊ xi
with the meaning of the symbols:
sm = Â ni ◊ s i2 (14-10)
with the meaning of the symbols:
Significance test for the difference between the mean values of two
measurement series:
R = x1 - x 2 - t 1 ◊ s 1 + t 2 ◊ s 2
2 2 2 2
n1 n2
R ≥ 0: difference is guaranteed,
R < 0: difference is not guaranteed.
Variation Coefficient:
σ (14-12)
VK = ⋅ 100.0
with the meaning of the symbols:
15. Autopsies
15. Autopsies
15.1. Goal
Whenever a cathode fails unusually early, its behavior prior to the failure
and its condition after is not the same as those of a cathode that ages
normally. The goal of investigating such early failures is to find out what
these differences are, to draw conclusions from them as to the reason why
they occurred, and to decide what corrective measures can be taken to
prevent similar early failures.
To learn the behavior of the cathode that has failed early, all report forms
dealing with the cathode in question must be studied. Under some circum-
stances, an autopsy may be required to establish its condition after the
failure, i.e., a careful cleaning of the pot, accompanied by measurements,
observations, and special sampling. The samples taken must be sent for
investigation to properly equipped laboratories that will then carry out the
analyses needed.
We will deal here only how to execute an autopsy and provide detailed
working instructions for doing so.
Test report forms for the autopsy can be found in Section G 4 of the Cath-
ode Handbook. They can be used both for recording the data and as
check-lists to ensure that the data are complete.
There is a special report form for each stage of the autopsy. Positional
sketches are available for recording notable locations (e.g., cracks, ero-
sion locations, etc.). The locations of such points are marked and num-
bered on these sketches. The brief descriptions follow next to the respec-
tive number, with an indication as to whether or not photos are enclosed.
• Carefully clean the cathode. Damage as little as possible the cathode blocks.
• Check the carbon surface for eroded spots, cracks, and other damage.
• Check glued joints for wash-outs and penetration of other materials.
• Measure the width of the glued joints.
• Measure the carbon surface.
• Drill cores down to the lining or down to the cathode bars depending on their
• Mark the samples so as to define exactly their position in the pot. Pack them
air-tight and send them for analysis.
Bonded joints:
• Adhesion.
• Metal penetration.
• Sodium penetration.
• Degree of graphitization.
16.1. General
Every pot produces hazardous and non hazardous wastes in gaseous, liq-
uid or solid state, which are relevant for the assessments of occupational
health and ecological impact. To get a full picture of the ecological impact
of the aluminum fabrication, it is necessary to take into account also emis-
sions during bauxite mining, alumina refining, electrical power production
and anode fabrication.
• Carbon monoxide and dioxide (CO and CO2) about 1300 kg, depending
on current efficiency.
• Fluorine (gaseous and particulate) about 30 kg, depending on electro-
lyte composition and operating temperature.
• Dust (alumina, carbon, electrolyte) about 30 kg, depending on alumina
and anode quality.
• Sulphur dioxide (SO2) about 20 kg, depending on the sulphur content of
the anodes and anode consumption.
• Organic fluorine compounds (CF4 and C2F6) about 0.2 kg, depending on
anode effect frequency and duration.
• Varying quantities of effluents from the cathode digging pit and an even-
tual wet scrubber, containing dissolved fluorides and cyanides.
• Very small amounts of metal oxides (Fe2O3, SiO2, ZnO...) evaporating
from the liquid electrolyte.
• Spent potlining (carbon and silicates containing fluorides and cyanides)
about 40 kg, depending on pot life.
16.2.1. Source
The formation of carbon monoxide and dioxide belongs to the basic reduc-
tion reaction of alumina (Lit. 16-1 see also Electrolysis Equation 2-13):
As far as carbon is required for the reduction process, the relation carbon
monoxide to carbon dioxide is given by the current efficiency of the proc-
ess. A state of the art cell with 95 % current efficiency produces 1158 kg
CO2 and 82 kg CO per tonne of aluminum. The air burn of the anodes
(about 20 kg / t Al) produces another 70 kg of carbon oxides, their distribu-
tion depends on the reaction temperature.
Since the current efficiency of modern cells is at 95 % compared with older
technology cells with 85 % current efficiency the production of carbon
monoxide could be reduced by about 60 %, however, the respective car-
bon dioxide evolution was increased by about 30 %.
Fluorine leaves a smelter in form of gases, liquids and solid waste. Its ori-
gin is always the electrolyte used for the electrolysis process.
W. Haupin and H. Kvande presented 1993 (Lit. 16-2) a mathematical
model of the fluorine evolution from Hall - Héroult cells, which updates an
earlier model (Lit. 16-3) . This paper deals with HF and particulate fluo-
rides leaving the cell with the cell gases. However, sources of fluorides
such as SiF4, CF4 and C2F6 are not included in this model. These theoreti-
cal considerations, based on the partial pressure of the different compo-
nents were only checked against measurements on one type of prebake
anode pot.
The classification as gaseous and particulate fluoride in the literature is
arbitrary and does not show the actual situation at the time of evolution.
Gaseous fluorides remain gases at ambient temperatures as HF, SiF4,
CF4 and C2F6. Volatilized electrolyte will become particulate at room tem-
perature. Alumina and carbon dust will adsorb HF and therefore contribute
to the particulate fluoride. Particulate fluorides may react with the mois-
ture in the air forming HF and measured as gas. These examples show,
that the total fluorine emission is the only meaningful value to talk about.
Volatilization of Electrolyte:
Most of the particulate fluoride evolved from cells results from vaporization
of the electrolyte. The vapor pressure of molten cryolite with additives has
been studied extensively and there is good agreement among recent in-
vestigators (Lit. 16-4, 16-5, 16-6). The major vapor species of electrolyte
components are NaF, NaAlF4 and its dimer.
Entrained Electrolyte:
Liquid electrolyte (Na3AlF6 containing Al2O3, CaF2 and traces of other elec-
trolyte components) entrained in the pot gas freezes and becomes par-
ticulate as the gas cools. It was found (Lit. 16-3) that 5 to 9 % of the par-
ticulate was entrained electrolyte. The entrainment mechanism is ex-
plained as follows (Lit. 16-7):
When a gas bubble reaches the electrolyte surface it breaks producing tiny
droplets that will be carried away if the gas velocity is sufficient. It has
been shown (Lit. 16-7), that entrainment varies directly with the gas veloc-
ity and inversely with the surface tension of the electrolyte. In this case
only the surface tension varies significantly. The electrolyte crust acts di-
rectly as a filter to remove entrained electrolyte and a long exit path gives
the droplets more time to settle out.
Hydrogen Fluoride:
Hydrogen fluoride (HF) is produced by hydrolysis of electrolyte or hydroly-
sis of electrolyte vapor. It is assumed, that moisture in the alumina reacts
with aluminum fluoride according the formula:
The incoming air supplies the moisture and on the other hand cools the
vapor, limiting hydrolysis. While the hydrolysis of electrolyte vapor
changes the amount of gaseous fluoride, it does not change the total fluo-
ride emission.
The predictions of this mathematical model are shown in the following fig-
ures (Lit. 16-2).
