Warm Up 9
Warm Up 9
Warm Up 9
A. cell wall
B. cell membrane
C. mitochondria
D. nucleus
________ 19) A structure that acts as a
temporary storage area for the cells is
A. cytoplasm
A. the cell theory because they
B. vacuole
show that all cells come from
C. nucleus
cells that already exist
D. cell membrane
B. cell shape relating to function
because each muscle cell is
________ 20) What is the material
designed to contract to move
inside the cell that holds the organelles
the arm
in place? We have referred to it as "cell
C. levels of organization in
gel" in class.
many-celled organisms
A. cell membrane
because cells make muscles
B. cytoplasm
which make the muscular
C. nucleus
D. chloroplast
D. cellular reproduction because
the muscle cells must be
________ 21) Which cell structure
replaced if damaged
allows material to enter and leave the
A. nucleus
B. cell wall
C. cell membrane
D. vacuole