Warm Up 9

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Name: ________________________________Date: ______________ Pd: ______

Cells Warm Ups for Week of 9.9.19

_______ 9) Which statement is NOT

part of the cell theory? ________ 13) What do all cells have in
A. All cells come from other common?
cells that already exist. A. They all have the same shape
B. Cells are the basic units of B. They all make their own food
structure and function in all C. They all have cell walls
living things. D. They all have cytoplasm
C. The most important part of
the cell is the nucleus. ________ 14) The green structures that
D. All living things are made up use energy from the sun to make food
of cells. for the plant cell are the?
A. mitochondrion
________ 10) You are looking at the B. chloroplasts
basic unit of life under the microscope. C. vacuoles
What are you looking at? D. nuclei

A. the nucleus _______15) Cells are small because

B. the cell membrane a. cells ALWAYS move
C. the cell through very small spaces
D. cytoplasm b. Nutrients can enter the
cell and waste can exit
________ 11) The arrow is pointing to the cell more easily
the brain of the cell which controls all c. There are so many of
the functions the cell performs and is the them in a living organism
largest organelle in animal cells. d. A great number are
needed for support in

______16) Each phospholipid is made of

A. hydrophobic heads and
hydrophilic tails
B. nucleic acids and
A. cytoplasm C. hydrophilic heads and
B. cell membrane hydrophobic tails
C. nucleus D. receptors and lipids
D. organelles
_______ 17) One major difference
________ 12) The process by which between plant and animal cells is
cells break food down chemically to A. animal cells have a cell membrane
release energy is called respiration. and plant cells do not
Which organelle would assist in this B. plant cells have a cell membrane and
process? animal cells do not
A. mitochondria C. animal cells have chloroplast
B. vacuole D. plant cells cells have a cell wall and
C. lysosome a cell membrane.
D. chloroplast
Name: ________________________________Date: ______________ Pd: ______

Cells Warm Ups for Week of 9.9.19

_______ 15) Observe both pictures
________ 18) The arrow is pointing to below. Together they illustrate the
the rigid structure of a plant cell. It concept of
gives the cell support and helps it INCLUDEPICTURE "http:
maintain its brick like shape. //static.howstuffworks.
ontracted.jpg" \* MERGE

A. cell wall
B. cell membrane
C. mitochondria
D. nucleus
________ 19) A structure that acts as a
temporary storage area for the cells is
A. cytoplasm
A. the cell theory because they
B. vacuole
show that all cells come from
C. nucleus
cells that already exist
D. cell membrane
B. cell shape relating to function
because each muscle cell is
________ 20) What is the material
designed to contract to move
inside the cell that holds the organelles
the arm
in place? We have referred to it as "cell
C. levels of organization in
gel" in class.
many-celled organisms
A. cell membrane
because cells make muscles
B. cytoplasm
which make the muscular
C. nucleus
D. chloroplast
D. cellular reproduction because
the muscle cells must be
________ 21) Which cell structure
replaced if damaged
allows material to enter and leave the
A. nucleus
B. cell wall
C. cell membrane
D. vacuole

______22) A muscle cell would

probably have many of which organelle,
which turns food into energy?
A. Chloroplast
B. Mitochondria
C. Ribosome
D. Golgi bodies

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