Figure 16-1: Evolution of gaseous and particulate fluorine in dependence of the bath ra-
tio. The overheat (ΔT) was kept constant.
Figure 16-1 shows the evolution of gaseous and particulate fluorine in
function of the aluminum fluoride content of the electrolyte at different
temperatures, Figure 16-2 the increase of evolution with decreasing alu-
minum oxide content in the electrolyte.
Figure 16-2: Increase of evolution with decreasing alumina content in the electrolyte.
Dust emitted from the cells comprises > 70 % of alumina, carbon dust,
condensed volatiles from the electrolyte and entrained electrolyte. The
quantities mentioned in the literature vary from 20 to 50 kg / t Al (Lit. 16-8,
The analysis of the particle size distribution of cell duct gas (Lit.16-12)
shows two peaks (Figure 16-5), one at about 0.2 mm and the other at
about 20 mm. Along with condensed volatiles, the fine fraction is also
strongly enriched in impurities, such as Fe, Si, P, S, Ca, V, Ni.... Alumina
containing a high proportion of crystalline water or absorbed volatiles can
undergo breakdown during feeding, generating fine dust. The particle
breakdown can also occur during dry scrubbing, especially if multiple
passes are used.
Figure 16-5: Typical particle size distribution of dust evolved from primary aluminum cell.
In most of the countries the emissions of fluorine and dust are more or
less stringent limited by legislation, however, not all these laws are strictly
applied. The standard in Europe allows usually a specific emission of 0.8
to 1.0 kg Ftot / t Al for existing smelters. EPA is now proposing a standard
of 0.6 kg Ftot / t Al for new smelters. Very often the quantity of fluorine re-
leased per year is also limited, as for example for the smelter at Steg.
Normally the HF concentration at the stack of a dry scrubber should be < 1
mg HF / m3. In various countries not all types of smelters have to comply
with these most stringent limits. Exemptions for old technologies are
sometimes applicable.
The cell operation has very limited influence on the fluorine and dust evo-
lution (see 16.3.1) of the cells. New state-of-the-art cells are already de-
signed for optimum operation with high current efficiency. The operation
has to achieve stable conditions in the cells at a superheat of < 10 °C and
few anode effects, which gives the lowest fluoride emission. The raw ma-
terials like alumina and anodes mainly contribute to the dust evolution. For
a low dust emission the alumina used must have a low α - alumina content
(< 10 %), << 10 % fine particles (< 45 μm) and a small attrition index.
On the other hand the working discipline of the operating personnel has a
major influence on the collection efficiency of the pot gas. Early opening of
hoods prior to anode change or tapping as well as substandard mainte-
nance of the collection system may reduce its efficiency far below 90 %.
Inefficient maintenance and / or insufficient spare capacity of the cleaning
system have a very detrimental effect on the cleaning efficiency. These
factors decide whether a smelter complies with the given regulations or
The modern aluminum industry can be considered as a front runner in en-
vironmental control. A state-of-the-art smelter with hooded cells and a dry
scrubbing system releases << 1.0 kg Ftot / t Al and about 1 kg dust / t Al.
This performance can only be achieved with a collection or hooding effi-
ciency of > 98 % and >99.5 % cleaning efficiency in the dry scrubbing
system, as shown on Table 16-1.
Table 16-1: Ftot Emissions (kg F / t Al). Total evolution from the cell: 35 kg Ftot / t Al.
Collection efficiency 90 % 95 % 97 % 98 % 99 %
Wet Scrubbing:
In wet scrubbing systems, the collected gas is cleaned with neutral or
slightly caustic water. Nowadays wet scrubbers are outdated, because the
emission problems are only shifted from the air into the water and reclaim-
ing the valuable material from the water is tricky and cost intensive.
Dry Scrubbing:
The dry scrubbing process developed about 35 years ago allows the easy
recycling of valuables (alumina and fluorides) in the pot gas. The re-
claimed fluorides and alumina usually pay only for the operation costs of
the scrubber, the financial costs have to be booked against environmental
A dry scrubbing system comprises:
HF Adsorption on Alumina:
The reaction
has unfavorable kinetics and goes very slow at the prevailing tempera-
The favorable reaction is a chemisorption of the HF - molecules on the
alumina. That means that the HF has a chemical bonding with the OH
groups of the γ - alumina. There will only be a single layer of HF molecules
absorbed on the surface of the alumina. The chemisorption rate increases
with temperature. According to Cochran (Lit. 16-18) the percentage of HF
that can be chemisorbed onto alumina can be calculated by dividing the
surface area of the alumina by 33. An alumina with a BET surface of 60 m2
is saturated with 1.8 % HF.
A physical adsorption based on inter-molecular bonding forces in multi
layers is also possible, however, the bonding energy is low and decreases
with temperature. The physically adsorbed HF re-evolves upon heating
and adds a recycle load on the recycle system.
CF4 and C2F6 are considered as non toxic greenhouse gases, which may
contribute to the global warming. The presence of CF4 in anode gas during
anode effects is well known since many years. During normal electrolysis
the potential is too low for the CF4 formation, since the standard potential
of the reaction
is E0 = 2.50 V compared with 1.16 V for the reaction of CO2 formation from
alumina and carbon.
Henry and Holliday (Lit. 16-13, 16-14) reported about 40 years ago, that
the gas from industrial cells contains about 14 % CF4 and 0.1 % C2F6 dur-
ing an anode effect. More recent measurements from ALCOA showed 1.2
kg CF4 / t Al and 0.02 kg C2F6 / t Al (Lit. 16-15). A survey in Canadian
smelters gave 0.5 to 1.0 kg CF4 and 0.02 to 0.08 kg C2F6 per anode effect
(Lit. 16-16). 1996 measue data from AP 18 and AP 30 cells (Lit. 16-15)
showed that the overvoltage influences the formation of CF4 and C2F6.
Since the fluorocarbon gases cannot be trapped in normal dry or wet
scrubbers the only way to reduce the emission is to avoid anode effects.
State-of-the-art point feeder pots with prebaked anodes and good process
control allow an operation with about one anode effect per pot and month,
compared with about 2 per pot and day 40 years ago. That means that the
CF4 emission of about 1.6 kg / t Al could be reduced to about 0.02 kg / t Al
just by reducing the number of anode effects.
SO2 is a toxic gas and contributes to the acid rain if released into the air.
The MAK value is set at 2 ppm, which is practically never exceeded in the
potrooms. The main source of SO2 emission is the sulphur content in the
anodes, however, the contribution of the alumina should not be neglected.
Depending on the type of fuel used for the calcination of the alumina, its
sulphur content may be as high as 0.1 %, causing SO2 emissions up to
about 4 kg / t Al. During electrolysis the oxygen discharged at the anode
combines with the sulphur in the anodes forming SO2. This reaction con-
Long times it was possible to meet the emission limitations by limiting the
sulphur content in the anodes to 1.5 % to 2 %. Since the quantities of low
sulphur coke for anode fabrication are limited, we either have to pay a
premium or have to install SO2 scrubbers.
The standard SO2 scrubber is installed after the dry scrubber and is oper-
ated with sea water, if available. The SO2 is dissolved in sea water and
discharged into the sea. Inland fresh water, containing soda, has to be
used, cleaned and recycled.
16.7. Effluents
Besides the sanitary effluents and cooling water from rectifiers, eventual
wet scrubbers and casting pits a smelter has to take care of different small
sources which very often contain toxic components. The most critical are
eventual effluents from the cathode relining shop. If the spent cathodes
are cooled with water or dug out outside a building all the water leaching
from the cathodes has to be collected and treated. The same applies for
water leaking from open-air storage areas for spent pot linings. All these
effluents are caustic, containing sodium fluoride (NaF) and sodium cyanide
(NaCN) leached from the spent pot lining. These effluents have to be oxi-
dized to destroy the cyanides, neutralized and normally filtered before
leaving the premisses.
Table 16-2: Distribution Coefficient (k) Gas / Aluminum. % of impurity which goes
into the metal, open cells.
Si Zn Ni Fe Ga Ti V P Pb
% into metal 95 80 60 55 50 40 25 15 33
For the calculation of the resulting impurity level in the aluminum the rela-
tioship (Equation 16-6) will be used.
S (16–6)
a f
1+ 1− η ⋅ k
with the meaning of the symbols:
16.9.1. Introduction
Today the spent pot lining from aluminum electrolysis cells is a major envi-
ronmental concern of the aluminum industry. On the other hand SPL has a
good recovery potential because of its fluoride and energy content. Some
dozens of patents cover the recycling of SPL as for example recovering of
the fluorides, fabrication of ceramic tiles, as fluoride supplier in the steel
industry, as fuel in cement kilns, recycling of the carbonaceous material in
ramming paste or anodes, reuse of crushed insulation material in the cell
relining process.
Since SPL is generally classified as hazardous waste the handling and
disposal of SPL is highly regulated by legislation. However, the require-
ments vary from country to county and are often updated, changed and
16.9.2. Composition
SPL is the remaining of a cathode at the end of its useful life of several
years. The quantity depends on the size and design of the cell and most
important of lifetime and amounts to about 40 kg SPL / t Al.
SPL comprises the carbon cathode, refractory materials, penetrated alu-
minum and electrolyte components, with minor amounts of aluminum car-
bide and nitride as well as cyanides. According different references (Lit.
16-23, 16-24, 16-25, 16-26), SPL contains about 30 % carbon, 30 % re-
fractory, up to 40 % fluorides and about 0.2 % cyanides, if the collector
bars are not counted.
The exact composition of the SPL varies considerably from plant to plant
and from cell to cell. The composition depends on lining design, choice of
materials, cell life, degree of aluminum and electrolyte penetration.
Table 16-3 shows an analysis given by Bings (Lit. 16-24), Table 16-4 one
given by Radvila (Lit. 16-25).
Sodium cyanide as well as sodium ferrous / ferric cyanide and the fluoride
content of SPL are the main environmental concerns. All cyanides and
most of the fluorides are water soluble and leachate from SPL inventories
may contaminate groundwater or effluent from the smelter. SPL should be
stored under a shelter in a dry area! Leachates from untreated SPL dis-
posal sites have highly variable compositions (Lit. 16-27). An analysis of
leachate from spent pot lining disposal sites is shown in Table 16-5.
Table 16-5: Analysis of Leachate from Spent Potlining Disposal Sites.
pH 10 - 12
Total Dissolved Solids 20 - 30 g / l
Total Suspended Solids 10 - 3000 mg / l
Total Organic Carbon 300 - 500 mg / l
Carbonates 6 - 15 g / l
Sulfates 0.8 - 7 g / l
Fluoride 1.2 - 8.5 g / l
Total Cyanides 0.15 - 1.25 g / l
Total Sodium 6.5 - 15 g / l
This reaction will increase with decreasing aluminum fluoride excess in the
If air is allowed to penetrate (bad sealed collector bars!) the carbon lining
the following four reactions may proceed:
2Al + N2 = 2AlN
2Na + 2C + N2 = 2NaCN
If SPL gets into contact with water reaction gas will evolve containing hy-
drogen (H2), methane (CH4) and ammonia (NH3), leaving sodium hydrox-
ide, sodium aluminate and alumina. The main reactions are:
Leaching Process:
The main problem of all leaching processes is how to dispose off the cya-
nides. Most of the cyanides in the leachate are complexed with iron and
are difficult to oxidize chemically. The recovery of the fluorides is either in
form of fluorspar or cryolite. Unfortunately modern smelters have an ex-
cess of cryolite and it is nowadays very difficult to sell this recovered cryo-
Combustion, Calcining:
1993 Reynolds Metals started the commercial operation of its SPL treat-
ment facility in Arkansas (USA). This plant is designed to convert SPL into
an environmentally acceptable material. The Reynolds process flow sheet
(Figure 16-6) combines the most important elements of successful SPL
treatment: competitive cost, complete health protection for everybody,
complete recycling of all raw materials, elimination of long term liabilities to
the SPL producer.
16.10. Literature
17.1. Summary
17.2. Introduction
Figure 17-1: First Page of ElyseSem. The content of the ALESA Electrolysis Seminar is
issued in the Adobe Acrobat format and can be read on the computer screen
using an Adobe Reader.
You can add to the reader interface shown in Figure 17-1 a menu bar, tool
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Figure 17-2: The Menu Bar, the Tool Bars and the Navigation Panel of the Adobe
Figure 17-3: Pages Button, Bookmarks Button and Help Button of the Navigation Panel.
If you press the Pages Button the Adobe Reader shows miniature
previews (thumbnails) of the pages (Figure 17-4). After Clicking on one of
the thumbnails you jump quickly to the corresponding representation of
this page in the pages window.
Activating the Bookmarks Button shows a Table of Contents that
corresponds to the table of the Electrolysis Seminar Textbook. Press the
plus (+) or minus (-) button to expand or collapse the bookmark content.
Clicking on one item of the Table of Contents the Adobe Reader shows
the corresponding page in the pages window.
Figure 17-3: After you press the Pages Button the reader shows pages thumnails.
Figure 17-4: After you press the Bookmarks Button the reader shows a Table of Contents
corresponding to the table of the Electrolysis Seminar Textbook.
And finally when you press the Help button you may call different help
types of the Adobe Reader.
Figure 17-4: After you press the Help Button you may call several types of help facilities
of the Adobe Reader.
Figure 17-5: The buttons and the input field of the Page Navigation Toolbar.
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vious (331) page of the actually shown page (333). With the Next/Previous
Page View Button you retrace your recent viewing path in the document.
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Enter Button. The Adobe Reader find the next instance of the text. Press
the Find Next/Find Privious button to scroll to the next/previous place in
the document that contains the text.
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search box and pressing the Search Button you receive the search results
corresponding to Figure 17-6. When you click on one of the lines in the
Results Box the corresponding page is shown in the Page Window.
18.1. Summary................................................................18-3
18.1. Summary
18.2.1. Introduction
You use the components of the ElysePrg Main Window in the following
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Toolbar: you use the buttons of the toolbar to quit the application, to
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Contents Pane: you select the page of the calculation pane i.e. the type of
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Status Bar: the status bars display messages and useful information with-
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You display pulldown menus when you click with the mouse pointer on a
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View and Help pulldown menu.
Open: displays the standard Open Dialog Box, in which you can locate
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Save: use this command to save the calculation results to its current name
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choose the Save As command.
Save As: use this command to save and name the file where you want to
save the calculation results. ElysePrg displays the Save As dialog box so
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Print: use this command to print the calculation results. This command
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Print Preview: use this command to display the pages as they would ap-
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through the document; zoom in and out of pages; and initiate a print job.
Print Setup: use this command to select a printer and a printer connection.
This command presents a Print Setup dialog box, where you specify the
printer and its connection.
Recent Files: opens a popup menu containing the last four documents you
closed. Choose the file name you want to open.
Exit: use this command to end your ElysePrg session. You can also press
the Exit Button of the toolbar.
Toolbar: use this command to show or hide the toolbar. The toolbar menu
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Status Bar: use this command to show or hide the status bar. The status
bar menu item is checked when the status bar is visible.
Contents: use this command to open or close the contents pane. The con-
tents pane menu item is checked when the contents pane is opened. You
can also press the Contents Button of the toolbar to toggle the contents
pane on and off.
Next Page: use this command to show the next page of the calculation
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Previous Page: use this command to show the previous page of the calcu-
lation pane. You can also press the Previous Page Button of the tool-
Open ElyseSem: Use this command to display the opening screen of Ely-
seSem. ElyseSem is the content of the ALCAN Electrolysis Seminar Text-
book transformed in the Adobe Acrobat format. You can read the content
of ElyseSem on you computer screen (see Chapter 17. How to Use Ely-
About ElysePrg: Use this command to display the copyright notice, version
number and other information about ElysePrg.
18.2.3. Toolbar
The toolbar (Figure 18-2-5) contains several buttons and an input field to
place your comments.
press this button to end your ElysePrg session. You can also activate the
Exit menu item of the File pulldown menu.
press this button to open or close the contents pane. You can also activate
the Contents menu item of the View pulldown menu to toggle the contents
pane on and off.
press this button to show the next page of the calculation pane. You can
also activate the Next Page menu item of the View pulldown menu.
press this button to show the previous page of the calculation pane. You
can also activate the Previous Page menu item of the View pulldown menu.
You show or hide the toolbar by activating the Toolbar item of the View
pulldown menu. If the toolbar is visible the toolbar menu item is checked.
Figure 18-2-6: Contents pane with expanded and collapsed header items and calculation
page items.
The header items have a list of calculation page items associated with
them. By clicking an header item, you can expand and collapse the asso-
ciated list of calculation page items. You select the calculation page dis-
played in the calculation plane by clicking on a calculation page item.
You execute the actual calculation on the pages of the Calculation pane.
You change the start values and ElysePrg shows the corresponding calcu-
lation results (Figure 18-2-7).
Figure 18-2-7: A calculation page of the Calculation pane with activated (white) and deac-
tivated (gray) input fields, a combo box and the More Info Button.
Input Fields: you introduce a value into the input field by using the key-
board. After you press the carriage return key ElysePrg executes the cal-
culation with this new value.
In Figure 18-2-7 ElysePrg has calculated the aluminum production
(2295.1 t) for one pots, a time period of one day, a current intensity of 300
kA and a current efficiency of 95%. The input field of the aluminum
production is grayed since it receives actually output of ElysePrg e.g. the
result of the calculations.
Suppose you want to calculate the current efficiency for a given aluminum
production. You click on the greed aluminum production input field which
becomes white i.e. activated and you introduce a value for the aluminum
production, 2300 t for instance. ElysePrg determines then the current effi-
ciency (96.19 %) in the grayed i.e. deactivated current efficiency input
Remark: You can change the state of an input field either by a double or
by a single mouse click. After clicking twice into the field it be-
comes grayed e.g. it receives calculation results. Clicking once
you bring the field back to its white input state.
Figure 18-2-10: After pressing the More Info Button the calculation page shows more cal-
culated values. Pressing the button again hides these values.
The status bars displays messages and useful information without inter-
rupting your work. The message line on the status bar can display informa-
tion about program status, about a toolbar button or menu item. The status
bar displays details of what buttons and menu commands do as you move
the mouse cursor over them.
The status bar indicates also the number of the calculation page you are
working on.
In Figure 18-2-11 the mouse pointer is over the Contents Button. Corre-
spondingly the message line of the status bar shows informations about
the Contents Button.
Figure 18-2-11: Information about the Contents Button in the message line of the status
bar. The status bar shows also the page number of the calculation page.
18.3.1. Overview
On this page you find the input fields for the plant data: number of
pots, time period, current intensity, current efficiency and aluminum
production. You determine either one of these values using the other
data as input.
Please click on the Aluminum Production input field with the mouse pointer
to activate it. The Aluminum Production input field becomes white and the
Current Efficiency input field is now gray e.g. it receives the calculation re-
sult. Enter now 8400 and press the carriage return key.
Suppose you want to know how much you have to change the current in-
tensity to produce 8500 tons of aluminum with the following conditions:
Please click twice on the Current Intensity input field to deactivate it.
Change then the values in the corresponding input fields.
18.3.2. Equations
You find more information about fractional current efficiency in Chap. 2-4.
The other values (number of pots, time period, current intensity and cur-
rent efficiency) are determined after rearranging Equ. 18-3-1.
If you press the More Info Button ElysePrg (Fig. 18-3-6) shows or hides
several additional values, which ElysePrg calculates according to Chap. 2.
Figure 18-3-6: Plant Data Page after you have pressed the More Info Button.
If you press the Carbon/Inert Anodes Button you can toggle between the
mass balance of an electrolysis process that uses carbon anodes ( Fig.
18-3-6) or that uses non-consumable anodes ( Fig. 18-3-7) i.e. the an-
odes do not react with the anodic oxygen (see Chap 1.5).
Figure 18-3-7: Plant Data Page of Fig. 18-3-6 after you have pressed the Carbon/Inert
Anodes Button.
Dealing with inert anodes ElysePrg uses the following equations (see
Chap. 2.10):
Electrolytic Production of Oxygen: Equ. 2-45,
Specific Electrolytic Production of Oxygen: Equ. 2-47.
18.4.1. Overview
For the fluorine compound production you must specify the bath composi-
tion and the bath temperature. The bath temperature is determined from
the liquidus temperature (Equ. 3-8 of Solheim) and the overheat:
Aluminum Fluoride: 12 %,
Calcium Fluoride: 4.5 %,
Aluminum Oxide: 2.5 %,
Lithium Fluoride: 0 %,
Magnesium Fluoride: 0 %,
Overheat: 10° C.
With the Carbon/Inert Anodes Button you can toggle between the car-
bon dioxide, carbon monoxide gas production of the conventional Hall-
Héroult process which uses carbon anodes ( Fig. 18-4-1) or that uses
non consumable anodes ( Fig. 18-4-2) i.e. the anodes do not react
with the anodic oxygen (see Chap 1.5).
Figure 18-4-2: CO2/CO Gas, F-Compounds Production Page of Fig. 18-4-1 after you
have pressed the Carbon/Inert Anodes Button.
If you press the More Info Button (Fig. 18-4-3) ElysePrg shows or hides
the parameters which it uses for its calculations.
Figure 18-4-3: CO2/CO Gas, F-Compounds Production Page of Fig. 18-4-1 after you
have pressed the More Info Button.
18.4.2. Equations
Mass Production: ElysePrg uses the equations 2-17 and 2-18 (Chap.
2.5) to calculate the mass production of carbon dioxide and carbon mon-
oxide (see Fig. 18-3-6):
t + 27315
VPCO2 = 0.2091⋅ I ⋅ t ⋅ (2η − 1) ⋅ ⋅ 1013
. p
t + 273.15 1013
VPCO = 0.4181◊ I ◊ t ◊ (1- h) ◊ ◊. (18-4-2)
273.15 p
2η − 1 t + 27315
. .
SVPCO2 = 0.6230 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 1013 (18-4-3)
η .
27315 p
1− η t + 27315
SVPCO = 12460
. ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 1013
η 27315
. p
R ⋅T
V = ( nCO2 + nCO ) ⋅
pM ⋅ V
nM =
R ⋅T
with the meaning of the symbols:
Putting these equation together and using Equ. 2-17 for the produced
mass of carbon dioxide and Equ. 2-18 for the produced mass of carbon
monoxide you write for the mass of the monomer NaAlF4:
nM ⎛⎜ EPCO2 EPCO ⎞
⎟ ⋅ M ⋅ pM
mM = = + M (18-4-6)
MM ⎜ MCO MCO ⎟ pGas
⎝ 2 ⎠
mD = ⎜ 2
+ ⎟ ⋅M ⋅ D
D (18-4-7)
⎜ MCO MCO ⎟ pGas
⎝ 2 ⎠
⎛ EPCO EP ⎞ pNaF
mNaF =⎜ 2
+ CO ⎟ ⋅M
NaF ⋅ (18-4-8)
⎜ MCO MCO ⎟ pGas
⎝ 2 ⎠
with the meaning of the symbols:
Specific Masses of Gaseous Species: You write the equation for the
specific masses of the gaseous fluorine species by replacing the electro-
lytically produced masses of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide in the
Equ. 18-4-6 to 18-4-8 by their specific masses (Equ. 2-21 and Equ. 2-22).
m(spec)M = ⎜ 2
+ ⎟ ⋅ M ⋅ pM (18-4-10)
⎜ MCO MCO ⎟ M pGas
⎝ 2 ⎠
m(spec)D = ⎜ 2
+ ⎟ ⋅M ⋅ D
D (18-4-11)
⎜ MCO MCO ⎟ pGas
⎝ 2 ⎠
with the meaning of the symbols:
Fluorine Mass of Gaseous Species: You write for the fluorine mass of
sodium fluoride and the monomer NaAlF4 and dimer Na2Al2F8 gas species:
mF = ⋅ mM + F ⋅ mD + F ⋅ mNaF
mF = 0.6033 ⋅ ( mM + mD ) + 0.4525 ⋅ mNaF (18-4-14)
4 2
mAlF = ⋅ ( mM + mD ) − ⋅ mNaF
3 9 3
5 5
mCry = ⋅ ( mM + mD ) + ⋅ mNaF
9 3
with the meaning of the symbols:
18.5.1. Overview
You determine on this page the point feeder setting using as start
values the percent alumina consumption, the alumina concentration
gradient or the start and end values of the alumina concentration.
You may also investigate the influence of the point feeder setting on
alumina concentration.
Remark: You set the Current Intensity and the Current Efficiency values
on the Plant Data Page (Page 1) of ElysePrg. The other values
of Page 1 like the Number of Pots or the Time Period are not
relevant for the following examples.
Figure 18-5-1:Values of the Plant Data Page (Page 1) for the point feeder examples.
You check these values on this Point Feeder Setting Page by pressing the
More Info Button.
Remark: You can change the state of an input field either by a double or
by a single mouse click. After clicking twice into the field it be-
comes grayed e.g. it receives calculation results. Clicking once
you bring the field back to its white input state.
Suppose you want to determine the point feeder setting (feeding frequency
e.g. the number of point feeder shots in one hour) to add alumina corre-
sponding to 120 % of alumina consumption.
In this example you want to determine the point feeder setting to add alu-
mina corresponding to a alumina concentration gradient of -0.5 %/h.
You change now the value of the end concentration value to 0.2 %. After
pressing the carriage return key ElysePrg determines the time period:
Similar to Example 18-5-2 you click once into the grayed End cAl2O3
and/or Time Period input fields to activate them for input. After the input of
the values (Start cAl2O3: 9.0 %, EndAl2O3: 14.5 % and Time Period:
300 min) ElysePrg calculates the point feeder setting.
Suppose you want to change the point feeder setting according to Exam-
ple 18-5-1 from the point feeder frequency 33.13 shots per hour to 60 (1/h)
to see the influence on the other values like the consumption percents or
the concentration gradient.
More Info
The More Info Button shows and hides those values, which were set on
the Plant Data Page (Page 1).
Figure 18-5-6: More Info Values of the Point Feeder Setting Page.
sumption, which is shown in its grayed input field (1.982 kg/kg). Also the
other values are adapted correspondingly.
Figure 18-5-7: Point Feeder Setting Page corresponding to Example 18-5-1 with the
changed values.
Figure 18-5-8 shows the Point Feeder Setting Page corresponding to Ex-
ample 18-5-3 with the Show Plot Button.
Figure 18-5-8: Point Feeder Setting Page with the Show Plot Button.
If you press this button you open the Plot Point Feeder Settings Window
(Fig. 18-5-9) which shows the plot of the Percent Consumption (Cons. in
%) and the alumina concentration (cAl2O3 in %) on a time scale (Time in
If you change values in the Pointfeeder Setting Page of ElysePrg the cor-
respondingly changed values are plotted in the Plot Point Feeder Setting
Window. You may however also change values in the plot window by
dragging the corresponding plotted points with the mouse pointer. If, for
instance, you want to know the point feeder setting to change the alumina
concentration form 12 % to 6 % in say 200 minutes you drag first the point
on the ordinate of the cAl2O3 - Time plot to 12 % and the other point to
6 %. The Percent Consumption - Time diagram follows your dragging ac-
tion as the Pointfeeder Setting Page of ElysePrg. They show the new cal-
culated values corresponding to the new concentration settings
(Fig. 18-5-10).
Changing Resolution
You may also change the resolution of the plot axes by clicking on the ar-
rows of the axes with the mouse pointer and pressing the left mouse but-
ton to increase the resolution and the right mouse pointer to decrease the
resolution (Fig. 18-5-11).
Figure 18-5-11: Plot of Fig. 18-5-10 with changed resolution of the coordinate axes.
18.5.3. Equations
c Al O (18-5-1)
SC Al2O3 = 2 3
with the meaning of the symbols:
The point feeder setting (e.g. the alumina feeding frequency) is given with
dc =
cF (%) h
− 100 ⋅C (1h)
with the meaning of the symbols:
or the time period is calculated for the start and end alumina concentra-
c End − c Start
tc = (18-5-6)
with the meaning of the symbols:
The point feeder setting (e.g. the alumina feeding frequency) is given with
dc ⋅ M B
+ C(1h)
f PF = 100 (18-5-7)
n PF ⋅ S PF
with the meaning of the symbols:
100 ⋅C (1h) + dc ⋅ M B
F(%) = (18-5-8)
Please use Equations 18-5-5 and 18-5-6 to determine the end alumina
concentration or the time period.
c End − c Start
dc = (18-5-9)
with the meaning of the symbols:
The concentration gradient of the Equations 18-5-7 and 18-5-8 are used to
calculate the other values.
If you know the point feeder setting you find the percent alumina consump-
tion by rearranging Equations 18-5-3:
The other values you find according to the case of point feeder setting
from consumption.
and vice versa the specific alumina consumption from the practical alu-
mina consumption with:
C Al O
SC Al O = 2 3
2 3 0.3356 ⋅ nPots ⋅ I ⋅ t ⋅ η
with the meaning of the symbols:
18.6.1. Overview
• Sodium Oxide: aluminum fluoride reacts with the sodium oxide of alu-
mina to form cryolite and aluminum oxide (see Exer-
cise 2-6),
• Carbon Blocks: the carbon lining of the electrolytic pot absorbs sodium
fluoride. These carbon blocks are a source or sink of
aluminum fluoride. Absorption of sodium fluoride in-
creases the aluminum fluoride content in the electrolyte.
Correspondingly the desorption of sodium fluoride de-
creases the aluminum fluoride concentrations.
• Ledge, Sludge: there are other sources (or sinks) of aluminum fluoride:
the composition of solid ledge may be different to the
electrolyte similar as the composition of bottom sludge.
Melting of ledge or dissolution will change the content of
aluminum fluoride in the electrolyte.
• Charged Alumina: in the scrubber alumina adsorbs fluoride compounds
which will change the electrolyte composition when
alumina is dissolved.
ElysePrg takes care of these factors in the following way (see Fig. 18-6-1):
• you specify the sodium oxide content of alumina. ElysePrg calculates the
corresponding alumina fluoride consumption using the alumina consumption
of the Point Feeder Setting Page (see Chap. 18.5.1).
• you may either specify the consumption of the contributors like carbon
blocks, ledge, bottom sludge, alumina and ElysePrg calculates the total
aluminum fluoride consumption,
• or you enter the value of total aluminum fluoride consumption and ElysePrg
calculates the consumption value for the other consumers.
You make your selection by clicking on that field where you want to make
the input. You may also double click on an input field i.e. it receives then
the calculation result (see Chap. 18.2.5).
Figure 18-6-1 shows that the sodium oxide content in alumina is set to
0.5 %. The aluminum fluoride consumption according to this sodium con-
tent is 17.6 g/kg where ElysePrg has used an alumina consumption of
1.95 kg Al2O3 per kilogram aluminum. The user has set the total consump-
tion of aluminum fluoride to 25 g aluminum fluoride per kilogram aluminum
hence the consumption of the other contributors is 7.4 g AlF3 per kg alu-
Similar to the other ElysePrg pages you can show or hide the additional
information by pressing the More Info Button.
On the left side Figure 18-6-1 shows the the values and parameters which
Elyseprg is using to calculate the AlF3 consumption. If you know the con-
sumption of aluminum fluoride you calculate similar to the alumina con-
sumption (see Chap. 18.5.1) the specific aluminum fluoride consumption
by clicking on the Practical AlF3 Consumption input field and specifying the
practical consumption value.
As on the other calculation pages you have several options to calculate
the aluminum fluoride point feeder setting:
• Consumption Units: you may choose between gram aluminum fluoride per
kilogram aluminum or kilogram aluminum fluoride per
day by clicking with the point feeder on the on the units,
• Consumption: you may choose between the input of the total con-
sumption or the contributors like side ledge, sludge and
carbon bottom blocks,
• Feed: you may specify the aluminum fluoride feed and
ElysePrg calculates the change of the aluminum fluoride
concentration in a given time period or you specify the
concentration change and the feed is calculated.
Remark: You can change the state of an input field either by a double or
by a single mouse click. After clicking twice into the field it be-
comes grayed e.g. it receives calculation results. Clicking once
you bring the field back to its white input state.
18.7.1. Overview
Before you enter the concentration values you have to chose the Standard
or the system:
You may enter the aluminum fluoride also as Bath Ratio when using
weight percent or as Cryolite Ratio when using mole percent.
If the alumina concentration is less than the alumina anode effect concen-
tration ElysePrg shows the anode effect sign and locks the input/output
operation of the Pot Voltage Page (Figure 18-7-2).
Figure 18-7-2: Bath Composition Page showing the anode effect sign.
EWR is the Equivalent Ratio (see also the Examples 3-1, 3-2, and 3-3).
After pressing the Show Plot Button of the Bath Composition Page a win-
dow pops up which shows a graphical representation of the concentrations
values of the bath components and of some bath properties like bath and
liquidus temperature, electric conductivity and the bath densities together
with the density of aluminum (Fig. 18-7-3).
Figure 18-7-4: Bath Composition, Properties Window after dragging the aluminum fluo-
ride concentration to 4.5 %.
You may change the property ordinate by clicking on that value area which
scale you want to have plotted. Figure 18-7-5 shows the Bath Composi-
tion, Properties Window after changing the concentration ordinate resolu-
tion by clicking with the mouse pointer on the ordinate arrow and holding
down the right mouse button.
After clicking on the density area of the plot the properties ordinate shows
the scale for the density values.
Figure 18-7-5 Bath Composition, Properties Window with density values scale.
18.8.1. Overview
Liquidus Temperature
Corresponding to Example 3-4, for instance, ElysePrg calculates the liq-
uidus temperature after you have chosen the relation for the liquidus tem-
perature (see Chap 3.6) for a given bath composition (13.3 wt% AlF3, 4.7
wt% CaF2, 2.7 wt% Al2O3, 1.3 wt% LiF and 0.7 wt% MgF2 in Fig. 18-8-1).
Figure 18-8-1 shows the Bath/Liquidus Temperature Page corresponding
to Exp. 3-4.
Aluminum Fluoride
If you click with the mouse pointer on the liquidus input field it becomes
white. If you change the value of the liquidus temperature ElysePrg calcu-
lates the aluminum fluoride concentration using the equation of Solheim
(Equ. 3-8) keeping the other concentration values. In Fig. 18-8-2 ElysePrg
has calculated the aluminum fluoride content for a liquidus temperature of
950 °C.
Figure 18-8-2: Bath/Liquidus Temperature Page after the aluminum fluoride concentra-
tion was calculated from the liquidus temperature.
Remark: You can change the state of an input field either by a double or
by a single mouse click. After clicking twice into the field it be-
comes grayed e.g. it receives calculation results. Clicking once
you bring the field back to its white input state.
With the liquidus temperature you determine the bath temperature using a
constant overheat or you use a constant bath temperature and ElysePrg
calculates consequently the overheat.
In the same way ElysePrg determines the liquidus temperature according
to the bath composition and your choice of equation or ElysePrg calculates
the aluminum fluoride concentration using the liquidus temperature, the
concentrations of the other bath components and the equation of Solheim
(Equ. 3-8).
Show Plot
The Show Plot Button shows and hides the Plot Bath Composition, Prop-
erties Window (Chap. 18.7.2).
18.9.1. Overview
The input for the bath composition you have made on the Bath Composi-
tion Page or on the Bath Composition, Properties Window. The bath tem-
perature you have determined on the Bath/Liquidus Temperature Page.
On this page you choose the relation ElysePrg uses to calculate the elec-
tric conductivity and the densities of aluminum and the electrolyte. Fig-
ure 18-9-1 shows the Physical Bath Properties Page corresponding to
Exp. 3-5.
More Info
The More Info Button shows and hides those values, which you have se-
ton the Bath Composition Page and ElysePrg has calculated on the
Bath/Liquidus Temperature Page (Fig. 28-9-2). The page shows also the
total vapor pressure and the partial pressures of the gaseous species (see
Chap. 3.12).
Show Plot
The Show Plot Button shows and hides the Plot Bath Composition,
Properties Window (Chap. 18.7.2).
18.10.1. Overview
On this page the pot voltage is split up into several components (see
Chap. 4.2). You find the input fields for the bath voltage, pot voltage
and the interpolar distance. You determine either one of these values
using the other data as input.
Remark: You can change the state of an input field either by a double or
by a single mouse click. After clicking twice into the field it be-
comes grayed e.g. it receives calculation results. Clicking once
you bring the field back to its white input state.
Figure 18-10-1: Pot Voltage and Bath Voltage calculated from the Interpolar Distance
(Exp. 18-10-1) .
Example 18-10-2: Input Bath Voltage (Fig. 18-10-2).
If you want to change the bath voltage click on the input field with the
mouse pointer. The field becomes white and you may change the values
of the bath voltage, for instance to 3.5 V. ElysePrg calculates then the pot
voltage and the interpolar distance using the new bath voltage value.
Figure 18-10-2: Pot Voltage and Interpolar Distance calculated from the Bath Voltage
(Exp. 18-10-2) .
Figure 18-10-3: Bath Voltage and Interpolar Distance calculated from the Pot Voltage
(Exp. 18-10-3).
More Info
In Fig. 18-10-4 the user has pressed the More Info Button. ElysePrg
shows the ohmic and electrochemical components of the bath voltage.
These values are calculated on the Bath Voltage Page.
You may want to investigate the influence of changing the current intensity
on the other voltages. You declare a current intensity as the reference
value by clicking twice into the Reference input field. The Reference input
field and the voltages fields become grey i.e. the values are calculated by
ElysePrg. If you change now the current intensity the voltage values are
calculated correspondingly keeping the resistances of the current conduc-
tors constant.
Example 18-10-5: Change current intensity (Fig. 18-10-5).
Suppose you want to investigate what is happening if you increase in Ex-
ample 18-10-1 the current from 185 kA to 200 kA keeping the interpolar
distance constance.
After clicking on the Reference input field twice with the mouse pointer and
changing the current intensity to 200 kA ElysePrg calculates the answer.
Figure 18-10-5: Increase of current intensity from 185 kA to 200 kA using the Reference
Current Intensity.
If you click again into the Reference input field all the fields become white
and the values are reset corresponding to Fig. 18-10-1.
Popup Windows
Experience has shown that there are discrepancies between the users
how the pot voltage should be split up (see Chap. 4.2) . If you click on the
names of the components of the pot voltage ElysePrg shows in popup
windows how the program interprets these components. In Fig. 18-10-6
the user has clicked on the names of pot voltage component and has
opened the corresponding popup windows. You close a window by clicking
on the name again.
Figure 18-10-6: Pot Voltage Page after the user has clicked on the names of the compo-
nents and has opened the corresponding popup windows.
Figure 18-10-7 shows the Pot Voltage Popup Window. It displays how the
pot voltage is determined and contains the actual value of the pot voltage.
If the value of the pot voltage changes ElysePrg updates the value in the
Pot Voltage Popup Window.
Figure 18-10-8: Entry to Anode Voltage Popup Window (see Fig. 4-3).
Figure 18-10-10: Bottom (Cathode) Voltage Popup Window (see Fig. 4-5).
Figure 18-10-11: Collector Bars to Exit Voltage Popup Window (see Fig. 4-6).
18.11.1. Overview
On this page you determine how the components of the bath voltage
are calculated.
Figure 18-11-1 shows the Bath Voltage Page corresponding to (Exp. 18-
10-1). The following part of the chapter describes how you use the input
fields of this page to determine the bath voltage.
Figure 18-11-1: Example of the Bath Voltage Page corresponding to Exp. 18-10-1.
Current Intensity: in this field you change the current intensity value for
the Pot Voltage Page (Chap. 18.10) and the Anode Table Page
(Chap. 18.13).
Anodic Current Density: this input field shows the anodic current density,
which ElysePrg uses for the calculations. You may use the value ElysePrg
has calculated and that ElysePrg shows in the gray input field.
If you want however similar to Exp. 18-10-4 to execute the calculations for
a known current density you click on the input field of the current density
with the mouse pointer and change the value. If you want go back and
have the current density being calculated you click twice on the input field.
It becomes gray and the old calculated value is shown.
Fanning Factors: in the input field of the anodic fanning factor you have
the choice to use the value calculated on the Anode Table Page (marked
with Haupin) or to use a value of your own (marked Input).
In the input field of the cathodic fanning factor you enter your value.
Remark: If you have selected to use a known current density i.e. you
have entered a value in the current density input field ElysePrg
deactivates the input fields for the fanning factors.
Bubble Voltage: you may want that ElysePrg calculates the bubble volt-
age from the bubble layer thickness and the surface coverage. In this case
either you enter the values of the layer thickness and the surface coverage
into the input fields or you select the values calculated by Haupins equa-
tions (Equ. 18-11-1 and Equ. 18-11-2).
If you want to use a known value of the bubble voltage you click on the in-
put field with the mouse pointer. The input field becomes white and you
enter the value. ElysePrg has deactivated the input fields of the bubble
layer thickness and of the surface coverage. If you want go back and you
want that ElysePrg calculates the bubble voltage you click twice on the in-
put field. It becomes gray and the old calculated value is shown.
Ohmic Bath Voltage (see Ohmic Bath Voltage Window, Chap. 18.11.2):
ElysePrg shows the calculated ohmic bath voltage.
Similar to the Pot Voltage Page ( Chap. 18-10) you may open popup win-
dows, which show details how ElysePrg has calculated the components of
the bath voltage. In Fig. 18-11-2 the user has clicked on some names of
the pot voltage components and has opened the corresponding popup
windows. You close a popup window by clicking on the name again.
Figure 18-11-2: Bath Voltage Page corresponding to Fig. 18-11-1 after the user has
clicked on the names of the components and has opened the corre-
sponding popup windows.
Remark: If you have set the value of the Electrochemical Bath Voltage on
the Bath Voltage Page ElysePrg deactivates the Electrochemi-
cal Bath Voltage Window i.e. you CANNOT open it.
Figure 18-11-5: Electrochemical Bath Voltage Window for an electrolysis process that
uses inert anodes.
On this window you find no Anodic Reaction Overvoltage value since the
oxygen, which the electrolysis process is producing does not react with the
anode. Also ElysePrg has changed the value of the Reversible Decompo-
sition Voltage according to the modified electrolysis equation (Equ. 5-9)
and the different Gibbs Free Energy (Equ. 5-11).
18.11.3. Equations
A recent paper (Lit. 18-2) cites relations to estimate the bubble layer thick-
ness and the gas surface coverage to calculate the bubble voltage (Equ.
0.5517 + j A
dBub = (18-11-1)
1+ 2.167 ⋅ j A
with the meaning of the symbols:
( AE
1+ 7.353 ⋅ cAl O − cAl
2 3 2 O3
with the meaning of the symbols:
You find the values of the bath ratio (Equ. 3-3), the alumina content of the
electrolyte and the anode effect alumina concentration on the Bath Com-
position Page (Chap. 18.7).
18.12.1. Overview
The following calculations use the values of example 4.2 (Alusuisse 180
kA pot):
Example 18-12-1: Energy Balance of the Alusuisse 180 kA Pot for a cur-
rent efficiency of 95 %. Calculate the results in specific values i.e.
kWh/kgAl (Fig. 18-12-1).
Figure 18-12-2: Energy Balance Page corresponding to Fig. 18-12-1 however the units in
kilo watts and the Show Info Button pressed.
The power value to heat the carbon anodes and to react carbon with the
anodic oxigen are lacking. Whereas the use of inert increases the bath
voltage i.e. the corresponding power values due to the changed reversible
decomposition voltage.
18.12.2. Equations
The calculation follows the discussion given in Chap. 5.3, Energy Re-
quirements. ElysePrg introduces the temperature dependence of the en-
thalpies by interpolating linearly between the temperatures 827 °C and
1027 °C (1100-1300 K) the values which were taken from the JANAF-
Tables (Lit. 18-1).
Al2 O 3 +
3 3 1
C = Al + 2 − CO 2 +
3 1
− 1 CO
2 4η 4 η H
2 η K H K (18-12-6)
is then:
1 3 1 F I 3 1 F I
DHreact =
2 4 h GH JK
DH f ( Al2O3 ) - 2 - DH f ( CO2 ) -
2 h GH
- 1 DH f ( CO ) JK (18-12-7)
1 3
DH tot = DHreact + DH Al2O3 - DH C (18-12-8)
2 4h
with the meaning of the symbols:
18.13.1. Overview
On this page you see the values to determine the Anodic Current
Density and to estimate the Anodic Fanning Factor with Haupin's
Current Intensity
In this input field you change the value of the current intensity for the Pot
Voltage Page (Chap. 18.10) and Bath Voltage Page (Chap. 18.11).
In reality the electrolysis process consumes the anodes i.e. the surface
area is smaller than the geometric value. On the other hand the electric
current uses also the vertical sides of the anodes. To take account of
these effects ElysePrg uses the anodic Fanning Factor (Actually Used
Fanning Factor). On the Bath Voltage Page (Chap. 18.11) you choose to
use your own value (marked Input) or the value calculated by Haupin's
equations (marked Haupin). With this value ElysePrg calculates with
Equ. 4-2 the Electrolytic Anodic Current Density i.e. the anodic current
density which is actually used for the voltage calculations.
Figure 18-13-2: Anode Table Page with set anodic current density (0.7 A/cm2).
As you see in Fig. 18-13-2 ElysePrg determines from the set current den-
sity a hypothetical anode surface (Anode Surface from Set Current Den-
sity) and deactivates the calculation of the Fanning Factor.
Figure 18-13-3: Anode Table Page with anodic current density out of limits.
This chapter refers to the relations of Lit. 18-2 (Equ. 33 to 35). The algo-
rithm modifies the length and the width of every anode according to the
fanning which depends on the orientation of the anode face in the electro-
lytic pot. With this modified anode dimensions ElysePrg determines the
Effective Anode Surface.
ElysePrg determines the average length and width of the anodes using the
surface area of the anodes butts (see Chap. 14.7.4) and the relation:
L = 100 + α ⋅ l
100 + α
W= ⋅w
with the meaning of the symbols:
Equ. 18-13-1 uses the individual fanning values, which depend on the ori-
entation of the corresponding anode face:
fA = (18-13-4)
Figure 18-13-4: Calculation Results and Paramters of Equ. 18-13-3 on the Anode Table
18.14.1. Overview
With the List Examples and Exercises Window you call ElysePrg to
execute standard calculation according to the examples and exer-
cises of ElyseSem.
You open the List of Examples and Exercises Window (Fig. 18-14-1) by
clicking on the corresponding item of the View Pulldown Menu.
Figure 18-14-2: Execution of exercise 2-4 with ElysePrg that was called from List Exam-
ples and Exercises Window.
The idea of the List of Examples and Exercises Window is to help you to
solve more easily the problems of everyday aluminum production. If you
have taken part in one of the seminars you may remember that an exam-
ple or exercise similar to his problem was solved during the seminar. If so,
you can search the List of Examples and Exercises Window for that ex-
ample/exercise, click on it and put your own values in the input boxes of
ElysePrg to get the solution of your particular problem.
18.15.1. Overview
With the Overview Plot Window you determine selected bath proper-
ties for a the range of concentration of one electrolyte component.
ElysePrg plot these values on the Overview Plot Window.
Suppose you want to know how the properties of the electrolyte depend on
its composition. For instance you want to know how the bath and liquidus
temperature, the electric conductivity and the vapour pressure vary as the
alumina concentration increases from 0 to 10 %. You study this behaviour
with the help of the Overview Plot Window.
You open the Overview Plot Window (Fig. 18-15-1) by clicking on the
Overview Plot item of the View Pulldown Menu. Then you select the value
to be plotted on the x-axis, i.e. the alumina concentration and you define
the start (0 %) and end (10 %) concentration values. Finally you select the
values to be plotted on the y-axis, i.e. temperatures, electric conductivity
and vapour pressure.
Figure 18-15-1: Overview Plot Window showing a plot of the bath and liquidus tempera-
ture, the electric conductivity of the electrolyte and the vapour pressure
versus the alumina concentration.
After ElysePrg has plotted the curves of Fig. 18-15-1 you click somewhere
in the plot area, causing ElysePrg to plot the so-called Value Line. You
click then on the line and drag it to a different concentration value, 4% for
instance in Fig. 18-15-1. When you release the mouse button ElysePrg
updates all the other pages and windows using the new concentration
value. Fig. 18-15-2 shows as an example the Phys. Bath Properties Page
whose values Elyseprg has updated according to the position of the Value
Line in the Overview Plot Window.
Figure 18-15-2: Phys. Bath Properties Page after the user has placed the Value Line on
4 % Al2O3 in the Overview Plot (Figure 18-15-1). The page shows the
updated values corresponding to the new alumina concentration.
18.16. Literature